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International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 7, pp 2159-2165 July 2023

International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews

Journal homepage: www.ijrpr.com ISSN 2582-7421

Impact of Product Packaging on Consumer Buying Decision of the

Manufacturing Industry in Delta State
1Nana Goodluck Omamuzo, 2Prof. Titus Chukwuemezie Okeke
Ph. D Student, Department of Marketing, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka Nanagoodluck27@gmail.com
Department of Marketing, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.55248/gengpi.4.723.49071


This study's goal is to determine how much product packaging influences consumers' purchasing decisions. The purpose of this research is to look at the variables
that influence customer purchasing decisions. A well-structured questionnaire was used to gather primary data from respondents in the three senatorial districts of
Delta State, which are Delta South, Delta Central, and Delta North. Selected stores within the three senatorial districts were also randomly chosen. The results of
the study indicated that consumers' decisions to purchase a product are significantly influenced by the packaging of that product, making it the most crucial
component to take into account. there is significant relationship between the construct of product packaging and consumer buying decision. It was recommended
that manufacturers should focus more on product package innovation, a well improved aesthetics that will include colouring, labelling and a customised wrapper
that would elicit buying decisions.

Keywords: Product packaging, consumer buying behaviour/decision, wrapper design, innovation


Due to increasing self-service and shifting customer lifestyles, packaging's position in the current competitive landscape has evolved. Since businesses
are becoming more and more interested in using packaging to promote their products, packaging has evolved into a sales promotion strategy in and of
itself. Having a memorable presentation affects perception, and will keep customers returning again and again (LaMarco, 2019). A study on the role of
packaging on consumer buying behavior in Patan District by Deliya and Parmar (2012) indicated that nowadays competitive environment the role of
packaging has changed due to increasing self-service and changing consumers’ lifestyles. The consumer’s buying decision also stimulated by the
packaging quality, color, wrapper, and other characteristics of packaging. Packaging is a whole package that becomes an ultimate selling proposition,
which stimulates impulse buying behavior. According to Rundh (2005) package appeals consumer’s attentiveness towards a certain brand, increases its
image, and stimulates consumer’s perceptions about a product. Similarly, Packaging plays a significant part in marketing communications and can be
one of the most crucial elements affecting a consumer's purchasing choice. The study of packaging, its components, and their effects on consumers'
purchasing decisions became an important topic in this context since it aimed to maximise the effectiveness of packaging in a purchasing environment.
Packaging works as an instrument for differentiation, and helps consumers to decide the product from wide range of parallel products, packaging also
stimulates customer’s buying behavior (Wells, Farley & Armstrong, 2007). However others focus on distinct elements of packaging and their influence
on consumer purchasing behavior (Ampuero & Vila, 2006; Madden, Hewett, & Roth, M, 2000; Underwood, Klein, & Burke, 2001; Bloch, 1995).
Furthermore, some researchers explore the impact of packaging and its features on consumer’s whole purchase decision (Underwood, Klein, & Burke,
2001), whereas, some others on each step of consumer’s decision making process (Butkeviciene, Stravinskiene, & Rutelione, 2008).

It is worthy to note that The processes of thinking and deeds that go into purchasing and using a product are referred to as buying behaviour. Why do
people make the purchases that they do? What elements influence customer purchases? the elements of our society that are changing. The final consumer's
purchasing behaviour is referred to as consumer buying behaviour. The success of a company depends heavily on how customers respond to its marketing
strategies has a major impact on the performance of the company. Several researchers attempt to examine all potential elements of packaging and their
effect on consumer’s buying decision (Butkeviciene, Stravinskiene, & Rutelione, 2008), but none has focused on how it affect product packaging on
consumer buying decision in Asaba, Delta state. Hence this study tends to cover such area within the scope of this study.

The aim of this research is basically to know the extent to which packaging affect consumer buying decision in Asaba, Delta State.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 7, pp 2159-2165 July 2023 2160

Statement of the Problem

Several firms have been shying away from the importance of packaging on consumer buying decision. Many organisations are not conscious that the
manner in which they package their products impacts the manner in which they can be offered to shoppers. This is on the grounds that numerous purchasers
are normally drawn in with pleasant looking articles may handily purchase an item since it is looking great. The manufacturing industry specifically has
for a long time would not change the packaging of its item. Particularly when compared to as many of its competitors have done. This has affected their
sales especially in Asaba where its competitors are doing some thing different. The purpose of this study therefore is to investigate the importance of
packaging in influencing consumer buying decision in order to improve the sales of the companies.

Objectives of the Study

The study examined the impact of packaging on consumer buying decision of the manufacturing industry in Asaba, while the specific objectives are to:

i. Determine the impact of color on consumer buying decision

ii. Examine the impact of wrapper design on consumer buying decision

iii. Evaluate the influence of innovation on consumer buying decision

Research Questions

• What are the impact of packaging color on consumer buying decision?

• What is the impact of wrapper design on consumer buying decision?

• To what extent is innovation impacting consumer buying decision?

Scope of the Study

The scope is surrounded on the effect of products packaging on consumer buying decision in the manufacturing industry in Delta State, Nigeria. This
study is limited to the five dimensions of product packaging as captured from literature: product color, image, wrapper design, innovation and material.
Buying decision is the dependent variable which came from previous researches.

Literature Review

This section basically discusses the literature related to the impacts of product packaging on consumer buying decision.

The Concept of packaging

Definitions of “packaging” vary and range from a simple and functional interpretation to a more comprehensive one. Packaging can be defined quite
simply as an external element of a product (Olson and Jacoby, 1972) – an attribute that is related to the product but is not part of the physical product

"Package is the container of the product - including the external appearance of the container and including the design, color, shape, label and materials

(Arens, 1996). Most marketing textbooks consider packaging an integral part of the "product" component of the marketing 4Ps: products, prices, places,
and promotions (Cateora and Graham, 2002, pp. 358-360). Some argue that this packaging serves as a promotional tool rather than just an extension of
the product:

Keller (1998) considers packaging to be an attribute unrelated to the product. For him, it's one of the five elements of a brand - along with the name, logo
and/or graphic symbol, personality, and tagline. While the main use of packaging can be thought of as protecting the goods inside, packaging also plays
an important role in that it provides us with a recognizable logo or packaging so that we know right away. What is the goods inside. From the consumer's
point of view, packaging plays an important role when purchasing a product, both as a signal and as a source of information. Packaging is important
because it is the first thing the public sees before making a final purchase decision (Vidales, 1995).

Objectives of packaging

Packaging and packaging labeling serve several purposes:

• Physical Protection - Protects the items contained in the packaging againstshock, vibration, compression, temperature, etc.

• Barrier Protection - A barrier against oxygen, steam, dust, etc.

• Containment or Agglomeration - Small items are often grouped together in a single package for efficient shipping and handling. In addition,
bulk products(such as salt) can be divided into packages that are more suitable for each household.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 7, pp 2159-2165 July 2023 2161

• Information transmission- Information on how to use, transport, recycle or dispose of the packaging or product is usually stated on the package
or label.

• Reducing theft - Packaging cannot be resealed or is physically damaged (with open sign) is very useful in anti-theft. So is the packaging
provides the ability to include anti-theft devices.

• Convenience - features that add convenience for dispensing, handling, display, sell, open, close, use and reuse.

• Marketing - Traders can use packaging and labels to promote potential buyers to purchase the product. Although packaging plays a role in
both logistics and marketing, this article focuses mainly on its relevance in the field of marketing.

Color of packaging

Color plays an important role in the decision-making process of potential customers, certain colors create different moods and can help attract attention.

Packing materials

Any material used specifically to protect something - upholstery, lining. Consumers can change decisions about packaging materials. Attractive high
quality packaging packaging is poor quality. As such, packaging materials have a strong impact on Shopping behaviour.

Wrapper Design

The overall design also plays an important role in attracting consumers. Especially children 10-18 years old are very sensitive about packaging design.
Companies try their best to create attractive packaging designs.


Innovative packaging can really add value to a product if it meets consumer needs such as portion control, recyclability, easy to counterfeit, child resistant,
easy to open, easy to store. , transport is easy and unbreakable.

Consumer buying behavior

Consumer buying behavior is considered an integral part of marketing and packaging insights (Dudovskiy, 2013). For example, marketing activities and
packaging outlook factors such as quality of packaging materials, printing information, brand image, attractive colors and images, are expected to have a
level of influence on consumers' purchasing decisions. There are many factors that influence the course of consumer and shopper behavior, but we only
provide a few here. Taken separately, they may not lead to a purchase.

The relationship between packaging and consumer buying behavior

Previously, packaging was considered only to perform technical functions such as protection and logistics. People mainly pack goods to contain, protect
and transport. Packaging is known to attract consumers to a brand. With this in mind, Azeem (2015) in his research shows that packaging factors influence
the consumer's attraction to a brand, strengthen its image and influence perception. consumers about the product. Research continues to show that the
relationship between packaging and shopping behavior exists to a greater extent.

Similarly, a study by Mousavi and Jahromi (2014) on the relationship between packaging and consumer behavior was found. There is no doubt that
packaging is directly related to shopping behavior. Having a good understanding of customers and their buying behavior has many advantages. By
understanding customers, small businesses can make the best decisions to meet their customers' needs and achieve their business goals. However,
consumer decision/behavior research refers to the study of how individual consumers make decisions or behaviors in relation to how to spend their
available resources (money or money). , time and effort) for consumption-related items (Kihlstrom, 2008).

Therefore, in view of this study, both personal factors (internal influences) and extrinsic factors, including the resources of the consumer, as they are part
of the actual decision of the consumer. consumption, will be considered as a measure or indicator of consumer purchasing behavior.

Fig. 2.1 Conceptual Model

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Product Packaging
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 7, pp 2159-2165 July 2023 2162

Source: Researcher’s Elaboration (2023)

Empirical Review

Adebisi, S.O. and Akinruwa, T.E. (2019) has done a research on “Effectiveness of product packaging on Bournvita's customer base in the state of Ekiti
"the focus of the study is that if the presentation of the product has a relationship with the customer, then the question arises of size, color, shape ,
packaging materials, product content quality to what extent, these are the attributes of the packaging, can influence customers to buy a particular product?
to allow customers the opportunity to choose Again, the company must carefully choose how color combinations can appeal to customers' preferences
and thus influence their product choice simply by see packaging.

Maloth Naresh Naik, et al. (2019) the main intention of this study was to investigate the impact of product packaging elements on the purchase behavior
of consumers and then analysis the consumers purchasing capability. And the study found that packaging viewed just as a box/container or outer covering,
but packaging has various tasks to playing at the sales point. And packaging act as a silent sales person to influence the buying behavior of customer.

B. A. Chukwu and T. O. Enudu(2018) studied “The impact of product packaging on consumer shopping behavior in urban Benin, Edo State, Nigeria”.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the relationship between attractive packaging and consumer purchasing behavior. Determine the relationship
between value, quality of packaging and consumer buying behavior. Establish the relationship between used packaging and consumer purchasing
behavior.Determine the relationship between impulsive purchases and consumer purchasing behavior. The researcher collected data from 400 copies of
questionnaires that were successfully administered and retrieved immediately after consent and analyzed the data using hypotheses. Research results are
concluded that predictive variables, attractive packaging, value and quality of packaging and impulse buying behavior have a positive relationship with
consumer buying behavior. Shabby packaging does not have a positive relationship with consumer purchasing behavior.

Getie Andualem Imiru (2017) studied “Impact of packaging attributes on consumer purchasing decision behavior in major commercial cities of Ethiopia”.
The goal of the research is that people want creative designs that appeal to them and give a different light to the brand. Unique packaging has a greater
influence on consumer buying behavior. The language used to display information on the packaging helps consumers understand the product. The
nutritional information presented on the packaging is of greater value to the consumer and will influence their purchase decision more than any other
information displayed. Country of origin and product preparation instructions also have a positive impact on consumers' purchasing decisions. The
researcher collected data from selected supermarkets in the capital of Ethiopia and analyzed the data using study population, correlation analysis,
regression, questionnaire, sample size 384. The result of the research is that people want creative designs that appeal to them and cast a different light on
the brand. Unique packaging has a greater influence on consumer buying behavior. The language used to display information on the packaging helps
consumers understand the product. The nutritional information presented on the packaging is of greater value to the consumer and will influence their
purchase decision more than any other information displayed. Country of origin and product preparation instructions also have a positive impact on
consumers' purchasing decisions.


Type of Research

This study is exploratory, descriptive and analytical in nature. It is typical on both quantitative and qualitative to investigate the proxies of the variables.

Research Design

The research design adopted for this study is a survey design. Survey design it involves the asking of series questions, collecting and analyzing data meant
for describing a large population with individuals as units of analysis.

Area of Study

The study was conducted in the three senatorial districts of Delta State, which are Delta South, Delta Central and Delta North, while a selected cosmetic
shops were randomly picked in the said three senatorial districts of Delta State for the study.

Sample Size Determination and Sampling Techniques

The sample size for this study is 150 respondents drawn from cities of Asaba, Warri and Ozoro representing the three senatorial zones of the state, hence
the purpose is to elicit opinion of respondents regarding product packaging. While the random sampling technique was employed to collect data.

Research Instrument

A well structured questionnaire was prepared on a five-point Likert scale that started from strongly agree to strongly disagree. The section A encapsulated
the introductory part while section B contains questions on the profile of the respondents. The last part which is section C contains close-ended questions
that provided answers to the broad objectives of the study.

Sources of Data Collection

Data were gotten from primary and secondary sources. While the questionnaire that was administered to respondents served as the primary source.
Moreso, Extant literature, journals, and research findings made up the secondary source.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 7, pp 2159-2165 July 2023 2163

Result and Discussion

Table 1: Demographic Profile

Demographic Variables Categories Frequency Percentage %

Gender Male 80 53.33%

Female 70 46.66%

Age Below 18 years 5 3.33%

18 – 30 years 40 26.66%

31 – 39 years 50 33.33%

40 – 49 years 45 30%

50 above 10 6.66%

Education SSLC 10 6.66%

SSCE 35 23.33%

Degree 65 43.33%

Others 40 26.66%

Monthly Income Less than 10,000 5 3.33%

10,000-20,000 40 26.66%

20,000-30,000 50 33.33%

30,000-40,000 45 30%

40,000 10 6.66%

Occupation Govt Employees 35 23.33%

Private Employees 40 26.66%

Others 65 43.33%

Students 10 6.66%

Source: Primary Data

Taking from the table above, it clearly shows that among 150 respondents, about 80 are males representing 53.33% while 70 are female representing
46.66%. This shows that majority of the respondents were male i.e those who are influenced by packaging.

It was also showed that between the age brackets of 18 and 50 years above about 50 within the age bracket of 31-39 years representing 33.33% were also
influenced by packaging while leaving the age bracket of below 18 years at the minimal of 5 representing 3.33%.

The table also showed that degree holders has the highest preference of 65 representing 43.33% while among SSLC of 10 representing 6.66% has the
lowest preference for packaging.

Among the income earners, about 50 representing 33.33% has the highest income earnings for packaged products while earners less than 10,000 has the
lowest preference for packaged products.

It was also noted that others in the employment level has the highest frequency of purchase of packaging of 65 representing 43.33% while students were
10 in the frequency level representing 6.66% which is the lowest in the occupation cadre.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 7, pp 2159-2165 July 2023 2164

Table II: Showing that consumer preference towards packaged products

Types of Products Number of Respondents Percentage (%)

Fast-food 50 33.33&
Dairy 5 3.33%
Drinking 40 26.66%
Grocery 10 6.66%
Medicine 10 6.66%
Toiletries 35 23.33%
Total 150 100%

Source: Primary Data

The table above shows that out of 100%, (50) 33.33%, (40) 26.66%, and (35) 23.33% of respondents preferred the fast food, drinking and toiletries to be
packed but when it comes to grocery, medicine and dairy has the lowest preference for their products to be packaged.

Table III: Shows Consumer Priority towards Product Packaging

Elements Respondents Percentage (%)

Protective 45 30%
Eco – friendly 50 33.33%
Attractive 50 33.33%
Others 5 3.33%
Total 150 100%

Source: Primary Data

The above table shows that 50(33.33%) of respondents are preferring attractive and co-friendly products, Where out of the 45 (30%) respondent people
say that packaging is protective it means it will give a long life of the product. 5(3.33%) of people prefer attractiveness of product for purchase it. so,
producers should emphasized more on this kind of packaging like eco-friendly and protective and attractive product because consumer are well known
about products because of social media and digital marketing influences. and consumer expecting healthy products so, manufacture must focus on this
area while designing and offering goods to the consumer.

Table IV: Show the effect of packaging color, wrapper and innovation on consumer decision

Elements SA A DA SD Total
Color 10 55 40 45 150
Wrapper 45 53 17 50 150
Innovation 60 50 15 25 150
The above table shows that more customers are more concerned with product color, while about 53 respondents are of the view that the product wrapper
should be focused on. The table also showed that about 60 respondents want innovation to be in place thereby giving rise to a more technological based
approach of product packaging.

Conclusion and Recommendation

The result of this study regarding the impact of product packaging on consumer buying decision stipulated the following conclusion and recommendations;

Packaging can be meant as one of the most recognised tool in marketing communications, all the elements of packaging contribute immensely to catch
the attention of consumers and a good complement of these elements eases the beauty of the product to be attractive in the eyes of the ccustomers or user.
The study has produced that package colour, wrapper design, and innovation are important proxies influencing consumer purchasing decision towards
cosmetics. Coupled with the findings of this study also, the follows recommendations were made:

• That manufacturers should give attention to good packaging elements because poor packaging can lead to product failure in the market. The
container should be of better value to avoid product ddestruction

• Producers of cosmetics should establish research aimed at understanding the best combinations of the elements of packaging in order to
enhance the aesthetics of the cosmetic product.

• Mmanufacturers as a matter of urgency should not give up in their packaging design efforts as these also enhances consumers’ interest.

• Focus should also be leveraged on good labelling as consumers want to know the content of the product. The font size of labelling should be
taken into consideration for consumers to read without stress.
International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 7, pp 2159-2165 July 2023 2165

• Innovation is a key aspect of production. In other words, manufacturers should focus on new ways of doing things in terms of creativity in
order to produce the best product required by consumers.


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