Kharga Oasis
Kharga Oasis
Kharga Oasis
KH ARGA OASIS (Ar. Ḵārja), the largest oasis in the Western Desert of Egypt, approxim ately 20 0
km west of the Nile Valley (Figure 1, Figure 2). Together with the neighboring Dakhla Oasis it was
known in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic as w ḥ3.t rsy .t, the ‘southern oasis’ (Giddy, pp. 39-40 ).
Although there is a long history of hum an activity and habitation in the Western Desert, the oasis
was only sparsely populated during the pharaonic period of Egyptian history (Caton-Thom pson, pp.
45-53). Instead, Egyptian activity in the desert was focused prim arily on expeditions, trade and the
procurem ent of raw m aterials (Darnell, 20 13). Following the Persian conquest of Egypt around 525
BCE, Cam byses launched an invasion of the Kharga Oasis (Osing, pp. 1447-8; Cruz-Uribe, 20 0 3, pp.
35-7). According to Herodotus (3.26), the goal of this expedition was to subdue the “Amm onians,”
but recent research at Amheida in Dakhla suggests that Petubastis IV, a pretender and rebel against
Cam byses, m ay have had a base there which was the actual target (Kaper). Although Herodotus
presents this expedition as a failure, it is clear that the Kharga Oasis was under Persian control for
the duration of Achaem enid rule of Egypt (see Egypt i. Persians in Egypt in the Achaemenid period),
save perhaps for a brief period during the revolt of Inarus, whose nam e appears in a dating formula
on a single dem otic ostracon from ʿAyn Manāwir (Chauveau, 20 0 4). There are several sites in the
oasis with archaeological rem ains dating to the Persian period, in particular tem ples and
subterranean aqueducts often referred to as qanāt (pl. qanāthā; Colburn 20 14, pp. 149-96;
forthcoming; see Kāriz)
The m ost notable m onument of Achaemenid date in the Kharga Oasis, and indeed the best preserved
tem ple from the Egyptian Late Period, is the tem ple of Am on/ Am un at Hibis. Hibis, meaning “town
of the plow,” was the primary settlement in the oasis, and the tem ple is located just north of the
m odern town of Kharga. The original tem ple consisted of a forecourt, hypostyle hall, a sanctuary,
several sm aller rooms, and several chapels on the upper level, accessible via staircases (Winlock;
Ism ail). Later a second, larger hypostyle hall and a portico were added to the entrance of the tem ple
on the eastern side, as was an enclosure wall and pylons. The tem ple is richly decorated with reliefs
and inscriptions on both its interior and exterior walls (Davies; Cruz-Uribe, 1988; Klotz). Most of
these reliefs display im ages of the king m aking offerings to various gods, especially Amun, Mut,
Khonsu, Osiris and Horus. The m ain sanctuary of the tem ple features im ages of some 70 0 different
gods from throughout Egypt in high relief. These reliefs have been interpreted as “cult-
topographical,” that is, they serve to catalog deities and cult practices from across Egypt (Sternberg-
el Hotabi; Kessler; Colburn, 20 14, pp. 187-89), a well-known feature of tem ples of the Ptolem aic and
Rom an periods.
The foundation and construction of the tem ple is usually attributed to Darius I, whose name appears
m any times on the walls of the earliest part of the tem ple (Winlock, pp. 7-9; Colburn 20 14, pp. 177-
78). However, som e scholars argue that construction actually began under Psam tik II (r. 595-589
BCE), on the grounds that Psam tik’s Horus nam e (i.e., one of his royal nam es) appears once in the
forecourt (Cruz-Uribe, 1988, pp. 164-65). But this evidence is not definitive. First, royal nam es were
sometim es reused in order to confer legitim acy (Kahl), and it is entirely possible that Darius used
Psam tik’s Horus nam e. Second, none of the cartouches nam ing Darius in the tem ple show signs of
painting over or re-cutting of Psam tik’s name (Ism ail, pp. 21-22).
Qasr el-Ghueita (known as pr-w sḫ in Egyptian), some 20 km south of Hibis, is the site of a sm all
sandstone tem ple within a m udbrick fortification wall. The wall is thought to be of Rom an date, but
the tem ple itself was built in the reign of Darius I, a date confirmed by two cartouches in the m ain
sanctuary (Darnell, 20 0 7, p. 30 ). The tem ple consists of a forecourt, hypostyle hall, a vestibule, and
three room s at the back, oriented east to west. The m iddle of these, interpreted as being the tem ple’s
m ain sanctuary, is decorated with raised relief and painted plaster and includes im ages of the king
before the gods Am un, Mut, Khonsu, Min and Isis (Darnell et al.). This room is not aligned with the
rest of tem ple, and it seems that the m ain sanctuary was originally a freestanding shrine that was
incorporated into the temple building by Darius (Darnell, 20 0 7, pp. 31-32). Further additions to the
tem ple were m ade during the Ptolem aic period.
In the south of the oasis there are five hill sites in the Baris basin, all of which have subterranean
aqueducts, often known as qanāts: ʿAyn Manāwir, Dush, Dikura, ʿAyn Ziāda, and ʿAyn Boreq
(Bousquet, pp. 179-91, 195-20 2). Qanāts are widespread in Iran, and are generally thought to have
originated there, though this is now a subject of debate (Colburn, 20 14, pp. 163-67; forthcoming;
Boucharlat). Twenty-two qanāts have been identified at ʿAyn Manāwir, ranging in length from about
20 0 to 350 m (Wuttm ann; Gonon); there is also a mudbrick tem ple, flanked by two clusters of
houses (Wuttm ann et al., 1996; 1998). The tem ple includes a forecourt, hypostyle hall, sanctuary and
three chapels. Rem ains of painted decoration have been found in several rooms, as have several
hundred bronze statuettes, m any representing the god Osiris (Wuttm ann et al., 20 0 7). Abutting the
tem ple is another, sm aller structure, where numerous ostraca were recovered, bearing texts written
in dem otic Egyptian; it is thought to be the office of the tem ple scribe (Chauveau, 1996, pp. 34-35).
Around 450 ostraca have been found at ʿAyn Manāwir, ranging in date from 483 to 370 BCE
(Chauveau, 1996; 20 0 1; 20 0 5; 20 0 8; 20 11). Some of these texts refer to the leasing of water rights in
exchange for a portion of the harvest, and they thus confirm the Achaemenid date for the settlement
and its attendant qanāts. They also indicate that one of the m ain crops grown there was the castor
bean, and archaeobotanical rem ains from the site also provide evidence of the cultivation of olives
and date palm s (Newton et al., 20 0 6; 20 13; Agut-Labordère and Newton, 20 13; Agut-Labordère,
20 16). These are all cash crops, and they attest to the success of qanāt irrigation in m aking the
southern Kharga Oasis into a productive agricultural zone. Indeed, the ostraca even contain
references to ‘staters of Ionia,’ which must be Athenian tetradrachm coins, as units of account
(Chauveau, 20 0 0 ; Agut-Labordère, 20 14). These coins came into use in Egypt during the Persian
period, likely as an indirect consequence of Achaemenid tribute requirements (Colburn, 20 14, pp.
352-87), and their occurrence in these texts from ʿAyn Manāwir illustrate the extent to which the
oasis had becom e intertwined with econom ic activity in the Nile Valley and beyond.
Dush (ancient Kysis), about 5 km to the east of ʿAyn Manāwir, is another settlem ent with two sm all
tem ples, both in poor condition, and at least three qanāts. One of the tem ples is sandstone, and
surrounded by a m udbrick enclosure called the "kasr ancien" by Reddé. It has inscriptions dating
from the reigns of Domitian (r. 81-96 CE) to Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161 CE), but a radiocarbon date
obtained from the kasr ancien provided a range of 450 -350 BCE (Reddé, pp. 172-3). The other
tem ple is mudbrick and preserves no inscriptions; it provided a radiocarbon date of 423-179 BCE
(Reddé, p. 180 ). These dates, along with references to Kysis in the ostraca from ʿAyn Manāwir
(Chauveau, 1996, pp. 38-9), suggest that although most of the rem ains from Dush date to the Rom an
period, the settlem ent itself was probably established in the fifth century BCE; the qanāts there m ay
also date to this period. The other three sites in the Baris basin with qanāts – Dikura, ʿAyn Ziāda,
and ʿAyn Boreq – have only been subject to lim ited study. While it is fairly clear they were active in
the Rom an period, it is possible they were established earlier as well.
Qanāts have also been documented in the northern Kharga Oasis, at ʿAyn Gib and Qasr el-Sum ayra
(Schacht), ʿAyn Lebekha (Rossi and Ikram , 20 10 , pp. 238-9), and Umm el-Dabadib (Rossi, pp. 348-
52; Rossi and Ikram, 20 0 6, pp. 30 1-2). All of these sites are of Rom an date, but the qanāts
themselves cannot be dated firm ly, and m ay have been dug earlier, since qanāts were often reused
over long periods of tim e.
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(Henry P. Colburn)
Cite th is e n try:
Henry P. Colburn, “KHARGA OASIS,” Ency clopædia Iranica, online edition, 20 17, available at
http:/ / articles/ kharga-oasis (accessed on 0 8 August 20 17).