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Big M Method Calculator Online - Linear Programming ?

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Big M Method Calculator Online – Linear

Programming 🥇
Linear Programming

See also AI that writes essays - writes 10x faster with GPT-3

The Big M method is one of the mandatory learning techniques for operations
research students and often creates difficulties for them because of the calculations
involved. To help you better understand this method, we have developed an online
calculator to solve linear programming problems by the Big M method. This tool has
the same operation and aesthetics very similar to our online application of the two-
phase simplex method.

Big M Method Calculator - Free Version

Edit Coefficients New Problem

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Objective Function:

Maximize: Z = 4X1 + 2X2

Subject to:

5X1 + 15X2 ≥ 50

20X1 + 5X2 ≥ 40

15X1 + 2X2 ≤ 60

X 1 , X2 ≥ 0

The problem will be adapted to the standard linear programming model,

adding the slack, surplus and / or artificial variables in each of the constraints:

Constraint 1: It has a sign "≥" (greater than or equal) so the surplus

variable S1 will be subtracted and the artificial variable A1 will be
Constraint 2: It has a sign "≥" (greater than or equal) so the surplus
variable S2 will be subtracted and the artificial variable A2 will be
Constraint 3: It has a sign "≤" (less than or equal) so the slack variable
will be added S3.

The problem has artificial variables so we will use the Big M method. As the
problem is one of maximization, the artificial variables will be subtracted
from the objective function multiplied by a very large number (represented
by the letter M) in this way the simplex algorithm will penalize them and
eliminate them from the base.

The problem is shown below in standard form. The coefficient 0 (zero) will be
placed where it corresponds to create our table:

Objective Function:

Maximize: Z = 4X1 + 2X2 + 0S1 + 0S2 + 0S3 - MA1 - MA2

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Subject to:

5X1 + 15X2 - 1S1 + 0S2 + 0S3 + 1A1 + 0A2 = 50

20X1 + 5X2 + 0S1 - 1S2 + 0S3 + 0A1 + 1A2 = 40

15X1 + 2X2 + 0S1 + 0S2 + 1S3 + 0A1 + 0A2 = 60

X 1 , X2 , S 1 , S 2 , S 3 , A 1 , A 2 ≥ 0

Initial Table

Ta b l e 1 Cj 4 2 0 0 0 -M -M

Cb B a se X1 X2 S1 S2 S3 A1 A2 R

-M A1 5 15 -1 0 0 1 0 50

-M A2 20 5 0 -1 0 0 1 40

0 S3 15 2 0 0 1 0 0 60

Z -25M-4 -20M-2 M M 0 0 0 -90M

Enter the variable X1 and the variable A2 leaves the base. The pivot element is 20

Iteration 1

Ta bl e 2 Cj 4 2 0 0 0 -M -M

Cb B a se X1 X2 S1 S2 S3 A1 A2 R

-M A1 0 55/4 -1 1/4 0 1 -1/4 40

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4 X1 1 1/4 0 -1/20 0 0 1/20 2

0 S3 0 -7/4 0 3/4 1 0 -3/4 30

Z 0 -55/4M-1 M -1/4M-1/5 0 0 5/4M+1/5 -40M+8

Enter the variable X2 and the variable A1 leaves the base. The pivot element is

Iteration 2

Ta bl e 3 Cj 4 2 0 0 0 -M -M

Cb B a se X1 X2 S1 S2 S3 A1 A2 R

2 X2 0 1 -4/55 1/55 0 4/55 -1/55 32/11

4 X1 1 0 1/55 -3/55 0 -1/55 3/55 14/11

0 S3 0 0 -7/55 43/55 1 7/55 -43/55 386/11

Z 0 0 -4/55 -2/11 0 M+4/55 M+2/11 120/11

Enter the variable S2 and the variable S3 leaves the base. The pivot element is

Iteration 3

Ta b l e 4 Cj 4 2 0 0 0 -M -M

Cb B a se X1 X2 S1 S2 S3 A1 A2 R

2 X2 0 1 -3/43 0 -1/43 3/43 0 90/43

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4 X1 1 0 2/215 0 3/43 -2/215 0 160/43

0 S2 0 0 -7/43 1 55/43 7/43 -1 1930/43

Z 0 0 -22/215 0 10/43 M+22/215 M 820/43

Enter the variable S1 and the variable X1 leaves the base. The pivot element is

Iteration 4

Ta b le 5 Cj 4 2 0 0 0 -M -M

Cb B a se X1 X2 S1 S2 S3 A1 A2 R

2 X2 15/2 1 0 0 1/2 0 0 30

0 S1 215/2 0 1 0 15/2 -1 0 400

0 S2 35/2 0 0 1 5/2 0 -1 110

Z 11 0 0 0 1 M M 60

The optimal solution is Z = 60

X1= 0, X2= 30, S1= 400, S2= 110, S3= 0, A1= 0, A2= 0

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The Big M online calculator, in its free version, shows us the tables for each of the
iterations needed to reach the final solution. However, if you want to learn more
about how each number is obtained in the tables, we suggest you check the pro
version of our calculator:

Advanced Functions of the Big M Method Online Calculator

To solve linear programming exercises with the method of the big M, we must apply
the simplex algorithm. This is why we have developed a calculator, for all our users
with membership, which gives you a detailed explanation of how the algorithm is
applied in each of the rows of the table and how to obtain the corresponding values.
For this purpose we have included the following functionalities:

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You can solve exercises with up to 20 variables and 50 constraints.

Analysis of how to determine the optimality condition.
Explanation of the criteria to establish the feasibility condition.
Explanation of the calculations performed to obtain the vector of reduced
costs, the pivot row and the other rows of the table.
Analysis of special cases such as unbounded and infeasible solutions.

You can find complete examples of how the application works in this link.

How to use the Big M Method Calculator

To use our application, you must perform the following steps:

Enter the number of variables and constraints of the problem.

Select the type of problem: maximize or minimize.
Enter the coefficients in the objective function and the constraints. You can
enter negative numbers, fractions, and decimals (with point).
Click on “Solve”.
The online calculator will adapt the entered values to the standard form of
the simplex algorithm and create the first table.
You will be able to visualize the tables calculated for each of the iterations of
the Big M method. If you use the membership version, you will be able to
see step by step calculations of each table value in each of the iterations, as
well as an explanation of the optimality and feasibility condition and finally
the optimal solution.

See also Variance Calculator Online (Sample and Population)


Below we show some reference images of the step by step and the result of the
following example:

The following problem is required to be minimized:

Objective Function Z = 3X1 + 2X2.

Subject to the following constraints

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2X1 + X2 ≥ 18
2X1 + 3X2 ≥ 42
X 1 , X2 ≥ 0


First we enter the number of variables and constraints:

We record the coefficients of the objective function and the constraints:

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By clicking on Solve we will see the details of the calculation. Below we show some
parts as an example:

Iterations in the pivot row:

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And finally the result of the exercise:

It is important to emphasize that the Big M method is used to solve problems with constraints
with equal and greater or equal signs. These types of constraints will add artificial variables to
the standard linear programming model. If the problem only has less or equal sign constraints,

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the calculator will solve it with the traditional simplex method. In any case, our tool can solve
any type of problem, be it minimization and/or maximization.

We remind you that as part of our membership, you will also have access to our
calculator for the two-phase method and the graphical method of linear

Final reflection
Having a software tool that solves the Big M method step by step is a “Life Hack”
that you should not miss, to increase your productivity, your learning and above all
your grades.

If you have questions about it or find an error in our application, we will appreciate if
you can write to us on our contact page.

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