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Ethiopia PASDEP 2005 2010 Policy Matrix

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Ethiopia: Building on Progress A Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP)


Volume II
Policy Matrix

Ministry of Finance and Economic Development (MoFED)

September, 2006 Addis Ababa

Table of Content
No. Sector/Theme Background Objective and Scope of the Policy Matrix Structure and Logical Framework of the Policy Matrix Limitation of the Policy Matrix Expected Output Summary of Sectors/Themes Covered in the Matrix by Component I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Rural Development and Food Security Vulnerability Education Health HIV/AIDS Water Supply and Irrigation Road Energy Telecommunication Information and Communication Technology Development Urban Development Construction Mining Industry and Trade Development Financial Sector Development Environment Democratization and Good Governance Tax Reform Program Public Finance Management List of surveys conducted since 1999/2000 and planned to be conducted over the coming 3 years Page i i ii ii ii 1 2 3 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 19 23 24 25 29 31 33 46 48 50

PASDEP Policy Matrix Explanatory Note

Background As indicated in the main text (volume I) of the document, Ethiopias second generation PRSP 'A Plan for Accelerated and Sustained Development to End Poverty (PASDEP)' follows the benchmark placed in the Governments existing Welfare Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System Program which has been in place since 1996. The M&E system tracks progress of key indicators in several sectors of the economy at the unit of observation that is consistent with the structure of intergovernmental responsibilities. Hence, the system provides the Government with reliable mechanisms to measure the efficiency of those government actions and the effectiveness of public policies in achieving the objectives stated in the PASDEP. Moreover, the M&E system ensures that the Government and other stakeholders have a good understanding of the nature and distribution of poverty in all its dimensions and are able to monitor changes in the level and incidence of poverty as well as enables to monitor the implementation of the actions contained in the PASDEP and identify challenges as they emerge. Accordingly, this policy matrix is a subset of the essential activities of the overall M&E of the PASDEP and hence the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It is formulated through new data collection, integration of existing data and advanced analysis of all available data obtained from the relevant sector ministries. Furthermore, it sets the basis for a transparent process by which the Government, development partners and other stakeholders can undertake a shared appraisal of intended results. The Welfare Monitoring Unit (WMU) of the Development Planning and Research Department (DPRD) of the MoFED has been responsible for developing the matrix by relying on a variety of sources of data obtained from sector ministries to fulfill its monitoring tasks. Moreover, as a key user, it has a key function in ensuring that the relevant data are collected for these purposes. The policy matrix benefited from successive discussions with the development partners (DAG) as well as relevant sector ministries and the final output is enriched by the comments and feedback obtained from them. Objective and Scope of the Policy Matrix The objective of this policy matrix is to contribute to a better and broad-based M&E of the PASDEP and the MDGs based on high quality and widely used qualitative and quantitative data and analysis thereby creating the necessary evidence to measure progresses against the PASDEP policies and strategies. The policy matrix summarizes PASDEP program targets. Therefore, indicators indicated in the policy matrix are aligned and synchronized with the sector program targets and are the reflection of the main text in volume I of the PASDEP. In addition, necessary efforts are exerted to make the indicators attributable to the Government and to make them measurable on annual basis. However, it should be noted that the set of indicators put forward to be monitored and the framework and processes for analysis and evaluation of the PASDEP are an evolving component of the PASDEP M&E system. i

Structure and Logical Framework of the Policy Matrix The policy matrix is structured by sectoral thematic groups following logical framework that enables to observe the link with the MDGs as well as inputs to outputs and then to outcomes. It also includes qualitative and quantitative indicators with the base year information and planned targets for the PASDEP period (2005/06-2009/10). As deemed necessary, means of verification is provided as well. Another element of the matrix include list of specialized surveys conducted since 1999/2000 and that are planned to be conducted over the coming 3 years. The policy matrix has been built in this manner except in some thematic issues where they have been confined with only outcome/output. Cumulative effects are provided for those components towards the achievement of the ultimate goal of reducing poverty by realizing economic growth. The approach designed to indicate cumulative performance for the base year and only annual targets to be achieved in each year has its own advantage to monitor and evaluate progresses achieved. This could be pursued by summing up annual performance and baseline cumulative performance rather than mixing performance and planned targets in the program period. In terms of order, the matrix follows the detailed narration of the respective sectors discussed in the main text. A summary of sectors/themes presented in the matrix along with the components covered in each sector as well as each of the matrices on the various themes are presented in the Annex Tables IXXI. Limitation of the Policy Matrix Some of the indicators in the matrix lack baseline data. But all the indicators have annual targets in the program period whether the implementation for that specific target will start in the middle of the program period or be completed before the end of the PASDEP period. The main reason attributable for non-existence of baseline data could be that specified indicator is newly incorporated in monitoring the progress of implementation of such programs. There are matrices that are to some extent long (for instance rural development and food security, education, financial sector development, environment, urban development, democratization and good governance, tax reform program, and information communication technology development). This is because poverty reduction is integrated into the national development plan and believed to indicate detailed program targets. Users can select indicators and targets that suit their interest out of this domain. Expected Output The policy matrix is expected to enable (a) monitor input and process indicators at national level, including public expenditure and progress on reforms; (b) monitor output indicators, for example on access to education, health and infrastructure, at various levels of aggregation; (c) monitor overall development outcomes and final objectives, such as poverty, educational achievement and health status, and understand its determinants; (d) learning-by-doing, linking indicators of the reform process to outcome improvement and (e) evaluate key programs and policies in reaching desired objectives. ii

Summary of Sectors/Themes Covered in the Matrix by Component

Sector/Theme Theme/Goals 1. Economic Growth, Agriculture and Rural Development 1.1. Economic growth and poverty reduction Sustained, robust and pro-poor economic growth able to foster the realization of at least the MDGs in Ethiopia 1.2. Rural development and food security Enhanced food security through improvement in employment generation, private sector involvement in agricultural production and better natural resources management 1.3. Vulnerability Reduction in vulnerability of poor people 2. Human Development 2.1. Education Increased proportion of Ethiopians who are educated and enjoy a higher standard of living with access to improved quality of education. 2.2. Health Increased proportion of Ethiopian people who are healthy and enjoy a decent standard of living with access to health care 2.3. HIV/AIDS Halt and begin the reversal of the spread of HIV/AIDS-increased share of healthy and educated Ethiopians enjoying improved standard of living and access to economic opportunities 3. Infrastructure Development 3.1. Water supply and irrigation Improved water supply, irrigation and sanitation coverage to strengthen community livelihood 3.2. Road Increased total national income from strengthened private sector within the economy 3.3. Energy Supporting accelerated economic growth and socio-economic transformation by expanding electricity generation, transmission and distribution in the country 3.4. Telecommunication Supporting the overall socio-economic transformation by expanding telecommunication infrastructure and services 3.5. Information and communication technology Improved access to information and communication technology to support development the overall developmental process in the country 3.6. Urban development and construction 3.6.1. Urban development Cities & towns provide efficient and effective public services to residents, complement and facilitate rural development, and be models of participatory democracy and build accelerated economic opportunities that create jobs 3.6.2. Construction Develop and implement the construction policy and construction capacity building in the country 4. Private Sector Development, Cross-Cutting Issues and Governance 4.1 Mining Improved geological & hydro-geological mapping coverage, mineral development and investment 4.2. Industry and trade development Creating a favorable environment for private sector, industrial and trade development 4.3. Financial sector development Enhanced financial service provisions for accelerated growth 4.4. Environment Ensure sustainable development 4.5. Democratization and good governance Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation 4.6. Tax reform program Improved efficiency and effectiveness of tax collection and administration system, enable to establish increased and sustainable domestic revenue base 4.7. Public finance management Improved national public finance management system

I. SECTOR/THEME: ECONOMIC GROWTH AND POVERTY REDUCTION I.Theme/Goal(s): Sustained, robust and pro-poor economic growth able to foster the realization of at least the MDGs in Ethiopia
Planned Targets Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Link to MDGs Means of Verification MoFED (HICES) DHS, WMS National 7 Accounts /MoFED 24.2 90.6 17.9 32.4 46.9 9.3 30.4 19 16 3 24.0 MoFED 30 22.5 -6








Five-Year Average (%)


MDG 1 1. Reduction in income poverty MDG 4, 2. Increased life expectancy for all Ethiopians 5, 6

Population below the poverty line (%) Reduction in MMR per 100,000 Reduced under-five mortality rate (CMR) per 1,000 Reduced IMR per 1,000 MDG 1 3. Sustained increase in GDP GDP @ CMP Growth in GDP (%) Increase in per capita income (%) Share of gross domestic capital formation in GDP (%) Share of total consumption expenditure in GDP (%) Share of export of goods and non-factor services in GDP Share of import of goods and non-factor services in GDP (%) Monetary Sector Share of money supply (broad money) in GDP (%) External Sector Share of export (merchandized) in GDP (%) Share of Import (merchandized) in GDP (%) Fiscal Sector 4. Increased share of domestic Share of domestic revenue in GDP (%) revenue to GDP; and % share of Share of tax revenue in GDP (%) expenditure to GDP Share of non- tax revenue in GDP (%) Share of total revenue including grants in GDP (%) Share of government expenditure in GDP (%) o/w poverty oriented expenditure All Share of over all balance including grants in GDP (%) MDGs Inflation rate 5. Stable inflation 6.Enhanced implementation of population program through Reduce fertility rate Information Education Communication (IEC) and family planning services

39 871 123 77 98,398 10.60 3.5 21.6 96.3 15.8 33.7 41.1 7.2 31.9 16 13 3.2 20.0 25.0 14.2 -5.0 6.8

37 808 114 69 115,543 8.5 3.9 22 93.8 16.2 32.1 42 7.9 30.1 19 14 5.0 26.0 32.0 20.0 -6.0 7.5

34 750 106 62 132,874 6.8 3.9 23 93 16.9 32.9 44.2 8.7 30.9 19 15 3.0 24.0 34.0 24.5 -10.0 9.0

33 696 99 56 152,539 7.1 3.9 24.5 90.8 17.9 33.3 46.6 9.4 31.3 18 16 2.0 23.0 31.0 24.0 -8.0 8.5

31 646 92 50 175,030 6.5 3.9 25.3 88.6 18.6 32.5 49.1 10.0 30.6 19 16 2.0 23.0 28.0 22.0 -5.0 8.1

29 600 85 45 198,359 6.7 3.9 26.1 86.9 19.7 31.2 52.5 10.7 29.3 19 17 2.0 24.0 27.0 22.0 -3.0 8.1






MDG 3 7. Empowerment of women

Implementation of the National Plan of Action (NPA) for women

Gender is mainstreamed across the sectors such as agriculture and rural development, health, and education. Activities and outcomes for gender empowerment are provided as well.

Growth and Poverty Redcution

II. SECTOR/THEME: RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOOD SECURITY Theme/Goal(s): Enhanced food security through improvement in employment generation, private sector involvement in agricultural production and better natural resources management
Planned Targets

Link to MDGs


Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Annual growth in agricultural GDP (%) Growth in agricultural exports (US$ millions) Cumulative number of new crop varieties Cumulative number of crop management practices Cumulative number of crop protection technologies Cumulative number of soil, water, irrigation and drainage technologies Cumulative number of farmers trained in modular training (30 % of women in male headed households will get access to the training) (' 000) Cumulative number of farmers trained in minimum package ( 30% of women in male headed households will get access to the training) ( '000) Cumulative number of farmers trained in household packages (30% of women in male households will get access to the training) ('000) Cumulative number of women headed households receiving and using extension packages (2.69 million women ) (million) Cumulative % of rural population trained in basic animal health education Increased in job creation through cooperatives Cumulative number of trained community animal health workers







Means of Verification (Responsible Implementing Agency)


I. Outcome MDG 1 Increased rural incomes and agricultural production II. Output MDG 1 2.1. Effectiveness and responsiveness of the research and extension system

12.00 546.16

10.74 735.62 3.00 2.00 5.00 7.00

9.62 899.99 11.00 5.00 10.00 15.00 335.58

8.61 1,055.78 23.00 11.00 18.00 23.00 918.00

7.71 1,240.40 37.00 24.00 40.00 31.00 1,872.54

6.90 1,514.98 55.00 54.00 106.00 36.00 2,952.54

MoFED Normal and evenly distributed rainfall MoARD EIAR EAIR EAIR EAIR MoARD/Regons













0.13 5.00 7,000.00 1,500.00

0.25 8.00 30,800.00 1,720.00

0.45 13.00 54,600.00 1,980.00

0.81 20.00 78,400.00 2,275.00

1.48 32.00 102,200.00 2,610.00

2.69 50.00

MoARD/Regons MoARD/Regons

126,000.00 3,000.00 MoARD/Regions (Annual monitoring report) 6,000.00 MoARD/Regions (Annual monitoring report) 684.00 MoARD/Regions (Annual monitoring report) 520.00 MoARD/Regions (Annual monitoring report) 194.00 MoARD/Regions (Annual monitoring report) 500.00 MoARD/Regions (Annual monitoring report)

Cumulative number of animal health assistant






Cumulative number of senior meat inspectors






Cumulative number of junior meat inspectors






Cumulative number of junior animal health laboratory technicians Cumulative number of post-graduate veterinarians











Rural Devt

II. SECTOR/THEME: RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOOD SECURITY Theme/Goal(s): Enhanced food security through improvement in employment generation, private sector involvement in agricultural production and better natural resources management
Planned Targets

MDG 1 2.2. Market development

Cumulative % of population accessing the services of cooperatives Cumulative % share of cooperatives involved in input marketing

30.00 70.00 10.00 13.00 12.99 1.56 0.51 1.55 301.30 5.60 566.00 1,831.00 10.00 20.00 38.00 3.10 21.00 40.00 1,500.00 825.00 1,675.00

35.00 70.00 10.00 10.00 18.07 1.69 0.85 2.81 305.00 5.90 577.00 2,264.00 12.00 22.00 51.00 3.70 21.00 30.00 83.00 249.00 290.00 748.00 567.00 1.10 150.00

40.00 75.00 25.00 15.00 20.70 1.67 0.84 2.98 313.30 6.00 587.00 2,648.00 15.00 23.00 64.00 4.30 21.00 20.00 111.00 332.00 390.00 997.00 756.00 1.40 185.00 2,000.00 1,000.00

50.00 80.00 35.00 15.00 23.73 2.22 0.96 3.52 332.20 6.20 598.00 3,246.00 19.00 25.00 76.00 4.90 21.00 10.00 138.00 415.00 530.00 1,246.00 945.00 1.20 175.00 2,500.00 2,000.00

60.00 85.00 45.00 20.00 28.90 2.03 1.00 2.49 386.00 6.50 821.00 3,753.00 23.00 34.00 89.00 5.50 25.00 5.00 139.00 415.00 540.00 1,246.00 945.00 1.70 263.00 3,000.00 2,500.00

70.00 90.00 60.00 30.00 32.25 2.13 0.98 2.72 419.60 6.90 837.00 3,391.00 27.00 36.00 98.60 6.00 25.00 5.00 222.00 665.00 790.00 1,994.00 1,512.00 1.40 227.00

MoARD/ Regions Federal Cooperative Agency (FCA) FCA FCA MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions

Cumulative % share of cooperatives involved in output marketing Cumulative % share membership of women in cooperatives MDG 1 2.3.Increase, crop, fish, Increased production of major crops (cereals) (million tons) honey and wax, egg & Increased production of grains (million tons) Increased production of oil seeds (million tons) livestock production Increased production of vegetables ( million tons) Increased production of coffee ('000 tons) Increased production of tea ('000 tons) Increased production of meet ('000 tons) Increased production of milk ('000 tons) Increased production of fish ('000 tons) Increased production of egg ('000 tons) Increased production of honey ('000 tons) Increased production of wax ( '000 tons) Increased hide & skin production (millions) The rate of down graded skins reduced (%) Area under closure for rehabilitation annually ('000 ha) MDG Area under soil conservation measures annually ('000 ha) 1,2 & 7 2.4.Natural resources Area to be under moisture conservation annually ('000 ha) management Area benefited from soil fertility activities annually ('000 ha) Area of land covered with multi advantage tree species (' 000 ha) MDG 1 2.5. Improved land tenure security with more flexible & transferable rights MDG 1 & 7 2.6. Biodiversity conservation and sustainable utilization Number of households to be issued first level certificate (15% will be female headed households (millions)) Number of households to be issued second level certificate (15% will be female headed households ('000)) Number of species characterized, popularized and made available for research and other uses Number of species conserved, economical endemic, endangered


70,000.00 62,000.00

2,000.00 1,000.00

Rural Devt

II. SECTOR/THEME: RURAL DEVELOPMENT AND FOOD SECURITY Theme/Goal(s): Enhanced food security through improvement in employment generation, private sector involvement in agricultural production and better natural resources management
Planned Targets

III. Inputs/Activities MDG 1 3.1. Improved responsiveness of research and extension system

Conduct extensive technical & vocational training in agriculture for DAs to provide effective extension services -Male -Female Cumulative number of completed FTCs MDG 1 3.2. Increased crop and Annual supply of improved seed for cereals, oil, pulse and fiber crops (' 000 quintals) livestock production Annual supply of chemical fertilizers ('000 tons) -DAP -Urea Annual supply of natural fertilizer (' 000 tons) Cumulative area under improved natural pasture (ha) Cumulative area under forage development (ha) Cumulative area free of tsetse flies (km2) Control external parasites of sheep & goats (regions) Extension materials developed for animal diseases Cumulative Number of samples collected (' 000) Cumulative number of animal health clinics Cumulative number of mobile animal health service delivery units Increase in production of vaccinations (million dozes) Cumulative number of quarantine stations Cumulative number of check posts increase the number of domestic abattoirs Develop export market strategy cumulative number of licensed and certified warehouses Cumulative number of commodity exchange centers established Increased number of primary marketing cooperatives Increased number of rural cooperative unions/annually Increased number of cooperative banks Natural resources data base established (no. of woredas) Practice of moisture retention with improved land husbandry (' 000 ha) Cumulative area under small scale irrigation ('000 ha) Developed area by water harvesting schemes (' 000 ha) Tree seed collected and distributed (tons) Survey and map national forest priority and other priority forest areas ('000 ha) Number of duplicate genebank established Number of field genebanks established Number of community genebanks established Strengthen the existing wildlife conservation areas Number of wildlife ranches established Number of wild life based tourism sites strengthened

23,445.00 20,664.00 2,781.00

36,805.00 32,388.00 4,417.00 5,493.00 1,316.20 600.00 340.00 260.00 10.00 22,370.00 78,480.00 5,060.99 3.00

37,091.00 31,527.00 5,564.00 5,593.00 1,395.00 650.00 370.00 280.00 10.30 25,020.00 87,990.00 10,245.00 3.00 4.00 373.00 2,400.00 20.00 159.76 7.00 7.00 150.00 Develop the strategy 11.00 2.00 18,523.00 110.00 1.00 110.00 536.00 317.00 9.25 51.50 247.00

21,165.00 16,932.00 4,233.00 9,707.00 1,499.70 700.00 400.00 300.00 10.70 27,980.00 98,645.00 20,741.00 3.00 8.00 738.00 2,800.00 40.00 289.51 8.00 9.00 210.00 implement the strategy 15.00 4.00 20,573.00 110.00 1.00 220.00 670.00 379.00 11.64 52.00 308.00

12,126.00 9,095.00 3,031.00 15,909.00 1,621.90 756.00 432.00 324.00 11.30 32,595.00 110,600.00 41,987.80 5.00 10.00 1,461.70 3,200.00 80.00 524.63 9.00 10.00 270.00 continue implementation 19.00 6.00 22,623.00 110.00 1.00 165.00 670.00 436.00 11.64 52.00 308.00 1.00 3.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 2.00

1,125.00 845.00 280.00 18,000.00 1,800.00 820.00 470.00 350.00 12.00 35,000.00 124,000.00 85,000.00 5.00 12.00 2,845.00 3,600.00 100.00 950.70 11.00 12.00 321.00 continue implementation 25.00 10.00 24,677.00 111.00 MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions Federal technical MoARD/ Regions assistance to MoARD/ Regions emerging regions to MoARD/ Regions study feasibility and draft proclamation MoARD/ Regions for land tenure MoARD/ Regions system MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions MoARD/ Regions Rural Devt

480.00 320.00 160.00 20,000.00 70,000.00 2,500.00 95.00 1,587.00 48.65 3.00 3.00 140.00

188.10 2,000.00 10.00 88.16 6.00 5.00 90.00

MDG 3.3. Improved 1 & 8 agricultural marketing systems

7.00 14,423.00 105.00 1.00 1,675.00 98.63 700.00


16,473.00 100.00 55.00 402.00 283.00 6.97 50.00 185.00

MDG 1 3.4. Natural resources & 7 management

1,072.00 487.00 19.25 52.50 493.00

1.00 4.00 12.00

2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 5

2.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 2.00

3.00 5.00 1.00 2.00 2.00

1.00 2.00 2.00

NB: unless otherwise specified, the figures indicate annual targets

III. SECTOR/THEME: VULNERABILITY Theme/Goal(s): Reduction in vulnerability of poor people

Planned Targets
Link to MDGs Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Means of Verification (Responsible Implementing Agency) 1.08 MoARD/ Regions










I. Outcome Livelihood of chronically food Number of households graduated insecure households improved (in millions) II. Output 2.1. Risk mitigation strategies in place





Adequate fund allocated to regions to implement the food security program ( excluding aid in kind) (in billion Birr) Adequate fund reallocated to regions to implement the food security program ( including aid in kind) (in billion Birr)

2 MoARD/ Regions 2.5








2.2. Protection of chronic food Number of households receiving support from food insecure population and their security program (in millions) assets III. Inputs/Activities 3.1. Implement Productive Safety Net (PSN) Program Program will be implemented based on PSN Program implementation manual. Adherence to the targeting guideline. Exclusion and inclusion errors identified and measures taken






1.09 MoARD/ Regions


Monitoring system finalized. weather Insurance Scheme Training to regions, woredas developed & DAs conducted. Information center established Adherence to guidelines for mitigating social and environmental risks of resettlement program 31,108

Pilot test will be Conducted in Scale up on the basis continue selected regions and woredas of the pilot implementation

continue implementation

3.2. Increased access to more productive land (resettlement)


Adherence to guidelines for mitigating social and Evaluation undertaken. environmental risks of resettlement programme Evaluation report shared with regions Number of resettled household heads

Adherence to guidelines for mitigating social and environmental risks of resettlement program 22,600


35,000 continue implementation

20,000 continue implementation

52,400 Regions continue implementation MoH/MoARD


3.3. Improve under 5 children nutrition through multi-sector and community-based approaches

Complete and adopt the nutrition strategy

Coordination agency for nutrition strategy established and nutrition strategy document zero draft completed Retargeting manual developed

Conduct workshop on the draft continue implementation nutrition strategy and amend the document based on the comments and implement the program

3.4. Improve national system for assessing vulnerability

MDGs 1

Adherence to the retargeting guidelines

Implement according to the guideline

continue implementation

continue implementation

continue implementation

continue implementation

MoARD/ Regions

NB: Unless otherwise specified all figures indicate annual targets


IV. SECTOR/THEME: EDUCATION Theme/Goal(s): Increased proportion of Ethiopians who are educated and enjoy a higher standard of living with access to improved quality of education
Planned Targets
Link to MDGs Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Gross enrolment rate for grade 1-4 (total) Girls gross enrolment rate (%) Boys gross enrolment rate (%) Gross enrolment rate for grade 1-4 (total including ABEC) (%) Girls gross enrolment rate (%) Boys gross enrolment rate (%) Gross enrolment rate of under served regions Afar (%) Somali (%) Net enrolment rate grade 1-4 (total) (%) Girls net enrolment rate (%) Boys net enrolment rate (%) Gross enrolment rate for grade 5-8 (total) (%) Girls gross enrolment rate (%) Boys gross enrolment rate (%) 2004/05 Base year 102.7 95.5 109.8 113.5 110.4 116.5 30.7 23.3 67.6 65.1 69.9 52.5 42.6 62.0 33.9 29.4 38.3 79.8 71.5 88.0 27.3 19.8 34.6 45,671 0.31 0.69 94,592 0.51 0.49 36,405 0.24 0.76 3,884 0.24 0.76 22.4 22.0 22.7 13.6 5.3 6.2 7 Means of Verification (Responsible Implementing Agency) MoE Report







Outcome/Output MDG 2, 31. Increased first cycle primary school enrolment (1-4 grade)

111.6 106.2 116.9 124.9 124.0 125.8 44.8 40.8 70.6 68.3 72.9 58.2 51.8 64.4 39.9 35.3 44.0 87.7 81.9 93.4 30.0 21.7 35.3 72,658 0.25 0.75 137,625 0.51 0.49 40,440 0.26 0.74 6,550 0.26 0.74 19.1 18.8 19.4 11.2 4.7 5.4

121.3 117.3 125.2 138.2 139.9 136.5 63 60 74.6 72.3 76.9 62.6 59.3 65.8 45.8 41.3 50.0 94.6 91.0 98.2 32.4 23.9 36 121,309 0.36 0.64 243,009 0.51 0.49 41,050 0.29 0.71 11,413 0.29 0.71 15.9 15.7 16.1 9.1 4.1 4.7

126.4 123.4 129.3 148.7 153.2 144.2 84 84 78.6 76.3 80.9 69.6 68.8 70.3 51.8 47.3 56.0 100.2 98.2 102.1 34.4 26.9 37.3 158,574 0.37 0.63 265,044 0.51 0.49 70,043 0.37 0.63 16,275 0.37 0.63 12.7 12.5 12.9 6.9 3.5 3.9

123.9 121.7 126.1 149.9 156.5 143.5 104.8 104.8 82.6 80.3 84.9 84.5 86.5

118.3 116.7 120.0 145.4 152.9 138.0 122.5 122.5 86.6 84.3 88.9 100.2 104.2

2.Increased second cycle primary school MDG 2, 3enrolment (5-8 grade)

Net enrolment rate grade 5-8 (total) Girls net enrolment rate (%) Boys net enrolment rate (%) Gross enrolment rate for grade 1-8 (total) (%) Girls gross enrolment rate (%) 3. Increase primary school gross enrolment (1MDG 2, 38) Boys gross enrolment rate (%) 4. Increase first cycle secondary school gross Gross enrolment rate for grade (9-10) (%) Girls gross enrolment rate (%) enrolment rate Boys gross enrolment rate (%) MDGs 8 5. Increase in number of students admitted to Total number of students admitted to preparatory (grade 11-12) Ratio of girls admitted to preparatory school preparatory school Ratio of boys admitted to preparatory school MDG 8 6. Increase in number of students admitted to Total number of students admitted to TVET TVET Ratio of girls admitted to TVET Ratio of boys admitted to TVET MDG 8 7. Increase in number of students admitted to degree program ( including private institutes) MDG 8 8. Increase in number of students admitted to post graduate program Total number of students admitted to degree program Ratio of girls admitted to degree program Ratio of boys admitted to agree program Total number of students admitted to post graduate program Ratio of female students admitted to post graduate program Ratio of male students admitted to post graduate program Grade 1 dropout rate (total) (%) Grade 1girls dropout rate (%) Grade 1 boys dropout rate (%) Average primary school dropout rates for girls (%) Average grade 4-8 repetition rate ( total) (%) Average grade 4-8 repetition rate for girls (%)

82.6 96.3 57.8 63.8 53.3 59.3 62.0 68.0 105.5 109.7 105.2 108.7 105.7 108.7 36.2 39.0 30.1 36.1 38.4 39.7 181,915 212,807 0.39 0.42 0.61 0.58 304,058 312,826 0.51 0.51 0.49 0.49 116,097 150,077 0.38 0.39 0.62 0.61 21,138 0.38 0.62 9.5 9.3 9.6 5.3 2.9 3.3 26,000 0.39 0.61 6.3 6.2 6.3 3.8 2.3 2.6

MoE Report

MoE Report

MDG 2, 39. Reduced drop out rate

MoE Report


IV. SECTOR/THEME: EDUCATION Theme/Goal(s): Increased proportion of Ethiopians who are educated and enjoy a higher standard of living with access to improved quality of education
Planned Targets
Link to MDGs Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Primary school completion rate (grade 5) (total) (%) Grade 5 completion rate (Girls) Grade 5 Completion Rate (Boys) Primary school completion rate (grade 8) (total) (%) Grade 8 completion rate (girls) (%) Grade 8 completion rate (boys) (%) Student section ratio in primary and secondary schools Primary (1-4) student section ratio Primary (5-8) student section ratio Primary (1-8) student section ratio Secondary (9-12) student section ratio 2004/05 Base year Means of Verification (Responsible Implementing Agency) MoE Report







Outcome/Output 10. Increased first cycle primary school completion rate 11. Increased second cycle primary school completion rate 12. Reduced student section ratio


57.4 49.0 62.9 34.3 26.0 42.7 71 68 69 78 2:1 71 55 66 56 0.87 0.69 0.57 97.1 55.2 40.6 16.7

78.4 55.0 10.2 38.7 31.0 46.4 67 65 66 74 1.5:1 69 55 64 50 0.91 0.80 0.59 98.3 62.8 51.3 18.1 56.8 12.4 25.3 23,358 2,960 8

77.8 59.0 96.5 41.6 38.0 45.3 63 61 62 68 1:1 65 52 61 48 0.94 0.90 0.64 99.2 68.6 60.7 15.3 61.7 10.6 22.7 25,375 2,960 21

88.7 82.0 95.3 44.5 42.0 47.2 58 57 58 62 1:1 61 50 57 45 0.95 0.98 0.71 99.8 74.4 66.5 15.2 61.1 9.1 25.6 28,322 2,960 21

121.1 109.0 133.3 58.1 46.0 70.3 54 54 54 56 1:1 58 47 53 43 0.96 1.00 0.77 99.8 87.3 70.5 15.3 66.6 6.9 22.6 41,376 2,960 21

136.6 122.0 151.2 62.7 51.0 74.6 50 50 50 50 1:1 54 45 50 40 0.97 1.00 0.90 99.8 95.2 87.7 14.5 66.6 5.2 24.0 32,395 8,047 21


MoE Report


MoE Report


13. Improved pupil/textbook ratio in primary school 14. Improve pupil/teacher ratio


Ratio for pupil/textbook available in primary school for core subjects Pupil/teacher ratio for grade (1-4) Pupil/teacher ratio for grade (5-8) Pupil/teacher ratio for grade (1-8) Pupil/teacher ratio for grade (9-10) 15. Reduce gender disparity at all levels Primary school girls/boys ratio ( grade 1-4) Primary school girls/boys ratio (grade 5-8) Secondary school girls/boys ratio ( grade 9-12) 16. Increase number of qualified teachers in all Share of lower primary school (1-4) qualified teachers (%) Share of upper primary school (5-8) qualified teachers (%) level of education Share of secondary school (9-12) qualified teachers (%) Inputs/Activities 17. Share of education's spending in Share of public education budget from total public expenditure (%) Share of general education in the total education budget (%) total budget Share of TVET in the total education budget (%) Share of higher education in the total education budget (%) 18. Access to education facilities Number of class rooms constructed for primary education Number of class rooms constructed for secondary education Total number of universities including newly constructed and start to be operational

MoE Report MoE Report

MoE Report

MoE Report

MoE Report

MoE Report MoE Report


V. SECTOR/THEME: HEALTH Theme/Goal(s): Increased proportion of Ethiopian people who are healthy and enjoy a decent standard of living with access to health care
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Reduced IMR per 1,000 1. Improved health status of all the people, specifically the poor Output MDG 6 MDG 4 MDG 6 MDG 5 HSDP III MDG 6 Input/Activities 3. Improved resource availability and allocation Doctors to population ratio Nurses to population ratio Health extension workers to population ratio Overall expenditure per capita (US$) 1:26,527 1:4,572 5.6 1:26,527 1:4,572 1:25,000 6.2 Tuberculosis treatment success rate (%) 3 DPT3 coverage (%) Contraceptive prevalence rate (%) Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (%) OPD (out-patient) visit per capita Percentage of households in malarious areas with two ITNs (%) Primary health service coverage (%)

Planned Targets1
Means of Verification (Responsible Implementing Agency)

Link to MDGs

2004/05 Base year







Outcome/Output Outcome MDG 6 MDG 4 MDG 5

Reduced under-five mortality rate per 1,000 Reduced MMR per 100,000

77 123 871 76 70 15 9 0.3 1 70

69 114 808 76 72 20 12 0.3 3 75

62 106 750 79 74 26 14 0.4 6 81 1:24,000 1:4,100 1:19,000 6.9

56 99 696 81 76 34 20 0.5 16 87 1:21,000 1:3,600 1:13,000 7.7

50 92 646 83 78 45 26 0.5 40 93 1:18,000 1:3,100 1:7,000 8.6

2 45 CSA Survey (DHS ) 85 CSA Survey (DHS)

600 CSA Survey (DHS) 85 Administrative Data (MoH) 80 Administrative Data (MoH) 60 Administrative Data (MoH) 32 Administrative Data (MoH) 0.6 Administrative Data (MoH) 100 DHS, MICS, ad-hoc survey 100 Administration Data 1:14,662 1:2,515 Administrative Data, National Health 1:2,500 Account 9.6

2. Improved coverage of preventative services and utilization of basic curative services.

Key 1. All targets refer to the Health Sector Development Program III 2. DHS= Demographic and Health Survey conducted by the Central Statistics Agency every 5 years 3. Tuberculosis (TB) treatment rate= TB cure rate+TB treatment completion rate ( TB cure rate is MDG indicator and TB Treatment success rate is an HSDP III indicator) 4. DPT3 Coverage is an MDG indicator which is percentage of one-year-old children immunized against measles


VI. SECTOR/THEME: HIV/AIDS Theme/Goal(s): Halt and begin the reversal of the spread of HIV/AIDS/Increased share of healthy and educated Ethiopians enjoying improved standard of living and access to economic opportunities
Planned Targets
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. 2004/05 Base year






Means of Verification

Link to MDGs

Outcome/Output Outcome

MDG 6 UNGASS 1. Reduction in HIV prevalence indicator MDG 6 UNGASS 2. Reduction in HIV prevalence indicator MDG 6 UNGASS 2. Prevention of mother-to child indicator transmission MDG 6 UNGASS 3. Condom use with non-regular indicator partner Output MDG 6 UNGASS 4. ARV treatment indicator

HIV prevalence among 15-24 year old pregnant women






8.4 MoH

Adult incidence of HIV % of HIV positive pregnant women receiving a complete course of ARV prophylaxis to reduce the risk of mother-to-child transmission % of people aged 15-24 years reporting the use of a condom during last sexual intercourse with a nonregular sexual partner












50 MoH






% of people with advanced HIV infection receiving ARV combination therapy






70 MoH

MDG 6 UNGASS 5. Orphans: school attendance of Ratio of current school attendance among orphans indicator orphans to that among non-orphans by school level MDG 6 UNGASS 6. Funding for HIV/AIDS indicator Inputs/Activities MDG 6 UNGASS 7. HIV/AIDS workplace policies % of sectors (State & none state ) having work indicator and programmes-Main Streaming place policies & strategies for HIV/AIDS % of annual Government budget spent on HIV/AIDS related programs


















VII. SECTOR/THEME: WATER SUPPLY AND IRRIGATION Theme/Goal(s): Improved water supply, irrigation and sanitation coverage to strengthen community livelihoods
Planned Targets
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Total population with access to safe drinking water (rural and urban) (%) Rural population with access to potable water within 1.5 km (%) Urban population with access to potable water within 0.5 km (%) Malfunctioning water facilities (rural) (%) Rate of production in m 3 (urban) Area developed under large/medium scale irrigation (ha)/year Link to MDGs Means of Verification









42 35.0 80.0 179,006 62057 *

51.5 44.0 80.65 30 677,240 75,550

60.4 53.0 83.50 25 742,100 116,432

68.8 62.0 86.09 20 809,740 63,088

76.8 71.0 89.18 15 880,120 43,965

84.5 80.0 92.52 10 MoWR Periodical 953,200 Reports MoWR Periodical 23,645 Reports MoWR Periodical Reports

MDG &7 1. Increased access to potable water supply

MDG &7 2. Improved operation and maintenance of Water Supply MDG 1 & 7 3. Increased land area under large scale/medium scale irrigation Inputs/Activities 4. Increase number of rural water supply schemes constructed


Number of deep bore holes constructed annually Number of shallow bore holes constructed annually Number or hand dug well constructed annually Number of springs developed annually Number of ponds constructed annually

427 2,982 15,474 2,780 81 111 3 69 47 36 177,998 95,413 32,684


427 2,982 15,474 2,780 81 111 3 211 103 64

427 2,982 15,474 2,780 81 111 3 177 103 77

427 2,982 15,474 2,780 81 111 3 116 90 70

427 2,982 15,474 Progress Reports 2,780 81 111 3 63 114 54 Progress Reports




Number of cisterns constructed annually Other rural water supply schemes developed annually ( from other sources) Number of towns for which their water supply 5. Increased number of urban water supply schemes studied, schemes design and study completed annually Number of urban water supply schemes designed, constructed and constructed annually rehabilitated Number of urban water supply schemes rehabilitated annually 6. Improve irrigation schemes Area of land in hectares that its pre-feasibility study and design completed annually Area of land in hectares, its feasibility study and design completed annually Irrigation scheme constructed annually (ha) 7. Improve the Management M&E and MIS systems established and annual Information System (MIS) and reports produced
M&E in sector institutions

146,966 94,603

179,176 122,955

30,032 100,302

12,464 79,517 4 Annual Report Produced

Progress Reports

1 Annual 2 Annual 3 Annual M&E system Report Report Report established Produced Produce Produced

Progress Reports

* 62,057 Hectares is the cumulative area developed under large/medium scale irrigation up to 2004/05. The figures for the plan period refer to land to be developed annually



VIII. SECTOR/THEME: ROAD Theme/Goal(s): Increased total national income from strengthened role of the private sector in the economy
Planned Targets Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Reduced average distance to nearest road (hrs) Area further than 5 km from an all-weather roads (%) Area further than 2 km from an all-weather roads (%) Road density-including community roads (km/1,000km2) Road density including community roads (km/1,000 population) Roads in acceptable (good + fair) condition (%) Link to MDGs 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 Base year 5 72 88 33.6 0.51 64 22 532 60 4.9 71 87 34.9 0.51 66 24 1367 75 4.5 69 86 37.8 0.54 71 26 3160 80 4.1 67 85 41.7 0.59 75 28 4362 85 3.6 63 83 47.5 0.65 80 30 6354 85 3.2 RSDP Reports 59 81 54.1 RSDP Reports 0.72 84 32 7214 85 RSDP Reports Project Reports Progress Reports Means of Verification


All MDGs

Outcome/Output 1. Increased accessibility

All MDGs

2. Increased road network density

All MDGs All MDGs All MDGs

Maintenance budget to total budget (%) 4. New roads constructed Federal roads and regional roads constructed (including low class roads) (km) 5. Increase involvement of Private sector involvement in road works private sector in road works (construction & maintenance) (%) 6. Increased flow of traffic and goods Average vehicle km of travel (million km)

3. Improved quality of road network







Traffic flow surveys of ERA



IX. SECTOR/THEME: ENERGY Theme/Goal(s): Supporting accelerated economic growth and socio economic transformation by expanding electricity generation, transmission and distribution in the country
Planned Targets Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Coverage (%) Customers ('000s) Number of electrified towns Installed capacity in Mega Watt (MW) Energy Sales in Giga Watt Hour (GWh) Link to MDGs 2004/05 2005/06 Base year




2009/10 Means of Verification


All MDGs All MDGs All MDGs All MDGs

Outcome/Output Outcome 1. Increased access to electricity Output 2. Increase number of customers 3. Increase number of electrified towns 4. Increase electric power generation

16 977 648 791 3,112

17 1,250 916 791 3,112

22 1,550 1,907 976 3,926

32 1,900 3,621 1,396 6,490

41 2,250 4,457 1,796 8,490

50 EEPCO Annual Report 2,600 EEPCO Annual Report 6,648 EEPCO Annual Report

2,218 10,907 EEPCO Annual Report

Inputs/Activities 5. Increase low medium and high Low and medium voltage lines in km High voltage lines in km ( 230, 132, 66 KV Lines) voltage lines and introduce new voltage levels 6. Reduce System Power Lose 7. Allocate Sufficient Budget New voltage lines in km ( 400 KV Lines) Admissible system loss (%) Annual capital budget allocated for the sector (in billion Birr)

25,000 7927 0 19.5

36,079 8383 0 17 8,614.46

62,788 9007 787 16 11,013.46

83,892 10666 787 15.5

114,772 11336 787 15

136,320 11802 EEPCO Annual Report 1252 13.5 EEPCO Annual Report

9,090.51 10,219.38 6,689.54 EEPCO Annual Report

N.B. Coverage in % is that the transmission grid will be expanded in the country so that getting the service is more possible than it used to be in the past. EEPCO = Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation.



X. SECTOR/THEME: TELECOMMUNICATION Theme/Goal(s): Supporting the overall socio-economic transformation by expanding telecommunication infrastructure and services
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Persons with fixed telephone line per 100 (fixed density) persons with cellular mobile telephone line per 100 (mobile phone density) Population with telecommunication service access within 5 km radius (%) Point of Presence (PoP)* Link to MDGs 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 Base year Means of Verification


2008/09 2009/10



Outcome/Output 1. Increased penetration of fixed telephone lines 2. Increased penetration of cellular phones 3. Increased coverage of fixed line 4. Increased number of localities with telecommunication access and/or service 5. Increased rural connectivity 6. Increased internet connection

0.85 0.56 13 1,900

1.10 1.95 47 7,000

1.85 3.45 67 12,000

2.56 5.00 100 17,900

3.23 6.59 100 17,900

ETC Annual 3.87 Statistical Bulletin ETC Annual 8.10 Statistical Bulletin ETC Annual 100 Statistical Bulletin 17,900 ETC Annual Statistical Bulletin


Number of rural kebeles with Public Call Office (PCO) Number of customers

3,000 17,375

5,000 48,970

10,000 69,000

15,000 ETC Annual Statistical Bulletin 97,243 137,032 193,100 ETC Annual Statistical Bulletin 15,000 15,000 1,513 7,053 1,664 7,985 1,830 6,984 7,631 29,919

Input/Activity 5. Total Amount of Budget allocated for Estimated recurrent budget in million Birr Estimated capital budget in million Birr the Sector (in Million Birr) Note: * This figure includes rural connectivity The total recurrent budget estimate is 7.631 billion Birr The total capital budget estimate is 29.919 billion Birr equivalent in foreign exchange

1,250 3,430

1,375 4,466




Theme/Goal(s): Improved access to information and communication technology to support the overall developmental process in the country
Planned Targets Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Means of Verification

Area/ Components








Information and Communication Technology Program 1. ICT human 1.1.ICT human resource ICT HRD development strategy document resource development strategy development to document will be produce the required produced ICT: human resource 1.2.ICT Curriculum will Completed ICT curriculum developed for the nation by be developed appropriate mix, quality and quantity 1.3.ICT technical training ICT technical training centers established and center will be established operational

Complete the development of ICT HR strategy and action plans

ICT DA Report Linked to PSCAP

Complete market & Complete ICT curriculum technological need assessment development to identify contents of the curriculum Complete the study for the establishment of the center at federal level Complete the study and establish technical training centers at federal and 4 regions Complete the need assessment Train 25% of the needs at and train 15% 0f the needs at federal level and in 4 federal level and in 4 regions regions,15% at emerging regions Complete the preparation of strategy document and implementation of 15% of federal agencies 60% of the federal agencies and 30 % the agencies of the advance regions adapt and implement the strategy document Complete the establishment of training centers at emerging regions Train 30% of the needs at federal level and in 4 Regions,25% in Emerging Regions
The remaining 25 % of the agencies of the federal system, 60% of agencies of advanced regions and 20 % of the agencies of the emerging regions adapt the strategy document

ICT DA Report

ICT DA Report

1.4.Civil servants and ICT staff will be trained

Civil servants trained of the identified needs and HRD plan (%)

Train all of the needs at federal level and in 4 regions,40% in emerging regions
The remaining 10 % of the agencies of the regional system, 50% % of the agencies of the emerging regions adapt the strategy document

Train all regions

ICT DA Report

2. ICT for public service delivery and good governance: establish ICT infrastructure, information access and service for provision/delivery of public services

2.1..A strategy document Strategy document developed and on development of ICT implemented enabled public services and sector specific application systems will be produced

The remaining 30 % of the agencies of the emerging regions adapt the strategy document

Linked to ICT Develop PSCAP ment Report

2.2.Public service delivery Public institutions applying service delivery information & application information & application systems to the systems public (%)

2.3. A government Identified contents and applications up and gateway and portal system running on government portal system (%) will be developed

50% of federal institutions The remaining 50% of develop and implement institutions of federal and websites with basic level public 50% 0f institutions of 4 service delivery information regions and 10 % of the institutions of emerging regions develop and implement websites with basic level public service i f Government portal architecture d li Development andi and implementation framework implementation of selected and integrated plan developed common contents, and approved applications and services at institutions of Federal systems for public service through Getaway

The remaining 50% of institutions of 4 regions and 40 % of the institutions of emerging regions develop and implement websites with basic level public service delivery information

All regions develop and implement websites with basic level public service delivery information

Online based document exchange and messaging maintained at the institutions of federal system

Linked to ICT Develop PSCAP ment Report

30% roll out the development and implementation of selected common contents, applications and services at institutions of 4 and 15% emerging regional systems through government getaway (portal)

The remaining 70% roll out the development and implementation of selected common contents, applications and services at institutions of 4 and 50% emerging regional systems through government getaway (portal))

Roll out the development and implementation of selected common contents, applications and services at institutions of national systems

Linked to ICT Develop PSCAP ment Report




Theme/Goal(s): Improved access to information and communication technology to support the overall developmental process in the country
Planned Targets Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. No. of staff trained in data security and management Means of Verification

Area/ Components








2.4. National data center will be functional

Recruit and train qualified staff for the implementation full fledged national data system (structure) and services

Provide continues and quality services to the federal system and support the full-fledged linkages and services of regional institutions through regional data system (structure)

Provide continues and quality services to the federal system and support the full-fledged linkages and services of Regional institutions through Regional Data system (structure)

Provide continues and quality services to the federal system and support the full-fledged linkages and services of regional institutions through regional data system (structure)

Linked to ICT Develop PSCAP ment Report

No. of Backup &disaster recovery site and appropriate security models for the center

Strengthen the data center with Data system (structure) IT facilities, infrastructure, skill and managerial capacity to support and strengthen Rational data system (structure) and services

Linked to ICT Develop PSCAP ment Report

Type of national data management model and application in place

Develop procedural and service manuals and guides for the administration and management of the data center 20% of institutions of federal system develop and adapt the structure of IT Unit
50% of institutions of federal system develop and adapted the structure of IT Unit The remaining 50% of institutions of Federal system develop and adapted the structure of IT Unit

Linked to ICT Develop PSCAP ment Report Linked to ICT Develop PSCAP ment Report

2.5. ICT unit organizational structure will be developed

No. of institutions adapted the structure of IT Unit




Theme/Goal(s): Improved access to information and communication technology to support the overall developmental process in the country
Planned Targets Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. No. of multilingual and interoperable information & application systems developed Means of Verification

Area/ Components








3. ICT applications for sector development: To improve government institutions performance and service delivery by establishing sector specific information systems and common administrative applications

3.1.Multingual and interoperable sector specific information & application systems will be developed

Develop comprehensive guideline for software development in multilingual and interoperable application development

Finalize: 1.Critical Localization support 2.ICT terminologies for Amharic,Tigrigna and Afan Oromo 3.Keyboard, layout input method for Ethiopic and type faces 50% institutions of federal and 30% of 4 regions system (sectoral institutions) adapt the guidelines for software development in multilingual language and develop interoperable local language based selected and common administrative application system for service delivery

Finalize: 1.Critical Localization support 2.ICT terminologies for Afarigna and Somaligna

Finalize: 1.ICT accessibility 2.Soundex system standard for Ethiopic script 3. Proposal for integrated ICT standard requirement

Finalize: 1.OCR for Ethiopic 2.Critical localization. 3. ICT Terminologies

ICT Linked to Develop PSCAP ment Report

3.2.Common No. of common administrative application administrative application system developed and implemented at the system will be developed sectoral institutions of federal system and implemented at sectoral institutions of federal and regional systems

20% institutions of federal system (sectoral institutions) and 10% of 4 regions adapt the guidelines for software development in multilingual language and develop interoperable local language based selected and common administrative application system for service delivery

70% institutions of Federal All institutions of Federal 70% of emerging ICT Linked to and 50% of 4 regions and and 70% of 4 regions and regions system Develop PSCAP 10% of emerging regions 30% of emerging regions (sectoral institutions) ment system (sectoral system (sectoral adapt the guidelines Report institutions) adapt the institutions) adapt the for software guidelines for software guidelines for software development in development in multilingualdevelopment in multilingualmultilingual language language and develop inter- language and develop inter- and develop interoperable local language operable local language operable local based selected and based selected and language based common administrative common administrative selected and common application system for application system for administrative service delivery service delivery application system for service delivery

3.3.Awareness creation workshops on IT infrastructure uses and regional content development issues will be conducted

No. of people participated in the awareness creation program

Develop various modules of contents for awareness creation workshop and basic awareness training programs

Conduct basic and continues awareness creating workshops and training programs for various groups of the employees of 50% of the federal and 20% of regional institutions

Conduct basic and continues awareness creating workshops and training programs for various groups of the employees of all of the federal 50% of 4 regions and 20% of emerging regions institutions

Conduct basic and continues awareness creating workshops and training programs for various groups of the employees of 70% of 4 regions and 50% of emerging regions institutions

Conduct basic and ICT Linked to continues awareness Develop PSCAP creating workshops ment and training programs Report for various groups of the employees of all of 4 and emerging regions institutions




Theme/Goal(s): Improved access to information and communication technology to support the overall developmental process in the country
Planned Targets Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. No. of people who participated awareness creation workshop Means of Verification

Area/ Components








3.4.Sector specific information systems and applications will be customized and used by regions

20% institutions of federal system (sectoral institutions) adapt the guidelines for software development in multilingual language and develop inter-operable local language based selected and specific sectoral applications for service delivery

50% institutions of federal and 20% of 4 region system (sectoral institutions) adapt the guidelines for software development in multilingual language and develop interoperable local language based selected and specific sectoral applications for service delivery

70% institutions of federal, All of federal, 70% of 4 All of of 4 regions, and 70% of the 50% of 4 region, and regions, and 50% of the 20% of the emerging emerging regions system emerging regions regions system (sectoral (sectoral institutions) adapt system (sectoral institutions) adapt the institutions) adapt the the guidelines for software guidelines for software guidelines for software development in multilingual development in development in multilinguallanguage and develop inter- multilingual language language and develop inter- operable local language and develop interbased selected and specific operable local language operable local language based selected and specific sectoral applications for based selected and service delivery sectoral applications for specific sectoral applications for service service delivery

ICT Linked to Develop PSCAP ment Report

4.ICT for community 4.1Community Needs Community needs assessment and strategy based information Assessment for ICT document to empower communities with systems and Service Completed and information services: to establish Strategy document to community based empower community with information systems information will be and service centers produced. Establish in selected localities community ICT centers at of all regions local level. 4.2.Indigenous No. and type of indigenous information/knowledge knowledge/information database developed in database in local language local languages will be developed

Community needs assessment for ICT service completed and strategy document to empower communities with information prepared and approved

50% of the appropriate federal and 4 regional agencies adapt and implement basic components as per the priorities set in the strategy document

All of the appropriate Federal and 4 regional and 50% of the emerging agencies adapt and implement basic components as per the priorities set in the strategy document

The remaining 50 % of the Increased support to appropriate agencies of the community based emerging regions system, service established adapt and implement basic components as per the priorities set in the strategy document

ICT Linked to Develop PSCAP ment Report

Develop indigenes knowledge based selected database in the health and agriculture sector in local language

Develop indigenes knowledge based selected database in education, rural development and industry in local language

Increased indigenes knowledge based databases on education, rural development health and agriculture and industry in local language

Maintain continuous services of repackaging information in local language to augment indigenous knowledge bases

Maintain continuous services of repackaging information in local language to augment indigenous knowledge bases

ICT Linked to Develop PSCAP ment Report

4.3.Global information will be repackaged to national needs

No. community based global information repackaged to augment indigenous knowledge bases

Identify and establish community based service center at selected sites of federal and regional system. Repackaged global information to national needs in local language on health, agriculture, education, rural development etc. to augment indigenous knowledge bases

Provide repackaged global information services in local language on health, agriculture, education, rural development etc. to augment indigenous knowledge bases

Further increase the number of the centers and maintain and enrich community based services

Further increase the 100 Communitynumber of the centers and based information maintain and enrich and service community based services

ICT Linked to Develop PSCAP ment Report

4.4.Community-based ICT No. of community based ICT projects projects will be developed successfully implemented and implemented successfully

Identify and develop community based projects in health and agriculture

Identity and develop community based projects focusing in other sector of the economy

Maintain continuity of Maintain continuity of Maintain continuity identification and identification and of identification and development of projects for development of projects for development of community support community support projects for community support

ICT Linked to Develop PSCAP ment Report



XII. SECTOR/THEME: URBAN DEVELOPMENT Theme/Goal(s): Cities & towns provide efficient and effective public services to residents, complement and facilitate rural development, and be models of participatory democracy and build accelerated economic opportunities that create jobs
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Planned Targets 2004/05 Base Year

Link to MDGs







Means of Verification


Outcome MDG 1 & 7 Improvement in lives of slum target 11 dwellers Output Urban Strategy Pillar 1: Create jobs MDG 1 1. Increased urban employment levels Reduction in urban unemployment rate in towns with 50,000+ population (%) 40 38 35 30 25 20 CSA & HICES Households with improved housing, access to land 30 and basic services (%) 37 44 51 58 65 MWUD M&E system

Urban Strategy Pillar 2: Reduce slums - housing No of new housing to reduce urban slums MDG 7 Target 11 2. Improved lives of slum dwellers Investment in new and upgraded housing in urban slums Investment in low cost housing technologies Urban Strategy Pillar 3: Larger urban areas: Reduce slums - access to land and basic services Investment in new and upgraded infrastructure & 3. Improved lives of slum services dwellers Land provided with services (ha) Urban Strategy Pillar 4: MDGs 1 and 7 Target 11 Promoting urban-rural and urban-urban linkages No. of small towns provided with maps, plans and 0 basic services Land provided with services, markets and infrastructure (ha) Investment in maps, plans and basic services Inputs/Activities 1.Legal, policy, regulatory and Institutional framework strengthened 100,000 3.5 billion Birr 4 million 100,000 3.5 billion Birr 4 million 100,000 3.5 billion Birr 4 million 100,000 3.5 billion Birr 4 million MWUD M&E reports MWUD M&E reports MWUD M&E reports MWUD M&E reports MWUD M&E 3,800 reports

MDG 7 Target 11

410.7 million Birr 416.7 million Birr 3,800

454.2 million Birr 3,800

642.8 million Birr 3,800

742.8 million Birr

150 2,050 304 million Birr

150 2,050 304 million Birr

150 2,050.00 304 million Birr

150 2,050 304 million Birr

MWUD/Regions MWUD M&E reports MWUD M&E reports

4. Provision of plans and basic services

1.1.Improved policy legal framework and justice systems in urban areas

Asses, review studies conducted by consultants & from other published documents

Prepare draft housing development Policies and building law

Implement the program Prepare implementation manuals and prototype laws Implement the policy & Continue implementation Implement the building laws building law Prepare draft by- laws for Establish courts in the selected implement the program social courts: review city urban center; implement proclamations revised city proclamations implement component laws Implement the policy and strategies in selected urban centers

Continue implementation

Continue implementation Implement the program

MWUD Report Regional reports

1.2.Improved urban infrastructure and service delivery

Asses, review Establish the city files studies conducted preparation of, and then, by consultants Prepare National Infrastructures Policy and Strategy Prepare laws and regulations Prepare manuals and guidelines

Continue Implementing the Continue implementing the policy and strategies in policy and strategies in selected selected urban centers urban centers MWUD Report Regional reports

Implement the laws and regulations in the selected urban centers Implement the program based upon manuals and guidelines in the selected urban center

Continue implementing the laws and regulations in the selected urban centers Continue Implementing the program based on manuals and guidelines in the selected urban center

Continue implementing the laws and regulations in the MWUD Report selected urban centers Regional reports Continue implementing the program based on manuals and guidelines in the selected urban center MWUD Report Regional reports


Urban Development

XII. SECTOR/THEME: URBAN DEVELOPMENT Theme/Goal(s): Cities & towns provide efficient and effective public services to residents, complement and facilitate rural development, and be models of participatory democracy and build accelerated economic opportunities that create jobs
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. 1.3. Improved urban land development and administrations Distribute the prepared draft strategies to the regions/urban centers for comments; prepare Conduct training for experts Conduct training for experts of Distribute the prepared legal frameworks guidelines of regions and urban center regions and urban center strategy to the selected cities Asses, review and manuals; conduct training studies conducted for experts of regions and by consultants urban center Planned Targets 2004/05 Base Year

Link to MDGs







Means of Verification


MWUD Report Regional reports

Identification, collection and articulation of best practices 1.4. Improved urban finance and financial management Adaptation of existing government procurement laws and regulations Development and implement the tariff regulations Adaptation of existing government budgeting system & procedures manuals

Preparation manuals for the establishment of the lease system; Prepare proposal for institutional setup Strengthening the implementation of procurement regulations Revision of tariff regulation and implementation of tariff regulations

*Provide continuous trainings on land law, landuse,etc; Implementation of procurement regulations

Provide continuous trainings on land laws, land use,etc Monitoring and follow up of the implementation of the regulations Training for staff and authorities

Training for officials and staff

Preparation of multi-year rolling capital investment plan and development of utilization of expendable resources system Implementation of the newly adapted accounting system in 160 city administrations Development of computer Assessing the computer need Training of staff and Asses, review software program and users of sample ULGs & procuring. implementing the studies conducted manual computerized financial *training of staff and by consultants management system in 12 implementing computerized financial management system sample city administration in 6 sample city administrations Preparation of multi-year rolling capital investment plan and development of utilization of expendable resources system Adapt Government chart of Implementation of the newly accounts & accounting adapted accounting system in procedures manuals 90 city administrations Finalization of revenue enhancement guidelines and computerized revenue building and collection system Development of tax assessment procedures manuals; computerized revenue billing and collection system; *Conducting training to revenue administration staff and implementing the revenue enhancement guideline and tax assessment procedures manuals as well as Preparation of revenue enhancement plans by ULGs; computerized revenue billing and collection system; providing technical support to strengthen the preparation & implementing the improved revenue administration

Strengthening the implementation of the improved system

Implementation of the newly adapted accounting system in 182 city administrations Training of staff and implementing the computerized financial management system in 24 sample city administration

MWUD Report Regional reports

Preparation of revenue enhancement plans by ULGs; computerized revenue billing and collection system; providing technical support to strengthen the preparation & implementing of the plan as well as other related revenue administration improvement systems


Urban Development

XII. SECTOR/THEME: URBAN DEVELOPMENT Theme/Goal(s): Cities & towns provide efficient and effective public services to residents, complement and facilitate rural development, and be models of participatory democracy and build accelerated economic opportunities that create jobs
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. 1.5. Improved urban planning Build the capacity of the regional planning institutes Select six hundred small towns for development program and prepare development program and implement in the selected towns Enhancing the capacity of private sector consultants through training and technical support Asses, review studies conducted Enrich the utilization of ICT in the selected regional town by consultants centers Build the capacity of the regional planning institutes Build the capacity of the Build the capacity of the regional planning institutes regional planning institutes Planned Targets 2004/05 Base Year

Link to MDGs







Means of Verification


Prepare development program and implement in the selected towns Enhancing the capacity of private sector consultants through training and technical support Enrich the utilization of ICT in the selected regional town centers; update and digitizes urban information; install information management system to spread out for the users

Prepare development program and implement in the selected towns Enhancing the capacity of private sector consultants through training and technical support Enrich the utilization of ICT in the selected regional town centers; update and digitizes urban information; install information management system to spread out for the users

Prepare development program and implement in the selected towns Enhancing the capacity of private sector consultants through training and technical support Enrich the utilization of ICT in the selected regional town centers; update and digitizes urban information; install information management system to spread out for the users

MWUD Report Regional reports

Prepare checklist for monitoring and evaluation

Improving the capacity of city local governments to monitor & evaluate the plan preparation process

Improving the capacity of Follow up the developments local governments to monitor & evaluate the plan preparation process

2. Capacity building for federal, Improved organizational structure and human regional and city authorities resources management system carried out

Draft and enrich model legal Issue and assist the Asses, review and institutional framework implementation of model legal studies conducted and institutional development by consultants framework Prepare and enrich Prepare and enrich organizational structure for organizational structure for towns and bureaus towns and bureaus Develop and enrich city Developing of memorandum of network understanding and by law for city network

Assist implementation of legal and institutional framework Prepare and enrich organizational structure for towns and bureaus Assist implementation of city network

Assist implementation of legal and institutional framework

MWUD Report Regional reports

Prepare and enrich organizational structure for towns and bureaus Assist implementation of city network

Develop and enrich Record lessons and award Record lessons and award conceptual paper for good performance; Conduct good performance; conduct assessing good performance study on municipal association experience sharing forums on municipal association

Record lessons and award good performance; build the capacity of concerned bodies and assist the implementation of the program

Prepare training manual ;develop training programe; conduct TOT for 50 participants for 15 days

Prepare training manual ;develop training programe; conduct TOT for 50 participants for 15 days

Prepare Training manual ;develop training programe; conduct TOT for 50 participants for 15 days

Prepare training manual ;develop training programe;conduct TOT for 50 participants for 15 days


Urban Development

XII. SECTOR/THEME: URBAN DEVELOPMENT Theme/Goal(s): Cities & towns provide efficient and effective public services to residents, complement and facilitate rural development, and be models of participatory democracy and build accelerated economic opportunities that create jobs
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Planned Targets 2004/05 Base Year

Link to MDGs







Means of Verification


Prepare training strategic plan; assist and build the capacity of ECSC, hire lecturers and conduct MSc training of 400 participants; follow up the training process Prepare training strategic plan; develop training manual ; conduct orientation for 25% of participant Draft and enrich model human resource mangement, assist the adaptation & implementation of the regulation

Follow up the training process Conduct training for 400 participants; follow up the training process

follow up the training process

Conduct orientation for 25% of Conduct orientation for Participant follow-up the 25% of participant follow training programme up the training programme

Conduct orientation for 25% of Participant follow-up the MWUD Report training programme Regional reports

Draft and enrich model human resource management, assist the adaptation & implementation of the regulation Draft and adapt manuals on Assist the adaptation and job evaluation and grading implementation of manuals ;performance management; recruitment, promotional and transfer of employees; gerievance procedure, remuneration and the like Develop training strategy regulation and five years strategic plan Prepare TOR for the commission and conduct the study; develop relevant software for this purpose Assist the adaptation and implementation Assist the adaptation and implementation in 40 reform cities

Draft and enrich model human resource management, assist the adaptation & implementation of the regulation

Draft and enrich model human resource management, assist the adaptation & implementation of the regulation

MWUD Report Regional reports

Assist the adaptation and implementation Assist the adaptation and implementation in 40 reform cities

Assist the adaptation and implementation

Participation of Membership based Civic Society Organization, private sector and municipal kebele councils

Prepare draft councilor guide book, procedural manual and prototype regulations; establish standing committees Enhance the 50% of the capacity of councilor and Asses, review committee members studies conducted Establish residence by consultants committees Enhance the 25% of the capacity of women leaders Enhance private sector participation in urban development and service delivery

Implement the system

Continue implementing the Continue implementing the system system

Enhance the 30% of the capacity of councilor and committee members

Enhance the 15% of the capacity of councilor and committee members Establish residence Establish residence committees committees Enhance the 25% of the Enhance the 25% of the capacity of women leaders capacity of women leaders Enhance the private sectors participation in urban development and service delivery Enhance the private sectors participation in urban development and service delivery

Enhance the 5% of the capacity of councilor and committee members MWUD Report Regional reports Establish residence committees Enhance the 25% of the capacity of women leaders Enhance the private sectors participation in urban development and service delivery


Urban Development

XII. SECTOR/THEME: URBAN DEVELOPMENT Theme/Goal(s): Cities & towns provide efficient and effective public services to residents, complement and facilitate rural development, and be models of participatory democracy and build accelerated economic opportunities that create jobs
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Implement strategic planning and management Planned Targets 2004/05 Base Year

Link to MDGs







Means of Verification


3. Result oriented performance, Monitoring, evaluating and reporting system developed and implemented

*Prepare SPM document and approved; prepare & approve M&E system for MWUD.

Establish BPR places

Implement result oriented system

Implement result oriented system

MWUD Report Regional reports


Urban Development

XIII. SECTOR/THEME: CONSTRUCTION Theme/Goal(s): Develop and implement the construction policy and enhance construction capacity building in the country
Link to MDGs Outcome/Output Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. 5 construction machinery leasing companies will be formed Reduction in complains/disputes by 5% each year (%) Number of constructors capable of participating in international competitive biding will increase by 2 each year A 10% reduction in construction cost shall be attained by the end of the program Number of jobs created in the construction industry will increase MDG 1 (target 1 &2) Number of contractors that grow from middle Large, more capable and competitive domestic construction industry grades to high grades will increase by 2 each generating greater contribution to GDP, meeting demand for year construction capacity and employing more citizens 20 additional domestic contractors shall enter into joint ventures or work as sub-contractors in international competitive biding GDP contribution by the construction industry 5.5 shall increase form the current 5.5% to 6% 4 substitute construction materials resources will be identified Number of consultants capable of participating in international competitive biding will increase by 2 each year A total of 12, 000 MSE's will be created each year MDG Goal 1 Increase in number and viability of micro and small construction Target 1 and enterprises 2 Of the total MSE's 300 shall emerge as small contractors (G7 and under) each year Of the total MSE's 30 shall emerge as middle class contractors (G4-G6) each year 2 new and improved construction Materials shall be introduced each year MDG Goal 7 Improved contribution of construction industry to sustainable Target 9 development and reducing loss of environmental resources 2 new and appropriate, eco-friendly Construction Materials shall be imported and/or produced each year Wastage of materials during production, transportation and construction shall be reduced by 5 % each year Planned Targets 2004/05 Base Year 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/010

Means of Verification
MWUD M&E reports MWUD M&E reports MWUD M&E reports


1 5

1 5 2

1 5 2

1 5 2

1 5 2

2.5 150,000

2.5 150,000

2.5 150,000

2.5 150,000

MWUD M&E reports MWUD M&E reports

MWUD M&E reports

MWUD M&E reports






MWUD M&E reports

MWUD M&E reports

2 12,000 12,000 300

2 12,000 300

2 12,000 300

2 12,000 300

MWUD M&E reports

MWUD M&E reports





MWUD M&E reports



Theme/Goal(s):: Improved geological & hydrogeological mapping coverage, mineral development and investment
Planned Targets Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

Link to MDGs


2004/05 Base year






Means of Verification



I. Outcome Increased revenue generated from the sector II. Output

Amount of revenue generated/annum in million Birr









2.1.Increased/imroved regional Coverage of the territory of the country (%) geological mapping coverage 2.2.Increased/improved Coverage of the territory of the country (%) hydrogeological mapping coverage 2.3.Increased geophysics/gravity coverage 2.4.Increased engineering geology coverage 2.5. Increased private investment in the sector 2.6. Increased number of legal artisnal miners Coverage of the territory of the country (%)


38 27 65

41 30 68 8

44 33 71 10

47 36 74 12

50 39 77 14




Coverage of the territory of the country (%)

Amount of investment (in million Birr) Increased number of legal traditional mineral producer and seller associations 62



MDG 8 2.7.Increased amount of mineral export III. Input/Activities 3.1.Improve the quality of geosciences data Amount of gold export (kg) Amount of tantalum export (ton) Amount of gemstone minerals export (kg) Collect, generate analyze and disseminate quality geosciences data 3,881 63 2,760 4,367 71 2,830 Produce technical report and disseminate to users Improve policy and legal reform Continue implementation

4,367 71 2,830 Continue implementation

4,852 79 2,890

5,337 87 2,968

5,337 MM& E/GSE 87



Continue Continue implementation implementation

3.2.Create conductive environment Increase investment in the sector for investors

Prepare and Improve monitoring Manage and disseminate and evaluation system administer the promotional document of the sector sector

Increase revenue of MM& E/GSE the sector


XV. SECTOR/THEME: INDUSTRY AND TRADE DEVELOPMENT Theme/Goal(s):Creating a favorable environment for private sector, industrial and trade development
Planned Targets Link to MDGs
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.


2004/05 (Base Year)






Responsible/ Implementing Agency

Means/Source of Verification

MDG 1 1. Sustained increase in Real GDP Output 2.Integrated Ethiopia's export trade with global market 2.1. Increased export revenue (US$ million) 819 3.1. Export revenue from textile and apparel (US$ million) 1,008 1,500 2,000 2,500 180 2,480 270 MoTI Ethiopian Customs Authority Annual Report Ethiopian Customs Authority Annual Report Ethiopian Customs Authority Annual Report Ethiopian Customs Authority Annual Report Ethiopian Customs Authority Annual Report Ethiopian Customs Authority Annual Report Ethiopian Customs Authority Annual Report Ethiopian Customs Authority Annual Report MoTI Annual Progress Report Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI PPESA Annual reports 1.1. Share of industrial value added to GDP (%) 1.2. Increase in industrial growth (%) 13.0 7.0 13.5 7.5 14.0 8.0 14.5 8.5 15.0 9.0 MoFED MoTI Annual Report Annual Report



MDG 8 3.Increased revenue from export of industrial products and floriculture 3.2. Export revenue from semi-finished leather and leather products (US$ million) 3.3. Export revenue from pairs of leather footwear (US$ million)













96 3.4. Export revenue from shoe upper (US$ million)






15.9 3.5. Export revenue from leather goods (US$ million) 0.722 3.6. Export revenue from leather apparel (US$ million) 7 3.7. Export revenue from floriculture (US$ million) 4.1. Cumulative number of persons employed 4.Increased Employment creation in leather footwear and shoe upper factories MDG 8 4.2. Cumulative number of persons employed in leather apparels 4.3. Cumulative number of persons employed in sugar factories 4.4. Cumulative number of persons employed in floricultures 4.5. Cumulative number of manpower Required for leather apparel production factories Cumulative number of employment created by sugar industries 5.1. Quantity of cement produced (million tons) 306 26,400 21,356 306 469 40,144 32,298 469 12.1 1.4














58.5 2,586

113.5 3,232

170.1 4,850

255.2 6,465

319 8,080


589 57,409 46,862 589

916 78,819 62,859 916

1,221 91,455 70,000 1,221








5. Increased Cement Production








Trade and Industry

Planned Targets Link to MDGs

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.


2004/05 (Base Year)






Responsible/ Implementing Agency

Means/Source of Verification

6.Textile and apparel sub-sector strengthened

6.1 Yarn (weaving) 6.2 Grey fabric (weaving) 6.3 Knitted wear (weaving) 6.4 Dyed, finished and printed fabric 6.5 Woven garment 6.6 Knitted garment Cumulative number of new factories established Cumulative number of new factories established Cumulative number of new factories established Cumulative number of new factories established Cumulative number of new factories established Cumulative number of new factories established 12 8 6 2 22 13 24 16 12 4 33 21 36 24 17 5 43 26 48 31 22 6 53 31 MoTI MoTI MoTI MoTI MoTI MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI

7.Tanneries to produce value added products

7.1 Tanneries which produce semi- Cumulative number of tanneries upgraded processed hides and skins upgraded to produce finished products 7.2 Upgrade tanneries to produce Number of tanneries to export finished leather or transfer semi-processed ones to those which produce finished leather
finished products










Annual Progress Report of MoTI

8. Manufacturing of export shoes and shoe upper

8.1 Pairs of shoes produced for export 8.2 Shoe upper produced 8.3 New factories established Millions of pairs Million Square feet Cumulative number of leather shoes producing factories Cumulative number of factories producing shoe upper Number ('000) Million square feet 6.4 12.8 2 2 8 16 12 6 12 24 24 12 16 32 36 20 20 40 50 24 MoTI MoTI MoTI MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI

9. Leather Apparel Produced

9.1 Production 9.2 Finished hides required 87 3.8 150 6.6 200 8.8 300 13.2 405 17.8 MoTI MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual Progress Report of MoTI

10. Leather Goods

10.1 Production 10.2 Product Value 10.3 Finished leather required Number ('000) US$ ('000) Square feet(000) 41.25 619 268 82.50 1,200 536 137.50 3,600 894 192.50 5,800 1,300 270 7,200 1,800 MoTI MoTI MoTI


Trade and Industry

Planned Targets Link to MDGs

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

11. Sugar Industry Development Program

2004/05 (Base Year) 3

2005/06 3 286,674

2006/07 3 299,004

2007/08 3 318,837

2008/09 4 892,980

2009/10 4 1,207,461

Responsible/ Implementing Agency MoTI ESDA

Means/Source of Verification Annual Progress Report of MoTI Annual report of Ethiopian Sugar Development Agency Annual report of Ethiopian Sugar Development Agency Annual report of Ethiopian Sugar Development Agency Annual report of Ethiopian Sugar Development Agency

11.1. Increase in sugar factories

Cumulative number of sugar factories

11.2 Current level of production of Sugar product (ton) sugar increased

11.3 Production level of Ethanol

Million liters






11.4 Electric power generated




11.5 Share of Ethiopias sugar export in world market

Share (%)



12. Floriculture development

12.1. Area covered by cut flowers 13. Increased number of cement factories Area covered under green house (ha) Number of cement factories Awareness creation seminars conducted on WTO rules and regulations for federal and regional stakeholders 3 519 3 579 7 856 10 1242 11 2000 12 MoTI PPESA MoTI Continue conduct of seminars for federal and Seminars for regional federal stakeholders stakeholders Studies on tourism, distribution, Studies on NAMA, energy and SPS,TBT, TRIMs communication services etc Document on Document on agriculture(Acc4) services(Acc5) prepared prepared Implement Institutional support project 6 Implement Institutional support project 7 Continue conduct of seminars for federal Evaluate outcomes and impact of and regional seminars stakeholders Continue seminars with latest developments Quarterly and annual reports of MoTI PPESA Annual Reports Annual Progress Report of MoTI

14. WTO accession procedures completed MDG 8

Continue seminars with latest developments MoTI

Studies on the implementation of WTO accession conducted on agriculture, manufacturing and services

Supporting documents for accession negotiation prepared Integrated framework program implemented

Studies on customs valuation, telecommunication and financial sectors Document on SPS and TBT(Acc8) prepared

Evaluate Studies and prepare negotiation documents Document on TRIPs(Acc9) prepared

Accession negotiation Accession negotiation

Accession negotiation MoTI Accession negotiation MoTI Evaluate outcomes and impact of IF program 55

Study Documents Annual Progress Report of MoTI

MDGs 8 15. Privatization Process Enhanced Annual targets on privatization (total value of assets transferred to private operators (%)

Continue IF program by designing Continue IF bankable projects program 16 27

Continue IF program 40

Annual Progress Report of MoTI


Annual Progress Report of PPESA


Trade and Industry

Planned Targets Link to MDGs

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

Outcome/Output Privatization modalities developed and adopted

2004/05 (Base Year) Study on new privatization modalities completed

2005/06 New modalities approved and implementation started

2006/07 Continue implementing the new modalities

2007/08 Continue implementing the new modalities

2008/09 Evaluate implementation of the new modalities

2009/10 Design Improved modalities for remaining privatization process.

Responsible/ Implementing Agency


Means/Source of Verification

Annual Progress Report of PPESA


Trade and Industry

XVI. SECTOR/THEME: FINANCIAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Theme/Goal(s): Enhanced financial service provisions for accelerated growth
Planned Targets
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

Outcome/output Link to MDGs MDG 8 1. Increased contestability in the banking system.

26.1 26.2 20.1 17.9 10.7 1439.4


28.5 27.2 28.7 20.0 18.8 10 1726 15.0 20.3 10 2072

30.0 30.2 13.0 21.8 10 2486

31.5 31.7 11.0 23.3 10 2983

33.0 33.2 <10

Responsible/ Implementing Agency


Means/Source of Verification
NBE annual report


2. Increased banking system strength and efficiency 3. Increased financing of private sector economy for faster economic growth

Market share of private banks in deposit to total deposit (%) Market share of private banks in loans to total loans (%) Reduction in commercial banks NPLs ratio (%) Total credit outstanding to the private sector as % of GDP Capital adequacy ratio of the banking system (%) Volume of micro finance credit ( In Million Birr)

NBE annual report CBs NBE annual report MOFED/NBE

24.8 10


4. Development of micro and rural credit and increased access to financial services for Outreach of MFI's (number of clients in small holders, entrepreneurs million served disaggregated by gender) and traders

NBE annual report







5. Increased strength of the banking system Satisfactory implementation of CBE restructuring plan (i.e. according to planned schedule) Satisfactory implementation of DBE restructuring plan (i.e. according to planned schedule) Implementation is well in progress DBE has completed BPR study
Continue implementation Continue implementation Continue implementation Continue implementation NBE annual report

IT improvement is under way at H.Q. level and will also continue at branch levels Timed program of reduction of NPLs for the 5-year plan for timed NPLs banking system through collection, reduction is approved and foreclosure rescheduling, etc under implementation by all banks

Continue implementation

Continue implementation

Continue timed program of reduction of NPLs through collection, foreclosure, rescheduling , etc.





NBE annual report


Financial Sector

XVI. SECTOR/THEME: FINANCIAL SECTOR DEVELOPMENT Theme/Goal(s): Enhanced financial service provisions for accelerated growth
Planned Targets
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

Outcome/output Link to MDGs

6. Increased financing for private Establish credit information bureau sector

2008/09 2009/10 NBE/CBs Credit information sharing Strengthening credit Continue Continue Continue Continue system was introduced information sharing strengthening credit strengthening strengthening strengthening credit effective June 15, 2004 and information sharing credit information credit information information sharing banks are sharing sharing sharing information on their clients The micro finance strategy is Implementation of reviewed and action plan the Action Plan developed to enhance MFI's continues role in micro and rural credit Implementation of the Action Plan continues





Responsible/ Implementing Agency

Means/Source of Verification
NBE annual report

7. Increased access to finance

Implementation of Implement-action Implement-action NBE/DBE the Action Plan of the Action Plan of the Action Plan continues continues continues

NBE annual report

CBE has already established Undertaking a study Implementing a unit that undertakes a study on the feasibility of on recommendations of the study on the feasibility of lending lending to MFIs to small and medium enterprises. The Bank has started on-lending to one MFIs on trial basis
Strengthen regulatory and supervisory capacity of NBE for MFIs Increase the number of NBE recruited additional staff (currently the number of inspectors to 15


The MFI Division is upgraded to the level of Department

Strengthen regulatory and supervisory capacity of NBE for MFIs Increase the number of Increase number of inspectors to 15, inspectors to 21

Increase number of Increase number of inspectors to 23 inspectors to 25

supervisors has reached 10);

Carry out training of Recruiting a trainer or an MFI specialist (who will also inspectors and finalization of external finalize the manual) is audit guidelines for underway MFIs Carry out training of Exposure visits to MFIs and regulators inspectors and finalization of external audit guidelines for MFIs Exposure visits to MFIs and regulators

Institutional development is being handled through RUFIP (training of management and staff of MFIs; provision of equipment); The issue of sustainability is being discussed in the quarterly meeting between NBE and MFIs. Payment and settlement Unit Design a modern is established in 2004 under payment system the domestic Banking Department. The Directive to establish a National Payment System Council is under review Initiate operation of modern payment system NBE

8. Modernization of payment system of the economy

NBE annual report


Financial Sector


Theme/Goal(s): Ensure sustainable development

Formulation of Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases. Indicators



2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10

Link to MDGs


Responsible/ Implementing Agency

Verification/monitoring System

MDG 1, 7 and 8

1. Improved rural environment for gender equity and sustainable livelihoods

MDG 1, 6, 7 and 8

2. Waste management and pollution reduction

Number of woredas from all regions will have their capacities improved for environmental management for sustainable livelihoods plans that mainstream gender equity and increase biomass production for food , feed and house hold energy No. of towns that will have developed sound Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) plans and started implementation Existing of textile, tannery, chemical, sugar, cement and beverage industries will develop and start implementing their respective Environmental Management System (EMS) (%)






EPA, REPAs EPA, REPAs, Municipalities

EPA Reports




Reports; EMPs




EPA, REPAs, Compliance report of the Ministry of Trade concerned, industries; 25 and Industry (MoTI EMS; audit reports

Inputs/Activities 1. Improved rural environment for gender equity and sustainable livelihoods 1.1. Guidelines on the formulation, implementation, A set of guidelines monitoring and evaluation of Woreda Environmental Management Plan (WEMP) for gender equity and improved 1.2. Training on WEMP reparation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation conducted 1.3.Woreda Environmental Management Plan /Region 1.4. Woredas implementing WEMP No. of trainees -10/woreda and 5/Region who have attended training and awareness program Number of Woredas that prepared WEMP Number of woredas started implementation of their respective WEMPs Promotion strategy (%)

1 950 90 81 90 100 150 10 100 150 10 110 200 15 125

1.5 CDM promotion strategy developed 2. Waste management and Pollution Reduction 2.1. Federal Law and Strategy for Municipal Solid Waste Federal Law (%) Management (MSWM) which mainstream gender equity in Number of towns that received skill development training on MSWM plan place and being implemented Number of towns that developed MSWM plans and start implementation 2.2. Technical manual for the preparation, implementation, Technical manual (%) monitoring and evaluation of MSWM that mainstream gender equity prepared 2.3. Guidelines on sound MSWM developed Number of guidelines on municipal solid waste management (%) Guidelines Industries that received skill development training on 2.4. Guidelines on the establishment of EMS developed EMS (%) A National Implementation Plan for Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) (%) 2.5. National chemical management strategy and Action A National Chemical Management Strategy (NCMS) (%) Plan developed A National Chemical Management Action Plan (NCMAP) (%) 2.6 Federal regulation on industrial pollution prevention and Federal regulation (%) control developed 2.7 Federal emission and effluents control standard put in Federal emission and effluents control standard (%) place

100 0 0 1 15 25 15 25 25 25


25 100 100 100 100 100 25 25 25




Theme/Goal(s): Ensure sustainable development

3. Accelerated Environmentally Sustainable Socio-economic development that ensure gender equity 3.1. Various environmental impact assessment guidelines Number of guidelines developed in the socio economic areas such as agriculture, energy, agro industry, construction, and health 3.2 Terms of reference for ten different Sectoral Environment Units (SEU) will be developed and linkages will be established with the three existing (water resources, roads and electric power) as well as with any new sectoral units created and the ten regional agencies through the environmental information system and networking Terms of references (%) Number of SEU and REPAs with which linkage established Environmental performance reporting guidelines (%)
100 100 3SEU and REPAs 10 SEUs 3 3 3 3

3.3 A national capacity development plan for environmental National Capacity Development Plan (%) sustainability which promotes gender equity will be drafted, discussed and launched 3.4 Mainstreamed National Action Plan (NAP) to combat Reports on arid semi-arid and dry sub-humid areas desertification and mitigate the effects of drought activities implementation monitored and followed up 3.5 Environmental management information system in place Ethiopian Environmental Information Network (EEIN) (%) Number of state of the environment report National environmental awareness program and action 3.6 Environmental awareness raising which has plan put in place (%) mainstreamed gender equity will be directed at students through environmental clubs and at the public through the National environmental awareness strategy developed mass media and publication produced for the purpose Number of environmental awareness protection guidelines for users Number of Environmental Protection Awareness Hand Book for extension agents produced Number of environmental awareness promotion toolkits developed and disseminated Number of training program conducted for regional experts and journalists Number of environmental awareness promotion program broadcasted via radio and television Established and strengthened environmental clubs Number of schools evaluated for the effective implementation of the mainstreaming environment issues in grade one to four 3.7 Sustainable use and management of wetlands Management Plans (MP) for two endangered wetlands (lakes) prepared and commence implementation Implementation of four wetlands MP commenced
5 45



1 100







68 36

68 36




XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 2007/08 A. JUSTICE SYSTEM REFORM PROGRAM Outcome: Efficient and effective system of Justice delivered by competent transparent and accountable justice institutions as desired by the people and government THE HOUSE OF PEOPLES' REPRESENTATIVES (PARLIAMENT)



A.1 : Sub-Outcome: Law making process, oversight and public consultation mechanisms of the house of peoples' representatives improved
A.1.1. Strengthened law making & public consultation mechanism of HPR * Number of professional support staff recruited and trained *Number of staff (in all institutions involved in law drafting/ making) trained and qualified * Number of MPs trained in parliamentary procedures & Processes and parliamentary oversight mechanisms *Number of cases where ministries take action in response to oversight committee reports (2) * Timely available parliamentary committee reports of debates and public consultations on draft laws * Various activities undertaken to make parliament effective in discharging its constitutional duties
* Study of parliament's law * Consultations and sensitization making procedure on revised parliament's law completed making procedure draft law * Parliament's working completed and adopted system and procedure *Professional support staff redesigning started recruited * Parliamentary secretariat * Additional 50% of MPs trained organizational framework * New parliamentary working revised system and procedure completed * 25% of MPs trained in * Revised organizational parliamentary process and structure of parliament's procedures secretariat implemented * Equip parliament with necessary audiovisual and IT equipments * The new law making * Continue training of Continue training of Reports from procedure of parliament staff HPR secretariat, staff implemented JSRP office * consolidate new * Additional professional parliamentary support staff recruited for working system and parliament and trained procedure * Additional training will be given to the remaining 25% of MPs * New parliamentary working system & procedure implemented

THE FEDERATION COUNCIL (FC) A.2: Sub-outcome: Oversight function of the House of Federation improved
A.2.1. Redesigned * Number of council members trained in areas they consider priorities and strengthened FC working system * Number of professional staff recruited and trained * Types of facilities and equipments procured Various preparatory activities undertaken to make the House of Federation effective in discharging its constitutional duties * Start study on the organizational framework of HoF * 25 % of council members trained * Procure IT equipment for HoF secretariat * Study on the organizational * New organizational framework of HoF completed structure implemented * Staffing of HoF * Working system and procedures of HoF redesigned completed * 50 % of council members * New working system procedure of HoF trained * Professional support staff implemented recruited and trained for HoF Secretariat * Complete training of * Continue training of HoF staff council members * Continue training of HoF staff Reports from HoF FC secretariat, JSRP office




Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification







A.3: Sub-Outcome: Administration & Operational System of Law enforcement organs improved * PIS installed and tested in * Studies for establishing PIS A.3.1. Strengthened * Number of police officers trained in two prosecution offices in completed operational system community policing * Studies for establishing AFIS Addis Ababa of law enforcement * Number of prison wardens and correctional * Installing an AFIS system completed officers trained in a new curriculum organs both at the * Studies for strengthening the at the federal police federal and regional * Number of prosecution offices implementing Federal Forensic Service and underway * Automated prison establishing 4 new forensic the new PI (Prosecution Information) system level laboratories in regional capitals information system study * New Prosecution, Police and Prison underway Information systems implemented at all levels completed * Study on organizational and compatible with each other and the court structure of the federal prison information system administration completed * # of Forensic Service laboratories established * A study to upgrade the prison training center and a new and fully functional * # of male and female prosecutors and judges curriculum for the training of prison wardens & correctional trained together at federal and regional levels
officers completed

A.3.2. Improved publicly available information and data in the justice system

* Increased dissemination of laws in electronic & hard copies * Timely publication of newly enacted laws * Data on justice made available at designated places for researchers, academics, policy makers, etc.

* Preparations undertaken to conduct study for the establishment of national justice information center

* TOR developed for the study

* Study started and completed * National justice information center established * Center staffed with required personnel, and office facilities

* National justice information center becomes operational

NJIC's activities consolidated

Annual report of the Ministry of Justice



MOJ and other relevant institutions

MCB/JSRP and relevant institutions including MOJ, Federal Police, Federal Prison Administrations

* New information system in * PIS rolled out to selected prosecution office of regional place for the federal police states * PIS in place in all federal * Forensic Service prosecution branch offices in laboratories established in 4 Addis Ababa regional capitals * Operationalization of * Installation of AFIS automated prison information completed & tested at the system in place at federal federal police headquarter prisons * New organizational structure in place at the Federal Prison Administration * Training modules will be developed based on the new curriculum guide of the federal prison training center to train correctional officers * Prison training center start training on the new curriculum

* PIS rolled out in all regional prosecution offices * AFIS become fully functional at the federal level

* Implementation of Reports of law enforcement AFIS and PIS organs evaluated at the national level

Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification








A.4: Sub-Outcome: Improved effectiveness, efficiency and accountability of the Civil Service A.4.1 services are * SPM, BPR, PPMS realized *System piloted in 20 federal delivered efficiently institutions and effectively at all levels of federal and regional executive bodies MoCB FEAC FEAC

*Rolling out the development systems through institutions spread heading reform process (Ethiopia Civil Service College and Ethiopian Management Institute

* Conducting training needs assessment in 9 federal institutions * Train key staff in 9 ministries

* Implement full fledge performance planning management system (PPMS) in 9 federal institutions

* Review * Implementation * Rolling out the developed systems in 11 implementation of full- reports by various fledged PPMS in 20 ministries additional federal institutions * Train key ministries staffs in 9 ministries *Institutions re structured as needed

A.4.2 Continued * Establishment of efficient, independent and efforts to fight against appropriately resourced anti-corruption bodies corruption (efforts to fight against corruption further institutionalized, well structured and systematized)

* MIS and reporting system developed

* Ethics and anti * Implement full- fledged MIS corruption policy and using LAN and WAN * training manual developed Strengthened staff capacity of FEAC * Surveillance and intelligence department organized and equipped with appropriate materials * Equipped FEAC with necessary facilities which enable to fight corruption effectively * (Vehicles, computer. copiers, audiovisual teaching materials, etc.,)

* Implement ethics and anti * Provision of pilot anti corruption training corruption policy and sessions and standard training manual * Ethics and anti corruption training program training modules for various developed and training conducted stakeholders developed * Surveillance and intelligence department staff trained

FEAC reports

Improved operational systems to combat corruption breeding causes at all level of the government

Corruption survey conducted, regulation and procedures on registration and declaration of assets and financial interests of officials developed, ethics infrastructure coordination system developed, and ethics infrastructure Forum organized

FECA performance indicators and baseline data developed (for M&E)

Community trained and FEAC reports mobilized in the fight against corruption



Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification








A.5:Sub-Outcome: Secure, Efficient, Effective and Accountable Judiciary

Federal and Regional Supreme Court, MOJ, MOCB

A.5.1. Efficient, effective and accountable courts

* Number of federal and regional courts that have implemented case management system . * Number of courts using computerized database system * Judges and court staff trained each year by the judicial training center through initial training and in-service training programs (%) * Number of trained men and women judges. *Average number of days required to obtain a judicial decision

* National court reform program under implementation in all federal and in the supreme and high courts of regional states * Training of judges and court staff is underway through initial training and in-service training programs

* Court reform projects * National court reform * Implementation of * National court projects implemented in court reform projects in implemented in 50% of all reform projects 75% of all woreda courts in implemented in the all regional supreme and woreda courts in all regional all regional states high courts completed states remaining 25% of * E-litigation of civil cases * e-litigation of civil cases as phased woreda courts of all introduced in the federal supreme introduced in Federal high * Training of staff regional states court court continues * Training of staff continues * Training of staff continues * Training of staff continues

* Implementation of the court reform program consolidated and evaluated at all level of courts

Report by the Judiciary and JSRPO *Training outcome reports, Judicial training center quarterly reports


A.6: Sub-Outcome: Freedom of expression, Improved access to information and its dissemination by the media supported and protected by the legal frame work
A.6.1. Improved access to reliable information * Increased number and variety of public and private news papers * Increased circulation Licenses issued for private Identify the problems on Create awareness on the role of Continue issuing licenses news papers and magazines licensing and registration media through different regional to applicants and follow of the print media, issuing forums and continue issuing up overall activities of licenses for applicants and additional licenses to applicants licensees
follow up the activities of and follow up the activities of the licensees licensees

Continue issuing licenses to applicants and follow up overall activities of licensees

The HoPR Records Continue issuing licenses to applicants of MoI, Government and follow up overall Reports, HRC, I00 activities of licensees; Reports evaluate the previous year's performances and prepare the coming years' plans

Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority

*Increased number of public and commercial radio stations in regions and expanded broadcasting * Improved quality of broadcasting as per editorial policy * Broadcast licenses issued on the basis of licensing procedures

The HoPR, Records *Establishment of licensing *Follow up performance *Creating awareness of radio and *Follow up overall *Follow up overall *Evaluating the of MoI, Government TV journalists on broadcasting activities of the existing activities of the previous years' procedure, issuing licenses of the civilities of the Reports, HRC to 3 regions for public radio regional radio stations laws and regulations; issuing existing regional radio performances and regional radio stations prepare the next coming Reports license to additional regional and 2 commercial radio stations public radio stations; follow up the over all activities of the existing regional public radio stations years plans



Federal and Regional Supreme Court, MOI, MoCB

* Study on judicial transparency and A.5.2. System of Accountability completed transparency & accountability in conducting judicial business established

* TOR drafted to conduct study on judicial transparency and accountability

* Study on judicial independence, transparency and accountability completed

* Result of the study on judicial transparency & accountability discussed and approved by all levels of courts and other stakeholders

* Implement system of transparency and accountability in conducting judicial business at all level of courts

*Continue Continue implementation of the implementation judicial transparency and accountability system

Report by the Judiciary and JSRPO, Annual report of the Ministry of Justice

Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification

A.6.2. Legal framework protects and supports independent, responsible, ethical and accountable public and private media

*Development and implementation of a code of *The Press Law drafted in consultations with conduct by media professionals stakeholders *Revised Press Law and Freedom of Information Law enacted

*The Press Law will be *Submit the drafted approved by the Parliament Press Law to the *Conduct workshop, training, Council of Ministers *Additional consultation etc on the implementation of the Press Law will be held and the drafted press law will be *Conduct workshops and consultations with journalist enriched from to develop code of conduct consultation taking into account international practice

*Continue implementation of the Press Law; conduct workshops and *Trainings to journalists for effective implementation of enacted press law *Provide training and workshops to journalists in order to implement the code of conduct effectively

*Continue implementation of the Press Law *Facilitate implementation of the code of conduct among media professionals

*Continue The house of implementation of the peoples Press Law representatives, *Evaluate the previous Media Institutions years' performances and Reports , Reports' prepare for the coming of MoI, Public years plans Survey, Records of *Facilitate EBA ( the regulator) implementation of the code of conduct among media professionals * Evaluate the previous years' performances & prepare the coming years plans The house of peoples representatives, Media Institutions Reports , Reports' of MoI, Public Survey, Records of EBA ( the regulator)


* Increase in the level of education and skill of media professionals

* Conduct short-term training, * Provide training for media professionals workshops, etc to enhance skills of media professionals * Create awareness and enhance knowledge of the media professionals about government policies in general

* Provide training for * Provide training for media professionals media professionals based on demand based on demand * Evaluate the previous years' performances and prepare the coming years plans




Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority

*Enabling regulatory framework strengthened

* Carryout preparatory * Equip the Authority with * Establish Broadcasting work to implement Civil monitoring equipments Regulatory Branch Offices Service Reform Program to * Conduct training, study tour in regions; establish efficient and and other experience sharing with * Conduct training on other countries in broadcasting frequency management, effective working service regulators processes in the regulation, content, etc. *Designing strategic plan which Broadcasting Authority includes how to license commercial TV stations

* Strengthen Broadcasting Regulatory Branch offices * Enhance the capacity of the staff to carryout fully the duties and responsibilities of the Authority

* Enhance the capacity of the staff to carryout fully the duties & responsibilities of Authority * Evaluate previous years' performances & prepare the coming years plans

*The house of peoples representatives, Reports of EBA, Reports of MoI

Ethiopian Broadcasting Authority

*Start issuing community radio licenses

2004/05 *Research has been conducted on how to issue a license to community radio in Ethiopia



*Follow up the pilot community radio stations and conduct a research for future licensing activities *Reviewing the regulations based on the research



*Establishing licensing *Issuing a license for regulations on community community radio at a pilot radio level *Invite applicants at pilot level for community radio

*Issuing additional *Follow up the community radio licenses activities/broadcasting *Follow up the overall of community radio activities of existing stations community radio stations *Evaluate previous years activity performances and prepare for the coming years plans

*The house of peoples representatives (HoPR), Reports of EBA, Reports of MoI

Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification


Community Needs Assessment for ICT service completed and Strategy document to empower communities with information prepared and approved

50% of the appropriate federal and 4 regional agencies adapt and implement basic components as per the priorities set in the strategy document

All of the appropriate federal and 4 regional and 50% of the emerging agencies adapt and implement basic components as per the priorities set in the strategy document



A.6.3 Community Community Needs Assessment and Strategy Needs Assessment for document to empower communities with information ICT Service completed and strategy document to empower community with information will be produced. Establish community ICT centers at local level

The remaining 50 % of Increased support to the appropriate agencies community based of the emerging regions service established system, adapt and implement basic components as per the priorities set in the strategy document

Linked to PSCAP

A.6.4 Global No. Community based global information repackaged to augment indigenous knowledge bases information will be repackaged to national needs

Identify and establish community based service center at selected sites of federal and regional system. Repackaged global information to national needs in local language on health, agriculture, education, rural development etc. to augment indigenous knowledge bases

Provide repackaged global information services in local language on health, agriculture, education, rural development etc. to augment indigenous knowledge bases

100 Community-based Linked to PSCAP Further increase the number Further increase the of the centers and maintain number of the centers information and service and enrich community and maintain and enrich based services community based services

A.6.5. CommunityNo. of Community based ICT projects successfully based ICT projects implemented will be developed and implemented successfully

Identify and develop Identity and develop community Maintain continuity of community based projects based projects focusing in other identification and in health and agriculture sector of the economy development of projects for community support

Maintain continuity of identification and development of projects for community support

Maintain continuity of Linked to PSCAP identification and development of projects for community support





Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification







B District Level Decentralization Program B Outcome: Improved capability and competence of woreda administration and grassroots participation by implementing District Level Decentralization Program B.1. Sub-outcome: Improved local participation and democratic consultation * Completion of manual and * Implementation and B.1.1 Democratic * Involvement of membership-based civil societies in local council meetings institutional arrangement for review participation of the participation of civil membership-based societies in council meeting civil society and supervision and inspection team in all the kebeles of the 4 regions

* Implementation and * Implementation and Progress report of review MoCB review * Participation of civil societies in all the kebele of the remaining regions

Handover modality of civil society capacity building program to MoJ, Ministry of Women Affairs, Ministry of Youth and Sport completed

B.1.3. Strengthened Improved woreda planning manual introduced effective planning system in woredas

Preparation of improved planning manuals under DLDP/PSCAP

*Disseminate ToT for the * Increase in woredas application of improved covered; evaluation of impact in woredas woreda Planning *20% of woredas introduced with improved woreda planning

*Revision of manuals Progress report of and procedures based MoCB on outcome of the Benchmarking evaluation; surveys *Increased number of woreda covered

B.2: Sub-Outcome: Devolution of Power to Lower tiers of Government Deepened B.2.1. Devolution Legislation on functional assignment put in of fiscal power to place and implementation capacity secured lower tiers of Government (Woredas) completed in regions

Study on refinement of the division of functional assignment between woreda and region

Completion of drafting of Application of Capacity building legislative and regulatory legislative framework and capacity building framework on expenditure and revenue for devolution of fiscal assignments of woreda power

Progress report of the MoCB





MoCB, MOJ (Chair streaming committee)

B.1.2.Consulation with CSOs conducted in a structured manner on a regular basis at federal and regional levels

*Framework for consultation established * Forum for consultation established; * Consultation with CSOs made operational as per the framework

*Completion of laws and regulations or the necessary procedures for the participation of civil societies at federal and regional levels in the 4 regions under DLDP/PSCAP

*Establish forum for consultation and dialogue with CSOs through the respective institutions

*Implementation and * Implementation and Progress report of review the steering review, committee, MoCB * Continue implementation of laws and regulations at woreda and kebele in other regions


Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification

2004/05 * Number of woredas that introduce minimum standard service indicator

B.2.2. Minimum service standard in place at woreda level

Progress report of the MoCB

C. Outcome: Increased capacity of federal and regional governments to identify and manage conflicts
National Conflict Policy/Strategy drafted, C.1.1 A National consulted on, approved & implemented Conflict Management policy / strategy in place *Preparation of Concept paper & TOR *Concept paper and ToR drafted to prepare a National Policy framework for conflict Management *ToR approved by relevant bodies *Commence preparation to formulate a National Conflict Management Policy /Strategy *Policy / strategy *Series of stakeholder discussed and seminars conducted to approved by discuss conflict policy stakeholders at all content levels *Ratification of * A National Conflict Management Policy and policy by Council of Ministers Strategy drafted and completed in consultation with stakeholders *Implementation supported by review seminars *Evaluation of number of users of conflict policy MoFA, Regional Justice & Security Affairs Coordinating Bureaus
MoFA; Regional Justice & Security Affairs Bureaus




B.2.3. Woreda level * Enabling legislation and capacity in place decentralization implemented in Afar, Somali, Benushangul Gumz & Gambela

* Decentralization process partially started

* Decentralization gaps identified and action for capacity building developed * Legislative framework for functional assignments of woreda and municipalities refined

* Preparation of action plan * Capacity building for capacity building and decentralization * Consolidation of planning, fully implemented in implementation, monitoring, 56 woredas & evaluation manual and * Implementation of * Implementation in 13 pilot the planning, woredas

*Capacity building Surveys of and decentralization implementation fully implemented in 112 woredas (100%) * Implementation of the planning, implementation implementation monitoring, & monitoring, & evaluation manual in evaluation manual in 59 woredas 40 woredas


2005/06 Conduct assessment on service indicators

2006/07 Set minimum service indicators, in pilot woredas and offices

2007/08 Introduce minimum standard service indicators

2008/09 Continue implementation

2009/10 Continue implementation

Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification







D. National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) D.1: Outcome: Improved Democratic Representation D.1.1. Free and fair * Preparation and conduct of electoral process in election conducted accordance with the electoral law, regulation, and procedures of NEBE * Preparation for woreda, kebele and city council election in Tigray, Afar, Amhara, Oromiya regions *Preparation and conduct of zone, woreda, kebele and city council election in SNNP region * Preparation and conduct of woreda and kebele election in Gambella region *Preparation and conduct the Addis Ababa City Administration Council election *Prepare and conduct woreda and kebele council election in Benshangul-Gumuz region *Prepare and conduct sub-city and kebele council election in Addis Ababa *Prepare and conduct election in Somali woreda councils *Preparation for the 4th HOPR and regional council election * Prepare and conduct the fourth national and regional election NEBE NEBE Report
Report of NEBE performance, accountability of CSOs monitored by NEBE through established mechanisms and set up. Report of NEBE performance, accountability of CSOs monitored by NEBE through established mechanisms and set up.

D.1.2. Citizens with * NEBE civic voter education delivered greater understanding of electoral process and system

*Prepare and conduct voter education in Addis Ababa, Tigray, Amhara, Afar, Gambela, Oromiya, SNNP regions *Approve CSOs* voter education material and give mandate.

* Prepare and provide voter education in Addis Ababa and B/Gumuz regional state *Approve CSOs' voter education material and give mandate

* Prepare and provide * Conduct voter voter education in education for the Somali region fourth federal and * Approve CSOs' voter regional election education material and give mandate * Prepare voter education material for the fourth federal and regional election

D.1.3. NEBE Reorganized

* Reorganization study completed, reviewed, approved and implemented

Continue capacity * Prepare blue print of * New organizational building structure prepared the study. * Commencement of the * Study on job description study for reorganization commenced * Organizational structure and job description approved and implemented

Continue capacity building

Continue capacity building




Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification

2004/05 2005/06 E. THE INSTITUTE OF OMBUDSMAN E.1: Outcome: Citizens' rights as ensured in the constitution, penal code are promoted, claimed and enforced E.1.1 Organization structure in place Organizational structure prepared submitted and approved. Branch office structure prepared and approved The organizational structure prepared and submitted to the parliament for approval * Budget allocated for activities





* The organizational structure approved by the parliament * The organizational structure of the branch office prepared and submitted to the parliament * Branch office structure approved * One branch office opened * Budget allocated for activities

* Organization structure * Organization structure of 3 branch of 2 branch offices offices prepared, prepared, submitted submitted for approval approved by the and parliament * 2 branch offices opened approved by the parliament *Budget allocated for * 3 branch offices activities opened * Budget allocated for activities

* The organizational IOO Report structure of 4 branch offices prepared and submitted for approval and approved by the parliament * 4 branch offices opened *Budget allocated for activities

E.1.2. Staffing the institution

Staff of the head and the branch offices recruited

*Salary scale approved by the *The staff of the head office The staff of the head The staff of the head parliament * The staff of the head and branch offices recruited office and branch offices and the branch offices office recruited * The staff of one recruited recruited branch office recruited *Budget secured * The *Case management manual *Monitoring guideline terms of reference and prepared *Human resource prepared *Information bidding document prepared development and administration system developed *For the manual and the directive prepared, approved & *The monitoring guide line guide line *Technical team implemented. Stakeholder and the information system Organized relation guideline prepared. implemented Directive (on the proclamation No 211/2000 prepared *Strategic plan prepared * Manuals guideline and directives approved launched and implemented *Evaluate the manual and *Manual up graded guidelines *upgrading *Report to the public strategy for case and the parliament management manual submitted devised *Report to the public and the parliament submitted

E.1.3. Working system designed

*Manuals, guidelines, directives developed and implemented.* Monitoring guideline developed and implemented.*Human resource development & administration manual developed and implemented

IOO Report






Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification


E.1.4.Awearness of * Number of handled cases by the office increased *Number of recommendations citizens on the implemented increased functions and mandate of the Ombudsman increased

2005/06 Brochure prepared and distributed *Consultation forum with major stakeholders (parliament, judiciaries human right institution civil society ...etc)





* Brochures and leaflets prepared * Website of the institution Evaluate consultation *Upgrade the IOO reports and distributed *Advertisements developed consultation forum and forums & work shops and short plays aired on radio * Brochures and leaflets *Brochures and leaflets work shops according and TV * Articles printed in prepared and distributed prepared and distributed the evaluation news papers *Forum organized * News letters regularly *News letters regularly *Brochures and leaflets with Media and with civil society published prepared and published who are working in the area of * Advertisement and short *Advertisement and short distributed *News plays aired on Radio and letters regularly good governance *Workshops plays aired on Radio and TV *Articles printed in published and consultation forums with TV major stakeholder * Workshops * Articles printed in news news papers *Forum *Advertisement and organized with the media short plays aired on to enhance the awareness of the papers executive organ on service * Forum organized with the and civil society who are Radio and TV *Articles delivery mal-administration * media and civil society who working on the area of printed in news papers Workshops to enhance the are working on the area of good governance * Work *Forum organized with shops to the executive on the media and civil awareness on the right and good governance different issues especial treatment of women & * Workshops to the society who are children working on the area of executive on different issues good governance * of the function of the Workshops to the Ombudsman executive on different issues



Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification







F. HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION (HRC) Outcome: Human and Democratic rights of citizens and peoples as enshrined in the constitution and other laws of the land are promoted, protected, claimed and enforced F.1. Sub-Outcome: Increased awareness, understanding and enforcement of citizens rights F.1.1. Citizens awareness about their rights and the role of the Commission created *Timely publication and dissemination of HR legislation; *Regular awareness campaigns/information dissemination by the EHRC *Translation and dissemination of HR Conventions ratified by Ethiopia
publication and dissemination * Three National *Translation, publication and of booklets of Electoral Rights conferences on birth dissemination of basic in 3 vernacular languages registration, the role of international and regional GOs, NGOs, parliament human rights instruments in members in the promotion to Amharic *Workshops and and protection of human training undertaken,*Human rights *Awareness programs developed and rights education using media partnership with GOs and * Publication and dissemination of broachers NGOs secured and leaflets *Publication and dissemination of leaflets on the rights of women and children * conference programs developed *Translation , publication *Translation, publication and dissemination of basic and dissemination of international and regional basic international and human rights instruments in regional human rights additional 3 local instruments in additional vernacular languages * 3 local vernacular Conducting workshops, languages, workshops, training and seminars * trainings, media Media education continued education continued in at least 4 local vernacular languages * Awareness raising using formal education sector* Publication and dissemination of broachers and leaflets *Developing training manual *Undertake community based training (TOT) Continue the activities HRC Report of previous years to increase awareness of citizens about their rights

F.2. Sub-Outcome: Increased capacity of the Human Rights Commission (HRC) F.2.1. Organizational structure of the EHRC studied and implemented * Organizational Structure submitted and approved Commencement of the study on EHRC 5 years Strategic plan
* Strategic plan study *Four regional offices * Regional offices completed and adopted established and became established * Organizational structure operational; # of cases resolved, * Work started submitted to the parliament including on women's and for approval *Effective and children's rights in a timely efficient organizational fashion ; appropriately qualified structure created *Roles staff appointed, with training and responsibilities of the needs identified & addressed; staff determined *5 years National HR Action Plan drafted, strategic plan of the EHRC consulted on, approved, designed publicized & implemented * Set up organizational structure for the remaining regional offices
* Establishment of all regional commission offices completed * All offices become operational

EHRC Report





Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XVIII. SECTOR/THEME: DEMOCRATIZATION AND GOOD GOVERNANCE Theme/Goal(s): Fully operational democratic, accountable and responsive constitutional federalism, ensuring citizen' empowerment and participation

Planned Targets

Means/Source of Verification



*Salary scale approved by parliament *Head office staffs recruited and deployed

* 3 regional offices staff recruited and deployed



F.2.3 The EHRC's * All necessary directives, guidelines, and manuals put in place working system designed & implemented

*Develop working directives *Develop policies, procedures, working tools, management systems, reporting systems, complaint handling process .etc. * Work plan developed for establishing regional offices *Guidelines and directives developed on complaint handling process and on creating partnership with GOs and NGOs* Qualified staff recruited and deployed, staff development training needs identified and addressed * HRC become operational * 300 cases resolved,* Proposal drafted for undertaking National HR Action Plan

* Develop automated complaints management system *National HR Action Plan drafted and consulted on,500 cases resolved and HRC recommendations implemented




* Implement directives, guidelines, manuals and systems *National HR Action plan approved, publicized and implemented *700 cases resolved and recommendations implemented *Regional staff training needs identified and addressed

* Implement directives, HRC annual guidelines, manuals and reports; National systems HR Action Plan *All regional offices staffed and equipped and become fully operational *National HR Action Plan implemented, At least 800 cases resolved and recommendation of HRC implemented


* Staff members of head and regional offices F.2.2. Qualified staffs employed and recruited and deployed trained

*Staffs of the remaining HRC Report regional commission offices recruited and deployed

Responsible Institutions

Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

XIX. SECTOR/THEME: TAX REFORM PROGRAM Theme/Goal(s): Improved efficiency and effectiveness of tax collection and administration system that enables to establish increased and sustainable domestic revenue base
Planned Targets
Link to Area/Components MDGs
All MDGs 1.Tax policy and legislation


Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.







Means/Source of Implementing Verification Agency


1.1. Issuance and No. of regions issuing/adapting tax adoption/adoption of tax proclamations, regulations and directives proclamations, regulations and directives 1.2. Agricultural income tax and land use fee proclamation issued 1.3. Completion of revenue potential study in regions and (City Administration) No. of regions proclaiming agricultural income tax and land use fee proclamation

Completed in all advanced regions

Completed in all 11 regions

MoR Progress Report

Completed in all 11 regions


Completed in all advanced regions

Completed in 2 emerging regions (cumulative of 9 regions) Completed in all 11 regions

No. of regions and CAs completing revenue potential study TIN coverage as a proportion of total tax base at federal and regions

Completed in all advanced regions TIN coverage 50% as a proportion of total tax base in advanced regions

All MDGs 2. Tax Payer 2.1. Implementation of TIN at Identification Number federal level and regions (TIN)

TIN coverage more than 100% TIN coverage 80% as a proportion of total achieved in all 11 tax base in advanced regions regions; more than 50% in emerging regions 50% of Commercial Banks, 100% of Commercial Customs, NBE and Trade Banks, Customs, NBE using TIN reference and Trade using TIN reference Completed in 4 advanced regions and 2 CAs Completed in all regions 100 % of total potential tax- payers registered

MoR Progress Report


2.2. Use of TIN by third-parties Interface completed by third-parties using TIN (Customs, Trade, National for disclosure and compliance Bank and Commercial Banks)

Completed by Customs, Trade and NBE

All MDGs 3. Presumptive taxation

3.1. Issuance of profitability rate directive by regions 3.2. Registration of potential tax-payers completed

No. of regions issuing profitability rate directive

MoR Progress

Proportion of total tax-payers to potential (according to study in 1.3 above) in regions and CAs

More than 50% of potential tax- payers registered in each of the regions and CAs Cover 50% of new businesses and hard-totax groups

More than 75 % of potential tax- payers registered

3.3. Tax revenue collection Increase the coverage in revenue collection from from new businesses and hard- new businesses and hard-to-tax groups to-tax groups completed All MDGs 4. Value Added Tax (VAT) 4.1. VAT payers registration completed in the program period No of registered VAT payers to total (estimate from potential study in 1.3) Cover 100% of new businesses and hard-totax groups

More than 50% of More than 75% of potential 100% of potential VAT potential VAT-payers VAT-payers registered in -payers registered in registered in each of each of the regions each of the regions the regions

MoR Progress Report



XIX. SECTOR/THEME: TAX REFORM PROGRAM Theme/Goal(s): Improved efficiency and effectiveness of tax collection and administration system that enables to establish increased and sustainable domestic revenue base
Planned Targets
Link to Area/Components MDGs Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.
Means/Source of Implementing Verification Agency









All MDGs 5. Operational programs, systems procedures and manuals

5.1. Operational manual (OM) No. of regions and CAs in which Operational implemented in tax offices in Manual implemented; Proportion of tax officers regions and CAs trained in new OM

Manual Manual implementation 100% of tax officers in implementation completed in emerging emerging regions completed in advanced regions; 50% of tax officers trained regions; 50% of tax in emerging regions trained; officers in these 100% of tax officers in regions trained advanced regions trained

MoR Progress Report

5.2. Tax file management system implemented 5.3. Integrated tax system customized and implemented

No. of regions and CAs with Tax file management system implemented Integrated tax system customized and implemented in no of Regions/CAs

Completed in all Completed in all advanced regions remerging regions Integrated tax system Integrated tax system customization started implemented in all advanced regions Organization restructure completed in advanced regions More than 25% of staff at each level trained More than 40% of staff at each level trained

Integrated Tax system implemented in all Emerging Regions Organization restructure completed in Emerging Regions

All MDGs 6.Organization and 6.1. Organization structure tax payers' education reviewed and restructured

Number of regions with reviewed organizational Structure

MoR Progress Report


6.2. Federal, regional and CA staff trained in Customeroriented service delivery 6.3. Tax-payer education for the program period completed (improved compliance, higher tax realization, improved tax payer satisfaction) All MDGs 7.Customs automation 7.1. Customs automation implemented

Number of federal, regional and CA staff trained

More than 60% of staff More than 80% of staff 100% of staff at each level trained at each level trained at each level trained 30% of tax payers covered by education programs at federal, regional and CA levels 30% of tax payers covered by education programs at federal, regional and CA levels

Number of tax-payers covered by education programs at federal, regional and CA levels

10% of tax payers 30% of tax payers covered covered by education by education programs at programs at federal, federal, regional and CA regional and CA levels levels

Migration to ASYCUDA++ completed; Customs staff trained in new system

Completed in all customs offices

MoR Progress Report

Strategy implemented

All MDGs All MDGs

8.Customs enforcement 9.Customs organization and management

8.1. Anti smuggling strategy developed and implemented

Strategy developed and implemented

Strategy developed

Ethiopian Customs Authority & MoR

9.1.Operational Manual (OM) Operational Manual (OM) developed and implemented in Customs and implemented in Customs and HR developed Increased capacity and skills of Customs employees

Operational Manual (OM) developed and implemented in 25% of Customs Offices

Operational Manual (OM) Operational Manual developed and implemented (OM) developed and in 50% of Customs Offices implemented in 75% of Customs Offices

Operational Manual (OM) developed and implemented in 100% of Customs Offices


XX. SECTOR/THEME:PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT Theme/Goals(s): Improved national public finance management system
Planned Targets
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

Link to MDGs



1. Leagal Framework Reform Program implemented


2. Budget Reform Program (BRP) implemented

Continue the Continue the implementation by implementation by providing trainings to providing trainings to all federal public bodies all regions and city procurement staffs administrations Continue implementation procurement staffs by strengthening the system 8 regions and city Strengthening the Continue the Continue the Continue the administrations implementation including implementation by implementation by implementation by All regions and city No. of Regions and City Administrations implemented BRP and Somali, Afar and providing awareness strengthening the strengthening the system administrations will using the new budget structure or chart Somali, Afar and Gambella regions creation trainings and system provide their budget using distributing the of account Gambella regions have the new budget structure or documents just introduced the Chart of Account System BRP Continue Continue No. of federal budgetary units Continue implementation implementation by implementation by Continue implementation completing roll out of Budget Other Federal institutions by strengthening the strengthening the strengthening the by strengthening the Information System (BIS) packages 53 have BIS System will implement the system system system system system Continue the Continue the All regions used BIS to No. of Regions and City Administrations Continue the implementation by implementation by Continue the prepare 2005/06 budget Continue the undertaking Budget Information System implementation by implementation by strengthening the strengthening the implementation by (BIS) roll out strengthening the system strengthening the system System System strengthening the System Rollout the system in all Continue Conceptual paper First draft document No. of federal public bodies, regions and federal pubic bodies, implementation by Continue implementation Provide training and prepared prepared city administrations implementing strengthening the by strengthening the implement the system in 4 regions and city performance budgeting system system federal pilot public bodies administrations 156 budgetary Number of Federal Budgetary Institutions Undertaking Improved Cash institutions implemented cash Management System/Program management program Prototype document Status of and number of regions under provided to implement taking the improved cash management cash management system/program system Number of federal budgetary institutions, regions and city administrations undertaking Automatic Draft conceptual paper Teller System (ATS) prepared 6 regions and city administrations No. of regions and city administrations implemented accounts completing rollout of modified cash and reform double entry system Continue implementation by strengthening the system Training will be provided to regions and city administrations Continue Continue Continue implementation implementation by implementation by by strengthening the strengthening the strengthening the system system system Continue Continue implementation by implementation by strengthening the Start the implementation of strengthening the the program system system Agree with commercial Rollout the system in all Continue implementation by banks and implement the federal pubic bodies, regions and city strengthening the system in Pilot Federal administrations system Public Bodies All Regions and City Administrations will Continue Continue implement the Account implementation by implementation by Reform Program strengthening the strengthening the system system 49

2004/05 2005/06 2006/07 All regions and city All federal public bodies implemented the administrations develop No. of federal public bodies, regions and financial law, and implement the The financial laws, city administrations implement financial regulation and manuals financial law, regulation regulation and manuals laws, regulation and manuals and manuals will be revised and improved All federal public bodies All federal public bodies , All federal public and 8 regions and city regions and city bodies implemented No. of federal public bodies, regions and procurement law, administrations administrations will city administrations implement regulation, manuals and implement procurement implement procurement procurement laws, manual and standard standard bid documents law, regulation, manuals law, regulation, manuals bid documents and standard bid and standard bid documents documents

2007/08 Complete the revision and rollout to all regions and city administrations

2008/09 Continue the implementation by providing awareness creation trainings and distributing the documents

2009/10 Continue the implementation by providing awareness creation trainings and distributing the documents

Means /Source of Verification








3. Improved cash management system ALL MDGs

Continue implementation by strengthening the system MoFED Continue implementation by strengthening the system MoFED,BoFED Continue implementation by strengthening the system MoFED,BoFED


4. Account Reform Program implemented

Final conceptual paper prepared 8 regions and city administrations except Gambella, Afar and Somali implemented the Account Reform Program

Continue implementation by strengthening the system MoFED,BoFED Pub Financial Mgt

XX. SECTOR/THEME:PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT Theme/Goals(s): Improved national public finance management system
Planned Targets
Formulation of Indicators Indicators should be: a) Measurable on an annual basis; b) Attributable to the GoE; and, c) Use existing databases.

Link to MDGs



2005/06 8 regions and city administrations installed and implemented BDA3A/B systems except Gambella, Afar and Somali





Means /Source of Verification


6 regions and city administrations No. of regions and city administrations installed and completing rollout of Budget implemented BDADisbursement and Account (BDA-3A or 3A/B systems BDA-3B) systems

No.of federal budgetary institutions undertaking BDA-3B rollout Federal accounts backlog No. of regions reducing accounts backlog to 1 year or less No of federal budgetary institutions, 5.Integrated Budgetary regions and city administrations and Expenditure System implementing Integrated Budget and (IBEX*) implemented Expenditure (IBEX) systems 6. Integrated Financial Management System (IFMIS) implemented ALL MDGs 7. Internal audit system implemented

All Regions and City Administrations including Gambella, Afar and Somali will implement BDA-3B Continue implementation by strengthening the system Continue 172 federal institutions Remaining federal 100% of the federal implementation by undertaking BDA- 3B institutions will undertake institutions undertaken strengthening the rollout BDA-3B rollout BDA-3B rollout system No accounts backlog 1 year accounts backlog No accounts backlog 1 year accounts backlog Rollout the system to federal public bodies, all regions and city administrations No accounts backlog No Accounts Backlog Continue implementation by strengthening the system

Continue implementation by strengthening the system Continue implementation by strengthening the system No accounts backlog No accounts backlog Continue implementation by strengthening the system

Continue implementation by strengthening the system Continue implementation by strengthening the system No accounts backlog No accounts backlog Continue implementation by strengthening the system MoFED,BoFED


The system is implemented in MoFED and pilot federal public bodies Draft project document Final project document prepared and submitted to prepared No. of federal public bodies, regions and the World Bank city administrations implement IFMIS

No. accounts backlog 1 year accounts backlog The soft wear is under study

Agree with commercial banks, floated the bid and implement the system in pilot federal public bodies Produced project Implemented the System Implementing the system No. of federal public bodies, regions and document and internal in federal public bodies in regions and city city administrations implement the audit structures administrations internal audit structure Provided training to all federal internal auditors and implemented the system in federal public bodies Produced conceptual paper to produce government property administration manual and training module

Rollout the system in all federal pubic bodies, Continue by regions and city Strengthening the strengthening the administrations implementation system Implementation system Continue by strengthening the implementation Continue by strengthening the implementation


Strengthening the implementation


Produced internal No. of federal public bodies, regions and audit manual and module city administrations implement the internal audit system ALL MDGs 8. Government Property Produced fixed asset No. of federal public bodies, regions and Administration System manual city administrations implement implemented government property administration system * IBEX is part of both budget and account reform program

Providing training to all regional and city Strengthening the administrations internal implementation by auditors and implemented providing over all the system trainings

Continue by strengthening the implementation

Continue by strengthening the implementation



Complete the manual and Rollout the system in all module and implement the federal pubic bodies, regions and city Strengthening the system in pilot federal administrations implementation public bodies

Continue by strengthening the implementation



Pub Financial Mgt

XXI. List of surveys conducted since 1999/2000 and planned to be conducted over the coming 3 years No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Name of the Survey Agricultural Sample Survey Survey of Producers' Price of Agricultural Commodities Survey of Retail Prices of Goods and Services Survey of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Labor Force Survey Consumer's of Price Index Crop Production Forecast Survey Ethiopian Agricultural Sample Enumeration Survey of Producers' Price of Agricultural Commodities Survey of Retail Prices of Goods and Services Survey of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Child Labor Survey Crop Production Forecast Survey Agricultural Inputs and Practices Survey Survey of Producers' Price of Agricultural Commodities Survey of Retail Prices of Goods and Services Survey of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Survey Cottage /Handicraft Manufacturing Industries Survey of Small Scale Manufacturing Industries Survey of Distributive Trade and Services Survey of Informal Sector Demographic and Health Survey Crop Production Forecast Survey Crop Production Sample Survey Survey of State & Private Commercial Farms Livestock Census of Pastoralist Areas Survey of Producers' Price of Agricultural Commodities Survey of Retail Prices of Goods and Services Survey of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Census of Economic Establishments Current Employment Survey Crop Production Forecast Survey Crop Production Sample Survey Survey of State and Private Commercial Farms Survey of Production of Perrinial, root and Vegetable Crops Survey of Producers' Price of Agricultural Commodities Survey of Retail Prices of Goods and Services Welfare Monitoring Survey Household Income Consumption and Expenditure Survey Survey of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Survey of Manufacturing, Trade and Services Enterprises Statistical abstract (extract from various administrative and survey data) Frequency of the Survey Annually Monthly Monthly Annually Every 5 years Monthly Annually Every 10 years Monthly Monthly Annually Every 5 years Annually Annually Monthly Monthly Annually Every 5 years Every 5 years Every 5 years Every 5 years Every 5 years Annually Annually Annually Every 10 years Monthly Monthly Annually Every 5 years Bi -annual Annually Annually Annually Monthly Monthly Every 3 years Every 5 years Annually Quarterly Annually Year of Conduct 2000/2001 2000/2001 2000/2001 2000/2001 2000/2001 2000/2001 2001/2002 2001/2002 2001/2002 2001/2002 2001/2002 2001/2002 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2002/2003 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2003/2004 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 2004/2005 51 Sample Size (SSU) Data collection level (eg. HHS, enterprise, farm, school, etc) HHS HHS Market Enterprise HHS Market HHS HHS HHS Market Enterprise HHS HHS HHS HHS Market Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise HHS HHS HHS Farms HHS HHS Market Enterprise Enterprise HHS HHS HHS Farms HHS HHS Market HHS HHS Enterprise Enterprise all sectors Representativity (Reporting level) National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional Regional National /Regional Woredas National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Reginald National /Regional Woreda National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National/Regional

XXI. List of surveys conducted since 1999/2000 and planned to be conducted over the coming 3 years No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Frequency of the Survey Name of the Survey LIST OF SURVEYS TO BE CONDUCTED OVER THE COMING 3 YEARS Crop Production Forecast Survey Annually Crop Production Sample Survey Annually Survey of State and Private Commercial Farms Annually Survey of Producers' Price of Agricultural Commodities Monthly Survey of Retail Prices of Goods and Services Monthly International Comparison Program Annually Survey of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Annually Survey of Manufacturing, Trade and Services Enterprises Quarterly Survey of Construction (Pilot) Annually Survey of Small Scale Manufacturing Industries Annually Producer Price Survey on Large and Medium Scale Industries Quarterly Business Survey on Large and Medium Scale Industries Quarterly Demographic and Health Survey Every 5 years Current Employment Survey Bi -annual Crop Production Forecast Survey Crop Production Sample Survey Survey of State and Private Commercial Farms Survey of Producers' Price of Agricultural Commodities Survey of Retail Prices of Goods and Services International Comparison Program Survey of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Current Employment Survey Producer Price Survey on Large and Medium Scale Industries Business Survey on Large and Medium Scale Industries Population and Housing Census Crop Production Forecast Survey Crop Production Sample Survey Survey of State and Private Commercial Farms Survey of Producers' Price of Agricultural Commodities Survey of Retail Prices of Goods and Services International Comparison Program Survey of Medium and Large Scale Manufacturing Industries Producer Price Survey on Large and Medium Scale Industries Business Survey on Large and Medium Scale Industries Survey of Small Scale Manufacturing Industries Nomadic Areas Population Census (Afar and Somali) Current Employment Survey Annually Annually Annually Monthly Monthly Annually Annually Bi -annual Quarterly Quarterly Every ten years Annually Annually Annually Monthly Monthly Annually Annually Quarterly Quarterly Annually Every ten years Annually Year of Conduct 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2005/2006 2002/2003 2005/2006 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2006/2007 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 2007/2008 Sample Size (SSU) Data collection level (eg. HHS, enterprise, farm, school, etc) HHS HHS Farms HHS Market Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise HHS HHS HHS HHS Farms HHS Market Enterprise HHS Enterprise Enterprise HHS HHS HHS Farms HHS Market Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise HHS HHS Representativity (Reporting level) National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional

National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional

National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional National /Regional


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