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Exercicios Modal Verbs PDF

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29 might

W MU k m He might go to New York. It might rain.

(= it is possible that he will go to New York) (= it is possible that it will rain)

might + infinitive (might go / might be / might rain etc.):

l/we/you/they go
might (not)
he/she/it play
come etc.

I might = it is possible that I will:

I might go to the cinema this evening, but I'm not sure. (= it is possible that I will go)
O a : W hen is Rebecca going to phone you?
b: I don't know. She might phone this afternoon.
O Take an umbrella with you. It might rain.
o Buy a lottery ticket. You might be lucky. (= perhaps you will be lucky)
o a : Are you going out tonight?
b: I might. (= I might go out)

Study the difference:

O I'm playing tennis tomorrow, (sure)
I might play tennis tomorrow, (possible)
O Rebecca is going to phone later, (sure)
Rebecca might phone later, (possible)

I might not = it is possible that I will not:

O I might not go to work tomorrow.
(= it is possible that I will not go)
O Sue might not come to the party.
(= it is possible that she will not come)


You can use may in the same way. I may = I might:

O I may go to the cinema this evening. (= I might go)
O Sue may not come to the party. (= Sue might not come)

May I ... ? = Is it O K to ... ? / Can I ... ?:

O May I ask a question? (= is it O K to ask / can I ask?)
O 'May I sit here?' 'Yes, of course.'

68 ( will Units 27-28 can -► Unit 30

Write sentences with might.
1 (it's possible that I'll go to the cinema) Lm ia h t.g o .& th a cin a m a ,.
2 (it's possible that I'll see you tomorrow)
3 (it's possible that Sarah will forget to phone)
4 (it's possible that it will snow today)
5 (it's possible that I'll be late tonight)

Write sentences with might not.

6 (it's possible that M ark will not be here next week)
7 (it's possible that I won't have time to go out) .........

Somebody is asking you about your plans. You have some ideas, but you are not sure. Choose
from the list and write sentences with I might.

fish go away 4taJy^ Monday a new car taxi

You ask Ben questions about his plans for tomorrow. Sometimes he is sure, but usually he is not

Are you playing tennis tomorrow? Yes, in the afternoon,

Are you going out tomorrow evening? Possibly.
Are you going to get up early? Perhaps.
Are you working tomorrow? No, I'm not.
Will you be at home tomorrow morning? Maybe.
Are you going to watch TV? I might.
Are you going out in the afternoon? Yes, I am.
Are you going shopping? Perhaps.

Now write about Ben. Use might where necessary.

...H.is’s.playing. tennis, tpmprrpw.afternppn,
..H6.mia.ht..gg outtpmprrpweyan ..........

| vVrite three things that you might do tomorrow.

30 can and could
I can play

He can play the piano,

can + infinitive (can do / can play / can come etc):

do do?
l/we/you/they can play l/we/you/they play?
he/she/it can't (cannot) see he/she/it see?
come etc. come? etc.

I can do something = I know how to do it, or it is possible for me to do it:

O I can play the piano. My brother can play the piano too.
O Sarah can speak Italian, but she can't speak Spanish.
O a: Can you swim?
b: Yes, but I'm not a very good swimmer.
O a: Can you change twenty pounds?
b: I'm sorry, I can't.
O I'm having a party next week, but Paul and Rachel can 't come.

For the past (yesterday / last week etc.), we use cou ld /co uldn 't:
O When I was young, I could run very fast.
O Before Maria came to Britain, she co uld n 't un d erstan d much English. Now she can
u nd erstan d everything.
O I was tired last night, but I co u ld n 't sleep.
O I had a party last week, but Paul and Rachel co u ld n't come.

Can you ... ? C ould you ... ? Can I ... ? C ou ld I ... ?

We use Can you ... ? or C o uld you ... ? when we ask people to do things:
O Can you open the door, please? or Co uld you open the door, please?
O Can you wait a moment, please? or C ou ld you w a i t ... ?

We use Can I have ... ? or C an I g e t ... ? to ask for something:

O Can I have a glass of water, please? or Can I g e t . . . ?

Can I ? or C o uld I ... ? = is it O K to do something?:

O Can I sit here?
O Tom, cou ld I borrow your umbrella?

70 ( May I ... ?-» Unit 29

^ jQ Q | Ask Steve if he can do these things:


Can you swim?

10 kilometres
Can you do these things? Write sentences about yourself. Use I can or I can 't
7 1..................................................................................................... 10 ..........................................................

31Complete these sentences. Use can or can't + one of these verbs:

come find hear see speak

1 I'm sorry, but w e can t co m e to your party next Saturday.

2 I like this hotel room. Y o u ................................................................the mountains from the window.
3 You are speaking very quietly. I ................................................................you.
4 Have you seen my bag? I ................................................................ it.
5 Catherine got the job because sh e ................................................................five languages.

Complete these sentences. Use can't or couldn't + one of these verbs:

decide eat find go go sleep

1 I was tired, but I QOu\dnte\eep

2 I wasn't hungry yesterday. I ................................................................................my dinner.
3 Kate doesn't know what to do. S h e................................................................................
4 I wanted to speak to M ark yesterday, but I ................................................................................him.
5 Jam es.............................................................................. to the concert next Saturday. He has to work.
6 Paula.............................................................................. to the meeting last week. She was ill.

What do you say in these situations? Use can or could.

\ CD (o p en/d o or)

. th e do o r,p \ea ee Z

) (turn off/radio) © (use/pen)

31 must mustn't don't need to

must + infinitive (must do / m ust work etc.):

It’s a fantastic film. l/we/you/they go
You must see it. he/she/it see
eat etc.
. ; ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..

I must (do something) = I need to do it:

O I'm very hungry. I m ust eat something.
O It's a fantastic film. You must see it.
O The windows are very dirty. We must clean them.

For the past (yesterday / last week etc.), we use had to ... (not must):
O I was very hungry. I had to eat something.(not I must eat)
O We had to walk home last night. There were no buses. (not We must walk)

mustn't (= must not) You mustn’t touch

I mustn't (do something) = it is necessary not to do it,
the pictures.
it is the wrong thing to do:
O I m ust go. I mustn't be late.
O I mustn't forget to phone Chris.
(= I m ust remember to phone her)
O Be happy! You mustn't be sad. (= don't be sad)
O You mustn't touch the pictures.
(= don't touch the pictures)

don't need to

I don't need (to do something) = it is not necessary:

O I don't need to go yet. I can stay a little longer.
O You don't need to shout. I can hear you OK.

You can also say don't have to ...

O I don't have to go yet. I can stay a little longer.

Compare don't need to and mustn't:

O You don't need to go. You can stay here if you want.
O You mustn't go. You must stay here.

72 ( I have to ... Unit 33

Complete the sentences. Use must + these verbs:

be go learn meet wash win

1 I'm very hungry. I m u st e a t something.

2 Marilyn is a very interesting person. Y o u .................................................... . her.
3 M y hands are dirty. I ................................................................ them.
4 You to drive. It will be very useful.
5 I shopping. I need to buy some food.
6 The game tomorrow is very important for us. W e ................................................................
7 You can't always have things immediately. Y o u ................................................................ patient.

S B Write I must or I had to.

1 1had t o walk home last night. There were no buses.
2 It's late.............................................go now.
3 I don't usually work on Saturdays, but last Saturday.......................................work.
4 ........................................ get up early tomorrow. I have a lot to do.
5 I came here by train. The train was full a n d .......................................stand all the way.
6 I was nearly late for my appointment this morning.........................................run to get there on time.
7 I forgot to phone David yesterday. .........................................phone him later today.

Complete the sentences. Use mustn't or don't need to + these verbs:

forget ^o- lose phone rush wait

1 I don’t n e e d to g o , home yet. I can stay a little longer.

2 We have a lot of time. W e ................................................................................
3 Keep these papers in a safe place. Y o u ................................................................................them.
4 I'm not ready yet, but y o u ..............................................................................for me. You can go now and I'll
come later.
5 W e ................................................................................to turn off the lights before we leave.
6 I must contact David, but I .............................................................................. him - I can send him an email.

Find the sentences with the same meaning.

1 We can leave the meeting early. A We must stay until the end.
2 We must leave the meeting early. B We couldn't stay until the end.
3 We mustn't leave the meeting early. C We can't stay until the end.
4 We had to leave the meeting early. D We can stay until the end.
5 We don't need to leave the meeting early. E We don't need to stay until the end.

Write m ust / mustn't / had to / don't need to.

1 You don’t need t o go. You can stay here if you want.
2 It's a fantastic film. Y o u JT.ust....see it.
3 The restaurant won't be busy tonight. W e ........................................................ reserve a table.
4 I was very busy last week. I .......................................................work every evening.
5 I want to know what happened. Y o u ........................................................ tell me.
6 I don't want Sue to know what happened. Y o u ........................................................ tell her.
7 I ...................................................... go now or I'll be late for my appointment.
8 'W hy were you so late?' ' I .......................................................wait half an hour for a bus.'
9 W e ........................................................ decide now. We can decide later.
10 It's Lisa's birthday next week. I forget to buy her a present.
32 should
r You shouldn’t watch TV so much, j

should + infinitive
(should do / should watch etc.):

l/we/you/they should stop
he/she/it shouldn't go
watch etc.

You should do something = it is a good thing to do, it is the right thing to do:
Tom doesn't study enough. He should study harder.
It's a good film. You should go and see it.
W hen you play tennis, you should always watch the ball.

You shouldn't do something = it is not a good thing to do.

Shouldn't = should not:
Tom shouldn't go to bed so late.
You watch T V all the time. You shouldn't watch T V so much.

We often say I think ... should

(Do you think I should buy this hat?
I think ... should ...
I think Lisa should buy some new clothes.
(= I think it is a good idea.)
It's late. I think I should go home now.
O a : Shall I buy this coat?
b. Yes, I think you should.

I don't think ... should ...

O I don't think you should work so hard.
(= I don't think it is a good idea.)
I don't think we should go yet. It's too early.

Do you think ... should ... ?:

O Do you think I should buy this hat?
O W hat time do you think we should go home?

M ust is stronger than should:

It's a good film. You should go and see it.
O It's a fantastic film. You must go and see it.

A nother way to say should is ought to:

It’s a good film. You ought to go and see it. (= you should go)
O I think Lisa ought to buy some new clothes. (= Lisa should buy)

( shall ^ Units 27-28 must ^ Unit 31

Complete the sentences. Use you should + these verbs:

eat go take visit watch wear

1 When you play tennis, you should w a tch the ball.

2 It's late and you're very tired...................................................................................................to bed.
3 ..............................................................................................plenty of fruit and vegetables.
4 If you have tim e ,...........................................................................................the Science Museum. It's very interesting.
5 When you're driving,............................................................................................... a seat belt.
6 It's too far to walk from here to the station.................................................................................. a taxi.

Write about the people in the pictures. Use He/She sho u ld n 't... so . . . .

1 She shouldn’t wat^h W so much...................... 3 hard

2 H e .................................................................................................... 4..........................................................................................................

You are not sure what to do, so you ask a friend. Write questions with Do you think I should ... ?
1 You are in a shop. You are trying on a jacket, (buy?)
You ask your friend: P.p.you. think J. should b.uy.thie .................................................................................
2 You can't drive, (learn?)
You ask your friend: Do you th in k ...............................................................................................................................................
3 You don't like your job. (get another job?)
You ask your friend: ...............................................................................................................................................................................
4 You are going to have a party, (invite Gary?)
You ask your friend: ...............................................................................................................................................................................

Write sentences with I th in k ... should ... and I don't th in k ... should . . . .
1 We have to get up early tomorrow, (go home now) !..t.h|nk we should q o home now,.........................
2 That coat is too big for you. (buy it) i.don’t th[nk you.should .............................................................
3 You don't need your car. (sell i t ) ...................................................................................................................................................
4 Karen needs a rest, (have a h o liday)............................................................................................................................................
5 Sarah and Dan are too young, (get m arried).........................................................................................................................
6 You're not well this morning, (go to w o r k )............................................................................................................................
7 James isn't well today, (go to the d o cto r)................................................................................................................................
8 The hotel is too expensive for us. (stay th ere)......................................................................................................................

What do you think? Write sentences with should

1 11hink e v e r y b o d y s h o u l d .......................................................................................
2 I think everybody......................................................................................................................................................................................
3 I th in k ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................
4 I don't th in k ..................................................................................................................................................................................................
5 I think I sho uld ............................................................................................................................................................................................
34 Would you like ... ? I'd like ...
Would you like ... ? = Do you w a n t ... ? Wouldyou like
We use Would you like ... ? to offer things: a chocolate?

O A: Would you like som e coffee?

b: No, thank you. I f
O a : Would you like a chocolate?
b: Yes, please.
O a : W hat would you like, tea or coffee?
b: Tea, please. ffi'ee, please.^

We use Would you like to ... ? to invite somebody:

O Would you like to go for a walk?

O a : Would you like to eat with us on Sunday?
b: Yes, I'd love to. (= I would love to eat with you)
O W hat would you like to do this evening?

I'd like ... is a polite way to say 'I want'. I'd like = I would like:

O I'm thirsty. I'd like a drink.

O (in a tourist office) I'd like some information about hotels, please.
O I'm feeling tired. I'd like to stay at home this evening.

Would you like ... ? and Do you like ... ?

Would you like ... ? / Td like ... Do you like ... ? / 1 like ...

Would you
like some tea?
Yes, I do.

Would you
i some now?
No, thank you.
Not now.

Would you like some tea? = Do you want Do you like tea? = Do you think tea is nice?
some tea?
O a : Would you like to go to the cinema O a : Do you like going to the cinema?
tonight? (in general)
(= do you want to go tonight?) b: Yes, I go to the cinema a lot.
b: Yes, I'd love to.

O I'd like an orange, please. O Mike oranges, (in general)

(= can I have an orange?)

O W hat would you like to do next O W hat do you like to do at weekends?


78 ( like to do and like -ing Unit 52 I would do something i f . Unit 100

What are the people in the pictures saying? Use Would you like

. W oujdyouJike
a chocolate?


What do you say to Sue in these situations? Use Would you like to ... ?
1 You want to go to the cinema tonight. Perhaps Sue will go with you. (go)
You say: Would.yow.like to.go to th e .cinema to n ig h t? ..............................................................................
You want to play tennis tomorrow. Perhaps Sue will play too. (play)
You say: .........................................................................................................................................................................................
You have an extra ticket for a concert next week. Perhaps Sue will come, (come)
You say: .........................................................................................................................................................................................
It's raining and Sue is going out. She doesn't have an umbrella, but you have one. (borrow)
You say: .........................................................................................................................................................................................

Which is right?
1 'Do you like / W ould you like a chocolate?' 'Yes, please.' (Would you like is right)
2 'Do you like / W ould you like bananas?' 'Yes, I love them.'
3 'Do you like / W ould you like an ice cream?' 'No, thank you.'
4 'W hat do you like / would you like to drink?' 'A glass of water, please.'
5 'Do you like / W ould you like to go out for a walk?' 'Not now. Perhaps later.'
6 I like / I'd like tomatoes, but I don't eat them very often.
7 W hat time do you like / would you like to have dinner this evening?
8 'Do you like / Would you like something to eat?' 'No, thanks. I'm not hungry.'
9 'Do you like / Would you like your new job?' 'Yes, I'm enjoying it.'
10 I'm tired. I like / I'd like to go to sleep now.
11 'I like / I'd like a sandwich, please.' 'Sure. W hat kind of sandwich?'
12 'W hat kind of music do you like / would you like?' 'All kinds.'

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