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Detailed Lesson Plan School: ACADEMIA DE SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL Grade Level: 12

Teacher: Mr. Demuel O. Montejo Learning Area: Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
Teaching Date: December 2019 Quarter: 3

I. OBJECTIVES: Coverage: Chapter I (Emergence of the Social Sciences); Lesson 1 (Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society)
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
The emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.
B. Performance The learners are able to:
Standards Connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
C. Formation The learners are able to:
Standards Inculcate the virtues of diversity and social relationships.
D. Transfer Goal, Transfer Goal:
Essential At the end of the performance task, learners will on their own, be able to:
Question/s, Manifest and utilize their expertise in the further pursuit of knowledge in terms of social sciences.
Essential Essential Question:
Understanding/s 1. What is social science and what are the disciplines under it?
2. What are the dominant approaches and ideas in the social sciences? How varied or diverse are these approaches? Is there one best approach in the social
Essential Understanding:
Social science studies the historical, cultural, sociological, psychological, and political forces that shape the actions of individuals and their impact on society.
The different disciplines under the social sciences all help in providing a better understanding and appreciation of the complex issues that face society.
E. Performance Task & Major Performance Task: Mini Museum of the Social Sciences Rubric:
Rubrics Goal: To create and curate a mini museum of the social sciences
Role: You are a curator
Audience: Open to all ASMA students and faculty members N.B.: Please see attached rubric.
Situation: You are curating the exhibits of the museum to the audience
Product: The museum itself which consists of relevant items that describe
the evolution of the discipline
F. Learning Learning Competencies:
Competencies 1. Define Social Sciences as the study of society. HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-1
2. Distinguish Social and Natural Sciences and Humanities. HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-2
3. Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods. HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIb-d-3
4. Trace the historical foundations and social contexts that led to the development of each discipline. HUMSS_DIS 11- IIId-4

II. CONTENT / CONCEPT Lessons: Concept Map:
MAP Chapter I: Emergence of the Social Sciences Emergence of the Social
Lesson 1: Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society Sciences
Lesson 2: Social Science Disciplines: History, Methods, and Areas of

Defining Social
Sciences as the Study
of Society

Social Science
Disciplines: History,
Methods, and Areas of


A. References 1. Dela Cruz, Fadrigon, et. al., Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc: Quezon City, 2016.
B. Other Learning 1. [ESRC Social]. (2014, August 05). What is social science? An animated overview [Video File]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiLj35g_cAU
Resources 2. [Soomo Publishing]. (2011, February 11). An Animated Introduction to Social Science [Video File]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
3. [NowThis World]. (2016, February 14). What Are The World’s Most Corrupt Countries? [Video File]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
File]. Retrieved from: https://paxchristipeacestories.com/2017/12/21/extrajudicial-killings-provoke-human-rights-response-from-the-filipino-catholic-church/
5. [BuisnessWorld]. (2018, October 10). Self-rated poverty worsens in Q3 amid inflation pressures [Photo File]. Retrieved from: https://www.bworldonline.com/self-rated-

A. Introduction 1. Pictionary (NG)

1.1. Mechanics:
The class will split into two groups.
Each group will pick one
representative to draw any object
related to the given words for each
of the group to correctly
determine. Spelling out of the
words in any form is not allowed.
The group who has more correct
responses win. The words to be
drawn are the following:
anthropology, Eratosthenes,
geography, research, sociology,
culminate, history, linguistics,
2. Lesson Pre-test through GENYO
e-Learning (NG)
2.1. Test I: True or False
Write T if the statement is true and
F if it is False.
___1. The scientific method is a
systematic approach in acquiring
and explaining knowledge.
___2. The scientific method can
only be used in the natural
___3. The scientific method starts
with defining the problem and ends
with the collection of data.
___4. Research design determines
the type of data that will be used in
the study and the methodology
that will be used in the gathering
and analysis of data.
___5. Research and the scientific
method both aim to pursue the
advancement of knowledge.
___6. Qualitative and quantitative
research methods cannot be used
at the same time in the same
research problem.
___7. The meta-analysis research
design evaluates and summarizes
the results of other studies.
___8. A historical research design is
applied to study a very particular
research problem in order to test
whether a specific theory or model
is applicable to real world issues or
___9. An exploratory research aims
to develop tentative theories or
hypotheses on research problems
that are still in the preliminary
stages of investigation.
___10. An experimental research
describes “what exists” with
respect to the variables of a given
situation of a given situation but
may not be able to conclusively
provide the answer to question as
to the “why”.
2.2. Test II: Arrange Chronologically
Arrange the statements below
(write 1 to 6 on the lines) following
the step-by-step procedure of the
scientific method. Describe each
statement in relation to the step it
represents in the scientific method.
___1. There is an increase in
government funding toward
information campaign that
supports vaccination of expectant
mothers before and during
___2. Mothers and care givers
should have their doubts dispelled
over the effectiveness and safety of
the use of vaccines.
___3. Do vaccines on pregnant
women cause abnormalities and
birth defects to their unborn
___4. A survey by the Center for
Disease Control last 2015 has
revealed a 99% decrease in the
incidence of diphtheria and
measles among babies whose
mothers were vaccinated during
their pregnancy.
___5. The target population for the
National Immunization Survey are
children who are or will be 19 to 35
months old within a few weeks of
being selected to participate in the
___6. Vaccines help keep expectant
mothers and their babies healthy.
B. Motivation 3. Video presentation entitled:
What is social science? An Animated
overview & An Animated Introduction
to Social Science.
3.1. Process questions:
a. What is social science?
b. What is the importance of studying
social science?
C. Lesson Proper 4. Interactive discussion on the

following topics:
a. Definition of Social Science
b. Natural Sciences and Humanities
c. The Scientific Method and its
d. Types of Research Designs:
Qualitative and Quantitative
e. Poverty as a Social Issue in the
f. How Social Sciences Shapes Lives
D. Practice 5. Photo Analysis
5.1. Instructions:
Examine the photo shown to the class.
Each group should identify key issues
or problems in society as reflected in
the photo. Answer the question: How
can the social sciences perspective be
used to examine/address said key
issue or problem? Make sure that the
steps by which the social issue is
addressed follows the scientific

E. Enrichment 6. Video presentation entitled:

What are the World’s Most Corrupt
6.1. Process questions:
a. What is the relevance of the video
presentation to social science?

b. How do we solve corruption in the
F. Evaluation 7. QUIZ through the use of GENYO e-
Learning (G)
7.1. Test I. Review of Knowledge and
A. Graphic Organizer. Make a graphic
organizer containing the chronological
sequence of the research process.
B. Enumeration. Enumerate the
answers to the following questions:
1. What are the different examples of
research designs used by social
2. What are the two types of
methodological approaches used in
gathering and analyzing data?
3. What are the characteristics of
social science research?
4. What are examples of qualitative
5. What are examples of quantitative
7.2. Test II. Critical Thinking.
Application of the Scientific
Enumerate the different types of
assessment you have been given as a
student or the ways by which your
academic performance has been
evaluated. Categorize each
assessment or performance evaluation
on whether it falls under quantitative
or qualitative methods. After
completing the table, answer the
guide questions below.
Quantitative Qualitative

Guide Questions:
1. What are the characteristics of a
good assessment/performance
2. Which method do you prefer and
3. What are the strengths and
weaknesses of the quantitative and
qualitative methods of assessment?
4. How can you apply your knowledge
of quantitative and qualitative
methods in social science research?
8. Mini-PT#1: Photo Analysis of Social
Issues (G)
8.1. Mechanics:
Examine the photo shown to the class.
Identify key issues or problems in
society as reflected in the photo.
Consolidate all the responses and see
how the social sciences perspective
can be used to examine/address said
key issue or problem. Make sure that
the steps by which the social issue is
addressed follows the scientific
methods. Complete the following
table and then share your answers to
the class.
Photo Analysis of Social Issues
Based on the picture below, identify

one major social issue or problem that
greatly affects the Philippine society.
Explain how the social sciences can be
used to address this issue or social

8.2. Criteria:
a. Objective – 40 pts.
b. knowledge – 10 pts.
c. Interpretation – 10 pts.
d. Focus and diligence – 40 pts.
e. Total – 100 pts.
Valuing: 1.2. Learners inculcate the values 4.1. Learners inculcate the value of 5.2. Learners inculcate the values of 7.3. Learners inculcate the values of
of integrity and critical thinking critical thinking. critical thinking and empathy. critical thinking and integrity.



I. OBJECTIVES: Coverage: Chapter I (Emergence of the Social Sciences); Lesson 2 (Social Science Disciplines: History, Methods, and Areas of Inquiry)
G. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of:
The emergence of the Social Sciences and the different disciplines.
H. Performance The learners are able to:
Standards Connect the disciplines with their historical and social foundations.
I. Formation The learners are able to:
Standards Inculcate the virtues of diversity and social relationships.
J. Learning Learning Competencies:
Competencies 1. Define Social Sciences as the study of society. HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-1
2. Distinguish Social and Natural Sciences and Humanities. HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIa-2
3. Compare and contrast the various Social Science disciplines and their fields, main areas of inquiry, and methods. HUMSS_DIS 11- IIIb-d-3
4. Trace the historical foundations and social contexts that led to the development of each discipline. HUMSS_DIS 11- IIId-4

II. CONTENT / CONCEPT Lessons: Concept Map:
MAP Chapter I: Emergence of the Social Sciences Emergence of the Social Sciences
Lesson 1: Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society
Lesson 2: Social Science Disciplines: History, Methods, and Areas of

Defining Social
Sciences as the Study
of Society

Social Science
Disciplines: History,
Methods, and Areas of


C. References 1. Dela Cruz, Fadrigon, et. al., Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences. Phoenix Publishing House, Inc: Quezon City, 2016.
D. Other Learning 1. [Audioversity]. (2019, February). What is Hard and soft science?, Explain Hard and soft science, Define Hard and soft science
Resources [Video File]. Retrieved from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mAxeNYxBys
G. Introduction 1. Lesson Pre-test through GENYO
e-Learning (NG)
1.1. Test. I. Fill up the K-W-L Chart.
Write on the K-column what you
know about the topic and on the
W-column what you want to know
about the topic. At the end of the
lesson, fill-up the L-column with
what you learned after all the class
discussions and activities.
Social Science K W L

Political Science
1.2. Test II. Fill in the blanks. Fill in
the blanks to complete the
1. Economic resources that can be
used to produce goods and services
are called _________.
2. Cultural anthropology have three
sub-branches namely _________,
_________, and _________.
3. Demography is the study of
human ________.
4. _________ studies the
interaction between the natural
environment and the people living
in it.
5. _________ is the study of how
words are combined to form a
6. The two main branches of
geography are ________ and
7. _________ is the study of
politics, power, and government.
8. The two scopes of economics are
_________ and _________.

9. _________ is considered as the
father of modern psychology.
10. The two types of historical
sources are _________ and
H. Motivation 2. Contextualizing Social Science
Disciplines (NG)
2.1. Identify the appropriate discipline
applicable in the given situation.
Explain your answer.
Situation Social Science
1. Evaluation of
the career path
with respect to
the qualifications
of the individual
employees in your
2. An analysis of
the consumption
patterns among
housewives in a
3. A description of
the different
cultural practices
of the Igorots
4. An analysis of
the voting
behaviour among
young adults
5. An analysis on

the causes of
fraternity wars
and gang violence
6. A policy
on how to raise
the incidence of
birth in countries
that have an aging
7. A study on
what causes
severe depression
which leads to
8. An inquiry on
how colonial
occupation has
changed the
values of the
native population
9. An
investigation of
areas or locations
where the
incidence of
earthquakes are
most likely to
10. An inquiry on
the causes of

I. Lesson Proper 3. Interactive discussion on the
following topics:
a. Anthropology
b. Geography
c. Linguistics
d. Psychology
e. Demography
f. Economics
g. History
h. Political Science
i. Sociology
J. Practice 4. Creating an Imaginary Nation (G) .
4.1. Mechanics:
Create a physical map of an imaginary
nation. Write the name of the country
on top of the map. You should include
the least five different land and water
forms in the map and give a unique
name (e.g., The Shadow Mountain).
You should also include at least five
major cities, including a capital
designated by a star). The cities will be
designated by a large black dot and
these must all be named. Neatly color
the maps with colored pencils or
crayons. You can share to the class the
reason behind the choice of water
forms and land forms and the location
of the cities. Explain how your
imaginary nation is conducive to a
productive and developed society.
4.2. Materials:
a. One piece of small white poster
board per student
b. Colored pencils
c. Pencils
d. Black ink pen or black marker
e. Rulers
f. Maps and atlases can be used as
4.3. Criteria:
a. Relevance to the topic – 40 pts.
b. Creativity – 10 pts.
e. Focus and diligence – 20 pts.
f. Tasking – 20 pts.
g. Over-all impact – 10 pts.
h. Total – 100 pts.
K. Enrichment 5. Video presentation entitled:
What is Hard and soft science?,
Explain Hard and soft science, Define
Hard and soft science
5.1. Process Questions:
a. In which category do you classify
the disciplines under social science?
b. Do both hard and soft sciences
compete with each other?
L. Evaluation 6. QUIZ through GENYO e-Learning
6.1. Test I. Review of Knowledge and
A. Chart Completion. Compare and
contrast the different social science
disciplines by completing the chart
Social D Aims Ke Writt
Science e and y en
Discipline f Purp Fi works
i ose gu on
n re the
i s topic
t or

i major
o theori
n es
B. Matching Type. Choose the answer
from the choices below. Write the
letter of the correct answer on the
blank provided before each number.
a. Archaeology
b. Adam Smith
c. Giambattista Vico
d. Geography
e. Homer
f. Aristotle
g. Eratosthenes
h. Anthropology
i. Economics
j. Thucydides
k. Thomas Malthus
l. Morphology
m. Syntax
n. John Locke

o. Voltaire
___1. Study of cultural traditions.
___2. Reconstructs the past life of
ancient societies.
___3. Studies the emergence of
language, the divergence of languages
and the changes in the languages
across time.
___4. Wrote the La Scienza Nuova.
___5. Study the efficient allocation of
scarce resources in order to satisfy the
unlimited human needs and wants.
___6. Wrote “An Essay on the
Principle of Population” in 1798.
___7. Known for writing An Inquiry
into the Nature and Causes of the
Wealth of Nations in 1776.
___8. Wrote the Iliad.
___9. It is the study of the interaction
between the natural environment and
the people living in it.
___10. The father of Geography.
___11. According to him, history is a
systematic account of a set of natural
phenomenon whether or not written
___12. Wrote the Peloponnesian War.
___13. It is the study of how words are
categorized or formed.
___14. It studies how words are
combined to form a sentence.
___15. Wrote the Two Treatises of
6.2. Test II. Critical Thinking. Answer
the questions clearly.
1. Apply the social science disciplines
in the activity below.
a. Research on campaign materials,
whether in print or in television media
(e.g. speeches, posters, tarpaulin,
television debates, interviews, etc.)
which were used in previous national
b. Identify the major issues normally
outlined in these campaign materials.
c. Analyze which among the disciplines
of the social sciences was used to
address the social issue.
d. If you were in the shoes of these
national candidates, what other
measures would you propose to make
your recommendations more
effective? Apply the scientific method
in a specific discipline in the social
2. How would you explain the diverse
perspectives of the different
disciplines of the social sciences?
3. Why do we consider history,
economics, and linguistics as
disciplines of the social sciences?
4. How did Herodotus and Thucydides
develop history as discipline of the
social sciences?
5. How did Sociology and Psychology
develop as disciplines of the social
6. Mini-PT#2: Debate (G)
6.1. Mechanics:
Traffic is considered to be a major
societal problem with tremendous
economic and social cost to industries
and the quality of life of the people.
The class will hold a debate on which
among the different social science
disciplines can best address the traffic
problem. The class will be divided into
two groups of five. Each group will be
given a social science discipline to
defend. The pairing are as follows:
a. Anthropology vs. Political Science
b. Economics vs. History
c. Psychology vs. Sociology
Geography vs. Demography
All speakers are given 5 to 7 minutes
for their individual speeches. The first
speakers are tasked to give the
opening statement and lay down the
basic premise or stance of the group.
They are to make clear causal link
between the assigned social science
disciplines with the problem of traffic.
The second speakers are tasked to
refute the premise or the stance of
the first speaker of the opposing
group and lay down a strong argument
complete with evidence to advance
their claim. The third and fourth
speakers are tasked to refute the
arguments of the speakers of the
opposing group and present their own
constructive argument complete with
evidence. The last speakers are tasked
to make the concluding statement and
provide an analysis on why the
arguments of their team are superior
to the opposing group.
6.2. Criteria:
a. Preparation – 20 pts.
b. Organization – 20 pts.
c. Strength and relevance of
supporting arguments – 20 pts.
d. Use of facts and examples – 20 pts.
d. Speaking voice – 20 pts.
e. Total – 100 pts.
Valuing: 1.2. Learners inculcate the values 3.1. Learners inculcate the value of 4.4. Learners inculcate the value of 6.3. Learners inculcate the values of
of critical thinking and integrity. critical thinking. creativity. teamwork, sportsmanship, fairness,
and critical thinking.



Prepared by: Checked and Noted by: Approved by:

Subject Teacher Academic Moderator School Director/Principal


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