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Adobe Scan 30 Dec 2023

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Exportng, the for the most part tradtional mode ch enterhg.

the forefon marktt is Qute 0 common one cven nDIo

ensing gnd franchising!

under interngtiongl licensing_,o fitn in ant
COuntny Cthe licensor) permis ofitm in anather country Cthe license) to use
ts intellechual properiy (such os patents,trademarks ,mpyrights
technology ond technial know-how, marketing Skill or somt othcr spectik

G) controct manufocturint
A Company doing interngtiongl morkethg.
foreon countes_ to manufocture or as5emble
Controcs DIth flims in
tetaining_ the esponsibilitits of marktting product
the praducs Nhle
NOnagernent controtiog:
brings togcther .apockaQe ofInskisamanogement controct the suppltr
hot wiâll provide an
Servict to the client wihout
incutring the risk ond benefitintegoted
Hirm s
ship The
is Bspecially attraciivcly i the controching
giYen an ophion to purchase Some shares in the managed
Company ithin a sBated period
Tunkey motactst
A. timkey operatlons is an agretment by the seler to
Supply o buyet with o faaiy fuly eguipptd and ready to be. operoted by the
buycr s petsannel ,Nho HÌIL be. tained by the Seller. Tumkey catracds are
Common n nternatbna business În the supply,erection and
Dmmissionhg of plonts, 0s in the asc of al Teihetes ,steel mlis,Cement
and feier plonts eBc

Aholly Duned mgoufacturing, facitis

componfes WIth long term
SUbstantiol interest în the forein market normaly estoblsh fully ouned
manufachurng foailties there This. meBhad demands sufficent finonco! ond
managerial resources on the pat of the ompany

iDAs5embly operoHons:
AMonufacurer uho wonts many of the odyontages.
thot are associaBed
with aYeISeOs manufachuring facilihies ond yet do©.
not. want to go Hhot far may Fnd i desirgble to establish overseos
OSSermbly taclihies in selected markets

Aps_ form of OsS0cíation hlhich impliès caltaborntíon

for mar than o transitony period i8 a ioint yenture Typts_of_oint
Ventures Types of iaint overscos operahlons art:

sharnq of ourership ond management in an enteror!.

Atensing /fronchising ggretments
Cortract monufacBuniog
Monogement countrits

Third ountryIooton:
When there grtno commerciol transochions
betuen tuwO natíons becouse_ of paltal reosons 0r lhen direct
tronsachions betueen twnnations art diencult due to politinl reos
or the likt,a fitmin ont of these nations which want toente
other marktt will hove to operatt from third counts bose

|Memers and gcquiston

Mergers and Rcquisition (nCa) have becn a
Very daeunent important morktt entry stroteqy os well os erpansitn
Stoteqy- ANumber of indiùn ompanies_havt alsoLused tntrs_Stateqy:

5 FSSentials onditions for sucresful globalisation?

Ans: To tock the objèctive of globalisation measures hove been taken ore.:
e (A) Reduction 0f import dutites (e) Encournqement of foreign investment an
OEncoungement to forei¡n ttchnolbqy ngrtment

0EConomic liberalization:
There hos_to be business freedom thot
ther should not be QYalable qovenment resttichions like Import
on Souraing finance ot 0ther factors from abrood
fortiFn investments cc
n0stuctural Eoclmtest
globally from domiale. countr
The degre to which an enterprist Con devtlop
Hhe infrastruclural focilities base depends on the facilitíes ovailabie like

AGovernment Support
Government SupDort moy toke He shape of polioy
and procedural reforns5, devcloprnent of
common. fociities like infrastruchural
iacilHies Restarch Ond develonment SunDOrt, ond fnoncial support and 30.

)key business ResourCes. t

Resourceful companies may find it ensier
fihance,technolog/ RaD.
push aheod in the global markct Resourcts indude
develepment copabilies.monogeral enrHßt company. and brand
humon resourte thc

0 competitiveadvantages advantage fromonyane

Afim deriveS Compehitivet
foctors such 0s louw Costs ond prte, poduct quality
Or more of the
ofer sales strvíczs.,
|product dterentiaton, technolagial
marhtting stength ebr

Mi)Gobal onientation
orentaton on the partof the business
Aglobal qlabalisaBlon.
strattgies are essentiol for
fifms and Suitabic globalization
6Feotures of MNCS 2

A.corpotaBion Ahich has its honme in Gnt

MNCS con be defined o6.
under the rules ond requlations o oBher
COunin but cperates .and Ies
features of MNCS Qre 0s foliQLS:

The MNC$ cre huge comonits or orporotions which have

NGrius producis on a huae soole j has âs business Sortad over ia
diiferent aOuntrits theu opero!e in yarious countries ond also
the morhet in which theu dominate.
) porninating Ecoromy3 ->

The MNCS dominat the world economy. they

being huge in size and ueil equipped ,dominaie the market thty also
expand the world trade bs operating on 0 9lobal level:

G)Quaty ConscioUSness :
Lorqe MNCs art Qualits consclous thes ore Yehy.
much concerned uith the quality_ of the goods that hey_produre- They.
also_hove_TS0- 9000 Cerkhiote which shouws their quality: there management
olso uorks on principle
of Total @ualíky Manogenent
Proft concened :
These companies are cohcerned with earnings huge
Preches profits- they do their busines octivtíes eMiciently. thes wish
to seil thei qoods Qt a Qood príe S0 that thes con earn o
fai Sum
of money- They also_ undertake rapid epansion of actitíes nthe
|deyeloping_ COuntrits.

IModernized and well equippedi

The MNC3 art well equipper
and haye modern techngloqy withShilled worth
force- Thes_produce
qoads efecively. Thishelps them to produce beter quality gods
quickly and hus eorn huqt profits
Nanagement s

Iheit managernent is also based on managing +he.

Company on modern bosis -They usually octs as a parent company and Tne
Subsidiors compans operaies under the control and quidance. Subs1diany
Companies act as per the ditectons given bs these paretMNC companies.

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