Nyy Power Cables
Nyy Power Cables
Nyy Power Cables
NYY cables are an economical solution to power and control wiring where mechanical protection is not required. Originating in Germany
they are now popular in many parts of the world. Having no armour can offer benefits, such as cost savings, weight reduction and
smaller cable diameter. NYY cables can be used a suitable alternative to SWA, where mechanical protection is not required. NYCY &
NYCWY Cables are used where increased electrical and mechanical protection is required. Also available in LSZH materials and
with Aluminium conductors.
- RE: Class 1 solid Copper or - RE: Class 1 solid Copper conductor
- RM: Class 2 stranded Copper conductor - Insulation: PVC
- Insulation: PVC (colour coded with/without Green/Yellow core) - Filler: PVC
- Filler: PVC - Concentric Conductor (Wires & Tape)
- Sheath: PVC - Sheath: PVC DMV4
- Voltage Rating: 600/1000V - Voltage Rating: 600/1000V
- Temperature Rating: Fixed: -15°C to +70°C - Temperature Rating: Fixed: -20°C to +70°C
Flexed: -5°C to +50°C Flexed: -5°C to +70°C
- RE: Class 1 solid copper conductor - RE: Class 1 solid Aluminium conductor or
- RM: Class 2 stranded copper conductor - RM: Class 2 stranded Aluminium conductor or
- SM: Class 2 stranded, sectorial shape - SM: Sectorial/Compact Aluminium conductor
- Insulation: PVC - Insulation: PVC
- Filler: PVC - Filler: PVC
- Concentric Conductor, Waveconal outer conductor (copper wire - Sheath: PVC
and counter spiral copper tape) - Voltage Rating: 600/1000V
- Sheath: PVC - Temperature Rating: Flexed: -5°C to +70°C
- Voltage Rating: 600/1000V
- Temperature Rating: -5°C to +70°C