فوس Be Going To +: ماهفتسلاا تاودأQuestion
فوس Be Going To +: ماهفتسلاا تاودأQuestion
فوس Be Going To +: ماهفتسلاا تاودأQuestion
Sorry. I can't.
Not now. I'm busy.
Offer العرض
I'll / Let me + مصدر.
I'll carry that for you. الموافقةAgree: Thank you. / You're very kind.
2- Could you possibly [shows -show - showed] me the way to the post office?
5- Could you [open – opens – opened] the window, please? It's hot in here.
9- You want [they – their – them] to try it before they buy it.
6- A friend needs to cook a steak, but doesn’t know how. [Write an offer}
.ً حدث انتهي منذ فترة قصيرة وال يزال أثره موجودا:يعبر عن
المقص:سؤال not :نفي