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The report is about design of water supply system at Mbezi Makabe ward. Water is a very
important substance in the lives of both human and other living organisms, it must be
supplied to consumers depending on its quality, the location of the source and the quantity of
water present. Water is distributed through the networks of pipes which can either be a dead
end or closed loop systems depending on the nature of the area and the community water is
supplied, in this project the system used to distribute water is closed loop. The water supply
network has some few problems where water reaching consumers can sometimes be
insufficient, poor quality of water, improper imposition of pipe so; the objective of our
project is to design the improved water supply system where all consumers will be able to
access water which is portable and sufficient more easily. In attaining the effectiveness of the
project several methodologies were used like questionnaires, literature reviews, consultation
to different experts and physical observation and materials from the pre-available findings.
The site visits to the case study area and questionnaire revealed that the available water
sources and the available quantity of water do not comply with the available population, and
hence necessitated the need to find the probable solutions. Also from the case study there was
different revelation of problems at Mbezi Makabe.


We Group three project members hereby declare that, the contents of this report are the result
of our own study and findings and to the best of our knowledge, they have not been presented
on any professional award in any institutional of high learning.

We thank the almighty God for giving us strength during the whole period of doing this
project. Also, we would like to appreciate the help, support and encouragement that we
received during this semester which devoted most of our efforts and time towards the
accomplishment of this project.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to all staffs, project coordinators, our fellow
continuous students and to those who have been a part of this project right from the
The writing of this project has been one of the significant academic challenges we have faced
and without the help, support, patience and guidance of the people involved, the project
would not have been completed.

It is to them we owe our fortitude and thankfulness. We give special thanks to our project
coordinator Mr. Lwimbo for his assistance, guidance, wisdom and knowledge on how the
project is to be conducted.

Also, for their inspiration and motivation words, also we would like to thank the management
of Ardhi University for putting this course of traffic and highway engineering because it has
been one of the enlightenments to our future career and exposure to our future field. Lastly,
we would like to thank all who gave us unconditionally assistance and guidance throughout
this project study.

Water is essential for life of man, plants and animals. From the beginning of civilization
humans have settled close to the water sources. Unfortunately, in many places water is scarce
and or contaminated. Water supply refers to a system of distributing water with quality and
provided quantity and safe for human consumption.
The United Republic of Tanzania is located in the eastern part of Africa covering 945
thousand km2. The total population reached 63.59 million in 2021. The coastal area in which
Coast and Dar es Salaam Regions lie, has two rainy seasons, from March to May and from
November to December. Annual precipitation ranges from 800 to 2,000mm
The Government of Tanzania started Rural Water Supply Project in 1971 aimed to provide
safe and clean water to the entire nation within a distance of 400m. A water supply master
plan for Coast Region and Dar es Salaam Peri-Urban was formulated in 1979. In the master
plan, the group piped water supply schemes were proposed as the main water supply scheme.
They cover many villages with extensive distribution systems using the surface water.
Detailed groundwater evaluation was not implemented. However, construction of those
proposed water supply scheme were not been accomplished due to financial constraints. Only
Chalinze Water Supply Scheme was constructed. Other factor to impede the provision of
water supply schemes is thought that the scheme proposed in the master plan was not suitable
for the socio-economic situations in Coast Region and Dar es Salaam Peri-Urban area.
Accordingly, 65% of inhabitants in the two regions still do not have access to safe and clean
water. It is thought that a compact piped water supply scheme of which service area is limited
within a village using groundwater in and around the village, is more suited for Coast Region
and Dar es Salaam Peri-Urban area than group piped water supply scheme, considering the
socio-economic situations and the viewpoints of operation and maintenance, and water source
capacities realized in this Study. In October 2001, the Government of Tanzania requested the
Government of Japan to carry out the formulation of the water supply plan and the feasibility
study of the priority projects to be formulated through the study.
A water supply master plan for Coast Region and Dar es Salaam Peri-Urban was formulated
in 1979. In the master plan, group piped water supply schemes were proposed as the main
water supply scheme. However, construction of those proposed water supply scheme were
not been accomplished due to financial constraints. Accordingly, 65% of inhabitants in the
two regions still do not have access to safe and clean water. In October 2001, the Government
of Tanzania requested the Government of Japan to carry out the formulation of water supply
plan and feasibility study of the priority projects to be formulated through the study for Coast
region and Dar es Salaam Peri-Urban. It is thought that a compact piped water supply scheme
using groundwater of which service area is in and around a village, is a more suitable scheme
in Coast Region and Dar es Salaam Peri-Urban area than group piped water supply scheme,
considering the socio-economic situations and the viewpoints of operation and maintenance,
and water source capacities realized in this Study. In the Study area, there are three large
scale piped water supply schemes namely: Upper Ruvu Water Supply, Lower Ruvu Water

Supply (under DAWASA) and Chalinze Water Supply Scheme. The total number of existing
small scale piped water supply schemes in Coast Region and Dar es Salaam Region are 20
and 73.75% of these schemes were constructed in 1970’s in Coast Region, while most of the
schemes in Dar es Salaam Region were constructed in 1990’s and 2000’s. However, not all
schemes are in good working condition and the working ratios are 35 % (Coast Region) and
77 % (Dar es Salaam Peri-Urban).
Water must be within safe physical reach, in or near the house, school or health facility.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO) the water source has to be within 1000
m of the home and collection time should not exceed 30 minutes (UNDESA, 2014).As well
as being physically accessible, water should also be reasonably priced and affordable for
everyone. Buying water should not reduce a person’s capacity to buy other essential goods.
This means that the cost of water must be kept low and essential amounts of water must
sometimes be provided free. In some rural communities of Ethiopia water is provided free,
typically from a hand pump managed by a local Water Committee. Occasionally, a charge
may be levied by the Water Committee. In urban areas, where water is provided by water
utilities, people will pay for the water they use. Climate change is now documented as one of
the major challenges for the 21st century. More frequent, intense and extreme weather events
continue to result in higher incidences of floods and droughts around the planet. The ensuing
adverse impacts of climate change on water and sanitation services constitute a serious threat
to human health and overall development of nations. Ensuring optimal flexibility of water
and sanitation services in a globally changing climate context will continue to be crucial for
maintaining the momentum of making progress in health and general socio-economic
development. Climate variability is already a threat to the sustainability of water supplies and
sanitation infrastructure. Flood occurrences continue to cause shocks for affected populations
and to challenge water and sanitation managers. In many places floods are likely to become
more frequent with intensification of climate change, thus; floods can have terrible
consequences for basic water and sanitation infrastructure. Such damage can take years to
repair. On a smaller scale, drinking-water infrastructure can be flooded and be put out of
commission for days, weeks or months, where flooding of sanitation facilities occurs, there
may not only be a break in services, but the resultant flooding may distribute human excreta
and its attendant health risks across entire neighborhoods and communities. Droughts occur
unpredictably worldwide. In many places they are likely to become more frequent and more
widespread with climate change. For example: Falling groundwater tables and reduced
surface water flows can lead to wells drying up, extending distances that must be travelled to
collect water, and increasing water source pollution. In response, drilling rigs, which would

Since climate change is likely to affect water sources and infrastructure in Tanzania, it must
therefore be taken into consideration (i.e. ensure enhanced adaptation capacity) in design,
operation and maintenance of water and sanitation infrastructure or projects. Globally,
climate change studies are coordinated by the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Accordingly, designers should use the latest information, data and model predictions
available and include statements on what measures

Main objectives
The main objective of the project is to study water sources and to design the required and
efficient water supply scheme at mbezi makabe.
The objectives of the Study are;
− To formulate a water supply plan at mbezi makabe
− To conduct a preliminary design on the priority projects,
− To develop the capacity of counterpart personnel of Ministry of Water and Livestock
Development and other authorities concerned in the course of the Study, and
− Technical transfer on geophysical prospecting method to the Water Resources Institute
-- To identity sources of water and demands at mbezi makabe
-- To suggest engineering solutions suitable to identified problems for mbezi makabe

The site is located at mbezi makabe in ubungo district of the dar es saalam region in Tanzania
The Study covers the following area as shown in Figure
Mbezi makabe

GENERAL The Study area is Mbezi makabe in Dar es Salaam Region which lies along the
Indian Ocean coast. Dar es Salaam Peri-Urban and Coast Region have acted as a receiver for
demographic migration to the urban area. In these regions, shortage of domestic water has
been caused by rapid expansion of population and water pollution due to inappropriate
operation and management of existing water supply systems.
In the mainland of Tanzania, generally two rainy seasons occur in a year; one is from March
to May and the other is from November to December. Annual average precipitation reaches
1,000mm. There are 22 rainfall gauging stations in Dar es Salaam region.
(1) Annual Rainfall
Figure shows the location of meteorological stations and distribution of annual rainfall.
Annual total rainfall varies greatly by the station. It ranges from 849.7 mm in mbezi to
1529.9 in even within the Study Area.
(2) Monthly Rainfall
In the study area, rainfall patterns are similar in all stations though annual total rainfall varies
by the station. Maximum rainfall occurs in the month of April in all stations and minimum in
the month of September in nine stations, July in three stations and August in one station.
(3) Monthly Temperature
Average monthly minimum and maximum temperatures are observed in the months of
August (18.3°C) and February (32.5°C) at Dar es Salaam International Airport, and also in
the same months of August (18.9°C) and February (32.3°C) at mbezi makabe Annual average
temperature at both of these locations are the same value of 26.0°C with small monthly
(4) Sunshine
Annual average sunshine at Dar es Salaam International Airport and mbezi makabe is 7.7 and
7.3 hours, respectively. Radiation is measured only at Dar es Salaam International Airport
Station. Annual average radiation averaged over the period 2012-2022 is calculated at 551.3
Mega joule/m
(1) River System in Tanzania
Tanzania is divided into nine major river basins, namely Lake Victoria Basin, Lake
Tanganyika Basin, Internal Drainage Basin, Pangani Basin, Wami and Ruvu Basin, Lake
Rukwa Basin, Rufiji Basin, Lake Nyasa Basin, and Ruvuma River and the Southern coast
basin. Almost the entire Study Area is included in Wami and Ruvu basin.



Water appears in nature in all three common states of matter and may take many different
forms on Earth, water vapor and clouds in the sky, seawater and icebergs in the polar oceans,
glaciers and rivers in the mountains; and the liquid in aquifers in the ground.At high
temperatures and pressures, such as in the interior of giant planets, it is argued
that water exists as ionic water in which the molecules break down into a soup of hydrogen
and oxygen ions, and at even higher pressures as super ionic water in which the oxygen
crystallizes but the hydrogen ions float around freely within the oxygen lattice(Aly, 2003).

Accroding to Ally(2003) the vast bulk of the water on Earth is regarded as saline or salt
water, with an average Salinity of 3.5%, This concentration varies slightly according to the
amount of Runoff received from surrounding land. The remainder of the Earth's water
constitutes the planet's Fresh Water resource. Typically, fresh water is defined as water with a
salinity of less than 1 percent that of the oceans – i.e. below around 0.035%.

Figure 2. 1 Distribution of earth’s water.


Community water systems obtain water from two sources: surface water and ground water.
People use surface and ground water every day for a variety of purposes, including drinking,
cooking, and basic hygiene, in addition to recreational, agricultural, and industrial activities.

2.2.1 Surface Water

Surface water is water that collects on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, reservoir, or
ocean. Surface water is constantly replenished through precipitation, and lost through
evaporation and seepage into ground water supplies. According to the EPA, 68% of
community water system users received their water from a surface water source, such as a
lake. On the surface water it is divided into two salty surface water and fresh surface water
(Wada, 2012).

2.2.2 Ground Water

Ground water, which is obtained by drilling wells, is water located below the ground surface
in pores and spaces in the rock, and is used by approximately 78% of community water
systems in the world, supplying drinking water to 32% of community water system user
relies on private ground water wells(Wada, 2012).

Water that occurs below the surface of Earth, where it occupies all or part of the void spaces
in soils or geologic strata. It is also called subsurface water to distinguish it from surface
water, which is found in large bodies like the oceans or lakes or which flows overland in
streams. Both surface and subsurface water are related through the hydrologic cycle (the
continuous circulation of water in the Earth-atmosphere system(Wada,2012).

2.2.3 Rain water

According to Wada(2012) rainwater is also an important source of water, although on a
relatively small scale. Collecting rain from roofs or other hard-surfaced areas and storing it
until it is needed can provide a valuable source of water for many purposes.


Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, biological and radiological characteristics of
water, (Nancy, 2009). It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of
one or more biotic species for example portable water required to every any human. By
referencing to a set of standards against which compliance can be assessed, the most common

standards used to assess water quality relate to health of ecosystems, safety of human contact
and drinking water, (Johnson,1997).

Human consumption; Contaminants that may be in untreated water include microorganisms

such as viruses, protozoa, and bacteria. Inorganic contaminants such as salts and metals,
chemical contaminants from industrial processes and herbicides and as radioactive
contaminants. Water quality depends on the local geology and ecosystem as well as human
uses such as sewage dispersion, industrial pollution, use of water bodies as a heat sink and
overuse which may lower the level of the water, (Charles, 1983).

Industrial and domestic use; for various range of industrial and domestic purposes, dissolved
minerals may affect suitability of water. The most familiar of these is probably the presence
of ions of calcium and magnesium which interfere with the cleaning action of soap and can
form hard sulfate and soft carbonate deposits in water heaters or boilers, (Maryann, 1975).
Hard water may be softened to remove these ions. The softening process often substitutes
Sodium cations. Hard water may be preferable to soft water for human consumption since
health problems have been associated with excess sodium and with excess magnesium
deficiencies. Softening decreases nutrition and may increase cleaning effectiveness, (Manus
& Jacob, 2006).

Environmental water quality; this relates to water bodies such as lakes, rivers and oceans.
Water quality for surface water vary significantly due to different environmental conditions,
ecosystem, and intended human uses. Toxic substances and high populations of certain
microorganisms can present a health hazard for non-drinking such as irrigation, swimming,
fishing, rafting, boating and industrial uses. These conditions may also affect wildlife which
uses the water for drinking or as a habitat. Modern water quality laws generally specify
protection of fishers and recreational use and require as a minimum retention of current
quality standards.

2.3.1Quality of water supplied from different country levels

In developed countries, there is high advance provision of water and sanitation facilities
although other cities have been improved due to existence of strong private sectors provision
of such services. The main challenges encountered/revolve around prevention of microbial
and chemical contamination of water distribution systems, optimizing the efficiency of utility
operation both in economic and in ecological terms.

In developing countries, there is exist of infrastructure of water and sanitation but often are in
poor condition, for instant the services delivery systems are frequently underfunded, poor
managed and poor state of maintenance with high level of water leakage and inadequate
wastewater treatment.

In under developing countries, have particularly difficult problems, because they have less
water and sanitation infrastructure than high- and middle-income countries. Their institutions
and management systems are generally underdeveloped and the overall capacity to deliver a
reasonable water and sanitation service is very low while big cities generally have some
water and sanitation infrastructure in their central areas and this in many cases, being
improved and expanded by the introduction of private concessionaires or improve public
utility operations. However, in many pre urban areas of large cities and in smaller urban
centers water and sanitation infrastructure is very limited and there is the problem of
industrial pollution often difficult to control as they stem from many small-scale operations.
The overall results are widespread of microbial and chemical pollution of water source in and
around the cities(Nancy, 2009).


According to Nancy (2009) physical properties are reflection of chemical contents. They have
temporal and spatial variations in natural water along two periods.

The physical properties of water have a given appearance.

2.4.1Physical properties

1. Colour
Pure water is colourless. Dissolved organic material from decaying vegetation (algae, and
humus compounds) and certain inorganic matter for example increasing of concentrations
of dissolved (Fe and Mn) ions causes colour in water. The colour is estimated by
comparing sample colour with standard solution colour of the minerals in one litre
distilled water

2. Odour
The smell that is released from any water may be due to decrease in the dissolved oxygen,
presence of organic pollution and presence of phenols and hydrogen sulphide. Pure water

is odourless. Quantitative determinations of odour have been developed based on the
maximum degree of dilution that can be distinguished from odour free water.
3. Taste
This may be due to the increase of total dissolved solids (TDS), carbonate hardness,
decreased dissolved oxygen and excessive bacterial activity, there are no accepted method
devised for measuring tastes.
Chemical properties

1. Temperature
This affects the geochemical and chemical reactions. It affects the acceptability of a
number of other inorganic constituents and chemical contaminants that may affect the
taste. Temperature of groundwater is constant relatively and increases with the depth, It
has effects on the hydro geochemical reactions.
2. Turbidity
This is the measure of suspended and colloidal matter in water such as silt, clay, organic
matter and microscopic organisms, also it depends on the structural condition like flow
regime and weathering and the total suspended solids. Measurement are often based on
the length of the light path passes through the water sample till the image of a flame of a
standard candle disappear .
3. Hydrogen ion concentration
PH is the negative logarithm of hydrogen ion activity and its value express the intensity
of the activity or alkalinity condition of water under normal condition temperature and
pressure. Most reactions in gas or water are controlled by the PH of the system. It related
to the taste and odor problems. pH value in natural water is affected by concentration of
bicarbonate and carbonate ions. The pH value for all water samples is in the optimum
sample (6.5-8.5). According to WHO (2006) some water sample are described as alkaline
water, and other are close to neutral. The water in a pure state are neutral (pH-7) while the
rain has a neutral acidic of about 5.6 because it contain CO2 and SO2.
4. Radioactivity
Water sources can contain radionuclides of natural and artificial origin (human
made).Water may contain radioactive substances (radionuclides) that could present a risk
to human health.


This is the holding of water in the contained area for the certain period of time. The water is
always stored for future and present uses. The stored water can be potable or non-potable.
The potable water is used in different uses such as domestic use, industrial use, firefighting
and non-potable water can be used for agriculture activities. Water can be stored naturally or
artificially. Natural storage of water occurs in the hydrological cycle where by water is stored
in the atmosphere, on the earth’s surface, and below the ground. Artificial water storage is
always done to insure the presence of water in present and future moments. This is done by
constructing different sizes of water reservoir that can be large or small. The artificial water
storage is done because of the varying of seasons (Charles, 2012).

Artificial water reservoir range in size from rain barrels and house hold water tanks to urban
infrastructure and industrial reservoirs. Small types of artificial storage of water are water
towers tanks and rain barrels which are most used by people to store water for future use in
dry season or in areas with no access to water. Large artificial water storage is such as
holding ponds and dam reservoir that supply large amount of water to the people or in large
projects such as industries, irrigation (Charles, 2012).

The above ground water storage tank is the main store of water used by most people. The
tank store water for future uses (domestic uses) or emergence uses like firefighting. The water
tank should be cleaned so as to prevent the presence of pathogens and other contaminants that
can cause diseases such as typhoid (Charles, 2012).

Figure 2. 2 Above ground water storage tank.

This is the amount of water removed for use and not returned to its source. This means the
difference between the water intake (withdrawn) and the water discharged. The water intake
is the amount of water taken from the source while water discharge is the amount of water
returned into the water source. The total amount of water used is called gross water where by
the difference of gross water and water intake is equal to the amount of water recirculated.
The recirculated water shows the efficiency of water use

2.6.1 Classes of water consumption

There are two ways in which we can classify our water use. Namely:

(a) In-stream use or non-consumptive use; this includes hydroelectric power, boating and
swimming, for example. While in-stream activities do not use up the water, they can
degrade the water quality through pollution (Oliver, 2007).
(b) Consumptive use, and this classification includes household use, industry use, and
irrigation, livestock watering and thermal and nuclear power. Most withdrawals are
consumptions, meaning that the activity uses the water and does not return it to the
source (Oliver, 2007).

2.6.2 consumptive water use

Consumptive water use is defined as water that is evaporated, transpired, incorporated into
products or crops, consumed by humans or livestock, or otherwise removed from an
immediate water environment, (Schaffer, K H 2007).The table below show categories of
water uses.

Table 2. 1 water use consumption.


Domestic consumptive use

Domestic uses (both self-supplied and

publicly supplied) occurs

primarily during outdoor

watering of lawns and

gardens, sidewalk and car

washing, filling and

maintaining pools, and to a

lesser extent, during indoor

cooking, cleaning, showering,

and clothes washing

Public supply

Public water consumptive use

may be from evaporation and

transpiration from

firefighting, street washing,

municipal parks maintenance

and swimming Pools.

Industrial Uses Industrial consumptive use

may occur through product

from cooling and heating

processes, cleaning, and

Grounds keeping.

2.6.3 non consumptive uses

Surface water use is non-consumptive when there is no diversion from the water source or
Diminishment of the source (Adelsman, 1996). Additionally, when water is diverted and
returned immediately to the source at the point of diversion following its use in the same
quantity as diverted and meets water quality standards for the source, the water use is
classified as non-consumptive.

Examples of this classification include the following:

- Water use in hydroelectric projects when the water is not diverted away from the natural
Confines of the river or stream channel. These hydroelectric projects are commonly called
Run-of-the-river projects.

- Water use in some beautification ponds and fish hatcheries when the outflow is returned

The point of diversion, i.e., there is no bypass reach in the system.


Water treatment describes those processes used to make water more acceptable for a desired
end-use. The desired uses can include use as drinking water, industrial processes, medical and
many other uses.The goal of all water treatment process is to remove existing contaminants in
the water, to reduce the concentration of such contaminants so that water becomes fit for its
desired end-use. Drinking water must be free from pathogens and chemical concentrations
that are hazardous to human health. It should be free of suspended matter, bad tastes, colors
and smells and should not damage a water supply system. Water treatment is necessary
because water sources, both surface and sub-surface, are not naturally portable,(Brandes,

Water treatment process depend on the following factors;

- Size of treatment plant

- Type of treatment process

2.7.1 Types of Water and Treatment Methods

Table below shows a list of the commonly found water as well as their proposed treatment

Table 2. 2 type of water and their treatment method.


Conta Pathogen Disinfection

minated water

Turbid water Suspended matters Clarification

Underground water Color Conditioning




2.6.2 Treatment for Individual Household Supply

Individual households water treatment methods are simple ways of killing some pathogenic
in Small drinking water supplies. These methods are;

Is one of the simplest water treatment method Water is placed in a container for at least two
days before usage. Stored water loses some pathogens and settles some turbidity. Storing
water for two weeks or longer kills up to 90% of pathogens. Storage containers can be made
of metal, glass or Ceramic materials. Stored water should be boiled or chemically disinfected
to make it completely safe to drink (Spiller,2012).

Turbid water supply can be clarified by filtration. It is a process of passing water through
porous material to remove suspended matter. It is relatively ineffective against pathogens.
Depending on Affordability, ceramic, charcoal or sand can be used as filter media.

Sand Filters

Is made of a large barrel partially filled with a layer of clean sand on a top of a layer of small
Stones. Turbid water which is poured into the top of the filter flows through the sand which
traps. The sediment. Resulting clear water flows out of a perforated pipe at the bottom of the
barrel. Sand layers must be changed every 2 or 3 weeks to keep up the flow rate and to
prevent organisms Such as algae from growing in the sediment trapped in the sand layer and
re-contaminating the filtered water. Sand that is removed can be weighed, dried and used

Is the most effective way to disinfect relatively small quantities of water. It is effective in
killing pathogens. Pure water boils at 100ºC, which is equivalent to 373K. This method is
however Impractical for treating large quantities of water, such as water to serve a city.

Chemical Disinfection by Hand

Contaminated water can be disinfected with chemicals. Iodine, bromine and chlorine can
eliminate most pathogens, but are ineffective against organisms embedded in solid particles.
Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant. Amount of chlorine needed to disinfect a water
supply is called chlorine demand. Extra chlorine left in water after disinfection is complete is
called residual chlorine.

2.7.3 Treatment for Simple Community Systems

Are methods of treating water that are appropriate for communities with more than a single
household. These may include;

Plain Sedimentation
It is a method of clarifying very turbid water. It involves holding water in or moving slowly
through a large basin until most of the suspended particles have settled to the bottom.

Slow Sand Filters

A slow sand filter removes bacteria from water and clarifies large water supplies. It consists
of a steel drum or large concrete tank partially filled with layers of small stones and very fine
sand. The filter tank is flooded with water which slowly seeps through the sand.

Chemical Disinfectants
For more complete treatment of water, chemical disinfectants are used such as chlorine are
used. Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant because it is relatively inexpensive and
available in many areas. It carries the disadvantages of being corrosive when inhaled.

Treatment for advanced community systems

According to Trifunovic, (2020) advanced treatment processes for community water supplies
that require highly skilled construction and are usually very expensive. These are;

Is the elimination of minerals and other substances that give water a bad odor, taste or odor.
Aeration is an example of conditioning.

It is a process of removing salt from a water supply. It is a very expensive process and
choosing salt free water source is recommended.

Coagulation and flocculation are chemical processes that speed up sedimentation. It is done
by adding an alum solution into turbid water which results to formation of large particles that
settle quickly. Coagulation and flocculation are often used n treatment systems for large
towns and cities.

It is a process of adding chemical disinfectants into water to kill pathogens. Chlorine in
gaseous, liquid or solid form is most commonly used disinfectant.

Treatment Plants
Treatment plants are highly mechanized systems which combine several different processes
to Clarify, disinfect and condition large volumes of water. They require a reliable source of
energy, Skill, and maintenance therefore they are very expensive.

Water distribution system is a part of water supply network with components that carry
portable water from a centralized treatment plant or wells to consumer to satisfy residential
commercial, industrial, and fire fighting (Trifunovic, 2020). After treatment, water is to be

stored temporarily and supplied to the consumers through the network of pipelines called
distribution system. The distribution system also includes pumps, reservoirs, pipe fittings,
instruments for measurement of pressures and flow leak detectors. The cost of distribution is
about 40 to 70% of the total cost of the entire scheme. Ultimate aim is to supply potable
water to all the consumers whenever required in sufficient quantity, with required pressure,
with least cost and without any leakage.

With respect to the way the water is supplied, the following distribution schemes can be
distinguished (Trifunovic, 2020):

1) gravity

2) direct pumping

3) combined.

The proper choice is closely linked to the existing topographical conditions. Gravity
schemes make use of the existing topography. The source is, in this case, located at a higher
elevation than the distribution area itself. The water distribution can take place without
pumping and nevertheless under acceptable pressure.

The advantages of this scheme are:

• no energy costs

• simple operation (fewer mechanical components, no power supply needed), • low

maintenance costs

• slower pressure changes

• a buffer capacity for irregular situations

Direct pumping schemes, the system operates without storage provision for demand
balancing. The entire demand is directly pumped into the network. As the pumping schedule
has to follow variations in water demand, the proper selection of units is important in order to
optimise the energy consumption. Reserve pumping capacity for irregular situations should
also be planned.

Advantage of the direct pumping scheme is opposite to those of the gravity scheme. With
good design and operation, any pressure in the system can be reached.

Combined schemes assume an operation with pumping stations and demand balancing
reservoirs. Part of the distribution area may be supplied by the direct pumping and the other
part by gravity. A considerable storage volume is needed in this case but the pumping
capacities will be below those in the direct pumping scheme. These combined systems are
common in hilly distribution areas.

Depending on the way the pipes are interconnected, the following network configurations can
be distinguished:

1) serial

2) branched

3) looped (or grid)


A serial network is a network without branches or loops, the simplest configuration of all. It
has one source, one end and a couple of intermediate nodes (demand points). Each
intermediate node connects two pipes: supply and upstream pipe and distribution or
downstream pipe. The flow direction is fixed from the source to the end of the system. These
networks characterize very small (rural) distribution areas and although rather inexpensive,
they are not common due to extremely low reliability and quality problems caused by water
stagnation at the end of the system. When this configuration is used for water transport, the
large diameters and lengths of the pipes will cause a drastic increase in the construction costs.
Where reliability of supply is of greater concern than the construction cost, parallel lines will
be laid (Trifunovic, 2020).

. A branched network is a combination of serial networks. It usually consists of one supply

point and several ends. In this case, the intermediate nodes in the system connect one
upstream pipe with one or several downstream pipes. A fixed flow direction is consequently
generated by the distribution from the source to the ends of the system (Trifunovic, 2020).

Figure 2. 3 serial and branched network.
Branched networks are adequate for small communities, bearing in mind acceptable
investment costs. The main disadvantages are:

• low reliability.

• potential danger of contamination caused by large parts of the network being without water
during irregular situations.

• accumulation of sediments due to stagnation of the water at the system ends (‘dead’ ends),
occasionally resulting in taste and odour problems.

• a fluctuating water demand producing rather high pressure oscillations.

Looped (or grid) networks consist of nodes that can receive water from more than one side.
This is a consequence of the looped structure of the network formed in order to eliminate the
disadvantages of branched systems. A looped layout can be developed from a branched
system by connecting its ends either at a later stage, or initially as a set of loops.

The problems encountered in branched systems will be eliminated in the following


• the water in the system flows in more than one direction and a long lasting stagnation no
longer easily occurs.

• during the system maintenance, the area concerned will continue to be supplied by water
flowing from other directions; in the case of pumped systems, a pressure increase caused by a
restricted supply may even promote this.

• water demand fluctuations will produce less effect on pressure fluctuations.

Looped networks are hydraulically far more complicated than serial or branched networks.
The flow pattern in such a system is predetermined not only by its layout but also by the
system operation. This means that the location of critical.

Looped networks are more expensive both in investment and costs of operation. They are
appropriate solutions predominantly for those (urban or industrial) distribution areas that
require a high reliability of supply.

A combined network is the most common type of network in large urban Combined
networks areas. A looped structure forms the central part of the system while the supply on
the outskirts of the area is provided through a number of extended lines

Figure 2. 4 looped and combined network.

2.8.2 Layout of Water Distribution System

Generally, in practice there are four different systems of distribution which are used;

 Dead End or Tree System

This system is suitable for irregular developed towns or cities. In this system water flows in
one direction only into submains and branches. The diameter of pipe decreases at every tree

Figure 2. 5 Dead end system


Discharge and pressure at any point in the distribution system is calculated easily

 The valves required in this system of layout are comparatively less in number.
 The diameter of pipes used are smaller and hence the system is cheap and economical
 The laying of water pipes is used are simple.


 There is stagnation of water at dead ends of pipes causing contamination.

 During repairs of pipes or valves at any point the entire downstream end are deprived
of supply
 The water available for firefighting will be limited in quantity
 Grid Iron System

From the mains water enters the branches at all Junctions in either direction into sub mains of
equal diameters. At any point in the line the pressure is balanced from two directions because
of interconnected network of pipes.

Figure 2. 6 Grid Iron system.

 In the case of repairs, a very small portion of distribution area will be affected
 Every point receives supply from two directions and with higher pressure
 Additional water from the other branches are available for fire fighting

There is free circulation of water and hence it is not liable for pollution due to stagnation


 More length of pipes and number of valves are needed and hence there is increased
cost of construction
 Calculation of sizes of pipes and working out pressures at various points in the
distribution system is laborious, complicated and difficult.

 Circular or Ring System

Supply to the inner pipes is from the mains around the boundary. The advantages and
disadvantages are same as that of grid-Iron system.

Figure 2. 7 ring system of network
 Radial System

This is a zoned system. Water is pumped to the distribution reservoirs and from the reservoirs
it flows by gravity to the tree system of pipes. This is most economical system also if
combined pumping and gravity flow is adopted.

Figure 2. 8 Radial system of distribution



Water demand is the amount of water that a user actually applies to a beneficial use, within
the terms of his or her water right and applicable law. Water supply at Mbezi Makabe ward is
aimed to meet daily requirements such domestic activities, industrial activities, agricultural
Water consumption

In Mbezi Makabe ward the per capita consumption of domestic water demand is of which
most of water used for cooking, washing, cleaning houses, gardening, drinking, laundry,
personal cleanliness and other less water intensive or less frequent purposes.
















Total number of schools in Mbezi Makabe = 12
Approximate number of day school students and workers = 6,305
Water demand per person = 25L/p/day
Total water demand = 6,305 × 25 = 157,625L/day
Day care and nursery =4%
Primary schools =76.3%
Secondary schools=19.7%
Number of student in 2022=6137
Number of student in 2023=6305
Pn= p (1+k/100) n

P25 =6305(1+k/100)1
Day care and nursery= x12273
=490≈5 day cares and nursery

Primary schools= x12273
=9365≈8 primary schools

Secondary schools= x12273
=2418≈2 Secondary schools
Projected water demand of schools= projected no of students x per capita demand

= 12273 x 25

=306,825 L/day







Visitors per day = 71

Workers = 22
Water demand per day
 Visitors = 71 x 10L/day =710L/day
 Workers =22 x 70L/day =1540L/day

Total population in dispensaries = x100 = 0.7%
Projected total population in dispensaries = 0.7% x29517 =207
Projected visitors = x 100 =76.3%
= 76.3% x 207
Projected workers = 207-158 = 49
Water demand
 Visitors =158 x 10L/day = 1580L/day
 Workers =49 x 70L/day =3430L/day

Total water demand for dispensaries = 5010L/day


Number of offices in Mbezi makabe = 4

These include:
 Ward office
 Police office
 Mama kubwa offices
 Madalali office
Total workers = 15
Water demand = 15 workers × 70L/p/day = 1050L/day
Total numbers of churches= 15
Numbers of congregate= 5,700
Total demand = 5,700x 20l/p/day=114000litres/day
Number of congregate = 5700
Percentage of congregate = x100%
Projected total population after 25 years = 29517
Projected congregate number= x 29517
Projected water demand for churches = 12545 x 20

Total numbers of mosques= 6
Number of congregate=400
Total demand 400x 25l/p/day=10,000litres/day
Number of congregate = 400

Percentage of congregate = x100%
Projected congregate number= x 29517
Projected water demand for mosque = 886 x 25

Car wash

Total number of car wash = 5

Water demand for car wash = 400L/day
Total water demand for car wash = 2000L/day
Blocks factory
These include:
 Cement blocks
 Paving blocks
Number of block factories in Mbezi Makabe = 9
Water demand per paving block = 1L/paving block
Manufacturing of paving blocks per day = 600
Water demand per block = 400L/day
Water demand for cement block factories= 400 x9
Total water demand for block factory =3600+600

Total population = 13,000

Water demand per person =110L/p/day
Present residential water demand= 13430x 110
Total water demand present

Total water demand present =157625+540+1050+1140000+10000+2000+4200+1477300
Therefore, the present general total water demand in mbezi makabe ward is 1,766,715
liters/day (1,766.715m3/day)


The following elements must be considered in this design of water supply system; the sources
of water supply, storage facilities which includes reservoirs and storage tanks, transmission
facilities which include piping system and pumping system from source to storage facilities
and storage facilities to treatment facilities, treatment facilities, and distribution. According to
our case study area the following are the planning steps followed in design of water supply
system at Mbezi Makabe ward


Present population of Mbezi Makabe ward according to present population projected in 2021
is 13430 people; the growth rate is 3.2 % (National bureau statistics). Due to water source
used wells and basing on the economic status, the design period will be 25 years, thus after
25 years the projected population will be: From geometric formula of estimating population
Pn= p (1+k/100) n

Pn = population after n years,
P = present population and
K= annual growth rate (%)
So p= 13430
n= 25 years
k= 3.2
Pn= 29517
Water demand per person = 110L/p/day
Total residential projected water demand = 29517 × 110 =3,246,870 L/day
Total projected water demand
Total projected water demand
= 306,825+5,010+1050+250,900+22,150+2,000+4,200+3,240,870
= 3,839,005L/d
Therefore, the total water demand in mbezi makabe ward after 25 years is

Non-revenue water
Non-revenue water = water loss + unbilled authorized water (firefighting & operation water
Water losses

Water losses are taken as 20% of total water demand in our area.
Water loss = 20% × Net water demand
= (20/100) × 3,839,005l/d
=767,801 L/day
Firefighting demand

From above population (13430) should have 2 simultaneous fire hydrants. Since the
population is below 50,000 so it will required two fire hydrants

The 2% of the water demand should be set for fire fighting

Fire-fighting demand = 2% × Net water demand
= (2/100) × 3,839,005l/d
= 76,780.1L/day

Operation water demand

The operational water demand is required for operation of the water treatment processes such
as clarifier de-slugging, rapid sand filter backwashing and chemical mixing, and operational
activities such as the flushing out of reservoirs and the pipe work system through washouts
and when cleaning bulk meter screens.

The 5% of the water demand should be set for operation water demand

The requirement of operation water demand is 5%

Operational demand
Treatment plant = 5% of Net water demand
= (5/100) × 3,839,005l/d
= 191,950.25L/day
Other operation = 2% of Net water demand
= (2/100) × 3,839,005l/d
= 76,780.1L/day
Non-revenue water = 767,801+76,780+191,950.25+76,780.1
= 1,113,311.35L/day

Overall water demand
Overall water demand = Net water demand / (1 – Non revenue water %)
Non-revenue water = (Non-revenue water / Net water demand) x 100%
= (1,113,311.35 / 3,839,005) x 100%
= 29%
Overall water demand = 3,839,005 / (1 – 0.29)
= 5,407,050 L/day

Therefore, the projected general total demand of Mbezi makabe ward after 25 years is
5,407,050 L/day (5,407.050m3/day)


Qmax= Qaverage x peak factor
= 5,407.050m3/day x 1.3
= 7029.165 m3/day
= 0.0814 m3/s

Existing source of water in Mbezi Makabe is lower Ruvu river. Lower Ruvu river is located
within the Wami/Ruvu basin providing fresh water which is supplied for coast region
including Dar es salaam. Lower Ruvu treatment plant is located in Bagamoyo about 75km
north of Dar es Salaam. It was designed in 1975 with capacity of 180,000 m 3/d and then it
was expanded in 2015 to supply capacity of 270,000 m3/d.
But due to human activities near river banks like agriculture which involve intensive use
agrochemicals water in lower Ruvu river is polluted and it`s quality is reduced making it not
safe for supplying in the community therefore finding new/alternative source become

New source suggested for water supply in Mbezi Makabe ward is Kimbiji aquifer.
Kimbiji aquifer was discovered in 2005 by Ruden Geo solutions. With use of well data and
seismic lines acquired by the oil industry they were able to drill 600m depth well to target
Neogene aquifers. Seven 600m deep wells were drilled where CDM Smith tendered and
supervised drilling process. These aquifers have capacity of yielding 250,000 m3/d of fresh
water which can be supplied to 2 million people.
Factors considered in selection of water source
 Water quantity
 Water quality
 Reliability and sustainability
 Topography and surrounding area

Factors Governing the Selection of Water Sources:

Water in all three forms—solid, liquid, or gas—is an extremely valuable resource for
fulfilling the basic necessities of humans. Clean water is not just required for drinking but for

sanitation purposes as well. Therefore, water supplied to our homes should be free from
impurities, bacteria, and any harmful chemicals.
In order to meet these needs and demands, it becomes imperative for a modern society to plan
and build suitable water supply schemes. To ensure a constant and reliable water supply, an
engineer needs to plan and design a water supply system based on the required
First and foremost, while planning for a water supply system, the total water demand of the
society needs to be worked out. To meet this demand, it becomes essential to look for the
closest water source in the vicinity of the city or town. If the available source is not sufficient
to meet the demand, other distant and viable sources should be discovered. After all the
possible sources are listed, they are evaluated on multiple parameters for finalizing the major

Sources of Water
The sources of water can be broadly divided into two categories: surface sources and sub-
surface sources.

Surface Sources
As the name suggests, in the surface sources, the water flows over the earth’s surface and is
immediately available for water supply.

Lakes and Ponds

A pond or lake is formed when a natural depression of a large size on the surface gets filled
with water. The depression of a lake is more compared to a pond.
Streams and Rivers
Streams are channels that feed water to rivers or lakes. Large streams can be used as a source
of water by using barrages or by providing storage reservoirs. Rivers are known to be an
important source for public water supply systems.

Impounding Reservoirs
Impounding reservoirs (storage reservoirs) are pools or artificial lakes that are made by
barricading rivers or streams.
Sub-surface or Underground Sources
Water that gets stored beneath the surface of the ground through infiltration and other
processes is known as underground water. Underground water is generally pure and free from
bacteria to a great extent but may have salts and minerals in it.

Through natural processes such as springs, the groundwater is brought to the surface.
Groundwater can also be tapped using artificial methods such as constructing wells,
infiltration galleries, etc.

Factors for Selecting Water Source

The following factors are taken into consideration while selecting a source of water supply to
a town or city:
Quantity of Water
The quantity of water at the source should be adequate to meet all the demands of the design
population for the entire design period of the scheme. In certain cases, the water source is
mobilized to meet the present-day demand, and as time passes, extra units can be added. As
mentioned earlier, in case the quantity of water is not sufficient, distant sources of water
should be considered.
Quality of Water
The water of the source should be free from poisonous and toxic substances. The level of
impurities in the water should be as low as to be screened out using normal treatment
methods at a reasonable price.

Distance of the Source of Supply

The source of supply must be as close as possible to the point of delivery. If the distance is
less, it will help in reducing the overall cost of the project as small-sized pipes would be used,
and the number of appurtenances required would also be less.
Topography of Surrounding Area
The land between the source of supply and the city/society shouldn’t have high mountains,
deep valleys, or ridges. In other words, the surface shouldn’t be highly uneven as uneven
topographies would require tunnels to be constructed or a greater number of trestles for
supporting the water pipes. This will increase the overall cost.
Elevation of Water Source
The water source must be on a higher elevation as compared to the town or city. This would
facilitate gravity flow of water. When the water sources are at a lower level, equipment like
pumps have to be used. This would increase operational and maintenance costs.

This is the station in which a pump is installed in order to pump the water from the reservoir
to the storage tank. In situation such as drilled wells and drinking water are facilities
including pumps and equipment for pumping fluids from one point to another. They are used
for a variety of infrastructure systems, such as supply of water to canals, the drainage of low-
lying land, and removal of sewage to processing sites
Water pumping stations.
Water pumping stations are differentiated from wastewater pumping stations in that they do
not have to be sized to account for high peak flow rates. The following are categories of
water pumping station
 Source (such as well) pump discharging into an elevated tank
 Raw water pumping from a river or lake
 In-line booster into an elevated tank
 High service pumping of finished water at high pressure
 Distributed system booster without a storage tank in the piping system
Requirement for pumping depends on the height of the raiser and the head loss in the pipes
(major and minor head losses). The size of the pump depends on the following factors
• The flow in the tank
• Elevation of the tank with respect to the reservoir, as the pump is designed to pump water
from to the tank.
• Efficiency of the pump and motor
 The flow rate of water tank (Q)

 Selection of pump will base most importantly on flow rate and head values (Q,
H) at the desired operation or duty point.

Considering the elevation from the transmission pipe root .The required three pumping
stations with the following specifications.
Pumping station 1
Distance from station 1 to station 2 25.689km
Static head = 82.322- 15.573 = 66.749
Number of elbows = 7
Pumping station 2
Distance from pumping station 2 to station 3 is 30.081km
Static head= 90.323-82.322

Number of elbow = 10
Pumping station 3
Distance from pumping station 3 to storage tank is 15.49km
Static head = 156.403-90.323
Number of elbows = 6

Calculation for pumping station 1

Ht = Hstat + Hfd +hmd +Hfs + hm +
= (82.322-15.573) + hmd +Hfd
Hfd = (10.7LQ1.852)/ (C1.852D4.87)
= (10.7x25.689x1000x0.08141.852)/ (1501.852x0.44.87)
= 21.35m
hmd=(elbow(0.75))+gate valve(0.19))v2/2g
V = Q/A = (0.0814x4)/ (x0.42)
hmd = ((7x0.75)+1(0.19))0.64782/2x9.81
= 0.116m
Velocity head=
= 0.64782 / (2x9.81)
= 0.021
HT = (82.322-15.573) +21.35+0.116+0.021
= 88.236m
Power, P = QHg
P = 0.0814x88.236x1000x9.81
P = 70459.5watt
Power, P = 70.4595KW

Calculation for pumping station 2

Hstat = 90.323-82.322=8m
HTotal = Hstat + Hfd +hmd +Hfs + hm +
Hfd = (10.7LQ1.852)/ (C1.852D4.87)
Hfd = (10.7x30.081x1000x0.08141.852)/ (1501.8520.44.87)
Hfd = 25m
hmd = (elbow(0.75))+gate valve(0.19))v2/2g
hmd = (10x(0.75))+1x(0.19))0.64782/2x9.81
= 0.164m
Velocity head=
= 0.64782 /(2x9.81)
= 0.021

HTotal = 8+0.164+25+0.021
Power, P = QHg
P = 0.0814x33.185x1000x9.81
P = 26.5KW

Calculation for pumping station 3

Hstat = 156.403-90.323 = 66.08m
HTotal = Hstat + Hfd +hmd +Hfs + hm +
Hfd = (10.7LQ1.852)/ (C1.852D4.87)
Hfd = (10.7x15.49x1000 x 0.08141.852) / (1501.8520.44.87)
Hfd = 12.9m
hmd =( ( No of elbow x 0.75)+ (No of gate valve x 0.19) ) x v2/2g
hmd =( (6x0.75)+(1x0.19) )0.64782/2x9.81
hmd = 0.1m

Velocity head=
= 0.64782 /(2x9.81)
= 0.021
HTotal = 66.08+12.9+0.1+0.021
Power, P = QHg
The proposed pump for all pumping stations is 400QJ500-40/1 with the following
 Diameter 16inch
 Power 90KW
 Flow range (Q)(388-416)m3/h
 Head range(48-52)m
For pumping station 1 and station 3 to attain the required head of greater than 75m two
pumps are arranged in series with which each pump has a head of 50m.
For pumping station 2 only one pump is required


This is important part of the pipe water distribution systems they help transport water from its
source to various destinations these pipes are designed to be durable and efficient ensuring
that water reaches its intended location safely and reliably.

Recall from Hazen Williams equation of head loss

Head loss = (10.7 L Q1.852) / (C1.852D4.87)

Referring from DECOM manual the head loss ranges 5m/km to 10m/km and the value of C is
150 considering pipe material of PVC (polyvinyl chloride)
Distance from source to Mbezi makabe is 71.26km

Head loss range
5m/km x 71.26km = 356.3m
10m/km x 71.26km = 712.6m
Head loss = (10.7x 71.26x 1000x 0.08141.852) / (1501.852x D4.87)
= 0.68326/D4.87
Assuming, D is 0.1m
The head loss will be 50651m (not satisfactory)
Assuming D is 0.3m
The head loss will be 240m (not satisfactory)
Assuming D is 0.4
The head loss will be 59.2m
 The diameter of transmission main is 0.4m (400mm) made of material of plastic PVC


People in mbezi makabe ward connect the tap water from the authority deals with water
(dawasa). The water meters are used to measure the volume of water used and bills paid.

Water from private well are used by consumers where by the consumers paid the cost of
storage tank, pumps and other construction materials that used to construct well.

At mbezi makabe the type of sanitation used are both onsite sanitation and off site sanitation.
Statistically 68% of the household the use the off-site sanitation and 32% they use off site

The type of toilets which they exist at mbezi makabe.

Ventilated improved pit latrine. There are few of the people that they use the ventilated
Improved pit latrine about 33% of the population .the below figure explains briefly on the

Pour flash latrine. According to the observation mostly the people living at mbezi makabe
they use pour flash latrine which is 67% use it.

Problems identified

Poor network of pipes

Improper pipes connection which are connected from the supplier those private owners of
the wells to the taps of the houses which are connected which lead to burst and leakage of it
as shown in the figure below

Occurrence of diseases

At mbezi makabe ward due to 22% of population are neither treat water for drinking
purpose, they faced frequently with the water borne diseases (mostly cholera).

Lack of good means of water collection from the rainfall

Some of the house at mbezi makabe ward use improper way of collecting rain water and its
storage since they use iron sheet gutters which are easily get rust and pollute the water.

Proposed solution

Water treatment from questionnaires conducted at our study area 22% do not treat water.
These people are in risks of getting water borne diseases. Therefore, health centers and
dispensaries available should take this opportunity of educating the majority on the effects of
drinking untreated water and encouraging them to treat water by using the method of boiling
which is not expensive

Rain water harvesting in most case water which is harvested from rainfall is free from salts
and turbidity. Therefore, we propose people of mbezi makabe to harvest storm and store more
water by using tanks and buckets for more usage when there is no rain. Although this solution
is seasonal source will help people to have enough water apart from water which is abstracted
from wells which is not friendly for use due to the presence of impurities.

Inspections of water supply pipes. The inspection of pipes for some interval of time is
important as it make sure if there is any leakage of pipe or not, for the case if there is a
leakage maintenance is to be done as soon as possible to avoid loose of water and poor
supply of water to the people who live at mbezi makabe ward to avoid claiming of people.


Water treatment describes those processes used to make water more acceptable for a desired
end-use. The desired uses can include use as drinking water, industrial processes, medical and
many other uses. The goal of all water treatment process is to remove existing contaminants
in the water, to reduce the concentration of such contaminants so that water becomes fit for
its desired end-use. Drinking water must be free from pathogens and chemical concentrations
that are hazardous to human health. It should be free of suspended matter, bad tastes, colors
and smells and should not damage a water supply system. Water treatment is necessary
because water sources, both surface and sub-surface, are not naturally portable, (Brandes,
Water treatment process depends on the following factors;
 Size of treatment plant
 Type of treatment process
From our source of water proposed the type of water is underground water contain odor,
color, salt and minerals.
The proposed treatment plant consists of the following treatment processes which are
aeration, sedimentation, slow sand filtration and disinfection.
Aeration is the process whereby water is brought into intimate contact with air. The
atmospheric oxygen is brought into water through aeration, reacts with minerals changing
them insoluble substances and hence removed in sedimentation process.
Plain Sedimentation
It is a method of clarifying very turbid water. It involves holding water in or moving slowly
through a large basin until most of the suspended particles have settled to the bottom.
Slow Sand Filters
A slow sand filter removes bacteria from water and clarifies large water supplies. It consists
of a steel drum or large concrete tank partially filled with layers of small stones and very fine
sand. The filter tank is flooded with water which slowly seeps through the sand.
Chemical Disinfectants
For more complete treatment of water, chemical disinfectants are used such as chlorine is
used. Chlorine is the most widely used disinfectant because it is relatively inexpensive and
available in many areas. It carries the disadvantages of being corrosive when inhaled.

Design of Primary sedimentation tank

Assume, hydraulic retention time, HRT = 2 hours
Surface loading rate, SLR = 40m3/m2/day

5 tanks to be used, whereby 4 tanks for the working and one as spare tank
Qaverage = 4981m3/day
Qaverage =
Qaverage = 996.2m3/day
Assume peak factor is 2.5
Q peak
Peak factor, PF =

Qpeak = 2.5 × 996.2

= 2490.5m3/day
Q average
surface are a , As
Surface area, As =
As = 24.9m2 ≈ 25m2
Surface area of primary sedimentation tank is 25m2
Design circular tank

diameter, d =
√ As × 4
d = 5.7m
Adopt diameter of 6m
Volume = discharge, Q × Retention time, t
Volume, V = 83.02m3 ≈ 84m3
Volume of primary sedimentation tank is 84m3
Depth, D =
surface area
Depth, D = = 3.4m
Depth of primary sedimentation tank is 3.4m


Overall demand (average) = 5,407.05m3/day
Peak flow demand = 1.3 × 5,407.05m3/day
= 7,029.165m3/day
= × 7,029.165m3/day
= 2,343.055m3/day
πd h
V= Assuming; h = 5m
Provide 5 tanks then
Volume of a single tank, V =
V = 468.61m3
Height, h = 6m

√ 4V

√ 4 × 468.61
d = 10m
Therefore, diameter of storage tank is 10m.
Qpeak = 0.0814m3/s = 81.4L/s
Total area = 12,029,419.54m2
Zone A:
Area = 2,154,268.193m2
Zone area
Demand = × Qpeak
Total area
QA = × 81.4
QA = 14.58L/s
Zone B:
Area = 2,862,036.269m2

Zone area
Demand = × Qpeak
Total area
QB = × 81.4
QB = 19.37L/s

Zone C:
Area = 2,356,040.176m2
Zone area
Demand = × Qpeak
Total area
QC = × 81.4
QC = 15.93L/s
Zone D:
Area = 2,968,459.178m2
Zone area
Demand = × Qpeak
Total area
QD = × 81.4
QD = 20.09L/s

Zone E:
Area = 1,688,615.724m2
Zone area
Demand = × Qpeak
Total area
QE = × 81.4
QE = 11.43L/s


Cost estimation for pipes Class B

Estimating the cost of pipe of water transmission depends on various factors such as the
material of the pipe the diameter and the length of the pipe and any additional fittings or
accessories needed.

Cost per Net cost

meter (Tsh)
Length Diameter (Tsh)
Link ID M mm
Pipe P-1 700 200 28400 19880000

Pipe P-2 500 100 5900 2950000

Pipe P-3 550 75 5400 2970000

Pipe P-4 450 50 3400 1530000

Pipe P-5 600 100 5900 3540000

Pipe P-6 900 100 5900 5310000

Pipe P-7 750 75 5400 4050000

Pipe P-8 600 50 3400 2040000

Pipe P-9 450 50 3400 1530000

Pipe P-10 700 75 5400 3780000

Pipe P-11 800 100 5900 4720000

Pipe P-12 649.80 125 8400 5458320

LDCN Pipe P-13 876.31 150 20,000 17526200
Pipe P-14 500 150 20,000 10000000
mm 8400 5040000
Pipe P-15 600 125
i Pipe P-16 550 100 5900 3245000

P 53

pe P-18
Pipe P-19 800 100 5900 4720000
Pipe P-20 700 75 5400 3780000
Pipe P-21 600 50 3400 2040000
Pipe P-22 500 100 5900 2950000
Pipe P-23 600 100 5900 3540000
Transmission pipe 71260 250 33000 2351580000
Total 2,468,714,520

Cost estimates of valves and fittings

Description Number Price per each Cost

Pumps 1 1,200,000/= 1,200,000 /=

Gate valves 1 80,000 /= 80,000 /=
Elbow 25 4000 /= 100000 /=
Air release valve 1 245,000/= 245,000 /=
T Junction 8 8750 /= 70,000 /=
Non-Return Valve 2 265,000 /= 530000 /=
Total 2,225,000/=

Cost estimations for pipe lining

Requirements Unit Price per unit meter Total amount (Tsh)


Site clearance 71260m 650 46319000
Trench excavation 71260m 750 53445000
Pipe laying 71260m 1500 106890000
Back filling 71260m 700 49882000
Compaction 71260m 400 28504000
Total 285040000

Total cost for the construction of the community water supply network
Item Cost (Tsh)
Pipe materials 2,468,714,520/=
Valves and fittings 2,225,000/=
Pipe lining 285,040,000/=
Total 2,755,979,520/=


General, due to vital significance of water in human life, and continuous population increase
water demand tends to increase while water resources remain constant due to hydrological
cycle. Through reconnaissance at Sinza D it is possible that the system at Sinza D has many
short comings and for some reasons the introduction of the layout distribution from this
report is vital.

Therefore, to ensure the stable, effective and efficient water supply the engineering solution
has been provided accompanied by new supply system to replace the former one, engineering
drawings, valuation and cost estimation for pipes design all have done accurately to easer and
simplify the management of the project interpretation. The use of pump station in order to
supply water to the storage tank. The supply will be done from the tank to the to the
residential houses having an adequate pressure by using HDPE pipes which is non-corrosive
and resistance to change in weather.


The water supply management should consider the possibility of replacing old pipes and
some other fittings with the new one.

Storage facilities must be added so as to overcome the problem of high demand especially at
peak hours to the community including borehole provision.

Sewerage systems and storm network should be properly designed and installed to solve the
problem of blockage and waste water stagnation which may lead to water disease outbreak.

The government should set by laws concerning the management of water resources so as to
ensure safety and to prevent extra costs.

The network should be subjected to regular check to ensure safety of pipes.

DCOM (Design Construction Supervision Operation & Maintenance) Manual Volume 1


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