معمارية 2
معمارية 2
معمارية 2
Computer Registers
-Computer instructions are normally stored in consecutive
memory locations and are executed sequentially one at a time.
Common Bus System
Paths must be provided to transfer information from one register
to another and between memory and registers. The number of
wires will be excessive if connections are made between the
outputs of each register and the inputs of the other registers.
- The input data and output data of the memory are connected to
the common bus, but the memory address is connected to AR.
- DR←AC and AC ←DR can be executed at the same time.
This can be done by placing the content of AC on the bus (with
𝑆2 𝑆1 𝑆0 = 100), enabling the LD (load) input of DR, transferring
the content of DR through the adder and logic circuit into AC,
and enabling the LD (load) input of AC, all during the same
clock cycle. The two transfers occur upon the arrival of the
clock pulse transition at the end of the clock cycle.
Computer Instructions
The clock pulses are applied to all flip-flops and registers in the
system, including the flip-flops and registers in the control unit.
The clock pulses do not change the state of a register unless the
register is enabled by a control signal. The control signals are
generated in the control unit and provide control inputs for the
multiplexers in the common bus, control inputs in processor
registers, and
microoperations for the accumulator.
Instruction Cycle:
Register-Reference Instructions
This is an instruction that performs the AND logic operation on
pairs of bits in AC and the memory word specified by the
effective address.
D0 T4 : DR←M[AR]
D0 T5 : AC←AC +DR, SC←O
This instruction adds the content of the memory word specified
by the effective address to the value of AC. The sum is
transferred into AC and the output carry Cout is transferred to
the E (extended accumulator) flip-flop.
D1 T4 : DR ←M[AR]
D1 T5 : AC ← AC + DR, E ←Cout, SC ← 0
LDA: Load to AC
This instruction transfers the memory word specified by the
effective address to AC. The microoperations needed to execute
this instruction are:
D2 T4 : DR ←M[AR]
D2 T5 : AC ← DR, SC ← 0
STA: Store AC
This instruction stores the content of AC into the memory word
specified by the effective address.
D3 T4 : M[AR] ← AC, SC ←0