38 Al-Ghalbi International
Press Preparation & Editing
Nasir Salim Al Shuili 8 PDO
12 Occidental of Oman
40 Hamdan Transport
Sales & Marketing
Majan Al- Harrasiya 14 bp 42 TOCO
Translation 16 OQ 44 Al Baraka Oilfield Services
Mahmoud Al- Harrasi
Israa Elhag 18 CC Energy Development 46 Sheida International
Art Director
20 Daleel Petroleum 48 Anwar Fahud Projects
Younes Al Salman
22 Schlumberger
50 Ryboa Haima Company
Frame Production 24 Petrofac
52 SGS
26 STS Group
Social Media Management
Kingdom for Advertising & Publishing
28 Gulf Energy 58 Petrogas
Mazoon Printing Press
30 Al Sawari International 60 TRUCKOMAN
32 Alshawamikh Oil Services
62 Abraj Energy Services
34 Seeh Al Sarya Engineering (SAS) 64 Worley
4D Advertising & Publicity 36 RAY International Group 66 SOSCO
ICV Achievements
In all countries of the world, a large portion of govern- With these two initiatives, we will make the country’s
ment spending is dedicated to the tenders offered by money circulate in its economy and remain in its home-
the government in the implementation of its develop- land, through this, trade will flourish and the efficiency
mental programs and projects incorporated in its an- of its national products will be boosted, this, in turn,
nual plans. The other portion constitutes government will create job opportunities for cadres and will achieve
Nasir Salim Al Shuili procurement of a number of services and goods that the principle of rationalization and efficiency of gov-
government institutions need on an annual and regular ernment spending, raising the index of SMEs.
Editor basis, and usually hundreds of millions are allocated for
these two spending items and are assigned as a single These are some of the ideas that surfaced during the
package or as multiple packages to the companies that period of work on this book, and there are some ques-
implement the project or provide the service. These tions that I discussed with the HODs of the ICV depart-
companies may be local or foreign, and in either case, ments of companies participating in the book, most
governments disburse these financial allocations on an notably:
annual basis. • Many products are still imported! (That means,
The question that comes to my mind: “Is it possible to there are opportunities to localize a number of
maintain and rotate these funds to bring a great eco- industries)
nomic power to the country?” • The local product is more expensive! (Yes, but it
The answer will be mainly based on my own diligence remains a national product, uses local resources,
and I will give examples from the local reality, so that and the funds remain within the country.
I can explain my answer. In the past decade, the gov- • Local companies import products and do not
ernment of the Sultanate of Oman has implemented a manufacture them! (Well then! Let us support the
number of strategic projects, such as Muscat Interna- local suppliers and give them priority).
tional Airport project, at a cost of (US$ 4.7 billion), Mus-
cat Expressway, at a cost of 800 million Omani Riyals, • Some SMEs are not eligible! (With support and
and other developmental projects such as constructing follow-up they will be eligible).
electricity and water stations, providing medicines and • We request for some services and products that
medical supplies, purchasing military equipment, build- we can›t find locally! (We coordinate with the
ing dams and communication towers, and other similar concerned authorities to offer investment opportu-
works. nities, or we address the SMEs Authority to do so)
If we conduct a feasibility study for the industries tar- Questions that I did not find answers to in the book:
geted for domestication or the technology targeted to
be transferred, which is sustainable for the benefit of Who is responsible for the ICV file in the Sultanate?
the country and has a continuous demand in the local
Why not establish (an authority/a center) that is con-
market and if it is linked as a binding condition in award-
cerned with supervising ICV through a strategy with
ing the tender to the executing company, we will find
standard laws, rules and regulations?
that after a period of time, we have established a num-
ber of factories and attracted modern technology. Why not apply the ICV on the other sectors (health,
military, industry, tourism...etc.), and submit its
On the other hand, regarding government procurement,
reports to the authorized body?
why shouldn›t we have a digital platform that classifies
government procurement and inventory to be devel- Where is the ICV Index in the Government Tenders and
oped and reviewed annually, and only national institu- Procurement Council and Governmental Companies?
tions, that have a license from the Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) Authority are permitted to register
on that platform; through this step, we will encourage
entrepreneurs to establish projects, and rationalize gov-
ernment spending by providing sustainable and highly
efficient national products.
5 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
The oil and gas sector has always played a dominant and fundamental role in the economic and
social development of the Sultanate of Oman, given the fact that oil & gas resources represents a
central and major portion of the country’s revenue. Accordingly, in recognition of this important
and privileged position, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals through its In Country Value (ICV)
initiatives have further accelerated and intensified the enhancement of local businesses and human
capital development of Omani nationals. In fact, the successful inception of ICV programme by the
Ministry of Energy and Minerals has strategically positioned itself as a role model that inspired and
led to the implementation of ICV policy on other sectors of the economy, thus impacting positively
and effectively on the overall development of the country.
As a reflection of the close collaboration and concerted efforts between the Ministry of Energy
and Minerals and it’s various stakeholders, especially oil & gas operating companies as well as
business and contracting communities, significant strides and achievements have been realised in
a span of over seven years since the launch of the ICV Blueprint Strategy in December 2013. The
most prominent of these achievements are summarised below:
• Identification of more than 50 Supply Chain Development Opportunities as investment
projects in the oil & gas sector covering various specialised services and manufacturing
facilities. So far, almost 30 Supply Chain Development Opportunities have been awarded,
while some of the rest are currently in the process of development.
• Implementation of common standard ICV requirements in the oil & gas tenders for the benefit
of encouraging investments in the country and maximising the utilisation and employment of
national workforce, as well as enhancing the expenditure on local contractors and made-in-
Oman goods throughout the execution of the contracts.
• Establish a Vendor Development Programme (VDP) aimed at providing support, mentoring
and supervision with an objective of developing the capabilities and competencies of local
vendors and manufacturers. As a result, achieving a competitive and sustainable base of local
vendors capable of delivering professional services and supplying quality products.
• Set up a Sector Skills Unit (SSU) for the oil and gas sector in collaboration with Ministry
of Labour and Oman Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL). The SSU is aimed to ensure
alignment between requirements of employment market and outputs of the education and
training institutions, thus contributing effectively to the enhancement of Omanisation in the
oil & gas sector.
ICV Achievements
Abdulrahman Al Yahyaei
Many countries have successfully proven institutions wishing to work with government
their achievements, in terms of the ICV , by agencies in the Sultanate must undergo an
enhancing the local content and keeping annual evaluation by one of the accredited
high percentage of the funds spent on certification bodies, in order to determine
developmental projects within its economical their compliance in the field of In-Country
domain, by following the of policy of imposing Value during the past fiscal year. Accordingly,
high ratios in ICV. the In-Country Value evaluation model is an
essential part of the process of evaluating
In the Sultanate of Oman, we have entered offers and awarding contracts, which is
maturity stage in the oil and gas sector. In implemented by government agencies when
2013, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals offering their tenders, as these participating
announced the launch of the ICV strategy, agencies require suppliers submitting their
to be implemented in the largest revenue offers to attach an ICV certificate attested
generating sector in the country, which has by one of the approved certification bodies
high developmental expenses. The strategy in order to annually verify the accuracy of the
completed its seventh year. However, we numbers contained therein. The In-Country
still face some questions like “Do we have Value (ICV) mark obtained by the supplier after
a satisfactory output?”, “Has a sustainable applying evaluation criteria to it, including the
environment been created for business and type of manufactured goods, the supplier’s
industry in particular, and is it sustainable in expenditure within the Sultanate, the amount
creating job opportunities for citizens in the of investment, and the localization percentage.
sector? This question and others constantly
come to my mind. In order to take a step in this direction, an
independent working group must be formed
Today we are on the threshold of a new stage and have all powers to study the funds that
in the process of a renewed renaissance. remain inside the country and that go out
Hence, the decision makers have to give due through projects and contracts entrusted to
importance to the application of the ICV in companies or through government purchases.
various sectors, without exception. There This committee should take the oil and gas
should be a center or authority to govern sector as a model to study and benefit from
the application of ICV standards, and to have its mature experience. This committee should
coordination with the concerned authorities also reviews international experiences that
for tenders. It could either be the Tender have made progress in this field, so that it can
board or the departments concerned with present a comprehensive integrated study
projects and procurement in the government for the decision maker. Hence, there is an
establishments and companies. This authority urgent need of establishing an independent
would have the absolute validity to audit the body for the purpose of following up on ICV
systems of the companies, which implement implementation and ensuring enforcement of
ICV and to enact a law that punishes violating the concerned laws and regulations and follow
institutions that do not achieve the agreed up on its implementation.
ratios of compliance, honors institutions
that adhere to ICV standards, and publishes
best practices. Private companies and
7 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Zahran Al Abri
PDO’s ICV Development Manager
As we continue our journey towards ICV, PDO has worked to support Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) is the leading exploration and production company in
the government’s vision to boost manufacturing industries as a part the Sultanate of Oman. We deliver the majority of the country’s crude oil production and
of Oman’s economic diversification programme, and in line with PDO’s
natural gas supply, but above all, we focus on delivering excellence, growth and sustainable
vision of creating value “for Oman and all our stakeholders.”
value creation within and well beyond our industry.
The ICV Blueprint Strategy unveiled in 2013, included 53-investment
opportunities pan Oman, of which, PDO led on 43. To date, we have The Company is owned by the Government of Oman (which has a 60% shareholdings), the
realised 33 opportunities, which are predominantly the establishment Shell Group (34% ), Total (4% ) and PTTEP (2% ). Gas fields and processing plants are operated
of local manufacturing facilities. These provide oil and gas products by PDO exclusively on behalf of the Government.
and services to support businesses in Oman, in the region and
internationally. PDO operates in a concession area of about 90 thousand km2 (one third of Oman’s
In addition, PDO operationalised 48 internal opportunities in different
geographical area), It has around 192 producing oil fields, 52 natural gas fields, 29 production
categories with SMEs and national registered suppliers through stations, around 9,000 active wells, It has got a diverse workforce of more than 8,900
the ring-fencing of scope for local companies, development of local employees, and over 70 thousand contracting employees, a combined workforce made up of
suppliers, qualifying local suppliers by providing technical support, over 60 nationalities.
unbundling services and goods, providing training to SMEs through
the Tazeez programme, and exercising preferences for local goods
and services. The success story of manufacturing has led to a mindset
change and renewed confidence among local and foreign investors to
set up manufacturing plants in Oman.
PDO managed to establish 5 SLCCs: Al Baraka, Al Haditha, Al Shawamikh,
Al Sahari and Sakan with a direct spend reaching US$819 million in
Recently PDO extended the SLCC contracts for the duration of another
10 years across different categories, such as flowline construction and
well services.
Through its National Objectives programme, the Company was able to
support the Sultanate by securing tens of thousand of jobs for Omanis,
with many more in the pipeline.
This unique initiative is different from other local content development
programmes worldwide, as it is a structured approach that consists
of analysing the forecasted demand (goods, services and associated
workforce) of all spend categories and assessing the local market
capability and capacity to identify the main constraints and
opportunities for ICV development.
1. Collaborating and co-ordinating with strategy, contacts and
spend value.
2. Generating cross-industry and country-wide opportunities
across the value chain.
3. Identifying opportunities to be operationalised with contract or
ring-fenced to local companies.
4. Developing vendors and awarding long-term contracts to local
manufacturers or suppliers through local vendor development
programme. Scan the QR Code
To watch the video
ICV Achievements
In line with the ICV Blueprint Strategy that was developed to boost
Oman’s economy, PDO managed to establish 67 manufacturing
facilities through a direct investment of more than US$ 340 million.
• PDO has identified 55 goods and 20 service opportunities in 2020,
where the estimated retained value is US$500 million in different
areas such as project blend, 3D printing and the manufacture of
electrical and telecom towers.
9 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
50 Thousand opportunity for direct employment Direct contracts from PDO towards local manufacturers approx.
US$1.75 billion for the last 4 years.
PDO continues to support the job creation drive for Omani jobseekers and
Through main contractors:
beyond to boost Omani employment and economic diversification. We
secured more than 50 thousand job including direct hires.
In other areas, such as re-deployment, transferability and on-job training, 2018 2019 2020
a total of 14 thousand opportunities were realised with our contracting
community, in addition to other schemes of training without employment 130 174 237
like local community scholarships and the Eidaad training programme. US$ million US$ million US$ million
Train Omanis in several courses and training December 2020. All LCC companies originate from the concession
approximately disciplines via PDO’s main contractors
PDO managed to secure several training programmes from international These LCCs are allocated a minimum of 10% range of contracts
accredited bodies, to be qualified and delivered through local institutes such through the Inter-competition as subcontractors, with PDO main
as engineering operations. The second level is in the drilling rigs, mechanical contractors, providing various services in oil and gas operations.
maintenance and lifting operations. rigging, mechanical maintenance and Despite the challenges faced in 2020, the LCCs total value spend
lifting. reached a new record of US$183 million, while the matured LCCs
The training programmes were certified by the Ministry of Labour, which spend was US$284 million.
assisted in creating new job opportunities and helped in fill the gaps within The third element of PDO’s local vendor development programme is
the market. known as Super Local Community Contractors (SLCCs). These were
In addition to the above, a total of US$51million was spent during the last three established as closed shareholding community-based contracting
years via main contractors to train approximately 18,000 Omanis in several companies, owned by individuals from the concession areas with a
courses and training disciplines, such as HSE, human resources, finance, total shareholder base of around 10,000 citizens from the concession
and in Technical and Development programmes, including scholarships and area. The SLCCs received direct business from PDO worth US$ 157
internships. million in 2020.
ICV Achievements
than 500 (SMEs) benefitted from
training programmes
Establishment of Ejaad, a virtual collaborative platform, to
encourage industry-academia dialogue and strengthen the
scientific research and development system.
Local business development has always been an important pillar in
our ICV journey. Since 2015, more than 500 (SMEs) benefitted from Ejaad has also carried out detailed work packages for the
training programmes covering areas such as legal, finance and potential first technological spin-off in Oman - the Wave Glider
tendering delivered in conjunction with Riyada, the Public Authority (WG). This is an autonomous smart and equipped vehicle
for the development of SMEs. that glides on the sea’s surface and performs a suite of real-
time measurements and services. Technology piloting was
In addition, PDO established an in-house programme called Tazeez successfully carried out in Qurayat and Salalah and the first
(Enhance), a tailor-made development scheme aimed at helping commercial contract was successfully completed with PDO.
SME’s compete more effectively for PDO contracts. In addition, PDO, along with Ejaad, delivered a study on the
This programme, which is conducted yearly, covers a wide range of impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution on PDO Jobs.
topics with specific programmes developed for SMEs specialising in
renewable energy, maintenance, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and
construction. Local Supply of Sub-contracted Services
As a part of PDO’s continuous support to local vendor development,
the Company managed to ring- fence more than 12 scopes for local
companies with an awarded value of more than US$400 million.
Here, 9 local companies were developed by PDO and 4 companies 2.8 US$ Billion
were awarded direct contracts after the completion of the vendor
Total spend for the last 3 years is approximately US$ 2,8 billion.
development process. These contracts covered areas such as jet
with an annual spent average of US$ 950 million. The above
sweeps, the manufacture of flanges and the provision of geological
spend was sub-contracted to over 75 companies, of which, local
survey services.
companies contribute to 97% share of total spend.
PDO’s direct spend towards SMEs has been growing rapidly. In 2016, it
was US$60 million, but this had grown to US$305 million at the end of
2020. This does not include indirect expenditure (through our main
contractors), which is more than the direct spend itself.
11 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
Participants from Higher Education Students, Recent Graduates
and Job Seekers in Oxy Program for Entrepreneurial Develop-
Technology Localization
ment in Frontier Technology (.NXT).
Occidental Oman has supported a number of new localized
technologies to improve the capacity and capability of Omani
Develop and Support SMEs contractors by providing them the opportunity to participate
in a variety of ICV programs, including the Vendor Develop-
Occidental Oman is also supporting and promoting SMEs ment Program.
through our SMEs Development Program “Tasharuk”.
The Tasharuk Program has: 1. LAMFLOW Technology.
2. High Temperature Injection Profile Logging
1. Created more than 300 jobs, with 69% Omanization. 3. LAMIS: Metering uncertainty calculation software
2. Trained 112 personnel.
3. Grew the value of contracts for participating SMEs by 215%.
4. Participating SMEs acquired 10 Accreditations: 9 ISO and 1
API Certification.
13 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
bp has had an upstream presence in Oman since 2007 and is a major investor
in the country.
Yousuf Al Ojaili bp has a long history of oil and gas exploration and production in the Middle
East. It is a major investor in Oman and one of the world’s pioneers in tight gas
bp Oman president production, bringing technology and experience to develop one of the Middle
East’s largest unconventional gas resources in the S ultanate’s Block 61.
We are proud to be part of this important review of bp started production from Phase One of Block 61 – the ‘Khazzan’ gas field – in
in-country value generated in Oman. 2017. In October 2020, bp announced the start of production from Phase Two
– the ‘Ghazeer’ gas field – safely, with capital discipline and significantly ahead
Since we first started to develop Block 61, we have of schedule.
remained committed to increasing the total spend
retained in-country, maximising the procurement of
local goods and services, and developing local talent.
We have looked at some of these examples here - such
bp is currently looking into the potential of developing local vendors to sup-
as the excellent ICV spend on Ghazeer and how we’ve ply spare parts. There is currently limited capability in this area and bp feels
worked with companies such as Abraj and MODUS it is an opportunity both for the local economy and the oil and gas sector.
to help them become internationally competitive.
Indeed, we have recently awarded a contract to Abraj This project aims to support ‘made in Oman’ projects as well as reduce op-
which was previously held by a large international erational disruption during any future lockdown or pandemic.
contractor. bp is also supporting local vendors to develop specialized technical expe-
rience such as deep gas well stimulation, fracking and well testing using
As we pivot from an International Energy Company green completion concepts.
to an Integrated Energy Company, we will continue
to seek opportunities to support Oman’s future as
well as partner on important initiatives to support Project:
the energy transition. As part of its vendor development initiative, bp supported Abraj Energy
Oman is a strategically important country for bp and Services to become a global market leader in providing well stimulation
we look forward to continuing our relationship and services and compete with multinational companies in the Middle East and
beyond. In 2020, Abraj successfully completed its first well stimulation on
seeing this partnership develop. Block 61, marking a significant milestone in our relationship with the Omani
well services contractor.
Building this capability in the local market will unlock global opportunities
and generate more employment within this sector.
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
Total amount spent on local goods and services: 79.37 US$ Million.
When Petrofac started work on the Ghazeer project, bp set a demanding ICV
target of $275m, equating to around a third of the total project value.
Omanis occupy many leadership positions in the company. This was made from elements such as the procurement of ‘Made in Oman’
The average Omanisation for contracts was 63%, with a total goods and services, the use of local vendors, and the employment and training
value of 196.66 US$ Million. of Omani nationals.
By the time Petrofac handed back the new facility, the true ICV exceeded
$311m – around 13% more than originally targeted.
Fixed Assets Investments Examples include: STS Group fabricated, tested and transported the Ghazeer
glycol package module; Oman Cables produced circa 500 kilometres of cable
SMEs’ in 2017. It went on to rank second in the ‘Best Small Business’ category
for the Riyada awards.
US$ Million
bp’s technician development programme has welcomed candidates from Technology Localization
technical colleges and universities across the Sultanate, to complete a
four-year programme, including 18 months working towards a National
Vocational Qualification. More than 100 technicians have been trained to US$ Million
date, many of whom, now work at Block 61 as mechanical, instrumental,
electrical and production engineers. Some of these technicians and bp awarded a well testing and cleanout contract, including implementation of
graduates have also had the opportunity to work with bp’s partner OQ and the innovative ‘green completions’ concept, to FOS Energy Services LLC. The
Oman LNG, thanks to an agreement between the three companies. contract was previously held by a large international service provider.
The costs for the scope have been funded by bp and subject to cost recovery Green completions is a process whereby hydrocarbons produced during well
under the terms of the EPSA. testing for new completions are routed to the production facility instead of
the flare, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
US$ Million
15 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
6155 employees 87% and within the year 2020 the following main areas
were reserved exclusively for local suppliers:
OQ ensures that the EPC contractors also provide
their maximum support to SMEs through several re-
lated industries, including:
Fresh Omani graduates were trained in OQ’s developmental
• Manufacturing of Packaging Bags (FFS).
projects within the Training and Development Programs, and
• Manufacture of rubber materials.
in the Training for Employment Program, 512 Omani fresh
• Manufacture of wooden loading bases.
graduates (certificate and diploma) holders were trained,
• A number of other services and activities for SMEs and they were employed within the Group’s developmental
were also listed, most notably: projects with engineering, procurement and construction
• Waste management services in Block 60. contractors. OQ has also funded 109 scholarship programs
• Mobile water tanks. for Omani students, 99 of whom are in local private colleges
• Laundry service at the main location of (OQ). and 10 in international scientific institutions.
• Translation services.
17 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
tors. including the ring-fencing of some.
21 US$ Million
Fixed Asset Investment spent on services from local suppliers
CC Energy Development spent through the main contractors.
19 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Daleel Petroleum is one of the pioneers of the In-County Daleel Petroleum LLC is one of the leading oil producing companies in the
Value (ICV) drive held under the supervision of the Sultanate of Oman. It is a 50/50 joint venture registered in Oman between
Omani government. During 2020, the local companies` Mezoon Petrogas SAOC (Subsidiary of MB holding and Mezoon Petrogas BVI
development roadmap was approved with an objective (Subsidiary of China National Petroleum Corporation). The company was formed
to provide support and develop SMEs, local community during the second half of 2002.
companies & large local community companies. The Daleel Petroleum is engaged in exploration, evaluation and production of
roadmap offers specific programmes for these companies hydrocarbon reserves located in Block 5, onshore Oman approximately 450 km
including; development programmes, special contractual North West of Muscat . The activities in Block 5 are governed by a Petroleum
terms, reduced payment cycles and innovative solutions Agreement with the Government of the Sultanate of Oman.
in collaboration with banks operating in the Sultanate.
Since 2016, the company has directed its talents and
dedicated its efforts towards supporting more than
100 SMEs and entrepreneurs through a diverse set of
programmes that offered guidance, and professional
assistance. The ICV efforts included the Mentorship
Programme (2016-2017), Tasaru Programme 1 & 2 (2018-
2019), Khutwa (2019) and Istimrar Programme (2020). All
of these programmes were introduced to enhance SMEs
performance and equip them with the necessary tools to
upgrade performance and overcome challenges.
Moreover, Daleel Petroleum plays an active role in the ICV Services:
Steering Committee Initiatives such as the Joint Supplier
Registration System (JSRS). It is a platform focused on Exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons.
registration of suppliers, monitoring of the system and
reporting ICV performance.
Daleel strives to meet its vision and mission in alignment
with its responsible contribution towards the society. It
is a goal that forms one of the pillars in our company.
Additionally, Daleel Petroleum is placing and reviewing
plans for effective contribution in society through adding Scan the QR Code
value, meeting needs and enhancing prosperity. To watch the video
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
21 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
73 US$ Million in state-of-the-art facilities since 2011 Develop and Support SMEs
• Nizwa Mega operations Base
• Artificial lift assembly, repair and (ART)
center in Nizwa.
• Cameron Rusayl Manufacturing Facility
Annual spending on SMEs
and local contractors 20%
• Manufacture of well completion tools and equipment.
• Supplying type G cement.
Training and Qualification • Supplying gyroscope services “Gyro”.
The average annual expenditure
of the company on training is US$ Million Technology Localization
The investment in the Oman Institute of Oil and The company has a global network of more than 90 research and
Gas amounted development, engineering and manufacturing centers through which,
the company seamlessly transforms the toughest exploration and
US$ Million production challenges into leading technology solutions. By employing
our full range of expertise, both locally and internationally, we ensure
Schlumberger is in partnership with Takatof, a subsidiary that innovation is transmitted from our technology centers to our
of the OQ Group. This institute is a specialized center for
local clients. Local companies are included in the value chain and are
training professionals in the energy industry and is locat-
developed in the process.
ed in the Innovation Park in Muscat.
23 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Faisal Mohammed Al-gheilani Petrofac has been operating in Oman since 1988, providing
ICV Manager support to the energy industry in the Sultanate by designing,
building, operating and maintaining oil and gas facilities, as
well as developing and raising the efficiency of the local work-
Petrofac has a strong legacy in the Sultanate and our force and enhancing ICV, helping customers achieve more
track record reflects in our deep understanding of profits from their hydrocarbon resources.
industry needs and strong partnerships.
The company has generated revenues of up to US$
2.5 billion in In-Country Value (ICV) by working with
Omani suppliers and contractors.
One of the pioneering models, of which we are proud,
is Phase II of the Ghazeer project with bp.
A required In-Country Value (ICV) target of US$ 275
million, equivalent to about a third of the project’s
total value, had been set. By the time Petrofac handed
over the new facility, the real ICV had exceeded US$
311 million - about 13% more than the targeted value.
Petrofac received the prestigious Best Practices
Award in the (Omani Products and Services) category
of the Oman Society for Petroleum Services (OPAL) Our track record includes the following:
Awards, in recognition of our role in the development
of Dhofar Structures and Iron Industries. • Engineering, procurement and construction
This company in Salalah as part of the OQ LPG projects
extraction project in Salalah.
In 2017, we immediately recognized the potential of
• Engineering, procurement and construction
Dhofar Structures and Iron Industries and worked project management
closely with them to ensure that they were able to
achieve the required volume of work for the project.
• Operation and maintenance support
Recognizing the company’s potential, we initially • Increase the efficiency of the national
provided equipment free of charge. We then moved workforce, training solutions and efficiency
on to provide engineering drawings to expand their
facilities and used our extensive knowledge of the through our technical training facilities
Omani supply chain to help Dhofar Structures procure
new machinery within the Sultanate to ensure that
various economic benefits remained in-country.
We also introduced Dhofar Structures and Iron
Industries to other companies, which resulted in them
being awarded additional contracts. Scan the QR Code
To watch the video
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
25 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
STS is one of the largest private sector employers of Omani STS Group, headquartered in Muscat, Oman, is a pioneering multidisciplinary group,
Nationals in the oil & gas sector. Over the past 10 years, STS has specializing in construction, fabrication and maintenance services with a strong oper-
developed local capability to execute major Turnaround and ational presence in the Middle East. With operations that span over four decades, STS
Shutdowns Maintenance in the Energy Sector. This capability
has significantly expanded its core business and value-added services in the Energy and
was further expanded to other GCC nations. Recently, STS has
Industrial sectors in the MENA region.
successfully completed 4,500 personnel Turnaround in Abu
Dhabi for ADNOC Group. STS’s capabilities encompass Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Instrumentation disci-
STS is a key player in Oman, having served oil & gas operators in plines with dedicated teams serving each of these discipline areas. The company stays
long term portfolio management contracts. Our Manufacturing ahead in the field as a result of mix of intellectual capital, investment in technology,
facilities offer all specialized products in oil & gas Sector. local knowledge, industrial facilities, fabrication workshops as well as our large fleet of
STS has the honour of creating the largest process vessel for sophisticated construction equipment.
PDO in its 80-year history. The 46-metre-long vessel, which is STS stands strong with over 10,000 employees in the workforce. The company operates
four meters in diameter and weighs 240 tones, was fabricated across the GCC region and handles a diverse portfolio of projects in several areas.
at our Nizwa workshop. A total of 22 Omanis were involved in
the mechanical design and construction. Subsequently STS
successfully delivered 49-metre-long vessel for Salalah LPG
Project in Oman.
TTI, our training institute, offers various career development Activities and Services :
courses for Nationals across streams like Management, • Field Development.
Engineering, Technical & Tradesman skills, and HSE. • Gas Treatment & Compression.
• On-plot and Off-plot Facilities.
As part of the ICV drive, we continuously strive to engage and • Construction Maintenance & Turnarounds of Refineries & Petrochemicals.
award substantial share of work to LCCs and SMEs. STS works • Maintenance of refineries and petrochemical plants, major maintenance works
with LCCs and SMEs to enhance their capabilities in the areas and specialized services such as aluminum smelters, pipe cladding, cooling, and
of project delivery, HSE & quality. Periodic assessments are manufacturing of heavy and uncommon specialized materials.
conducted to enhance organization structure, skill sets and
• Static & Rotary Maintenance.
employee welfare.
STS’s ICV strategy and policy is to develop cooperative • STS also focuses on engineering, procurement, and construction, as well as
relationships with its stakeholders and industry participants, maintenance services.
with a view to promote and support ICV in Oman. We work
closely with SMEs, Ministry of Energy and Minerals (MOEM) ICV Opportunities
steering committee, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, OPAL, • Design & Engineering services
and various governmental stakeholders. • Manufacturing of all process equipment in Oman
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
Technology Localization
Training and Qualification
STS has two state of art technology fabrication workshops in Sohar and Nizwa that
The training is done through Technical Training specialise in manufacturing specialised oil & gas process equipment that include heavy
Institute (TTI), a 100% subsidiary of STS, that provides thick cladded vessels, Special Alloys, Fabrication of Exotic material, Heat Exchangers &
trade level comprehensive expertise training in Process Skids. During the last 5 years, we have also exported various process equipment
scaffolding, lifting & hoisting, HSE and other trades to various parts of the world.
We also provide HDPE Lining and Rotolining services across the MENA region.
related to construction & maintenance.
STS Group recently acquired Refrigeration Engineering International Pty Ltd. (REI), a leading
The TTI team is currently 80% Omanised. Process Design and Engineering Company specialised in process cooling, gas compression,
natural gas processing, and tank cooling solutions for oil, Gas and Downstream industries.
Since 1987 REI has built a strong reputation in the Oil and gas industry. This strategic
acquisition will further grow STS’s existing businesses by providing access to additional
Purchase of Local Goods and Services capabilities to serve our markets more effectively.
Our Specialised Aluminium Smelter services provided across GCC include Anode Stem &
Local Procurement Bus Bar Fabrication, Potshell Lining & Delining works, Superstructure, Cathode Sealing,
Basement Cleaning, Live Bus Bar welding.
US $ STS is acclaimed for Turnaround & Shutdown Maintenance capabilities across GCC over the
Million last 10 years and has also invested heavily in specialised equipment.
27 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Sultan Al Ghafri
Vice President – Oman & Yemen Gulf Energy, established in 2006, is one of the leading integrated oilfield services pro-
viders in the Sultanate of Oman. The company provides innovative oil & gas field ser-
At Gulf Energy, we believe that it is our duty to contribute to the vices and solutions in the MENA region and has 4 API approved facilities that are fully
economic development of the Sultanate. We constantly try to find equipped with the latest technologies. Gulf energy provides a wide range of services
ways to enhance our ICV through localizing jobs and building Omani
capabilities in local and international markets. Our manufacturing including performance drilling & evaluation services, drilling technology solutions,
facilities in Oman underscore our commitment to generating drilling and completion fluids technology & services, fishing & remedial services, well
local value through direct investments in the Omani economy, intervention services, production & completion services, and work-over services.
exporting Omani-made products to the world, developing in-
country expertise and local suppliers. SMEs was and still one of the
real examples of ICV initiatives through dealing with more than 90
SMEs. The plan is to increase the overall spent on SMEs and localize
additional services in the coming few years.
The last fifteen years have seen Gulf Energy, a local Omani
company, grow from a startup to one of the largest oilfield service
Opportunities & Projects:
providers in Oman and the region.
We became the first Omani company to successfully manufacture
casing accessories in Oman and export such products to the world. Recruiting Omanis:
We are leading the change in transforming the upstream sector in • Creating 600 jobs opportunities for Omanis locally and internationally
Oman and actively supporting the growth of the oil and gas sector over the next four years. And export Omani’s capabilities to the
in Oman and in the region. international market.
We are proud of all the Omani talents that have provided support
to all our operations across the globe. Water Treatment:
Our approach is an unorthodox approach, wherein, we aim to • Gulf Energy’s commitment is not only to service the demand in country,
provide support to our regional operations and to our future but also to provide emerging and enhanced key solutions to raise the
expansion in MENA using the talented Omani workforce.
We aim to train and hire more nationals than what is needed corporate and social responsibility, especially at this critical time of
by our operations in Oman. Last year, Gulf Energy signed a energy transformation.
Memorandum of Collaboration with Petroleum Development of • Reverting to the core values of being customer concentric with a high
Oman to create 600 jobs for Omanis locally and internationally regard to corporate social responsibility, Gulf Energy deems it of great
over the next four years. This enables us to send top talents to importance to revive the highlight to ESG. Starting off with water
international markets, creating new job opportunities, supporting
the career development of Omanis who will learn new skills, face management.
new challenges and live-in new environments. This will greatly • In Oman, water is critical when come to the demand, supply, and
enhance their capabilities and ensure we have a solid pipeline of composition because of the high reliance on water.
future leaders with global expertise and our Omanization will be
above the 100%. • Gulf Energy and its technology partners are working in providing
With the support of the Ministry of Energy & Minerals and all our local cost-effective solutions to bridge the gap created from limited
clients, We have achieved 84% of Omanization which is one of the freshwater resources and high cost of produced water treatment which
highest percentages in the country while maintaining superior will positively impact the environment here in Oman and the solution
levels of service quality and new technology introduction. This will add a lot when come to the In-Country Value.
percentage will go higher in the coming few years because of
the company initiatives. This support was key to our ability, as a MENA Drilling Hub:
local company, to become an important international player that • The vision is to localize all drilling technologies and having a state of
exports Omani talents, services, products and competencies to art maintenance facility in Nizwa, being the MENA drilling hub where
international markets. drilling services know how will be exported from Oman to GCC.
Gulf Energy will continue the journey of ICV by hiring & developing
local talents, local manufacturing, investing in research,
development & localizing the technology, developing local suppliers
& supporting the growth of SMEs. We will continue contributing
positively to the economic development of the Sultanate.
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ICV Achievements
In Country Value
Gulf Energy signed a Memorandum of Collaboration with
Petroleum Development of Oman to create 600 jobs for
Local Supply of Subcontracted Services
Omanis locally and internationally over the next four years.
50 US$ Million
Develop and Support SMEs
• Opening the new fishing and milling • Upgrading the current Machine shop
tools manufacturing facility to localize and Gulf energy Facility in Nizwa.
the manufacturing this type of Gulf Energy have a systematic approach and road map to
• Purchase additional equipment and
downhole tools. downhole tools to support overall Oman identify the opportunity gap in the market and allocate the
• Opening SHG facility to localize the operations. right SMEs to deal with.
manufacturing of the cementing • Injecting new Coiled Tubing, fracturing
and casing accessories equipment in and cementing units in the country
Technology Localization
Training and Qualification Gulf Energy SAOC opened its first fishing & milling tools
Gulf Energy spent more than manufacturing facility in 2017 and the cementing & casing
accessories manufacturing facility to support all Oman oper-
US$ Million ations and customers. Then, in a later stage, started export-
ing Oman made tools to GCC region. The main objective of
in the country training funds and national training this investment is to boost the Omani economy by creating
institutes for QHSE and operational trainings. jobs and training opportunities and enabling custom-made
29 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
and the business value assigned from Al Sawari is
more than US$ 22 million annually. The company • Support services
seeks to achieve significant strides in all standards • Heavy lifting services National experiences
and bases that were specified in the ICV strategy, de-
• Heavy equipment are work in.
clared by the ministry, especially in Omanization of
jobs and national cadre training. • Carriers
As one of the Super local community contracting • Logistics
• Vocational training
companies that currently operate under CCED um-
brella, we aspire to expand with the backing and • Mechanical engineering
support from the other major companies that op- • Civil engineering US$ million size of
erate in oil & gas and logistics sectors, to enhance • Electrical engineering business since 2017
and increase business contacts, which will achieve • Hardware engineering
growth, progress and competition for local compa-
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
More than 100 US$ Thousand The company support SMEs by qualifying
them in the field of health and safety, distrib-
dollar purchases of machinery and uting safety equipment to its employees, and
construction of warehouses. provide vehicles with tracking devices and
31 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
60 US$ Million
More than Omanisation on transportation, fuel and lubricants
650 74%
and other Consumables.
Develop and Support SMEs
Support SMEs by assigning various projects and services
Fixed Asset Investment to local companies in the oil and gas field, whether
through direct contracts or business incubators.
Spending over
40 US$ Million
Spending over 1 US$ Million environment, which is used to identify and assess risks,
as well display detailed reports and interactive visual
On training, qualification, health, safe- presentations.
ty, environment and technical training
basic and behavioral skills training. Mena ME System: To manage personnel and, human
resources, and measure productivity.
33 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
43% 5 during 2020. 39 million Omani Riyals during the last 3 years
million Omani Riyals
More than 15 million Omani Riyals have Develop and Support of SMEs
been invested to upgrade the company’s
services, develop capabilities and raise SAS supports SMEs regarding the services related to
efficiency equipment rental, civil works, piping connections and
other services, with an amount of more than
35 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Rukan Al Yaqeen
International Group L.L.C
Dr. Tahir Al Kindi
Founder / Chairman
RAY is particularly proud of its ICV implementation, RAY International Group is a well-established trading company based in
which had a positive effect on both, community and Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. It operates in energy and technology, en-
economy in overall. The company has invested in one gineering and Construction, Well and Cable Services, Vocational Train-
of the world’s largest welding institutions, in its first ing, skills development and insurance services. The development of the
two years, it has trained more than 400 Omanis and group over the years is attributed to the main success factors, embed-
had witnessed a remarkable growth in the number of ded in the slogan “innovation always” & “Safety First as a Lifestyle”. The
Omani employees, Some of them have opened their own group was established in 2005. Currently, it consists of four companies
workshops and became entrepreneurs in their acquired operating individually under a centralized leadership umbrella, which is
professions. We conclude from this that the local value known as Rukun Al Yaqeen .
has a greater impact on the economic level, especially
in the oil field industry. The oil field should not only
focus on the oil industry in enhancing the ICV, but also
expand the business to include tourism, transformative
industries, and logistics services.
In the context of competition across the international
markets, and the promotion of Omani talents abroad,
we believe that some of our services have reached
maturity and are managed entirely by Omanis, which Opportunities
allow us to carry out these businesses in other countries.
Ray International Group plans to create an extraordinary significant
RAY International Group is committed to achieve the
digital presence in the country and is striding further towards de-
standards of the ICV, and the figures attest to these
veloping Omani youth and targeting to engage them intensively in
achievements. More than 56 million Omani Rials were
machine learning area, artificial intelligence, mining and information
invested by the company in a number of fixed assets. It
recording systems (BLOCK CHAIN).
has achieved Omanisation up to 57%. The total number of
Omani employees has surged 984 in various disciplines.
The company policy in supporting SMEs is clear, as we Project
were able to support more than 100 SMEs and have fully
incubated 12 of them. Besides that, our strategy in the In 2012, Ray invested in establishing a unique institute that contains
next stage is to increase these numbers gradually. oilfields with live simulation systems, wire-lines, practical welding
Rukun Al Yaqeen International Group, with it’s vast booths, electrical and mechanical workshops and
experience in oil and gas industry and the logistic sector, construction scaffolding. Ray provided this institute with favorable
is well aware of the importance of achieving the ICV in opportunities to train thousands of Omanis who have directly joined
all of its businesses, as this has massively direct impact work positions in reputable companies.
on the growth of the country, development of the
economy, support to the employment and prosperity of
the national products.
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
37 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
98% 46%
Omanization in senior
and leadership The number of local suppliers and agents registered with the
company reached approximately 63 suppliers, with the value
of purchases from them in the past three years amounted
approximately 4.5 US$ Million.
Fixed Assets Investments
Over 50 US$ Million Develop and Support SMEs
• Purchase of equipment and
• Building specialized
accomedation) in the oil concession
• Building a specialized factory (Duqm
reached nearly 7 US$ Million
in the past three years (2019-2021)
manufacturing workshops. Salt) to provide industrial salt used During its tenure, the company has developed a number of SMEs, by
• Equipping stores. in oil and gas. supporting them with annual contracts in a number of specialized
• Building a motel (workers’ • Building multi-use real estate assets. services:
• advertising and promotion. • logistics and transportation.
• information technology. • human resources and manpower.
Training and Qualification • food and hospitality.
3 US$ Million
Technology Localization
an average of 150 employee annually obtain accredited
certificates that raise their efficiency in their specialities The company is working to attract advanced technology used
The company conducts an annual training program for in the oil and gas industry, and we aim to localize it whenever
a number of employees in various specializations related we see that there are great opportunities for it. For example,
to business and projects, especially in the technical fields we use High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) technology.
and occupational health and safety Tight Fit
• Technical training Oxy Free
• Training in administrative and financial affairs The most important thing we have done is the establishment
• Training in accordance with leadership laws in the oil of a specialized local factory (Duqm Salys) for the production
concession areas of Industrial Salt, which the Sultanate used to import.
39 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
41 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
The Oman Construction Company LLC (TOCO) is one of the oldest oil & gas service providers
in the Sultanate of Oman. Established in 1965, TOCO is proud to have built the first flowline,
the first pipeline, the first tank farm, the first production station, the first overhead power
line and performed the first rig move in Oman.
TOCO delivers a wide range of services covering the full life cycle period of industrial assets.
TOCO’s service portfolio covers fabrication, construction, maintenance, turnarounds, rig
Mark Dean moving, specialist logistics and support services for oil, gas, petrochemical, chemical, utility
and industrial facilities.
General Manager TOCO operates both long-term framework contracts and one-off projects covering green-
field, brownfield, maintenance and turnaround scopes. TOCO’s philosophy is to associate
with their customers as the ‘Trusted Partner’ on long-term basis and be a ‘One-Stop-Shop’
within their chosen areas of business.
The Oman Construction Company, known locally as
“TOCO” was established in 1965 and has played a leading
role in the development of Oman’s resources.
Our core business focuses on Construction, oil & gas ser-
vices ,logistics and specialised manpower services with
our core values as “Trust, Openness, Creativity and Op-
portunity”. We see a big opportunity in creating a pool of skilled resources locally by equipping the next
We recognise the importance and the part that we can generation of Omani workforce with the skills that are in demand by the key industrial sectors.
play in the development of all our employees so they can We recognise the importance and the part that we can play in the development of all
reach their full potential. We currently employ around employees to reach their full potential and in particular in alignment with the Oman Vision
950 Omani Nationals which equates to 46% Omanisation 2040 – “Moving Forward with Confidence” which targets 40% of all jobs in the private sector
across the company. Our work in diversifying the skill set to be undertaken by Omanis. We aim to act as a role model for our segment in this mission.
of our Omani workforce has produced a steady increase To this end, we are committed to progressively increasing the level of Omanis within our
in the percentage of technical manpower. This has been workforce from both a tradesmen and management perspective, additionally, we will also
take positive steps to ensure that the proportion of our Omani employees includes a fair
aided by our vocational training initiatives which have representation of females in all areas possible and to offer guidance and support to Small &
benefited hundreds of young Omanis. Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Local Community Contractors (LCC) where we can.
Our strong focus in developing the local supply chain has
We are proud to have been associated with Opal since 2002 and look forward in continuing to
benefited several LCCs and SME’s. We are currently as- work collaboratively with them to meet the goals of our company and the Country as a whole.
sisting a number of SME’s to reach their full potential
through TOCO’s SME Development Initiative. Our local
goods and service spend over the last five years has Project:
reached US$ 45 million with a Capital investment of
around US$ 36 million. As the world moves to a more sustainable, ‘paper free’ culture, TOCO is rapidly embracing
As we look to the future, we are committed to seeking digitalisation across all its operations. Various digitalization initiatives which are being
implemented within our operations include amongst others, an ‘Online Competency
new and smarter ways of working with less impact to the Assessment System’, COVID19 Temperature Recording App and Health and Travel
environment and leveraging ideas from the next leaders e-Questionnaire.
of our business, ensuring they receive suitable compe- These digitalisation initiatives are expected to save over 220,000 A4 sheets of paper
tency training and development and most importantly, annually. Apart from this, the electronic processing system has already saved nearly 460
support to grow into their chosen roles. man-days versus conventional methods.
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
Invested nearly 36 US$ Million development programmes. For example, through one of our
ongoing long-term maintenance services contracts, we are car-
rying out structured SME development of two local companies
between 2013-2020 namely OPAMCO and Al Qaim. We have also supported North
Sea Petroleum to deliver HDPE lining services for one of our cli-
ent in Oman North.
Training and Qualification
We have provided on-job training
to more than
Technology Localization
120 Omani nationals
We continue to seek new ways of working in a global business
to become tradesmen (Welders, Pipe Fitters, Fabri-
cators, Riggers, Grinders, Scaffolders) to work in var- context which is rapidly moving towards digitalisation utilising
ious oilfield locations. our local IT team. We are trialling several new technologies with
the aim to digitilize as many processes and documents as we
can. To aid this process, our Omani IT team is receiving the re-
quired training to ensure that they acquire necessary expertise
in these emerging technologies. This investment in our teams
Local Supply of Subcontracted Services will provide the next leaders of our business with the latest tools
to meet our operational demands.
Goods worth over
31 US$ Million
have been purchased during the past five
years, locally.
43 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Registered in 2011, Al Baraka Oilfield Services is a Super Local Community Contractor (SLCC)
representing around 1,200 Omani shareholders in the Wilayat of Shaleem and Al Halaniyat
Islands in Dhofar Governorate. Al Baraka has projects – completed and ongoing – across the
Musallam Al Maashani two divisions, Hoist Operations and Off-Plot Delivery Contract (ODC) services. Starting with
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) as the principal client, Al Baraka has since grown its
customer base to include other Oil and Gas industry operators.
In South Oman, Al Baraka operates multiple hoists in the provision of well services, nota-
bly with regard to workovers extending from Bahja to Nimr area. Commencing operations
We, at Al Baraka Oilfield Services SAOC, are proud of our with just two hoists, this SLCC has grown exponentially over the past decade. This year the
achievements that contributed to increasing the ICV in the oil company plans to induct two new Hoists in to the Rig workover business. The company
and gas sector. As the company believes in the importance has achieved more than 110% operational efficiency while maintaining a superior degree of
of supporting everything manufactured within the operational safety as evident from its more than 5-year LTI free record. The Hoist division
Sultanate, in order to contribute to the economic growth of has attended 1050 wells till end 2020 and employs a workforce of around 250 people, 90%
national economy, our local goods purchasing and services of which is Omanised. They include significant numbers of Omani candidates from the con-
have achieved comfortably high levels. Additionally, the cession area who have been trained to become roustabouts and floormen. In addition, Hoist
company is strategically planning high efficiency training of division provides technical support to several international companies across Oman.
Omani personnel to conduct major leading tasks in various Equally commendable is the performance of Al Baraka’s ODC division. The company has con-
areas, which meet the requirements of the Oil & Gas sector structed wellhead locations and engineering, construction and commissioning of all me-
in future. We continue to emphasise our support to SMEs chanical, electrical, instrumentation and civil location matters related to well pad location
and local companies in our growth policy. We have awarded and flowline construction, primarily in Bahja and now in Rima. While maintaining a more
several contracts to them, so that they are able to compete than 7.9 million manhours LTI free record, this division has undertaken more than 820 km
within a wider business environment. As far as localisation of flowline welding and over 260 well hook-ups, completed dismantling of 212 km of bare
of industries, we have contributed in finding the ability to CS flowlines/hookups, and the design, construction and pre-commissioning of more than
provide plenty of job opportunities for the Omani cadre on 345 wells with a manpower strength of over 740 including sub-contractors. The company
one hand, and on the other, we are planning to contribute is currently managing several small-scale EPC projects and expanding its area of flowline
towards enhancing manufacturing technology sector in operations in the southern part of Oman.
the Sultanate. In cooperation with MADAYN in the Marmul
Industrial Complex, we intend to establish mechanical and
electrical component manufacturing workshops, thereby
creating job opportunities for Omani cadres in Oil & Gas
sector. Achievements
The company has significantly contributed in developing • The Rig Workover division prepared over 1050 wells till end 2020, employing
the capability of local contractors specialized in Civil around 250 employees, more than 90% of them are Omani workforce. In addition,
and Mechanical areas of expertise. We are developing Well Services section provides substantive logistical and accommodation support
design consultants and finding opportunities for them to to a number of international companies across Oman.
participate in engineering design of Chemical Injection
and Runib South Water Injection projects. As a part of its • The company has constructed wellhead locations and engineering, construction
desire to contribute towards corporate social responsibility, and commissioning of all mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and civil location
the company has provided local development support e.g. matters related to well pad location and flowline construction, primarily in Bahja
School Excellence Award, supporting SQU students with and now in Rima. While maintaining a more than 7.9 million manhours LTI free
grants, supporting the local hospital with COVID-19 related record, this division has achieved the design, construction and precommissioning
PPE/equipment and organizing a heritage festival in Wilayat of more than 345 wells.
of Shaleem et al.
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
731 employees Omanization and services of Omani goods as well as enhance and develop local
sellers, while whilst increasing the Omanisation of contractor work
and by the end of the year,
the employee strength will 60% force.
increase to 800
Training and Qualification
Al Baraka provides comprehensive employment training in
The company has developed a strategy to invest in fixed
various technical categories, ranging from Civil and Mechanical
assets in future, thereby achieving diversity and sustainability
Permit Holders, Location Design Coordinators and Documents
Controllers. In addition, Omanis have been trained within
• Purchasing two new Workover Rigs to expand its Well the company as Purchase Specialists and Health, Safety and
Services portfolio. Environment specialists. Further, there are graduates who are
• Expansion in engineering and construction works to undergoing internship training to take over suitable positions in
cover other oil producing assets. the company. Onsite Supervisor Training Programme is on the
• Entering into business agreement with reputed cards aimed at increasing this specific skill set amongst Omani
international companies. candidates.
• Entering into Renewable Energy arena through
introduction of Geothermal projects.
• Establishment of workshops manufacturing mechanical
and electrical devices for Oil and Gas industries
• Investing in SAKAN Facility Management Company. Technology Localization
45 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Over the past number of years, Sheida International Co LLC has become a leading provider
of Road Safety solutions and Safety products across Oman and GCC bound with a vision
to contribute positively in the development of Oman’s economy by creating business
Nasser Faqeer Al Balushi opportunities driven by localizing knowledge and technologies used in the field of Road safety
and Defensive driving and also providing specialized products and services in this field. The
Road Safety Standards Body (RSSB) was formed in July 2009, when Sheida International Co. LLC
Managing Director was awarded the contract for the provision of Road Safety Enforcement and Defensive Driving
Standards Services by petroleum Development Oman (PDO). In 2020 Sheida International Co.
LLC was awarded a new contract by the Omani Society for Oil Services OPAL to manage the
Since 2009, we have worked closely with PDO in the field of OPAL Defensive Driving Standard Body (DDSB). It is a contract, that covers the entire energy
Road Safety and Defensive driving, where we had a pivotal sector operators.Contract that covers the entire energy sector operators.
role in reducing road traffic accidents in oil concession
In 2019 the management made a decision to enter in the renewable energy industry by
areas. In terms of an Omanization, we have achieved
introducing innovative solutions in the field of renewable energy. Solar Energy was identified as
83% in various functional aspects. Therefore, we have a starting point in the industry and in 2020 a turnkey contract was signed with an international
spent more than 1.7 million OMR in Recruiting, training leading company that offers a complete range of technological solutions in the renewable
and developing Omani employees. It is our responsibility energy field and is involved in the planning and in the realization of manufacturing equipment
to develop and qualify our personnel experience. and automation in order to supply a complete Solar PV Module Production Line, including a
Furthermore, we have adopted a 100% purchasing policy complete know-how transfer, that will contribute significantly in the sustainable growth of
whereby all of the company’s goods and services will be the country.
provided by local Omani companies. Accordingly, we have
spent in purchase 1.6 million OMR.
We, at Sheida, are committed to support and enhance our Opportunities:
role in the development of ICV, with Oman’s approach (a By 2030, renewable energy projects are expected to produce about
Renewed Renaissance) and Oman’s Vision 2040 towards 30% of the total electricity needs. The opportunity to localize solar
renewable energy, Therefore, we headed towards photovoltaic and other renewable energy technologies will bring great
establishing a facility for the production of Photovoltaic benefits to the country, where the value of the renewable energy market
(PV) Solar modules with a capacity of 50 MW in Sohar would be worth more than 1,512.3 US$ billion.
Industrial City (Madayn), with a total investment of 1.5
million OMR. The project will soon see the light and it There is an opportunity to localize the manufacturing of raw materials
will bring great value to the local economy. in terms of used in the PV solar modules production market, which is worth more
technology and knowledge localization, which will help than 20 US$ billion.
in creating around 100 job opportunity initially and the
number will grow with the planned expansions Moreover.
the company project plan include support and develop Projects:
of local SMEs ,which will help in localizing the production PV solar modules Manufacturing Facility
of the project related components, We are working to Location: Sohar Industrial City (Madayn)
strengthen our role by leaving a mark on the Sultanate Total area: 5625 m²
ICV. Production capacity: 50 MW (Expandable to 150 MW)
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
83% Omanization
Local Supply of Subcontracted Services
2. IT Solutions.
Omani Rial 3. Services Contracts.
47 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Hamid Al Mahmoudi Al Derei Anwar Fahud Projects International LLC is one of the leading local contracting
Deputy Managing Director companies in the field of civil construction, infrastructure works, oil and gas
engineering. It was established in 1997. Anwar Fahud Projects International LLC
is among the companies that have obtained ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015
certificates and the Occupational Health and Safety Management Certificate
45001: 2018.
Anwar Fahud Projects International Company seeks to
provide the best standards of quality, health and safety.
Our efforts are always directed to keep abreast of current
developments in infrastructure and oil and gas market.
We make sure to keep pace with modern technology,
and strive to implement plans and strategies, on which
the Sultanate is economically and socially dependent.
The company strives to provide ICV through the
development of job cadre in various work skills, human
capacity development and stimulating the productivity Services
of the Omani economy.
• Engineering and civil constructions, purchase,
We aim to bring modern technology with the highest civil and engineering maintenance.
quality in oil and gas fields. We are constantly increasing
• Design and construction asphalt roads, including
local sources of goods and services according to
priority. We always strive to support local community roads, bridges, tunnels, and maintenance.
contractors and SMEs through partnerships and • Ground levelling works and drilling sites.
various developmental initiatives, providing training and • Civil projects.
employment opportunities, training program associated
with employment, supporting local community and • Fence and railing works.
youth initiatives.
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
During the past three years The purchase value of imported goods
49 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
88 97
US$ Thousand on Training US$ Thousand during
and qualification the last 3 years
in a number of areas, most notably health, safety, technical
majors and specialized courses in oil concession areas.
51 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
SGS is the world’s leading inspection, verification, testing and certification company.
We are recognized as the global benchmark for quality and integrity. With more than
Hamed Al Kharusi 97,000 employees, we operate a network of more than 2,600 offices and laboratories
around the world. Through our network of global affiliates, we offer a diverse range
General Manager
of independent services.
As an Affiliate of the global SGS enterprise, SGS has been present in Oman since 1983.
In recent years however, through the vision of its management and the recognition of
SGS has the confidence on ICV Program, seeing that Oman as a vital source of growth in the Middle East, SGS has thrown a wider net into
national investment can be great force for business the services offered in the region. We now offer an increasing number of services to
growth and workforce development with direct meet local demands. SGS offers services across 11 major industries through our eight
and positive impact on Oman’s economy, SGS has business lines. Each business line develops and maintains world-class expertise to
a commitment to develop effectively local private support the evolving needs of our customers. Thanks to our capabilities we are able
sectors by investing and exchanging experience. to provide solutions to the challenges they face across the globe.
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
271 employees
• This year, SGS has started in applying for Khibrat initiative
through the On Job Training Program under the supportive
of National Training Fund. Khibrat initiative is a collaboration
Omanization between Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Culture, Sport and
Youth that focuses on promoting national capabilities, now
there are 16 fresh graduates admitted and undergoing in
SGS on-job training program.
Fixed Asset Investment
More than
7 US$ Million
Purchase of Local Goods and Services Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) play a major role in
the world economy, contributing towards entrepreneurship,
53 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Concept of In-Country Value? Successful experiences in the Sultanate? First: The full conviction of the authorities and ministries concerned with the economy
and finance of the importance of applying In-country value and its economic feasibility.
Initially, let us define the concept of In-Country Value (ICV) as the total expenditure The authority that adopts the program must have a purely economic thought more than
that remains inside the country, benefits the development of companies and human the accounting thought that focuses on allocating purchases to external companies at
cadres, and contributes to enhancing the economic productivity of the Sultanate. It a lower price.
also contributes the Omanization of jobs that require skills in contracting companies,
increasing purchases of local goods and services while contributing to the development Second: Enactment of new law or new chapters in the Procurement Law or the Tender
of local companies. Board will be as legal framework that defines the responsibility of the authorities in
implementing In-country value and not leaving the subject voluntary to the authorities.
The Sultanate’s experience in applying ICV through the oil and gas sector by developing
ICV strategy (2013-2020).This strategy aimed to prepare a local supply market for Third: On the executive side, an independent unit must be established or the units
oil and gas industry that is competitive and sustainable, and to enhance the skills of associated with tenders and procurements should be restructured in order to follow
citizens in this sector. up on the project and be responsible for supervising the activation of local content
in government procurement. I believe that the Tender Board is the most appropriate
By studying the opportunities available in the energy and minerals sector, it was found authority to implement the In-Country Value
that there are golden opportunities in employment and training sector in the Sultanate.
Therefore, contracts were concluded with local private companies to apply the In- There must be a mechanism for contracting and purchasing to ensure applying ICV in the
Country Value strategy. According to figures and statistics issued by the follow-up unit content of tenders and purchase orders, and to improve and review the governmental
at the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, which adopted the In-Country Value strategy, we oversight mechanism in procurement, along with emphasis on the importance of
find that local companies have made great proven strides in this field by virtue of their analyzing the sectors in which there are chances of success for this concept according
volume of spending in the local market or level and volume of production. to a set of criteria.
The In-Country Value is one of the most important tools for implementing the How does the application of ICV pave the way for localizing the Omani industries and
Sultanate’s vision 2040 in economic diversification and industrial strategy 2040. In services?
industry, its application aims to develop the manufacturing sector and its sub-sectors,
by increasing local manufacturing opportunities, enhancing the purchasing power of The localization of various products and industries, such as the military or medical, or
the national product and related services, enhancing the efficiency of national cadres, products that are included in the manufacturing industries or oil and gas services, is
making use of Omani competencies and creating job opportunities for citizens. a very important matter, especially since the importance of local products appears in
times of crisis.
Is the concept of ICV clear to decision makers in the Sultanate, especially to the Tender
Board and procurement departments in government and private agencies? For localizing the industries, we need full transparency of information related to projects
and purchases expected within the next five years, to know the opportunities available
I think there is some confusion as regards the definition of In Country Value in the to local companies and its economic feasibility and their ability to meet the needs of
Sultanate, although there are many relevant successful models in various countries of those projects without importing components and tools from abroad and relying on
the world. We find countries that establish bodies specialized in the promotion of local the local component. For example, the munitions production factory, we succeeded in
content, such as (the Local Content Authority) in Saudi Arabia. There are also other completely localizing that industry by relying on the local product.
countries that link large purchases to the local content through tender boards or the
Ministry of Finance. There are also golden opportunities in the hotel sector, which imports its requirements
from abroad, and here we hope that the Ministry of Tourism will announce the needs of
Government Authorities, which regulate the main sectors within the country and have that sector and its annual consumption to give the opportunity to local companies to
large purchases such as electricity, water, roads, infrastructure, security sector, health, provide these requirements according to the highest specifications and at competitive
or the Tender Board, have a role in implementing the In-Country Value Program. These prices.
authorities have high government expenditures and large development projects, part
of which should be systematically allocated to local companies, whether small or From your point of view, how can government and private agencies be encouraged to
medium, in accordance with clear legislation, or set aside for training and employment apply ICV?
of Omanis. In the industrial sector, the Ministry of Commerce and Industry has supported the
• What are the successful steps in implementing the ICV program in light of your industrial facilities that apply this concept in terms of manpower requests, giving them
experience in this field and your membership in many ICV committees? preference in tenders and facilitating their access to work, in coordination with the
concerned authorities.
ICV Achievements
The ministry has also set standards for ICV in evaluating the Sultan Qaboos Award for • National Capacity Strengthening Program.
Industrial Proficiency, such as promoting the national product and making greater use
of the Omani competencies within institutions, as well as supporting small and medium • Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund.
enterprises by granting them some tenders and contracts. • Youth Skills Development Program.
Putting into practice the decision to allocate 10% of tenders to local suppliers and • Oman Aviation Academy.
support the national product, while simplifying the procedures to this implement
decisions in order to support national industries and products, the growth of the • Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics curriculum.
economic movement and the availability of job opportunities.
• Advanced Cyber Security Academy.
In tourism sector, ICV-implementing entities and hotels may obtain a tax exemption or
• Steyr Advanced Maintenance Center.
a green card to obtain the relevant licenses in tourism or to obtain priority for tourism
promotion. • The Palm Central Laboratory Project, and the Modeling Project in the Innovation
Complex in Muscat.
Do free trade agreements impede the investing companies to apply the ICV?
• Ta’ziz Project 1.
We respect the freedom of international trade and import and export standards,
which do not prevent the establishment of specific controls that oblige companies to • Partnership project with the Oman Technology Fund.
apply ICV. For example, Britain in 2009 relied 100% of its military purchases on local
companies. There is also a law in the United States of America from 1931 obligating • Oman Cables Project to enhance In-country value and train and qualify Omani cadres.
international companies operating under contracts with the US government to allocate We review the most important models of our “Oman Aviation Academy” and the main
a percentage of their business with American small and medium companies. objective of its establishment is to increase the local content in the training of Omani
If we touched upon the Partnership for Development program “Offset”, how would you pilots. It is the first technical academy specialized in aviation training in the Sultanate,
evaluate it as an initiative that was close to establishing the future of enhancing local according to a joint cooperation agreement with Oman Air. The Academy aims to
content? provide training and educational services in accordance with international standards
that comply with the principles and controls of the European Aviation Safety Agency.
The “Offset” program, whereby foreign partnerships that have contracts with The academy offers an air transport license approved by the European Aviation Safety
government related to construction, procurement and infrastructure projects are Agency, which enables its holder to fly within local and international airlines.
obligated to reinvest a specified percentage of the value of contracts concluded with
them in development projects according to specific controls and standards. It is also We have also established a “Center of Excellence for Advanced Communication
one of the strategic economic tools that aim to encourage investment, transfer modern Technologies and the Internet of Things”, which deals with 5G and Internet of Things
technologies, and build national cadres in the defense sector and other sectors. This applications, in partnership with the Swedish company Ericsson, a leading provider of
program is applied in more than 80 countries around the world. data and telecommunications systems. The project will be implemented by Ericsson’s
fulfillment of its commitment of the Offset Program with the Ministry of Finance, by
The history of “Offset” began on 2000 in the Ministry of Defense, then a year later the providing 5G latest devices and technologies in the and the Internet of Things, in addition
first regulation for the Partnership for Development Program was issued, and in 2008 to training and qualifying the human cadre operating the center. The company will
the management of the program was transferred to the Ministry of Commerce, Industry also implement training programs that include workshops, training camps, specialized
& Investment Promotion. In 2014, Royal Decree No. (9/2014) was issued regarding the professional courses and orientation programs, targeting participants from institutions
establishment of Omani Authority for Partnership for Development (OAPFD), and related to the telecommunications sector and commercial and industrial institutions,
currently the authority follow up on 19 projects in the operational phase. in addition to students of academic institutions, researchers and innovators of Omani
The most important projects of OAPFD?
• The electronic system of the Partnership for Development and In-Country Value
Program (A system for linking offset opportunities between committed international
companies and local companies).
55 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
which varies from year to year as per need. OMIFCO attached great
OMIFCO was established in 2003 with attention to increase purchases from manufactured goods in Oman
investments amounting to as well as services provided by local institutions. This will provide
new products across the supply chain and introduce new relevant
US$ Million
79% Develop and Support SMEs
OMIFCO seeks to develop local Omani human
resources at various levels and specializations
in the company, in accordance with the well-
studied plans and programmes. 107 beneficiaries of SMEs
Development Programs
and “Wasel” programs. More than 80 young entrepreneurs benefited
beneficiaries annually, through three sessions of The CELL program. On the other hand, “Wasel”
program, which started in 2019, so far 27 SMEs have benefited.
in various fields, including specialized technical and
administrative, personal skills development, professional
and leadership competency. OMIFCO has established
a specialized center for talent development, which in
turn, provides professional training and development Technology Localization
programs for employees. The center also provides
effective training programs for Omani students from OMIFCO works with advanced technologies. Despite that, the company
various universities and colleges enabling them gain seeks to localize any possible technologies wherever there are local
practical experience that will hone their professional capabilities and opportunities available.
skills and prepare them for their future jobs.
57 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
“One of our core values at Petrogas is ‘giving back’. Since 2008, Petrogas has a proven track record of Petrogas RIMA’s
This is not just for ICV activities, but also for the way performance that exceeds customer expectations. Because of the
Petrogas conducts its daily operations. company’s strong will to achieve success, the company relies on an
We constantly strive to do our part in uplifting the enthusiastic national team working to overcome technical obstacles
country’s economy. We are particularly proud of our and unlock new capabilities in these challenging fields, that are
Omanization level, which shows our belief in the Om- operated with satellite technology.
ani talent, as well as our interest in supporting SMEs.
We aim to work hand-in-hand with the government
to continue supporting local industries and drive ICV
higher each year.
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
59 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
40% Omanization
directly in Oman.
61 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
Governments in countries around the world seek to enhance the ICV of projects and eco- what the government pays for contracts and procurements (for which, the value exceeds
nomic works in them, with the aim of enriching local markets and benefiting society OMR 5 Million), equivalent to what these companies can implement, in terms of vital pro-
from internal purchases and services, instead of importing from abroad. Many of these jects for the country and are considered a local ICV to the national economy. It is a posi-
governments enact mandatory ICV legislation, but even give preference in many tenders tive development in promoting and enriching the economy through these programs and
to the money that companies can inject into the economy. through localizing funds, techniques, technology and knowledge in the Sultanate because
of its great importance.
At the local level, the Government has increased ICV in all businesses for national and
foreign companies through the requirements that they organize the ICV and through an On the legislative side, the privatization law and the publicprivate partnership law is one
attempt to consolidate this concept in the business community. However, the concept of the most prominent legislations. It obligates the companies that get contracts worth
of ICV is still at its nascent stage and needs a lot of indicators that assess the contribu- more than five million riyals with the government administrative units (civil, military and
tion of institutions in this bright side and also needs legislation and laws that make ICV security system units) and companies in which the government contributes more than
binding as one of the ways to revitalize the national economy and provide a high value for 50%, and investing a specific percentage of contracts concluded with them in certain eco-
achievement in this country towards the benefit of the country and citizens. It is essen- nomic projects according to specific controls.
tial for all government institutions and companies to work to organize this aspect in the
next phase better than it is now by finding a national value of ICV and accurate indicators Indeed, the law and in the third clause, obliges the Administrative System of the Country
to assess the contribution of different economic businesses in promoting ICV. (civil, military, and security) and companies, in which the government contributes by more
than 50%, including the contracts of infrastructure projects determined by the Council,
The definition of ICV is, “it is the value of spending in the country from purchases of the contracts of arms and security supplies and security supplies that exceed 5 million
goods, services and human resources programs from employing, training and other as- riyals Omani, a clause that provides for the commitment of parties to the advantage of
pects that contribute to the recycling of capital within the country.” However, the ICV in dealing with (Tawazon) program, which is a significant development that promotes the en-
our country as an essence value is still far from being organized and this requires a na- richment of the national economy and activates domestic markets and the Communities.
tional authority or an institution that deals with local ICV as one of the foundations that
can enhance this aspect and create frameworks and policies organizing the added value The ICV of national and foreign companies can only be achieved through direct partner-
and determine how accurately it can be assessed, multiplying its benefits. Investment ship within the framework of contract implementation, which is the total expenditure
at the local ICV is very necessary in the next phase, it might multiply the benefits to the retained inside the Sultanate, such as the executing company purchasing raw materials
economy and society, and rewarding the companies that contribute to this aspect by from the Sultanate’s factories instead of buying them from abroad, as well as through indi-
enabling them more business in the country. rect partnership implementing vital projects in the Sultanate that are not directly related
to the execution of the main contract.
Today, there is an important institutional and legislative gap for organizing domestic ICV
and creating framework of this aspect. Some companies contribute to this, but their There are good attempts by many national companies to implement the ICV through clear
contribution is not for the benefit of society by enriching local markets and promoting programs, projects and effective contributions that consolidate the concept of ICV and
national competencies, which make them equal to other institutions that do not care are announced from time to time. This requires that it be one of the criteria for evaluating
about this aspect and import their requirements from abroad and depend on foreign the performance of entities and companies because of its great importance at all levels.
cadres and do other practices that gradually weaken this aspect and national aspects
becomes just images to achieve time goals through inappropriate practices. Of course, the concept of ICV within the framework of (Tawazon) program is different
from corporate social responsibility, as it is broader than that, it is related to how to enrich
Enhancing the local ICV and making system for it under careful supervision will make the national economy through these contracts, and to find a balance between the money
companies racing to give this side the major and maximum importance and therefore going out of the country and what the government pays for, in millions of riyals (the con-
economic gains will be achieved in the country’s capital rotation and benefit from the tract value is more than five million Omani riyals).
community capabilities and enhancing the areas of social responsibility, community
service, environmental and natural resources and their sustainability until it becomes a We hope that the ICV in the Sultanate will develop and be enhanced in quantity and quality
culture achieving our aspirations for a better future. The experiences of the Sultanate in by finding a concerned authority, that specializes in this important aspect, evaluating the
the local ICV are represented in partnership to enrich the national economy and markets experiences of companies and authorities in dealing with this vital aspect, and finding
and to give local value to the contracts and tenders. These efforts have been successful clearer indicators in the local valueadded methodology, which contributes to enriching
in the establishment of Partnership for Development in 2014 as the first independent the national economy, developing and qualifying national cadres and transfer of knowl-
entity and in August 2021, it was integrated into the Ministry of Finance. There was a de- edge and strengthening the private sector.
partment in the Ministry of Defence since 1999, handling military procurement and in the
Ministry of Commerce and Industry in 2008, to enrich national economy through con-
tracts, finding a balance mechanism between funds gone out from the country through
ICV Achievements
In country value is extremely crucial to the national economy for its positive impact on As a part of the energy sector’s efforts to localize goods and services, ICV elements
social and economic development and the diversification of the national income through have been included in all contracts with a unified evaluation mechanism. Furthermore,
localization of the supply chains, in addition to attracting foreign investments. Therefore, a unified system has been established for monitoring and reporting on companies’
this important economic pillar has been given the highest priority in Oman Vision 2040. performance, in relation to these elements, under the supervision of the ICV program
Management Office at the Ministry of Energy and Minerals.
In line with the rational government directives to enhance the local content and achieve Among the sector’s efforts to empower the national companies, A Local Vendors
the desired economic goals, the energy and minerals sector has played a leading role in Development Program was initiated with the aim of upgrading the capabilities of the
formulating the strategy of the ICV Program with the aim of developing a competitive and national companies, including SMEs. It strives to increase their competitiveness and raise
sustainable local market and enhance the ICV development environment. their market share by defining and allocating a portion of contracts and procurement for
the national companies only.
The ICV strategy is based on developing the competencies and capabilities of the national
workforce, which will contribute in raising the Omanisation rate, especially in middle and With the increasing interest in ICV and to make maximum benefit of the joint efforts and
higher technical jobs. It also aims at raising the efficiency of vocational and technical initiatives from several sectors - which aim at developing the local market and containing
training institutes to match international standards. Moreover, it seeks to encourage and and circulating the largest possible amount of funds within the national economy - it
expand the local production base of goods and services. has become necessary to work on a national ICV strategy for all sectors. In addition to
establishing a unit or an entity dedicated in managing this program by setting basic
The Ministry of Energy and Minerals has formed a principal committee to oversee the standards for ICV, which center around raising the Omanization rate, especially in middle
performance and progress of the ICV program. and senior job levels, as well as encouraging increased consumption of local goods and
The committee includes in its membership chief executives and general managers of the
most important companies operating in the sector from upstream to downstream, in The role of the supervising unit should include but not limited to the following:
addition to some relevant government agencies with common interests.
• Enacting legislation and policies related to the ICV.
The Ministry, in close cooperation with the main companies in the sector, has supervised • Defining performance indicators to measure the ICV and the institutions’ contribution
the implementation of several initiatives to enhance the added value, the most important in achieving it.
of which is conducting a study, analyzing the gaps between supply and demand in the • Establishing a unified system for monitoring and reporting the performance and
field of goods, services and skills. The study identified several investment opportunities contribution of institutions to the ICV.
for the purpose of localizing industries and providing services locally. It also identified a • Establishing a unified procurement system (Framework Agreement) by coordinating
number of new job opportunities for operating and contracting companies and service between the different authorities and determining joint procurement opportunities
companies, along with training opportunities to develop the skills and capabilities of the to reach to better deals with the investor or foreign supplier.
Omani workforce, so as to replace the expatriate workforce. • Establishing a database of local goods and services for each sector, provided that, this
list is mandatory and given priority in the government and private procurement.
This was followed by the establishment of the ICV Program Management Office at the • Disseminating and raising awareness of the concept of ICV and its positive impact on
Ministry of Energy and Minerals to manage, facilitate and support the delivery of the society and individuals and solidifying it as a work methodology in the strategies of all
projects. In addition to the launch of the Joint Supplier Registration System (JSRS) for the governmental and private institutions.
oil and gas sector. The system aims to highlight the local companies and institutions of all
sizes to present themselves to the wider base of local, regional, and international markets. One of the critical success factors of the ICV program is the decision-makers’ conviction
It also smoothens the process of communication and dealing between companies in the of the importance of ICV and its benefits as an economic pillar. Despite it being costly
field of contracts and procurement. One of the most important advantages of the unified in the short term, it contributes creating many opportunities which in turn, results in
registration system is that that it will enable the Ministry to supervise and ensure the creating competition and thus, decrease in prices of goods and services.
commitment of operating and contracting companies to allocate 10% of the works to
SMEs (E-Tendering). In conclusion, ICV represents an important mechanism that will support the diversification
of the national economy and mitigates the dependency on oil related resources. For
these reasons, ICV acts as a proactive catalyst that will minimize the impact of any future
economic downturn.
63 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
2200 92%
spending of Abraj. The share of goods made in Oman out of the men-
tioned percentage was 45% .
employees 71% in leadership positions
Training and Qualification Abraj target for SMEs spend in 2020 was set at 10%. At the begin-
ning of 2019, Abraj management had set out an ambitious plan
In an effort to create specialized workforce, Abraj constantly strives in support of SMEs in an attempt to achieve the above target.
to provide high quality structured training programs to enhance Abraj managed to maximize the spend on SMEs where the actual
the skills and develop competency of staff in various disciplines i.e. percentage reached 17%.
electrical, mechanical, drilling operations and maintenance. The
objective is to provide employees with the requisite knowledge and
transfer of skills for effective engagement on every task undertaken. Technology Localization
All training programs are done in house at our training center by
qualified personnel. Our training programs have gained international Abraj have developed numerous technologies using its in-house ca-
accreditation from the International Association of Drilling Contractors pabilities and local workforce in the area of fracturing and cement-
(IADC) and the International Well Control Forum (IWCF).. ing. Our technologies have been approved by oil and gas operators
and Since then, these techniques have been used.
65 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
67 Achievements ICV
ICV Achievements
SOSCO for oil services is one of the Super Local Community Companies, it
The in-country value in oil companies is a key pillar for was incorporated in 2011 based on Royal Directives of the late His Majesty
national economic growth, based on various standards, Sultan Qaboos bin Said, May God rest his soul in peace.
in particular: fill posts with qualified Omani cadres SOSCO is sponsored by the Government since its inception.
trained in state-of-the-art methods, support national SOSCO number of shareholders reached 2062.
products and goods produced and manufactured in
the country.
Therefore, we have to recognize the importance of
increasing the percentage of purchases from national
production. One of the important standards and a as Activities and Services:
key pillar in creating movement and activity in other • Slickline Services
commercial sectors, is the support of SMEs operated • Pumping Services
by Omanis. • Well Production and integrity Surveillance
On the other hand, if we look at the importance of • Well-head maintenance
localizing technology in a number of fields involved • Well Integrity Services to ensure individuals
in the oil and gas industry, this in turn will constitute and environment safety.
support for the development of the technology sector
in Oman.
SOSCO made a remarkable progress in the in-country
value consisting of localization of jobs, through training Al Sahari Oil Services Company looking forward to expand its
and development of new employees and attention must scope of work, Where the company and its management work-
be given to the employees to keep up with the technical ing to develop the company continuously in order to cope with
developments in this field and also supporting local the market demands.
SMEs through goods and services supply by entering
into contracts with this company. Achievements
In addition to working with international companies One of the company’s biggest achievements is, investing in man-
with long-standing in oil field, to localize modern power. As a result of the continuous training and qualification,
technology, train and develop omani engineers and the creation of leaders, technicians and applied engineers has
technicians. enriched the Omani labor market.
ICV Achievements
In Country Value
Total of employees
reached Omanization
90 of the total
% purchasing
which equals to 15% the total of company
221 93% annual expenditure.
invested more than
of the company’s total expenditure
To purchase equipment, well maintenance
and survey tools. SOSCO has a significant role in supporting SMEs through
direct support by purchasing, availing services or
through administrative and technical support, that open
Training and Qualification opportunities for these companies to obtain contracts or
sales promotion.
More than Thousand Omani Rial
were spent annually.
Technology Localization
• Train and qualify number of the concession area
citizens for example on-the-job training.
• The company trains not less than 10 graduates SOSCO is now working with number of international
and job-seekers annually, to let them gain some companies in new technology field, to find out solutions
experience to equip them with experience to enter and to streamline oil extraction and well safety business.
the labor market or to fill the jobs available in the Currently, the company is also working on system to
company. manage process, as well as purchasing and arranging
• Internal and external training on the new technology, finance and administrative issues.
health and safety training.
69 Achievements ICV