Theoratical Frameworks
Theoratical Frameworks
Theoratical Frameworks
In marke ng literature, packaging is a part of the product and the
brand. A product's package represents its characteris cs and
communicates the product informa on. For consumers, the product
and the package are one and the same when they see it on the
supermarket shelves. During the purchasing decision, the package
assists the consumer by crea ng the overall product percep on
which helps the evalua on and the making of the right choice.
Furthermore, the package is the product un l the actual product is
consumed and the package is recycled (Polyakova, 2013). The
package design adds value to the package and to the product
respec vely. Design elements such as colors, font, text, and graphics
have an important role in package appearance. Pictures on the
package in form of a rac ve situa ons (mountains, beaches, luxury
houses and cars) can assist in triggering lifestyle aspira ons (Rundh,
2009). At the point of purchase, the primary role of the package and
packaging design is to catch the consumers‟ a en on and to stand
out among the compe on in the store or at the supermarket.
The theore cal analysis of package elements and their impact on
consumer‟s purchase decisions empirically reveal the elements
having the ul mate effect on consumer choice. It offers six variables
that must be taken into considera on by producers and designers
when crea ng efficient packages: form, size, colour, graphics,
material and graphics. The research result shows the impact of
package elements on consumer purchase decisions can be stronger.
Packaging includes design and produc on of container or wrapper for
a product. Packaging is the art, science and industry of preparing
goods for transport and sale. A package like of brand is effect on
a tude of customer in rela on to product. Packaging elements
includes visual elements and informa on elements. Visual elements
include graphic, form, colour, size and also informa on elements
including making informa on, produc on, country. Product
Packaging also includes all design and manufacturing ac vi es of a
container or wrapper for a product, which have three major du es:
protec ng the contents of package, providing informa on and
differen a ng the product from other brands via a rac ng consumer
a en on. Packaging as art, science and industry of preparing goods
for transport and sales, and as a tool for product development is a
vital component of product which causes its more flexibility and ease
f use. Just as branding, packaging could affect consumers‟ a tudes
regarding the product.
Stewart (2004) explains three primary func ons of the package:
Packaging is an essen al component of the modern-day
supply chain. It offers numerous benefits to society,
Packaging can add to the produc on and retail price of
products, especially if it involves high-quality materials,
complex designs, or innova ve features. Packaging can also
increase the marke ng and adver sing expenses of a
2.Environmental impact: Packaging can contribute to
the waste stream and the deple on of natural resources.
According to one source, packaging accounts for about one
third of the municipal waste in the United States Packaging
also requires energy and raw materials to produce, which
can generate air and water pollu on and greenhouse gas
3.Health hazards: Some forms of plas c packaging can
pose health risks to consumers and workers, such as
leaching of toxic chemicals, releasing of microplas cs, or
causing injuries from sharp edges or broken pieces.