Ground Wave Propagation
Ground Wave Propagation
Ground Wave Propagation
• Introduction:
The waves, which while traveling, glide over the earth’s surface are called
ground waves.
Ground waves are always vertically polarized and induce charges in the earth.
The number and polarity of these charges keep on changing with the intensity
and location of the wave field. This variation causes the constitution of a current.
In carrying this current, the earth behaves like a leaky capacitor.
As the wave travels over the surface, it gets weakened due to absorption of
some of its energy. This absorption, in fact, is the power loss in the earth’s
resistance due to the flow of current.
This energy loss is partly replenished by the diffraction of energy, downward,
from the portion of the wave present somewhat above the immediate surface of
the earth.
Ground Wave Propagation
• The energy propagated over paths near the earth’s surface is considered to be
made possible through ground waves.
• The earth’s surface is normally considered to be a plane, provided the distance
between the transmitter and the receiver does not cross a barrier d which is given
• Beyond this distance, the effect of the curvature of the earth is to be accounted.
Thus, the study of wave
• propagation can be divided into two parts, i.e., the waves that propagate over (i)
the plane earth, and (ii) the spherical earth.
Plane Earth Reflection
For elevated transmitting and
receiving antennas within the
line of sight of each other,
the received resultant signal is
a combination of the signal
reaching the receiver through
a direct path and that reaching
after being reflected by the ground.
When the incident wave is horizontally polarized
• The phase of the reflected wave differs from that of the incident wave by nearly
180◦ for all angles of incidences.
• For angles of incidence near grazing (ψ = 0), the reflected wave is equal in
magnitude but 180◦ out of phase with the incident wave for all frequencies and for
all ground conductivities.
• As the angle of incidence is increased, both the magnitude and phase of the
reflection factor change, but not to a large extent.
• The change is greater for the higher frequencies and lower ground conductivities.
When the incident wave is vertically polarized
• At grazing incidence E, the reflected wave is equal to that of the incident wave
and has an 180◦ phase reversal for all finite conductivities.
• As the angle increases from zero, the magnitude and phase of the reflected wave
decrease rapidly.
• The magnitude reaches a minimum and the phase change goes through −90◦ at an angle
known as pseudo-Brewster angle (or just Brewster angle) by the analogy of a perfect
dielectric case.
• At angles of incidence above this critical angle, the magnitude increases again and the
phase approaches zero.
• For very high frequencies and low conductivities, the Brewster angle has very
nearly the same value as it has for a perfect dielectric. For εr= 15, the Brewster
angle occurs at 14.5◦ for the perfect dielectric case.
• For lower frequencies and higher conductivities, the Brewster angle is less,
approaching zero as x becomes much larger than ε . r
Space Wave and Surface Wave
• According to Sommerfeld, the ground wave can be divided into two parts, a
space wave and a surface wave.
• The space wave dominates at larger distances above the earth, whereas the
surface wave is stronger nearer to the earth’s surface.
• The expressions given by Norton for the electric field of an electric dipole
above the surface of a finitely conducting plane earth represents the separation into
space and surface waves.
Earth’s Behavior at Different Frequencies
(i) At Broadcast and Lower Frequencies
• Ratio of capacitive reactance of the earth to
the earth resistivity (ρ = 1/σ) is>>1. Thus,
the earth may be regarded as pure resistance.
• Values of A and p for a given physical distance
is determined by A which is a function
of the term (f 2/σ).
Earth’s Behavior at Different Frequencies
(ii) At HF (10 MHz) and Above
(i) The impedance represented by the earth is primarily capacitive and A is a function
of the term [f / (ε + 1)].
• The values of σ and ε that govern A of the ground wave are suitably averaged values of the
quantities for a distance below the earth’s surface.
• This distance referred is the depth to which there are ground currents of appreciable
amplitudes and is called the depth of penetration.
• The depth of penetration depends on f , σ, ε and ranges from a few feet at HF to 100’s of feet
at broadcast and lower frequencies.
• The earth’s constants are not particularly sensitive to conditions existing at the actual surface
of the ground, i.e., rain, etc.
Electrical Properties of the Earth
Curved Earth Reflection
• The effect of the curvature of the earth is entirely negligible up to a certain distance
and all the relations obtained are valid up to this distance given by
• When this distance gets doubled, the errors introduced in the estimation of various
parameters remain small.
• For still greater distances, reduction in field strength below the free space value is
much more.
• This enhanced reduction is mainly due to the curvature of the earth rather than due to
losses in the ground.
• This is mainly because of the bulge of the earth which prevents surface waves from
reaching the receiver by a straight line path.
• The surface waves arrive at the receiver either through (a) diffraction around the earth,
or (b) refraction in the lower atmosphere above the earth.