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Cpu Design 2

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Bus design continued…

Four registers, DR, AC, IR, and TR, have 16 bits


Two registers, AR and PC, have 12 bits each since they

hold a memory address.
When the contents of AR or PC are applied to the 16-bit
common bus, the four most significant bits are set to 0’s.
When AR or PC receive information from the bus, only
the 12 least significant bits are transferred into the

The input register INPR and the output register OUTR

have 8 bits each and communicate with the eight least
significant bits in the bus.

Five registers have three control inputs: LD (load), INR

(increment), and CLR (clear).

Two registers have only a LD input.

The input data and output data of the memory are

connected to the common bus, but the memory address
is connected to AR. Therefore, AR must always be used
to specify a memory address.

By using a single register for the address, we eliminate

the need for an address bus that would have been
needed otherwise.
The 16-bit inputs of AC come from an adder and logic
circuit. This circuit has three sets of inputs. One set of 16-
bit inputs come from the outputs of AC. They are used to
implement register microoperations such as
complement AC and shift AC. Another set of 16-bit inputs
come from the data register DR. The inputs from DR and
AC are used for arithmetic and logic microoperations,
such as add DR to AC or AND DR to AC. The result of an
addition is transferred to AC and the end carry-out of the
addition is transferred to flip-flop E (ex-tended AC bit).

Note that the content of any register can be applied onto

the bus and an operation can be performed in the adder
and logic circuit during the same clock cycle. The clock
transition at the end of the cycle transfers the content of
the bus into the designated destination register and the
output of the adder and logic circuit into AC. For
example, the two microoperations
DR <= AC and AC <= DR
can be executed at the same time. This can be done by
placing the content of AC on the bus (with S2S1S0= 100),
enabling the LD (load) input of DR, transferring the
content of DR through the adder and logic circuit into AC,
and enabling the LD (load) input of AC, all during the
same clock cycle.

Computer instruction format

The basic computer has three instruction code formats,

as shown in Fig. 5-5.

A memory-reference instruction uses 12 bits to

specify an address and one bit to specify the
addressing mode I.
I is equal to 0 for direct address and to 1 for
indirect address (see Fig. 5-2).

The register-reference instructions are recognized by the

operation code 111 with a 0 in the leftmost bit (bit 15) of
the instruction. A register-reference instruction specifies
an operation on or a test of the AC register. An operand
from memory is not needed; therefore, the other 12 bits
are used to specify the operation or test to be executed.

An input-output instruction does not need a reference to

memory and is recognized by the operation code 111
with a 1 in the leftmost bit of the instruction. The
remaining 12 bits are used to specify the type of input-
output operation or test performed.

Note that the bit in position 15 of the instruction code is

designated by the symbol I but is not used as a mode bit
when the operation code is equal to 111.

Only three bits of the instruction are used for the

operation code. It may seem that the computer is
restricted to a maximum of eight distinct operations.
However, since register-reference and input-output
instructions use the remaining 12 bits as part of the
operation code, the total number of instructions can
exceed eight. In fact, the total number of instructions
chosen for the basic computer 1s equal to 25.

A memory-reference instruction has an address part of

12 bits. The address part is denoted by three x’s and
stand for the three hexadecimal digits corresponding to
the 12-bit address.
Instruction Set Completeness

Before investigating the operations performed by the

instructions, let us discuss the type of instructions that
must be included in a computer. A computers should
have a set of instructions so that the user can construct
machine language programs to evaluate any function
that is known to be computable. The set of instructions
are said to be complete if the computer includes a
sufficient number of instructions in each of the following

1. Arithmetic, logical, and shift instructions

2. Instructions for moving information to and from

memory and processor registers.

3. Program control instructions together with

instructions that check status conditions

4. Input and output instructions

Arithmetic, logical, and shift instructions provide
computational capabilities for processing the type of
data that the user may wish to employ.

The bulk of the binary information in a digital computer

is stored in memory, but all computations are done in
processor registers. Therefore, the user must have the
capability of moving information between these two

Decision-making capabilities are an important aspect of

digital computers. For example, two numbers can be
compared, and if the first is greater than the second, it
may be necessary to proceed differently than if the
second is greater than the first. Program control
instructions such as branch instructions are used to
change the sequence in which the program is executed.
Input and output instructions are needed for
communication between the computer and the user.
Programs and data must be transferred into memory and
results of computations must be transferred back to the
Although the set of instructions for the basic computer is
complete, it is not efficient because frequently used
operations are not performed rapidly. An efficient set of
instructions will include such instructions as subtract,
multiply, OR, and exclusive-OR. These operations must
be programmed in the basic computer. The programs are
presented in Chap. 6 together with other programming
examples for the basic computer. By using a limited
number of instructions it is possible to show the detailed
logic design of the computer. A more complete set of
instructions would have made the design too complex.
Control Unit design

The block diagram of the control unit is shown in Fig. 5-6. It

consists of two decoders, a sequence counter, and a number of
control logic gates. An instruction read from memory is placed
in the instruction register (IR). The position of this register in
the common bus system is indicated in Fig. 5-4. The instruction
register is shown again in Fig. 5-6, where it is divided into three
parts: the I bit, the operation code, and bits 0 through 11. The
operation code in bits 12 through 14 are decoded with a3 x 8
decoder. The eight outputs of the decoder are designated by
the symbols D0 through D7 . The subscripted decimal number is
equivalent to the binary value of the corresponding operation
code. Bit 15 of the instruction is transferred to flip-flop
designated by the symbol I. Bits 0 through 11 are applied to the
control logic gates. The 4-bit sequence counter can count in
binary from 0 through 15. The outputs of the counter are
decoded into 16 timing signals T0 through T15. The internal logic
of the control gates will be derived later when we consider the
design of the computer in detail.

Instruction cycle
A program residing in the memory unit of the
computer consists of a sequence of
instructions. The program is executed in the
computer by going through a cycle for each
Each instruction cycle in turn is subdivided
into a sequence of subcycles or phases.
In the basic computer each instruction cycle
consists of the following phases:
1. Fetch an instruction from memory.
2. Decode the instruction.
3. Read the effective address from memory if
the instruction has an indirect address.
4. Execute the instruction.

Upon the completion of step 4, the control goes

back to step 1 to fetch, decode, and execute the
next instruction. This process continues
indefinitely unless a HALT instruction is
Fetch and Decode

Initially, the program counter PC is loaded with

the address of the first instruction in the
The sequence counter SC is cleared to 0,
providing a decoded timing signal T0.
After each clock pulse, SC is incremented by
one, so that the timing signals go through a
sequence T0, T1, T2, and so on.
The microoperations for the fetch and decode
phases can be specified by the following
register transfer statements.
T1: IRM[AR], PCPC +1
T2: D0,… D7 Decode IR(12-14), ARIR(0-11), I IR(15)
Since only AR is connected to the address inputs of memory it
is necessary to transfer the address from PC to AR during the
clock transition associated with timing signal T0.
The instruction read from memory is then placed in the
instruction register IR with the clock transition associated with
timing signal T1. At the same time, PC is incremented by one to
prepare it for the address of the next instruction in the
At time T2 the operation code in IR is decoded, the indirect bit
is transferred to flip-flop I, and the address part of the
instruction is transferred to AR. Note that SC is incremented
after each clock pulse to produce the sequence T0, T1, and T2.

To implement operation at time T0 i.e.

1. Place the content of PC onto the bus by making the bus
selection inputs S2S1S0 equal to 010.
2. Transfer the content of the bus to AR by enabling the LD
input of AR.

To implement the operation:

T1: IR M[AR], PC PC + 1
it is necessary to use timing signal T1 to provide the following
connections in the bus system.
1. Enable the read input of memory.
2. Place the content of memory onto the bus by making S2S1S0=
3. Transfer the content of the bus to IR by enabling the LD input
of IR.
4. Increment PC by enabling the INR input of PC.
Determine the type of instruction

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