Tan Chem
Tan Chem
Tan Chem
2. Class : XI – A2
4. Roll No. : 40
Theory :
Proteins are the main constituents of all living cells and are the
building blocks of life. They play an essential role in the growth
and development of cells and tissues. Proteins have a high
molecular mass, long chain polymer, composed of α-amino acids
and contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sometimes
phosphorus and sulfur.
1. Biuret test
The compounds with peptide linkage undergo this test. Proteins
are polypeptides of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.
An alkaline solution of protein is treated with a drop of aqueous
copper sulfate and a bluish violet color is obtained.
3. Millions test
Phenolic group of tyrosine of proteins reacts with mercuric
sulfate in the presence of sodium nitrite and sulfuric acid to give
red color. Millon’s test is given by proteins containing phenolic
amino acids. Gelatin does not give this test. First, a white
precipitate is formed when proteins are treated with millions
reagent and then turns to brick-red color on boiling, this confirms
the presence of proteins.
4. Ninhydrin test
Proteins react with pyridine solution of ninhydrin and change to a
colored solution from a deep blue to violet-pink or sometimes
even to a red color. Ninhydrin solution is prepared by dissolving
0.1gm of ninhydrin in about 100ml of distilled water. But this
solution of ninhydrin is unstable and can be kept for two days.
Note: The appearance of violet color solution confirms the
presence of proteins.
To perform a simple test to identify the presence of proteins in the
given plant and animals food sample.
Materials Required:
Distilled water
Bunsen burner
Test tube holder
Clean and dried test tubes
Food sample – Milk, Apple, Paneer, Butter, Cheese, etc.
If you are using a solid sample like paneer, or apple, first
crush or grind into a smooth paste using mortar and pestle.
Chemical required:
Nitric acid
Sulfuric acid
Sodium nitrite
Mercuric sulfate
Pyridine solution
Ninhydrin reagent
Sodium hydroxide
Copper sulfate solution
Biuret reagent solution or solution of copper sulfate and
caustic soda.
(a) Biuret Test:
Result :
The given food sample – Milk, Apple, Paneer, Butter, Cheese, etc
contains proteins in it.
The protein test is used to measure the total amount of protein
present in the given blood samples. Usually, Doctors prescribe
this test if a patient is suffering from any of the food deficiency
diseases or other disorders like fatigue, weight loss, kidney or
liver disease, etc.
Timely Submission : ___________
Neatness : _________________
Accuracy : _________________
Remarks : __________________