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FSL Long Range Plans

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Core F.S.L.

Class Program Outline/Long-Range Plans

Danforth Gardens P.S.
Grade Class

Mlle Mitreska/Mme Kronick

4A Mr. Saouda

4B Mr. Sedore

5A/5B Mr. Thomas/Mrs. Khidaroo

6B/6A Ms. Bush/Mr. Malisani

7/8B/7/8A Ms. Rose/Mr. Matthews

8C Mrs. Valentine

Elementary Core French Long Range Plans

Grade 4
Theme Action-oriented Authentic Learning Big Idea -
and Task Situation Goal(s) Curriculum
timeline Expectations
[ALL units
incorporate ALL
expectations of
the new French

All About The secretary calls the class Speaking with the I am learning to give - talk about familiar
Me because she doesn’t have your secretary to give my name, age, topics, using very
registration form. You must her your personal telephone number simple phrases and
speak with the secretary and information and where I live and sentences
(Sep- give her all of your personal because she ask other people the - basic vocabulary
Oct ) information, such as your doesn’t have it. same information. - new words from
address, phone number, age units of study
and birthday. - pronoun subjects
- use of lower-case
letters for the days
of the week and the
months of the year

Body Parts -Present the monster they have Speaking with I can ask and answer - talk about familiar
(October created by rolling a die and someone and simple questions and topics, using very
and adding X amount of arms, X being able to give short basic simple phrases and
December) amount of legs, etc based on speak about their descriptions of body sentences
what the die reads body parts and parts - basic vocabulary
describe a pain if I can use vocabulary - talk about body
one exists and learned to interact parts and where a
where when discussing pain may exist
topics that are - new words from
important to me and units of study
that pertain to my - prepositions to
day-to-day life. indicate possession
- agreement of
definite and
indefinite articles
with nouns

My Class « Ma classe et moi » Meet a new friend I can state my likes - talk about familiar
and me Interview one or two of your at school and and dislikes and I can topics, using very
(October – peers to learn about their age, learn some give my name and simple phrases and
February) favourite subject, preferred personal age. sentences
colour, name and different information. - basic vocabulary
ways they say “hello”. - new words from
units of study
- questions with
rising intonation and
with est-ce que
- question words

Food Learn about different food and Able to order food I can ask and answer - talk about familiar
(Feb-May) the different foods that people in a restaurant simple questions topics, using very
eat all over the world. and/or take about my food order simple phrases and
someone’s order and my food sentences
in a restaurant. preferences. - basic vocabulary
- new words from
units of study
- words and
expressions used to
identify nouns

Nature Learn the different animals and Able to describe I can ask and answer - talk about familiar
(May-June) geographic characteristics to what is found on a simple questions and topics, using very
describe and create your own tropical island. give short basic simple phrases and
island. Use directional descriptions of sentences
words to be animals, geographic - basic vocabulary
precise about characteristics and - new words from
location. location (N, S, E, W). units of study
I can use vocabulary - verbs to indicate
learned to interact singular and plural
when discussing - agreement of
topics that are definite and
important to me and indefinite articles
that pertain to my with nouns
day-to-day life.

Animals « Les animaux et nous » Giving your I am learning to give - talk about familiar
(If there You lost your pet. Call the personal my name, address topics, using very
is time) police and give them a information and and phone number simple phrases and
description of your lost pet. describing your and ask and answer sentences
Respond to the questions from lost pet to the simple questions. - basic vocabulary
the police and don’t forget to police. - new words from
give the police your name, units of study
phone number and address in - word banks of
case they find your lost pet. identical cognates
- agreement of
definite and
indefinite articles
with nouns
- question words
Festivals « Allons au festival ! » Convincing your I can state my likes - talk about familiar
(if there is You have invited your best best friend to go and dislikes and give topics, using very
time) friend to your favourite your favourite short basic simple phrases and
festival. However, he/she festival. descriptions of sentences
wants to go to his/her favourite events. - basic vocabulary
festival. Try to convince - new words from
him/her why your festival is the units of study
better choice. - present tense of
être, avoir and some
regular –er verbs
with a singular
pronoun or noun

Elementary Core French Long Range Plans

Grade 5
Theme Action-oriented Authentic Learning Big Idea -
Task Situation Goal(s) Curriculum
[ALL units
expectations of
the new French

Review Go through questions and Review About me and

Slideshow answers about previously -colours, my summer
unit covered content and what likes/dislikes,
(September they did over the summer school supplies,
untill they are feelings, school
ready) subjects,
numbers, family,
school rooms,

All About Me The secretary calls the class Speaking with the I am learning to give - talk about familiar
because she doesn’t have your secretary to give my name, age, topics, using very
registration form. You must her your personal telephone number simple phrases
(Sep- speak with the secretary and information and where I live and and sentences
Oct ) give her all of your personal because she ask other people the - basic vocabulary
information, such as your doesn’t have it. same information. - new words from
address, phone number, age units of study
and birthday. - pronoun subjects
- use of lower-case
letters for the days
of the week and
the months of the

Body Parts -Present the robot they have Speaking with I can ask and - talk about familiar
(October and designed and built someone and answer simple topics, using very
December) being able to speak questions and give simple phrases
themselves and short basic and sentences
others body parts descriptions of body - basic vocabulary
and being polite. parts and manners - talk about body
I can use vocabulary parts and where a
learned to interact pain may exist
when discussing - new words from
topics that are units of study
important to me and - prepositions to
that pertain to my indicate
day-to-day life. possession
- agreement of
definite and
indefinite articles
with nouns

Segue into « Ma classe et moi » Meet a new friend I can state my likes - talk about familiar
My Class Interview one or two of your at school and learn and dislikes and I topics, using very
and me peers to learn about their age, some personal can give my name simple phrases
(October – favourite subject, preferred information. and age. and sentences
colour, name and different - basic vocabulary
February) ways they say “hello”. - new words from
units of study
- questions with
rising intonation
and with est-ce
- question words

Healthy Learn about different food Able to order I can ask and - talk about familiar
living and groups and how to make healthy food in a answer simple topics, using very
budgeting healthy choices on a budget restaurant and questions about my simple phrases
(Feb-May) count your money food order and my and sentences
food preferences. - basic vocabulary
- new words from
units of study
- words and
expressions used
to identify nouns

Cultural « Le Canada, c’est Describing cultural I can give short - listen to and talk
Traditions multiculturel ! » traditions. basic descriptions of about short, simple
(May-June) You and your friend start events and personal oral texts dealing
talking about your cultural experiences. with familiar topics
traditions. After your - new words from
discussions, you both decide to units under study
throw a party for your class that - basic vocabulary
incorporates the best of both - direct infinitive to
cultures. There are 30 people show preferences
in the class, you are only able - agreement, in
to spend $100 and the party gender and
will last for 2 hours. number, of regular
adjectives with
- question words

Animals You really want to have your Discussing why I can state a list of - listen to and talk
slideshow own pet. Talk with the owner you should adopt a items and ask and about short, simple
(June ) of the pet store about the pet. answer simple oral texts dealing
characteristics of ideal pets to questions. with familiar topics
adopt. Select and describe - new words from
three of these pets to your units under study
parents and discuss why you - basic vocabulary
would be the best person to - direct infinitive to
adopt and have your own pet. show preferences
- agreement, in
gender and
number, of regular
adjectives with

You & Me « La grande aventure de Interviewing a I can ask and - listen to and talk
(if there is Samuel » student in the class answer simple about short, simple
time) You have been selected to to make personal questions and oral texts dealing
appear on YTV as an comparisons. describe myself and with familiar topics
interviewer or interviewee. As my interests in a - new words from
the interviewer, ask about simple way. units under study
his/her preferences, birthday, - basic vocabulary
family origins, etc., making - direct infinitive to
contrasts and comparisons to show preferences
yourself along the way. Make - pronoun subjects
your interview very appealing - agreement, in
to the viewers! gender and
number, of regular
adjectives with
- negative ne ...
pas in a simple
sentence and
contracted if

Pastimes « Ah oui ! J’aime ça ! » Describing I can state my likes - listen to and talk
and You and two friends are personal pastimes and dislikes and about short, simple
Preferences spending the weekend together and preferences. give short basic oral texts dealing
(if there is at the cottage. Your parents descriptions of with familiar topics
have only given the two of you events. - new words from
time) one small duffle bag for units under study
pastime activities. Decide and - basic vocabulary
make detailed plans about - direct infinitive to
what you will do given your show preferences
varied interests.

Family « Ma famille et moi » Providing a I can briefly describe - listen to and talk
(if there is Your cousin is lost at the detailed description the members of my about short, simple
time) mall. The P.A. system is of a family family and ask and oral texts dealing
broken. Respond to the mall member. answer simple with familiar topics
cop’s questions and provide a questions. - new words from
good description of him/her and units under study
his/her interests. He/she will - basic vocabulary
draw a portrait of your cousin - agreement, in
based on your detailed gender and
description. number, of regular
adjectives with
- question words

Animals « Les animaux : mythes et Justifying opinions I can state my likes - listen to and talk
(if there is réalités » about animals. and dislikes and about short, simple
time) Your class is on a field trip at give short, basic oral texts dealing
the Toronto Zoo. While descriptions. with familiar topics
showing your class the - new words from
animals, a zookeeper units under study
expressed some opinions - basic vocabulary
about the animals at the - agreement, in
zoo. You don’t agree with gender and
everything. You get into a number, of regular
heated discussion with the adjectives with
zookeeper, as the two of you nouns
justify your own opinions.

Elementary Core French Long Range Plans

Grade 6
Theme Action-oriented Authentic Learning Big Idea -
Task Situation Goal(s) Curriculum
[ALL units
incorporate ALL
expectations of
the new French

Review Go through slideshow Review About me and

Slideshow unit with questions and -colours, my summer
(September until answers about likes/dislikes,
I feel they are previously covered school supplies,
ready) content and what they feelings, school
did over the summer subjects,
numbers, family,
school rooms,
All About Me The secretary calls the class Speaking with the I am learning to - talk about familiar
because she doesn’t have secretary to give give my name, age, topics, using very
your registration form. You her your personal telephone number simple phrases and
(Sep- must speak with the secretary information and where I live sentences
Oct ) and give her all of your because she and ask other - basic vocabulary
personal information, such as doesn’t have it. people the same - new words from
your address, phone number, information. units of study
age and birthday. - pronoun subjects
- use of lower-case
letters for the days
of the week and
the months of the

Remembrance Interview with a veteran We are hosting a I can ask and - talk about familiar
Day war veteran and answer simple topics, using very
(October and we want to questions and give simple phrases and
December) prepare ourselves short basic sentences
and ask questions descriptions of - basic vocabulary
and understand events. - talk about likes
answers about I can use and dislikes
the war. vocabulary learned - describe
to interact when remembrance day
discussing topics traditions
that are important. - look at how those
holidays are
celebrated in
French speaking
- new words from
units of study
- prepositions to
- agreement of
definite and
indefinite articles
with nouns

School Rooms « Suivez-moi ! » Helping a new I can ask and - talk about familiar
(October- A new student has arrived in student find answer simple topics, using very
December) your class. He/She has his/her way questions and ask simple phrases and
questions about where around the for and give simple sentences
various rooms are located in school. directions. - basic vocabulary
the school, such as the - new words from
washrooms, office, library, units of study
etc. Respond to his/her - words and
questions and give them expressions used
directions on how to find the to identify nouns
rooms that meet his/her - prepositions of
needs. place

Cultural « Allons au festival ! » Convincing your I can state my likes - talk about familiar
Festival You have invited your best best friend to go and dislikes and topics, using very
(Jan- Mar) friend to your favourite your favourite give short basic simple phrases and
festival. However, he/she festival. descriptions of sentences
wants to go to a French events. I can speak - basic vocabulary
festival. Try to convince about French - new words from
him/her why your festival is cultural festivals. units of study
the better choice. - present tense of
être, avoir and
some regular –er
verbs with a
singular pronoun or
noun subject

Environmental Plan your own ecological Convincing the I can state the - talk about familiar
studies initiative to run at your school. school that it is importance of the topics, using very
(Mar-Apr) good to be eco- environment and simple phrases and
friendly how we can sentences
respect it. - basic vocabulary
- new words from
units of study
- present and
future tense of être,
avoir and some
regular –er verbs
with a singular
pronoun or noun

Importance of Understand why people need Present at our I can explain why - talk about familiar
money and money and how having a job class TED talk to money is important topics, using very
how to acquire helps convince and my plan to simple phrases and
it classmates that acquire money sentences
your method is - basic vocabulary
(May-Jun) the best way to - new words from
make money and units of study
be successful - present and
future tense of être,
avoir and some
regular –er verbs
with a singular
pronoun or noun

Animals You really want to have your Discussing why I can state a list of - listen to and talk
slideshow own pet. Talk with the owner you should adopt items and ask and about short, simple
(June ) of the pet store about the a pet. answer simple oral texts dealing
characteristics of ideal pets to questions. with familiar topics
adopt. Select and describe - new words from
three of these pets to your units under study
parents and discuss why you - basic vocabulary
would be the best person to - direct infinitive to
adopt and have your own pet. show preferences
- agreement, in
gender and
number, of regular
adjectives with

You & Me « La grande aventure de Interviewing a I can ask and - listen to and talk
(if there is time) Samuel » student in the answer simple about short, simple
You have been selected to class to make questions and oral texts dealing
appear on YTV as an personal describe myself with familiar topics
interviewer or interviewee. As comparisons. and my interests in - new words from
the interviewer, ask about a simple way. units under study
his/her preferences, birthday, - basic vocabulary
family origins, etc., making - direct infinitive to
contrasts and comparisons to show preferences
yourself along the way. Make - pronoun subjects
your interview very appealing - agreement, in
to the viewers! gender and
number, of regular
adjectives with
- negative ne ...
pas in a simple
sentence and
contracted if

Pastimes and « Ah oui ! J’aime ça ! » Describing I can state my likes - listen to and talk
Preferences You and two friends are personal and dislikes and about short, simple
(if there is time) spending the weekend pastimes and give short basic oral texts dealing
together at the cottage. Your preferences. descriptions of with familiar topics
parents have only given the events. - new words from
two of you one small duffle units under study
bag for pastime - basic vocabulary
activities. Decide and make - direct infinitive to
detailed plans about what you show preferences
will do given your varied

Family « Ma famille et moi » Providing a I can briefly - listen to and talk

(if there is time) Your cousin is lost at the detailed describe the about short, simple
mall. The P.A. system is description of a members of my oral texts dealing
broken. Respond to the mall family member. family and ask and with familiar topics
cop’s questions and provide a answer simple - new words from
good description of him/her questions. units under study
and his/her interests. He/she - basic vocabulary
will draw a portrait of your - agreement, in
cousin based on your detailed gender and
description. number, of regular
adjectives with
- question words

Animals « Les animaux : mythes et Justifying I can state my likes - listen to and talk
(if there is time) réalités » opinions about and dislikes and about short, simple
Your class is on a field trip at animals. give short, basic oral texts dealing
the Toronto Zoo. While descriptions. with familiar topics
showing your class the - new words from
animals, a zookeeper units under study
expressed some opinions - basic vocabulary
about the animals at the - agreement, in
zoo. You don’t agree with gender and
everything. You get into a number, of regular
heated discussion with the adjectives with
zookeeper, as the two of you nouns
justify your own opinions.

Cultural « Le Canada, c’est Describing I can give short - listen to and talk
Traditions multiculturel ! » cultural traditions. basic descriptions about short, simple
(if there is time) You and your friend start of events and oral texts dealing
talking about your cultural personal with familiar topics
traditions. After your experiences. - new words from
discussions, you both decide units under study
to throw a party for your class - basic vocabulary
that incorporates the best of - direct infinitive to
both cultures. There are 30 show preferences
people in the class, you are - agreement, in
only able to spend $100 and gender and
the party will last for 2 hours. number, of regular
adjectives with
- question words

Elementary Core French Long Range Plans

Grade 7/8
Theme Action-oriented Authentic Big Idea -
Task Situation Curriculum
[ALL units
incorporate ALL
expectations of
the new French

Review Go through slideshow with About me and my

(September questions and answers about summer
until they are previously covered content and
ready) what they did over the summer

All About Me Speaking with the secretary to give her The secretary calls the class - talk about familiar
(Sep-Oct) your personal information because she because she doesn’t have topics, using very
doesn’t have it your registration form. You simple phrases and
must speak with the sentences
secretary and give her all of - basic vocabulary
your personal information, - new words from
such as your address, phone units of study
number, age and birthday. - pronoun subjects
- use of lower-case
letters for the days of
the week and the
months of the year

Remembrance Interview with a veteran We are hosting a war - talk about familiar
Day (Oct-Nov) veteran and need to be able topics, using very
to ask questions and simple phrases and
understand answers. sentences
- basic vocabulary
- talk about likes and
- describe
remembrance day
- look at how those
holidays are
celebrated in French
speaking regions
- new words from
units of study
- prepositions to
indicate possession
- agreement of
definite and indefinite
articles with nouns
Cultural « Allons au festival ! » Convincing your best friend - talk about familiar
Festivals (Nov- You have invited your best friend to to go your favorite festival. topics, using very
Jan) your favorite festival. However, he/she simple phrases and
wants to go to his/her French sentences
festival. Try to convince him/her why - basic vocabulary
your festival is the better choice. - new words from
units of study
- present tense of
être, avoir and some
regular –er verbs with
a singular pronoun or
noun subject

Allez Roulez! You have been awarded the chance to You will present your dream - listen to and talk
(Jan-Mar) design your own mode of transportation vehicle to the sponsors. about short, simple
(car, truck, scooter, etc) oral texts dealing with
familiar topics
- new words from
units under study
- basic vocabulary
- direct infinitive to
show preferences
- pronoun subjects
- agreement, in
gender and number,
of regular adjectives
with nouns
- negative ne ... pas
in a simple sentence
and contracted if

Cultural « Le Canada, c’est multiculturel ! » - listen to and talk

Traditions You and your friend start talking about I can give short basic about short, simple
(Mar-June) your cultural traditions. After your descriptions of events and oral texts dealing with
discussions, you both decide to throw a personal experiences. familiar topics
party for your class that incorporates - new words from
the best of both cultures. There are 30 units under study
people in the class, you are only able to - basic vocabulary
spend $100 and the party will last for 2 - direct infinitive to
hours. show preferences
- pronoun subjects
- agreement, in
gender and number,
of regular adjectives
with nouns
- negative ne ... pas
in a simple sentence
and contracted if

Adopt a pet (if You really want to have your own Discussing why you should - listen to and talk
there is time) pet. Talk with the owner of the pet adopt a pet. about short, simple
store about the characteristics of ideal oral texts dealing with
pets to adopt. Select and describe familiar topics
three of these pets to your parents and - new words from
discuss why you would be the best units under study
person to adopt and have your own pet. - basic vocabulary
- direct infinitive to
show preferences
- agreement, in
gender and number,
of regular adjectives
with nouns

Preferences and « Ah oui ! J’aime ça ! » Describing personal - listen to and talk

pasttimes (if You and two friends are spending the pastimes and preferences. about short, simple
there is time) weekend together at the cottage. Your oral texts dealing with
parents have only given the two of you familiar topics
one small duffle bag for pastime - new words from
activities. Decide and make detailed units under study
plans about what you will do given your - basic vocabulary
varied interests. - direct infinitive to
show preferences

Family « Ma famille et moi » I can briefly describe the

(if there is time) Your cousin is lost at the mall. The P.A. members of my family and
system is broken. Respond to the mall ask and answer simple
cop’s questions and provide a good questions.
description of him/her and his/her
interests. He/she will draw a portrait of
your cousin based on your detailed

Animals « Les animaux : mythes et réalités » I can state my likes and

(if there is time) Your class is on a field trip at the dislikes and give short, basic
Toronto Zoo. While showing your class descriptions.
the animals, a zookeeper expressed
some opinions about the animals at the
zoo. You don’t agree with
everything. You get into a heated
discussion with the zookeeper, as the
two of you justify your own opinions.

Elementary Core French Long Range Plans

Grade 8
Theme Action-oriented Authentic Learning Big Idea -
Task Situation Goal(s) Curriculum
[ALL units
expectations of
the new French

Review Go through slideshow About me and Review

(September with questions and my summer (September
until they are answers about until they are
ready) previously covered ready)
content and what they
did over the summer

All About Me Speaking with the secretary to The secretary calls I can talk about talk about familiar
(Sep-Oct) give her your personal the class because she myself and give topics, using very
information because she doesn’t have your pertinent simple phrases
doesn’t have it registration form. You information about and sentences
must speak with the my address, - basic vocabulary
secretary and give her phone number, - new words from
all of your personal etc. units of study
information, such as - pronoun subjects
your address, phone - use of lower-case
number, age and letters for the days
birthday. of the week and
the months of the

Remembrance Interview with a veteran We are hosting a war - talk about familiar
Day (Oct-Nov) veteran and need to I can ask simple topics, using very
be able to ask questions about simple phrases
questions and remembrance and sentences
understand answers. day and - basic vocabulary
understand - talk about likes
answers. and dislikes
- describe
remembrance day
- look at how those
holidays are
celebrated in
French speaking
- new words from
units of study
- prepositions to
- agreement of
definite and
indefinite articles
with nouns

Cultural « Allons au festival ! » Convincing your best I can use - talk about familiar
Festivals (Nov- You have invited your best friend to go your vocabulary to do topics, using very
Jan) friend to your favorite favorite festival. with money and simple phrases
festival. However, he/she culture to plan and sentences
wants to go to his/her French and convince - basic vocabulary
festival. Try to convince someone my - new words from
him/her why your festival is festival is the units of study
the better choice. best. - present tense of
être, avoir and
some regular –er
verbs with a
singular pronoun
or noun subject

Sustainable You have been hired to You will present your I can talk about - listen to and talk
building design a sustainable building building and convince sustainability and about short, simple
(Jan-Mar) in the community the sponsors your its importance oral texts dealing
building meets all their with familiar topics
requirements - new words from
units under study
- basic vocabulary
- direct infinitive to
show preferences
- pronoun subjects
- agreement, in
gender and
number, of regular
adjectives with
- negative ne ...
pas in a simple
sentence and
contracted if

Cultural « Le Canada, c’est Plan a party that is - listen to and talk

Traditions multiculturel ! » inclusive of your I can give short about short, simple
(Mar-June) You and your friend start classmates’ cultures. basic descriptions oral texts dealing
talking about your cultural of events and with familiar topics
traditions. After your personal - new words from
discussions, you both decide experiences. units under study
to throw a party for your class - basic vocabulary
that incorporates the best of - direct infinitive to
both cultures. There are 30 show preferences
people in the class, you are - pronoun subjects
only able to spend $100 and - agreement, in
the party will last for 2 hours. gender and
number, of regular
adjectives with
- negative ne ...
pas in a simple
sentence and
contracted if

Ontario Core FSL Curriculum Expectations – Grade 4

Listening - determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using a range of
listening strategies; and interpret messages accurately while interacting in French for a
variety of purposes and with diverse audiences
Speaking - communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of
speaking strategies and age- and grade-appropriate language suited to the purpose and
audience; and participate in spoken interactions in French for a variety of purposes and
with diverse audiences
Reading -determine meaning in a variety of French texts, using a range of reading
comprehension strategies; and identify the purpose(s) and characteristics of a variety of
adapted and authentic text forms, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media
Writing -write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using
a variety of forms; write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using a
variety of forms
Intercultural Understanding - in each of the above 4 strands students will
demonstrate an understanding of information in French texts about aspects of culture in
diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of
French sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations and communities

Ontario Core FSL Curriculum Expectations – Grade 5

Listening - determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using a range of
listening strategies; and interpret messages accurately while interacting in French for a
variety of purposes and with diverse audiences
Speaking - communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of
speaking strategies and age- and grade-appropriate language suited to the purpose and
audience; and participate in spoken interactions in French for a variety of purposes and
with diverse audiences
Reading -determine meaning in a variety of French texts, using a range of reading
comprehension strategies; and identify the purpose(s) and characteristics of a variety of
adapted and authentic text forms, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media
Writing -write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using
a variety of forms; write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using a
variety of forms
Intercultural Understanding - in each of the above 4 strands students will
demonstrate an understanding of information in French texts about aspects of culture in
diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of
French sociolinguistic conventions used in a variety of situations and communities

Ontario Core FSL Curriculum Expectations – Grade 6

Listening - determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using a range of
listening strategies; and interpret messages accurately while interacting in French for a
variety of purposes and with diverse audiences
Speaking - communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of
speaking strategies and age- and grade-appropriate language suited to the purpose and
audience; and participate in spoken interactions in French for a variety of purposes and
with diverse audiences
Reading -determine meaning in a variety of French texts, using a range of reading
comprehension strategies; and identify the purpose(s) and characteristics of a variety of
adapted and authentic text forms, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media
Writing -write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using
a variety of forms; write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using a
variety of forms
Intercultural Understanding - in each of the above 4 strands students will demonstrate
aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities in eastern, western, and
northern Canada, and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic conventions in a
variety of situations, when listening, through spoken communications, in reading,
and in their written work

Ontario Core FSL Curriculum Expectations – Grade 7

Listening - determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using a range of
listening strategies; and interpret oral messages accurately while interacting in French
for a variety of purposes and with diverse audiences
Speaking - communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of
speaking strategies and age- and grade-appropriate language suited to the purpose and
audience; and participate in spoken interactions in French for a variety of purposes and
with diverse audiences
Reading -determine meaning in a variety of French texts, using a range of reading
comprehension strategies- identify the purpose(s) and characteristics of a variety of
adapted and authentic text forms, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media
Writing - write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using a variety of
forms and knowledge of language structures and conventions appropriate for Grade 7
Intercultural Understanding - in each of the above 4 strands students will demonstrate
aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities in the Americas (excluding
Canada), and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic conventions in a variety of
situations, when listening, through spoken communications, in reading, and in their
written work

Ontario Core FSL Curriculum Expectations – Grade 8

Listening - determine meaning in a variety of oral French texts, using a range of
listening strategies; and interpret messages accurately while interacting in French for a
variety of purposes and with diverse audiences
Speaking - communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of
speaking strategies and age- and grade-appropriate language suited to the purpose and
audience; and participate in spoken interactions in French for a variety of purposes and
with diverse audiences
Reading - determine meaning in a variety of French texts, using a range of reading
comprehension strategies; and identify the purpose(s) and characteristics of a variety of
adapted and authentic text forms, including fictional, informational, graphic, and media
Writing - write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using a variety of
forms and knowledge of language structures and conventions appropriate for Grade 8
Intercultural Understanding - in each of the above 4 strands students will demonstrate
aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities in Europe and of the
appropriate use of French sociolinguistic conventions in a variety of situations, when
listening, through spoken communications, in reading, and in their written work

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