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Adltya Mlshra to:

Board Roll no.:

In the accomplishment of this project
successfully this fime I am ufilizing to
thank all the people who have been
concerned with project.Primarily I
would thank God for being able to
complete this project with success
.Then I would like to thank my physics
teacher Afr.ton/oy whose valuable
guidance has been the ones that
helped me patch this project and make
!••I+!! R++oI success.
Last but not least I would like to thank
my parents,friends and classmates
who have helped me a lot.
This is to sertify that this
“Physiss Investigatory Project” on
the topic “photoelectric effest”
has been cempleted by
Aditya Mishra gf class 12th-PCB
under the suidance of Mr.Sanjay
in particular fulfilment of the
currisulum of CBSE leading to the
award of annuai examination of
the year 2023-24.
1. Photoelectric Effect
2. Experimental Set-up to study
Photoelectric Effect
3. Laws of Photoelectric Effect
4. Einstein’s Photoelectric Equation

S. Verification of Laws of Photoelectric

Effect based on Einstein’s

Ë • Phot le tris Eflct:
The phenoinRnon of emission of electrons from mainly
metal surfaces exposed to light energy (X — rays, y — rays, UV
rays, visible light and even Infra Red rays) of suitable frequency is
known as photoelectric effect.

G The électrons emitied by this effect called


N The current constituted by phoioelentrons is known as

photoelectric currcnt.

G Non metals also show photoelectric effect. Liquids and

gases also show this effect but to limited extent.

¥'• Lacli n etat has n miniintn» energy »ecdcd lor an clcc iron to rte cinittcd.
• This iS IŒOWf› 8s tÎIe Of•k/Uftcfzo›s, II.
¥• So, for an electmn to be emitted, the energy of the photon, hp
must be greater than the work fiinction, 11'.
R The excess energy is the kinetic energy, r of the emitted
Glues trannniti only visible and infta-ted lights but not
UV ligbt. Quartz trazismits UV light.
G When light of suitable frequency falls on the metallic
cathode, photoelectrons are emitted.
I These photoelectrons are attmcted towards the +ve
anode and hence photoelectric current is constituted.
For a fixed frequency, the phoioelectric current increases
linearly with increase in intensity of incident light.
Effect of Potential on Photoelectric urrent:
For a fixed frequency and intensity of incident light, ihe
photoelectric current increases with increase in +ve
potential applied to the anode.


4 When art the photoelectrons reach the plaie A,

current becomes maximum and is known as
saturation current.
Photoelecirons manage to reach the plate on their
own due or cut-off of incident light does not affect
the stopping potential
4 When the potential is decreased, the current
decreases but does not become zero at zero potential.
4 When —ve potential is applied to the plate A w.r.t. C,
photoelectric current becomes zero at a particular
value of—ve potential called stopping potential.

For a fixed iritensity of incident light, the photoelectric

current does not depend on the frequency of the incident
light. Because the photoelectric current simply depends
on the number of photoelectrons emitted and in turn on
the number of photons incident and not on the energy of

4) Effect of Frenuencv of hicident Liaht on Stopuina

For a tixcd inteiisily of incident ligiil, the
photocleciric current increases and is saturated w iris
inc rcase in +vc ptitcntial applied tt› th c an ode.


H However, the saturation current is same for different

frequencies of the incident tights.
R When potential is decreased and taken below zero,
photoelectric current decreases to zero but at different
stopping potentials for different frequencies.
H Higher the frequency, higher the stopping potential
i.e. VS n v .

The graph between stopping potential and frequency does

not pass through the origin. It shows that there is a
minimum value of frequency called threshold frequency
below which photoelecttic emission is not possible
however high the intensity of incident light may be. It
depends on the nature of the metal emitting
Laws of Photoelectric Emission:-
G For a given substance, there is a minimum value
of frRquency of incident light called threshold
frequency below which no photoelectric emission is
possible, howsoever, the intensity of incident lig)it
may be.
N The number of photoelectrons emitted per
second (i.e. photoelectric current) is directly
proportional to the intensity of incident light provided
the frequency is above the threshold frequency.
•il+ The maximum kinetic energy of the
photoelectrons is directly proportional to ihe
frequency provided the frequency is above the
threshold frequency.
N The maximum kinetic energy of the
photoelectrons is independent of the intensity of the
incident light.
G The process of photoelectric emission is
instantaneous. i.e. as soon as thR photon of suitablR
frequency falls on the substance, it emits
G The photoelectric emission is one-to-onc. i.e. for
every photon of suitable frequency one electron is
Einstein’s Photoelectric Euation:-
s*When a photon of energy hv falls on a metal surface,
the energy of the photon is absorbed by the electron
and is used in two ways:
. A part of energy is used to overcome the surface barrier
and come out of the metal surface. This part of the energy
is called ‘work fiinction'(4i = hv0).
2. The remaining part of the energy is used in giving a
velocity ‘v’ to the emitted photoelectron. This is equal to
the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons (
ipv2max ) where ‘m’ is mass of the photoelectron.
According to law of conservation of energy,
hv = ‹I› + / mv2max
= hv0 + F2 mv
2 Wv2inax h (v - v0)


F2 mv2max h (v - v0)
I) lf v < v0, then ?2 mv2max is negative, which is not
possible. Therefore, for Photoelectric emission to take
place v > v0.
ii) Since one photon emits one electron, so the number
pliotoelectrons emitted per second is directly proportional
to the intensity of incident light.
iiÎ) lt ÎS Cl car that U2 mv2max u v as h and v0 are constant.
This shows that K.E. of the photoelectrons is directly
proportional to the frequency of the incident light.
iv) Photoelectric emission is due to collision between a
photon and an electron. As such there cannot be any
significant time 1ag between the incidence of photon and
emission of photoelectron. i.e. the process is
instantaneous. It is found that delay is only 10-8 seconds.

ati fP trie Effe

1 . Automatic fire alarm
2. Automatic burglar alarm
3. Scanners in Tclcviü iun transmission
4. Reproduction of sound in cinema film
5. In paper industry to measure the thickness of paper
6. To locate flaws or holes in the finished goods
7. In astronomy
8. To determine opacity of solids and liquids
9. Automatic switching of street lights
10. To control the temperature of furnace
This is to sartify that this
“Biolosy lnvestisatory Project” on
the topic “iMüNiTY” has been
compieted by Aditya Mishra slass
12th-PcB under the guidance of
Mrs.Neetu in particuiar fuffiiment
of the currisulum of SB3E leadins
ta the award of annuai
examination of ths year 2023-24.

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