Character Education of Gandrung Dance in The Spirit of Nusantara
Character Education of Gandrung Dance in The Spirit of Nusantara
Character Education of Gandrung Dance in The Spirit of Nusantara
第 57 卷 第 2 期 Vol. 57 No. 2
2022 年 4 月
Research article
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Art is an expression of the soul that is very pure and full of the value of beauty. This pure and
beautiful soul can be realized if everyone can interpret art positively. Various positive characters can be
developed through artistic activities. Mutual respect for differences is a powerful way to strengthen the
spirit of the archipelago. Real goals that can be achieved by describing various types of Gandrung include
Gandrung Banyuwangi, Gandrung Bali, and Gandrung Lombok performances which are harmonious,
aesthetic, and full of character values reflecting multiculturalism. This research uses a qualitative
approach combined with creating works of art. This qualitative approach was carried out in the early
stages of the research to identify the existence of Gandrung arts in Banyuwangi, Bali, and Lombok.
Information about the informants was collected using the purposive method, observation and study of
documentation. Gandrung proves that art can create beauty, harmony, and financial benefits for society.
Finally, a sense of nationalism grew with the spirit of the archipelago, revealing various potentials of this
nation. This study found that the infatuation with performing arts has character values of tolerance,
cooperation, hard work, discipline, creativity, and entrepreneurial spirit, which are obtained formally and
can also be obtained informally (in a community environment).
摘要 艺术是一种心灵的表达,非常纯粹,充满了美的价值。如果每个人都能够积极地诠释艺术,
是加强群岛精神的有力方式。通过描述各种类型的甘龙 可以实现的真正目标包括甘龙外南梦、甘
Trisnawati. Character Education of Gandrung Dance in the Spirit of Nusantara, Vol. 57 No. 2 Apr. 2022
息。甘龙 证明艺术可以为社会创造美丽、和谐和经济利益。最后,一种民族主义意识随着群岛的
关键词: 艺术、人物、甘龙、精神、价值观
tourists can enjoy the beauty of Indonesian the research is to determine the informants who
culture in more straightforward and more will be interviewed using the purposive method
attractive packaging. according to the informant’s knowledge. Data
In addition, it is also necessary to understand collection was also carried out using the
that apart from having the aesthetic value of art, observation method and documentation study.
that also requires meaning and message. Art has Finally, the collected data will be analyzed using
an important position in the education of the interactive analysis [7]. In the first step, in the
nation’s character because art is very neutral and form of a Gandrung dance performance,
readily accepted in society. Especially in presented three Gandrung types, namely
Indonesia, the people are multicultural and rich in Banyuwangi, Bali and Lombok. The second step
various arts and cultures with character education is to determine the dance moves, which are the
values. The value of character education does not main points in the Gandrung dance. Then the
have to be obtained formally but can also be third step is dance accompaniment.
obtained informally in community interactions. Accompaniment significantly affects a work of
Messages of character education can be dance art so that there is a harmonization
developed through the media of art. The values of between dance movements and the
discipline, hard work, love, and tolerance are so accompaniment. Furthermore, the fourth step is
strong in this stunning art performance. Different to prepare supporting facilities such as clothes,
movements and different sounds can be packaged accessories, stage, and others.
in one harmonious performance. Likewise,
today’s artists must be more open so that art can IV. RESULTS
bridge differences in society. One of them is
through staging together several regional arts into
A. The Term Gandrung
a unified whole.
Gandrung is a dance that is synonymous with
Based on the above facts, it is necessary to
fertility dance. In Indonesia, there are 3 regions
innovate/new, which is still based on the
that have Gandrung arts, namely, Gandrung
traditional gandrung philosophy in Banyuwangi,
Banyuwangi, Gandrung Bali, and Gandrung
Bali and Lombok. In addition, this performance
Sasak from Lombok. In line with the meaning
also aims to remind the potential and wealth of
and function of the Gandrung dance as a fertility
the Indonesian nation that can be used to improve
dance that also means prosperity, harmony and
welfare and become capital in facing global
difference can create beauty, meaning that
competition. Thus, future generations will
differences in identity, if understood, can be used
understand the values contained in each art in
as capital to make our nation even better.
their area, especially art that has existed for
Conceptually, the word Gandrung contains
generations and is sacred in the community. This
meanings, including love and fascination, and
Gandrung dance performance is ultimately
substantially contains the understanding of being
expected to be a means of tourism promotion that
loved, which is charming [8]. This feeling of
will be staged sustainably as a tourist attraction
love, fascinated by the community that supports
and a medium for delivering character education
it, is manifested in the form of dance. The dance
values to respect each other’s cultures from other
was then called the Gandrung dance by the
regions. This has been implemented in the city of
Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, entitled Untaian
Gandrung dance in each region has unique
Mutiara Gumi Sasak, which reproduces various
characteristics in each region. For example, there
artistic potentials in the city of Mataram into
is a district in Banyuwangi that makes the
alternative tourism products [6].
regional icon. The Gandrung dance is staged as a
form of gratitude and admiration for the beauty
III. RESEARCH METHOD of Dewi Sri, who provides welfare for the people
This research uses a qualitative approach in this area [9]. Gandrung dance in Banyuwangi
combined with creating works of art. This is currently a cultural icon of the Banyuwangi
qualitative approach was carried out in the early district and lives a vibrant life amid the
stages of research to identify the existence of development of globalism.
Gandrung art in Banyuwangi, Bali and Lombok. While in Lombok, Gandrung is a folk dance that
Furthermore, the second and third stages are originally existed among the wetu telu Islamic
carried out to create works of art. The first step community or the native Sasak population before
taken by the researcher was to determine the undergoing Islamization. The origin of this dance
research location, which in this case was is not well known, but oral information states that
Banyuwangi, Bali and Lombok. The next step of this dance has existed since the time of Erlangga
Trisnawati. Character Education of Gandrung Dance in the Spirit of Nusantara, Vol. 57 No. 2 Apr. 2022
in East Java. Then when the Karangasem thinking and habits, both in life, society, nation,
kingdom developed, which controlled Bali, this and state [11]. Therefore, undoubtedly, the
dance also developed in this area [5]. This dance dimension of education must be seen not only in
does not follow the pattern of movement and the context of school but education in a broad
song accompaniment according to the usual sense involving formal (school), informal
standards. It begins with an official ceremony, (family), and non-formal (community) education.
where the palace soldiers see a set of Gambelan Education and art are closely related to the
(traditional ensemble music) and get the content of educational values in the form of
opportunity to beat it and have fun without the ethical and aesthetic values. For humans as whole
boundaries of the palace so that the movements persons, ethical values are related to morals and
are still traditional. With time, movement values associated with the right and the wrong
motives changed in the development of motion held by groups or communities [12]. One of the
and hand shape [10]. Gandrung dance in Lombok ways for non-formal education is through the art
is now widely developed to become a profane of Gandrung dance. In the context of the
dance used in traditional and artistic activities for character, the art of Gandrung dance has
tourism promotion. character content. Some of the main character
In contrast to the two areas, in Bali, the values possessed by Gandrung, such as:
Gandrung dance is a sacred dance that developed 1) Multiculture Paradigm
in the old village (Bali Aga), whose existence is Gandrung dance is created from
very sacred. Historically, this dance was only regional/regional differences, namely,
danced by a man dressed as a woman. However, Banyuwangi, Bali and Lombok (Sasak). This
this dance was danced by women in subsequent difference can be harmonious; of course, it must
developments, as happened in Cempaga village, be based on an awareness of the difference. This
Buleleng, Bali. Balinese Gandrung dance awareness is currently known as the attitude of
generally has simple movements, uses simple multiculturalism, namely an attitude or
accessories, and can only be performed in certain perspective that accepts differences as a gift and
rituals. must be accepted and used as guidelines in
Look at the characters of the three types of nation-building. Furthermore, an anti-racial
Gandrung. Combining the energetic movements attitude, not discriminating against other people
of the Banyuwangi Gandrung dance, the Lombok based on SARA, is essential to continue to be
Sasak Gandrung dance, and the simple nurtured so that this nation is getting stronger.
movements of the Balinese sacred Gandrung Because actually, this nation is like the slogan
makes the Gandrung dance so unique. Another Bhineka Tunggal Ika, different but still one,
value is the existence of a mission to show the namely Indonesia. These values are the strong
community that these differences can be foundation for the creation of the Gandrung
harmonized and collaborated to produce Tridatu dance, which is based on the awareness
something useful and mutually beneficial. This of the differences that are owned by the
spirit of togetherness is raised in the Gandrung Indonesian people.
dance. Multicultural education denotes a process of
developing attitudes and behavior of a person or
B. Character Values in Gandrung Dance group of people to mature humans through
As alluded to in explaining the background teaching, training, processes, actions, and ways
above, globalization is a necessity. However, the that educate [13]. The owned differences are then
narrowness of regional feelings that are getting made a way out in the gandrung dance, which
stronger along with regional autonomy, which seeks to provide facilities so that everyone has
leads to hyper autonomy, consumerism culture, the same understanding of taking care of each
and the spread of totalitarian ideologies leading other, respecting differences as a mutual gift.
to violence, make the cultural face of the Furthermore, the introduction of regional culture
Indonesian people challenging to recognize the must be expanded with introductions to other
longer it looks blurry. In order to overcome this regional cultures, either in districts or certain
problem, various ideas emerged, including provinces, to become a national culture. Such an
national character education. By adhering to the attitude is undoubtedly instrumental in protecting
label, national character education is essentially a the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia
conscious and planned effort to humanize from various threats of radicalism and intolerance
Indonesian people and result in their typical that are currently developing.
psychological, moral, character traits or 2) Tolerance
personalities, as reflected in their patterns of After realizing a difference with the attitude
strengthen Indonesian nationalism. Stated that easy. Therefore, a different approach is needed;
overcoming the problem of the blurry image of this is where the role of art, especially dance, is
the Indonesian nation could be done through needed. Art is usually more widely accepted and
three humanist values of national ethics: first, the seen as neutral and detached from interests.
idea of pluralism, which requires that as an Gandrung dance proves how differences, if
Indonesian with a Pancasila personality, one must managed properly, can produce something
accept plurality as a blessing [17]. This cannot be worthwhile. The benefits provided are not only
separated from the pattern of Indonesian society, for the dance workers but also extend in the
which is multicultural. Acceptance of plurality is context of people’s welfare with its potential in
not only cognitive but also treats other people the tourism sector.
with different religions, ethnicities, cultures, Character values such as multiculturalism can
regions, and other aspects in an equal and fair be a strong fortress in reducing radicalism and
manner or without discrimination. Second, ethnocentrism. The true multiculturalism
democracy is the most appropriate political education, according to [19], has a very noble
system for the multicultural Indonesian nation goal, as shown below. “The goal of multicultural
because “a chaotic country, as diverse as education is an education for freedom.
Indonesia cannot be united by force. Indonesia Multicultural education should help students
will only remain united if all components of the develop the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to
nation want to unite, and they will only unite if participate in a democratic and free society.
they can take care of it. That is what democracy Multicultural education promotes the freedom,
guarantees” [17]. Third, social justice is reflected abilities, and skills to cross ethnic and cultural
in various aspects of life, especially related to boundaries to participate in other cultures and
creating a social space where Indonesians can groups.
live as fully human beings who can optimally Still, according to James A. Banks, the
actualize themselves as Indonesian people. This substance of multiculturalism is freedom (as
is very important for realizing national solidarity. education for freedom); it disseminates inclusive
Without social justice, the integrity of the Unitary movements to strengthen relations between
State of the Republic of Indonesia or social others (as an inclusive and cementing
integration in society is difficult to realize, even movement). Thus, the value of multiculturalism
turning into conflicts, ranging from latent through the art of Gandrung dance is also a
conflicts to violent conflicts. Through this medium for multicultural education, where
Gandrung dance, our society is expected to be multicultural education is anti-racist,
aware of its pluralism and then respect each fundamental, necessary (beneficial) for all
other’s differences so that they can live students, pervasive, for social justice, and is a
democratically. Then, in the end, it can realize critical process and pedagogy. If described in
social justice to achieve prosperity by developing more detail, multicultural education has at least
tourism entrepreneurs based on regional arts. five objectives. First, it improves self-
Another idea can also be observed; it states understanding and good self-concept. Second, it
that character should rely on nine pillars [18]. increases sensitivity in understanding other
The nine pillars referred to are as follows: (1) people, including various cultural groups in their
Love to Allah, trust, reverence, loyalty, (2) own country and other countries. Third, it
Responsibility, excellence, self-reliance, increases the ability to feel and understand the
discipline, orderliness, (3) Trustworthiness, plurality, sometimes conflicting interpretations of
reliability, honesty, (4) Respect, courtesy, nationality and culture, regarding an event,
obedience, (5) Love, compassion, caring attitude, values, and behavior. Fourth, it opens the mind
empathy, generosity, moderation, cooperation, when responding to issues. Fifth, it helps
(6) Confidence, assertiveness, creativity, understand the background of the emergence of
resourcefulness, courage, determination, and cliché or ancient views, stay away from
enthusiasm, (7) Justice, fairness, mercy, stereotypical views, and respect all people [20].
leadership, (8) Kindness, friendliness, humility, Departing from this, the artists and the
modesty, and (9) Tolerance, flexibility, government must join hands to continue to
peacefulness, unity [18]. promote art that requires a value. People
Based on the various opinions mentioned unconsciously, through artistic activities and
above, deradicalization can be done through art enjoying art such as watching the Gandrung
because true art, especially dance, is full of dance performances build awareness of diversity
positive values and beauty. The development of awareness of differences. With this awareness, it
nationalism, as stated above, is certainly not so will indirectly strengthen nationalism and