Shielded Vs
Shielded Vs
Shielded Vs
Unshielded Square Magnetic Field Loops for EMI/ESD Design and Troubleshooting
Since L and M are constants, then e1 and e2 are only di erent by Newly Released
a constant. M must be smaller than L for two parallel wires (due
to the magnetic ux that ows between the wires instead of 29125, for
enclosing both), so e1 is a lower bound estimate for the
tions Cabling
magnitude of e2 and has the same wave shape. Requirements
April 21, 2017
Using that principle, a simple square loop, such as the one above, The International
Organization of
can be used to estimate the voltage drop across conductors. Standardization
When the probe is held up to a conductor carrying high (ISO)
releases ISO/IEC
frequency current, the probe’s open circuit output voltage is a TS 29125:2017
lower bound for the voltage between the corners of the probe
along the current carrying conductor as measured by the Technology Digs
Deeper into the
magnetic eld captured in the area of the loop.
Science of How
the Brain Works
The probe should be connected to an oscilloscope or spectrum April 20, 2017
analyzer using a coaxial cable terminated in its characteristic A new type of
nanowire gives
impedance. This resistive load on the loop in combination with us our most in-
the self inductance of the loop forms a low pass lter on the depth look at the
human brain yet.
probe output. For a loop with sides of 1 cm, this corner frequency
will be between 200 and 300 MHz.
Possible uses are estimating the drop across bonding wires and
lead frames of integrated circuits [7] or measuring noise e ects
on a printed wiring board [8].
Step 1: Take a piece of sti copper wire or rod (16 gauge is best
for tting in BNC connector). The wire is covered with heat shrink
tubing and then copper tape is wound around the heat shrink
tubing so that it is covered with three layers of tape. In that way,
when the wire is bent to form a square loop, the outermost layer
may crack slightly. Since the crack is only on the outside of the
bend and it is small, it does not pose much of a problem because
the gap will be closed by the underlying layers.
Step 3: The loop is then bent and one end inserted into a BNC
connector. Both the other end of the wire and copper tape are
soldered to the side of the BNC connector.
Step 4: Next, the end of the BNC connector and two ends of the
loop are covered in copper tape which is soldered to the copper
foil of the loop. The added copper tape may also be soldered to
the BNC connector as well.
The loop is formed by making a square from the coax with a gap
placed symmetrically in the middle of the loop as in Figure 4. The
center wire is connected again to shield in point (A).
Figures 9(a) and 9(b) (page 80) show the coupling from 10 MHz to
1 GHz for the setups in both the reversed and normal
orientations. The di erence between the two traces is only a few
dB, and without shielding!
The resulting two port insertion loss plot is shown in Figure 14.
Note that the resonant dip has moved to about 495 MHz. This
would represent a signi cant drop in capacitance on the order
of 40%. As the loops are moved further apart, L gets slightly
larger but C gets much smaller. As the distance is increased, the
capacitance between all parts of the loops begins to contribute
an increasing portion of the capacitance between the loops
complicating the picture somewhat. One would not expect the
capacitance to decrease as much as just that of the facing sides
as the loops are separated.
Capacitive coupling between the loop and the board will cause
either a resonance e ect (dip or peak in the response) or a
directional e ect when the loop is rotated 180 degrees because
the phase of the inductive coupling changes by 180 degrees
whereas the capacitive coupling remains the same.
One can conclude from the above plots that the unshielded loop
works better for injecting signals into a path crossing a ground
plane split than does the shielded loop. Surely this result holds in
general for injecting signals into circuit boards with ground and
power planes.
Figures 19(a) and 19(b) (page 86) show the results as displayed on
the oscilloscope using the unshielded loop oriented in the both
positions parallel to the path over the break in the ground plane,
180 degrees rotated from each other.
The plots in Figures 20(a) and 20(b) for the shielded square loop
are also very similar as well as having about the same rise time
for both plots. The amplitude of the injected pulse is about 20%
less because the distance between the center conductor of the
semi-rigid coax forming the loop is further from the path on the
circuit board due to the diameter of the coax and the thickness of
the plastic housing. The slight improvement in matching of rise
times is not signi cant enough to warrant the extra complication
and cost of shielded loops. In addition, if the scope had greater
bandwidth, the resonance at about 600 MHz between the
shielded loop and the board would likely cause distortions in the
pulses displayed in Figure 20.
Douglas C. Smith
Mr. Smith held an FCC First Class Radiotelephone license by age 16 and a
General Class amateur radio license at age 12. He received a B.E.E.E. degree
from Vanderbilt University in 1969 and an M.S.E.E. degree from the California
Institute of Technology in 1970. In 1970, he joined AT&T Bell Laboratories as a
Member of Technical Staff. He retired in 1996 as a Distinguished Member of
Technical Staff. From February 1996 to April 2000 he was Manager of EMC
Development and Test at Auspex Systems in Santa Clara, CA. Mr. Smith
currently is an independent consultant specializing in high frequency
measurements, circuit/system design and verification, switching power supply
noise and specifications, EMC, and immunity to transient noise. He is a Senior
Member of the IEEE and a former member of the IEEE EMC Society Board of
Directors. His technical interests include high frequency e ects in
electronic circuits, including topics such as Electromagnetic
Compatibility (EMC), Electrostatic Discharge (ESD), Electrical Fast
Transients (EFT), and other forms of pulsed electromagnetic
interference. He also has been involved with FCC Part 68 testing and
design, telephone system analog and digital design, IC design, and
computer simulation of circuits. He has been granted over 15 patents,
several on measurement apparatus.
Arturo Mediano
Arturo Mediano received both his M.Sc. (90) and Ph. D. (97) in Electrical
Engineering from the University of Zaragoza, Spain where he has held a
teaching professorship in EMI/EMC/RF since 1992. He is member of the Group
of Power Electronics and Microelectronics (GEPM) of the Aragon Institute for
Engineering Research (I3A). Since 1991 he is working in EMI, EMC and RF
(HF/VHF/UHF) fields for communications, industry and medical applications
with substantial experience in collaboration with industries, focusing on training,
consulting, design and troubleshooting. He is Instructor of Besser
Associates (CA, USA), o ering periodically public and on-site courses in
EMI/EMC, Signal Integrity (SI) and RF subjects through the USA,
specially in Silicon Valley/San Francisco Bay Area and he has taught
tens of RF/EMI/EMC/SI courses through Europe. He was Invited
Lecturer for the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in
Lausanne (Switzerland) and for the Institut National des
Télécommunications (INT) in Evry (France).
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