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Abigail Assignment Techniques

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Assignment in EducEng 211

Principles and Theories of

Language Acquisition and
Submitted by:
Mae Abigail N. Quiza

Submitted to:
Dr. Joy Fabillar-Montallana
Aproaches to Language Teaching Methods Teaching Techniques
Direct Method  Role-plays and  Demonstration- The
Dialogues – are teacher demonstrates
effective ways to the use of target
practice language in language through
real life situations. actions, gestures and
 Vocabulary and visual aids.
Sentence Drills- are  Questioning- The
repetitive exercises teacher asks
that help student questions in the
internalize language target language to
patterns and elicit responses from
structures. students.

Grammar Translation  Grammar  Explicit Grammar

Method Explanation- The Instruction- Provide
teacher provides clear explanations of
explicit explanations grammar rules and
of grammar rules, structures, using
using native examples and
language as a comparisons with the
medium of native language.
instruction.  Vocabulary Building-
 Translation Introduce new
Exercises- Students vocabulary words
are given sentences and phrases in
or texts in the target context, and
language and are encourage students
required to translate to memorize their
them into their native translations.
Total Physical Response  Commands and  Storytelling- Use TPR
Actions- Begin by to tell stories or
giving simple narrate simple
commands in the scenarios.
target language and  Songs and Chants-
demonstrating the Incorporate songs
corresponding and chants into TPR
physical actions. activities. Choose
 Action Sequences- songs or chants that
Create action involve physical
sequences or movements and
routines that involve actions.
a series of
commands and
Audio-Lingual Method  Dialogues and Drills-  Backward build-up-
Use pre-recorded Break down longer
dialogues or create sentences or
dialogues that dialogues into shorter
contain target segments and have
language patterns students practice
and vocabulary. each segment
 Pattern Practice- individually before
Provide students with combining them.
structured practice  Dictation- Read aloud
activities that focus sentences or short
on specific language passages, and have
patterns students write down
what they hear.
Cognitive Code  Explicit Instruction-  Cooperative
Provide clear Learning- Foster
explanations of collaboration and
grammar rules, interaction among
vocabulary, and students.
language structures.  Authentic Materials-
 Conceptual Mapping- Utilize authentic
Help students create materials, such as
mental maps or newspapers, articles,
diagrams that videos, or podcasts,
illustrate the to expose students to
relationships between real-world language
different language use.
Natural Approach  Comprehensible  Storytelling and
Input- Provide Story-asking – Tell
students with stories or ask
language input that is students to create
slightly above their stories
current proficiency collaboratively.
level but still  Roleplays and
understandable. Simulations- Create
 Total Physical scenarios or
Response (TPR)- situations that require
Use physical actions students to use the
and gestures to target language in a
convey meaning and meaningful context.
Suggestopedia and  Positive Suggestions-  Active Participation-
Desuggestopedia Use positive Encourage active
suggestions and participation from
affirmations to boost students by involving
students’ confidence them in various
and self- belief. learning activities.
 Multisensory  Music and Rhythm-
Learning- Engage Integrate background
multiple senses music with a slow
during the learning tempo and soothing
process to enhance melodies during the
memory and learning process.
Interactive Language  Communicative  Pair and group work-
Teaching Language Teaching Encourage students
(CLT)- CLT to work in pairs or
emphasizes the small groups to
importance of engage in language
communication in activities.
language learning.  Information gap
 Task-based language activities- Design
Teaching- TBLT activities where
centers around students have
completing different pieces of
meaningful tasks information and need
using the target to communicate with
language. each other to
complete a task.

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