Digital Forensics in Cyber Security-Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
Digital Forensics in Cyber Security-Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
Digital Forensics in Cyber Security-Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
The rapid technological advancement has led the entire world to shift towards
digital domain. However, this transition has also result in the emergence of cyber-
crimes and security breach incidents that threatens the privacy and security of the
users. Therefore, this chapter aimed at examining the use of digital forensics in
countering cybercrimes, which has been a critical breakthrough in cybersecurity.
The chapter has analyzed the most recent trends in digital forensics, which include
cloud forensics, social media forensics, and IoT forensics. These technologies are
helping the cybersecurity professionals to use the digital traces left by the data
storage and processing to keep data safe, while identifying the cybercriminals.
However, the research has also observed specific threats to digital forensics, which
include technical, operational and personnel-related challenges. The high com-
plexity of these systems, large volume of data, chain of custody, the integrity of
personnel, and the validity and accuracy of digital forensics are major threats to its
large-scale use. Nevertheless, the chapter has also observed the use of USB foren-
sics, intrusion detection and artificial intelligence as major opportunities for digital
forensics that can make the processes easier, efficient, and safe.
Keywords: digital forensics, data security, cybercrime, data theft, security attack
1. Introduction
Cybersecurity Threats with New Perspectives
devices while safeguarding the privacy of users. Furthermore, it also makes use of
scientific techniques to recreate and explain the sequence of the events. By evaluat-
ing, reviewing, and recording these sequences, digital forensics aims at presenting
such illegal artifacts as evidence in the court of law.
The modern world is undoubtedly driven by social networks and the evolu-
tion in digital technologies have further evolved cyber-crimes that significantly
contributed in the development of new techniques, tools, and attacks that enable
attackers to penetrate even in the well-controlled environment [4]. With that said,
security experts, academics, and law enforcement agencies use digital forensics to
tackle the increasing number of cyber anomalies. Such experts deploy scientific
methods, such as identification, validation, interpretation, and documentation on
digital devices like RAM, phones, memory cards, floppy disks, and flash drives to
collect digital evidence. However, with the advancement in digital forensics tech-
niques, hackers are equally exploiting anti-forensics technology to either produce
delay or completely erase digital evidence [5]. Moreover, albeit the digital forensics
framework is designed to ensure users privacy, the availability of ubiquitous
internet access, the internet of things (IoT), and cloud computing has inspired
new cybercrime waves. Furthermore, digital forensics is expected to face unique
and new challenges because cyber threats and malware are being equipped with
highly sophisticated and powerful anti-forensics techniques. Thus, it is important
to investigate those challenges while simultaneously discovering recent digital
forensics trends. In this account, the present study is dedicated to analyzing threats,
opportunities, and recent trends of digital forensics in cybersecurity.
Cloud forensics has recently immense much attention by forensics experts due
to the fact that cloud computing offers massive resource pool, cost-effective solu-
tion, dynamicity, and wide access for storage. Hybrid, private, and public models of
cloud computing exists, in addition to multiple services, such as security as service,
database as service, integration as service, and software as service [5]. Furthermore,
most companies and organizations transfer their products and services across the
cloud every day due to multiple benefits, including high scalability, reduced cost
of IT infrastructure, business continuity, and access to automatic updates. As a
result, cloud computing has been widely accepted in multiple governments and
private companies. Likewise, Communication Service Providers have established
data centers across the globe in various jurisdictions that provide cloud services for
ensuring value-effectiveness and service availability [4]. However, the rise in the
number of cybercrimes and security in the cloud environment are the major hurdles
for organizations to transfer their systems to this platform. Moreover, since foren-
sics investigation in a cloud computing environment is complex, security analysts
see cloud computing as a potential area of concern. Therefore, cloud forensics has
gained major attention by forensics investigators to resolve cloud computing issues.
Cloud forensics can be described as the potential application of digital forensics
in a cloud-based environment [6]. This field utilizes scientific principles, proven
methods, and technological practices to process events in cloud environment via
reporting, examination, preservation, collection, and identification of digital data,
so that events can be reconstructed.
Digital Forensics in Cyber Security—Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
Figure 1.
Trust layer, degree of control, cloud model [6].
Cybersecurity Threats with New Perspectives
The advancement in Industry 4.0 and Web 2.0 technologies has significantly
increased the acceptance of social media platforms and it has become a primary
source of socialization. Users actively share their information, create accounts,
and get engage in social forms through these sites. As a result, hackers are exposed
to various opportunities to exploit user’s account [5]. In addition, different social
media applications like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter have been
exposed to multiple cyber threats and malware. Attacks on social media platforms
can take place outside the system/network or within the network. Outside systems
attack usually include DDoS, or DoS, while attacks within the network include
retrieving cookies data [4]. Besides, it is established that the database of these social
media applications is most vulnerable to such attacks. Considering this situation,
digital investigators have shifted their interest towards social media forensics. Social
media forensics assist experts in carrying out a criminal investigation, where social
media posts serve as excellent evidence to investigators (See Figure 2). Likewise,
social media platforms are a perfect source of information regarding potential
offenders, suspects, and witnesses, and it is considered supreme for profiling [11].
In addition, by combining social media with digital forensics, investigators can gain
access to a modern and diverse subset of sources of data, including demographic
location, photographs, contact lists, geo-location, and text messages. This network
data, combined with the metadata, has the potential to assist digital forensics
investigations. Furthermore, the metadata can also be used to authenticate online
social networking facts. Thus, it can be contended that social media forensics is a
rising trend in the digital forensics’ domain due to its ability to efficiently providing
adequate digital evidence.
The advent of social media apps on a mass of platforms has enabled these net-
working domains to leave digital forensic trace or artifacts that can be of a valuable
asset in an investigation. For instance, research like [12] discovered that the chat
logs could be extracted from social media applications like Facebook and a huge
amount of digital forensic artifacts, such as pictures, location data, friends, posts,
Figure 2.
Use of social media forensics in criminal investigation [4].
Digital Forensics in Cyber Security—Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
passwords, and usernames are left behind as potential evidence. These artifacts are
essential evidence, which makes social media forensics as one of the most promi-
nent digital forensic trends. Studies like [13] forensically examined social media
applications, including MySpace, Twitter, and Facebook on Androids, iPhones, and
Blackberries. The study proclaimed that they were successful in extracting digital
forensic artifacts like comments posted, timestamps, passwords, URLs, pictures,
and user data in text format. This indicates that social media forensics is not only a
powerful tool to trace digital evidence spread across social media, but it also highly
efficient in analyzing, authenticating, and acquiring digital evidence. In addition,
social media forensics provide three dimensions of functionalities, namely reverse
search integration, tempering localization analysis, and metadata visualization and
extraction [14]. The first take advantage of Google Image Search is that it provides
results in a web browser tab. Secondly, it incorporates six different tampering
localization maps that are generated through forensic algorithms, which is further
aimed at acquiring different tempering traces on social media. Thirdly, it fully sup-
ports metadata listing and displays any potential embedded thumbnails. With the
help of these functionalities, forensic experts can further examine the information
to extract useful evidence. This has made social media forensics a rising trend in the
digital forensic domain.
IoT is the latest paradigm that has notably changed the way mobile communica-
tion works. Conceptually, IoT can be defined as the interconnectivity of electronic
devices that combines situational knowledge and sensing powers to execute tasks,
intelligently [15]. Major IoT devices include smartphones, tablets, laptops, personal
computers (PCs), and other various embedded portable devices. The continuous
growth in the area of IoT has enabled users to share their data across different
platforms. Besides, IoT systems can communicate with each other either via internet
application programming interface or directly. In addition to this, they can also be
controlled through computing devices, like cloud servers. The networking capabili-
ties and smartness of IoT systems provide significant benefits for both business and
domestic applications [16]. However, despite its tremendous advantages, IoT sys-
tems are subjected to several security threats and attacks, such as mass monitoring,
destruction of IoT networks, Denial of Service (DoS), and ransomware. Therefore,
digital forensic experts have developed a keen interest in IoT forensics to carry out
the digital investigation. The rise of IoT forensics trend is due to the fact that IoT
systems present multiple complex and unique challenges in the digital forensics
field [4]. Moreover, IoT-based applications contain a huge number of resources and
distinct devices that generates a tremendous amount of data, which is known as Big
IoT data. This data, combined with digital forensics tools and techniques, provide
investigators with an opportunity to trace cybercrimes that further help them in
preventing cyber-attacks.
Despite the growing benefits of IoT forensics, it cannot be denied that it pro-
duces a massive amount of data and acquiring this data significantly increases the
workload on data centers [17]. As a result, forensic investigators are forced to face
additional analytics, security, and capacity challenges. Furthermore, the preserva-
tion and extraction of data from IoT-enabled services and devices present protocol,
data formats, and physical interface challenges which further complicate evidence
extraction process. However, regardless of several limitations, IoT forensics offers
a richer and authentic source of evidence, as compared to conventional computer
systems [18]. IoT forensics react to the requirements of users without requiring
users’ conscious interaction. As a result, the IoT forensics environment provides
Cybersecurity Threats with New Perspectives
Digital Forensics in Cyber Security—Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
It is a known fact that digital crimes are intentional in their scope of operation.
Due to this, digital forensics is exposed to various operational challenges. Among
such challenges, incidence prevention, response, and detection have gained much
attention. Traditional IT environments that have on-premises data processing have
integrated internal incident management process for ensuring utmost security [20].
This process utilizes intrusion detection systems, log file analysis, and monitor-
ing, in addition to data loss prevention systems that identify and detect data loss,
attackers, and intruders. For cloud users, these security incidents can often prove
to be challenging. This is because, these security incidents compromise business
and personal data and since they are equipped with anti-forensics technology,
attackers can steal or destroy potential evidence [24]. Likewise, the lack of stan-
dardized procedures and processes in digital forensics alarmingly endangers the
evidence extraction and investigation process. It is established that currently, digital
forensic models lack standardization that has further increased the complexity
of the process. Besides, studies like [22] argue that the lack of universal standards
makes it quite tough to assess the competency of forensic experts. The absence of
standardized procedures was acceptable when digital forensics was considered a
mysterious investigation process that enabled experts to discover hidden pieces of
evidence and information that further provided useful insights regarding criminal
behaviors. However, with the increase in the development of digital technologies,
digital forensic investigation is no longer limited to small computer systems rather
a virtualized environment that consists of non-standard interfaces and different
storage devices.
In addition to above-discussed threats, digital forensics is also exposed to
forensics readiness problem. Forensic readiness can be understood as the capability
of computer networks or computer systems to record data and activities in such
a way that it can be perceived as authentic and are sufficient enough for forensics
purposes [25]. However, the rapid development in cloud computing has forced
organizations to dynamically change how they enact, develop, and plan IT strate-
gies. Besides, cloud computing lacks forensic readiness aspect, which further
threatens digital forensic operations. Similarly, manual analysis and intervention
of physical hard drives is another potential operational challenge that is faced by
digital forensics. Albeit, it is simple and straightforward in a single drive, or a single
partition, the process becomes much more complicated when RAID configurations
are involved [20]. Also, due to the complex nature of digital forensics, manual
inspection of hard drive images can potentially risk the digital artifacts. Likewise,
it is believed that forensic analysis should be valid, accurate, complete, and reliable.
However, balancing between user privacy and retrieving key digital evidence is a
major threat to digital forensics. Due to the increase in the storage capacity, often
a small portion of the information is used for investigation and a larger amount
of information is discarded [26]. This can lead to a breach of the user’s privacy,
which poses an additional challenge to digital forensic operations. Thus, in light of
the evidence, it can be affirmed that operational challenges can notably endanger
digital forensic analysis.
Cybersecurity Threats with New Perspectives
4. Opportunities
Universal Serial Bus (USB) is a widely used storage device and it is considered
very effective for their mobility and capacity. Normally, USB uses USB control-
ler command to ensure security within the USB drive. However, due to its easy
accessibility, it is often used in conducting cyber-crimes. The controller command
in the USB increases the vulnerabilities when users are undergoing user certifica-
tion process, which makes it susceptible to cyber-attacks [3]. Fortunately, since
USB generates an IP address, it can be used to track USB bypassing attempts. This
means that as USB grow in capability and capacity, it has the potential to offer more
information in digital forensics analysis. Despite its growing significance in the
digital forensics domain, it is undeniable that USB drives pose a great risk to both
systems and sensitive data. The easy accessibility, cheap, and small form factor
makes USB ideal for theft and destroying potential digital evidence [28]. Malicious
software and viruses can be installed in networked or stand-alone computer
systems through USB, either inadvertently or deliberately. As a result, potential
hackers can completely wipe or cover up their malicious activities. For this reason,
USB forensics has become a vital component in computer investigations that allow
digital forensic experts to trace USB connection activities in PreFetch, Shortcuts,
and Link file folders [29]. Such traces can assist forensic investigators in identifying
Digital Forensics in Cyber Security—Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
Cybersecurity Threats with New Perspectives
Albeit digital forensic has made it easy to analyze and detect cyber-crimes, the
fact remains that it cannot provide fool-proof security to the network or online stor-
age. In this case, IDS has opened doors to various opportunities for digital forensics,
as it not only detects malicious activities, it also monitors traffic data to determine
the nature of the attack [35]. Moreover, IDS also possess the ability to warn the
system administrator - in case the system has been compromised. Once the event
has been detected, the digital forensic process can be conducted for discovering the
damage and the extent of the intrusion. Although the primary objective of IDS is to
identify potential malicious attempts to prompt evasive measures, with the help of
digital forensics, it can be used to extract useful digital evidence for civil, legal, and
criminal proceedings [36]. The ultimate goal of IDS is efficiently detecting misuse
or unauthorized use of computer networks and systems by both external penetra-
tions and insiders. With digital forensics, investigators can trace criminal, intrusive,
or illegal activity back to the criminal while simultaneously obtaining sufficient
evidence. Thus, it can be established that IDS provide various opportunities and
have the ability to assist in digital forensic investigation. Moreover, IDS systems can
ensure that the obtained evidence is safe and it can detect and effectively respond to
cybersecurity threats.
With the rapid rise in the volumes of digital data, digital forensics often strug-
gles to analyze a complex and large amount of information that requires intelligent
analysis and computing. For this purpose, artificial intelligence (AI) has become a
well-established and crucial domain of latest computer science, which has the abil-
ity to tackle sophisticated and computationally large problems in real-time [37]. The
complexities and growth in cyber-crime combined with limited resources and time,
both human and computational, in addressing cyber-crime significantly limits the
capabilities of the digital forensic investigators to apply digital forensic operations
and obtain results in a realistic time-frame. This problem can be resolved by com-
bining digital forensic methods, tools, and techniques with AI. The combination of
these dynamic domains gives rise to intelligent forensics that can be considered as
an interdisciplinary approach that not only uses resources more intelligently and
efficiently but also utilizes technological advances to solve digital forensic investiga-
tion [38]. Intelligent forensics incorporates a wide range of techniques and tools
from social network analysis, computational modeling, and AI for improving the
efficiency and overall credibility of digital investigations while simultaneously low-
ering the time required to extract digital evidence. What makes intelligent forensics
unique is its ability to conduct a digital forensic investigation- both before and after
the incident. Besides, since intelligent forensics make use of AI technologies like
machine learning, it can assist digital forensic investigators in resolving specificity
and generality problems by considering cyber-crime patterns.
In addition, by combining digital forensics with AI, forensic experts can effec-
tively apply digital forensic operations both reactively – after cyber-crime has taken
place - and proactively – before cyber-crime has occurred. The reactive ability of
intelligent forensics can be considered as a part of digital forensic investigation
that helps in gaining in-depth insight into the incident, which can further assist the
digital forensic officer in examining data sources for potential evidence [38]. For
this purpose, intelligent forensics make use of various techniques, including AI and
social network analysis. Likewise, intelligent forensics can also be used proactively,
where numerous state-of-the-art techniques like machine learning and deep learn-
ing predict future threats, specifically by assessing past trends. This can be very
valuable for digital forensic investigators, as they will be able to predict what digital
Digital Forensics in Cyber Security—Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
resources have to be preserved for digital evidence. Moreover, with the help of com-
putational intelligence and AI, forensic investigators can employ digital forensic
methods more efficiently while ensuring the credibility and reliability of the results
[39]. AI also helps in handling large datasets, while collecting digital evidence for
forensics [40]. Thus, it can be established that AI has the capability to dynamically
transform the way digital forensic works while increasing the accuracy of the results
and lowering the time needed to extract useful digital evidence.
5. Conclusion
Digital forensics has gained notable attention due to the increase in cyber-
crimes. Albeit the rise in digital technology has benefited various fields, the fact
remains that it has presented new ways of conducting cyber-crimes. Besides,
malicious software, methodologies, and tools are being designed and implemented
every day to pose a threat to public and private networks and simultaneously
exploiting data storage, in hope of extracting and exploiting the useful informa-
tion. These security vulnerabilities and breaches have inspired the developments
in digital forensics domain so that digital evidence can be extracted from digital
devices and can be used in criminal and civil legal proceedings. For understanding
the importance of digital forensics, the present study has thoroughly discussed
the recent trends, potential threats, and opportunities of digital forensics in
Author details
Mohammed I. Alghamdi
Department of Computer Science, Al-Baha University, Al-Baha City,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
© 2021 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Cybersecurity Threats with New Perspectives
Digital Forensics in Cyber Security—Recent Trends, Threats, and Opportunities
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Cybersecurity Threats with New Perspectives