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Ti6Al4V-ELI Alloy Manufactured via Laser Powder-Bed Fusion
and Heat-Treated below and above the β-Transus: Effects of
Sample Thickness and Sandblasting Post-Process
Emanuela Cerri 1 , Emanuele Ghio 1, * and Giovanni Bolelli 2

1 Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, 43123 Parma, Italy;

2 Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, University of Modena e Reggio Emilia, 41125 Modena, Italy;
* Correspondence: emanuele.ghio@unipr.it

Abstract: Ti6Al4V-ELI is the most-used lightweight alloy in the aerospace industrial sector thanks to
its high mechanical strength and corrosion resistance. The present paper aims, firstly, to evaluate the
effects induced by different heat treatments, which were performed above and below the β-transus
temperature on Ti6Al4V-ELI samples manufactured via Laser Powder-Bed Fusion in different orienta-
tions (XZ, XY, Z and 45◦ ). The first set of tensile samples and bars were heat-treated at 1050 ◦ C × 1 h,
while the second and third set were heat-treated at 704 ◦ C × 1200 following the AMS2801 standard
specification, and at 740 ◦ C × 1300 . These heat treatments were chosen to improve the as-built
mechanical properties according to the ASTM F3001 and also ASTM F2924-14 standard specifications.
Optical and SEM measurements reveal primary, secondary and tertiary α-laths below the β-transus,
Citation: Cerri, E.; Ghio, E.; Bolelli, G.
while above this temperature, the microstructure varies in relation to the sample’s thickness. Secondly,
Ti6Al4V-ELI Alloy Manufactured via
this work analyzed the results obtained after a sandblasting process, which was performed on half of
Laser Powder-Bed Fusion and
Heat-Treated below and above the
all the available heat-treated tensile samples, through XRD and Vickers microhardness measurements.
β-Transus: Effects of Sample XRD analysis also highlighted the presence of α2 -Ti3 Al and TiAl3 precipitates and the microstructural
Thickness and Sandblasting change in terms of the α-phase.
Post-Process. Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359.
https://doi.org/10.3390/ Keywords: Ti6Al4V-ELI; α-colonies; Widmanstätten microstructure; sample thickness; Laser Powder-Bed
app12115359 Fusion; mechanical properties optimization; heat treatments; sandblasting process; α-case
Academic Editors: Flaviana
Calignano, Diego Manfredi and
Giuseppe Addamo
1. Introduction
Received: 30 April 2022
Metallic materials for aerospace applications must be characterized by high mechanical
Accepted: 24 May 2022
strength, toughness and corrosion resistance at high and low temperatures [1–4]. Commer-
Published: 25 May 2022
cially, pure titanium and its alloys are widely used in this application field; 155,000 kg of
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral these materials were used in 2020 alone [5]) as inter-tank structures (also in the cryogenic
with regard to jurisdictional claims in stage of launch vehicles), cockpit window frames, wing boxes, fasteners, turbo engine
published maps and institutional affil- parts, and for the aircraft fuselage, thanks to their low density (~−60% of steel) [2,6,7]. In
iations. addition to the light-in-weight requirement, Singh et al. [3] add good durability (gener-
ally 4k–8k h and 30k–60k h for military and commercial airlines, respectively), low costs
(initial cost for purchasing and maintenance) and good fabricability as desirable features
for aeronautical parts. Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies meet these latter re-
Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.
quirements in addition to reducing the design and manufacturing time with respect to
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
the conventional manufacturing processes [1,8]. Moreover, considering the “buy-to-fly”
distributed under the terms and
ratio, which is the ratio between the weight of the raw material used to manufacture the
conditions of the Creative Commons mechanical component and the weight of the final component, it reaches 10:1 ÷ 20:1 for
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// wrought-based conventional manufacturing. In opposition, “buy-to-fly” of AM of metals
creativecommons.org/licenses/by/ approaches a ratio of 1:1 due to its high material utilization in AM, the short production
4.0/). cycle and minimal use of tool machines [9–11]. As a matter of fact, AM technologies allow

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12115359 https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 2 of 21

researchers to obtain a 3D physical object through the successive addition of material

(layer-by-layer) following a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) project, which is converted
into an .stl file before the manufacturing process [12,13]. Despite these advantages, Froes
et al. [1] affirmed that only 8.2% of the aerospace industry has adopted rapid-prototyping
technology, while Gibbons et al. [14] underlined that the certification and qualification of
the Laser Powder-Bed Fusion (L-PBF) process, which is an AM technology, do not differ
from the conventional manufacturing process in the aerospace field.
L-PBF is a technology wherein a laser source scans and melts a powder bed that is
deposited by a roller or recoater on the build platform [12]. To obtain a fully dense and
high-quality sample, the following full melting criterion proposed by Tang et al. [15] must
be satisfied:  2  2
h t
+ < 1, (1)
where h (µm) and t (µm) are the hatch spacing and the layer thickness, respectively, while
W (µm) and D (µm) are the width and the depth of the molten pool, respectively. In other
words, the main process parameters that characterize the L-PBF process (laser power P (W),
scanning speed v (mm/s), hatch spacing h (mm) and the layer thickness t (mm)), and
influence the molten pool dimensions, need to be optimized [16–18].
Ti6Al4V-ELI (Extra-Low Interstitial) is an α + β alloy at room temperature that con-
tains Al and V elements as α- and β-stabilizers, respectively. In addition, the O, N and C
atoms (in a small amount) stabilize the hcp (hexagonal closed packed) α-phase, while Fe
stabilizes the bcc (body-centered cubic) β-phase [12,19,20]. Due to the high cooling rate
(up to 108 K/s, [12]) that characterizes the L-PBF technology, the as-built microstructure of
the Ti6Al4V-ELI sample is totally or partially formed by α0 -martensite contained within
columnar β-grains arranged parallel to the build direction [21,22]. Generally, the UTS
(Ultimate Tensile Strength) and YS (Yield Strength) values of as-built Ti6Al4V-ELI samples
reach values higher 1.1 and 1.0 GPa, respectively, which decrease when the temperature
of the pre-heated build platform or the percentage of decomposed α0 -martensite are in-
creased [12,23–25]. As a matter of fact, there is α0 → α decomposition and a subsequent
loss in mechanical properties of the as-built sample if the build platform is kept at high
temperature (T > 400 ◦ C, the temperature at which the martensite decomposes [26–28])
and/or due to the different values of energy density used E = P/vht, J/mm3 . At the
same time, the ductility is often lower than 9% and, consequently, the minimum tensile
properties required by the F3001-14 standard specification are not satisfied [20]. In this
scenario, optimized heat treatments can be necessary to obtain an improved balance in
mechanical properties. Due to the chemical composition of the Ti6Al4V-ELI alloy and the
phase transformations that can take place during different cooling pathways, its mechanical
properties can be improved and/or tailored through different heat treatments performed
below or above the β-transus temperature [12,29–31]. In particular, the as-built UTS and
YS always decrease for each heat treatment performed on the as-built samples [12]. As
a matter of fact, also considering a fully martensitic microstructure obtained in solution
heat-treated and water-quenched samples, the UTS and YS are lower than 1.0 GPa and
950 MPa, respectively, due to the presence of recrystallized equiaxed β-grains [32–34].
At the same time, the elongation values do not show continuous growth with increasing
heat-treating temperatures and time due to the following reasons: firstly, the presence of
columnar β-grains, which significantly influence the fracture mechanisms, remains even
after the heat treatments performed below the β-transus; secondly, defects generated dur-
ing the L-PBF process play a fundamental role in the premature failure of samples [12,35].
On the other hand, the best balance between tensile strength and good elongation values
(16 ÷ 18%, [12]) was obtained through the bimodal microstructure achieved after cyclic
annealing heat treatments [21,36].
As previously discussed, the Ti6Al4V-ELI alloy is characterized by lower contents of
oxygen (max 0.13%), nitrogen, carbon and iron than the similar Ti6Al4V alloy. This differ-
ence in chemical composition confers improved values of ductility and fracture toughness,
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 3 of 21

which are required in the aerospace sector. At the same time, the surface finishing of the
Ti6Al4V-ELI sample is often correlated with air/gas flow problems correlated with the
aerospace applications, but there are other reasons why aerospace engineering components
require suitably low roughness. In fact, this is correlated with improved corrosion and
wear resistance and with reduced friction during sliding contacts; moreover, it allows the
uniform coverage of a component with a thin-film coating [37–39]. Surface roughness
also has a huge impact on the fatigue life of a component, which is another important
factor within the space and aerospace fields [40,41]. Möller et al. [42] correlated the surface
roughness with fracture toughness, but no research concerning the effects on mechanical
properties of Ti6Al4V-ELI samples was found in the literature.
The present paper aims to evaluate the microstructural effects induced by different
heat treatments and the resulting mechanical properties, which are compared to the current
standard specifications. Firstly, it analyzes the effects of two heat treatments performed
below the β-transus temperature at 704 and 740 ◦ C following the aeronautical standard
specification (AMS 2801B); secondly, it analyzes the effects of the solution heat treatment at
1050 ◦ C, which will be the starting point of future aging heat treatments. In addition, the
present work studies the impact of the different heat treatments on samples characterized
by different thicknesses. As a matter of fact, distinct aerospace components can possess
widely different thicknesses, which can have an effect on their microstructures. Finally, the
effects induced by the sandblasting process on the heat-treated samples are evaluated in
terms of mechanical properties and surface characteristics.

2. Materials and Methods

Ti6Al4V-ELI powder (Tekna, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada) was used to manufacture
tensile samples and bars via Laser Powder-Bed Fusion technology. The powder used was
characterized by a granulometry between 20 and 60 µm and by an apparent density higher
than 2.2 g/cm3 . Its chemical composition is reported in Table 1.

Table 1. Nominal chemical composition of Ti6Al4V-ELI in wt.%.

Elements Ti Al V C Fe O N H Y
wt.% Bal. 6.47 4.06 0.01 0.21 0.09 0.01 0.001 <0.001

Figure 1a shows a representative batch formed by 24 tensile samples and four bars
directed along different directions, i.e., 0◦ XZ (blue), 0◦ XY (red), 45◦ (green) and 90◦ Z (yellow),
considering their major axis of symmetry. For a better understanding of the results, the
tensile samples and bars were designated as reported in Table 2, where their dimensions
are also listed. Three batches (Figure 1a) were manufactured through the SLM® 280 (SLM
solutions, Lübeck, Germany) machine following the skin-core scan strategy reported in
Figure 1b, wherein the red dotted arrows indicate the laser directions. The laser scan tracks
were parallel to each other and inclined by 56.5◦ with respect to the base of the external
frame. Each layer (n) was rotated by 67◦ with respect to the previously solidified layer
(n − 1). To manufacture all tensile samples and bars, the following process parameters
were used: scanning speed of 1250 mm/s, laser power of 340 W, hatch spacing of 120 µm
and layer thickness of 60 µm. The build platform was heated at 80 ◦ C.
All batches were heat-treated at three different temperatures below (704 and 740 ◦ C)
and above (1050 ◦ C) the β-transus following the time–temperature curves reported in
Figure 2. All treatments were performed in a vacuum furnace where the samples were
cooled in argon gas for 1 h. The first batch was heat-treated at 704 ◦ C for 2 h (704 ◦ C/1200 )
following the ASM2801 standard specification, the second at 740 ◦ C for 1300 (740 ◦ C/1300 )
and the third at 1050 ◦ C for 600 (1050 ◦ C/600 ). The latter two heat treatments were performed
to obtain a possible balance between strength and ductility to satisfy the ASTM F3001
standard specification. Focusing on the 740 ◦ C/1300 , the cooling pathway (red curve) was
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 4 of 21

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 4 of 22

formed by the first step down to 520 ◦ C in 900 and the second down to room temperature
in argon gas.

(a) (b)
Figure 1. (a) Solidworks (Dassault Systèmes, Waltham, Québec, Canada) drawing of tensile samples
Figure 1. (a) Solidworks (Dassault Systèmes, Waltham, Québec, Canada) drawing of tensile samples
manufactured along the 0° XZ (blue), 0°XY (red), 45° (green) and 90°Z (yellow) directions and of bars
manufactured along the 0◦ XZ (blue), 0◦ XY (red), 45◦ (green) and 90◦ Z (yellow) directions and of bars
grown along the same directions; (b) skin-core scan strategy where θ is 56.5° and the orange and
grown along the same directions; (b) skin-core scan strategy where θ is 56.5◦ and the orange and red
red arrows indicate the laser scans directions.
arrows indicate the laser scans directions.
Table 2. Nomenclature used in the present paper for all tensile samples and bars and their dimen-
Table 2. Nomenclature used in the present paper for all tensile samples and bars and their dimensions.
Length Width Thickness Cross-Section
Samples Nomenclature Color Length Width Thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm) Cross-Section
Area (mm2 ) Area
Samples Nomenclature Color
0◦ XZ -sample Blue (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm2)
Tensile ◦ -sample
00° Red
XYXZ-sample Blue 10.0 1 6.0 ± 0.1 1 6.0 1 36
sample 45◦ -sample Green
Tensile 0°◦
90 XY -sample
Z -sample Red
10.0 1 6.0 ± 0.1 1 6.0 1 36
sample 45°-sample
0◦ XZ -bar Green
0◦ XY
90° -bar
Z-sample Yellow
Bars ◦ Grey 15 15 225
45 -bar
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 0°◦ XZ -bar 10 5 of 22
90 Z -bar
0°XY-barwith the E8/E8M-16a standard specification.
1 Dimensions in agreement
Bars Grey 10 10 100
1 Dimensions in agreement with the E8/E8M-16a standard specification.

All batches were heat-treated at three different temperatures below (704 and 740 °C)
and above (1050 °C) the β-transus following the time–temperature curves reported in Fig-
ure 2. All treatments were performed in a vacuum furnace where the samples were cooled
in argon gas for 1 h. The first batch was heat-treated at 704 °C for 2 h (704 °C/120′) follow-
ing the ASM2801 standard specification, the second at 740 °C for 130′ (740 °C/130′) and the
third at 1050 °C for 60′ (1050 °C/60′). The latter two heat treatments were performed to
obtain a possible balance between strength and ductility to satisfy the ASTM F3001 stand-
ard specification. Focusing on the 740 °C/130′, the cooling pathway (red curve) was
formed by the first step down to 520 °C in 90′ and the second down to room temperature
in argon gas.

Figure 2. Temperature–timecurves
2. Temperature–time curvesrelated
the heat treatment (704 ◦ C/1200 , 740 ◦ C/1300 and
Figure heat treatment (704 °C/120′, 740 °C/130′ and 1050

1050 C/60 0
studied in the in
) studied present work. work.
the present

After the heat treatments, a set of samples for each batch (Figure 1a) was sandblasted
(SB) through a glass micro-sphere characterized by diameters between 200 and 300 μm.
The process was performed manually with a distance of 300 mm from the sample surface
and a pressure of 7 MPa. For a better understanding, all sandblasted samples will be called
SB, while those characterized by an “as fabricated” surface will be called no-SB. Before
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 5 of 21

After the heat treatments, a set of samples for each batch (Figure 1a) was sandblasted
(SB) through a glass micro-sphere characterized by diameters between 200 and 300 µm.
The process was performed manually with a distance of 300 mm from the sample surface
and a pressure of 7 MPa. For a better understanding, all sandblasted samples will be called
SB, while those characterized by an “as fabricated” surface will be called no-SB. Before and
after the sandblasting process, the surface roughness was measured through an optical 3D
profilometer (Taylor Hobson, Leicester, UK).
To evaluate the mechanical properties of the both SB and no-SB samples after the
different heat treatments, the tensile tests were performed at room temperature with
a Zwick/Roell Z100 (ZwickRoell, Einsingen, Germany) machine using a strain rate of
0.0167 s−1 . Three tensile samples were tested for each direction in SB and no-SB condi-
tions, respectively.
Vickers microhardness measurements were performed using both 500 gf (HV0.5 ) and
100 gf (HV0.1 ) loads and a 15 s indentation time according to the UNI EN ISO 6507-1:2018
standard specification. In the first case, 500 gf was used to evaluate the Vickers micro-
hardness of all samples and bars. Each HV0.5 value was obtained as an average of nine
measurements arranged within a 3 × 3 matrix where indentations were spaced 1 mm
from one another (Figure 3a). On the other hand, 100 gf of load was used to evaluate the
microhardness of the α-colonies, α-laths arranged in a basketweave structure, and αGB
(Grain Boundary). Finally, three microhardness profiles (Figure 3b) were performed along
on the cross-sections of the 90◦ Z -samples heat-treated at 704, 740 and 1050 ◦ C to analyze
the effects induced by the sandblasting process on the surface of the SB samples. Each
profile was formed by 15 indentations that were 500 µm apart, except for the 2nd from
the 1st and 3rd and the 14th from the 13th and 15th, which were spaced 250 µm apart.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 These chosen distances satisfy the following relationship: δ > 2dm , where δ and d are the6 of 22
distance between two successive indentations and the average value of the indentation’s
diagonal, respectively.

(a) (b)
Matrix of
of 33×× 33indentations
indentations where
where d is d is 1 of
1 mm mm of between
space space between two indentations;
two adjacent adjacent indenta-
tions; (b) Vickers microhardness profiles performed on cross-section of the heat-treated
(b) Vickers microhardness profiles performed on cross-section of the heat-treated 90◦ Z -samples after 90°Z-sam-
ples after
and andthe
before before the sandblasting
sandblasting process.
process. Each profileEach profileby
is separated is separated
δ. by δ.

The heat-treated microstructures
heat-treated microstructures andandthetheeffects
inducedby the
by sandblasting process
the sandblasting process
on the sample surface were analyzed through the DMi8 Leica optical
on the sample surface were analyzed through the DMi8 Leica optical microscope (Leica,microscope (Leica,
Wetzlar, Germany) andand the
the SEM
NanoSEM 450-FEI
(ThermoFisher, Hillsboro, OR, OR,
USA) in parallel (xy plane, “ Build direction”) and perpendicular (xz plane, “↑ Build direc-
USA) in parallel (xy plane, “⊙ Build direction”) and perpendicular (xz plane, “↑ Build
tion”) directions to the build platform for 0◦ XZ -, 0◦ XY -, 45◦ - and 90◦ Z -samples. The thickness
direction”) directions to the build platform for 0°XZ-, 0°XY-, 45°- and 90°Z-samples. The
of α-laths and columnar β-grains was measured as reported by Gallaraga et al. [43] and
thickness of α-laths and columnar β-grains was measured as reported by Gallaraga et al.
[43] and Tiley et al. [44], respectively. In addition, energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spec-
troscopy (Quantax-200, Bruker Nano GmbH, Berlin, Germany) was used to evaluate both
the α′/α and β phases and the effects induced by the sandblasting process on the sample
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 6 of 21

Tiley et al. [44], respectively. In addition, energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopy

(Quantax-200, Bruker Nano GmbH, Berlin, Germany) was used to evaluate both the α0 /α
and β phases and the effects induced by the sandblasting process on the sample surface.

3. Results
3.1. Microstructure and Surface Roughness
Figure 4 shows two OM micrographs illustrating the microstructure of as-built Ti6Al4V-
ELI 45◦ -samples on the perpendicular (Figure 4a) and the parallel (Figure 4b) planes to the
build platform. Figure 4a illustrates the presence of different columnar β-grains with the
white dotted lines marking their boundaries. Prior columnar β-grains are usually disposed
perpendicularly to the molten pool, marked through the yellow dotted line, and totally
formed by α0 -martensite laths. Figure 4b shows the cross-sections of the columnar β-grains,
characterized by a typical rectangular shape. In addition, they are generally contained
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 7 of 22
within the laser scan tracks (marked with dotted yellow lines). Similar results are obtained
◦ ◦ ◦
on the same types of planes of the 0 XZ -, 0 XY - and 90 Z -samples, respectively.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. OM
OM micrographs
micrographs of ofthe
Ti6Al4V-ELI4545°-sample observed:(a)(a)on
◦ -sample observed:
on the plane perpendicular to the build platform, and (b) and on the plane parallel to the build
the plane perpendicular to the build platform, and (b) and on the plane parallel to the build platform.
platform. White and green arrows indicate the boundaries of the columnar β-grains (white dotted
White and green arrows indicate the boundaries of the columnar β-grains (white dotted lines) and
lines) and the0 laths of α′-martensite, respectively. The yellow dotted lines represent the molten pool
the laths of(a),
boundary α -martensite,
and the laserrespectively. The yellow dotted lines represent the molten pool boundary
scan tracks (b).
(a), and the laser scan tracks (b).

Figure 5 shows the microstructure of both the 0◦ XZ -sample heat-treated at 704 ◦ C/1200
(Figure 5a,b) and the 90◦ Z -sample treated at 740 ◦ C/1300 (Figure 5c,d) where the columnar
β-grains are always arranged alongside the build direction. ThePrimary same α-lath
T ti microstructures are
shown by the 0◦ XY -, 0◦ XZ -, 45◦ - and 90◦ Z -bars and they are consistent with those reported
in [37,45,46].
As widely reported in the literature, the α0 → α + β decomposition generates a
microstructure where the primary, secondary and tertiary α-laths form a hierarchical
structure such as the former α0 -martensite laths. Figures 5b and 5c illustrate the presence
of this hierarchical structure where orange, green and light-blue dotted lines indicate
Tertiary α-lath
the primary, secondary and tertiary T ti α-laths, respectively. The EDS spectra of Table 3
Secondary α-lath
confirm that the laths are the α-phase (spectrum A) and lighter T tizones are the β-phase
(spectrum B) [47]. The former is characterized by a higher content of the α-stabilizer
alloying element (Al), while the latter are richer in the β-stabilizing alloy elements (V
and Fe) [19]. Huang et al. [32] affirmed that the microstructure shown in Figure 5b,d was
strictly related, firstly, to the self-accommodation of the α0(b)
(a) -martensite and, secondly, to the
Burgers relationships between the α and β phases.
T ti
Figure 4. OM micrographs of the microstructure of as-built Ti6Al4V-ELI 45°-sample observed: (a)
on the plane perpendicular to the build platform, and (b) and on the plane parallel to the build
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359
platform. White and green arrows indicate the boundaries of the columnar β-grains (white dotted 7 of 21
lines) and the laths of α′-martensite, respectively. The yellow dotted lines represent the molten pool
boundary (a), and the laser scan tracks (b).

Primary α-lath
T ti

Tertiary α-lath
T ti
Secondary α-lath
T ti

(a) (b)

T ti

Spectrum A
T ti

(c) (d)

Figure 5. SEM micrographs of the 0◦ XY -sample (a,b) after 704 ◦ C/1200 and 90◦ Z -sample (c,d) after
740 ◦ C/1300 . All images were acquired on the plane perpendicular to the build platform. Panel
(b) illustrates the magnification (40 k×) of the red square area in panel (a) (2 k×), while panel
(d) shows the magnification (40 k×) of the yellow square area in panel (c) (2 k×). Orange, green and
light-blue dotted lines indicate primary, secondary and tertiary α-laths.

Table 3. Chemical composition (EDS) of spectra A and B in wt.%.

Spectrum Ti Al V Fe Phase
A 91.6 7.2 1.2 - α
B 89.9 2.0 7.9 0.2 β

In order to characterize the coarsening of the α-phase, its thickness was measured
as a function of the heat-treatment conditions, and it increases from (540 ± 60) nm at
704 ◦ C/1200 to (700 ± 10) nm at 740 ◦ C/1300 due to the different temperatures and the
furnace cooling from 740 to 520 ◦ C in 900 . The same results were obtained in [29,48,49]. For
example, Haar et al. [29] discussed the same phenomenon during the heat treatments in
the low-SSTR (Solid Solution Temperature Region), i.e., at temperatures below 800 ◦ C.
Increasing the heat-treatment temperature above the β-transus (T = 1050 ◦ C), the
columnar β-grains recrystallize into equiaxed grains, as shown in Figure 6a,b, where the
microstructures of the 90◦ Z -sample (Figure 6a,c) and 90◦ Z -bar (Figure 6b,d) are shown.
Figure 6c,d highlight the β-grain boundary formed by the αGB (Grain Boundary) phase
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 8 of 21

due to β → αGB transformation during the cooling, and from which the α-colonies and
α-laths nucleate and grow. Tensile samples are formed by α-laths and small α-colonies that
form a typical basketweave structure within the equiaxed β-grains (Figure 6a,c). On the
other hand, the bar is formed by the Widmanstätten microstructure (Figure 6b,d) where
wider α-colonies are arranged in a basketweave structure. In addition, Figure 6b shows a
granular/globular α-phase, as also shown in [50]. Ahmed et al. [51] suggested that different
cooling rates induce these microstructural differences between the basketweave of α-laths
(<15 ◦ C s−1 ) and the classical “basketweave” Widmanstätten morphology (<1.5 ◦ C s−1 ).
In the present work, the different cooling rates can be correlated to the different sample
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 thicknesses between the tensile sample (6 mm) and the bar (10 mm) because both 9 of are
simultaneously cooled with Argon gas for 1 h.

6. SEM
SEM micrographs
micrographs ofof the
the 90
90°◦ Z-sample (a,c) and the 90°◦Z-bar (b,d) acquired on the perpen-
Figure Z -sample (a,c) and the 90 Z -bar (b,d) acquired on the perpen-
dicular (a,b) and parallel (b,c) planes to the build platform after 1050 °C/60′.
dicular (a,b) and parallel (b,c) planes to the build platform after 1050 ◦ C/600 .

Heat treatment
Heat treatment at
at 1050
1050 ◦°C/60′
formationofofan anα-case
with thicknessof
100÷÷ 150
150 μm
µm and hardness of
and hardness of (400
(400 ±
± 10) HV0.10.1ininboth
10)HV boththe
(Figure 7a)and
[49,52]for forthe
of the ◦45°-sample and ◦45°
the 45 -sample and 45 Z -bar. Z -bar.
Figure 8a shows the results of the XRD analysis performed on the cross-sections of
the heat-treated 90°Z-samples after the 704 °C/120′, 740 °C/130′ and 1050 °C/60′ heat treat-
ments. The different patterns show a reorientation and a possible recrystallization of the
α-phase after the 1050 °C/60′, as previously reported and illustrated in Figures 5 and 6.
Due to the exact overlap between the peaks of the α and α′ phases (as widely discussed in
[12]), it is not possible to discern which of the two phases exists in each sample through
XRD patterns alone. In this case, it is the microstructural observation in Figure 6 which
confirms that the diffraction peaks of the samples heat-treated at 1050 °C belong to the α-
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 10 of 22

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 9 of 21

not induce the decomposition of these precipitates due to their higher decomposition tem-
perature [12,54].

Figure 7. OMmicrograph
7. OM micrograph of of
thethe cross-section
cross-section of the the 45◦ -sample
of 45°-sample (a)45°-bar
(a) and ◦ -bar (b) after heat
and 45(b) after heat treat-
ment at 1050
treatment ◦ 0
°C/60′.C/60 .
at 1050

Figure 8b 8a also
shows the results
highlights the of the XRD
effects analysis
induced by the performed
sandblastingon the cross-sections
process on the sur-of
faceheat-treated 90◦ Z -samples
of the heat-treated after the
90°Z-samples. 704 ◦itC/120
Firstly, 0 , 740 ◦ C/1300 and 1050 ◦ C/600 heat
exhibits the broadening of the diffraction
peaks related Theto different
the α-phase patterns
due toshow a reorientation
the accumulation of and a possible
plastic strain inrecrystallization
the near-surfaceof
the α-phase
area. Secondly,after the
the 1050 ◦ C/60
patterns 0 , as previously reported and illustrated in Figures 5 and 6.
related to the 1050 °C/60′ samples confirm that the sandblast-
Due to the exact
ing process removes overlap between
the oxide formed the during
peaks of the
the α and
heat α0 phases
treatment (as widely
despite discussed
the inert-gas at-
in [12]),
mosphere. it is not possible to discern which of the two phases exists in each sample through
XRD patterns alone. In this case, it is the microstructural observation in Figure 6 which
confirms that the diffraction peaks of the samples heat-treated at 1050 ◦ C belong to the
α-phase rather than the α0 -martensite. Instead, the peaks appearing in the patterns of the
704 ◦ C/1200 and 740 ◦ C/1300 samples can be ascribed to the α0 /α-phases. The spectra also
reveal peaks related to both the α2 -Ti3 Al and the TiAl3 precipitates, which can be nucleated
during the L-PBF process [12,24]. As a matter of fact, the heat treatments performed above
700 ◦ C hardly cause precipitation phenomena in as-built Ti6Al4V-ELI samples because
the precipitation temperatures of α2 -Ti3 Al and TiAl3 are in the range of 500 ÷ 600 ◦ C and
460 ÷ 515 ◦ C, respectively [12,53]. In addition, the heat-treating temperature at 1050 ◦ C
did not induce the decomposition of these precipitates due to their higher decomposition
temperature [12,54].
Figure 8b also highlights the effects induced by the sandblasting process on the surface
of the heat-treated 90◦ Z -samples. Firstly, it exhibits the broadening of the diffraction peaks
related to the α-phase due to the accumulation of plastic strain in the near-surface area. Sec-
ondly, the patterns related to the 1050 ◦ C/600 samples confirm that the sandblasting process
removes the oxide formed during the heat treatment despite (b) the inert-gas atmosphere.
Figure ◦ ◦ C/1200
Figure 8. XRD9patterns
illustrates the outer 90°
of heat-treated surface of the
Z-samples 45 °C/120′,
at 704 -sample heat-treated
740 at 704
°C/130′ and 1050 °C/60′ per-
formed the sandblasting
on sand-blasted process. The
cross-sections Sa value
(a), and on the was
external ± 2) µm.
(26surface This illustration
(b) before and after the can
blasting process.
considered representative of the surfaces of all samples analyzed in the present manuscript.
Indeed, the surface analyses performed on the 0◦ XY -, 0◦ XZ - and 90◦ Z -samples exhibits the
scanned 9 illustrates
layers onthe outer
which surface powder
different of the 45°-sample heat-treated
particles are partially at 704 °C/120′
melted, whichbe-are
fore theinsandblasting
shown Figure 9. process. The Sa value was (26 ± 2) μm. This illustration can be
After the sandblasting process, the surface roughness of the 45◦ -sample heat-treated
at 704 ◦ C/1200 decreases to 12 ± 1 µm. In fact, Figure 10 shows a more uniform sur-
face wherein the peak-to-valley distance is in the range of −80 ÷ 50 µm and not in the
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 Figure 7. OM micrograph of the cross-section of the 45°-sample (a) and 45°-bar (b) after heat treat-
10 of 21
ment at 1050 °C/60′.

Figure 8b also highlights the effects induced by the sandblasting process on the sur-
100 ÷of 120 µm one. In particular,
the heat-treated 90°Z-samples. theFirstly,
sandblasting process
it exhibits smoothedofdown
the broadening the proper-
the diffraction
ties of the
peaks as built
related surface:
to the α-phasethedue
outer surface
to the does notofshow
accumulation thestrain
plastic un-melted particles seen
in the near-surface
Figure 9. Additionally,
Secondly, the patternsinrelated
this case,
to theall SB°C/60′
1050 samples are characterized
samples confirm that thebysandblast-
a Sa in the
range from 10removes
ing process to 15 µm.
the At theformed
oxide same time,
values decrease
treatment fromthe
despite ÷ 250 µm
170inert-gas at- to
111 ÷ 160 µm in the no-SB and SB samples, respectively.

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 11 of 22

considered representative of the surfaces of all samples analyzed in the present manu-
script. Indeed, the surface analyses performed on the 0°XY-, 0°XZ- and 90°Z-samples exhibits
the same scanned layers on which different powder particles are partially melted, which
are shown in Figure 9.

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359

Un-melted powder 11 of 22

(a) (b)
considered representative
Figure8.8. XRDpatterns
XRD ofheat-treated
of the surfaces
heat-treated 90of
90° all samples
◦Z-samples at 704analyzed
◦ 0in°C/130′
740 the◦ present0 manu-
and 1050 °C/60′ ◦per- 0
Figure Z -samples at 704 C/120 , 740 C/130 and 1050 C/60
script. Indeed,onthe
surface cross-sections
analyses (a), andon
performed onthe
external surface
XY-, 0°XZ- and (b) Zbefore
90° and exhibits
-samples after the sand-
performed on sand-blasted cross-sections (a), and on the external surface (b) before and after the
the sandblasting
same process.
scanned layers on which different powder particles are partially melted, which
are shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9 illustrates the outer surface of the 45°-sample heat-treated at 704 °C/120′ be-
fore the sandblasting process. The Sa value was (26 ± 2) μm. This illustration can be
Un-melted powder

Figure 9. Topographical map of the 45°-sample heat-treated at 704 °C/120′ before the SB process.

After the sandblasting process, the surface roughness of the 45°-sample heat-treated
at 704 °C/120′ decreases to 12 ± 1 μm. In fact, Figure 10 shows a more uniform surface
wherein the peak-to-valley distance is in the range of −80 ÷ 50 μm and not in the −100 ÷
120 μm one. In particular, the sandblasting process smoothed down the properties of the
as built surface: the outer surface does not show the un-melted particles seen in Figure 9.
Additionally, in this case, all SB samples are characterized by a Sa in the range from 10 to
15 μm. At the same time, the Rz values decrease from 170 ÷ 250 μm to 111 ÷ 160 μm in the
no-SB and9.SBTopographical
Figure samples, respectively.
map of the 45◦ -sample heat-treated at 704 ◦ C/1200 before the SB process.
Figure 9. Topographical map of the 45°-sample heat-treated at 704 °C/120′ before the SB process.

After the sandblasting process, the surface roughness of the 45°-sample heat-treated
at 704 °C/120′ decreases to 12 ± 1 μm. In fact, Figure 10 shows a more uniform surface
wherein the peak-to-valley distance is in the range of −80 ÷ 50 μm and not in the −100 ÷
120 μm one. In particular, the sandblasting process smoothed down the properties of the
as built surface: the outer surface does not show the un-melted particles seen in Figure 9.
Additionally, in this case, all SB samples are characterized by a Sa in the range from 10 to
15 μm. At the same time, the Rz values decrease from 170 ÷ 250 μm to 111 ÷ 160 μm in the
no-SB and SB samples, respectively.

Figure 10. Topographical map of the 45◦ -sample heat-treated at 704 ◦ C/1200 after the SB process.
Figure 10. Topographical map of the 45°-sample heat-treated at 704 °C/120′ after the SB process.

3.2. Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of no-SB and SB 0°XZ-, 0°XY-, 45°-, 90°Z-samples under all
heat-treating conditions are shown in Figure 11. Focusing on the no-SB section of the
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 11 of 21

3.2. Mechanical Properties

The mechanical properties of no-SB and SB 0◦ XZ -, 0◦ XY -, 45◦ -, 90◦ Z -samples under all
heat-treating conditions are shown in Figure 11. Focusing on the no-SB section of the graph,
the samples heat-treated at 704 ◦ C exhibit similar UTS, YS and elongation average values
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 to the samples heat-treated at 740 ◦ C (Table 4). On the other hand, the UTS and YS decrease
12 of 22
up to 918 ± 7 MPa and 817 ± 6 MPa, respectively, after the treatment at 1050 C/600 . The

mechanical properties of the SB 0◦ XZ -, 0◦ XY -, 45◦ -, 90◦ Z -samples show the same trends,
except for the elongation values at ◦ C/600 . In this case, the average value decreases
1050 at
trends, except for the elongation values 1050 °C/60′. In this case, the average value de-
from 12.75
creases from±12.75
1.01%± in the no-SB
1.01% in thecase 10.65to±10.65
to case
no-SB 0.21%± 0.21%
in SB condition.
in SB condition.

Figure 11.
11. Mechanical
propertiesofof0° -, -,0°0XY◦ XY
0◦XZXZ -, 45°-,
-, 45◦90° Z-samples
-, 90 heat-treated
◦ -samples
at 704
heat-treated °C/120′,
at 704 7400 ,
◦ C/120
◦ and 01050 °C/60′
◦ in no-SB
0 (right section) and SB (left section)
740 C/130 and 1050 C/60 in no-SB (right section) and SB (left section) conditions. conditions.

Table 4.
4. Average
mechanicalproperties of of
properties no-SB andand
no-SB SB samples heat-treated
SB samples at 704
heat-treated at
°C/120′, 740 °C/130′ and 1050 °C/60′.
704 ◦ C/1200 , 740 ◦ C/1300 and 1050 ◦ C/600 .
Heat Treatments No-SB SB
Heat Treatments UTS [MPa] YS [MPa] ε [%] UTS [MPa] YS [MPa] ε [%]
UTS [MPa] YS [MPa] ε [%] UTS [MPa] YS [MPa] ε [%]
704 °C/120′ 1034 ± 18 948 ± 28 10.58 ± 0.69 1035 ± 5 964 ±9 11.85 ± 0.5
◦ C/1200
740 °C/120′ 1025±±18
1034 10 948 ±
960 28
± 10 10.58 ± 0.69
11.05 ± 0.49 1022±
1035 ± 57 957 ±±79
964 11.53 ±±0.35
11.85 0.5
740 ◦ C/1200 1025 ± 10 960 ± 10 11.05 ± 0.49 1022 ± 7 957 ± 7 11.53 ± 0.35
1050◦ °C/60′
0 918 ± 7 818 ± 7 12.75 ± 1.01 919 ± 3 820 ± 11 10.65 ± 0.21
1050 C/60 918 ± 7 818 ± 7 12.75 ± 1.01 919 ± 3 820 ± 11 10.65 ± 0.21

The effects induced by the sandblasting process are also analyzed on the cross-section
of theThe
90°effects induced by the sandblasting process are also analyzed on the cross-section
Z-sample through Vickers microhardness profiles (Figure 3b). Figure 12 corre-
of the 90 ◦ -sample through Vickers microhardness profiles (Figure 3b). Figure 12 corre-
lates the HV Z 0.5 microhardness profiles of no-SB and SB samples for each heat-treatment
lates the HV0.5
temperature microhardness
within profiles
the same graph. In of no-SB and
addition, the SB samples
orange, red for
lines indicate
temperature within the same graph. In addition, the orange, red
the HV0.5 average values of the 3rd–13th indentations, namely the HV0.5 and blue linesobtained
values indicate
the HV 0.5
by excluding average values of the 3rd–13th indentations, namely the HV 0.5
the possible effects induced by the sandblasting process. These values obtained
values agree
by excluding the possible effects induced by the sandblasting process. These
with those reported in Table 5, which illustrates the HV0.5 values of the heat-treated values 0°

0°XZ-, 45°-, 90°Z-bars and samples.

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 12 of 21

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 13 of 22

with those reported in Table 5, which illustrates the HV0.5 values of the heat-treated 0◦ XZ -,
0◦ XZ -, 45◦ -, 90◦ Z -bars and samples.

382 ± 8 HV0.5 379 ± 8 HV0.5

(a) (b)

335 ± 11 HV0.5

Figure 12.
12. Vickers
Vickers microhardness
microhardness profile measured on
profile measured on the
the cross-section
cross-section of
of 90
90°◦Z-samples heat-treated
Z -samples heat-treated
at: (a) 704 C/120 , (b) 740 C/130 and (c) 1050 C/60 . The orange, red and blue lines represent the
(a) 704 °C/120′,
◦ 0 (b) 740 °C/130′
◦ and
0 (c) 1050 °C/60′.
◦ 0The orange, red and blue lines represent the
HV0.5 average values of the 3rd–13th indentations of the Vickers profiles, while the dotted lines show
HV0.5 average values of the 3rd–13th indentations of the Vickers profiles, while the dotted lines show
the associated error ranges.
the associated error ranges.
Table 5. HV0.5 measurements performed on heat-treated 0° XZ-, 0°XZ-, 45°-, 90°Z-bars (xz and xy
Table 5. HV0.5 measurements performed on heat-treated 0◦ XZ -, 0◦ XZ -, 45◦ -, 90◦ Z -bars (xz and xy
planes) and samples (xz plane) at 704 ◦°C/120′,0 740 °C/130′ and 1050 °C/60′.
planes) and samples (xz plane) at 704 C/120 , 740 ◦ C/1300 and 1050 ◦ C/600 .
0°XZ- 0°XY- 45°- 90°Z-
Heat 0◦ XZ - 0◦ XY - 45◦ - 90◦ Z -
Sample Bar Sample Bar Sample Bar Sample Bar
Heat Sample Bar Sample Bar Sample Bar Sample Bar
Treatments xz Plane xy Plane xz Plane xy Plane Xz Plane xy Plane xz Plane xy Plane
xz Plane xy Plane xz Plane xy Plane xz Plane xy Plane xz Plane xy Plane
704 °C/120′ 387 ± 12 381 ± 15 374 ± 10 390 ± 10 379 ± 20 371 ± 19 381 ± 11 382 ± 10 368 ± 18 386 ± 6 381 ± 19 377 ± 15
704 ◦ C/1200 387 ± 12 381 ± 15 374 ± 10 390 ± 10 379 ± 20 371 ± 19 381 ± 11 382 ± 10 368 ± 18 386 ± 6 381 ± 19 377 ± 15
◦ C/1300 375
375± ±
1010 376376±±17 17 361361±±1414 374
374±±66 370370±±2424 365 365±±21
21 372
372±±1212 380380 ±±12
12 370370 ±
± 18
18 368
368 ±
± 10
10 374 ± 20
374 ± 20 360 ± 18
360 ± 18
◦ C/600 338± ± 341±±9 9 341 341±±88 336
336±±12 345±±88 343 343±±77 340 ±±99 339339 ±±10 ± 88 339 ± 342 ± 348 ±
1050°C/60′ 338 5 5 341 12 345 340 10 342 342 ± 339 ± 88 342 ± 55 348 ± 88

The hardness values measured

measured ononbars
barsheat-treated 704◦ C/120
heat-treatedatat704 °C/120′0 and
agree with those obtained on the heat-treated tensile samples (Figure 12). As As a matter of
fact, the 704 ◦
°C/120′ 0
and 740 ◦
°C/130′ 0
bars show the same microstructure of the
the 704 C/120 and 740 C/130 bars show the same microstructure of the tensile tensile sam-
ples. Instead, considering the effects induced by the SHT at 1050 °C, the average HV0.5
values of the bars are slightly higher than those obtained on the tensile sample due to the
different microstructures (Figures 5 and 6). Figure 13 shows the HV0.1 values of the
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 13 of 21

Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 samples. Instead, considering the effects induced by the SHT at 1050 ◦ C, the average 14 HV
of 22
values of the bars are slightly higher than those obtained on the tensile sample due to
the different microstructures (Figures 5 and 6). Figure 13 shows the HV0.1 values of the
microstructures that that form
form the 1050 ◦°C/60′
the 1050 C/600 heat-treated
13a–d)and and
tensile samples (Figure 13e,f). Increasing the thickness of α-laths that
tensile samples (Figure 13e,f). Increasing the thickness of α-laths that form the colonies form the colonies
13a,b), the
the HV 0.1 value decreases from 398 HV0.1
HV0.1 to 355
0.1 to 355 HV
HV0.1 , ,while
0.1 whilethe
value was
was obtained
obtained by by the
α-phase. Focusing
Focusing on tensile
on tensile samples,
samples, 332 HV3320.1HV
was obtained
obtained for basketweave
for the the basketweave α-laths
α-laths in center
in the the center of grain,
of the the grain,
whilewhile 3920.1HV
392 HV was was
0.1 ob-
tained forfor the
the fineα-phase
fine α-phase within
within the
the colony
colony inin thezone
the zoneadjacent
hand,the theHV
HV0.10.1 value of the ααGB decreases up
GB decreases upto to335
HV0.1 whenconsidering
0.1when considering
bar’s microstructure
microstructure (Figure
(Figure 13d).

Figure 13. HV
0.1 indentations
indentations performed
performed on
on different
different microstructures
microstructures of
of the
the heat-treated
heat-treated 1050 ◦ C/600 :
1050 °C/60′:
(a–d) 90° -bar and
◦ z-bar and (e,f)
(e,f) 90
z z

The as-builtmicrostructure
microstructureof ofthe
ized by columnar
by columnar β-grains
β-grains thatthat
grow grow parallel
parallel to thetoz-axis,
the z-axis, or perpendicular
or perpendicular to thetoxythe xy
plane, following
following the heatthe heatdeveloped
fluxes fluxes developed
during the during
L-PBF theprocess
L-PBF [55,56].
process The
[55,56]. The β-grains
β-grains nucleate
from from the
the build build platform
platform and growand grow
across across
each of theeach of the deposited
deposited layers alonglayersthealong
<100> theas
<100> as shown in Figure 4a [57]. As a matter of fact, the columns
shown in Figure 4a [57]. As a matter of fact, the columns are arranged perpendicular to the are arranged perpen-
molten to the At molten pools.
the same At the
time, theysame time, theywithin
are contained are contained
the laserwithin the laser
scan tracks scan
on the xy
tracks on the xy plane, as shown in Figure 4b. This configuration
plane, as shown in Figure 4b. This configuration of the columnar β-grains characterized of the columnar β-grains
all all samples
samples regardless regardless
of the of the build
build orientations orientations
(Figures 4a and(Figures
5) [58]. 4a
The and 5) [58].
fully The
fully columnar
structure is also structure
confirmed is by
also confirmed
the by the
relationships relationships
between between
the thermal the thermal
gradient gra-
(G, (K/m))
and (G,
the (K/m)) and the
solidification ratesolidification
(R, (m/s)), whichrate (R, (m/s)), which
characterized thecharacterized
Ti6Al4V alloy theduring
Ti6Al4V the
alloy during the L-PBF process [12]. In addition, the complex thermal
L-PBF process [12]. In addition, the complex thermal history and the high cooling rate history and the high
that rate that characterized
characterized the L-PBF
the L-PBF process process
induced theinduced the formation
formation of α′-martensite,
of α0 -martensite, arranged
arranged in a hierarchical structure wherein the major
in a hierarchical structure wherein the major axis of the primary α formed axis of the primary
0 α′ an
◦ of 45° with respect to the β-grain boundary [12,59–61]. Yang et
45 with respect to the β-grain boundary [12,59–61]. Yang et al. [60] also affirmed that the al. [60] also affirmed
αthat the α′-martensite
0 -martensite forms an forms
angle ofan30 angle
or 60of◦ or
30 30
or to60°60or 30 torespect
◦ with 60° with respect
to the buildtoorientation.
the build
In In the same
the same context, context,
Huang et al.Huang et al. [32]
[32] showed showed
angles angles
of 30, of 30,
60 and 9060between
◦ and 90° between
different α′-laths. This hierarchical structure of the α′-martensite remains in the α-laths
developed after the heat treatments at 704 and 740 °C. Likewise, the columnar shape of
the prior β-grains is also retained after those heat treatments. In particular, the α + β
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 14 of 21

α0 -laths. This hierarchical structure of the α0 -martensite remains in the α-laths developed
after the heat treatments at 704 and 740 ◦ C. Likewise, the columnar shape of the prior
β-grains is also retained after those heat treatments. In particular, the α + β microstructure
developed after the treatment below the β-transus presents primary, secondary and ter-
tiary α-phase arranged along the same orientations as the progenitor α0 -martensite laths.
Haar et al. [29] confirmed the absence of quartic α-laths due to the α0 quartic -martensite → β
decomposition. The XRD spectra, shown in Figure 8a, confirm a possible partial α0 → α + β
transformation due to the presence of peaks related to the β phase, which are absent on
the as-built XRD spectra [12]. TEM analysis discussed by Spigarelli et al. [62], which was
performed on the same heat-treated samples, confirmed the presence of α0 martensite and,
therefore, the incomplete α0 → α + β transformation. Therefore, this validates the α0 /α-
phase labels shown on the XRD patters related to the samples heat-treated at 704 ◦ C/1200
and at 740 ◦ C/1300 , respectively.
Because the α + β microstructure retains much of the features of the pristine α0 -
martensite, the mechanical properties of both the heat-treated samples at 704 and 740 ◦ C
do not vary significantly (Figure 11 and Table 5). Therefore, the increase in the average
thickness of the α-laths from (540 ± 60) to (700 ± 10) nm, which can be caused by both the
higher heat-treatment temperature and the first step of cooling up to 520 ◦ C in 900 , does not
influence the mechanical performance. Focusing on the error bars (Figure 14), which are
obtained considering the tensile results of each build orientation (Figure 11), the samples
heat-treated at 704 ◦ C are characterized by a more pronounced anisotropy (∆UTS = 4.75%,
∆YS = 7.40%) than those heat-treated at 740 ◦ C (∆UTS = 3.86%, ∆YS = 4.30%). These
variations are calculated considering the maximum and minimum values of all build
directions for each temperature. Vilaro et al. [46] reported ∆UTS = 4.40% and ∆YS = 6.74%
after 730 ◦ C/2 h with air cooling, while Simonelli et al. [63] did not detect any differences
after the same heat treatment. As a matter of fact, the anisotropy depends significantly on
the correlation between the load direction and both the lack-of-fusion (LOF) defects and
the columnar β-grains [16,46,63,64]. The presence of α2 and/or TiAl3 precipitates can be
another possible contribution to the anisotropy, as will be later discussed. Therefore, future
works related to the influence of LOF, grain boundaries and α phases may be necessary
for the heat treatments analyzed in the present manuscript. The only influence of α-phase
coarsening is observable on the HV0.5 microhardness values shown in Table 5.
During the SHT at 1050 ◦ C for 600 , the recrystallization process of the columnar
β-grains in equiaxed grains takes place (Figures 5 and 6), as also reported by [12,32,45,65].
The same results were obtained by Huang et al. [32] who suggested that the equiaxed grains
form from the split of the progenitor columnar β-grains. Wu et al. [66], however, showed the
recrystallization process already after 1000 ◦ C/400 , followed by water quenching. Due to
this microstructural change, together with the α-laths in a basketweave structure (Figure 6),
the UTS and YS values decrease (Figure 9) up to 918 ± 7 MPa and 817 ± 6 MPa, respectively;
meanwhile, the elongation increases only up to 12.75 ± 1.01% due to both the α-laths rather
than α-colonies in a basketweave structure (Figure 6a,c) and the possible detrimental effect
of the α-case [12,20,49,67]. The same tensile properties are confirmed by [19,32,68,69]. In
this scenario, the mechanical properties of all heat-treated samples satisfy the minimum
requirements dictated by the ASTM F3001 (UTS of 860 MPa, YS of 795 MPa and ε of 8%).
However, in relation to the samples heat-treated at 1050 ◦ C/600 , the ASTM F3001-13a is
not satisfied due to the presence of the α-case layer. In fact, post-processing operations are
required to remove the α-case due to its worsening effects on fatigue life and ductility in
aerospace components [2,49]. At the same time, the samples heat-treated at 704 and 740 ◦ C,
which are characterized by higher tensile properties than the solution heat-treated samples,
also satisfy the F2924-14 standard specification (UTS of 895 MPa, YS of 825 MPa and ε of
10%, [70]); this, however, is related to the Ti6Al4V alloy.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12,
Sci. 2022, 12, 5359
5359 1615of
of 22

Figure 14. Average

Figure 14. Averageultimate tensile
ultimate strength,
tensile yield
strength, strength
yield and elongation
strength of theof
and elongation samples heat-treated
the samples heat-
at 704 ◦ C/120
0 , 740 ◦ C/1300 and 1050 ◦ C/600 .
at 704 °C/120′, 740 °C/130′ and 1050 °C/60′.

In relation
relation toto the
the cooling
cooling pathway,
pathway, the the Argon
Argon gas gas and
and the
the samples’
samples’ thickness
thickness do do not
influence the microstructure of the samples heat-treated at 704 and 740 ◦ C, as also reported
influence the microstructure of the samples heat-treated at 704 and 740 °C, as also reported
in [29,33,68].
[29,33,68]. AsAs aa matter
matter ofof fact,
fact, the
the cooling
cooling methods
methods (water,
(water, air
air or gas, and
or gas, and furnace)
furnace) havehave
different effects in relation to the heat-treatment temperatures.
different effects in relation to the heat-treatment temperatures. In fact, the In fact, the microstructure
microstructure is
not influenced by the cooling pathway if the cooling starts below ~800 ◦ C [12,33,68]. By
is not influenced by0the cooling pathway if the cooling starts below ~800 °C [12,33,68]. By
contrast, thethe β β→ →α -martensite transformation
α′-martensite transformation can can take
take place
place when
when cooling
cooling starts
starts from
above 800 ◦ C, as the sample is converted to β-phase and cooled at a high cooling rate.
above 800 °C, as the sample is converted to β-phase and cooled at a high cooling rate. Ji et
Ji et al. [71] affirmed that the critical temperature is around 870 ◦ C. As previously reported,
al. [71] affirmed that the critical temperature is around 870 °C. As previously reported,
Kaschel et al. [29] demonstrated that the α0 -martensite starts to decompose at 400 ◦ C and
Kaschel et al. [29] demonstrated that the α′-martensite starts to decompose at 400 °C and
finishes at around 700 ◦ C. Other authors, however, reported temperatures higher than
finishes at around 700 °C. Other authors, however, reported temperatures higher than 750
750 ◦ C for α0 → α + β decomposition [28,72,73]. Finally, the α-phase surely decomposes
°C for α′ → α + β decomposition [28,72,73]. Finally, the α-phase surely decomposes into
into β-phase following an exponential trend from ~800 ◦ C to the β-transus temperature [29].
β-phase following an exponential trend from ~800 °C to the β-transus temperature [29].
Focusing on the SHT treatment, the same cooling in Argon gas induces different microstruc-
Focusing on the SHT treatment, the same cooling in Argon gas induces different micro-
tural morphologies (Figure 6) in relation to the sample thickness due to different cooling
structural morphologies (Figure 6) in relation to the sample thickness due to different
rates. Bars are characterized by α-colonies arranged in a basketweave (Widmanstätten) mi-
cooling rates. Bars are characterized by α-colonies arranged in a basketweave (Wid-
crostructure and globular α-phase (Figure 6c,d), while the tensile samples show α-laths in
manstätten) microstructure and globular α-phase (Figure 6c,d), while the tensile samples
a basketweave structure within the equiaxed β-grain. At the same time, there are equiaxed
show α-laths
grains formedin byaabasketweave
mixture of α-lathsstructure within
at their centertheandequiaxed β-grain.
α-colonies At the same
that nucleate time,
and grow
there are equiaxed grains formed by a mixture of α-laths at their
from the αGB (Figure 6b). As previously reported, Ahmed et al. [51] confirmed that the Wid- center and α-colonies
that nucleate
manstätten and grow from
microstructure of the αGB (Figure
α-laths 6b). As previously
and Widmanstätten reported,ofAhmed
microstructure et al.form
α-colonies [51]
confirmed that the Widmanstätten ◦ microstructure
− 1 of α-laths
with cooling rates of 15 and 1.5 C s , respectively. Sieniawski et al. [74] showed that aand Widmanstätten micro-
rate of 9 ◦ Cofsα-colonies
−1 forms aform with
mixture ofcooling
α-colonies ratesand of 15 and 1.5
α-laths. °C s−1, respectively.
Generally, Sieniawski
different cooling path-
et al. [74]
ways fromshowed that acan
the β-region rate of 9 °C
induce s forms a mixture
a diffusionless of α-colonies
β → α0 -martensite and α-laths. Gener-
transformation with a
ally, >different
rate 20 ◦ C s−cooling
1 , or a βpathways from the β-region
→ α + β diffusional can induce
transformation a diffusionless
whereby β → α′-mar-
the microstructure can
tensite transformation with a rate > 20 °C s−1◦, or −a 1β → α + β
assume different morphology with a rate < 20 C s [12]. Gallaraga et al. [75] affirmed thatdiffusional transformation
the the microstructure
air cooling, can assume
which is characterized by different
a rate aroundmorphology
20 ◦ C s −with
1 froma rate
°C s◦−1
Gallaraga et al. [75] affirmed that
0 the air cooling, which is characterized
induce the nucleation of the α -martensite given that its Ms (Martensite start) temperature by a rate around
is °C s≤−1Tfrom 1000 ◦to 500 °C, can induce the nucleation of the α′-martensite given that its
MS ≤ 800 C [19].
Ms (Martensite start) temperature is 575 ≤ T ≤ 800 °C [19].
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 17 of 22
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 16 of 21

Another important factor induced by the SHT at 1050 °C is the formation of the α-
Another important factor 7,
induced ◦ C is the formation of the α-case
case layer as shown in Figure both onbytensile
the SHT at 1050and
samples bars. Seth et al. [49] affirmed
that as shown in Figure 7,depends
α-case formation both on ontensile samples and
the oxidizing bars. Seth
capacity et environment
of the al. [49] affirmed that
the α-case formation depends on the oxidizing capacity of the environment
heat-treating at high temperatures. As a matter of fact, the diffusion of oxygen atoms during heat-
within at sample
high temperatures. As a matter
surface increases of fact, the
the β-transus diffusion of
temperature, asoxygen
exhibitedatoms within
by the the
sample surface
ing equation: increases the β-transus temperature, as exhibited by the following equation:

Tβ−Tr T= 882=+882 + [21.1[Al]

21.1 Al] − 9.5−[9.5[Mo] + 4.2[Sn]
Mo] + 4.2 [Sn] −−6.9
[Zr] −−11.8
[V] −
15.4[Fe+] +
+ 123.0[O] (2)
where [element]
[element] represents
representsthe theweight
percentageof of
eacheach element
element [76].[76]. Kolachev
Kolachev et al.et[77]
[77] proposed
proposed a similar
a similar linear linear relationship
relationship betweenbetween the β-transus
the β-transus temperaturetemperature and the
and the chemical
chemical composition.
composition. Firstly,asoxygen,
Firstly, oxygen, as α-stabilizer
α-stabilizer alloying[19],
alloying element element [19], amaintains
maintains fraction of a
fraction of the
the α phase α phase
which doeswhich does notthe
not undergo α → β the
undergo α → β transformation
transformation during theduring the heat
heat treatment.
Secondly, itSecondly,
increases the HV0.1 as
HV0.1 hardness, hardness,
shown in asFigure
shown15,in where
Figurethe 15, globular
where the α-
globular α-phase
phase within within the
the samples samples is characterized
is characterized by 360 HV0.1by 360 HV
, while , whilehas
the0.1α-case theaα-case
hardnesshasof a
403 HV0.1of
hardness . 403 HV0.1.

Figure 15.
15. Representative
Representative HV
HV0.1 indentations performed on the α-case layer (a) and on the globular
0.1 indentations performed on the α-case layer (a) and on the globular
α-phases in the center of the bar (b).
in the center of the bar (b).

The XRD analysis

The XRD analysisin inFigure
confirmsthethe presence
presence of of different
different titanium
titanium oxides
oxides on
on the
the sample
sample surface
surface and,and, therefore,
therefore, thethe possible
possible diffusion
diffusion of oxygen
of oxygen atoms
atoms within
within thethe sam-
At theAt same
the same
these these patterns
patterns showshow
the the presence
presence of αof
2 α
3 Al3Al
and and
3 3 precipitates
precipitates in
in different
different heat-treated
heat-treated samples.On
samples. Onthe
the XRD
XRD pattern
pattern performed
performed on the
cross-section of the 90° 90◦ZZ-sample
-sample(1)(1) heat-treated
heat-treated atat 740 ◦ C (Figure
740 °C (Figure 16)16) does
does not
not reveal
reveal any
precipitate, despite
despite ititbeing
manufacturedand andheat-treated
heat-treated in the same batch and
in the same batch and direction direc-
as theas90 ◦ 90°
the Z-sample
(2). (2).
can can confirm
thatthat the high
heatheat inputs developed during
Z -sample confirm the high inputs developed during the
L-PBFL-PBF process
process generate
generate different
different zones,
zones, persisting
persisting for anfor an adequate
adequate time in time
the precip-
itation range [27].
temperature range Therefore, a more adetailed
[27]. Therefore, analysisanalysis
more detailed on these onprecipitates will be
these precipitates
will in futurein
be performed works.
futureMoreover, the differences
works. Moreover, between thebetween
the differences precipitation phenomena
the precipitation
between twobetween
phenomena equal heat-treated
two equal samples can explain
heat-treated samplesthe canvariability
explain the in terms of mechanical
variability in terms
properties and HV
of mechanical properties
0.5 (Table 5) and, therefore, their anisotropy.
and HV0.5 (Table 5) and, therefore, their anisotropy.
Comparing the mechanical properties of the no-SB and the SB samples, the sandblast-
ing process performed after the different heat treatments does not induce any variation, ex-
cept for the ductility values between the no-SB and SB samples heat-treated at 1050 ◦ C/600 .
The impact of the glass spheres on the sample surface induces plastic strain, as highlighted
by the broadening of the α-peaks (Figure 8), and it can reduce the ductility. Future works
on the effects of the sandblasting process on fracture mechanisms could be necessary. On
the other hand, work-hardening was not detected by the Vickers hardness profiles on the
cross-sections of all samples, as emphasized by the profiles in Figure 12. In particular,
the average HV0.5 values of the first and the last two points of each profile acquired on
the 704 ◦ C/1200 and 740 ◦ C/1300 heat treatments (Figure 12a,b) do not significantly vary
with respect to the hardness values measured at the center of the cross-section area; these
are represented by the orange (Figure 12a) and red (Figure 12b) lines. In the 1050 ◦ C/600
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 17 of 21

samples, on the other hand, the HV0.5 values next to the surface increase, but the same
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 18 of 22
increase is seen for both the SB and no-SB samples (Figure 12c). This increase was, therefore,
not a consequence of sandblasting; it was conferred by the presence of the α-case.

Figure 16.
16. XRD
XRD patterns
patterns of
of two
two 90 ◦ Z-samples manufactured
90° manufactured in the same batch and heat-treated at
740 ◦°C/130′.0 The black XRD pattern (1) is correlated
740 C/130 . The black XRD pattern (1) is correlated toto
the red
the pattern
red (2)(2)
pattern that is is
that thethe
same shown
same in
Figure 8a.
in Figure 8a.

The reduction theinmechanical
the surface’s properties
roughness ofwas
the no-SB
another and the SB samples,
consequence of thethe sandblast-
ing process
process. performedthat
Considering after3.2the
µm different heat treatments
is the recommended does not
surface induce any
roughness variation,
for aerospace
except for the
applications ductility
[78], all valuesvalues between
obtained in the the no-SBwork
present and are
SB samples heat-treated
unsatisfactory becauseatthe 1050
°C/60′. decrease
values The impact fromof20the ÷ 28
glass to 10 ÷ on
µmspheres 15 µmthe (Figures
sample surface
9 and 10).induces
On theplastic strain,the
other hand, as
highlighted by post-process
the broadening eliminates
of thethe presence
α-peaks of the8),
(Figure un-melted
and it can particles
reduceon thethe surface
and theworks
Future oxideson formed during
the effects of the
the heat treatments
sandblasting (Figure
process on8).
fracture mechanisms could be
necessary. On the other hand, work-hardening was not detected by the Vickers hardness
5. Conclusions
profiles on the cross-sections of all samples, as emphasized by the profiles in Figure 12. In
The present
particular, paper HV
the average aimed to evaluate
0.5 values of thethe effects
first and the induced by points
last two differentof heat
profile ac-
(704 ◦ C/1200 , 740 ◦ C/1300 and 1050 ◦ C/600 ), performed using an industrial furnace, on
quired on the 704 °C/120′ and 740 °C/130′ heat treatments (Figure 12a,b) do not signifi-
cantly vary withsamples
to the hardness via Laser
measured atFusion in different
the center build orien-
of the cross-section
tations. In addition, the effects of the sandblasting process
area; these are represented by the orange (Figure 12a) and red (Figure 12b) lines. were also analyzed. TheInmain
conclusions can be summarized as follows:
1050 °C/60′ samples, on the other hand, the HV0.5 values next to the surface increase, but
the same
1. increase is seenoffor
The microstructure both the
samples SB and no-SB
heat-treated at 704samples
and 740(Figure 12c). This
◦ C is formed increase
by columnar
was, therefore, not a consequence
0 of sandblasting; it was conferred
β-grains containing α -martensite and α (primary, secondary and tertiary) + β phases. by the presence of the
Some samples also showed α2 -Ti3 Al and TiAl3 precipitates that are probably formed
The reduction
during the L-PBF in the surface’s
process. These roughness
can causewas the another consequence
anisotropic behavior of ofthe
ing process. Considering
performance relatedthat 3.2 μm is
to samples the recommended
grown along the same surface roughness for aerospace
2. The samples[78], heat-treated at 704 ◦ Cinshow
all values obtained the present work are mechanical
more anisotropic unsatisfactory becausethan
properties the
Ra values decrease from 20 ÷ 28 μm to 10 ÷ 15 μm ◦ (Figures 9 and
the same tensile samples heat-treated at 740 C. On the other hand, both satisfy ASTM 10). On the other hand,
the sandblasting
F2924 and ASTM post-process eliminates
F3001 standard the presence The
specifications. of the un-melted
increase particles
in α-lath’s on the
surface and
from the±oxides
538 66 to 704 formed
± 11 µm duringonlythe heat treatments
influences the HV0.1(Figure 8).
microhardness measurements,
but apparently has no effect on yield, ultimate tensile strength or elongation.
The microstructure of samples heat-treated at 1050 ◦ C varies in relation to the sample’s
5. Conclusions
The presentAs a matter
paper aimed of to
fact, the tensile
evaluate samples
the effects (6 mm)byare
induced formedheat
different by α-laths in a
basketweave or Widmanstätten structure and small α-colonies
(704 °C/120′, 740 °C/130′ and 1050 °C/60′), performed using an industrial furnace, on within recrystallized
Ti6Al4V-ELI β-grains. Instead, barsvia
manufactured (10Laser
are formed by wider
Fusion inα-colonies in a bas-
different build ori-
entations. or Widmanstätten
In addition, the effects of structure and globular
the sandblasting werewithin
process the same The
also analyzed. equiaxed
conclusions canMoreover,
be summarized in bothascases, an α-case layer of about 100 ÷ 150 µm is formed
on the surface.
1. The microstructure of samples heat-treated at 704 and 740 °C is formed by columnar
β-grains containing α′-martensite and α (primary, secondary and tertiary) + β phases.
Some samples also showed α2-Ti3Al and TiAl3 precipitates that are probably formed
during the L-PBF process. These can cause the anisotropic behavior of the mechanical
performance related to samples grown along the same direction.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 5359 18 of 21

4. The samples heat-treated at 1050 ◦ C show mechanical properties that satisfy only the
ASTM F3001 standard specification. Despite the decrease in UTS and YS by about 10%
and 14%, respectively, the elongation values do not show a significant increase with
respect to the samples heat-treated at 704 and 740 ◦ C, probably due to the presence of
the α-case layer.
5. The sandblasting process does not induce effects on the mechanical properties, but
increases the plastic strain in the near-surface area. The obtained surface roughness
of the sandblasted tensile sample (12 ÷ 16 µm) does not satisfy the requirements for
aerospace applications.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.C. and E.G.; methodology, E.C. and E.G.; software, E.G.
and G.B.; validation, E.C.; formal analysis, E.G.; investigation, E.G. and G.B.; resources, E.C.; data
curation, E.C. and E.G.; writing—original draft preparation, E.G.; writing—review and editing, E.C.,
E.G. and G.B.; supervision, E.C.; project administration, E.C. All authors have read and agreed to the
published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: All data are available within the manuscript.
Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank BEAMIT (https://www.beam-it.eu/, accessed
on 20 April 2022) for supplying the material.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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