SD-19 Guide Book
SD-19 Guide Book
SD-19 Guide Book
CHAPTER 1. Parts Management Contributions to Affordable System
Operational Effectiveness 2
Parts Management Overview 2
Affordable System Operational Effectiveness 3
Design Effectiveness and Parts Management 3
Process Efficiency and Parts Management 5
Total Ownership Cost and Parts Management 8
CHAPTER 2. Timing, Implementation, and Responsibilities for Parts
Management Contractual Requirements 10
Parts Management in the Defense Acquisition System 10
Addressing Parts Management in the Contract 10
The Contract Statement of Work 11
Parts Management Responsibilities during the DoD Acquisition
and Sustainment Process 13
CHAPTER 3. Elements of a Parts Management Program 15
Parts Management Plan 15
Preferred Parts List or Corporate Parts Baseline 16
Parts Selection and Authorization 17
Order of Preference for Parts Selection 17
Obsolescence Management and Diminishing Manufacturing Sources 19
Subcontractor Management 19
Part and Supplier Qualification Requirements 20
Substitute Part Practice 20
Parts Management Plan Structure 22
Parts Management Effectiveness (Metrics) 24
Feedback 24
CHAPTER 4. Parts Management Boards and Integrated Product Teams 25
Parts Management Boards 25
Integrated Product Teams 28
CHAPTER 5. Parts Evaluation Support 29
Parts Management Advisory Team 29
Tools Supporting Parts Management 30
APPENDIX A. References 33
APPENDIX B. Parts Management Questions 34
APPENDIX C. General Information for Part and Supplier Evaluation 38
APPENDIX D. Part Qualification Approaches: General Guidelines 40
APPENDIX E. Glossary 41
APPENDIX F. Abbreviations 43
Today’s defense acquisition environment is characterized by rapidly changing designs
and technologies and by increased risks in weapon system performance and support
due to issues with parts. In this environment, the need for defense contractors to have
an effective parts management program is greater than ever before. This publication
provides government and industry managers a pragmatic approach toward parts man-
agement to enhance weapons systems operational and logistics readiness and to reduce
the logistics footprint and total ownership cost. The guidance in this document, when
used in conjunction with MIL-STD-3018, “Parts Management,” will help ensure
successful parts management to support current acquisition strategy. It may also be
used as a tool for evaluating a contractor’s parts management performance.
Today’s parts management program is becoming more flexible, more user friendly
for contractors, and more comprehensive due to a major reengineering effort that is
still underway. We are extremely grateful to the numerous government and industry
individuals on the Parts Standardization and Management Committee (PSMC) who
contributed to this effort. Further information on this group can be found on the
PSMC website at
Gregory E. Saunders
Defense Standardization Program Office
Parts are the building blocks from which systems are created and, as such, greatly impact
hardware dependability, readiness, and operating costs. Parts management is the practice of
considering the application, standardization, technology (new and aging), system reliability,
maintainability, supportability, and cost in designing or selecting parts and addressing availabili-
ty, logistics support, DMSMS, and legacy issues in supporting them throughout the life of the
systems. Because the reliability and maintainability of the end item is dependent upon these
building blocks, the importance of selecting and applying the most effective PMP cannot be
Selecting, specifying, ensuring proper design applications, and, in general, managing parts
used in complex systems constitute a major engineering task. As an important element of sys-
tems engineering (SE), parts management streamlines the selection of preferred or commonly
used parts during the design of weapons systems and equipment. Typically, the use of parts de-
scribed by non-government standards (NGSs) or military standards or the use of commonly
used parts already in the DoD supply system is preferred unless a business case analysis shows
that a new unique part would have significant life-cycle cost or other advantages.
The parts management process identifies the optimum parts while considering all the factors
that may affect program outcomes. Use of these optimum parts provides the ultimate user, the
warfighter, returns that can be measured through enhanced reliability, maintainability, availabil-
ity, economies of scale, and supportability. In turn, these factors enhance systems performance,
logistics and operational readiness, and interoperability, while limiting the logistics footprint,
logistics response time, cost per unit usage, and the total ownership costs of weapons systems
and equipment.
Affordable System Operational Effectiveness
The Defense Acquisition Guidebook (DAG) establishes a framework for affordable system opera-
tional effectiveness—that is, the effectiveness, from the warfighters’ perspective, with which the
system performs its missions over a sustained period.1 Figure 1 depicts the framework.
Reliability Effectiveness
Supportability Affordable
Support Features
Mission System
Effectiveness Operational
Product Production
Package Maintenance Process
Public-Private Efficiency
Support Logistics
Life-Cycle Cost/Affordability
those requirements have a major impact on the program costs in the outyears. Therefore, im-
plementing an effective parts management plan early in the program can have a significant im-
pact on the program’s life-cycle cost.
Design effectiveness reflects the key design features that provide technical performance and
supportability. Parts management contributes to both of these design goals through the tenets of
part selection. Choosing the optimum part during design requires consideration of myriad fac-
tors, including technical characteristics, reliability, life-cycle cost, commonality, performance his-
tory, vendor performance, qualification, potential obsolescence, standardization, manufacturing,
and maintenance. The following highlights how parts management contributes to these design
■ Reliability and maintainability engineering. Ensuring that the parts selected meet contractual
requirements and proper design application is critical to ensuring that the reliability and
maintainability requirements of the weapons systems or equipment acquisition contracts
are met. Reliability and maintainability have a direct impact on both mission capability
and life-cycle cost. The part selection process will also reduce the use of parts with
known built-in failure mechanisms, resulting in enhanced reliability, maintainability, and
system safety.
■ Standardization. Reducing the proliferation of part types used in system designs through
standardization is important for enhancing material readiness and interoperability and for
reducing total ownership costs. Selecting standard or commonly used parts ensures that
reliable and documented part types that reduce design risks are used. Use of standard or
commonly used parts within and across DoD weapons systems and equipment enhances
inter- or intra-departmental part commonality and interchangeability; reduces the variety
of parts in the inventory; enhances part availability, reliability, maintainability, and
economies of scale; and reduces part obsolescence occurrences.
■ DMSMS. Each part selected for design use must be assessed for availability and evaluated
based on its projected life cycle to mitigate the effects of DMSMS and minimize the
impact on the system equipment production schedule. Parts selected and used in design
should be tracked for DMSMS issues throughout the system or equipment life cycle to
ensure availability of parts and to provide sufficient lead-time to develop the best solu-
tions to mitigate parts issues in order to sustain fielded systems and reduce life-cycle costs.
The Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP) and many commercial part-
tracking databases are available to provide information concerning when a part is discon-
tinued by its manufacturer. SD-22, Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material
Shortages: A Guidebook of Best Practices for Implementing a Robust DMSMS Management
Program, provides information on DMSMS and suggestions on how to address DMSMS
■ Anticounterfeiting. From a design perspective, anticounterfeiting has close connectivity to
DMSMS. Obsolete or near-obsolete parts represent lucrative opportunities for counter-
feiters; there will be demand and very limited sources of supply. The parts management
tenet of supplier quality is also a factor for this design consideration. The likelihood of
purchasing a counterfeit part is greatly reduced if the selected part is available from the
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or an OEM-franchised distributor.
■ Environmental issues. Parts management considers the environment in which the parts are
intended to operate. A part that is acceptable for an environmentally controlled ground site
may not be acceptable for use in an aircraft that subjects the part to different environments
and stresses. Part types used in land-based aircraft may not be suitable for use in ship-based
aircraft that operate in severe marine environments and are more exposed to corrosion.
■ Part and supplier quality. An important requirement for selecting parts is considering the
source of supply and whether the parts are qualified for the application in which they are
to be used. Part manufacturers and part distributors who provide the selected part must
be required to follow documented and established quality assurance policies and proce-
dures. Those policies and procedures should include, for example, statistical process con-
trol data and process controls on manufacturing, material, shipment, storage, notification
concerning process changes, customer satisfaction, and quality measurement systems.
In view of the above, it is easy to understand why a disciplined part selection process in the
design phase, as part of a formal PMP, increases the probability of using the most optimum
parts in DoD weapons systems and equipment.
Successful manufacturing has many dimensions. For manufacturing readiness assessments,
threads have been defined to organize these dimensions into manufacturing risk areas.2 Parts
management contributes to these threads as follows:
■ Industrial base thread. Parts management establishes the basis for maintaining a parts base-
line and includes a rational approach to qualify suppliers, change suppliers, and/or switch
parts. It also evaluates whether there is a reasonable path to qualification of both develop-
ment articles for design verification testing and qualification articles. Finally, parts man-
agement determines the extent to which there is a reliance on commercial products and
the potential methods for dealing with future parts design changes that are driven by the
commercial marketplace.
■ Design thread. Parts management evaluates the effects of part selection on all applications,
considering all requirements. It ensures key design considerations are given sufficient
emphasis and that processes are in place to avoid prohibited design practices, e.g., the use
of certain hazardous materials.
■ Cost and funding thread. Parts management ensures that standardization is taken into
account to minimize costs (e.g., maximize the use of parts already being used elsewhere).
It also identifies the funding needed to perform the activities necessary to determine that
the part will work as intended.
■ Materials thread. Parts management ensures that the material selection process accounts for
special handling and corrosion prevention. It assesses selected parts for availability, evalu-
ates them to mitigate future DMSMS effects, and establishes processes to minimize the
use of prohibited components, materials, and processes. Furthermore, parts management
ensures qualification considerations have been properly addressed by identifying and per-
forming tests and analyses.
■ Process capability and control thread. Parts management ensures that there is an understanding
of the consistency of the design to manufacturing processes and that the processes are suf-
ficient to satisfy the system requirements. It also ensures that special design considerations
(for example, the performance of lead-free products) are sufficient for system require-
■ Quality management thread. Parts management ensures quality requirements have been tai-
lored for different commodities. It recommends part failure analysis approaches, determi-
nation of the root cause of failures, identification of failure effects on performance, and
corrective action accountability. Finally, parts management ensures the establishment of
proper controls to avoid the introduction of counterfeit parts. Military systems are
increasingly vulnerable to counterfeit parts as a result of schedule and obsolescence issues.
Counterfeit parts typically enter the supply chain from sources other than the original
component manufacturer’s (OCM’s) authorized distribution networks.
■ Manufacturing management thread. Parts management supports the manufacturing planning
processes throughout the manufacturing life cycle. Standardization limits the introduction
of new parts, which enables consistent and efficient methods for manufacturing planning
and support. Parts management ensures the facilitation of manufacturing support systems
and processes such as material requirements planning.
In the operations area, parts management is a consideration in several aspects of supply chain
management and operational support:
■ Reduced acquisition lead-time. When a preferred part is used, government and industry can
frequently avoid the expense and delay of designing and developing a new part, as well as
the issues associated with acquiring a new item with no available history or documenta-
tion. Using preferred parts often reduces the time between the purchase request and the
receipt of the parts.
■ Part and supplier quality. An important factor in selecting parts is whether the parts are
qualified for the application in which they are to be used. Part manufacturers and part
distributors that provide the selected part must be required to follow documented and
established quality assurance policies and procedures. Those policies and procedures
should address both the collection of statistical process control data and the implementa-
tion of process controls on manufacturing, material, shipment, storage, process changes,
customer satisfaction, and quality management.
■ Enhanced logistics readiness and interoperability. When assemblies or systems share common
components, repair time is shorter, because parts are more likely to be in the supply
chain. Furthermore, using common components simplifies logistics support and enhances
substitutability because fewer parts need to be stocked. This translates to savings in
procuring, testing, warehousing, and transporting parts.
■ Increased supportability and safety of systems and equipment. Preferred parts reduce risk and
improve the chances that equipment will perform reliably. Preferred parts have a history
of proven reliability, withstanding testing and performing at stated levels. Their use may
reduce the number of part failures, thus reducing the number of maintenance actions,
increasing operational availability, and potentially precluding failures that could cause mis-
sion failure or loss of life.
Equipment”—restrict or eliminate the use of lead in a variety of products. These restric-
tions have resulted in the commercial adoption of lead-free solder alloys, typically tin-
silver-copper alloys. In addition, industry adopted tin finishes without lead, sometimes
codeposited with other elements, such as copper or bismuth. Tin finishes pose risks for
short circuits in the assembled electronics due to conductive tin whiskers that grow from
these finishes. Parts management ensures the mitigation of risks to military systems posed
by the commercial supply chain’s transition to the use of lead-free parts.
The costs reflected in the contract should include implementing and maintaining a parts manage-
ment process for the life of the contract. These costs should support the parts management
process elements tasking referenced in MIL-STD-3018, “Parts Management.” The costs are a
function of the individual weapons system or equipment acquisition contract life-cycle phase.
The costs will be highest for the engineering and manufacturing development (EMD) phase, be-
cause major design and supporting part selection occurs during EMD. Also during the EMD
phase, the contractor should ensure the subcontractors’ participation to the extent necessary to
meet contractual requirements and the PMP objectives.
Parts management helps reduce equipment design and life-cycle costs by promoting the applica-
tion of commonly used parts. Standardization of parts and the replacement of numerous similar
parts with one common part can result in fewer purchase orders and larger procurement quanti-
ties of the smaller numbers of unique parts. Larger part-type purchases enable both the contractor
and the customer to benefit from the economies of scale. Part standardization also helps the con-
tractor avoid the increased cost of maintaining technical data and storing, tracking, and distribut-
ing multiple parts.
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Although many of the cost avoidance factors that are the benefits of parts management are in-
tangible, an analysis of historical parts management data clearly shows that the tangible benefits
of reducing the proliferation of part types in new design can be substantial. Cost factors may
vary depending on the organizational and operational structure of a given program or company.
The following method for roughly estimating costs uses very conservative values for the factors
it includes and does not include values for many nonrecurring and intangible cost factors.
The average total cost for adding a single new part into a system is about $27,500. An effec-
tive PMP will avoid this cost every time it precludes unnecessarily introducing a new part into
the system. Analysis of historical acquisition program parts management data has revealed that
programs without parts management requirements introduce 2.5 percent more new parts into
the logistics system than do programs with parts management requirements. Therefore, a pro-
gram with 10,000 parts may easily achieve a life-cycle cost avoidance of $6.8 million, a not-
insignificant amount, through the use of an effective PMP.
Parts management is also effective in mitigating and managing part obsolescence problems.
The costs of resolving part obsolescence problems have been estimated as ranging from a low
cost for part reclamation to a very high cost for a major redesign effort. The DMSMS commu-
nity is updating these figures, recognizing that today’s obsolescence costs have increased con-
siderably. (See Appendix A for references concerning resolution cost factors for DMSMS.)
Manufacturing Readiness Level (MRL) Deskbook,Version 2.2, July 2012,
This document can be found at
Figure 3. The Defense Acquisition Management System
A contract normally begins with a solicitation requesting the submission of offers or quota-
tions to the government. The solicitation and its supporting documents establish the technical
and management requirements that must be addressed in the contractor’s proposal. The con-
tract will normally consist of several individual specifications, including the SOW, the Prime
Item Development Specification, and the Contract Data Requirements List (CDRL).
The most effective PMPs are implemented during the initial contract and contract review
process. Therefore, it is imperative that the engineer or individual responsible for parts man-
agement be involved up front so that all areas affecting parts management can be addressed.
The SOO is usually a brief statement of the government’s objectives for a program. It is not
likely to contain enough detail to address parts management. If the solicitation contains an
SOO, the contractor’s SOW will need to address parts management.
Before determining the wording to be used in the SOW, the following factors should be
■ Type of equipment or system, for example, operational system, operational support equip-
ment, test vehicle, or maintenance or shop test equipment. Parts management may not be
needed for certain test vehicles, maintenance equipment, or shop test equipment.
■ Type of work. For an investigative or study contract, parts management may not be needed.
■ Quantity of systems or equipment to be purchased on the contract.
■ Reliability, safety, or nuclear hardness criticality of the parts or equipment, coupled with the
environment where used (flight, ground combat, ground benign, etc.).
■ Whether the item is a new design or a modification of an existing design and, if a modifica-
tion, the extent of that modification.
■ Maintenance concept, for example, organic or contractor logistics support, or performance-
based logistics.
■ Whether all or some of the equipment items are off-the-shelf (OTS) items or non-develop-
mental items (NDIs). (Parts management is not required for OTS items or NDIs, except for
modifications that introduce new parts into the design.)
■ Ownership and level of technical data package, if required.
Depending upon the criteria above, there may be different tasks for different types of equip-
ment within the same SOW. If so, each task should identify the level of parts management ap-
plicable to the specific equipment or types of equipment (such as support or test equipment).
Below is an example of a generic SOW that may be incorporated into contracts. The specif-
ic acquisition requirements may require tailoring of the principal SOW tasks.
The contractor shall establish and maintain a Parts Management Program in accor-
dance with MIL-STD-3018 for all new designs or modified equipment. This pro-
gram will ensure that the use of parts meets contractual requirements, reduces
proliferation of parts within and across DoD weapons systems and equipment
through standardization, enhances reliability and supportability to meet material
readiness objectives, and reduces total life-cycle costs. Also, the contractor shall de-
scribe how the parts management process is validated, how process improvements
are incorporated, and how process variation is controlled.
The following paragraph may be added to the example paragraph to address additional data
and part use information and assist with validating the contractor’s parts management process:
The procedures, planning, and all other documentation, media, and data that define
the Parts Management Program and the parts selected for use shall be made available
to the government for its review. The government may perform any necessary in-
spections, verifications, and evaluations to ascertain conformance to requirements
and adequacy of the implementing procedures.
tor should interact or team with its acquisition activity counterpart to ensure mutual aware-
ness of all part-type issues and any recommended changes to the contractor’s processes that
could affect program objectives. The contractor should conduct or support technical inter-
change or parts management IPT meetings to ensure that contractual requirements are met.
■ SE technical review responsibilities. SE technical reviews are used throughout the life cycle as a
means for the program office to “evaluate significant achievements and assess technical matu-
rity and risk. … They allow the Program Manager and Systems Engineer to jointly define
and control the program’s technical effort by establishing the success criteria for each review
and audit.”4 Appendix B identifies a number of specific parts-management questions for use
in support of technical reviews. The parts management questions offered in that appendix
have been designed for use by the parts management community to inform discussions
before the technical reviews and to highlight issues to be addressed during the reviews.
■ Logistics assessment (LA) responsibilities. The implementation of LAs during weapons system
development, production, and post-initial operational capability (IOC) acquisition phases
was recommended by the DoD Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Product Support
Assessment to improve the effectiveness of product support.5 Appendix B identifies a num-
ber of specific parts management-related questions for use in support of LAs. As was the case
for SE technical reviews, the parts management-related questions offered in the appendix
have been designed for use by the parts management community to inform discussion
before the LAs and to highlight parts management issues to be addressed during the LAs.
Defense Acquisition Guidebook,,
accessed November 14, 2013.
Logistics Assessment Guidebook, July 2011, p. 2.
A parts management plan communicates how the contractor’s in-house parts management
process is conducted under the MIL-STD-3018 plan elements. The plan should delineate the
management structure, responsibilities, procedures, and controls (including subcontractor re-
quirements) for the contractor’s Parts Management Program. It usually is prepared by the con-
tractor’s standards, component, reliability engineer or the person responsible for the parts
management requirement—referred to here as the parts management engineer—in response to
a contractual SOW requirement.
■ Parts list or bill of materials (BOM). The plan must detail how and when the contractor
submits initial and updated parts lists or BOMs to the government, as required by con-
■ Subcontractor management. The plan must describe contractor procedures for establishing
and maintaining subcontractor participation to the extent necessary to ensure satisfaction
of the parts management objectives.
■ Part and supplier quality. The plan must describe provisions for assessing part suppliers and
part quality, such as statistical process control data, audits, and past performance.
■ Part-level documentation procedures. Part-level documentation procedures must be detailed
and consistent with the program’s configuration management, logistics strategies, and total
life-cycle requirements.
■ Substitute and alternate part procedures. The process for the management, definition, and
documentation of substitute and alternate parts must be described. In specifying the part
replacement process, the contractor must ensure the program is consistent with the intent
and application of SE disciplines (configuration management, quality, logistics, etc.).
■ Customer-contractor teaming. The parts management plan must address customer teaming to
allow for continued insight into processes for program verification. Examples of teaming
are IPT participation, technical interchange meetings, exchange of logistics data, and veri-
fication of performance metrics.
■ Counterfeit parts. The parts management plan must address the detection, mitigation, and
disposition of counterfeit parts, including electronic, electrical, and mechanical parts. SAE
International’s AS5553 should be used for guidance for electronic parts.
■ Lead-free electronic parts. The parts management plan must address the process to manage
the risk associated with using lead-free parts. TechAmerica GEIA-STD-0005-1 may be
used for guidance for lead-free electronic parts.
■ Additional elements (lead free, counterfeit parts, etc.). The process for addressing those addition-
al elements, as identified by contract, must be defined.
The acquisition activity should review the parts management plan against the requirements of
MIL-STD-3018. After approval of the plan, the contractor is responsible for meeting the re-
quirements of the plan and recommending changes to the plan depending on part type, techni-
cal or environmental issues, or changes in the parts procurement business environment. All
plan revisions must be coordinated and approved by the acquisition activity.
The following sections detail some of the elements of a parts management plan.
This technique will avoid duplication of effort and ensure that only the parts listed in the PPL
are used. The PPL should be made available for use as early as possible during the design stage.
If alternate or substitute parts are to be selected, consider them in descending order of pref-
erence (i.e., most desirable to least desirable).
Figure 4. Parts Selection Process
Standards Assists
in Finding Part
Part Submitted
to Parts Management
Part Deemed No
Obsolescence Management and Diminishing
Manufacturing Sources
Obsolescence management is a discipline in and of itself. As the service life of a product ex-
tends beyond the technology life cycle incorporated in the design, obsolescence and DMSMS
problems arise. Both the defense and commercial markets must find ways to plan for and man-
age obsolescence and DMSMS, because every product is subject to their effects. In other words,
to be successful, parts management must address DMSMS throughout the product’s life cycle.
Identification and resolution of DMSMS problems have both proactive and reactive ele-
ments. On the proactive side, prospective DMSMS situations need to be addressed during the
initial phases of product development or modification. Current and potential DMSMS items
need to be identified early in the product design phase, and associated design tradeoffs must be
made to minimize life-cycle vulnerability. Reactive efforts, on the other hand, find cost-effec-
tive solutions to DMSMS problems identified during the production phase or in fielded units.
A coordinated program approach, one that includes both proactive and reactive efforts, will
support product availability and readiness objectives.
Several commercial companies identify obsolete parts and DMSMS and predict the life ex-
pectancy of parts. Other sources of information include GIDEP, which is the source of
DMSMS information for the military services’ DMSMS programs, and the Parts Management
Advisory Team (PMAT). Both groups perform parts DMSMS obsolescence screening, data
gathering, and dissemination for DoD and its contractors. One or more of these services should
be an active part of the DMSMS and obsolescence program of every organization involved in
the design and production of electrical and mechanical products.
Subcontractor Management
Engineers and/or parts management personnel should participate in the technical evaluation of
a subcontractor’s response to a solicitation to ensure that the subcontractor has complied with
parts management requirements. The prime contractor must ensure compliance to their parts
management plan or program. The parts management engineer, or equivalent, should be re-
sponsible for reviewing, verifying, and approving the subcontractors’ parts management
In addition, a monitoring and feedback process should be used to review and evaluate any
changes to established procedures. A good way to assess parts management is to form an IPT
consisting of representatives of the contractor and subcontractors. The engineer should assist
the IPT by analyzing the subcontractors’ parts data. The IPT should review and resolve any
adverse findings. The contractor may request that the customer participate on this IPT.
Part and Supplier Qualification Requirements
All processes used to qualify parts, parts manufacturers, and parts distributors should be docu-
mented following established quality assurance policies, procedures, and applicable standards.
Parts should be qualified for the application in which they are used, and they should be as-
sessed for supportability and life-cycle cost issues. Qualification of parts manufacturers and dis-
tributors may include an assessment of the manufacturer’s documented processes, for example,
its statistical process control data and its process controls on manufacturing, material, shipment,
storage, notification concerning process changes, customer satisfaction, and quality measure-
ment systems. In addition, depending on the contracted requirements associated with the part
under interest, such special process controls as lead-free control and counterfeit control may be
appropriate for assessment.
The parts management engineer should participate in (or have access to) the technical evalu-
ation of suppliers and in the review and approval of suppliers’ manufacturing processes and
parts changes. Appendixes C and D contain additional guidelines that may be helpful.
A substitute parts practice should never be used as a method to address failed parts, safety-
critical issues, or elements in which Class 1 changes (changes that must be approved by the
government) or redesign may be involved. Below are some important things to consider when
selecting alternate or substitute parts:
■ Substitute parts list (SPL) reference. The SPL must be referenced directly on the drawing or
BOM, or incorporated by reference in a separate specification called out in the drawing
or BOM.
■ Contract requirements and customer notification. The customer needs to be notified that an
SPL exists. This notification can be accomplished by response to the solicitation or by
submission of the company’s parts management plan that describes its SPL procedures.
■ Depleting existing parts stock. When an existing part is superseded, the determination must
be made whether to deplete or to purge the existing inventory (deplete old and use
new—versus purge old and use new). Remember that when a part is replaced by a super-
seding part, if the superseded (old) part is being eliminated to meet a standardization
requirement or for standardization purposes, existing stock is depleted before going to the
superseding (new) part.
Counterfeit Parts
Effective parts management requires implementation of measures to prevent incorporation in
military equipment of counterfeit items that can affect functional, cost, and schedule perform-
ance. The increasing reliance on commercial items makes military systems more vulnerable to
the growing amount of counterfeit items in the global supply chain, but counterfeiting can
even occur with items unique to military applications. Some notable commodity classes recent-
ly experiencing growth in counterfeit risk include microcircuits and semiconductors. Common
counterfeiting practices include re-marking parts to indicate different temperature performance
levels (e.g., changing marking from commercial temperature range to industrial temperature
range), functional performance level (e.g., changing speed grade on a microprocessor), and
interconnect finish (e.g., changing marking code from pure tin to tin-lead finish indicator).
Industry working groups and standards, such as SAE International’s AS5553 and AS6174,
have identified best practices for preventing procurement of counterfeit items that parts man-
agement plans should incorporate within their processes and procedures. The most important
practice includes establishment of procurement procedures that allow purchase of items only
from the original manufacturer or the original manufacturer’s franchised distributors. Procure-
ment of items from other sources must address the counterfeit risk through documented proce-
dures of thorough documentation analysis and test of the items. In addition, it is critical that
parts management plans require industry notification of suspect and confirmed counterfeit
items and sources through systems such as GIDEP, as well as procedures that prevent reintro-
duction of suspect and confirmed counterfeit items back into the supply chain. The entire sup-
ply chain must become aware of the counterfeit risk and work in concert to prevent
introduction of counterfeit items into military equipment.
and require different assembly processes. Their performance is not fully characterized to sup-
port qualification and repair requirements. In addition, military applications have required part
finishes compatible with tin-lead solder.
The risks posed by the commercial supply chain’s transition to lead-free parts require imple-
mentation of disciplined risk management approaches that are documented in a lead-free con-
trol plan. Two industry standards address the primary issues involved with the current
electronics supply chain: TechAmerica GEIA-STD-0005-1, “Performance Standard for Aero-
space and High Performance Electronic Systems Containing Lead-free Solder,” and GEIA-
STD-0005-2, “Standard for Mitigating the Effects of Tin Whiskers in Aerospace and High
Performance Electronic Systems.” An effective parts management plan must include provisions
that address the requirements of these standards.
3.2 Tasks and Responsibilities. Describe the tasks for which the parts team is
responsible (coordinate/execute part selection and approval process,
subcontractor management, tin whisker risk mitigation, etc.).
3.3 Parts Team Meetings. Detail how the parts team will interface.
3.4 Parts Management Tools. Identify the primary tools available to assist the parts
team and parts management process, such as a corporate preferred parts
baseline, Defense Parts Management Portal, etc.
4 Parts Management Operations. Detail how the infrastructure elements will be applied to
the program.
4.1 Part Selection Procedure. Describe the parts selection process, including the order
of preference.
4.1.1 Specific Part Type Selection Criteria. Detail any part restrictions or specific
selection criteria by part type/commodity that applies to the program.
4.2 Part Approval Process. Describe the authorization process to use parts on the
4.3 Part Documentation. Detail the part-level documentation necessary for the
4.4 Part and Supplier Quality. Describe provisions for assessing part suppliers
and part quality.
4.5 Obsolescence Management. Describe the proactive process used to mitigate
obsolescence risk and procedures for reacting to and solving obsolescence
impacts as they occur.
4.6 Substitute and Alternate Part Procedures. Describe the process for the management,
definition, and documentation of substitute and alternative parts.
4.7 Parts List. Detail how and when initial and updated parts lists will be submitted
to the government.
4.8 Counterfeit Parts. Detail the process for the detection, mitigation, and disposition
of counterfeit parts.
4.9 Lead-Free Electronic Parts. Detail the process for managing the risk associated
with using lead-free electronic parts.
4.10 Additional Elements. Detail the processes for addressing additional elements
(for example, part derating) that are not mandated by MIL-STD-3018 but
are related to parts management and are relevant to the program.
4.11 Subcontractor Management. Describe the procedures that ensure subcontractor-
furnished equipment satisfies the parts management objectives for the
Appendix A. Abbreviations.
Parts Management Effectiveness (Metrics)
To measure the effectiveness of a PMP, the parts management representative, PMB, or IPT
should collect data to quantify its progress and identify trends. A basic metric is the percentage
of preferred parts used, calculated as follows:
(number of preferred parts in BOM ÷ total number of parts in BOM) × 100.
Other metrics may be based on program needs.
An important element of effective parts management is feedback. The parts management engi-
neer needs feedback from all the functional areas to ensure that standardization requirements
are meeting the objectives of the parts management plan. Feedback also is useful for identifying
possible problem areas in a PMP. Sources of feedback information include the following:
■ Subcontractors. Difficulties a subcontractor may be experiencing in manufacturing an item
can often be alleviated by part substitutions. If the prime contractor maintains the design
configuration of a subcontracted component, communication between the prime and the
subcontractor is important to ensure that these changes are properly reflected in the parts
management documentation.
■ Quality deficiency reports. Reports of quality problems with parts come from many sources;
use of this information can preclude use in future designs of parts with ongoing quality
■ Customers. Problems identified by the customer on fielded systems often indicate a need
for parts selection changes.
■ Suppliers. Part or component suppliers are valuable sources of information about the avail-
ability of items. Information from these sources can also help identify high-cost items and
potential duplicate part numbers.
There are many sources of, and uses for, feedback information. The important thing to re-
member is that parts management is a dynamic practice. It needs periodic adjustments based on
data and experience acquired from initial design all the way through production, sustainment,
and material disposal. Other areas of feedback include design engineering, purchasing, manu-
facturing, logistics support, and PMATs.
PMBs or IPTs may be used to address the various part-type technical or procurement issues
during the part selection process to assist with meeting the overall objectives of the contractual
parts management requirements.
Because the PMB enhances the implementation of concurrent engineering, its membership
may include representatives from the following disciplines and entities:
■ Design engineering
■ Procurement
■ Engineering standards
■ Manufacturing
■ Reliability
■ Quality
■ Subcontractors and suppliers
■ Customer.
■ Evaluate and recommend approval or disapproval of parts proposed for listing on the PPL.
When requested, respond to balloted (potential) parts for possible inclusion in the PPL or
■ Ensure maximum use of standard parts. Minimize the number of different types and styles
of parts used in the equipment or system. Assist in identifying and solving standard part
■ Ensure timely implementation of parts decisions.
■ Specify requirements for part candidates.
■ Assist in evaluating standard part suppliers.
■ Establish requirements and screen parts for the substitute parts list.
■ Promote policies and procedures that ensure efficient parts management operation.
■ Review and consider feedback regarding the PMP.
■ Review and evaluate program metrics and consider changes to program processes and
procedures as required in order to effectively meet PMP objectives.
■ Assist in the review and evaluation of subcontractor parts management plans.
The parts management engineer’s supervisor (or designee) should be the chairperson of the
PMB. The responsibilities of the chairperson (or designated representative) are as follows:
■ Chair PMB meetings.
■ Schedule PMB meetings, coordinate tasks, distribute agendas and minutes, and maintain
records of PMB activities.
■ Ensure all PMB actions are completed.
■ Supervise preparation and maintenance of the PPL or CB.
■ Supervise creation and maintenance of a CAD-modeled PPL parts library.
■ Document all PMB decisions.
■ Serve as liaison to the PMAT.
■ Supervise preparation and maintenance of the substitute parts list.
■ Perform all duties listed below for respective group members.
PMP members do, or have the authority to do, the following:
■ Participate on the PMB.
■ Assist in selecting standard parts to be used in a program.
■ Ensure that the standardized PMP is based on the company requirements and any pro-
gram contractual requirements.
■ Audit parts lists and assembly drawings to ensure that products incorporate preferred parts
and that the maximum quantity of preferred parts (consistent with design requirements) is
■ Establish, monitor, and maintain metrics to ensure that the most efficient parts manage-
ment practice is in place.
■ Approve and disapprove the use of nonpreferred parts.
■ Require the use of preferred parts when it can be demonstrated that the preferred part is
interchangeable with and equal to, or better than, the nonpreferred part.
■ In design reviews, facilitate incorporation of preferred parts through IPTs.
■ Identify candidate parts for the substitute parts list or PPL and recommend their inclusion
to the PMB.
■ Direct the preparation of documentation for preferred parts not documented by a defense
specification or standard or an NGS.
■ Prepare and maintain a problem parts list that identifies parts and suppliers with a docu-
mented history of problems and noncompliance. Report to GIDEP nonconforming prod-
ucts, services, and processes from suppliers and subcontractors that adversely affect safety,
health, and environment, in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Policy
Letter 91-3.
■ Coordinate, prepare, and maintain a PPL that lists the standard parts designated as pre-
ferred for use in equipment.
■ Maintain files that include a list of PPL parts that have been reviewed by the PMB, a list
of the acceptable substitute parts, and a list of any parts being reviewed by the PMB.
■ Apply use or application restrictions on nonpreferred parts.
■ Review part performance history and provide an impact assessment to the PMB.
■ Review existing specifications and test data and report on their impact on preferred parts.
■ Review known acceptance part failures and advise the PMB when such failure may affect
the status of a PPL part.
■ Ensure that GIDEP information is factored into preferred parts actions and that relevant
information is captured in the appropriate databases.
■ Interface with NGS bodies (such as SAE International or the Aerospace Industries
Association) to ensure that interests are addressed.
Integrated Product Teams
IPTs work toward the common goal of developing or producing a military system or equip-
ment. They are cross-functional teams formed for the specific purpose of delivering a product
for an external or internal customer. IPT members should have complementary skills and be
committed to a set of performance objectives, a common purpose, and an approach for which
they hold themselves mutually accountable. IPTs are essential to the implementation of parts
Members of an IPT represent the technical, manufacturing, business, and support functions
critical to developing, procuring, and supporting the product. When these functions are repre-
sented during parts management activities, teams can consider alternatives more quickly, and in
a broader context, and reach faster and better decisions.
Once on a team, the IPT member no longer functions solely as a member of a particular
functional organization who focuses on a given discipline. Instead, he or she functions as a
team member who focuses on a product and its associated processes. Each individual should of-
fer his or her expertise to the team and acknowledge the expertise of other team members.
Team members work together to achieve the team’s objectives.
A PMAT’s part selection advice may produce alternatives that reduce cost, time, risks, and
parts proliferation, while improving quality and supportability through the use of proven, stan-
dard parts. Contractual requirements, parts data, and unique evaluation criteria supplied by the
submitter constitute the basis of these reviews.
■ Partnering. The PMATs partner with OEMs, acquisition activities, and other industry and
government organizations for the following purposes:
● Develop standardized CBs.
● Identify common parts used throughout industry through a variety of tools.
● Assist companies, as parts management experts, with their standardization and parts
management efforts.
● Assist with developing viable PMPs and provide advice relating to parts management in
● Provide and update DMSMS information by screening CBs for obsolete and near
life-cycle cost.
● Assist with establishing NGSs, CIDs, or defense specifications, as applicable, for com-
monly used vendor items and corporate documented vendor parts to eliminate duplica-
tion and provide standardization.
● Participate on IPTs and in technical interchange meetings with contractors, subcontrac-
Program. Managed by the DoD Single Stock Point located in Philadelphia, PA, ASSIST
provides public access to standardization documents over the Internet. ASSIST has many
powerful reporting features and an exhaustive collection of both digital and warehoused
documents. ASSIST is the official source of DoD specifications and standards. This tool is
available at
■ DMSMS/obsolescence tools. Various tools, both commercial and government, are available to
assist with mitigating the impact of part obsolescence (e.g., DMSMS, Knowledge Sharing
Portal website: Several commercial companies can supply
services that identify obsolete parts and diminishing manufacturing sources and predict
the availability of parts. Government sources, including GIDEP (whose website can be
accessed from the DMSMS site shown above), perform parts DMSMS obsolescence
screening, data gathering, and disseminating for DoD and its contractors.
■ Document Standardization Division website. The Document Standardization Division of DLA
Land and Maritime is the preparing activity for thousands of parts specifications and
drawings for electronic components. This website (
programs/milspec/docsearch.aspx) has search tools to aid in the identification and selec-
tion of high-quality and high-reliability standard electronic components (DLA Land and
Maritime Specification Finder, Standard Microcircuit Cross Reference, etc.).
■ Federal Logistics Information System (FLIS). An automated data processing system, FLIS is
designed to provide a centralized data bank in support of DoD, Federal civil agencies, and
foreign countries participating in the integrated logistics support program. FLIS provides
essential information about supply items, including the national stock number, the item
name, manufacturers and suppliers (including part numbers), freight data, hazardous mate-
rial indicators, interchangeable and substitutable items, management data, and physical and
performance characteristics. The WebFLIS restricted version has additional search features:
multiple National Item Identification Number (NIIN) inquiry and unique item tracking.
Users can perform searches for up to 2,500 NIINs at a time in the multiple NIIN inquiry
field. Inquiries may be typed individually, cut and pasted from a spreadsheet or a Word
document, or entered as a comma-separated value (see
A search feature for multiple part numbers is being planned.
■ GIDEP. GIDEP is a DSPO-sponsored cooperative activity between government and
industry participants seeking to reduce or eliminate resource expenditures by sharing
technical information essential during the research, design, development, production, and
operational phases of the life cycle of systems, facilities, and equipment. GIDEP data can
materially improve the total quality and reliability of systems and components during the
acquisition and logistics phases of the life cycle and reduce costs in the development and
manufacture of complex systems and equipment. For more information about GIDEP, see
■ Weapon System Impact Tool (WSIT). WSIT, which is part of the ASSIST database, is a
DSPO-sponsored website that provides an interface to access weapons system and specifi-
cation content extracted from third-party sources, including unstructured legacy informa-
tion. (The quality of extracted data is measured in accordance with ASQC Q3-1998, a
standard issued by the American Society for Quality.) The interface enables users to search
for and view results as structured data within a single WSIT coherent view of the
weapons systems environment. To access WSIT, log on to ASSIST (
Appendix A
Defense Acquisition Guidebook:
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages: A Guidebook of Best Practices for
Implementing a Robust DMSMS Management Program, SD-22, August 2012: http://
Logistics Assessment Guidebook, July 2011,
“Parts Management,” MIL-STD-3018, October 2011:
Parts Management Plan, DI-SDMP-81748, October 2007:
“Reporting Nonconforming Products,” Office of Management and Budget Policy Letter 91-3,
April 1991:
Resolution Cost Factors for Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages, Final Report,
February 1999 (prepared by Defense Microelectronics Activity), and Supplemental Report,
2001: and
Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System (ASSIST) (does not require
ASSIST login or password):
Defense Microelectronics Activity:
DLA Land and Maritime:
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS):
Government-Industry Data Exchange Program (GIDEP):
Parts Standardization and Management Committee:
Weapon System Impact Tool (WSIT) (requires ASSIST login and password):
Appendix B
Table 2 contains examples of questions that may be asked during the system engineering
technical reviews and LAs throughout the acquisition life cycle.
Item or activity SRR SFR PDR CDR PRR Post IOC
and FRP
Do the parts Do the parts Do the parts Do the parts Do the parts Do the parts
and material and material and material and material and material and material
selection selection selection selection selection selection
processes and processes and processes and processes and processes and processes and
criteria ensure criteria ensure criteria ensure criteria ensure criteria ensure criteria for mod-
items satisfy items satisfy items satisfy items satisfy items satisfy ifications ensure
the worst-case the worst-case the worst-case the worst-case the worst-case items satisfy the
DRMP and DRMP and DRMP and DRMP and DRMP and worst-case
design envi- design envi- design envi- design envi- design envi- DRMP and
ronment? ronment? ronment? ronment? ronment? design environ-
Do the parts Do the parts Do the parts Do the parts Do the parts Do the parts
selection crite- selection crite- selection crite- selection crite- selection crite- selection criteria
ria account for ria account for ria account for ria account for ria account for for modifica-
life-cycle life-cycle life-cycle life-cycle life-cycle tions account
affordability affordability affordability affordability affordability for life-cycle
(e.g., stan- (e.g., stan- (e.g., stan- (e.g., stan- (e.g., stan- affordability
dardization, dardization, dardization, dardization, dardization, (e.g., standardi-
reliability, reliability, reliability, reliability, reliability, zation, reliability,
availability, availability, availability, availability, availability, availability,
maintainability, maintainability, maintainability, maintainability, maintainability, maintainability,
and supporta- and supporta- and supporta- and supporta- and supporta- and supportabil-
bility of parts)? bility of parts)? bility of parts)? bility of parts)? bility of parts)? ity of parts)?
Obsolescence Has obsoles- Has obsoles- Has obsoles- Has obsoles- Has obsoles- Has obsoles-
management cence risk cence risk cence risk cence risk cence risk cence risk
been assessed been assessed been assessed been assessed been assessed been assessed
for new for new for new for new for new for new
electronic electronic electronic electronic electronic electronic parts
parts as they parts as they parts as they parts as they parts as they as they are
are selected? are selected? are selected? are selected? are selected? selected?
Parts list or Does the con- Has the deliv- Has the deliv- Has the BOM Has the BOM Has the BOM Has the BOM
BOM tract require the erable BOM erable BOM been submit- been accept- been submit- for any modifi-
BOM to be format been format been ted? ed? ted and cations been
delivered to the defined and agreed upon? accepted? submitted and
acquisition documented? accepted?
Item or activity SRR SFR PDR CDR PRR Post IOC
and FRP
Subcontractor Are require- Are require- Are require-
Are require-
management ments for a ments for a ments for a
ments for a
parts manage- parts manage- parts manage-
parts manage-
ment plan ment plan ment plan
ment plan
being flowed being flowed being flowed
associated with
down to down to new down to new
subcontractors subcontractors subcontractors
being flowed
where appro- where appro- where appro-
down to new
priate (e.g., priate (e.g., priate (e.g.,
not off-the- not off-the not off-the
where appropri-
shelf)? shelf)? shelf)? ate (e.g., not
off-the shelf)?
Have the sub- Have the sub- Have the sub- Have the sub-
contractors’ contractors’ contractors’ contractors’
parts manage- parts manage- parts manage- parts manage-
ment process- ment process- ment process- ment processes
es been es been es been associated with
verified? verified? verified? modernization
been verified?
Part and supplier Have parts and Have parts and Have parts and Have parts and
quality their supplier their supplier their supplier their supplier
quality been quality been quality been quality been
documented documented documented documented for
for parts for parts for parts additional parts
selection? selection? selection? selection on
Are parts and Are parts and Are parts and Are parts and
their supplier their supplier their supplier their supplier
quality being quality being quality being quality being
monitored? monitored? monitored? monitored for
Item or activity SRR SFR PDR CDR PRR Post IOC
and FRP
Customer- Has the Are customer- Are customer- Are customer- Are customer- Are customer- Are customer-
contractor customer- contractor contractor contractor contractor contractor contractor
teaming contractor teaming and teaming and teaming and teaming and teaming and teaming and
teaming role for communication communication communication communication communication communication
parts manage- effective? effective? effective? effective? effective? effective for
ment been modifications?
Counterfeit parts Does the Has the Has the Are anticoun- Are anticoun- Are anticoun- Are anticounter-
contract require contractor contractor terfeit parts terfeit parts terfeit parts feit parts proce-
anticounterfeit developed a implemented procedures procedures procedures dures being
parts practices? preliminary anticounterfeit being being being followed for
anticounterfeit part proce- followed? followed? followed? modifications?
plan? dures?
Lead-free parts Is the lead-free Has a lead- Is the lead-free Is the lead-free Is the lead-free Is the lead-free
control require- free control control plan control plan control plan control plan
ment defined? plan been being being being being
developed and followed? followed? followed? followed for
implemented? modifications?
Notes: BOM = bill of materials, CDR = critical design review, CM = configuration management, DRMP = Design Reference Mission
Profile, FRP = full-rate production, IOC = initial operational capability, MS = milestone, PDR = preliminary design review, PPL = pre-
ferred parts list, PRR = production readiness review, SFR = system functional review, and SRR = system requirements review.
Appendix C
● Purchase descriptions used by other government activities or used in commercial transactions, in-
● Average time between model changes and practice of providing notices regarding parts inventories,
● Types of quality assurance plans in effect (lead-free control plan, counterfeit mitigation control
plan, etc.)
● Types of quality management systems maintained
● Length of time the product has been produced or the service provided
● Type of product operation—OCM, OEM, authorized distributor, broker, etc.; if not OCM or
● List of products and company services satisfying identical or similar service requirements
■ Supportability issues
● Product quality, reliability, and maintainability experience of similar users
● Repair parts availability and lead-times, documentation, pricing, and distribution systems
● Customer service, installation, checkout, and user customer operation and maintenance instructions
● Requirements for and availability of tools, test equipment, computer support resources, calibration
● Degree of technical data package availability (including legacy part support)
● Stability of current configuration and technology
■ Test data
● Hardware, software, and manpower interface issues such as human factors and product safety as
■ Maintainability information
● Self-test requirements
● Warranty requirements
Appendix D
The following list highlights some of the areas that must be considered when developing a part qualifi-
cation approach:
■ The data sample sizes must reflect the required reliability and confidence level for the target applica-
■ The part- or assembly-level data assessment must consider the environmental and operational stress
conditions of the data for comparison to the target application conditions, taking into account all
part failure and degradation mechanisms and their stress condition acceleration factors.
■ Compared with part-level testing, higher assembly-level test data provide greater application-specific
functional performance insight and verification of design compatibility with other parts. However,
the test asset cost can be very high, which can limit sample sizes to the point of losing sufficient
confidence in the reliability characterization.
■ Using in-service data requires full characterization of the in-service environmental and operational
stress conditions for comparison to the target application conditions. It also requires confirmation
that in-service failures have been analyzed to their root cause at the part level to ensure that the data
reflect the true performance of the part.
■ In some cases, higher assembly-level design may not allow sufficient insight into a particular part’s
performance, so part testing should supplement the higher level testing.
■ Developing test software for complex parts (microprocessors, digital signal processors, etc.) may rep-
resent the major cost in part testing. Therefore, leveraging the ability to test the parts at higher
assembly levels would avoid the difficult and costly task of developing part-level test capability if the
part manufacturer will not support such an effort. These parts also tend to have low frequency of use
(e.g., one per circuit card assembly), which generally suggests that part-level testing would provide
better characterization. These competing constraints require detailed assessment to determine the
optimum approach.
■ Testing at higher assembly levels requires consideration of the larger number of failure and degrada-
tion mechanisms with different acceleration factors compared to the part level, which can often
require limiting test stress levels, and thus requiring very long test times, to not cause failure of
assembly before assessment of lower acceleration factor failure mechanisms.
Appendix E
Alternate Part. A part that is an acceptable replacement part for a specific design application.
Common Corporate Baseline (CCB). A list of parts (standard and nonstandard) identified from
among the submitted corporate baselines based upon their frequency of use within a given
time frame (e.g., all parts common to two or more corporate baselines that have been submit-
ted or updated within the last 3 years).
Corporate Baseline (CB). A list of parts approved by a corporation for use in equipment design ap-
plication. The contractor creates and maintains this list.
Data Item Description (DID). A completed form that defines the data required of a contractor.
DIDs specifically define the data content, preparation instructions, format, and intended use.
Diminishing Manufacturing Sources and Material Shortages (DMSMS). The loss or impending loss of
the last known manufacturer or supplier of raw materials, production parts, or repair parts.
Life Cycle. The time contained in the period from the first contract award date through the con-
clusion of government ownership of the military system or equipment.
Part. One piece, or two or more pieces joined together, that is normally subject to disassembly
without destruction or impairment of its design purpose.
Parts List. A list of all parts used in design or construction of the military system or equipment.
Initially, it contains those items designed into the system. Upon production, it contains those
items that are incorporated into the actual units produced.
Parts Management. The practice of considering the application, standardization, technology (new
and aging), system reliability, maintainability, supportability, and cost in selecting parts and ad-
dressing availability, logistics support, DMSMS, and legacy issues in supporting them throughout
the life of the systems.
Parts Management Advisory Team (PMAT). A team of program and commodity specialists at the De-
fense Logistics Agency supply centers who will be available (to the acquisition activity and con-
tractor) to advise and provide recommendations on parts management plans and processes and
on the selection and use of preferred (standard and commonly used) parts.
Parts Management Board (PMB). A group composed of people who represent parts management re-
sponsibilities for their individual companies. The PMB is responsible for identifying part status
for inclusion in the PPL or CB.
Parts Management Plan. A contract-specific application of a contractor’s corporate parts manage-
ment procedures that meets the objectives of the equipment system’s mission profiles, support
strategy, expected service life, and DoD parts management goals and objectives.
Parts Standardization and Management Committee (PSMC). A government and industry forum that
influences and supports parts management and standardization.
Potential Part. A part reviewed by the PMB and deemed not justified for use at that time although
the part may have potential future usage.
Preferred Parts List (PPL). A list of parts preferred for use in equipment design, which often con-
tains descriptions, attributes, or application information. The term is used in this document to
represent the names of several different contractor and government parts lists. Examples of such
lists are approved parts lists, approved parts baselines, corporate baselines, common parts lists,
common corporate parts lists, parts selection lists, preferred parts lists, and program parts selec-
tion lists. These parts lists have similar purposes, but their degree of application varies from
company to company and within different government acquisitions.
Preferred (Standard) Part. A standard part that by the nature of its historical usage or its future po-
tential usage has been designated by the PMB as “standard” or preferred for use in equipment.
The part shall be adequately controlled and documented by a government; an NGS body; or a
company specification, standard, or drawing.
Prohibited Parts List. A list of parts deemed unacceptable by the PMB for use in a company’s prod-
ucts because of cost, quality, safety, etc.
Substitute Parts List (SPL). A list of all approved substitute parts used in production equipment.
SPLs are typically established by program or project, as the viability of a substitute part is deter-
mined against specific application requirements. Substitute parts are used instead of an equiva-
lent part listed in the PPL and the BOM, and are typically used on a limited basis.
Appendix E
CB corporate baseline
CM configuration management
LA logistics assessment
NDI non-developmental item
OTS off-the-shelf
SE systems engineering
8725 John J. Kingman Road, Stop 5100
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6220
(703) 767-6888