Assignment 1 - 222 Final
Assignment 1 - 222 Final
Assignment 1 - 222 Final
:primitive beginnings
Since antiquity, there have been stories of men strapping birdlike wings,
stiffened cloaks or other devices to themselves, and attempting to fly, during
this early period, the issues of lift, stability and control were not understood,
.and most attempts ended in serious injury or death
Abbas Ibn Firnas, an Andalusian scholar, made one of these attempts
between 810 and 887 AD. He fastened two wings to his arms and clothed
himself in eagle feathers. Due to his lack of a tail (since birds usually land with
their tails), he was seen flying a fair distance before landing with some
:Flying by lighter-than-air
The Montgolfier brothers invented the first hot air balloon in 1783, using hot
air to generate buoyancy. They conducted their first public demonstration in
France and later achieved the first tethered balloon flight with humans on
board. Airships, on the other hand, utilize gas lighter than air to stay aloft. The
.construction of the first Zeppelin airship started in 1899
:Flying by heavier-than-air
During the 19th century, significant progress was made in the study of
heavier-than-air flight. In 1801, French officer André Guillaume Resnier de
Goué achieved a 300-meter glide from the top of the city walls of Angoulême.
In 1837, French mathematician and brigadier general Isidore Didion
emphasized the need for a more powerful engine to achieve successful
Sir George Cayley, considered the "father of the airplane," made significant
contributions to the development of modern aircraft. In 1846, he was given
this title for his extensive study of flight physics and the design of the first
modern heavier-than-aircraft. Cayley clarified the principles of lift, conducted
aerodynamic experiments, and defined the configuration of a modern airplane
with fixed wings, fuselage, and tail assembly. He also demonstrated manned
gliding flight and emphasized the importance of power-to-weight ratio for
.sustained flight
Cayley's innovation included the use of a whirling arm test rig to study lift and
the construction of a model glider in 1804, which resembled a modern aircraft.
In 1809, he published "On Aerial Navigation," a treatise that discussed the
scientific principles of flight and identified the vector forces influencing an
ABDUlRAHMAN ALOUFI 202156830 Sec: 02
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