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Bpe QB Final

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Subject: -Basic Power Electronics


Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 1 of 12

Name of chapter With

1 Thyristor family devices 32

2 Turn ON andTurn Off method of SCR 14

3 Phase controlled rectifiers 26

4 Choppers and Inverters 10

5 Industrial applications of power electronics devices 16

Total Marks :- 98

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 2 of 12

Q.1 Attempt any FIVE 5*2=10
a) What is mean by converter? List the types of converter.
b) Name any two triggering devices used for triggering SCR.
c) Define forced commutation and natural commutation.
d) Draw the symbol of MOSFET and IGBT.
e) What is the polyphase rectifier? State its need.
f) State any two advantages of IGBT.
g) List two applications of SMPS.
Q.2 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12

a) Name a suitable chopper to decrease the output voltage and also explain its
operation with neat circuit diagram
b) Draw VI characteristics of IGBT. Label different regions
c) Describe R-triggering method for SCRWith circuit diagram and waveforms.
d) Explain the working ofSingle phase half wave controlled rectifier with R
Q.3 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12
a) Drawand explain the working emergency light system usingSCR.
b) Draw and explain the two transistor analogy of SCR
c) Compare controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers
d) Draw the symbol & vertical structure of power transistor and explain
Q.4 Attempt any FOUR 3*4=12
a) Describe the effect of freewheeling diode in controlled rectifier.
b) Describe the construction of GTO.
c) Draw and Explain the Circuit of temperature controller using SCR.
d) Draw constructional diagram of DIAC and state its operating principle
Q.5 Attempt any TWO 2*6=12

a) Explain the operation of three phase half wave controlled rectifier with
circuit diagram and also sketch its input and output waveform
b) Define commutationExplain class C commutation with circuit diagram&
Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 3 of 12
c) Draw and explain the VI characteristics of SCR.
Q.6 Attempt any TWO 2*6=12
a) Draw and explain On-line and Off-line UPS System.
b) Give the operation of single phase full wave bridge controlled converter with
RL load with a neat diagram. Also draw its waveform.
c) Explain with a neat circuit diagram the operation of parallel inverter

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 4 of 12

Unit Course Outcome
Name of the Unit
No. (CO)
1 Thyristor family devices CO427.1
2 Turn ON andTurn Off method of SCR CO427.2

Course Outcome
Q.1 Attempt any FOUR4*2=8Marks (CO)
a) Draw the symbol of SCR & DIAC CO427.1
b) Define forced commutation and natural commutation CO427.2
c) Draw the symbols of IGBT and MOSFET CO427.1
d) List different turn-on methods of SCR CO427.2
e) Classify the gate triggering methods CO427.2
f) Define holding and latching current. CO427.1
Q.2 Attempt any THREE3*4=12 Marks
a) Draw the V-I Characteristics of SCR CO427.1
b) Compare R-triggering and RC-triggering of SCR CO427.2
c) Describe with neat sketch the V.I characteristics of CO427.1
d) Draw and explain the two transistor analogy of SCR CO427.1
e) Explain class A commutation with neat circuit diagram CO427.2
f) Explain the UJT synchronized circuit using SCR CO427.2

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 5 of 12

Course Outcome
Unit Name of the Unit
3 Phase controlled rectifiers CO427.3
4 Choppers and Inverters CO427.4
5 Industrial applications of power electronics devices CO427.5

Course Outcome
Q.1 Attempt any FOUR 4*2=8Marks (CO)
a) Define conduction angle & firing angle CO427.3
b) List the application of Inverter CO427.4
c) State the use of freewheeling diode in controlled rectifier CO427.3

d) Define Chopper & classify the chopper CO427.4

e) Draw the basic block diagram of UPS. CO427.5

f) List two applications of SMPS CO427.5

Q.2 Attempt any THREE 3*4=12 Marks

a) Explain the working of Single phase half wave controlled CO427.3
rectifier with R load.
b) Explain with a neat circuit diagram the operation of Series CO427.4
Describe with circuit diagram the operation of battery CO427.5
charger using SCR.
d) Draw circuit diagram of step up chopper draw its input CO427.4
output waveforms
e) Draw and explain the block diagram of SMPS CO427.5
Explain the operation of three phase half wave controlled CO427.3
rectifier with circuit diagram

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 6 of 12

COURSE: - Basic Power Electronics (22427) PROGRAMME: - EJ

CO.NO Course Outcome

CO-427.1 Identify power electronic devices in circuits
CO-427.2 Maintain triggering and commutation circuits.
CO-427.3 Use phase controlled rectifiers in different applications.
CO-427.4 Use choppers and inverters in different applications.
CO-427.5 Maintain Control Circuits consisting of power electronic devices

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 7 of 12

Unit Wise Question Bank
Unit -1 Thyristor Family Devices

1. Describe the construction of IGBT

2. State any two advantages of IGBT.
3. List two applications of TRIAC.
4. Sketch equivalent circuit of SCR using BJT. Describe its working principle.
5. Differentiate SCR and TRIAC with respect to (i) symbol, (ii) layered diagram,
(iii) Operating quadrant, (IV) application.
6. Draw constructional diagram of GTO and state its operating principle.
7. Draw symbol and characteristics of DIAC and SUS.
8. Describe the working of DC flasher circuit using SCR with neat diagram.
9. State two applications each for (i) SCR and (ii) PUT.
10. Draw the symbols of (i) SCR (ii) DIAC
11. Define holding and latching current.
12. Compare SCR & TRIAC. (Any four points)
13. Draw and explain the VI characteristics of UJT.
14. Draw and explain the VI characteristics of SCR.
15. Draw the construction of GTO & explain the working principle.
16. Draw and explain the two transistor analogy of SCR.
17. Draw the structural diagram and symbol of SCR.
18. Draw the characteristics and explain the working of SCS.
19. Explain the working of “PUT” with relevant diagrams. Why it is called
20. Name any four triggering devices. Draw the characteristics of “DIAC
21. With necessary waveforms explain the turn-off mechanism of SCR.
22. Name any two triggering devices used for triggering SCR.

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 8 of 12

23. State the types of power MOSFET. Explain the working of any one type with
Constructional diagram.

Unit -2Turn ON & Turn OFF Method of SCR

1. State difference between forced commutation and natural commutation.

2. State different trigger methods and describe R-triggering method for SCR
With circuit diagram and waveforms.
3. Explain dv/dt turn on method of SCR.4. Draw the layer diagram of PUT. With neat
circuit diagram, describe its
Working as relaxation oscillator
5. Describe the working of class B commutation with neat circuit diagram.
6. Explain class C commutation with circuit diagram.
7. Compare R-triggering and RC-triggering of SCR on the basis of
(i) CircuitDiagram, (ii) firing angle, (iii) cost, (iv) average output voltage.
8. List different turn-on methods of SCR
9. Draw and explain the VI characteristics of DIAC.
10. Explain SCR triggering using UJT with neat circuit diagram.
11. Draw the neat block diagram of gate triggering. State the advantages of gate
12. Describe the operation of pulse transformer used in triggering circuits.
13. Explain RC triggering circuit with neat circuit diagram & waveforms.
14. Define commutation. List various types of commutation.
15. List any four methods of triggering of SCR.
16. Explain resonant commutation with necessary waveforms.
17. Explain with characteristics the effect of gate current on break over voltage of SCR.

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 9 of 12

Unit -3Phase Control Rectifiers

1. Define firing angle and conduction angle.

2. What is the polyphase rectifier? State its need
3. Draw the single phase full wave bridge type controlled rectifier. Draw the
Waveforms of input voltage, load voltage and voltage across SCR
4. Compare controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers.
5. Describe the effect of freewheeling diode in controlled rectifier.
6. Draw circuit diagram of single phase half bridge inverter. Explain its working
With output voltage waveforms.
7. Draw 1phase HWCR with inductive load. Draw input and output waveforms.
Describe its operation.
8. Draw the circuit diagram input-output waveforms and explain the working of
Single phase half wave controlled rectifier with R load.
9. Draw the neat circuit diagram and waveforms of single phase center tapped
Full wave controlled rectifier with RL load.
10. Define firing angle and conduction angle. What is the effect of firing angle on
Average output voltage?
11. Explain the operation of three phase half wave controlled rectifier with circuit diagram
and also sketch its input and output waveform

Unit: 4 Choppers and Inverters

1. List two applications of inverter.
2. Define Chopper. State its types
3.Explain with a neat circuit diagram the operation of parallel inverter.
4. Explain operation of series inverter with neat circuit diagram and waveform.
5. Draw circuit diagram of step up chopper. State its output voltage expression and draw its
input output waveforms.
6. What is mean by converter? List the types of converter.
Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 10 of 12
7. Name a suitable chopper to decrease the output voltage and also explain its operation
with neat circuit diagram.
8. Draw & Explain step down chopper using MOSFET.
9. State the need of Inverter. List four applications of Inverters.
Unit -5 Industrial applications of power electronics devices

1. State the application of SMPS.

2. Draw labeled basic block diagram of UPS
3. Draw the neat circuit diagram of fan speed regulator using Triac. Describe it’s working.
4. State the function of SMPS. Sketch block diagram of SMPS and label it well.
5. Draw the ON Line & OFF line UPS System.
6. Draw the circuit diagram of light dimmer using DIAC and TRIAC and sketch
the input and output voltage waveforms.
7. Draw labeled circuit diagram of battery charger using SCR
8. Draw circuit diagram and explain the working emergency light system using
9. Draw the circuit diagram of temperature controller using SCR with neat
Circuit diagram.
10. Draw and explain the diagram of electronic timer using SCR.
11. Draw and explain on-line UPS.

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 11 of 12

Prepared by Prof S.A.Suryawanshi (E & TC Dept) Page 12 of 12

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