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Unified Modeling Language

• UML or Unified Modeling Language comes from Rumbaugh, Booch, and
Jacobson (the three amigos) who combined efforts to standardize on one
modeling language.

• This is primarily a graphical communication mechanism for developers and

What is a model ?
• A model is a simplification of reality.

• Model provides a blueprint of a system.

• When you make a model you are making a mapping from the problem
domain to a representation of the system you are modeling.
Principles of Modeling
• Principle 1: “ The choice of what models to create has a profound influence
on how the problem is attacked and the solution is shaped. ”

• Principle 2: “ Every model may be expressed at different level of precision.

• Principle 3: “ The best models are connected to reality. ”

• Principle 4: “ No single model is sufficient. ”

Why UML ?
• UML is a Language for

– Visualizing

– Specifying

– Constructing

– Documenting
UML is a Language
• A language provides a vocabulary and some rules for combining words in the

• The vocabulary and rules of modeling language focuses on the conceptual and

physical representation of a system.

• For modeling language the notations are vocabulary and there are some
predefined rules for using them.
UML is a Language for Visualizing
• Most of us when given a programming problem, we just think it and we code it.
• Still we are doing some modeling
– but mentally
• However there are several problems with this
– Communication is harder.
– Hard to reconstruct.
– Some important property of the s/w can sometimes be skipped.
• Modeling can be
– Textual
– Graphical
Since UML has some well defined notations and semantics so any designer can visualize the
UML is a language for Specifying
• Specifying means building a model that is:

– Precise

– Unambiguous

– Complete

• UML addresses the specification of all the important decision of:

– Analysis

– Design

– Implementation
UML is a Language for Constructing
• UML is not a programming language.

• But it can be directly used to construct code in variety of languages.

• UML expresses the things graphically while programming language expresses

the things textually.

• Forward engineering: Construction of a code from a model.

• Reverse Engineering: Reconstruction of the model from the code itself.

UML is a language for Documenting
• The following documents should also be maintained by s/w developers
– Requirement
– Architecture
– Design
– Source code
– Project plan
– Tests
– Prototype
– Releases
Where can we use UML ?
• Enterprise information system
• Banking and financial services
• Telecommunication
• Transportation
• Defense/ aerospace
• Retail
• Medical electronics
• Scientific
• Distributed web-based services
Conceptual Model
• Building blocks

– Things (Structural, Behavioral, Grouping, Annotational)

– Relationships (Dependency, Association, Generalization, Realization)

– Diagrams

• Things are the abstractions that are the first class citizens in a model.

• Relationship ties things together.

• Diagram groups interesting collection of things.

• Four kinds of things are in UML

– Structural things

– Behavioral things

– Grouping Things

– Annotational Things
Structural Things
• These are the nouns in UML.
• Mostly there are seven kind of structural thing
• Class − Class represents a set of objects having similar responsibilities.

• Interface − Interface defines a set of operations, which specify the

responsibility of a class.
Structural Things
• Collaboration − Collaboration defines an interaction between
Chain of

• Use case −Use case represents a set of actions performed by a system

for a specific goal.
Use Case

• Component −Component describes the physical part of a system.

Structural Things
• Node/ Server − A node can be defined as a physical element that
exists at run time.
Behavioral Things
• Dynamic part of a model
• Acts as the verb of the model
• Interaction - message, action sequence, links etc.

• State machine - states, events, transitions

Grouping Things
• Organizational part of UML.
• One kind of grouping things are available in UML
Packages- General purpose mechanism for organizing.

• The explanatory part of the UML model; adds information/meaning to the model
• mechanism to capture remarks, descriptions, and comments of UML model
shows how the elements are associated with each other and this association
describes the functionality of an application.
• Dependency
a change in one thing (the independent thing) causes a change in the semantics
of the other thing (the dependent thing).

• Association
describes the connection between two things.
• Generalization
• a relationship between a general thing (called “parent” or “superclass”) and a
more specific kind of that thing (called the “child” or “subclass”), such that
the latter can substitute the former
(arrow-head points to the superclass)
• Representing Inheritance
• Realization
• a semantic relationship between two things wherein one specifies the
behavior to be carried out, and the other carries out the behavior.
(arrow-head points to the thing being realized)

• Mostly found in Interfaces

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