Can Amazon Trim Fat at Whole Foods?: Case Analysis
Can Amazon Trim Fat at Whole Foods?: Case Analysis
Can Amazon Trim Fat at Whole Foods?: Case Analysis
trim fat at
Case Analysis
A bit of History…About the Whole Foods
The Success Story and then
What happened later?
• Whole Foods was successful and sustained the
competitive advantage because they used to offer the
best natural and organic foods,
• They operated under the image of People trusted not
having to check the ingredient labels on products sold in
whole foods and they were sure of just buying knowing
that they would be free of artificial ingredients,
preservatives, colors, and flavors.
• However the concept of organic came at the high cost
• Whole Foods suffered a Competitive
Disadvantage later because of the Credit
Crisis that led to people cutting down on
What Happened budget, making the organic produce
unaffordable-External Environment Cause
Later? • This made Whole Foods to rebrand itself
under the eat healthy vertical to sustain its
business, however the wrong labelling
incident created Trust issues amongst the
• This incident hit a bullet straight through
the Good Will of the Whole Foods,
Rephrased !
Whats next in the Grocery Market?
Can Amazon Sustain Competitive
Advantage against the Big Players?
Amazon-Whole Wins for Amazon Wins for Whole Foods
Foods deal is a Good • Gateway for Amazon to • Whole Foods Goodwill is
Introduce a new vertical of now healed with the loyalty
One Strategically? entering the Retail Grocery membership of Amazon
Market. Prime Members.
Elaborating the Win- • Got the access to the Retail • Whole Foods fill the Missing
Win Situation Brick and Motor stores
spread all over the Country,
piece of Expertise that
Amazon was lacking in the
Grocery Business,
• This is perfect Grocery
Setting to Implement the • Whole Foods can continue
Amazon Go User Experience to stay in business and
sustain their reputation for
• Just Walk Out Technology is
being a leader in Fresh Food
the Competitive Advantage
they are trying to Sustain
• To Serve Amazon’s “the earth’s most
customer centric company” Food and
groceries are strategic to Amazon
simply because of their market size,
• To compete with Walmart, Krogers,
ALDI etc., Amazon has to accelerate
its investment in the Brick and Motor
store to serve the customers’ needs
of "Inspect & Select”.
• The Strategy of merging Pantry,
Prime now, Amazon Fresh, Subscribe
and Save with the competitive
advantage of a brick-and-mortar
store with the Amazon Go technology
with a widespread presence of whole
foods can make it possible.
• Amazon has just acquired a national
• Stopped Sourcing Locally,
• Took out the Specialty items, and stick to the
standard assortment
• Reduce Produce Variance across the stores, thus
eliminate the small suppliers
• Whole Foods should start selling the consumer- The New
packaged goods by combining Organic,
• Amazon may rebrand wholefoods, Amazon Fresh
could become an ecosystem of channels centered on
food and groceries will be capable of meeting the
needs of all customers through all available channels
of reaching them and gaining marketshare.
The Last Mile Delivery Strategy- Competing
in a Race !