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Digital Communucation

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White Paper

Digital Document

Drive Cost Reduction and Help Improve

Efficiencies with Electronic Documents
Digital Document Communication

Businesses can save time and the Six Powerful Components in

costs associated with printing, One Package
postage and operational expenses
Digital Document Communication includes six
when you deliver electronic components to help you store and archive important
documents to your customers documents, conduct robust research, communicate
or members, internal staff and with consumers and integrate with existing portals
or intranets.
third parties. Digital Document
Communication from Fiserv Components of Digital Document Communication
provides you the complete
electronic document archival, Delivery Expand digital document delivery to
Distribution mobile, cloud, bill payer and so on
retrieval and multichannel delivery
solutions to bring efficiency to
Restful APIs for delivering
your communications processes. API document search results and PDF
Integrations documents to client portals and other
Digital Document Communication enables you delivery solutions
to deliver electronic documents – statements of
account, bills, explanations of benefits (EOB), tax
Document Consumers alerted when new
documents, trade confirmations, letters, credit card
Alerts by Email documents are loaded into the archive
statements and more – to customers or members,
customer/member support, other internal staff or
interested/authorized third parties. Petabytes of storage supported
Digital Document
with high-speed web or web
Digital Document Communication is a highly secure services access
electronic document delivery and archive solution
designed for customer/member and support staff use.
Consumer Interface for Easily integrated into
The solution seamlessly integrates with any existing
Electronic Documents existing portals or intranet
portal or online system to store and deliver high-volume
documents. It enables distribution of data into multiple
channels based on your customers’ preferences.
CSR/Admin Interface for Rich research capabilities
Research and Reports for back office
Research released by Keypoint Intelligence, in 2023,
reveals that the cost of mailing out a piece is seven
times more expensive than an email with a link. So, Digital Document Communication is a highly secure electronic
document delivery and archive.
migration by companies to paperless adoption can have
a substantial impact on operational costs.

Beyond cost savings, organizations are finding that

electronic document delivery can be a valuable
communication channel for cultivating customer or
member relationships. By coupling Digital Document
Communication with email notification and targeted
messaging, you can add value to transactional
communications, strengthen customer or member
loyalty and increase revenue by generating demand
for other products.
Digital Document Communication

Support for Electronic Reports  S

 elf-serve options – Consumers can turn off paper,
change email address, change password, accept
Efficient information management and distribution terms and conditions, and more
is critical in today’s competitive environment. Most
large enterprises use different approaches for each CSR and Administrative Portal
type of information they work with. Mainframe reports
are summarized and printed. Statements and other The administrative portal in Digital Document
print files are stored or electronically archived in a Communication provides real-time, single sign-on
multitude of ways. access to your staff as well as third parties to whom
you grant access. Through the portal, you can view and
With disparate point solutions, time is wasted and manage consumer preferences, as well as quickly locate
opportunities are lost when staff members lack ready and download files for consumer issue resolution.
access to enterprise documents. They have to switch
between various applications because they don’t have
the ability to see different types of information side by Electronic Document Alerts by Email
side in a single, easy-to-use console.
In a challenging economy, your customers or members are
With electronic reports, Fiserv provides a powerful, looking for more ways to keep costs low. Document alerts
web-based solution that consolidates electronic provide one clear way to reduce operational expenses.
documents from any print file source and provides
uniform, enterprisewide access to information. Digital Document Communication features easy,
step-by-step enrollment with self-service opt in/out
presentation, making enrollment fast and user-friendly,
Consumer Presentment which is critical to results-driven paper suppression
of Documents initiatives.

Digital Document Communication integrates easily With email notification and rules-based marketing
with your online environment, and it enables you to messaging, you can target product and service
customize messages with language and graphics messages to customers or members in more highly
so consumers receive more customized, targeted personalized and cost-efficient ways than other forms of
communications. customer communications.

Digital Document Communication provides:

Digital Archive
 argeted messaging – Personalized experience with
Digital Document Communication enables you to
targeted messaging on email and statements
generate electronic documents for all customers,
 -sign compliance – Consumer-driven preferences using even those who have not yet enrolled. This ensures
self-service tools, e-sign-compliant self-enrollment and customers will have their entire document history
delivery preference management available immediately when they do enroll. And it
enables your customer service representatives to
 ecure delivery – Deliver documents by email to reference digital documents to field questions from
the consumer’s inbox, encrypted with an easy, customers. The solution also provides 18 or more
one‑step password months of online history, which can help you retain
customers and build loyalty.
 bility to save and print digital documents – Enable
consumers to save and print their statement PDFs
from their desktops
Digital Document Communication

Digital Document Communication operates in a Our stringent quality control processes and strictly
best-of-breed, high-availability infrastructure. The web enforced security measures are in place to protect your
hosting environment at Fiserv provides the physical company’s data and reputation. Fiserv provides proven
requirements to keep mission-critical servers secure. document security for our clients in many industries.
Other features include redundant servers and routers with Our levels of certification and compliance include:
application load balancing, extended power backup,
state-of-the-art fire suppression systems, 24/7/365  SSAE 18 SOC II (SAS 70)
security systems, firewall monitoring, video surveillance,
 PCI 3.2.1 Security Certification
and facility-wide motion and breach alarms.
 CyberTrust Perimeter Certification

Why Choose Digital Document Communication?

1. Rely on a Technology Leader
Fiserv was an early innovator in the electronic Digital Document Communication provides complete
presentment industry and built a robust, proprietary digital electronic document archival, retrieval and multichannel
document solution. Leveraging our expertise in document delivery solutions for the financial services, healthcare
management, we have processed and electronically and many other industries with large document needs.
archived more than 85 billion documents for many of the Since 1982, our solutions have enabled companies to
largest, most diverse companies in the world. effectively archive and distribute electronic versions of
statements and reports.

Raw Statement Data

Document archive and Administration
Account Print  CSR Console
Processing and Mail  User Administration
 Print Suppression
Composed Print  Email Management
Data Suppression  Usage and System Reports

Consumer Internal eStatement Delivery
Service DDA
View View  Consent Management
(REST APi) Storage
 User Preferences
 Email Management
Consumer  ESIGN Act Compliant
Consumer Secure
Access  Authorize Third-Party Access
UI Website
Digital Document Communication

2. Market Expertise
Fiserv supports an electronic document search and
retrieval client base of more than 6,000 banks and credit
unions and more than 1,200 NYSE members, as well
as healthcare, biller and insurance organizations. Fiserv Key Features
provides proven solutions that maximize return on
investment and improve operational efficiency.  E
 asily scales to millions of documents,
with both accountholder-facing and
3. Data Privacy customer/member service access tools

Security and privacy are a major concern of both  S

 upports multiple document types,
consumers and financial institutions. You need a partner including print-stream conversion and
you can rely on to keep your customers’ or members’ presentment, PDF and XML, AFP and more
information safe. The data security experts at Fiserv  P
 rovides enrollment options designed
have decades of experience helping organizations to maximize paperless adoption and
worldwide maximize security for their electronic easily integrates with print processes for
documents. We offer a full suite of proven products and suppression or reprints
services that enable our clients to store, retrieve and
 Includes email notifications, custom
distribute business-critical documents – quickly, reliably
formatted with robust bounce and
and securely.
exception handling
 Integrates with existing web or intranet
portals with secure and seamless single
sign-on, for full flexibility with web
service access
 nsures secure storage and processes,
including strong data encryption
 nables administrator access to statement
data with flexible user-rights provisioning,
production data management and robust
search and retrieval functions
Connect With Us
For more information about Digital Fiserv is driving innovation in Payments,
Document Communication: Processing Services, Risk & Compliance,
Customer & Channel Management and
Insights & Optimization. Our solutions
800-872-7882 help clients deliver financial services at
the speed of life to enhance the way
getsolutions@fiserv.com people live and work today.

fiserv.com Visit fiserv.com to learn more.

Fiserv, Inc.
© 2023 Fiserv, Inc. or its affiliates. Fiserv is a trademark of Fiserv, Inc., registered or
255 Fiserv Drive used in the United States and foreign countries, and may or may not be registered
Brookfield, WI 53045 in your country. All trademarks, service marks and trade names referenced in this
fiserv.com material are the property of their respective owners. 2141898 11/23

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