Check List of All Labour Laws
Check List of All Labour Laws
Check List of All Labour Laws
Prohibition of employment of young children e.g. 14 years. A worker having worked for 240 days @
Non-adult workers to carry tokens e.g. certificate of fitnekss. one day for every 20 days and for a child
Working hours for children not more than 4 ½ hrs. and not permitted to one day for working of 15 days.
work during night shift. Accumulation of leave for 30 days.
Secs. 51, 54 to 56, 59 & 60 Secs. 79
Impedes the right of access to relevant records or documents or the right of entry conferred by section 6; he shall be
punishable for the first offence with fine upto Rs.250 and for every subsequent offence with fine upto Rs.250 and for
every subsequent offence with fine upto Rs.500. Rules 7
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Important Clarifications Power of Labour Court to give Right of a Workman during Pendency
Industry - has attained wider meaning than defined Appropriate Relief of Proceedings in High Court
except for domestic employment, covers from barber Labour Court/Industrial Tribunal can Employer to pay last drawn wages to
shops to big steel companies. Sec.2(I) Modify the punishment of dismissal or reinstated workman when proceedings
Works Committee-Joint Committee with equal number discharge of workmen and give appropriate challenging the award of his
of employers and employees’ representatives for relief including reinstatement. Sec.11A reinstatement are pending in the
discussion of certain common problems. Sec.3 higher Courts. Sec.17B
Conciliation-is an attempt by a third party in helping to
settle the disputes Sec.4 Persons Bound by Settlement
Adjudication - Labour Court, Industrial Tribunal or Period of Operation of
When in the course of conciliation
National Tribunal to hear and decide the dispute. proceedings etc., all persons working Settlements and Awards
Secs.7,7A & 7B or joining subsequently. A settlement for a period as
agreed by the parties, or
Otherwise than in course of
Period of six months on signing
settlement upon the parties to the
of settlement.
Lay off & Payment of Compensation - settlement. Sec.18
An award for one year after its
Conditions for Laying off enforcement. Sec.19
Failure, refusal or inability of an employer to provide
work due to Notice of Change
Shortage of coal, power or raw material. 21 days by an employer to workmen Prior Permission for Lay off
Accumulation of stocks. about changing the conditions of service When there are more than 100
Breakdown of machinery. as provided in Ivth Schedule. Sec.9A workmen during proceeding 12
Natural calamity. Sec.25-C months. Sec.25-M
Failure of employer to submit draft Standing Orders fine of Rs.5000 and Rs.200 for every day on continuation of
Fine of Rs.100 on contravention and on continuation of offence Rs.25 for every day.
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Coverage of the Act Conditions for eligibility of
Object of the Act Upon all women employees either employed
To protect the dignity of benefits
directly or through contractor except domestic Women indulging temporary of
motherhood and the women employees employed in mines, factories,
dignity of a new person’s unmarried are eligible for
plantations and also in other establishments if the maternity benefit when she is
birth by providing for the State Government so decides. Therefore, if the
full and healthy expecting a child and has
State Government decides to apply this Act to
maintenance of the worked for her employer for at
women employees in shops and commercial least 80 days in the 12 months
woman and her child at establishments, they also will get the benefit of
this important time when immediately proceeding the
this Act. Bihar, Punjab Haryana, West Bengal, date of her expected delivery
she is not working. U.P., Orissa and Andhra have done so.
Any 7 or more members of a trade union may, by subscribing Prescribed form with following details.
their names to the rules of the trade union and its compliance. Names, occupations and address of the
members’ place of work.
There should be at least 10%, or 100 of the work-men,
whichever is less, engaged or employed in the establishment or Address of its head office; and
industry with which it is connected.
Names, ages, addresses and occupations of its
It has on the date of making application not less than 7 persons office bearers.
as its members, who are workmen engaged or employed in the Sec. 5
establishment or industry with which it is connected.
Separate establishment
Computation of available surplus Components of Bonus If profit and loss accounts are
prepared and maintained in
Income tax and direct taxes as payable. Salary or wages includes respect of any such
Depreciation as per section 32 of Income dearness allowance but no department or undertaking or
Tax Act. other allowances e.g. branch, then such department
Development rebate, investment or over-time, house rent, or undertaking or branch is
development allowance. incentive or commission. treated as a separate
Sec.5 Sec.2(21) establishment.
A register showing the computation of the allocable surplus referred to in clause (4) of section 2, in form A.
A register showing the set-on and set-off of the allocable surplus, under section 15, in form B
A register showing the details of the amount of bonus due to each of the employees, the deductions under
section 17 and 18 and the amount actually disbursed, in form C.
Sec.26, Rule 4
Act not applicable to certain employees of LIC, General Insurance, Dock Yards, Red Cross, Universities & Educational
Institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Social Welfare Institutions, Building Contractors, etc. etc. Sec.32.
PENALTY For contravention of any provision of the Act or the Rule Upto 6 months or with fine upto Rs.1000. Sec.28
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On contravention of S.5 (except sub-sec.4), S.7, S.8 Fine not less than Rs.1000 which may extend to Rs.5000.
(except Ss.8), S.9, S.10 (except Ss.2) and Secs.11 to 13. On subsequent conviction fine not less than Rs.5000, may
extend to Rs.10,000. On contravention S.4, S.5(4), S6,
S.8(8), S.10(2) or S.25 fine not less than Rs.1000. - may
extend to Rs.5000. On subsequent On conviction fine not
For failing to maintain registers or records; or
Wilfully refusing or without lawful excuse neglecting to Fine which shall not be less than Rs.1000 but may
furnish information or return; or extend to Rs.5000 - On record conviction fine not less
Wilfully furnishing or causing to be furnished any than Rs.5000, may extend to Rs.10,000.
information or return which he knows to be false or For second or subsequent conviction, fine not less than
Refusing to answer or wilfully giving a false answer to Rs.5000 but may extend to Rs.10,000
any question necessary for obtaining any information
required to be furnished under this Act.
Wilfully obstructing an Inspector in the discharge of his
duties under this Act; or
Refusing or wilfully neglecting to afford an Inspector any Fine not less than Rs.1000 extendable
reasonable facility for making any entry, inspection etc. Upto Rs.5000 - On subsequent conviction fine
Wilfully refusing to produce on the demand of an not less than Rs.5000 - may extent to Rs.10,000
inspector any register or other document kept in
pursuance of this Act; or preventing any person for
appearance etc.
On conviction for any offence and again guilty of Imprisonment not less than one month extendable upto
Contravention of same provision. six months and fine not less than Rs.2000 extendable
Failing or neglecting to pay wages to any employee upto Rs.15000.
Additional fine upto Rs.100 for each day.
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Coverage of Workmen Employer’s liability to pay
Applicability All workers irrespective of their status or compensation to a workman
salaries either directly or through On death or personal injury resulting into
All over India contractor or a person recruited to work total or partial disablement or occupational
Sec.1 abroad. Sec.1(3) disease caused to a workman arising out
of and during the course of employment.
Amount of compensation
Where death of a workman results from the injury
An amount equal to fifty per cent of the monthly wages of the When an employee is not liable for
deceased workman multiplied by the relevant factor on an compensation
amount of eighty thousand rupees, whichever is more.
Where permanent total disablement results from the injury. In respect of any injury which does
An amount equal to sixty per cent of the monthly wages of the result in the total or partial disablement
injured workman multiplied by the relevant factor or an amount of the workman for a period exceeding
of ninety thousand rupees, whichever is more three days.
Procedure for calculation In respect of any injury, not resulting in
Higher the age - Lower the compensation death or permanent total disablement
Relevant factor specified in second column of Schedule IV giving caused by an accident which is directly
slabs depending upon the age of the concerned workman. attributable to-
Example : In case of death. The workman having been at the time
Wages Rs.3000 PM ● Age 23 years thereof under the influence of drink or
Factor as schedule IV Rs.19.95 drugs, or
Amount of compensation Rs.329935 Willful disobedience of the workman to
In case of total disablement Rs.395910. an order expressly given, or to a rule
Sec. 4 expressly framed, for the purpose of
securing the safety of workmen, or
Wages Notice Willful removal or disregard by the
Accident workman of any safety guard or other
When the monthly wages are device which he knew to have been
more than Rs.4000 per month it As soon as provided for the purpose of securing the
will be deemed Rs.4000. Practicable safety of workman.
Sec.4 Exh.b Sec. 10 Sec.3(a) & (b)
In case of default by employer 50% of the compensation amount + interest to be paid to the
Deposit of Compensation workman or his dependents as the case may be.
Within one month with the Compensation Commissioner