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Unit 2 - Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation - WWW - Rgpvnotes.in

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Program : B.

Subject Name: Electronic Measurement & Instrumentation
Subject Code: EC-302
Semester: 3rd
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Different parts of CRO, Block diagram, Electrostatic focusing, Electrostatic deflection, Post
deflection acceleration, Screen for CRTs, Graticules, Vertical and Horizontal deflection system,
Time base circuit, Oscilloscope Probes, Applications of CRO, Special purpose CROs- Multi input,
Dual trace, Dual beam, Sampling, Storage (Analog and Digital) Oscilloscope.
Maxwell’s bridge (Inductance and Inductance-Capacitance), Hay’s bridge, Schering Bridge, Wein
bridge Impedance measurement by Q-meter

The cathode ray oscilloscope is probably the most useful and versatile laboratory instrument
for the development of electronic circuits and systems. It is used for studying wave shapes of
alternating currents and voltages as well as for measurement of voltage, current, power and
frequency, in fact, almost any quantity that involves amplitude and waveform. It allows the
amplitude of electrical signals as a function of time on the screen. It is widely used for trouble
shooting radio and TV receivers as well as laboratory work involving research and design. It can
also be employed for studying the wave shape of a signal with respect to amplitude distortion
and deviation from the normal. In true sense the cathode ray oscilloscope has been one of the
most important tools in the design and development of modern electronic circuits.
The oscilloscope is basically an electron beam voltmeter. The main part of oscilloscope is the
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) which makes the applied signal visible by the deflection of a thin beam
of electrons. Since electron have practically no weight, and hence no inertia, therefore the
beam of electrons can be moved to follow waveforms varying at a rate of times/second. Thus,
the electron beam faithfully follows rapid variations in signal voltage and traces a visible path
on the CRT screen. In this way, rapid variations, pulsations or transients are reproduced and the
operator can observe the waveform as well as measurer amplitude at nay instant of time.
The major block circuit shown in below Fig. 2.1 of a general purpose CRO is as follows:
1. CRT
2. Vertical amplifier
3. Delay line
4. Time base
5. Horizontal amplifier
6. Trigger circuit
7. Power supply
1. CRT
This is the cathode ray tube which emits electrons that strikes the phosphor screen internally to
provide a visual display of signal. Cathode Ray Tube is the heart of the oscilloscope. When the
electrons emitted by the electron gun strikes the phosphor screen of the CRT, a visual signal is
displayed on the CRT.

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2. Vertical Amplifier
This is a wide band amplifier used to amplify signals in the vertical section. In Vertical Amplifier,
the input signals are amplified by the vertical amplifier. Usually, the vertical amplifier is a wide
band amplifier which passes the entire band of frequencies.





Fig. 2.1: Block Diagram of a general CRO

3. Delay Line
It is used to display the signal for some time in the vertical section. Delay Line as the name
suggests that, this circuit is used to; delay the signal for a period of time in the vertical section
of CRT. The input signal is not applied directly to the vertical plates because the part of the
signal gets lost, when the delay Time not used. Therefore, the input signal is delayed by a
period of time.
4. Time Base
It is used to generate the sawtooth voltage required to deflect the beam in the horizontal
section. Time base circuit uses a unijunction transistor, which is used to produce the sweep.
The saw tooth voltage produced by the time base circuit is required to deflect the beam in the
horizontal section. The spot is deflected by the saw tooth voltage at a constant time dependent
5. Horizontal Amplifier
This is used to amplify the sawtooth voltage before it is applied to horizontal deflection plates.
In Horizontal Amplifier, the saw tooth voltage produce by the time base circuit is amplified by
the horizontal amplifier before it is applied to horizontal deflection plates.
6. Trigger Circuit

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This is used to convert the incoming signal into trigger pulses so that the input signal and the
sweep frequency can be synchronized. In the trigger circuit the signals which are used to
activate the trigger circuit are converted to trigger pulses for the precision sweep operation
whose amplitude is uniform. Hence input signal and the sweep frequency can be synchronized.
7. Power Supply
There are two power supplies, a negative High Voltage (HV) supply and a positive Low Voltage
(LV) supply. Two voltages are generated in the CRO. The positive voltage supply is from + 300 to
400 V. The negative high voltage supply is from -1000 to -1500 V. This voltage is passed through
a bleeder resistor at a few mA. The intermediate voltages are obtained from the bleeder
resistor for intensity, focus and positioning controls.
Internal Structure of a CRT:

The cathode ray oscilloscope (CRO) is used for display, measurement and analysis of waveforms. CROs
are in fact very fast X- Y plotters, displaying an input signal versus another signal or versus time. Cathode
Ray Tube (CRT) is the heart of CRO. This is the cathode ray tube which emits electrons that strikes the
phosphor screen internally to provide a visual display of signal. Cathode Ray Tube is the heart of the
oscilloscope. When the electrons emitted by the electron gun strikes the phosphor screen of the CRT, a
visual signal is displayed on the CRT.
The main parts of a CRT are:
(i) Electron gun assembly, (ii) Deflection plate assembly, (iii) Fluorescent screen,
(iv)Glass envelope, (v) Base.
(i) Electron gun assembly:
It produces a sharply focused beam of electrons which are accelerated to high velocity. After leaving the
electron gun, the electron beam passes through two pairs of "Electrostatic deflection plates". Voltages
applied to these plates deflect the beam. Voltages applied to one pair of plates move the beam
vertically up and down and the voltage applies to the other pair of plates move the beam horizontally
from one side to another. The figure 2.2 shows the internal structure of Cathode Ray Tube.
Electron Gun

Horizontal deflection Plates

Pre-accelerating anode
Pins Accelerating anode


Grid Electron Beam

Base Cathode Focusing anode Vertical deflection plates

Aquadag Screen
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Figure 2.2: Internal structure of Cathode Ray Tube

Electron Gun: The role of this section is to produce electrons at a high, fixed, velocity. This is done
through a process known as thermionic emission. A filament in the cathode is heated to the point where
its electrons become loose. An anode with a high voltage applied to it accelerates the electrons towards
the screen due to electrostatic attraction. On the way, the electrons pass through a series of control
grids which control the brightness of the image produced. The more negative the grid, the darker the
image and vice versa.

The electron gun consists of a heater a cathode, a grid, a pre-accelerating anode, a focusing anode and
an accelerating anode.
In smaller CRTs, connections to the various electrodes are brought out through pins in the base of the
tube as shown in Figure 2.2.Larger types and medium sized high performance tubes operate at very high
voltages, and these leads are usually brought out through the sides of the glass envelope. Electrons are
emitted from the indirectly heated cathode. These electrons pass through a small hole is the "control
This control grid is usually a nickel cylinder, with a centrally located hole,-co-axial with the CRT axis. The
grid with is negative bias controls the number of electrons emitted from the cathode and hence the
intensity is controlled by the grid.
The electrons, emitted from the cathode and passing through the hole in the control grid are
accelerated by the high positive potential which is applied to the "pre-accelerating" and "accelerating
There are two methods of focusing an electron beam:
(i) Electrostatic focusing and
(ii) Electromagnetic focusing
The CRO uses electrostatic method of focusing as compared to a TV picture tube which employees
electromagnetic focusing.
Electrostatic Focusing
The expression for force on an electron is given by – qE, where q is the charge of electron (q = 1.6 X 10-
C), E is the electric field intensity and negative sign indicates that the direction of force is in opposite
direction to that of electric field intensity. This force is applied to deflect the beam of electrons coming
out of electron gun with the help of two cases which are illustrated below.
Case One
In this case we are having two plates. One plate A is at potential + E while the other plate is at potential
– E. The equi-potential surfaces are also shown in the figure 2.3 which is perpendicular to the direction
of electric field.


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Figure 2.3: Electric field between parallel plates

Case Second
Two cylinders with a potential difference are applied between them as shown in the figure 2.4
The resultant direction of electric field and the equi potential surfaces are also shown in the
figure. The equi potential surfaces are marked by the dotted lines which are curved in shape.
Now here we are interested in calculating the deflection angle of electron beam when it passes
through this curved equi potential surface.

-E +E

Field Lines


Figure 2.4: Field between two co axial cylinders

Electrostatic Deflection

The electron beams entering the field will be deflected towards the normal and the beam is thus
focused towards the centre of the tube. By changing the voltage of the focusing anode, the refractive
index is changed and therefore the focal point of the beam can be changed. The change in voltage of
focusing anode is done by changing the potentiometer. The figure 2.5 shows Electro static focusing
accelerating Focusing Accelerating Screen
Anode Anode Anode

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Figure 2.5: Electro static focusing arrangement

(iii) Fluorescent screen

The role of this part is to display where the electrons are hitting the CRT. It is a screen coated
with a material that emits light when struck by electrons. Zinc sulfide or Phosphorus is two
commonly used materials.
A CRT TV works by having the electron beam "scan" the screen at a rate faster than our eyes
can perceive. This means that it shoots across the screen like a machine gun, and the images we
see are actually made from many fluorescent dots. The fluorescence caused by the beam
striking the screen lasts a bit longer so that the next scan can be made without the previous
image disappearing. It scans twice each time, first filling in the odd "holes" then the even ones.
Each scan is about 1/50 of a second.
iv) Glass Envelope: A cathode ray tube comprises of many parts that work altogether in
coordination and also some of them require vacuum for their functioning that is why it
becomes necessary to enclose them in a cage this purpose it served this glass envelope. That
assembles all the parts of the tube in vacuum.
Also electrons generated by electron gun are to be directed towards deflection plates and then
finally towards the fluorescent screen so for well propagation of electron without getting
deflected any other object in its way it must be placed inside a sealed container.
v) Base: It is one of the essential parts of a CRO as through connecting pins electrical
connections are made to other parts.
Graticule: The viewing screen of a CRO is the glass face plate, the inside wall of which is coated
with phosphor. The viewing screen is a rectangular screen having graticules marked on it. The
standard size used nowadays is 8 cm x l0 cm (8 cm on the vertical and 10 cm on horizontal).

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Each centimeter on the graticule corresponds to one division (div). The standard phosphor color
used nowadays is blue
Graticule: The graticule is a grid of lines that serves as a scale when making the time and
amplitude measurements. There are three types of graticule
1. External graticule
2. Internal graticule
3. Projected graticule
External graticule: The graticule can be easily changed to make different types of
measurements and its position can be adjusted to align it when the trace on the CRT. But it
suffers from parallax errors.
Internal graticule: This is deposited on the internal surface of the CRT face plate and is
therefore on the same surface is phosphor. It requires some method of electrical alignment.
This is also difficult to illuminate for photography unless special illumination is provided.
Projected graticule:
It is available with some camera and provides flexibility .The face plate is sometimes
tinted neutral grey to reduce ambient light interference or external filters.

Sampling Oscilloscope:
When the frequency of the vertical deflection signal increases, writing speed of electron beam
increases causing reduction in the image intensity on the CRT screen. In order to obtain
sufficient image brilliance the electron beam must be accelerated with higher velocity. So we
need sampling oscilloscope. The sampling oscilloscope basically pickup samples from the
sampling pulses in accordance with the input applied signal. The reconstruction formed through
many samples taken during recurrent cycles of the input wave form. The horizontal
displacement of the beam is synchronized with trigger pulses which also determine the
moment of sampling. The resolution of final image on the CRT screen is determined by the size
of steps of stair case generator.
An ordinary oscilloscope has a B.W. of 10 MHz the HF performance can be improved by means
of sampling is sampled and after a few cycles sampling point is advanced and another sample is
taken. The shape of the wave form is reconstructed by joining the sample levels together. The
sampling frequency may be as low as 1/10th of the input signal frequency (if the input signal
frequency is 100 MHz, the bandwidth of the CRO vertical amplifier can be as low as 10 MHz). As
many as 1000 samples are used to reconstruct the original waveform.
Fig 2.6: shows a block diagram of a sampling oscilloscope. The input is applied to the sampling
gate. The input waveform is sampled whenever a sampling pulse opens the sampling gate. The
sampling must be synchronized with the input signal frequency. The signal is delayed in the
vertical amplifier, allowing the horizontal sweep to be initiated by the input signal. The
waveforms are shown in fig.2.7
At the beginning of each sampling cycle, the trigger pulse activates an oscillator and a linear
ramp voltage is generated. This ramp voltage is applied to a voltage comparator which
compares the ramp voltage to a staircase generate-When the two voltages are equal in
amplitude, the staircase advances one step and a sampling pulse is generated, which opens the
sampling gate for a sample of input voltage. The resolution of the final image depends upon the

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size of the steps of the staircase generator. The smaller the size of the steps the larger is the
number of samples and higher the resolution of the image.

Input Signal To Vertical

Sampling Gate Vertical Amplifier
Sampling Pulse

Voltage Comparator Staircase Generator

To Horizontal

Ramp Generator Attenuator

Time Scale


Trigger Input

Fig. 2.6: Block Diagram of a Sampling Oscilloscope

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Input wave

Trigger Pulse
Sampling Pulse

Sweep Ramp

Staircase generator voltage

Fig. 2.7: Waveforms of a Sampling Oscilloscope

Comparison between Dual Trace CRo & Dual Beam CRO

Dual Trace CRO Dual Beam CRO

One electron beam is used to

1. Two electron beams are used.
generate two traces

2. One vertical amplifier is used. Two vertical amplifiers are used.

Two signals are not displayed

simultaneously in real time but
3. Two signals are displayed simultaneously.
appear to be displayed

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Same beam is shared between the

Two separate beams are used hence easy to
4. two signals hence difficult to switch
switch between the traces.
quickly between the traces.

As two signals are displayed The two signals must have same frequency or
5. separately, the signals may have their frequencies must be integer multiples of
different frequencies. each other.

6. The size & weight is less The size & weight is more

Cannot be operated at fast speeds Can be operated at very high speed hence two
7. hence two separate fast transient separate fast transients signals can be easily
signals cannot be grabbed. grabbed.

8. The cost is less due to single beam The cost is more due to two separate beams

The two different modes of operation The two different types are using double gun
are alternate and chop tube or split beam using single electron gun

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Sections of a CRO: Vertical amplifier

The sensitivity (gain) and frequency bandwidth (B.W) response characteristics of the
oscilloscope are mainly determine by the vertical amplifier. Since the gain-B W. product is
constant, to obtain a greater sensitivity the B.W. is narrowed, or vice-versa. The figure 2.8
shows the Block diagram of Vertical amplifier.

Attenuator Mainframe
Probe Pre amplifier
Network amplifier CRT

Vertical Amplifier

Figure 2.8: Block diagram of Vertical amplifier

Horizontal amplifier
Horizontal amplifier is used for two purposes that can be listed as follows:
1. When the oscilloscope is used in ordinary mode of operation then horizontal amplifier
amplifies sweep generator output.
2. If X-Y mode is used the signal to horizontal amplifier is amplified.

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A push pull amplifier is applied in case of vertical amplifier; horizontal amplifier also contains a
push-pull amplifier. The block diagram of Horizontal amplifier is shown in figure 2.9:

AC coupled

Coupled Mode Horizontal Horizontal
Switch amplifier amplifier CRT
1stage push- Pull
Int final stage


Figure 2.9: Block Diagram of Horizontal amplifier

Dual Beam Cathode Ray Oscilloscope

The dual-beam oscilloscope uses two electron beams that are displayed simultaneously on a
single screen.
Construction of Double Beam Oscilloscope
There are two individual vertical input channels for two electron beams coming from different
sources. Each channel has its own attenuator and pre-amplifier. The two channels may have
common time base circuits. Each beam is applied on different channels for separate vertical
deflection before it crosses a single set of horizontal plate. The horizontal amplifier consists of
sweep generator to drive the horizontal deflection plate. Figure 2.10 shows the Block Diagram
of Dual beam oscilloscope.

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And Delay Line
Ch A Amplifier

Vertical Plates

And Delay Line
Ch B Amplifier

External Sweep Horizontal

Trigger Generator Amplifier


Horizontal plates

Sweep Horizontal
Trigger Generator Amplifier

Figure2.9: Block Diagram of Dual beam oscilloscope

Dual beam oscilloscope generates two electron beams using double electron gun tube.

Digital storage oscilloscope

Amplifier Digitizer Memory Analyzer Waveform

circuitry reconstruction

Input Signal


Trigger Time
Horizontal amplifier


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Figure 2.10: Block diagram of Digital storage oscilloscope

Digital oscilloscope is used for storing the waveform for further use. This is done by converting
the analog signals to digital signals with the help of analog to digital converter and storing this
digital data in the memory devices. Whenever the signal is required it is again converted into
analog signal with the help of digital to analog converter. The figure 2.10 shows the block
diagram of digital storage oscilloscope.


The four impedances of an a.c. bridge as shown in fig.2.11.

Z1= 400Ω Z2= 200Ω Z3= 800Ω and Z4= 400Ω
Find out whether the bridge is balanced under these conditions or not. Justify your answer.

Solution: Z1= 400Ω  Z2= 200Ω Z3= 800Ω and Z4= 400Ω

Fg.2.11: an a.c. bridge

The bridge is said to be balanced when the products of the magnitudes of the opposite arms
must be equal while sum of the phase angles of the opposite arms must be equal.

Z1·Z4 = Z2·Z3 …………………………..magnitude condition

θ1 + θ4 = θ2 + θ3 …………………....phase condition

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Thus, the bridge is said to be balanced when both the conditions magnitude as well as phase
are equal.

Equating magnitudes, we have

|Z1 Z4| = 400 X 400 = 1600; |Z2 Z3| = 400 X 400 = 1600

Thus, magnitude condition is satisfied.

Now, θ1 = 50, θ2 = 40θ3 = -50 θ4 = 20

θ1 + θ4 = 50 = 70θ2 + θ3 = 40

Thus, phase angle condition is not satisfied. Hence, the bridge is not under balanced

Maxwell Inductance Bridge is used for measurement of unknown inductance by comparing with
a variable standard inductance. Figure 2.12 shows the setup of Maxwell Inductance Bridge.

R2 Z2

ac source E
R3 Lx

L3, r
i3 i4

Z3 Z4

Figure 2.12: Maxwell Inductance Bridge

Bridge contains:
1) Two non-inductive resistances R1 & R2.

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2) One of the arms consist variable inductance with series resistance r.

3) The remaining arm contains unknown inductance Lx.
At balance condition, Z1·Z4 = Z2 ·Z3
𝑅1 𝑅2
[(𝑅3 + 𝑟) + 𝑗𝑤𝐿3 ] (𝑅𝑥 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿𝑥 )

𝑅1 . (𝑅𝑥 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿𝑥 ) = 𝑅2 . [(𝑅3 + 𝑟) + 𝑗𝑤𝐿3 ]

𝑅1 . 𝑅𝑥 + 𝑗𝑤𝑅1 . 𝐿𝑥 = 𝑅2 . (𝑅3 + 𝑟) + 𝑗𝑤𝑅2 . 𝐿3

Equating imaginary terms, we have

R1Lx = R2L3 Lx = R2· (L3/R1)
𝐋𝐱 = 𝐑 𝟐 ·
Equating real terms, we have
R1Rx = R2 (R3+r)
𝑹𝒙 = . ( 𝑹𝟑 + 𝒓)

Maxwell Inductance Capacitance Bridge

Maxwell Inductance Capacitance Bridge is used for measurement of unknown inductance with
the help of variable resistor and capacitor. Figure 2.13 shows the setup of Maxwell Inductance
Capacitance Bridge

E1 E2




I2 C4


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Figure 2.13: Maxwell Inductance Capacitance Bridge

Here, L1 is unknown inductance,
R1 is effective resistance of inductor L1
C4 is variable standard capacitor.
R2, R3, R4 are known non inductive resistance
Balance conditions Z1.Z4 = Z2.Z3
(𝑅1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿1 ) ( ) = 𝑅2 𝑅3
1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4
𝑅1 𝑅4 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿1 𝑅4 = 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶4 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4
Separating real and imaginary parts
𝑅1 𝑅4 = 𝑅2 𝑅3
𝑅2 𝑅3
𝑅1 =
𝑗𝑤𝐿1 𝑅4 = 𝑗𝑤𝐶4 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4
𝐿1 𝑅4 = 𝐶4 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4
𝐶4 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4
𝐿1 =

𝐿1 = 𝐶4 𝑅2 𝑅3
Quality factor 𝑄 = 𝑅1
Substituting the R1 and L1 in the above equation

𝑤𝐶4 𝑅2 𝑅3
𝑄= = 𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4
𝑅2 𝑅3
Advantages of Maxwell's Bridge
Advantages of Maxwell's bridge are
1. The frequency does not appear in any equation
2. Useful for measurement of inductor at audio frequencies.
Disadvantages of Maxwell's Bridge
1. Variable standard capacitor is very expensive.
2. The bridge is limited to measurement of low quality coils (1 < Q < 10).

Hay's Bridge
Referring fig. 2.14, Hay’s bridge is the modification of Maxwell Inductance Capacitance Bridge.
Here, L1 is unknown inductance,
R1 is effective resistance of inductor L1
C4 is standard capacitor.

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R2, R3, R4 are known non inductive resistance

Balance conditions Z1.Z4 = Z2.Z3
(𝑅1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿1 ) (𝑅4 − ) = 𝑅2 𝑅3

𝑗𝑅1 𝑗 2 𝑤𝐿1
𝑅1 𝑅4 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿1 𝑅4 − − = 𝑅2 𝑅3
𝑤𝐶4 𝑤𝐶4

𝑗𝑅1 𝐿1
𝑅1 𝑅4 + 𝑗𝑤𝐿1 𝑅4 − + = 𝑅2 𝑅3
𝑤𝐶4 𝐶4
Separating real and imaginary parts
𝑅1 𝑅4 + = 𝑅2 𝑅3
𝑗𝑤𝐿1 𝑅4 − =0
𝑗𝑤𝐿1 𝑅4 =
𝑤𝐿1 𝑅4 =
𝐿1 = 2
𝑤 𝐶4 𝑅4
Substituting 𝐿1 in real term
𝑤 2 𝐶4 𝑅4
𝑅1 𝑅4 + = 𝑅2 𝑅3
𝑅1 𝑅4 + 2 2 = 𝑅2 𝑅3
𝑤 𝐶4 𝑅4
𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅1 𝑅42 + 𝑅1 = 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅4

𝑅1 (1 + 𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅42 )=𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4

𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4
𝑅1 =
1 + 𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅42
Substituting 𝑅1 in imaginary term
𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4
1 + 𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅42
𝐿1 =
𝑤 2 𝐶4 𝑅4
𝑅2 𝑅3 𝑅4
𝐿1 =
1 + 𝑤 2 𝐶42 𝑅42
Quality factor of the coil 𝑄 =
Substituting the value of 𝐿1 and 𝑅1

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𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4

E1 I1 E2





E3 I2


AC source E

Figure 2.14: Hay’s Bridge

1. This bridge gives a very simple expression for unknown inductance for high Q coils and is
suitable for coils having q>10.
2. From the expression of Q it is clear that 𝑅4 appears in the denominator and hence the
high coils its value is small. The bridge requires only a low value of resistor for𝑅4 , where
the Maxwell’s bridge requires a parallel resistor of a very high value.
1. This bridge is suited for measurement of high Q inductors those inductor having Q
greater than 10.
2. This bridge is not suited for measurement of low Q coils.

Schering Bridge: Used for measurement of unknown capacitance.

C1 is unknown capacitance and r1 is series resistance indicating losses in capacitor
C2 is standard capacitor

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R3 a non inductive resistance

R4 variable non inductive resistance in parallel with capacitor C 4
At balance, Z1.Z4 = Z2.Z3

1 𝑅4 1
(𝑟1 + )( )= 𝑅
𝑗𝑤𝐶1 1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4 𝑗𝑤𝐶2 3

1 𝑅3
(𝑟1 + ) 𝑥𝑅4 = (1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4 )
𝑗𝑤𝐶1 𝑗𝑤𝐶2
𝑗 𝑗𝑅3
(𝑟1 − ) 𝑥𝑅4 = − (1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4 )
𝑤𝐶1 𝑤𝐶2
𝑗 𝑗𝑅3
(𝑟1 − ) 𝑥𝑅4 = − (1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4 )
𝑤𝐶1 𝑤𝐶2
𝑗𝑅4 𝑗𝑅3 𝑗 2 𝑤𝐶4 𝑅3 𝑅4
𝑟1 𝑥𝑅4 − =− −
𝑤𝐶1 𝑤𝐶2 𝑤𝐶2

𝑗𝑅4 𝑗𝑅3 𝑤𝐶4 𝑅3 𝑅4

𝑟1 𝑥𝑅4 − =− +
𝑤𝐶1 𝑤𝐶2 𝑤𝐶2
Separating real and imaginary terms:

Real Term
𝐶4 𝑅3 𝑅4
𝑟1 𝑥𝑅4 =

𝐶4 𝑅3
𝑟1 =
Imaginary term

𝑅4 𝑅3
𝐶1 𝐶2
𝐶2 𝑅4
𝐶1 =
Dissipation factor 𝐷 = 𝑤𝐶1 𝑟1
Substituting the value of 𝐶1 and 𝑟1

𝐶2 𝑅4 𝐶4 𝑅3
𝐷= 𝑥
𝑅3 𝐶2

𝐷 = 𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4
1. 𝐶1 can be measured with the help of 𝑅3
2. 𝐷 = 𝑤𝐶4 𝑅4 .The frequency is fixed 𝐶4 can be measured directly.

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E1 E2




I1 IC C4

E3 E4

AC source E

Figure 2.15: Schering Bridge

Wien’s Bridge:
Measurement of unknown frequency is done with the help of Wien’s Bridge.
Z1.Z4 = Z2.Z3

𝑅1 𝑗
( ) 𝑅4 = (𝑅2 − )𝑅
1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶1 𝑅1 𝑤𝐶2 3

𝑅1 𝑅4 𝑗𝑅3
= 𝑅2 𝑅3 −
1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶1 𝑅1 𝑤𝐶2

𝑅1 𝑅4 = (1 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶1 𝑅1 ) (𝑅2 𝑅3 − )
𝑗𝑅3 𝐶1 𝑅1 𝑅3
𝑅1 𝑅4 = 𝑅2 𝑅3 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶1 𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3 − +
𝑤𝐶2 𝐶2
𝑗 𝐶1 𝑅1
𝑅1 𝑅4 = 𝑅3 (𝑅2 + 𝑗𝑤𝐶1 𝑅1 𝑅2 − + )
𝑤𝐶2 𝐶2

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𝑅4 𝑅2 𝑗 𝐶1
= + 𝑗𝑤𝐶1 𝑅2 − +
𝑅3 𝑅1 𝑤𝐶2 𝑅1 𝐶2
Separating real and imaginary terms:
Real terms:
𝑅4 𝑅 𝐶
= 𝑅2 +𝐶1
𝑅 3 1 2
Imaginary terms:
𝑤𝐶1 𝑅2 − =0
𝑤𝐶2 𝑅1

𝑤 2 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2 − 1 = 0
𝑤 2 𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2 = 1

𝑤2 =
𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2
√𝐶1 𝐶2 𝑅1 𝑅2
If w=2πf and C1=C2 and R1=R2
This bridge is difficult to balance unless the waveform of the applied voltage is sinusoidal.




E2 E4

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Figure 2.16: Measurement of frequency using Wien’s bridge

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