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IJSRD - International Journal for Scientific Research & Development| Vol.

11, Issue 3, 2023 | ISSN (online): 2321-0613

College Bus Management System

Kartik Kamalakar Shelke1 Pranav Bhaurao Bhaskar2 Bhushan Chandrakant Dhikale3
Saurabh Kalu Dangale4
Department of Computer Engineering
Matoshri Aasarabai Polytechnic, India
Abstract — The modern world is guided by the change in the Being a product of high technology, mobile phones are more
technology day by day. Mostly the relevant changes in widely used and are becoming more and more popular.
technologies are enhancing the modern business techniques. Nowadays, buses are used rapidly as a transportation system
Different technologies have been developed in the world for in the different organization, e.g., school, college, university,
making people’s life easier and better day by day. Android is business firm, banks, etc. In almost every college, they
the latest and a rapid growing technology available for all the provide their bus transportation facility. Under this, updating
users or users in today’s market. An enormous increase in the & maintaining daily bus records such as Route, bus no., bus
end user acceptance has been experienced in the past few name, bus timing, driver contact, drive name and bus details.
years. The project is based on the latest GPS technology So, they need to keep a record of their vehicle or bus running
which enables college management team a better way to keep /driving and the driver of that bus or vehicle. This record
eye on the activity of the college buses and manage schedule contains bus and the bus driver’s details and they need to keep
as well as provide real time bus location for the students using bus departure, arrival and delay time. They need to keep track
bus service. The College Bus Management System is Web & of that record in a notebook or register manually. This process
Android system aimed at students, college administration to is so time-consuming and it needs extra manpower. There is
maintain bus facility. The system takes student information another problem related to students and staff is that they don’t
as input source and attempts to maintain the bus services. It know the real-time location of the bus for which they are
allows flexibility during these processes. The system waiting for and the time it will take to reach their bus stop.
generates exhaustive reports related to the Bus Management And parents also don’t know the location of the bus so, they
i.e. Fees paid, dues, rout no. & bus stop. To overcome the need to wait. When bus is late then there is a late remark for
problems of manual bus management system, we have staff that is traveling through the bus. There is another
developed Web & Android Based college bus management problem regarding vehicle maintains. To know there are a
System. College bus management System is based on vehicle needs maintains is so hard. We develop College Bus
Android & Web, which can be implemented on any Android Management System. This system developed on Android
Phone. The reports highlight various bus services and features Platform using java programming language. The objective of
of the bus, which can be subjected to improvements this work is to implement an intelligent college bus
especially for the college administration to improve bus management system based on current challenges and
transport system. The system requires comparatively small problems that is determining the person who is getting into
amount of resources such as memory, input/output devices the bus, the time of getting into the bus and the place where
and disk space. The system overall keeps approach in he is getting into the bus provided for student bus
highlighting key features of the bus services. It provides the management system. College Bus Management System
facility of tracking the particular college bus’s location in the Application is a Web and Android application to help campus
google map. They can also view the bus details such as bus members detect the current location of the bus in real-time. It
schedule and they reach the bus on time. is based on client-server technology along with the use of
Keywords: Android, Web Application, Java, MySQL, GPS, database. One Android user (College Bus Driver) sends real
Location time location of the bus with additional date and time
information to the server. The information provided by that
I. INTRODUCTION user is stored in the database of the server. And other android
users can get the information through the server. The login
The mobile phone industry is one of the fastest and most page is available on the user app for the college administrator.
dynamic business sectors today. The need to communicate The administrator can keep the record of the bus such as bus
efficiently and instantaneously is always an undying no., bus schedule, route info, driver contact, etc. on the
necessity. The market sector and the ever-growing and database. The administrator also has the permission to
demanding consumers always want to have more, and they manipulate the bus record as per the needs. Student need to
want it better than ever. Having a mobile phone for us makes login. Student can search for the bus present on the particular
life easier. Communication is always a part of daily life, and stop. Students get updated on the bus location at certain time
we cannot avoid it. The invention of mobile phone has gone interval so that they don’t have to wait for the bus being
tremendous leaps in innovation and new applications. unknown whether the bus is coming or has gone. Our system
Originally, it was intended to be a telephone that can be handles all the data about current location of bus and by using
carried wirelessly at greater distances. Advances in this data the real time tracking of bus can be done and this
communications, upgrades in radio frequency and information is then given to remote user who want to know
developments on the internet had given mobile phones more the real time bus information. For development purpose some
sophisticated but easy to use in applications. Android has technologies like GPS (Global Positioning System) and
become very popular in the world since it is an open source Google maps are used. The system includes server-client
and there are no extra fees for Java Virtual Machine (JVM). based application, which gives real time location of bus on
In today’s world, the time is more important for students.

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College Bus Management System
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Google Maps. In this proposed system through GPS we will we wanted to develop and we needed some time to
get the bus running distance, distance will be getting from the decide. We were overwhelmed with possibilities. System
map API. We can track the bus from where it is coming and requirements were defined during the brainstorming
where is its next stop so student, staff, parents do not need to session. During application development and test we
wait they can track the bus in the mobile application. Security found out that some specifications needed extra
head needs to give the daily report of transportation to the clarification because everyone had a different
concerned authority, this report is generated through this interpretation of the specifications. Also we left out some
system it will be sent to the concerned authority. After some details that could improve user experience like
distance for maintains of the vehicle this system will notify to displaying current result. This experience was very
maintain department that particular bus needs maintenance. useful because we learned something new and got insight
And using the QR Code, we will get the attendance of into the entire process of creating applications. We
students and staff on time so that if the bus was late then the understand the importance of formal processes for
staff cannot get late remark and if a student is not in the bus effective teamwork as is for example in our case
after a certain stop parent will get notified that their child was insufficiency defined requirements have slower our
not in the bus .Information about the bus acquired by development and testing by increasing the otherwise. [2]
integrating the GPS device and biometric device in the bus. 3) Supriya et.al projected a real-time college bus tracking
This will help to reduce man power and time for this work. application for android smartphones which provides the
There are many systems are available to bus tracking and exact location of the college bus in Google Maps by
monitoring student in bus. This system will be easy to access providing information such as bus details, stops, routes,
because there is no any manual work needs to do, making etc. It is a realtime system as the current location of the
system smart which works automatically. This system also bus is updated every second in the form of latitude and
monitors student who are traveling through the bus, View longitude values which is received by the students
students details. We fix QR Code scanner for monitoring. through their application on Google maps. It will
This report will send to the central system. From this all estimate the time required to reach a particular stop on its
collected information we are generating report for higher route. The application uses clientserve technology. When
authority so they will check transport status. If there is any students and faculty members open the application the
mistake or error, they will take action. It also improves data location of the bus is visible in Google Maps. Students
security no one will be change data. can track the location of their bus from any location
through their login. But students and faculty members
II. LITERATURE REVIEW must make sure that their location service is active. It
This part of the project describes the theoretical background provides the exact location of the college bus, if the
of this project, following researchers previously worked on driver’s phone cannot access the internet or if they do not
modeling of organizations which is discussed below: have network coverage, the location of the bus can be
1) Jindan Zhu et al. discussed that many popular mobile obtained using the average speed of the bus that moves
applications require the continuous monitoring and on a fixed route. Admins can send a message to the driver
sharing of a mobile User’s location. However, exploiting and the students in any case of an emergency. [3]
a user’s location leads to disclosing sensitive information 4) G.Kiran et.al introduced an android application where
about the Users daily activity. Several location privacy- the hardware unit is also used along with the software
preserving schemes have been proposed, but it remains unit to track college buses. The hardware unit consists of
challenging for a user to achieve visibility of the a global positioning system module and an Arduino
associated threats as well as to control the impact of those microcontroller. The Global System for Mobile
threats. This paper presents an adaptive location privacy- communications (GSM) is inserted to a subscriber
preserving system (ALPS) that allows for a user to identity module card which is connected to the power
control the level of privacy disclosure with different supply. Using the commands dumped into the
quality of location-based service (LBS). We have microcontroller, it takes the latitude and longitude values
identified key attack models on location tracking using of the current position from the global positioning system
powerful map- matching algorithms, and then defined a and passes it on to the global system for mobile
scheme that allows a user to control the privacy of communications. The global system for mobile
tracking Information. We have implemented ALPS on communications will be connected to the server by
Android OS and evaluated the implementation general packet radio service. Thus, the values get stored
extensively via trace-based simulation, showing the in the database on the server. Then, the location is
effectiveness of user-controllable privacy preservation. fetched from the stored database on the server. This
[1] location is transferred as a Google Map which is visible
2) RobiGrgurina et al. learned a student project developing to the user. The position of the bus is refreshed every
a simple application for Android mobile phone. The thirty seconds and stored on the server database. [4]
focus of this work was on the processes and development 5) The authors Komal Satish Agarwal et al proposed RFID
environment that was based on open source software and Based Intelligent Bus Management and Monitoring
we used within the project. Before this project we have System. They concluded that by implementing this
never developed mobile programming. In the beginning system various problems like underutilization of bus
of the project we didn’t know what kind of application fleet and long waiting time at the bus stops will be

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College Bus Management System
(IJSRD/Vol. 11/Issue 3/2023/029)

reduced. It can improve the quality of the public objective of this proposed system is to develop an application
transportation service effectively [5]. which will help to provide security for college and school
6) The authors M.A.HANNAN et al, proposed the going children’s. This allows parents and management to
Intelligent Bus Monitoring and Management System. check the status of secure smart college and school bus by
The experimental results show that the system is using Iota. The proposed system will provide various
intelligent enough and able to provide important facilities like speed control, che, missing children’s, accident
information to the authorities for monitoring and emergencies, inappropriate drop, panic button, logistic
management of the bus system [6]. management etc. which are helpful for child security. The
7) The authors Anuradha Vishwakarma et al, proposed GPS objective of this work is to implement a college bus
and RFID Based Intelligent Bus Tracking and management system based on current challenges and
Management System. In their proposed model they have problems that is determining the person who is getting into
developed AISFBRM- the autonomous informative the bus, the time of getting into the bus and the place where
services for bus route map that is flexible, affordable, he is getting into the bus provided for college bus
customizable and accurate [7]. management system.
8) The authors Shital M.Dharrao et al, recommended the
Intelligent Bus stand Monitoring and Control Using V. SCOPE
Combination of GSM, GPS & IR Sensors. The proposed The aim of the project is to build a simple, effective Web &
system provides real time information to monitor bus Android Based college bus management System. The scope
stand activity done by bus stand management as well as of the project is the system on which the software is installed,
prospective passenger. Proposed system is more efficient i.e. the project is developed as a desktop application, and it
and cost effective, it is possible to implement will work for a particular institute. But later on the project can
commercially [8]. be modified to operate it online. The purpose of developing
9) The authors Sunil Praneel et al, proposed Wireless Attendance System app is to computerized the tradition way
Sensor Enabled Public Transportation System. The of getting bus information. Any colleges/schools/travelling
research focuses on the actual RFID hardware agencies can make use of this application providing
implementation such as the passive tags and the reader information about the live location of the vehicles. This
that is used to track the University Bus as it moves from system would provide basic set of features such as adding or
one station to another station [9]. updating routes and locations in the database. It also greatly
10) The authors Ben Ammar Hatem et al, suggested the Bus reduces the amount of paper resources needed. This is an
Management System Using RFID in WSN. In their android mobile app. It’s built to be used for school/college
proposed model, they concluded that it is expected that faculty so that they may take bus details on their phones
integration of RFID and WSN will provide new
opportunities for applications related to the identification
of object over a large area. Possible applications are
parking solution, agriculture [10]. Nowadays there is no limit to the kind of crimes committed
in the world. Many of these include abducting school
III. PROBLEM STATEMENT: children. Many school children’s lives were at risk because
of the lack of proper safety. To ensure the safety of each and
To make an efficient use of Web & Android Technology. every child we need to improve the safety measures around
Provide solution with least hardware requirement. “Web & them. One of such a safety measure could be bus surveillance.
Android Based Attendance System” is software developed Everywhere around the world, children’s safety has become
for maintaining the college bus management system. a major priority for both the parents and also the college
Nowadays, many colleges are still using the traditional way administration. Every parent thinks about the safety of his/her
of using paper and files to keep record of the bus route and kid. Then why not think about the safe transportation facility
schedule as well as provides information through notices that could be provided by the schools? The major concerns of
which is not effective. So, there is need of a systematic way both the parents and the administration are about the route
of keeping records as well as providing information as per the that the buses take, student’s attendance on the bus, and also
need. Also Students even don’t know about the proper timing the speed that the bus travels with. Another concern that the
of the bus. Some students wait for the bus being unaware of school administration might face is the usage of fuel by the
that the bus had already been missed and they are late for the driver. The proposed system improves the safety of the
class. Therefore, the smart system is necessary which children along with giving the parents and the administration
provides real time information of bus to remote user. So we of peace of mind. With this project, we tend to give every
proposed a new system which overcome the drawback of child that security and peace of mind to every parent. It is
college transportation system. executed to give a real-time location along with an emergency
alert text message in any immediate circumstance caused.
IV. MOTIVATION Through this framework we can get real-time monitoring of
In most educational institutions the Bus Management System the college bus along with a route planning. Provide a simpler
is taken manually. It is not only time consuming, but it is also method to store and access information related to buses and
unsecure and unreliable and it can be lost. All Details will be students. Provide a simple interface which will be easily used
available soon via software. Students will get to know about without much training. Reduce paperwork and make all
the buses location. Students can pay the fair via aphtha related information accessible easily.

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College Bus Management System
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A. Objectives: maintained separately. Provide a simpler method to store and

The objectives are as follows: access information related to buses and students. Provide a
1) Time saving activity. simple interface which will be easily used without much
2) Easy to manage historical data in database. training. Reduce paperwork and make all related information
3) Eliminate paperwork and save time. accessible easily.
4) To Increase security.
5) To make the college transportation system more IX. PROPOSED SYSTEM
efficient. We tried to implement a system which overcomes the
6) To eliminate paper work and increase the level of limitations of the existing approach. The Bus Management
accuracy. System is a desktop system aimed at students, college
7) To increase speed of service with the use of technology. administration to maintain bus facility. The system takes
8) Administrator can track the activity of the college bus by student information as input source and attempts to maintain
sitting at any location using internet. the bus services. It allows flexibility during these processes.
9) Administrator can modify the bus schedule that is stored The system generates exhaustive reports related to the Bus
in the database. Management i.e. Fees paid, dues, rout no. & bus stop. The
10) Students can know the current location of the college bus reports highlight various bus services and features of the bus,
online. which can be subjected to improvements especially for the
11) Provides the list of the schedule of the bus stops with its college administration to improve bus transport system. The
time on the user’s phone. system requires comparatively small amount of resources
12) Keeps the individual record of buses with their history of such as memory, input/output devices and disk space. We are
movement activity. expecting to find the location of the bus and let the users know
13) Provides the information of the bus regarding bus no, the location.so that one can manage their time efficiently and
driver name, driver contact, etc. reach their stop just before the bus arrives or take an alternate
means of transport if they miss the bus or they are running
This Web & Android Based College bus management System
can be implemented in colleges. The system is divided into X. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
following modules:
1) Admin (Web):
 Login
 Add Bus.
 View Bus.
 Delete Bus.
 Approve Students.
 Add Students.
 View Students.
 Delete Students.
 View Pending fees students.
 Update Fees.
 View all complaints.
2) Teacher (Android):
 Registration
The system architecture diagram shows that when
 Login.
the user opens the application, they will need to log in or
 Mark present on particular stop. register if they do not have an account. Once they
 View current bus location successfully log in, they will see the home page which will
 View bus details, drivers details, timetable of bus. display their current location on a map as well as the current
 Add complaints. location of their assigned bus. The current location of their
 Show QR code. assigned bus will be obtained by getting the longitude and
3) Driver (Android): latitude values of the bus from the database with is updated
 Login. from the global positioning system and the location of the bus
 View bus stop. is displayed on the user’s map. The driver’s details such as
 View present student on stop. their name and number will also be retrieved and displayed to
 Scan QR Code(view Summery/Students details) the user, in case they need to contact the driver. Once the
location is displayed on the map, the estimated time for the
VIII. EXISTING SYSTEM bus to reach the user’s location will also be displayed. This
will record the time it took the bus previously to reach the
In the Existing system Colleges have to manually maintain
user’s stop from its current location. The user can also set an
information regarding College busses and routes. Information
alarm if they want to be notified when the bus is at a specific
relating to student details and bus passes have to be

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College Bus Management System
(IJSRD/Vol. 11/Issue 3/2023/029)

stop or a certain amount of time before the bus reaches their university and does not get delayed trying to find a bus or
stop. wondering if they missed their bus. It is useful to first-year
students who might not know the bus might arrive that their
XI. SYSTEM NECESSITY stop and lets them know if they have missed their bus in
which case they can find other buses that might pass by their
A. Hardware: stop. This system only gives the latitude and longitude of the
 Processor: i3 place, in future we are trying to implement the system which
 Hard Disk: 5 GB gives the name of the place.
 Memory –1 GB RAM
 Smartphone REFERENCE
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