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1 Salah

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Salah (Prayer)

This word as used in the Holy Quran and Hadith is formed from the word „Salat‟ and „Tasliat‟ and in the Arabic
dictionary it means “To pray.” But in Islamic terminology it conveys the way of expressing worship by man to his
real Creator and object of worship in the special manner taught by God to the people by His Apostles.

Surah Adh Dhriyat Chapter #51 Verse#56

And I (Allah) created not the jinn and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).

Salah is the ritual prayer practiced by Muslims in supplication to Allah (SWT). The term is commonly used to refer
to the five daily prayers, which are compulsory upon all mature Muslims. Salah is considered the most important act
of worship in Islam and its importance is such that under very few circumstances it can be omitted.

Surah Al Ankaboot Chapter# 29 Verse# 45

Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and establish regular Prayer:
for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds;

Salah strengthens the foundations of our faith. It prepares a person to live the life of goodness and obedience to
Allah (SWT), and it builds courage and determination. Every time we perform Salah, we renew our commitments to
Allah (SWT) and we rid ourselves from worldly pressures five times a day.

According to a Hadith a companion of Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) came to him one day and asked him "What
is the thing that Allah (SWT) loves most?" Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) replied "The thing that Allah (SWT)
loves most is when his people pray Salah on time."

Significance of Salah
Salah (Salat, Namaz) is a practical sign of obedience to the commands of Allah (SWT). Its importance has been
emphasized more than 500 times in the Noble Qur'an.

Surah Al- Baqrah Chapte#02 verse #03

Who believe in the Unseen, are steadfast in prayer, and
spend out of what We have provided for them;

Surah Al- Baqrah Chapte#02 verse #45

Nay, seek (Allah's) help with patient perseverance and prayer:

Surah Al- Baqrah Chapte#02 verse #238

Guard strictly your (habit of) prayers….

Surah An Nur Chapter# 24 Verse# 56

“And keep up the prayer………….”

Surah Al Ankaboot Chapter# 29 Verse# 45

establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds;

Once Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) shook a dry branch of a tree so that all of the leaves of the branch fell off
than the Holy Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said "The sins of those who pray Salah, drop off as the leaves of this
branch fell off." Person who regularly offers Salah is one who getting the maximum benefit in all means. Salah is
the spiritual communication between The Lord and His Salve, between Creator and His Creation and this is main
reason that mankind get internal satisfaction that their Lord. Their God is with them.

The Prophet pbuh says that: Salaat is the pillar of deen and the foundation of Islam. He who upholds salah has
upheld Islam and he who leaves salah has left behind religion. (al-baihaqi). The daily prayers are a way for us to
keep a close connection to our Creator. It is through salah that we can get our suplications answered and our needs
fulfilled. When the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) were in need, they would turn to Allah in prayer. Salah is a
way for us to show a commitment to our faith. Every time we pray salah, we renew our commitment to Allah and
relieve ourselves from the pressures of our daily lives.

Salah is thus the main path towards spiritual purification. It is through salah that we can gain self-discipline and
good qualities. For example, in prostration we submit our will to Allah in all humbleness. We also purify our hearts.
The prophet (pbuh) once asked his companions “Tell me if there was a river at the door step of one of you in which
you washed 5 times a day would any of your dirt remain?” When he received the reply that none of it would remain
he then said “That is like the 5 daily prayers, with which Allah wipes out our sins.”

Benefits of Salah

1. The Personal befits of Salah (Individual)

(a) To Remind Us The Purpose of Life

To remind us the purpose of life. To transfer the whole life of mankind in to prayers – obedience to Allah. It is
necessary to underline that man is the creature of Allah and for constant remembrance of this fact we should
regularly offer Salah and this is also the main fact that the prayers have been prescribed.

Surah Al Ankaboot Chapter# 29 Verse# 45

Establish regular Prayer: for Prayer restrains from shameful and unjust deeds;

It follows naturally that the effect of prayer is to pass a clean life full of wellbeing and peace.

(b) Salah Brings Peace in Hearts

According to The Holy Qur‟an

Surah Ar Rad Chapter #13 verse #28
For without doubt in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.

This is the greatest desire of mankind to possess peace and rest in their hearts which is above all worldly riches. To
achieve such peace man makes every kind of efforts, but more the worldly gains, a man acquires, a further peace
recedes from him and instead of peace man is surrendered by worries and sorrows.
Only prayers are such a blessings, that can bring solace and peace to man. When man stand in prayer he fells the
blessings of Allah and he assures that all his prayers are only for One true God to whom everything belongs this is
that fact which bring peace in to mind and hearts of the man.

(c) Sense of obligation

If a person has no sense of obligations his life will be spent flippantly and this flippancy eventually cause him
misery. Salah has been Divinely ordained to in calculate a sense of discipline and responsibility in men. To perform
Salah regularly will become his second nature. This will give him insight to his own qualities, and he will be ever
prepared for achieving his objects. Since Salah is measure of man and differentiate between good and evil, The Holy
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) has said “Between the virtuous slaves of Allah and infidelity stan discarding of prayers”
(d) Character Building

Another most imperative benefit of offering Salah on the life of an individual is that the character of that person is
developed along certain well defined lines. This mode of life is beneficial to man for its chalks out such a path for
them, treading on which they achieve success and happiness in every part of their life.
A person who offers Salah daily on times, it ensures the softness and humbleness in his character as it shows every
time when he bows down to his Creator. It also brings the sense of responsibility in an individual when he tried his
level best to offer Salah on time that results in punctual.
Salah develops in Muslims another quality of good character. This is patience, which is the source of strength
needed to face the hardships of life. The Qur‟an repeatedly encourages Muslims to get help and strength from
regularly praying in any kind of stress or trouble.

Surah Al Baqrah Chapter #02 verse #45

“…Seek God‟s help through patience and prayer.”

Surah Al Baqrah Chapter #02 verse #153

“O you who believe. Seek help with patience, perseverance and prayer;
for God is with those who patiently persevere.”

(e) Self Discipline

Self-discipline can be learnt from the regularity of performing prayers at the proper times as well as the ablution,
which precedes the prayer. Getting up in the early morning to perform dawn prayer when one is still drowsy and
during the day when one is busy with work and at night when one is preoccupied with family and other activities is a
good example of self-discipline.

Muslims are obliged to offer their prayer under all circumstances. It is a religious duty that Salah can be performed
even if one is ill or on a journey. Simply, the Salah can be performed in a sitting position if one cannot get up or in a
lying position if one cannot sit or even by signs if one cannot move hands or other parts of the body. In all cases,
Muslims have to fulfill their obligation of Salah because God made it easy for everyone as the Qur‟an says:

Surah Baqrah Chapter #02 verse #185

Allah intends every facility for you; He does not want to put to difficulties.

2. Collective Benefits (Social)

It is apparent that mere individual benefits are not sufficient for mankind, but collective or social benefits are also
necessary, because individual traits alone cannot bring any meaningful results, unless the society in which he lives,
does not also share those same traits. Man cannot live in isolation, his brothers, his relatives, his neighbors all have
interaction with him. Prayer fulfill the need of social life, and structures society and brings it to life to five times a
day. It is therefore we have Divinely ordained to offer 5 times Salah in congregational.

Muslims are provided with many opportunities for gathering in various occasions. The mosque is open for
individuals to pray voluntary the daily prayers and obligatory for Friday prayer and annual prayers at the two Feasts.
Muslims assemble in the mosque and meet each other in these occasions with the feeling of unity and brotherhood
regardless of their social or economic status. It is an opportunity to know each other and to share their opinion and to
co-operate to solve their problems. They can help one another by supporting whoever is in need and give generously
out of their wealth to the less fortunate people in their community. This is to develop in them a sense of co-operation
and a habit of doing things together.
The congregational Salah on Friday and the two Feasts is a sign of brotherhood and equality, where Muslims stand
before God as equal. They all stand together in straight rows shoulder to shoulder to offer their prayer to God. The
first row is not reserved for anyone but for the one who comes first. The worshippers who come later occupy the
following rows. In congregational Salah it sis also enjoyed on us to obey the Imam readily. From this is derived the
rule to obey the Ameer in social life and also he is to be obeyed.

So as to say that structure of religion is raised on this (Salah) piller. The jurist of islam have ruled that faith and
neglect of Salah are mutually exclusive. Salah is the most effective means of developing the humans soul and bring
man closer to Allah Almighty. Salah has been describes as the coolant of the eyes.

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