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Pointers in Mil

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 Related and Emerging Technology-Since a huge

 Culture- part of media consumer culture involves
accessing entertainment and popular culture,
 Media-entails the technical and artistic creation gaming consoles are sometimes lumped into
and delivery of information media technology.
 Information-a broad term that can cover data
knowledge derived from study, experience, or HISTORY OF MEDIA IN THE PHILIPPINES
instruction, signals or symbols
 Communication process-This is how  Forms of media during pre-industrial age
communication process works. We can use MEDIA (Early human beings were able to communicate
to spread and share this information. through writing symbols or drawing crude
Sender- the one had an idea to share pictures.)
Message-Refers to a relayed as a piece of information 1. Chauvet cave paintings
Channel-Refers to medium to spread your message.
2. Clay and Stone Tablets “Code of
Receiver-A person who read or listen to your
Feedback-A reaction or response to a particular process 3. Papyrus by ancient Egyptians
or activity 4. Woodblock Printing “wrote” letters on
textile or paper using letters carved onto
 Broadcast media- ( radio and television)- woods blocks.
pertains to electronic media that uses 5. The Movable Type was invented, replacing
electricity and technology to deliver the the system of woodblock in certain areas in
message or information the region (1040)
 Film or cinema-pertains to the movies that -Johann Gutenberg’s improvement of the
carry audiovisual messages and are usually movable type printing press (1453)
projected onto a huge screen in theaters or
movie houses  Del Sperior Goviern- (1881) The very first
 Mass media-used to disseminate a piece of newspaper in the Philippines during Spanish
information to a large audience. colonial period. During this period there was a
 Mass communication-The process of spreading divide between the uneducated lower class
information in this wide manner . It is spreading from those who were educated (LITERATE and
0ne-way type of information toward a huge IGNORANT)
audience.  Liwayway-(magazine) A Filipino language
magazine composed of serialized novels and
short stories, essays, news items, photos,
KINDS OF MEDIA lifestyle and entertainment features, as well as
 New media a comic strip section.
 Traditional media- covers the kinds of media
that were invented prior to the invention of the
internet State of media today
 New Media/Digital Media- refer to media that
developed when the use of computer  Globalization-The dictionary defines
technology became ordinary and common in globalization as “the process by which a
most parts of the world company or organization expands to operate
 . Social Media-refers to Internet-maintained internationally”.
computer programs that could be installed in  Glocalization- This move of globalization
personal computers or portable devices, the started in the 1980s and therefore also defined
sole purpose of which is to connect with other as the “emergence of a single world market
people using the same platform dominated by multinational companies, leading
 Mobile Communication Technology- to a diminishing capacity for national
Smartphones and tablet computers have governments to control their economies.
revolutionized the way we create, process, and  Global Village-In terms of audience
distribute media today. participation, term global village is very apt
 Smartphone- combination of different media today.
technology and products gone portable. -Coined by communications professor-theorist
 Tablet –mobile version of a computer. Smaller Marshall Mc Luhan, the term refers to how
than an average laptop, tablets are in between countries seem to have erased physical
a laptop and a mobile smartphone. boundaries by existing virtually via media.
 Turning chemical-based single lens reflex
(SLR) system cameras into DSLRs or digital
 Community media-It is defined as “any form of  Giving birth to several types of music player
media that is created and controlled by a system like the legendary iPod
community – either geographic community or a
community of identity or interest from either  The Manila Times(American period) some of
private media, state-run media, or public the long-running newspaper in the country
broadcast media. were established.
 Mainstream media-Involves the commercial-  Carlo Naquera- Spanish soldier brought the
run type of media business characterized by invention of Lumiere brothers, the
the corporate structure of business. It refers to cinematographe film camera and projector in
conventional newspapers, television networks the Philippines.
and other news sources that most people know Aesthetic of image, text, audio
about and regard as reliable.  Broadcasting
 State-owned media- State-owned media  Framing- Framing means to construct,
means that the government owns and controls compose or imagine something, meaning to
specific media outlets. create with a solid plan to follow using specific
-This usually pertains to the broadcast media structure in mind.
where certain governments run TV and radio -This is where form and content should be
broadcast of shows that features the taken into consideration when we deconstruct
government ‘s work and efforts. and construct media and media products.
 Independent media-Alternative means “having  Journalism- The word journalism was
another choice aside from the one you already originally applied to the reportage of current
have or know”. events in printed form, but with the advent of
-Alternative media simply means the other radio, television, and the Internet in the 20th
choice for the existing mainstream media century the use of the term broadened to
include all printed and electronic
communication dealing with current affairs.
 Photography- As originally defined, is
 Devices discovered during electronic age “process of recording images through a
 The development of the fax machine and chemical interaction caused by light rays hitting
the cell phone also resulted in a faster way a sensitized surface”.
of transmitting messages, causing telegraph  News- is the communication of information
to eventually die. on current events via print, broadcast, Internet
 Expansion of radio and television’s reach or word of mouth to a third party or mass
the term "Mass media” audience
 The development of personal electronic  Listening and framing- The radio was deemed
gadgets and recorders. as very important at a time when moving
 The development of early phonograph discs pictures were not yet invented to supply us
into vinyl records with more accurate details of a broadcast.
 The magnetic tape which produced the -A radio announcer could be so effective that
open track player and cassette tape, and listeners could believe an alien invasion is
later on converted to data and stored in happening if they hear the convincing
compact discs or CDs broadcast on the air.
-Imagine how this kind of power could be
 Digital age enhanced in order to deliver certain messages.
 William Gibson- a Sci-fi writer was the one
who coined the term”cyberspace” in his
novel Neuromancer to describe the
information superhighway that the world
will soon traverse upon the successful
utilization of the Internet.
 The once analog system of data, capturing,
recording, storage, and playback soon
adapted into the digital technology
 Photography - Cinematography

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