Lab 5 111
Lab 5 111
Lab 5 111
1. Include a photo of your raw data, including your TA’s signature. Failure to include this
data will result in a grade of zero for the entire lab report.
2. Show a sample calculation for the slope, x-intercept and y-intercept for one of your
labeled points from your data.
∆𝑦 (0.2−0.3) −0.1
y = mx+c, m = ∆𝑥, m= = = −0.0167
13−7 6
0.3 = −0.0167(7) + 𝑐
So that 𝑐 = 0.4167 𝑐𝑚
Y-Intercept = 0.4 cm
X- Intercept = 25.0 cm
Slope = -0.017
3. Include both tables of values for your two different lenses. You do not need uncertainties
for the values in these tables.
6. Show a sample calculation of determining the radius of curvature and its uncertainty for
one of the lenses, and then include statements of both radii and their uncertainties.
The values of L and h were measured utilizing a ruler, so the uncertainty will be one
of the smallest divisions, so 0.1 cm.
7. Show a sample calculation of determining the index of refraction of the lens from the
radii and the focal length for one of the lenses, and then include statements of both
indices of refraction and their uncertainties.
We know that:
Where R is the radius of curvature, f is the focal length, and n is the index of refraction. So:
𝑛= +1
𝑅 (43 ± 8)cm
𝑛= +1= + 1 = 2.535
𝑓 (28 ± 1) cm
8 1
𝛿𝑛 = ( + ) (2.535) = (0.222)(2.535) = 0.562
43 28
𝑅 (26 ± 3)cm
𝑛= +1= + 1 = 2.529
𝑓 (17 ± 1) cm
3 1
𝛿𝑛 = ( + ) (2.529) = (0.174)(2.529) = 0.440
26 17
𝑥1 − 𝑥2
√𝛿𝑥21 + 𝛿𝑥22
We get:
2.5 − 2.5
𝑡= =0 <2
√0.62 + 0.42
a) What are some of the assumptions and/or approximations that you used in
performing your analysis? Discuss their implications.
The index of refraction of the air at the temperature of the lab is 1. Should this be a
vastly different value, the value for the index of refraction of the lenses would be
different, as the index of refraction of the air in the lab would have to be accounted
for in the equation used in question 7.
The lenses were a perfect segment of a circle. – Otherwise, the location of the
idealized focal point would be different, and the rays would refract in different ways
at different angles.
The surfaces of the lenses were smooth, and the flat surface of the lenses were
perfectly flat.
Because the practical relationship between the points IS quadratic, and the
polynomial fit allows for the IDEALIZED focal point to be located. This is the location
where a wide image would project clearly.
c) Using your polynomial fit equation, how far from the optical axis could light enter
the lens and focus no more than 5% from the ideal focal length? In other words, for
what value of x (the distance from the optical axis) would your laser light focus on
the optical axis no more than 0.05f away from f? (You do not need to calculate
uncertainties for this.)
0.17 cm
d) Given that the two lenses are made of the exact same material (cut from a single
piece), what would be the scientific implication if your statistical comparison of the
indices of refraction showed that they were not statistically the same (regardless of
the values you got)? In other words, discuss the implication of such a result in terms
of the analysis you performed.
The surfaces of the lenses were not smooth or badly cut, or that there is something
else refracting the light elsewhere, perhaps a bubble in the acrylic, or something
else. Basically, that the lenses were not the shape we assumed them to be.
Otherwise, it could mean that measurements were poorly made and that the
experiment would have to be repeated.