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MPLS Technology on IP Backbone Network

Article in International Journal of Computer Applications · August 2010

DOI: 10.5120/885-1257 · Source: DOAJ

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2 authors, including:

Dinesh Kumar
Dav Institute of Engineering and Technology


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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 5– No.1, August 2010

MPLS Technology on IP Backbone Network

Gurpreet Kaur Dinesh Kumar
Student, DAVIET Assistant Professor, DAVIET,
Jalandhar (144001), India Jalandhar (144001), India


Multiprotocol Label Switching is the protocol framework on Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a tunneling
which the attention of network service provider is focused as it technology used in many service provider networks [3]. The
provides privacy and unbreakable security to the users. So, it is most popular MPLS-enabled application in use today is the
used by ISP Backbone Network to form the MPLS Tunneling MPLS virtual private network. MPLS VPNs were developed to
architecture like MPLS VPN which is discussed in this paper. operate over MPLS networks, but they can also run over native
Providers typically offer this type of service to large corporate IP networks. This offers providers flexibility in network
customers that require IP connectivity of other remote sites. The deployment choices, improved routing system scalability and
main advantage is that MPLS is used over Layer 2 and Layer 3 greater reach to customers. The key element is the ability to
protocols. It also discusses the concept of Traffic Engineering encapsulate MPLS packets in IP tunnels. In an MPLS network,
that utilizes Multiprotocol Label Switching and that also proves each LSP is created over the best path selected by the IGP,
to be advantageous over IP based Routing. This Paper also towards the destination network. An IGP (OSPF or IS-IS) is
discusses various Encryption Techniques which can be used for used to propagate routing information to all routers in an MPLS
the security of MPLS Technology domain to determine the best path to specific destination
networks. Each hop within the network core forwards packet
Keywords based on the label, not IP information, until the final label
COS, LSP, LDP, LSR, TE, VRF, FEC and VFEC. switch is reached where the label is discarded and normal IP
forwarding resumes.

MPLS stands for Multiprotocol Label Switching, is a technology
proposed by Internet engineering Task Force (IETF) it was
designed to facilitate several problems areas in the internet
including routing performance and is increasingly being adopted
by service providers in their core networks. MPLS solutions are
to be used with Layer2 and Layer 3 Protocols. A label is a short
fixed length identifier that is used to forward the packets. With
MPLS, labels are attached to the packets at the ingress point to
an MPLS network. Within the network the labels are used to
route the packets without regard to the original packets header
information, These labels can be stacked as a LIFO labels
enabling MPLS to be combined for transport and distribution.
MPLS header is 32 bits long [5]. The label field gives
information needed to forward the packet and is the basis upon
which MPLS switching operations occur. The COS bits affect
the scheduling and or discard algorithms applied to the packet as
it is transmitted through the network. These bits are not
modified by the embedded implementation of MPLS. The Stack
bit is set to 1 for the last entry in the label stack and 0 for all
other label stack entries. The TTL field is decremented by 1
each time the packet passes through a router. The packet is
discarded when the TTL reaches zero.

Figure 2 MPLS Tunneling Architecture

Figure 1 MPLS Label

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 5– No.1, August 2010

3. MPLS OPEARTION b) Scalability: IP routing has encountered the scalability issue

In general, MPLS has two planes [6]:- due to routing mechanism .MPLS addresses enhances the
a) Control Plane: - The Control Plane is responsible for the shortcoming of load balancing in IP networks by introducing the
routing information exchange and label distribution between concept of FEC which divides the different types of Traffic
adjacent devices. It uses standard routing protocols such OSPF according to their requirement.
routing, IS-IS and BGP to exchange information with other c) IP Route Recovery: When a link goes down in IP network its
routers to build and IP forwarding table or label forwarding recovery speed depends upon 3 factors 1.Time taken by router to
information base. It also needs label distribution protocols such detect a link failure 2.Distributon of this information across the
as LDP. whole network 3.Calculation of new routing tables by all routers
b) Data Plane: - The Data Plane is responsible for forwarding and finding alternate route for traffic .But MPLS route recovery
packets according to the destination IP address or label using L- is much more proficient than IP since it introduces the concept
FIB managed by the control plane. The Data plane is a simple of Label stack.
label based forwarding engine i.e independent of the type of d) MPLS based traffic engineering architecture: MPLS
routing protocol or label distribution protocol running on the forms the packet forwarding component of the traffic
control plane. engineering architecture. It directs a flow of IP packets along a
pre-determined path across a network that is called label
switched path (LSP). LSPs are simplex in nature. The creation
of an LSP is accomplished by concatenation of one or more
label switched hops. This allows a packet to traverse one label
switching router (LSR) to another LSR in the MPLS domain.
This type of LSR packet forwarding is based on label swapping.
In label swapping, the label of an incoming packet is examined
which is then used as an index in the MPLS forwarding table.
Then the detailed knowledge of network topology and network
loading is required to make traffic engineering decisions. Then
finally, path selection is done. This path can either be strict or
loose explicit route. An explicit route refers to the preconfigured
sequence of LSRs that should be a part of the physical path of
LSP. If all the LSRs are specified by the ingress LSR, the LSP is
identified by a strict explicit route. If only some of the LSRs are
specified, the LSP is described by a loose route.


MPLS is seen as a hybrid solution, which encompasses the
Figure 3 Functionality of Control and Data Plane
features of IP. The most telling feature of MPLS is its ability to
separate Control and Data Plane. This effectively means that TE
is entirely controlled by IP without any support of Layer 2
3.1 LDP Principle technologies, which contributes to its simplicity. MPLS plays an
important role in the introduction of Next Generation Network
MPLS network after establishing LSPs. For a given flow the (NGN). It helps in Intelligent Routing decisions. Unlike IP
LER acting as a entry point is called “Ingress LER” and the LER routing, which is based on the shortest path and destination IP
acting as exit point is referred as “Egress LER”. A label in its addresses, techniques used by MPLS for routing are much
simplest form identifies the path a packet should traverse. A sensible. Configuration of LSR/LER can be static or dynamic
label is carried or encapsulated in a layer-2 header along with and during configuration traffic and path constraints are taken
the packet. The receiving router examines the packet for its into account. In IP routing there are signaling protocols (OSPF,
label content to determine the next hop. On receiving a packet IS-IS), which distribute path information without considering
from non-MPLS domain the LER first analyzes the network path and traffic constraints. MPLS also needs an efficient
layer header and decides “Forward Equivalence Class (FEC)” to signaling mechanism to share label information among all LSRs.
which the packet belongs to and assigns one label to it. The FEC MPLS supports different protocols for distributing constraint
is a representation of a group of packets that share the same information across all LSRs. MPLS implementation of route
requirements for their transport. recovery is much more proficient than IP [9].

4. IMPORTANCE OF MPLS OVER IP- 5.1 MPLS traffic engineering forwarding and
a) Congestion Awareness: COS support on the basis of Traffic MPLS-TE forwarding strategy is totally different. With the same
or user is not possible in IP which eventually results in destination address but different source address, MPLS-TE will
congested routes but MPLS overcomes this problem with FEC divide these two flows into different paths. Traditional single
support also the possible solution provided by IP to overcome FEC forwarding and MPLS-TE all aims at a specific label which
this problem is termed as load balancing but due to its simple chooses a unique LSP path which is shown as follows:
criteria of dividing the traffic it suffers from scalability problem.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 5– No.1, August 2010

Figure 4 MPLS traffic engineering forwarding

So, there is another class of FEC which is called VFEC, stands

for Variable Forwarding Equivalence Class that splits the same
FEC into different available paths according to the current
performance of various links [7]. It is assumed in the fig. below
that the traffic from server 2 is very large. After the process of
VFEC, packet with label 20 from server 2 is forwarded into two
links: LER1-LSR2-LER2 and LER1-LSR3-LER2. The VFEC is
not a variable label but a variable forwarding scheme for the
same label. So, the same label is transmitted into two LSP paths

Figure 6 BGP/MPLS VPN inter-AS

Figure 5 VFEC forwarding
This shows that upon receiving the packet the egress PE router
removes the VPN label and forwards the native IP packet to its
5.2 Inter Service Provider: MPLS-VPN destination. A PE uses iBGP to redistribute labeled VPN routes
MPLS VPNs are classified as network based IP VPNs. to ASBRs directly or via a route reflector (RR). Each
Customers exchange per site routing information by connecting ASBR(Autonomous System Border Router) then uses eBGP to
to the nearest local provider edge router. The provider then uses redistribute the routes to the peering ASBR in another AS,
the Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol (MP-BGP) to which will in turn redistribute the routes to the PEs in that AS.
advertise these customer routes and associated labels called Each ASBR needs to maintain all VPN routes it has connections
VPN labels to other PE routers attached to other customer sites to. No VRF is required in this option. Multiprotocol eBGP (MP-
within the same VPN. The customer routes, VPN labels and eBGP) connectivity is shown in the figure above.
advertising PE router’s IP address are stored on the receiving PE
routers in separate per customer virtual routing and forwarding
tables (VRFs). When a customer IP packet arrives, the ingress or
5.3 Benefits of the MPLS VPN
a) Scalability: A well executed MPLS based VPN deployment
local PE performs a lookup in the VRF table to determine the
is capable of supporting tens of thousands of VPNs over the
destination customer network. This yields a VPN label that
same network. MPLS based VPNs scale well because they do
represents the destination customer network and another label
not require the full mesh, end to end site peering across the
called the tunnel label that represents the LSP leading to the
egress or remote PE router [2].
b) Traffic Engineering: By deploying traffic engineering in the
core, services provider network engineers can implement
policies to help ensure the optimal traffic distribution and
improve the over all network utilization. MPLS enables traffic
engineering by allowing traffic to be directed through a specific
path based on least cost routing, link utilization, latency, jitter
and other factors.


An attack on the control plane of a network is a doorway to
attacking the data plane or even completely disabling the data
plane traffic. It could also result in loss of user confidentiality

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
Volume 5– No.1, August 2010

and prevention of new services. Varieties of Security Encryption So, in the future work, we are targeting to
Techniques are used for securing MPLS technology. There are implement some of the IPSec Encryption standards like AES,
various attacks which can break the MPLS technology. For DES and Triple DES on the MPLS network in order to
example a brute force attack is a strategy used to break the Overcome Security Gap Analysis of this Technology.
encryption of data in MPLS Technology. It involves traversing
the search space of possible keys until the correct key is found.
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