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The Learners Demonstr Ate An Understan Ding of The Learners Shall Be Able To The Learners

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Classroom Instruction Delivery Alignment Map

Grade: 11 or 12 Semester: First (1st) Semester/2ND Semester

Core Subject Title: Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences (DISS) No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours
Type of Subject: Core Subject

Course Description: The course introduces students to basic concepts, subjects, and methods of inquiry in the disciplines that comprise the Social Sciences. It then discusses influential thinkers
and ideas in these disciplines, and relates these ideas to the Philippine setting and current global trends.

Content Content Performance Standard Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Highest Enabling Strategy to
Standards Use in Developing the
Highest Thinking Skill to
Minimum Beyond Minimum KUD Beyond Minimum KUD RBT Assessment Technique Enabling Teaching
Minimum Classi Class Level General Strategy
ficati ificat Strategy
on ion
1. The The learners The learners The learners… The learners…
Defining learners shall be able shall be able
Social demonstr to… to… 1. define Social K Describe the U Unders Open- Unit test – Oral Communicati Photo
Sciences ate Sciences as the pressing issues and tandin ended objective delivery on analysis
as the an connect the Identify key study of problems poverty D g essay test
study of understan disciplines issues or society in our society using
society ding of… with their problems in the scientific evalua Written
2. historical and the society 2. distinguish Social U methods and its ting report
Introduc the social through and Natural application
ing the emergenc foundations analysis of Sciences and
disciplin e of the situations in Humanities
es Social our country,
within Sciences examine the 3. compare and Performa Group Reason and Group
the and the issues and be contrast the various K Raise questions nce based presentati proof sharing
Social different able to make Social towards the U on
Sciences disciplines proposal to Science disciplines U different disciplines
2.1. address the and their fields, in social science D
Anthrop pressing main and what are the
ology issues areas of inquiry, key contents , areas
2.2. through the and methods of inquiry, and
Economi use of social methodology
cs science 4. trace the
2.3. perspectives historical K
Geograp following the foundations and
hy scientific social D
2.4. method contexts that led to
History showing how the development of
2.5. the meaning each discipline
Linguisti of social
cs science
2.6. changes
Political depending
Science on the field
2.7. of
Psychol specialization
ogy or the
2.8. discipline
Sociolog used in
y and studying and
Demogr analysing the
aphy subject.
l context
of the
nce of


1. key interpret Analyse one 1. Structural- K Explain the
Structur concepts personal and social Functionalism difference of U Unders Student Assessme Observati connection Student
al- and social phenomenon 1.1. Structuralism manifest and latent tandin composed nt test- on log summaries
Function approach experiences and use a 1.2. determine K functions and D g questions objective
alism es in the using particular manifest and latent dysfunctions of test
2. Social relevant approach functions and U sociocultural (multiple
Marxism Sciences approaches discussed in dysfunctions of phenomena choice,
3. in the this chapter sociocultural short
Symboli Social to untangle phenomena answer)
c Sciences the
Interacti evaluate the complexity of 2. Marxism U Evaluate the D Unders Self-
onism strengths such analyze social relevance of tandin assessme
4. and phenomenon inequalities in Marxism in the U g nt-
Psychoa weaknesses to be terms of world today, and reflecting
nalysis of the understand class conflict explain the Evalua study
approach better, make difference between ting
a decision, an 3. Symbolic the classical
outcome, an Interactionism K Marxism and
event, or an appraise the modern Marxism
action, or a meanings that
behaviour people U Explain how does
that are attach to everyday one make sense of Unders
interesting forms of his or her actions, U tandin
and analyse interaction in order interactions, and g
it using any to explain social experiences, D
of the behaviour evaluate the Evalua
approaches importance of ting
in the social 4. Psychoanalysis communication in
science analyze the K human actions and
psychodynamics of interactions
the U
personality in terms
of Id,
Ego, and Superego


6. key interpret Able to 5. Rational Choice K

Rational concepts personal and conduct predict the social Articulate Brainstor Written Photo Communicati Question and
Choice and social interview or consequences of observation on the U Unders ming examinati analysis on answer pair
7. approache experiences have decision making consequences of tandin on/assess
Institutio s in the using
conversation based on scarcity decision making D g ment –
nalism Social relevant
8. Sciences approaches to an out of based on rational objective
Feminist in the Social school youth 6. Institutionalism U choice on scarcity evalua test(short
to learn examine the ting answer or Observati reporting Student
Theory Sciences about the constitutive nature K Differentiate and completio on log summaries
9. evaluate the problem or of evaluate the U n test,
Hermen strengths and aspiration, informal and formal constitutive nature evalua matching
eutical weaknesses of dreams, institutions and K and contexts D ting discussion type)
Phenom the approach
ambitions their actors and matter of s
10. and plans as how it constrains U institutionalism in
Human- well as their social behavior explaining human
Environ fears, behaviour
ment anxieties and
Systems issues in life. Analyse the how
Analyse the 7. Feminist Theory U the feminist theory K Unders Open-
information determine the evolved, and the tandin ended
that you relationship ways does it U g questions
gathered and between complement
interpret gender ideology /challenge Analyzi
what and gender traditional ng
education inequality approaches in
means to social science,
them evaluate if
K feminism
transformed social
U science

Explain and K Unders

8. Hermeneutical evaluate the tandin
Phenomenology difference of U g
analyze significance U Historical and
of data Hermeneutic Evalua
approaches in the ting
Social Science,

9. Human-
Environment Analyse and Analyzi
Systems K evaluate human- K ng
9.1. distinguish the U environment
ways by which system its U unders
human- importance in tandin
environment understanding the g
interactions shape reciprocal
cultural and natural relationship and
landscapes mutual dependence
9.2. interpret between human
thematic and and environmental
mental maps to system
landscape changes
and an individual’s Assess and design U Creati
sense of place useful and relevant ng
9.3. explain the human- D
environmental and environment in Applyi
social issues human behaviour ng
through the
analysis of spatial
distributions and
spatial processes


1. key carry out an Create a mini 1. examine the U
Filipino concepts exploration of dictionary of social ideas of Articulate the social U Unders Open- Unit test- Reflection Representati Reporting
Social in the personal and the key Filipino thinkers ideas of the Filipino tandin ended objective log on
Thinkers Social social words that starting from thinkers g essay test
Sciences experiences
2. define and Isabelo de los (enumerated) (multiple
rooted in using
Institute Filipino indigenous explains Reyes, Jose Rizal, Evalua choice, Critical communicati Reporting
of language/ concepts different and other Filipino ting short analysis on
Philippin s and terms , ideas, intellectuals answers/c
e experienc and concepts ompletion
Culture’ es about 2. value the role of D Raise questions U test)
s study indigenous interpersonal towards the role of Reme
on social studies relations in interpersonal mberin
Philippin in the locality Philippine culture relations in g
e values or Philippine culture Analysi
3. community. 3. evaluate the ng
Sikolohi person’s K Recognize the
yang personality using person’s
Pilipino the core values of U personality through U
4. Sikolohiyang the core values of Unders
Pantayo Pilipino sikolohiyang tandin
ng Filipino D g
Panana 4. explain the K
w significance of using Explore the
a particular U significance of using D Evalua
language for a particular ting
discourse language for
discourse Doing
5. critique D
approaches using


1. the role illustrate Create video 1. determine how U Open- Final Reality Reason and Article
Professi of Social situations presentation Social Science can Explore and explain K Unders ended examinati check proof reading
ons Science in and contexts /documentar be used to address applications and tandin essay on –
2. the real in which y explaining social concerns intersections of the U g objective
Applicati world Social and exploring approaches in test ( True
ons and Science can different 2. recognize addressing social Analysi or false,
intersect be applied topics on multidisciplinarity U problems through D ng completio
ions of multidisciplin and/or the different n test,
the ary approach interdisciplinarity professions that Applyi cloze
approac to social as an approach to social science ng procedure
hes in science looking at society graduate can )
addressi pursue
ng social 3. generate an
problem analysis of a social D
s phenomenon using
at least two
approaches from
the Social Sciences

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