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Ca DLL Week 2 - 2023 2024

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Teacher HILDA U. NALAM Learning Area Culminating Activity

Date and Time February 5 - 8, 2023 Quarter 3rd Quarter of 2nd Semester
I. OBJECTIVES Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 Session 6

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of… key concepts, principles, and processes of humanities and social sciences.

The learners shall be able to… produce a creative portfolio that will integrate their learning in specialized learning areas under humanities or social sciences.
B. Performance Standard

C. Most Essential Formulate a plan that will demonstrate the key concepts, principles, and processes of humanities and social sciences. (HUMSS_CA12-Ia-d-2)
Learning Competencies
D. Lesson Objectives 1. Define planning 1. Identify the 1. Generate ideas from 1. Formulate a project 1. Finalize the project 1. Present the plan to the
components of a plan the members of the plan demonstrating the plan for presentation group of panelists to
2. Introduce the 2. Discuss the group regarding the key concepts, to the teachers/ generate comments,
importance of components of a plan formulation of the principles, and panels. feedback, and
planning as part of 3. Explain the project plan in line with processes of the recommendations for
the demonstration of components of a plan key concepts, humanities and social 2. Create a digital improvement
the key concepts, principles, and sciences presentation of the 2. Present the plan with
principles, and processes of the project plan. utmost confidence and
processes of the humanities and social 2. Collaborate with accuracy
humanities and sciences groupmates to
social sciences 2. Outline the project accomplish the creation
3. Discuss the plan out of the group’s of the project plan
importance of ideas
planning in creating
an output in
Culminating Activity
as a demonstration
of learning of the key
concepts, principles,
and processes of the
humanities and
social sciences

II. CONTENT Formulating a Plan


A. References Most Essential Learning Competency

1. Teacher’s Guide

2. Textbook None

3. LM Esrael, V. (2020). Formulating a Plan. Contextualized Learning Activity Sheet (CLAS). Division of Puerto Princesa-Learning Resource Management Section (LRMS)

4. Additional CLAS Week 1-2

Materials From the
learning resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Importance of Planning - Why https://youtube.com/watch?
Resources Planning is Important? (Funny v=ZWmXi3TW1yA
story) (youtube.com)

What is Planning | Explained in

2 min - YouTube



A. REVIEW OR Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask: Ask:

Reviewing the  How would you  What is the  What are the parts of a  How did you come up  How did your group  What were your
previous lesson describe the importance of project plan, and how with your project plan formulate your project experiences in creating
or presenting the would you describe outline?
Culminating Activity planning? plan? your group’s project
new lesson each part?  Are there positive
subject? plan?
values that transpired
in your group during  Are there challenges
your project plan you experienced
planning? If yes, what during the process of
are those? your project plan
 Have those values formulation?
contributed to the
 How did you overcome
accomplishment of
your plan? How do the challenges, if there
you say so? are any?
B. MOTIVATION/ 1. Define planning 1. Identify the 1. Generate ideas from 1. Formulate a project 1. Finalize the project plan 1. Present the plan to
OBJECTIVE components of a plan the members of the plan demonstrating the for presentation to the the group of panelists
Establishing a 2. Introduce the 2. Discuss the group regarding the key concepts, teachers/ panels. to generate comments,
purpose for the importance of planning as
components of a plan formulation of the principles, and feedback, and
lesson part of the demonstration
of the key concepts, 3. Explain the project plan in line with processes of the 2. Create a digital recommendations for
principles, and processes components of a plan key concepts, humanities and social presentation of the improvement
of the humanities and principles, and sciences project plan.
social sciences processes of the 2. Present the plan
humanities and social with utmost confidence
3. Discuss the importance sciences 2. Collaborate with and accuracy
of planning in creating an groupmates to
output in Culminating accomplish the creation
Activity as a 2. Outline the project
plan out of the group’s of the project plan
demonstration of learning
of the key concepts, ideas
principles, and processes
of the humanities and
social sciences
C. PRE-ACTIVITY Activate Prior Knowledge Video Watching Photo Analysis Photo Analysis Photo Analysis Presentation of the Rubric
examples/instan *Ask: Do you know how to *Present a short video “What are the words that Let the students analyze Present the photo.
ces of the new plan? about project planning for you see in the picture?” the quotation at ask them Inculcate to the students
lesson beginners. how the message could the essence of proper
*Ask: How do you “Do those words have aid them in their group delegation of tasks, and
understand the adage something to do with the planning. the value of responsibility
below? planning you are about to towards the success of a
do?” project or activity.

D. ACTIVITY Discussion: Group Discussion Group Activity: Group Activity: Application Group Activity: Presentation Proper
Discussing new Brainstorming of Learning
concepts and
practicing new *Define project planning
skills #1
*Present a short video *Process the video’s
about planning content
What is Planning | Explained in
2 min - YouTube

*Processing of the video’s


*Present a video about *Group the students *1 hour will be allotted for *Finalization of the Plan
the benefits of planning according to their chosen the formulation of their and Creation of their
*Processing of the video’s profession and instruct plan. Digital Presentation.
content them to generate ideas
from each other on how *A rubric will be presented
E. ANALYSIS/ Activity: Video Watching Group Activity: they are going to to gauge them in their Presentation Proper
ABSTRACTION and Processing Brainstorming formulate a plan/project planning.
Discussing new
plan for their desired
concepts and *Present a 2-minute Hand-outs about the
practicing new funny, yet meaningful output. Require a leader,
components of a plan will
skills #2 video about the and a secretary to create
be distributed in each
importance of planning. an outline of their plan as
group. 15 minutes will be
agreed upon by the group
Importance of Planning - Why given to each group for
Planning is Important? (Funny
their discussion. After
story) (youtube.com) such, a group
*Processing of the video’s representative will explain
content the concept in the front.

*Lecturette about the

benefits of planning

*Processing of the video’s

F. DEEPENING Group Activity: Group Presentation Group Activity: Self-Reflection
Developing Presentation of Group
mastery Analyze and explain the Processing of Outline Give around 5 minutes to Give at least 5 minutes to Give students at least two
proverb below: presentation is through review their plan check the accuracy of minutes to reflect on their
giving of comments and The secretary will present their plan and participation in the
“If you fail to plan, you feedback the outline of the plan in presentation. formulation and
plan to fail.” front. presentation of their
group’s output.

G. APPLICATION Ask: “How would you Ask: “How will you help Ask: “How are you going Ask: “How were you able Ask: “How do you plan to Giving of Comments and
Finding practical ensure the success of your group to accomplish to make your plan to formulate your plan?” present your output to the Feedback
application of your output in this an exemplary plan?” feasible?” panelists?”
concepts and
skills in daily

H. Ask: “How would you Exit Slip: 3 – 2 - 1 Ask: “What made your Ask: “Is your plan a Ask: “What were your Giving of Comments and
GENERALIZATION/A relate this adage to the group accomplish the S.M.A.R.T. plan? ” learnings in today’s Feedback
BSTRACTION concluded lesson?” Instruct: “Mention three outline?” activity?”
Making important things you have “How do you say so?”
generalizations learned from today’s
and abstractions discussion.”
about the lesson

I. ASSESSMENT 10- item test The group output from the The group’s outline will be Plan Finalized Plan and Digital Rubric-based points out of
Evaluating activity will be the the determinant of Presentation their presentation
learning determinant of students’ students’ application of
learning learning

J. ASSIGNMENT/ Review the components Research on suggested Watch videos about the Look for a user-friendly Review and familiarize the Do an advance reading
REMEDIATION of a plan ways to make a plan proper formulation of a video editing app presentation about the concept paper
Additional activities plan making
for application or

A. A. No. of learners
who earned 80% on
the formative
B. B. No. of students
who require
additional activities
for remediation
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked last week?
Why did this work?
F. What difficulties do I
encounter that my
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material did
I use/discover that I
wish to share with
other teachers?

Prepared by:

HILDA U. NALAM Checked and Verified:

Master Teacher II


SHS Assistant Principal II

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