RT60 Mobile Crane
RT60 Mobile Crane
RT60 Mobile Crane
Mobile crane
Note: It is recommended that you read the Supporting Information page before you read this factsheet.
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undertaken with caution as slewing too fast can cause the jib or boom, again, to be subjected to additional side
stress. This could also cause the load to overshoot the landing place and strike a structure or object.
• Pre-use checks or reconfiguring requires, in most cases, access to many parts of the crane that in some cases
requires working at height. Where a portable ladder is being used to access part of the crane, amongst other
requirements, it should be secured and there should be at least three rungs or a minimum of 1 metre beyond the
landing level. Where temporary or inbuilt access ladders are being used, there should be sufficient foot penetration
on each rung – that is, the centre of the foot can reach the rung, providing sufficient foot grip and minimising any
• Due to the various factors mentioned, mobile cranes have become unstable and overturned, with the usual costly
consequences. Effective planning of the ground conditions, working area and other environmental factors must be
taken into account before setting up.
• Ground conditions naturally play an important part for stability and a suitable and competent person should ensure
the ground can support the bearing pressure applied through each outrigger for all expected loads and
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• Ground conditions are crucial for maintaining stability of a mobile crane during operations. The lifting team,
including the operator, need to take into account changes to the ground, such as heavy rain which can weaken the
ground and cause instability.
• Ground conditions must be checked by a competent person not only for static lifting duties but also when a load
needs to be travelled (pick and carry duties). The sinking of one or more of the outriggers has caused cranes to
exceed maximum radius and an overturn can or has occurred.
• When a crane is being moved from one lifting location to another within the same site, it is normal to only partially
de-rig the crane. This has meant that, in certain instances, the upper structure has rotated during travel as it was not
correctly locked or braked to the chassis, with the result that the crane has tipped up or tipped onto its side.
• Working near to the edge of a bank or trench has caused accidents. A minimum distance needs to be kept from the
edge as the ground is liable to give way and collapse. Guidance indicates that the horizontal distance that an
outrigger of a crane must be kept from the edge of an unsupported vertically walled trench is twice the height of the
• If the trench has a sloped edge, the horizontal distance from the foot to the top of the slope is added to the
horizontal distance from the top edge of the trench to the crane. The diagram below indicates the minimum
distance required.
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Sample questions
The following questions are based on the text within this factsheet and indicate how the questions and answers are
structured. Based on the factsheet, there is only one correct answer. The correct answer to each question is indicated
at the end of this factsheet.
Q1. How can excessive rain affect the stability of a mobile crane?
Q2. If the travelling height of the crane is above 3 metres, which of the following is a
requirement under the Road Traffic Act?
B The correct maximum height of the crane must be displayed in the cab
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Study checklist
This checklist aims to act as a study aid to ensure that the reader has identified and understood the relevant parts of this
Do you know?
1. What the purpose of a thorough examination is and who or what decides
when it should be undertaken.
2. What should be contained within a lift plan.
3. Why the lift plan information must be disseminated to the lifting team.
4. The procedures that should be followed if several cranes are working within
the same area.
5. Who needs to ensure that the crane travel route on site to the working area is
6. When does the rated capacity of the crane apply.
7. Why the hook of the crane must be located directly above the load’s centre of
8. Under what conditions can the lifting of people take place.
9. What the conditions are if a suspended loads has to moved over other
workers or the public.
10. Why minimum distances are specified when working near to overhead power
11. How high winds speeds can affect the lifting operation.
12. The effects on the crane if it is not level when carrying out lifting operations.
13. What can happen if a load is slewed too fast.
14. How the operator is affected by working at height requirements.
15. How ground conditions can have an effect on the stability of the crane.
16. What the recommended minimum distances are when working near to an
edge or excavation.
17. What the requirements are to avoid bridge strikes.
18. How driving on temporary roads can affect crane stability.