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On Killing a Tree
The poet conveys the idea through the poem of the process of
killing or cutting a tree. The poem seems to be contrary to our
common belief that more and more trees should be planted. But
here the poet lays stress on the implementation of the effective
cutting of the trees. The message that the poet wants to convey
through this poem is that we should always do complete work at
the time of starting it. Some people are in habit of leaving the
work half done, while they think that they have done the work
perfectly. But in the end, they find that it was nothing but an
illusion. So, the poet wants us to finish the work completely
whether the work is of the killing of the tree apart the poet wants
us that we should do our optimum efforts and we should put
ourselves whole heartily leaving no stone unturned.
The title of the poem, “On Killing a Tree” clearly shows Gieve
Patel’s concern for nature. The tree is man’s benevolent friend
and such friends are destroyed by man’s cruelty and greed. In an
ironic tone, the poet narrates the whole process of killing a tree.
A sudden blow of a knife, hacking, and chopping cannot destroy
the tree. It has to be uprooted from the earth. Then the roots are
exposed to the sun and air for scorching, choking, and withering.
Finally, the task of killing a tree is executed after a long process
of torture and pain. The title is ironic to mankind in the sense of
man’s foolishness and recklessness. The poet wants to convey a
message through the poem to his readers to be sympathetic to
nature. Hence the title is appropriate.