Real (Kobe) Steel
Real (Kobe) Steel
Real (Kobe) Steel
Case overviewI
In the latest of Japan’s string of corporate scandals, Kobe Steel, Ltd. (Kobe
Steel) admitted to falsifying data for its products to meet customer requirements.
This had gone on for almost five decades. Kobe Steel’s overemphasis on
profitability, coupled with its lack of regard for corporate governance and its
insular organisational structure, were seen to have contributed to the repeated
occurrences of data falsification. Not only did the scandal adversely affect Kobe
Steel’s business and financial performance, it also caused problems for customers
across various industries as they scrambled to check for compromises in the safety
and performance of products manufactured with Kobe Steel’s materials. Although
no major lapses were reported, the episode prompted companies to evaluate their
approaches towards supply chain risk management. The objective of this case is
to facilitate a discussion of issues such as corporate culture; crisis management;
supply chain risk management and the role of the board of directors.
This is the abridged version of a case prepared by Chen Shenghui, Shane, Lydia Lim Tien Li, Shaun Tan
Wei Wen and Teo Fu Jie under the supervision of Professor Mak Yuen Teen. The case was developed
from published sources solely for class discussion and is not intended to serve as illustrations of effective
or ineffective management or governance. The interpretations and perspectives in this case are not
necessarily those of the organisations named in the case, or any of their directors or employees. This
abridged version was edited by Isabella Ow under the supervision of Professor Mak Yuen Teen.
Real (Kobe) Steel, Fake Results
Time to go
Hiroya Kawasaki bowed long and low as he offered his resignation in light of
the Kobe Steel scandal, which occurred when he was Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) and Chairman of the company.1 “I feel heavy responsibility,” he told the
news conference. “I’ve offered my resignation … as I think preventive measures
should be done under a new management”.2 Kawasaki left the Japanese steel
manufacturer on 1 April 2018,3 exactly five years after his appointment as
President on 1 April 2013.4 Bogged down by compliance issues, malfeasance,
and a battered reputation, perhaps – as the number five suggests in Japanese – it
was time for Kawasaki to go.
The board of directors consisted of the Chairman, President, various executive
directors who were in charge of the various divisions, and outside directors. CEOs
and Presidents were often picked from long-serving executives in its mainstay
steel business or general affairs division – Kawasaki was no exception.12,13
The Audit and Supervisory Committee (ASC) was responsible for the company’s
internal control system, group compliance and risk management. It had
“investigation authority without complete separation between supervision and
execution”, with those in charge of audits granted voting rights on the board.
Meanwhile, the Compliance Committee (CC), with the majority of the committee
coming from outside the company, dealt with compliance and ethical issues and
advised the board.14
All employees were required to report material risks occurring in business activities
and the response status to the ASC. An “outside attorney without a retainer
fee arrangement” manned the internal reporting system. Anonymous reporting
was permitted, and search and retaliation against internal whistleblowers was
With its insistence on company-wide compliance and harsh actions taken against
non-compliance, Kobe Steel’s data fabrication scandal came as a surprise.
However, according to a retired employee, Kobe Steel’s corporate culture was “to
look the other way even while you saw what was going on.”21
Real (Kobe) Steel, Fake Results
On 8 October 2017, Kobe Steel publicly admitted to falsifying strength and durability
data to meet customer specifications – of the 20,000 tonnes of metals shipped
in the year leading up to August 2017,23 four percent had false certifications of
certain properties such as tensile strength levels.24 Upon hearing the news, the
Japanese authorities acted fast. Within the same month, the Ministry of Economy,
Trade and Industry had ordered the company to deliver a report on the data
fabrication and detail the steps it would take to prevent such misconduct from
occurring in the future.25 After the submission of the report, Kawasaki attempted
to regain investor confidence at a press briefing by stating that “improving (Kobe
Steel’s) management and corporate governance and instilling a culture where
employees can say anything are imperative” and asserting that he would make
such improvements his utmost priority.26
Investors who were concerned about the potential financial impact from product
recalls or replacements and possible litigation, began dumping Kobe Steel stock.33
Within a week of the breaking of the data fabrication news, Kobe Steel’s share
price plummeted over 42%, reaching a five-year low on 16 October, 2017.34
Overemphasis on profitability
The head office’s overemphasis on profitability pressured individual business
divisions to adopt a ‘production over quality’ attitude, causing them to accept
orders beyond their capabilities. Employees had limited understanding of plant
process capabilities and were unable to carry out adequate feasibility evaluations
on orders. It became common for employees to falsify test data for products that
failed to meet the unattainably strict internal standards, which were usually higher
than customer specifications. The lack of appropriate quality-related training and
disciplinary actions created the false assumption that data falsification had no
Real (Kobe) Steel, Fake Results
Working in silos
The operational, manufacturing and development functions were self-contained at
spread out locations. This resulted in an ‘insular organisational culture’, creating
opportunity for misconduct to manifest.42 Since substantial management authority
was transferred to each individual business division, the head office failed to
maintain centralised control over the Group and run a compliance program
effectively, so plants could only rely on their own existing controls. Various major
business departments within the plants lacked proper audit functions and did not
have adequate internal inspection processes to detect data falsification incidents.43
To better comply with Japan’s Corporate Governance Code (Principle 4) highlighting
“effective oversight of directors and management from an independent and
objective standpoint”, Kobe Steel vowed to ensure that at least a third of the board
members are independent outside directors. The Chairman would be elected from
the aforementioned pool of independent outside directors. The company also said
that it would abolish the Office of Executive Chairman and establish a Nominating
and Compensation Committee to act as an advisory body to the board.48
Another revision made by the company to its existing structure is that division
heads would not necessarily be elected as directors now. Instead, the materials,
machinery and electric power businesses, as well as compliance and quality
management would each be assigned and overseen by a director. Additionally, an
independent Quality Supervision Committee consisting of external experts would
be set up.49
Kobe Steel also stated that it would automate test and inspection data records
and eradicate one-man data entry processes. It would eliminate the presence
of double shipment standards – customer specifications and internally set
Real (Kobe) Steel, Fake Results
standards – which was believed to have caused the misconduct and will instead
maintain a single shipment standard. Moreover, the company would also revise its
authorisation process for new orders and for switching manufacturing processes
affecting product quality, and ensure that employees compare the company’s
process capabilities with the customer specifications when obtaining orders.52
The aftermath
In December 2017, Kobe Steel demoted three executives from the aluminium and
copper business divisions, who were aware of the widespread data fabrication.53
In March 2018, Chairman Kawasaki and Vice President Akira Kaneko resigned,
two managing executive officers were dismissed, and another executive officer
faced a four-month long remuneration reduction of 80%. All other directors and
executive officers – apart from outside directors and directors on the ASC – faced a
10% to 50% remuneration reduction for a period between one and four months.54
Discussion questions
1. In light of the numerous corporate scandals occurring in Japanese companies,
Japan’s corporate culture has come under great scrutiny. Given that the Kobe
Steel had core values which placed emphasis on ethics, professionalism, and
reliability in providing quality products to customers, identify and discuss the
various factors within Kobe Steel’s corporate culture that might have led to
the data fraud.
2. Do you think Kobe Steel’s board of directors had fulfilled its supervisory
role? As a result of its actions (or lack thereof), to what extent did the board
contribute to the widespread data fabrication in the company?
3. The effects of Kobe Steel’s data falsification were felt far and wide by hundreds
of companies globally, both directly and indirectly. In what ways could these
companies have better protected themselves from the supply chain risks