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MA - Yoga Syllabus

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Shri Lal Bahadur Shashtri Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeeth

(Deemed University)
Qutub Institutional Areas, New Delhi-110016

Yoga Department
Prospectus & Syllabus
M. A. (Yoga)
(Two Year)
July, 2019-2020
Prof. Ramesh Kumar Pandey
Vice Chancellor

Prof. Mahesh Prasad Silori

Head-Yoga Department

OFFICE: 011-46060503, 46060641, 9999725017

Website: http://www.slbsrsv.ac.in
M.A. (Yoga): First Semester: First Paper
Fundamental Principles of Yoga

Unit Subject Marks Credit

Unit-I Meaning, Definitions and History of Yoga, Nature of Yoga
Importance of Yoga, Personality Characteristics of a Yogi, Utility of
Yoga in Modern Age. 16 1

Unit-II Nature of Yoga in various Yoga literature – Vedas, Upanishads,

Geeta, Mahabharata, Purana, Yoga Vashishtha, Jainism, Buddhism, 16 1
Samkhya Philosophy, Vedanta, Tantra Shashtra, Ayurveda

Unit- Yoga Systems – Raja Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Karma
III Yoga, Ashthanga Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, 16 1
Sanyasa Yoga

Unit- General Introduction of Yoga Literature – Patanjal Yoga Sutra,

IV Srimad Bhagawatgeeta, Hatha Yoga Pradeepika, Gherand Samhita, 16
Shiva Samhita, Goraksha Samhita, Bhaktisagar. 1

Unit-V Biography of various Yogis - Sage Patanjali, Gorakshanath,

Adiguru-Sankaracharya, Maharishi Dayanand, Swami Vivekananda, 16
Sri Arvind, Swami Ramana, Sri Shyama Charan Lahiri, Paramhansa 1
Yogananda, Swami Shivananda, Swami Kuwalyananda,
Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,
etc. 20 1

Patanjal Yoga Sutra (Vyasbhashya
with Hindi Commentary) …………………………..
Srimad bhagawatgeeta Geeta Press, Gorakhpur.
Yog Vijnan Swami Vijnanananda Saraswati
Vedon Main Yog Vidya Swami Divyananda
Yog Manovijnana Shanti Prakash Atreya.
Bharatiya Darshan Swami Baladev Upadhyaya
Aupanashadik Adhyatma Vijnana Dr. Ishwara Bhardwaj
Upanishadaun Main Yog Dr. Ishwar Bhardwaj.
Geetarth Sangraha Dr. Vijaypal Shashtri
Yoga Siddhanta avam Sadhana Dr. Mahesh Prasad Silodi
Yoga Darshana Swami Niranjananand Saraswati
Bharat Ke Sant Mahatama Ramlal, Swami Chandramohan ji, Swami Vivekananda
Bharat Ke Mahan Yogi Vishwanath Mukharjee
Yogamritam Dr. Mahesh Prasad Silodi
M.A. (Yoga): First Semester: Second Paper
Human Consciousness
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Meaning and Definition of Consciousness, Areas of Consciousness,
Nature of Consciousness, Need to study Human Consciousness,
Current Problems of Human Consciousness and its meaningful 16 1
Psychological remedies.
Unit-II Essentiality to develop Human Consciousness, Various
Psychological Methods of developing Human Consciousness, 16
Various Methods of developing Human Consciousness in different
religion, Methods developed by various Indian sages and seers for
development of consciousness. 1

Unit-III Human Consciousness in Vedas, Upanishads, Buddhism, Jainism,

Nyay, Vaisheshik, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa and Vedanta 16
Philosophies. 1

Unit-IV Human Consciousness in various Streams of Ancient Indian

Science- Tantra, Jyotish, Ayurveda. Human Consciousness in 16
Western Science and Quantum Theory of Physics. Research 1
Studies related to Human Consciousness in Anatomy &
Physiology. Birth of Modern Psychology in search of Human
Consciousness and its various streams.
Unit-V Various Mysteries and Facts of Human Consciousness – Birth and
Life, Fate/Destiny and Hard work (purusharth), Law of Karma, 16
Subtle/Subliminal Impressions (genetics) and reincarnation and 1
effects of Karma.
Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,
etc. 20 1

Bhartiya Darshanon main Chetana Ka Swaroop Shri Krishna Saxena
Bhartiya Darshan ka Parisheelan Dr. Rama Shankar Tripathi
Aupanashadik Adhyatm Vijnan Dr. Ishwara Bhardwaj
Manav Chetana Dr. Ishwara Bhardwaj
A Study in Consciousness Annie Besant
Ayurveda and Mind Dr. David Frawley
The Roots of Consciousness Jeffery Mishlor
Mind and Super Mind N. C. Panda
Seven States of Consciousness Anthony Campbell
M.A. (Yoga): First Semester: Third Paper
Bhagwatgeeta & Samkhya Karika
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Brief Introduction to Shrimadbhagwatgeeta, Subject Matter of
eighteen chapter, Immortality of Soul, Nishkam Karma Yoga,
Various characteristic feature/symptoms of Yoga, Stithaprajna
(Chapter two), Principle of detached Karmas, Need to do Sacrifice 16 1
(Yajna), etc. Loksangraha, Signs of Wise and Ignorant (Third
Chapter), Types of Karmas, Conducts of Yogi and Method of
Practice (Fourth Chapter)
Unit-II Nature of Sanyasa, Utility of Sanyasa Karma, Benefits of Sanyasa,
Knowledge (Jnana) and Sanyasa (Fifth), Role of Action (Karma)
in Meditation, Expert Practitioner (Yogaroodh Sadhak), Feature of
Yogi, Diet and Life Style of Yogi, Remedies of Yog Siddhi (Yoga 16 1
Perfection), Remedies of Manonigraha (Sixth Chapter). Types of
Devotee and Devotion.
Unit-III Brahma, Spirituality, Karma, Adhibhoot, Nature of Adhiyajna
(Eighth Chapter). Benefits of Fruit-full and Fruit-less Actions,
(Ninth Chapter), Super-natural Power and Yoga Power of God 16 1
(Tenth Chapter), Huge nature of God (Eleventh Chapter), Fruit-
less Nishkama Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Jnana Yoga (Twevth
Unit-IV Kshetra and Kshetrajna Yog (Thirteenth Chapter). Subject of
Sattva, Rajas and Tamas, Remedies to attainment of Godliness 16
(Fifth Chapter), Description of Tree of the World, Kshar and 1
Akshar (Sixteenth Chapter) Trinity of Faith, Salvation and path of
Unit-V Trinity of Sorrow and its remedies, Manifest and Unmenifest ‘jna’
Tatva Niroopan, Satyakaryavad, Nature of Gunas, Perfection,
niroopan and multiplicity of soul, Relationship between Prakriti 16 1
and Purush. Characteristics of Intelligence, Ego, Mind and Senses,
Vishesh and Avishesh Bhoot, types of body, Subtle body, Pratyay-
sarg, Viparyaya, Ashakti, Tushti, Siddhi and its types. Role of
Prakriti in freedom of Purush, Description of bandhan and
freedom, Jeenvanmukti
Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,
etc. 20 1

Shrimadbhagwatgeeta Bhashya Acharya Shankar
Shrimadbhagwatgeeta Bhashya Lokmanya Tilak
Shrimadbhagwatgeeta Bhashya Satyavrata Siddhantalankar
Samkhyatatwakaumudi Vachaspati Mishra
Samkhyapravachanbhashya Vijnan Bhikshu
Samkhyakarika Acharya Ishwarkrishna
Yuktideepika …………………………………..
M.A. (Yoga): First Semester: Fourth Paper
Human Anatomy & Physiology
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Human Cell & Tissue-Structures & Functions of parts of Cell.
Structures & Functions of Tissue, types of tissues. 1
(Ayurveda Concepts of body and Mind): Definition of body
(Purush), Gross Anatomy (shadangatva), Four types of Purush- 16
Chetan Dhatu, Shad Dhatu, Chaturvinshati and Panch Vinshati.
Origin and Place of Mind, Functions of Mind. Integrating
Meditation in reference to functions of Mind.
Unit-II Skeleton System- Definition of Bone, number, type of bone,
structure and functions of bone. Place of Juvenile Bone, types and
functions of Juvenile Joints, types of joints, Structure and functions 16 1
of knee and vertebral joints. Effect of Yoga on Skeleton System.
Unit-III Muscular System: (Ayurveda Concepts-Definition of Mans Dhatu
and its origin). Introduction to Muscle, Number of muscles in
human body, Brief introduction to main muscles e.g. Frontalis, 1
occipitalis, Temporalis, Sterno-Cledo-Mestoid (SCM), Letimus 16
Dorsi, Trapezius, Rectus, Abdominalis, Daigphram, Deltoid,
Biceps, Triceps, Gluteus Maximus, Femoralis, Saratorius,
Types of muscles, structure and functions of muscles. Effect of
Yoga on Muscular System
Unit-IV Respiratory System: Definition of Respiration/breathing, Types of
respiration, Structure & Functions of Respiratory System, Internal
and External Functions, Exchange of gases, Control Mechanism of
Breathing/Respiration. Brief information on breath capacity and 16 1
volume of Lungs. Effect of Yoga on Respiratory System.
Structure & Functions of Reproductive System. (Ayurveda/Yoga
Concepts-Definition and types of Prana, Importance of
Unit-V Endocrine System: Difference between and Exocrine and
Endocrine glands, difference between Enzymes and Hormones.
Place and functions Pituitary Gland, Pineal Gland, Pancreas, 16
Adrenal Gland, Ovarian Gland and Testicular Gland. Effect of 1
Yoga on Endocrine Glands.
Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,
etc. 20 1

Susruta (Sharer Sthan) Dr. Bhaskar Govind Ghanekar
Sharir Rachana Vijnan Dr. Mukund Swarup Verma
Sharir Kriya Vijnan Dr. Priyavrat Sharma
Sharir Rachan avam Kriya Vijnan Dr. S. R. Verma
Ayurvedic Kriya Vijnan Vaidhya Ranjit Roy, Desai
M.A. (Yoga): First Semester- Fifth Paper

Practical Yoga
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I 1.Uchcharan Sthala tatha Vishuddhi Chakra Shuddhhi 2. Yogic
Prarthan 3. Buddhi tatha Dhritishakti Vikasak Kriya 4. Samaran-
shakti-Vikasak Kriya 5. Megha Shakti Vikasak Kirya 6. Netrashakti
Vikasak Kriya 7. Kapolshakti Vikasak Kriya 8. Karnashakti Vikasak
Kriya 9. Greevashakti Vikasak Kriya (03) 10. Skandh tatha
Bahumulashakti Vikasak Kriaya 11. Bhujbandhashakti Vikasak Kriya 15 1
12. Kaphoni-shakti Vikasak Kriya 13. Bhujbalishakti Vikasak Kriya
14. Purnabhujashakti Vikasak Kriya 15. Manibandhashakti Vikasak
Kriya 16. Karprishthashakti Vikasak Kriya 17.
Angulimoolshakti Vikasak Kriya 18. Vaksh-sthala-shakti Vikasak
Unit-II 1. Suryanamaskar 2. Padmasana 3. Siddhasana 4. Vajrasana
5. Swastikasana 6. Yogamudrasana 7. Simhasana 8. Veerasana
9. Gomukhasana 10. Ardha-matsendrasana 11. Marjarasana
12. Mandookana 13. Shanshankasana 14. Bhujangasana 15.
Ushtrasana 16. Tadasana 17. Trikonasana 18. Katichakrasana 15 1
19. Uttanapadasana 20. Garudasana 21. Natarajasana 22.
Utkatasana 23. Vatayanasana 24. Dhruvasana 25. Salabhasana
26. Matsendrasana

Unit- Pranayama: Anuloma-Viloma, Nadishodhan Prananayamas, Suryabhedi

III Prananayama, Ujjai Pranayama
Bandh and Mudras 15 1
Moolabandha, Jalandharbhandh, Uddyanbandh, Vipreetkarni
Hasta Mudra: Rihadaya, Vayu, Varuni
Unit- Prayer: Gayatri Mantra, Shantipath Mantra, Mahamritunjjaya Mantra,
IV Sansp Sukta, Meditaion (Dhyan), Swabhimata Upasana Mantra, etc 15 1

Unit-V Lesson Plan

20 1
Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation, etc.
20 1

1. Hatha Yoga Pradeepika Kaiwalyadham, Lonawala
2. Gherand Sanhita Kaiwalyadham, Lonawala
3. Goraksha Samhita Maharishi Gorakshanath
4. Yog Kriya Dhirendra Brahmachari
5. Yogasana Swami Ramdev
M.A. (Yoga): First Semester- Fifth Paper (Alternative)

Unit Subject Marks Credit

Unit-I Introduction to Patanjal Yog Sutra, Definition of Yoga,
Consciousness (Chitta), Grounds/Moods of Consciousness (Chitta-
bhumiyan), Modifications/Fluctuations (Chitta-vrittiyan), Remedies 16 1
to complete cessation of modifications of Consciousness.

Unit-II Obstruction of Yoga (Antaraya); Remedies to purify and pacify

Consciousness (Chitta-prasadan). Kriya Yoga and its types; Five 16 1
Causes of Sorrow (Panchklesha); Right Knowledge (Pramana) and
its categories.

Unit-III Eight Limbs of Yoga – Social Conducts (Yama) and Personal

Conducts (Niyama) Positions (Asana), Breath Control
(Pranayama), Sense Withdrawal (Pratyahara) Dharana), 16 1
Meditation (Dhyan), Meditation Absorption (Samadhi)

Unit-IV Concept of Meditative Absorption (Samadhi), Types of Samadhi –

Samprajnat, Asamprajnat, Ritambhara Prajna, Vivek Khyati, 16 1
Dharma Megha Samadhi.

Unit-V Various perfections (Sidhies) described in Vibhootipad of PYS and

its fruits, Soul (Purusha), God (ishwara), Emancipation (Kaivalya) 16 1

Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,

etc. 20 1

Patanjal Yoga Sutram (Vyasabhshya with Hindi Commentary)
Yogaanga Geeta Press, Gorakhpur
Yog Siddhant avam Sadhana Prof. Mahesh Prasad Silori, Abhishek Prakashan, new
M.A. (Yoga): Second Semester- First Paper

Patanjal Yoga Sutras

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Introduction to Patanjal Yog Sutra, Definition of Yoga,
Consciousness (Chitta), Grounds/Moods of Consciousness (Chitta-
bhumiyan), Modifications/Fluctuations (Chitta-vrittiyan), Remedies 16 1
to complete cessation of modifications of Consciousness.
Obstruction of Yoga (Antaraya); Concept of Sorrow, its causes,
Salvation and Remedies of Salvation (Chaturvyuhvad); Remedies
to purify and pacify Consciousness (Chitta-prasadan) and Theory
of karma.
Unit-II Kriya Yoga and its types; Five Causes of Sorrow (Panchklesha);
Right Knowledge (Pramana) and its categories; Eight Limbs of 16 1
Yoga, Nature and of fruits of Yama and Niyama; Asana-definition
and importance; Pranayama-definition, types and importance.
Unit-III Concept and importance of Sense-Withdrawal (Pratyahara);
Concept and importance of concentration (Dharana); Concept and
importance of meditation (Dhyan); Concept and types of 16 1
Emancipation (Samadhi); Intuition (Ritambharaprajna); Intuition
(Vivek Khyati) and Dharmamegh Samadhi
Various perfections (Sidhies) described in Vibhutipad of PYS and 16 1
its fruits.

Unit-V Super natural powers derived from trinity of concentration,

meditation and absorbed meditation (Samyamjanya Sidhiyan); Five
types of Perfections; Eight Perfections (Ashthasiddhies); Concept 16 1
and nature of Soul (Purusha); Concept and nature of God
(ishwara), importance of God in Yoga Practice; Nature of
Emancipation. ……
Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,
etc. 20 1

Yoga Sutra (Tatvavaishardi) Vachaspati Mishra
Yoga Sutra (Yogvartika) Vijnanbhikshu
Yoga Sutra (Bhaswati Tika) Hariharanandaranyak
Yoga Sutra (Rajmaartand) Bhojraj
Patanjal Yogpradeep Omanand Teerth
Patanjal Yogavimarsh Vijaypal Shashtri
Dhyan Yogprakash Lakshamananand
Patanjal Yog avam Shri Arvind ka Tulanatmak Adhyayan- Dr. Trilok Chand
Yog Siddhant avam Sadhana Prof. Mahesh Prasad Silori
Yogaanga Geeta Press, Gorakhpur
M.A. (Yoga): Second Semester- Second Paper

Principles of Hatha Yoga

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Definition & Purpose of Hatha Yoga; place, season & time of
practice; Do’s & Don’t of diet for Yoga practice; Factors of
Success & Failures in Hatha Yoga; Features of Hatha Yoga 16 1
Perfection (siddhi); Utility of Hatha Yoga
Unit-II Methods and Benefits of asanas described in Hatha Yoga; Types,
Methods and Benefits of Pranayamas in Hatha Yoga; Method and 16 1
Benefits of Purification Techniques (shatkarmas) in Hatha Yoga

Unit-III Description of Locks (bandhas) and bodily gestures (mudras) in

Hatha Yoga-Mahamudra, Mahabheda, Mahaband, Khechari,
Uddyan Bandh, Jalandhar Bandh, Moola Bandha, Vipritkarni, 16 1
Vajroli, Shaktichalini. Description of Samadhi, Nadanusandhan;
Nature of Kundalini and method of its awakening.
Unit-IV Method and Benefits of Purification Techniques (shatkarmas) in
described in Gherand Samhita-Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Trataka, 16 1
Kapalbhati. Description of Pranayamas, Locks (Mudras), Sense
Withdrawal (Pratyahara), Meditation (Dhyan) and Emancipation

Unit-V Methods and Benefits of postures (asanas) described in Gherand

16 1

Unit-VI Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,

etc. 20 1

Hatha Yoga Pradeepika Kaivalyadham, Lonawala
Gherand Samhita Kaivalyadham, Lonawala
Goraksha Samhita Gorakhshanatha
Bhaktisagar Swami Charandas
Yogasan Vijnan Swami Dhirendra Brahmachari
Yog Parichay Peetambhar Jha
Saral Yogasana Dr, Ishwar Bhardwaj
Asan Pranayam Devvrat Acharya
Asan, Pranayam, Mudra, Bandh Swami Satyananda
Bahirang Yoga Swami Yogeshwarananda
M.A. (Yoga): Second Semester- Third Paper

Principles & Methods of Yoga Teaching

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Yoga Education/Teaching- Meaning, definition, purpose, &
importance. Various aspects and areas of Yoga
Education/Teaching. (Theoretical and Practical) 16 1

Unit-II Education/Teaching Process- concept & definition, need and

importance. Fundament elements of Teaching, Qualities of skilled 1
teacher, Errors of unskilled teacher. Brief introduction of teaching
methods. Structure and differentiation of blood vessels. Outer and 16
inner structure of the Heart, Heart/Blood Cycle, Blood Pressure,
Circulation of Blood. Effect of Yoga on Circulatory System.
Mechanism and Control of Blood Pressure and Heart Rate.

Unit-III Principles and teaching methods of Yama-Niyama, Shatkarmas,

Pranayamas. 16 1

Unit-IV Health and Practical Yoga – Personal Health, Social Health,

Community Health. Utility of Yoga Primary Health Care Center,
Hospital, Health Institutes, Center for Handicap and Drug De-
addiction Center. 16 1
Usefulness of Yoga for personnel in Industrial and Professional
Institutes; Various Yoga methods for stress and time management
of the personnel. Yoga for Health Care, Stress management of
Army, Police, etc.

Unit-V Principles and various possible teaching methods of Asanas,

Mudras, Bandhas and Dhyan. Planning, organization and execution
and methods of Yoga Education Camp and Yoga Treatment Camp. 16 1
Yoga Seminar, Conference, Workshop

Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,

etc. 20 1

Asan, Pranayam, Mudra, Bandh Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Viddharthiyon ke liye Yog Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Sharir Vijnan and Yogabhyas Dr. M. M. Gore
Asan Swami Kuwalyananda
Pranayam Swami Kuwalyananda
Yogabhyason ki Shikshan Vidhiyan Dr. M.L. Gharote and Dr. S. K. Ganguli
Teaching Methods for Yogic Practices Dr. M.L. Gharote and Dr. S. K. Ganguli
M.A. (Yoga): Second Semester- Fourth Paper

Human Anatomy & Physiology

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Blood Circulatory System – structure and functions of blood-
structure and functions of red blood cells, white blood cells and
platelets; difference between structure and function of artery and 16 1
vein; outer and inner structure of heart, heart cycle, blood pressure,
circulation of blood. Effect of Yoga on circulatory system;
Mechanism of control of blood pressure and heart rate.
Unit-II Digestive/Alimentary System – structure and function of digestive
system. Digestion of protein, carbohydrate, fat, etc. structure and 16 1
function of liver and pancreas. Effect of Yoga on digestive system.
Unit-III Excretory System: Meaning of excretion, structure and function of
excretory system; structure and function of kidney, structure and 16 1
function of nephron, urine production process, urine excretion,
quantity and composition of urine, excretion of abnormal matter
through urine.
Unit-IV Nervous System – Parts of nervous system, Types of neuron (brief
information), structure and function of neuron, structure and
function of cerebrum, cerebellum and hind brain, structure and
function of cranial and spinal nerves, autonomous nervous system. 16 1
Effect of Yoga on nervous system.
Structure and function of sense organs – eyes, ears, nose, tongue
and skin.
Unit-V Brief introduction of Tridosha, seven matter Saptadhatu and place
of mala, nature (guna), description of karmas, description of …..
position, function of six plexus (shatchakra) in the body and its 16 1
relationship with five elements.

Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,

etc. 20 1

Susruta (Sharir Sthan) Dr. Bhaskar Govind Ghanekar
Sharir Rachana Vijnan Dr. Mukund Swarup Verma
Sharir Kriya Vijnan Dr. Priyavrat Sharma
Sharir Rachan avam Kriya Vijnan Dr. S. R. Verma
Ayurvedic Kriya Vijnan Vaidhya Ranjit Roy, Desai
M.A. (Yoga): Second Semester- Fifth Paper

Practical Yoga
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Mooladhar Chakra Shuddhi 2. Upastha Tatha Swadhishthan
Chakra Shuddhi 3. Kundalini Shakti Vikasak Kriya
4. Jungha-Shakti Vikasak Kriya 5. Janu Shakti Vikasak Kriya 15 1
6. Pindalishakti Vikasak Kriya 7. Padamula Shakti Vikasak
Kriya 8. Padangul Shakti Vikasak Kriya 9. Gulph-
Padaprishtha-Padatala Shakti Vikasak Kriya 10. Udar-shakti
Vikasak Kriya 11. Kati-Shakti Vikasak Kriya
Unit-II Hastottanasana, Dhanurasana, Chakrasana, Pashchimottanasana,
Janushirshasana, Halasana, Naukasana, Sarvangasana, Balasana, 15 1
Makarasana, Shavasana, Bakasana, Suptavajrasana,
Baddhapadmasana, Kukutasana, Utthithapadmasana, Garbhasana,
Tolasana, Sarvangasana, Shirshasana, Vakrasana
Unit-III Pranayama: Bhastrika, Bhramari, Shitali, Shitkari, Pranayamas of
first semester 15 1
Bandh and Mudras: Mahamudra, Mahabandha, Mahavedh,
Khechari. Hasta Mudra – Rihadaya, Vayu, Varuni
Unit-IV Prayers
Jalakapalbhati, Sutranethi, Vastradhauti, Dandhdhauti, Nauli
Kriyas of first semester
Ishwar Stuti Prarthana Mantra 15 1
Prarthana Sayankala Mantra
Mantra of first semester
Various types of Meditation
Lesson Plan 20 1
Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,
etc. 20 1

1. Hatha Yoga Pradeepika Kaiwalyadham, Lonawala
2. Gherand Sanhita Kaiwalyadham, Lonawala
3. Goraksha Samhita Maharishi Gorakshanath
4. Yog Kriya Dhirendra Brahmachari
5. Yogasana Swami Ramdev
M.A. (Yoga): Second Semester- Fifth Paper (Alternative)

Unit Subject Marks Credit

Unit-I Concept of Practical Yoga, Meaning, definition, purpose & Need to
study Practical Yoga. Importance of Practical Yoga in various
possible areas. 16 1

Unit-II Health and Practical Yoga – Personal Health, Social Health,

Community Health. Utility of Yoga in Primary Health Care Center, 16 1
Hospital, Health Institutes, Center for Handicap and Drug De-
addiction Center. Usefulness of Yoga in Allopathy, Ayurveda,
Homeopathy Dispensaries.

Unit-III Usefulness of Yoga for personnel in Industrial and Professional

Institutes; Various Yoga methods for stress and time management 16 1
of the personnel. Yoga for Health Care, Stress management of
Army, Police, etc. Yogic Management of Depression

Unit-IV Role of Yoga in Sports & Physical Education. Importance of Yoga

in skill development in various sports, Importance of Yoga in De- 16 1
addiction, Importance of Yoga in Physical and Mental Handicaps.

Unit-V Eight Limbs of Yoga – Social Conducts (Yama) and Personal

Conducts (Niyama) Positions (Asana), Breath Control
(Pranayama), Sense Withdrawal (Pratyahara) Dharana), 16 1
Meditation (Dhyan), Meditation Absorption (Samadhi)

Unit-V Class Work, Attendance, Discipline, Participation in Presentation,

etc. 20 1

Vyavaharik Yog (Swasthya Raksha avam Rog Parihar ke liye) Dr. Kalidas Joshi
Applied Yoga Dr. M.L. Gharote
M.A. (Yoga): Third Semester- First Paper

Research Methodology & Statistics

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Nature of Research: Meaning and Characteristics of Research. Types of
Research- Literature Research (Library Research & Principle
Construction) and Perceptual Research (Preksha, Relational and 16 1
Experimental). Need and Importance of Research in Yoga.
Research Problem: Nature, Sources and types of Problem,
Characteristics of Alternate Problem.
Unit-II Hypothesis: Nature and types of Hypothesis. Sample Selection:
Meaning and Importance of Sample Selection, Probability and 16 1
Improbability Sample Selections Methods. Data Collection Methods:
Observation, Experimental, Questionnaire and Interview.
Unit-III Variables: Meaning and types of variables, Relationship between
Independent variable and Dependent Variable. Experimental Control: 16 1
Nature and Problems of Experimental Control. Methods of Control-
Solution or Resolution/neutralization/rejection/removal, stability of
conditions, balance and counter-balance and randomization. Research
Design: Meaning and Purpose of Research Design, Randomized Group
Design and Factorial Design.
Research Report Writing: Method of Report Writing & Style
Unit-IV Descriptive Statistics: Fundamental Concepts: Meaning, nature and
application of Statistics. Nature of Measurement and Measures or Levels 16 1
of Measurements, Graphical Presentation of data- Frequency, Middle
Value, Columnar. Measurement of Central Probability: Mean, Mode,
Mediation (Categorized and Non-categorized) Measurement of
Deviation-Distributed, Quartered and Standardized Deviation. Normal-
Distribution-meaning, characteristics and uses of Normal Probability
Correlation_ Meaning, Calculation of Correlation Coefficient-Product
Moment Method and Rank Order Method.
Unit-V Prediction & Inference: Regression Equations and Predictions.
Meaningfulness of Middle Values. Meaningfulness of difference between
middle values of two groups (Independence Group and Co relational 16 1
Group)-Critical Ratio Test and ‘t’ test. Chi-Square Test. Variance
Analysis- One Way Classification.
Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in Presentation, etc. 20 1

Anusandhan Vidhiyan H. K. Kapil
Manovijnan avam Shiksha main Sankhyiki Garrot
Statistics in Psychology & Education Garrot
Foundation of Behavioral Science Kerlinger
M.A. (Yoga): Third Semester- Second Paper

Yoga Therapy
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Concept of Health & Disease. Yoga Therapy-Concept, Definition, Areas
and Limitations. Principles of Yoga Therapy. General Knowledge of
Medical Tests conducted in the Laboratory. 16 1

Unit-II Fundamental of Yoga Therapy-Yama, Niyama, Asanas, Pranayamas,

Mudras, Bandhas, Meditation & Shatkarmas. Therapeutic Principles of 16 1
these Resources/Methods. Yoga based conducts and food related to Yoga
Yogic Sukshmavyamas-Utility in Yoga Therapy.

Unit-III Signs & Symptoms, Causes and Yoga therapy along with Principles-
Indigestion, Stomach Acidity, Constipation, Common Cold, Asthma, 16 1
Diabetes, Obesity, Naval Dislocation.

Unit-IV Signs & Symptoms, Causes and Yoga therapy along with Principles-
High Blood Pressure, Low Blood Pressure, Jaundice, Cervical 16 1
Spondylitis, Lumber Spondylitis, Headache, Arthritis, Gout

Unit-V Signs & Symptoms, Causes and Yoga therapy along with Principles-
Insomnia, Vision Disorders, Mental Stress, Depression, Mental 16 1

Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in Presentation, etc. 20 1

Yog Chikitsa Swami Kuwalyananda
Yog se Aarogya Kalidas Joshi
Yog Manovijnan Dr. Shantiprakash Atreya
Yoga Therapy Swami Kuwalyananda
The Yoga Psychology Abhedananda, Ramakrishna Vedanta Math,
Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy Nagarathna and Nagendra, H.R.
For Positive HealthH. K. Kapil
M.A. (Yoga): Third Semester- Third Paper

Upanishad, Darshan & Sanskriti

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Meaning and Definition of Upanishad, Importance of Upanishad.
Meaning and Definition of Philosophy (Darshan), Importance of Indian
Philosophy. Meaning and Definition of Culture (Sanskriti). Contribution 16 1
of Indian Culture.

Unit-II General Introduction to Upanishads describing Yoga, Subject Matters

and Nature of Yoga in Upanishads – Yoga Tatva, Kathopanishad, 16 1
Swetaswatropanishad, Jabalopanishad, Shandilyopanishad.

Unit-III Six Indian Philosophies (Shadadarshan) – Nyay, Vaisheshik, Samkhya,

Yog, Mimamsa and Vedanta. Sadhanaparak Tatwa Mimamsa and Achar 16 1

Unit-IV Ashram Vyavastha, Varna Vyavastha, Karma Siddhanta, Shodash

Sanskara, Panchmahayajna 16 1

Unit-V Religious Culture – Individual, Social and Moral Importance of Indian

Festivals and Celebrations. Conduct aspects in Indian Culture.
Introduction of Veda, Manusmriti, Ramayana, Geeta and its importance 16 1
in Life.

Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in Presentation, etc. 20 1

Introduction to Upanishads Theosophical Society of India, Adyar, Madras.
Aupanishadik Adhyatma Vijnan Dr. Ishwara Bhardwaj
Upanishad Sangraha Motilal Banarasidas, Delhi.
Bharatiya Darshan Acharya Baladev Upadhyay
Bharatiya Sanskriti ke Vividh Ayama Dr. Arun Jayasawal
Kalyan (Yog Tatwank) Geeta Press, Gorakhpur
M.A. (Yoga): Third Semester- Fourth Paper

Yoga & Alternative Therapy

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Concept of Alternative Therapy, Relationship between Yoga and
Alternative Therapy; Areas, Limitation, Need and Importance of
Alternative Therapy. Meaning and History of Acupressure; Principles, 16 1
Methods and Instruments of Acupressure; Benefits of Acupressure.
Introduction to various pressure points. Similarities and Dissimilarities
between Acupressure and ‘Sujok’

Unit-II Aerial Therapy (Prana Chikitsa)- Meaning, Nature and Types of Prana;
Introduction of Prana Chikitsa; History and Principles; Energy-Centers; 16 1
Various Methods of Prana Chikitsa; Importance of Color and plexus
(Chakra) in Prana Chikitsa; Effect of Prana Chikitsa in various

Unit-III Magnet Therapy – Meaning, Nature and Areas of Magnet Therapy,

Limitations and Principles, various types of Magnets, Methods of Magnet 16 1
Therapy, Effect of Magnet Therapy in various Diseases.

Unit-IV Yajna Therapy – Meaning and Definition of Yajna, Principles, Areas and
Limitations of Yajna Chikitsa. Information of Yajna Samagree (items) for 16 1
treatment of various diseases.

Unit-V Swara Chikitsa – Concept and Purpose of Swara Chikitsa, Principles of

Swara Chikitsa, Meaning, Nature and Types of Swara, General
information of Nadies in the body. Yoga and Swara Chikitsa, Dyspepsia, 16 1
Constipation, Asthma, Acidity, High and Low Blood Pressure, Obesity,

Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in Presentation, etc. 16 1

Acupressure Dr. Attar Singh
Acupressure Dr. L. N. Kothari
Acupressure Dr. Dhiren Gala
Sujok Therapy Dr. Asha Maheshwari
Miracles through Pranic Healing Master Choa Kok Sui
Advanced Pranic Healing Master Choa Kok Sui
Pranic Psychotherapy Master Choa Kok Sui
Magneto Therapy Dr. H. L. Bansal
Magnet Cure for Common Diseases Dr. R. S. Bansal & Dr. H. L. Bansal
The Text Book of Magneto Therapy Dr. Nanubhai Painter
Swasthvrit Vijnan Prof. Ramharsh Singh
Ahar avam Swasthya Dr. Hiralal
Yajna Chikitsa Dr. Pranav Pandya
M.A. (Yoga): Third Semester- Fifth Paper

Practical Yoga
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I 1.Uchcharan Sthala tatha Vishuddhi Chakra Shuddhhi 2. Yogic
Prarthan 3. Buddhi tatha Dhritishakti Vikasak Kriya 4. Samaran-
shakti-Vikasak Kriya 5. Megha Shakti Vikasak Kirya 6. Netrashakti 15 1
Vikasak Kriya 7. Kapolshakti Vikasak Kriya 8. Karnashakti
Vikasak Kriya 9. Greevashakti Vikasak Kriya (03) 10.
Skandh tatha Bahumulashakti Vikasak Kriaya 11. Bhujbandhashakti
Vikasak Kriya 12. Kaphoni-shakti Vikasak Kriya 13. Bhujbalishakti
Vikasak Kriya 14. Purnabhujashakti Vikasak Kriya 15.
Manibandhashakti Vikasak Kriya 16. Karprishthashakti Vikasak
Kriya 17. Angulimoolshakti Vikasak Kriya 18. Vaksh-sthala-shakti
Vikasak Kriya.

Unit-II Asanas: Rajakapotasana, Aakarnadhanurasana,

Hastapandangushthasana, Kurmasana, Gorakshasana, Karnapeedasana, 15 1
Revision of First as well as Second Semester asanas.

Unit-III Pranayama: Bahyavritti, Abhyantarvritti, Stambhavritti, Vahyabhyantar

Vishayakshepi 15 1
Revision of First as well as second semester Pranayamas

Unit-IV Kriya: Kapalbhati, Shatakarma, Nauli Sanchalana, Vastra Dhauti,

Laghushankhaprakshalana, 15 1
Revision of First as well as second semester Kriyas

Unit-V Prayer: Sandhya Hawan Mantra,

Revision of First as well as Second semester Prayers, Swabhimata 20 1
Upasana Mantra,
Bandha & Mudra; Yoni Mudra and Shaktichalini

Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in Demonstration, etc. 20 1

1. Hatha Yoga Pradeepika Kaiwalyadham, Lonawala
2. Gherand Sanhita Kaiwalyadham, Lonawala
3. Goraksha Samhita Maharishi Gorakshanath
4. Yog Kriya Dhirendra Brahmachari
5. Yogasana Swami Ramdev
M.A. (Yoga): Third Semester- Fifth Paper (Alternative)

Unit Subject Marks Credit

Unit-I Food: Concept, Definition and Purpose of Food, Common and
Ayurvedic properties, Dwadashanana Vichar, Yogic Concept and
purpose related to quality, quantity and time of food, Rules related 16 1
to Healthy Eating and Prevention Manners.

Unit-II Balanced Diet: Concept, Definition, Properties, types and Functions

of Food Components- Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, Vitamins, 1
Minerals, Water and Roughage. Sources of Food Components. 16
Diseases caused by excess and deficiency of Food Components.

Unit-III Vitamins: Meaning, Definition, Categories and Importance of

Vitamins. Sources, Daily requirement of Vitamins (A, B, C, D, E & 16
K), Diseases caused by excess and deficiency of Vitamins (A, B, C, 1
D, E & K).
Unit-IV Minerals: Meaning, Categories and Importance Minerals. Sources,
Daily requirement of Minerals (Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Sulpher, 1
Potassium, etc,), Diseases caused by excess and deficiency of 16
mineral (Calcium, Iron, Iodine, Sulpher, Potassium, etc,).
Importance and Functions of Water for the body.
Unit-V Nutrition: Concept & Definition, Elements of Nutrition- Adequate
Digestion and Absorption, relationship between Food and
Nutrition; Causes and Solutions of Nutritional Conditions – Right 16
Nutrition, Deficient Nutrition and Malnutrition. 1
Concept, Types, Disadvantages of Unmatched Food.
Harmful Effects of Addictions
Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in 20 1
Demonstration, etc.
Swasthyavrita Vijnan Prof. Ramharsh Singh
Yog wa Aahar Dr. Ganesh Shankar Giri & Babulal Dayama
Prakritik, Yog Vijnan Dr. Ganga Prasad Gaur
Swasthyavritam Dr. Shiv Kumar Gaur
Prakritik Chikitsa avam Yog Dr. Brij Bhooshan Goel
Ayurveda Ahahar Prof. R. H. Kulkarni
Yogic Chikitsa Kuwalyananda
Poshan avam Ahaar G.P. Shaurie
Rogon Ki Saral Chikitsa Vitthaldas Modi
M.A. (Yoga): Fourth Semester- First Paper

Yoga and Health

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Definition of Health, Characteristics of Healthy Person, Health
Science and its Purpose. Daily Routine (Morning Rituals-early
wake up, having water, passing stool, face wash, teeth and tongue 1
scraping, eye wash, teeth cleansing, mouth rinsing and gargling 16
(gandush dharana)
Exercise- Definition, do’s and don’ts, types, feature and benefits of
right Exercise, difference between general exercise and Yoga
Unit-II Massage- Definition, purpose. Bath- meaning, definition and
purpose, Types of bath and time/duration, Resources, Negative 1
Situations and Benefits. Sleep- Definition, purpose, type, Causative 16
Principles and benefits, Symptoms of Insomnia and Cure.
Unit-III Brahmacharya (Celebacy) – Concept, Purpose and Importance.
Seasonal Routine-types of season, accumulation of morbidity
(doshas), Aggression and Suppression. Season and Haritaki 1
(chebulic myrobalans), Relationship between seasons and food 16
juices. Relationship between seasons and water intake, Rules for
seasonal changes, Type of Good-Abstinence (Sadavrat) and few
examples, Acceptable and unacceptable forces (vaig) based on
ethics, Ethic based conduct rules
Unit-IV Food - Concept, Definition and Purpose of Food, properties,
quantity and time of food. 1
Balanced Diet - Concept, Definition, Properties, types and
Functions of Food Components- Protein, Carbohydrate, Fat, 16
Vitamins, Minerals, Water and Roughage. Sources of Food
Components. Diseases caused by deficiency of Food Components.

Unit-V Moderate Eating, Fruit Diet, Juice Diet, Raw Food, Sprouted Food,
Milk Food, Concept and benefits of Vegetarianism and Non-
vegetarianism. Concept of unmatched food and its harmful effects. 16
Drug Addiction-Properties and Disadvantages. Yoga based 1
Diet/Food Manual.
Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in 20 1
Demonstration, etc.
Jeevaim Sharadah Shatam Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, Sampurna Vangamaya
Swasthyavrita Vijnan Prof. Ramharsh Singh
Swasthyavritam Dr. Shiv Kumar Gaur
Aahar aur Swasthya Dr. Hira Lal
Rogon Ki Saral Chikitsa Vitthaldas Modi
Yog se Aarogya Indian Yoga Society
M.A. (Yoga): Fourth Semester- Second Paper

Principles of Naturopathy
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Brief History of Naturopathy, Fundamental Principles of
Naturopathy - Principle of Accumulation of Morbid Matter,
Healing Crisis. Remedies to improve Vital Force. Structural 16 1

Unit-II Hydrotherapy- Importance and Properties of Water, Effect of

various temperature ranges on the body, Principles of
Hydrotherapy, Drinking Water, Natural Bath, Simple and Friction 16 1
Bath, Hip Bath, Sitz Bath, Stream Bath, Spinal Bath, Hot Foot
Bath, Water Compresses-Hot & Cold, Sponge Bath, Enema, etc.

Unit-III Mud Therapy, Chromo Therapy, Aerial Therapy – Importance,

Type and Properties of Mud, Effect of Mud on the Human Body,
Mud Packs. Importance of Sun Light, Actions and Reaction of Sun
Light on Human Body, Applications of Various colors. Importance 16 1
of Air, Health effects of Air, Air Bath.

Unit-IV Fasting- Principles and Actions & Reactions, Fasting and Healing
Crisis, Rules of Fasting, Types of Fasting – Long, Short, Partial and
Water, Juice, Fruit and one meal Fasting. 16 1

Unit-V Definition, History and Importance of Massage, Effect of massage

on different parts of the body, Techniques of Massage=Effleurage,
Petrisage, Tappotment, Kneading, Pressing, Vibration, Spreading, 16
etc. Massage in Diseases 1

Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in 20 1

Demonstration, etc.
Chikitsa Upachar ke vividh Aayam Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, Sampurna Vangamaya Khand-4.
Jeevaim Sharadah Shatam Pt. Shriram Sharma Acharya, Sampurna Vangamaya Khand-4.
Swasthyavrita Vijnan Prof. Ramharsh Singh
Swasthyavritam Dr. Shiv Kumar Gaur
Aahar aur Swasthya Dr. Hira Lal
Rogon Ki Saral Chikitsa Vitthaldas Modi
Ayurvediya Prakritik Chikitsa Rakesh Jindal
Diet and Nutrition Dr. Rudolf
History and Philosophy of Naturopathy Dr. S. J. Singh
Nature Cure Dr. H. K. Bhakhru
Practice of Nature Cure Dr. Henry Lindlhar
M.A. (Yoga): Fourth Semester- Third Paper

Marma Therapy
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Background of Vedic Medical Science, Reference in Marma
Therapy in Vedas, Introduction to Marma Therapy, Code of
Conducts related to Vedic Medical and Marma Science. 16 1
Measurement of Marmas, Brief description of Marmas,
Measurement of Marmas.
Unit-II Urdhvajatrugat Marma, Urdhva and Adhah-Shakha Marma,
Abdominal Marma and Back Marma, Separate Description of
Marmas, 16 1
Yoga and Marma Therapy, Relationship between various Asanas,
Pranayamas and Marmas, Relationship between Shatkarmas and
Unit-III Self-Marma-Therapy, Methods of Marma Therapy, Symptoms and
Treatment of trauma of neuromuscular integration point
(Marmabhighat), Precautions of Marma Therapy, Marma Therapy 16 1
in various Life Style Disorders, Marma Therapy in Geriatric
Disorders, Pregnancy and Marma Therapy
Utility of Yoga in Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homeopathy Dispensaries
Unit-IV Utility of Yoga in Ayurveda, Allopathy, Homeopathy Dispensaries
Usefulness of Yoga for personnel in Industrial and Professional
Institutes; Various Yoga methods for stress and time management 16 1
of the personnel. Yoga for Health Care, Stress management of
Army, Police, etc. Yogic Management of Depression

Unit-V Role of Yoga in Sports & Physical Education. Importance of Yoga

in skill development in various sports, Importance of Yoga in De-
addiction, Importance of Yoga in Physical and Mental Handicaps. 16 1

Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in 20 1

Demonstration, etc.
Sushruta Samhita (Sharir Sthan) Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi 110007
Vangbhatt Samhita (Sharir Sthan) Motilal Banarasidass, Delhi 110007
Marma Vijnan avan Marma Chikitsa Dr. Sunil Kumar Joshi
Marma Science and Principles of Marma Therapy Dr. Sunil Kumar Joshi
M.A. (Yoga): Fourth Semester- Fourth Paper

Discipline Specific Elective

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I 1. Nature of Yoga in Indian Literature
2. Nature of Human Consciousness in Indian Literature
3. Tatvamimsa of Yoga Philosopy 16 1
4. Salvation in Indian Literature
Unit-II 1. Satkaryavad
2. Praman Mimamsa
3. Process of Creation 16 1
4. Meditative Absobtion (Samadhi)
5. Perfection of Soul (Purusha-Siddhi)
Unit-III Eight Limbs of Yoga – Social Conducts (Yama) and Personal
Conducts (Niyama) Positions (Asana), Breath Control
(Pranayama), Sense Withdrawal (Pratyahara) Dharana), 16 1
Meditation (Dhyan), Meditation Absorption (Samadhi)

Unit-IV 1. The Yoga of Knowledge (Jnana Yoga-according to

2. The Yoga of Devotion (Bhakti Yoga-according to 16 1
3. The Yoga of Action-(Karma Yoga-according to
Unit-V 1. Jagadguru-Sankaracharya-Austerity Practice and Fruit
2. Maharishi Dayanand and his Yoga Practice
3. Sri Arvind and his Yoga Practice 16 1
4. Swami Vivekananda and his Contribution in Yoga.
5. Swami Kuwalyananda and his Contribution in Yoga
Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in 20 1
Demonstration, etc.
M.A. (Yoga): Fourth Semester- Fifth Paper

Practical Yoga
Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Mooladhar Chakra Shuddhi 2. Upastha Tatha Swadhishthan
Chakra Shuddhi 3. Kundalini Shakti Vikasak Kriya
4. Jungha-Shakti Vikasak Kriya 5. Janu Shakti Vikasak Kriya 15 1
6. Pindalishakti Vikasak Kriya 7. Padamula Shakti Vikasak
Kriya 8. Padangul Shakti Vikasak Kriya 9. Gulph-
Padaprishtha-Padatala Shakti Vikasak Kriya 10. Udar-shakti
Vikasak Kriya 11. Kati-Shakti Vikasak Kriya
Unit-II Asanas:
Balagarbhasana, Vrikshasana, Utthita-dwipada-shirsasana, 15 1
Urtthitapadamasana, Titibhasana, Padamabakasana, Mayurasana,
Omkarasana, Dimbasana
Revision of asanas of First, Second and third Semester.
Unit-III Pranayama:
Revision of asanas of First, Second and third Semester. 15 1
Revision of asanas of First, Second and third Semester.
Bandh and Mudras:
Revision of asanas of First, Second and third Semester.
Revision of asanas of First, Second and third Semester.
Naturopathy Practical 15 1

Yoga Camp 20 1
Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in 20 1
Demonstration, etc.
M.A. (Yoga): Fourth Semester- Fifth Paper (Alternative)

Yoga Skill Development

Unit Subject Marks Credit
Unit-I Yoga Skill Development- Meaning, Definition, Need and Purpose.
Various aspects of Yoga Skill Development.
16 1

Unit-II Fundamental Elements of Skill Development-Tele-Communication

Resources, Language & Style, Personality & Behavior, Experience, 16 1
Knowledge of Subject matter, New Practice Curiosity, Motivation,
Creativity, Qualification for Selection based on need.

Unit-III Utility of Modern Educational Engineering/Electronics in Yoga

Skill Development, Principles & Methods of Uses of Visual & 16 1
Audio Electronic Techniques-Computer-Laptop, O.H.P., Projector,

Unit-IV Guidance & Counseling-Meaning, Definition, Need and Purpose,

Types and Process of Counseling. Various aspects of effective 16 1
Principles of Skills of Teaching Yoga Practices.

Unit-V Personal and Group Yoga Classes, Yoga Training Camp, Important
Elements for Yoga Therapy Camp-Determination of Purpose, 16 1
Planning, Resources, Evaluation, Organizational Task and
Important things to be considered, Principles of Executive Process,
Educational Trip.

Unit-VI Class work; Attendance; Discipline; Participation in 20 1

Demonstration, etc.

Saral Yogasan Dr Ishwar Bhardwaj
Asana Swami Kuwalyananda
Pranayama Swami Kuwalyananda
Asana, Pranayama, Mudra & Bandh Swami Satyananda Saraswati

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