APR Part 2 Marking Rubric
APR Part 2 Marking Rubric
APR Part 2 Marking Rubric
0 ‐1 2‐ 3 4–5
The description of the company and The description of the company and The description of the company and
products is missing, lacks products is reasonable, uses products is succinct, well written and
Introduction of the company and summarisation or paraphrasing, is not summarisation or paraphrasing, is clear, uses summarisation or
products to be analysed clear, does not provide information on somewhat clear, includes key attributes paraphrasing, includes key attributes of 5
key attributes of the product/product of the product/product category and is the product/product category
category or is not succinct succinct
0 ‐1 2‐ 3 4–5
Submission has little to no discussion of Submission has a somewhat reasonable Submission has a robust, detailed, and
Introduction of new product to be introduction of new product to be indication of introduction of new clear indication of introduction of new
launch and statement of advertising launched and an indication of clear product to be launched but is not product to be launched and objectives 5
objectives objectives sufficiently robust
0 ‐1 2‐ 3 4–5
Submission has little to no identification Submission has a somewhat reasonable Submission has a robust, detailed, and
or description of target customers and indication on the demographics of the clear indication about the demographics
Target Customer Profile its demographics target audience of the target customers 5
0 ‐1 2‐ 3 4–5
SSubmission has little to no strategic Submission has a somewhat reasonable Submission has a robust, detailed, and
Recommendations of advertising tools: details about the use and application of indication about the use and application clear indication about the use and
traditional tool these advertising tools and are mainly of these advertising tools and is fairly strategic application of these
descriptive. creative advertising tools and are innovative and
Submission did not identify any tools creative in its tactics
0 ‐1 2‐ 3 4–5
Submission has little to no strategic Submission has a somewhat reasonable Submission has a robust, detailed, and
details about the use and application of indication about the use and application clear indication about the use and
Recommendations of advertising tools: these advertising tools are mainly of these advertising tools and is fairly strategic application of these
non‐ traditional tools and new media descriptive. Missing non‐traditional creative advertising tools and are innovative and 5
tools and / or new media creative in its tactics
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Advertising and Public Relations
0 ‐1 2‐ 3 4–5
Submission has little to no discussion of Submission has a somewhat reasonable Submission has a robust and relevant
the follow through activities of discussion of the follow through discussion of the follow through
Proposed Evaluation methods evaluating and monitoring the activities of evaluating and monitoring activities of evaluating and monitoring 5
advertising campaign to gauge its the advertising campaign to gauge its the advertising campaign to gauge its
success or failure for future success or failure for future success or failure for future
improvements improvements improvements
0 ‐1 2‐ 3 4–5
Formative comments on
submission 50
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