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International Journal of Scientific Research in ___________________________ Research Paper.

Multidisciplinary Studies E-ISSN: 2454-9312

Vol.8, Issue.6, pp.17-21, June (2022) P-ISSN: 2454-6143

Mathematical Modeling Methods for Solving Environmental Problems

for Sustainable Development in Ogoniland
Kanee Goodfaith Leyira

Department of Mathematical Science, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, PMB 0248 Bauchi, Nigeria
Department of Theology, Love of Christ (TLC) Bible College, PO Box 3060, Chino Valley, Arizona AZ 8 6323, USA

Author’s Mail Id: kanegoodfaith@gmail.com, Tel. +234 8033940344, 8026208559

Available online at: www.isroset.org

Received: 10/May/2022, Accepted: 05/Jun/2022, Online: 30/Jun/2022
Abstract - The research aim at providing mathematical modeling methods for solving environmental problems for
sustainable development in Ogoniland. The step of analysis involves application of standard mathematical techniques and
procedures to solve‖ the model to obtain the desired results and the analysis is done according to the rules of mathematics
and the system.

Keywords-Degradation, Differential Equation, Environment, Environmental Problem, Mathematical Modeling, Simulation,

Sustainable Development

I. INTRODUCTION improving, where a number of innovative perspectives and

findings are advanced [1]. It is known that a single
1.0 Background differential equation can serve as a mathematical model
Ogoniland is one of the prominent and indigenous areas in for many different phenomena especially in solving
the Niger Delta region, south-south Nigeria, and has a environmental problems ranging from groundwater to land
calamitous history of pollution from oil spills, gas flares, use [2,20]. The research aim at providing mathematical
and oil well fires of which, have some generational modeling methods for solving environmental problems for
consequences on the environment and the lives of Ogoni sustainable development, having visited the oil spills, gas
people. Ogoniland has a population of close to 832,000 flare and oil well fires sites in Ogoniland.
people and Covering around 1,000 km2 lies on Latitude
4.8550N and Longitude 6.988E of a coastal plain terraces 1.1 Conceptual Clarification
across the four Local Government Areas of Khana, Differential Equation (DE): An equation containing the
Gokana, Tai and Eleme in Rivers State of Nigeria [8]. derivatives of one or more dependent variables, with
From historical antecedent, Ogoniland and its people are respect to one or more independent variables, is said to be
synonymous with the state of the struggle against a differential equation [
environmental degradation and injustice of which the
region have been exposed and subjected to from long years Environment: Environment includes all the factors such
of oil exploitation, exploration, and production activities as physical, chemical, biological affecting the ecosystem
by Multinational Oil Companies and the Government of of the unique geographical and biological features like
Nigeria in the area since late 1950s. It is against this soil, climate, flora and fauna which create a variety of
background that, the researcher observed that using different types of ecosystem such as forest, fields, and
mathematics to solve and find some solutions to these Ocean. The abnormal and unusual environmental and
environmental problems pays. It necessitates the uses of ecological disturbances can upset the stability and even
mathematical formulations and analysis to simulate the destroy the ecosystem [6].
dynamics of hazardous Environmental Problems for
sustainable development [14]. By Mathematical modeling, Environmental pollution can be described as any
comprises the change of the system under study from its undesirable changes in the physical, chemical or biological
natural environment to mathematical environment in terms characteristics of any component of the environment
of intellectual symbols and equations [2]. The researcher which can cause harmful effects on various forms of life
employed some differential equations to model these and properties [4].
problems through mathematical formulation and analysis
for supporting natural resources allocation, flooding Environmental Sustainability
prevention and control, environmental pollution control, Environmental sustainability is referring to the deliberate
ecological protection, and sustainable development efforts by states in international system in relation to

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol.8, Issue.6, Jun 2022

policy formulation and implementation aimed at reducing their own needs." Under the principles of the United
the negative impact of human activities towards the eco- Nations Charter ‘The Millennium Declaration’ identified
system e.g. water, land, air and the aquatic animals living principles and treaties on sustainable development,
inside them and human being inclusive. including economic development, social development and
environmental protection l19].
Modeling: Modeling can be defined as the process of
request of essential information or define the routine of or Contaminant transport in groundwater was postulated in
involvement to simulate a real system to accomplish 1987, where Bear offered the fundamental equations.
assured goals [2] Advertise transport and dispersive transport were the two
components which Bear presented for hydrodynamic
Mathematical Modeling: The mathematical model or dispersion of the contaminant concentration [1,2].
mechanistic approach of environmental systems refers to
the mathematical expressions like symbols and equations Nigeria in this 21st century has witnessed vast industrial
used to describe factors that results to changes or revolution, machines with large exhaust fumes used in
transformation in environmental Processes with time, production of goods contributes deposition of greenhouse
space and Condition control [2]. gases to a greater extent (Chukwu, 2011) in addition
Nigeria has been recorded as the largest gas flaring that
Simulation: A simulation of a method is the procedure of flares over 70% of methane [2, 22].
a model of the method. The model can be reconfigured and The use of models to solve environmental problems is very
tested with; frequently, this is difficult, too costly or important as it simplifies the problem and proffer
unrealistic to do in the method it signifies [1,2]. information that could help in decision making [2, 12].

Sustainable Development: Sustainable development is a III. METHODOLOGY

society project, and a political one, that cannot be defined
and implemented without science. Broadly defined, Mathematical models are recognized as feasible tool that
sustainable development is a systems approach to growth proffers strategic solutions to most environmental and
and development and to manage natural, produced, and ecological impacts of global warming and climatic change
social capital for the welfare of their own and future [2]. It is known that a single differential equation can serve
generations. Issues of sustainability are inherently complex as a mathematical model for many different phenomena
and constantly changing [19]. especially in solving environmental problems ranging
from groundwater to land use. In this research, some
II. RELATED WORK differential equations are employed to model these
problems through mathematical formulation. And these
Mathematical models in the environmental field can be equations can be solve using Analytical and Numerical
drawn to back to the 1900s, the original work of Streeter methods [1].
and Phelps on disbanded oxygen being the utmost quoted. The figure below illustrates the various ways of which
mathematical model can be formulated in solving
Currently, determined essentially by adjusting forces, Environmental Problems.
environmental studies have to be multidisciplinary,
distributing with an inclusive range of pollutants The steps of the modeling process shown in FIGURE 1
experiencing difficult biotic and abiotic processes in the [20]
soil, surface water, groundwater, and atmospheric
compartments of the ecosphere [2]. It is of great
significance to study the parameters of the established
mathematical models in environmental processes, by
making necessary adjustments, so that the various
compartments can be developed in a more conducive
system required by man. Environmental processes are
usually based on theoretical deductive approach [2].

Environmental pollution studies conducted to monitor

ambient levels and to quantify the concentration of various
pollutants entering a given environmental area are of great
interest for possible adverse health effects [11].
Figure1. Steps in the modeling process
The United Nations World Commission on Environment
and Development (WCED) in its 1987 report ‘Our The modeling process above consist; Assumptions and
Common Future’ defines sustainable development as: hypotheses, Mathematical formulation, obtain solutions,
"Development that meets the needs of the present without and Check model predictions with known facts.
compromising the ability of future generations to meet

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol.8, Issue.6, Jun 2022

Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport Modeling variable parameters [3]. The results enable performing
General governing equation for groundwater flow for three hydrological analysis for small rivers like one of it in
dimensional unconfined, transient, heterogeneous, and Duburo River in Ogoniland.
anisotropic groundwater flow reads [1]:
Uncertainty of river water quality
𝜕 𝜕ℎ 𝜕 𝜕ℎ 𝜕 𝜕ℎ 𝜕ℎ A methodology for analyzing the model uncertainty of
(𝐾𝑥 )+ (𝐾𝑦 )+ (𝐾𝑧 ) = 𝑆𝑠 – 𝑅 …….. 1
𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑦 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑧 𝜕𝑡 river water quality was developed, aiming to assess the
ecological status of small rivers [21]. The methodology
where: Kx, Ky, Kz hydraulic conductivity tensor, h: was applied to Oreto river in Italy. Thomann, Mueller
hydraulic head, Ss: storage coefficient; (1987) and Chapra (1997) developed the mathematical
R: source or sink model, based on the advection-dispersion equation for
one-dimensional flow:
Contaminant transport in groundwater 𝜕𝐶 𝜕𝐶 𝜕2 𝐶
Advertise transport and dispersive transport were the two +𝑢 = 𝐷𝐿 − 𝑓(𝐶) ……………………………...6
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑡 2
components which Bear presented for hydrodynamic [10].
dispersion of the contaminant concentration [2]. The
outcome of microscopic variation of velocity is an Where C − concentration of a generic pollutant, t – time, x
expression of dispersive flux which is a microscopic flux. – longitudinal displacement, u – velocity, DL – diffusion
Bear (1987), postulated the fundamental equations: coefficient, f(C) – a generic term for reactions involving
the pollutant C.
(𝑛𝑐 𝑘 ) 𝜕 𝜕𝑐 𝑘 𝜕
(𝑛𝐷𝑖𝑗 𝜕𝑥𝑗
) − 𝜕𝑥 (𝑛𝑣𝑠𝑖 𝑐 𝑘 ) + 𝑞𝑠 𝑠𝑐 𝑘 𝑠 +
𝑖 System of equations of Sen - Venan
𝛴𝑅𝑛 ………………………………………………….… 2 A mathematical model based on the system of equations of
Sen - Venan is developed in [1]. A river discharge of Ural
𝐶 k = Dissolved concentration of species 𝑘, 𝑘𝑔𝑚−3, 𝑛 = and Samara river basins in Russia was modeled. It was
Porosity of the subsurface medium, dimensionless, 𝑡 = used the one dimensional continuity equation and the
Time s, 𝑥i = Distance along the respective Cartesian equation of motion for river channels, with lateral inflows
coordinate axis m, [3]:
𝜕𝑉 𝜕𝜔 𝜕𝜔
𝜔 +𝑉 + = 𝑞 ………………………....…….. 7
𝐷𝑖𝑗 = Hydrodynamic dispersion coefficient tensor, 𝑚2 𝑠 −1, 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑡

𝑣𝑠𝑖 = Seepage or linear pore water velocity, 𝑚𝑠 −1 , 𝑞𝑠 =

Where Q – water consumption (m3/s), ω – cross sectional
Volumetric flow rate per unit volume of aquifer
area (m2), V – the average flow velocity (m/s), q – side
representing fluid sources (positive) and sinks (negative), 𝑠 flow per unit of length (m2/s), x- spatial coordinate (m), t -
, Seepage or linear pore water velocity relates to specific
𝑞 coordinated time (s)
discharge or Darcy flux through the relationship 𝑣𝑠𝑖 = 𝑖 ,
𝐶𝑘𝑠 = Concentration of the source or sink flux for species IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
𝑘, 𝑘𝑔𝑚−3
Interpretation and evaluation of results
Surface Waters During the iterative process, performance of the model is
In surface waters area the mathematical models are used compared against the real system to ensure that the
for solving wastewater treatment, industrial pollution, objectives are satisfactorily met. This process consists of
agricultural pollution, protection of potable water sources two main tasks; calibration and validation [1].
and others [3].
Task 1: Calibrating the model: In the calibration process,
The basic equations of the model developed [1]: observed data from the real system are used. An efficient
𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝐻 𝑑ℎ way to calibrate a model is to perform preliminary
+ +𝑔 = 𝑔 0 ............................................... . 3
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥 𝜕𝑥 𝑑𝑥 sensitivity analysis on model outputs to each parameter
𝜕𝐴 𝜕
+ [𝐴(𝑥, 𝑡)𝑢] = 0 …………………………………. 4 one by one. If the model cannot be calibrated to be within
𝜕𝑡 𝜕𝑥
acceptable limits, the modeler should backtrack and
Where u(x, t) - the average speed of the water flow, A(x, t) reevaluate the system characterization and/or the model
- cross-sectional area of the flow, H(x, t) - full depth of the formulation steps [1].
basin, h0(x) - undisturbed value, g – acceleration of free
fall, x – coordinate in the direction of the river flow, t – Task 2: Validating the model: A model can be
time. considered valid if the agreement between the two under
Cross sectional area of flow is calculated as follows: various conditions meets the goal and performance
criteria. Most environmental systems can be approximated
𝐴(𝑥, 𝑡) = ∫ 𝑧(𝑦; 𝑥, 𝑡)𝑑𝑦 ………………………………...5 in a satisfactory manner by linear and time variant
descriptions in a lumped or distributed manner, at least for
Analytical solutions have been obtained, which describe specified and restricted conditions. Analytical solutions are
the transformation of a steady flow in a channel with possible for limited types of systems; while computer

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Int. J. Sci. Res. in Multidisciplinary Studies Vol.8, Issue.6, Jun 2022

based mathematical modeling using numerical solutions ranging from groundwater to land use, oil spillage, gas
provide solutions for problems of complex geometry and flaring and oil well fire in Ogoniland. In this research,
properties [1]. some differential equations are employed to model these
problems through mathematical formulation. And these
Table 1: Typical Procedures of Mathematical Models used in equations can be solve using Analytical and Numerical
solving problems in different environmental matrices [1, 2 17]. methods The Mathematical models in this research
Environmental Issues/ Use of models describe complex environmental processes and
media concerns interactions, characterize the spatial and temporal
Atmosphere Hazardous air Concentration profiles;
variations, and predict the fate and transport of the
pollutants, air exposure; design and
emissions, toxic analysis of control contaminants; thereby assess potential risks existing in
releases, acid processes and equipment; various resources-related activists and the associated
rain; evaluation of management socioeconomic and environmental impacts under a variety
particulates, actions; environmental of system conditions. This work can be modified and
smog, health impact assessment of new expand upon in the future.
concerns projects; compliance with
regulations [7]. ACKNOWLEDGMENT
Surface water Wastewater Fate and transport of I thank and give God all the Glory. I acknowledged and
treatment plant pollutants; concentration
expressed my profound gratitude to Rev Dr Jeffrey
discharge plumes; design and
;industrial analysis of control Durbin- President; Love of Christ (TLC) Bible College
discharges; processes and equipment; Arizona USA for sponsoring this research work. I also
agricultural waste load allocations; appreciate my little children for their encouragement.
/urban runoff; evaluation of management
storm water actions; environmental REFERENCES
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