Consumer Decision-Making Process in Purchasing Packaging Products in Malaysia
Consumer Decision-Making Process in Purchasing Packaging Products in Malaysia
Consumer Decision-Making Process in Purchasing Packaging Products in Malaysia
Zul Ariff Abdul Latiff[a],*; Nik Mohd Shamim Nik Mohd Zainordin[b]; Nursalwani Muhamad[a];
Palsan Sannasi[a]
Faculty of Agro Based Industry, Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Jeli, the number and brands of food products available in the
Kelantan, Malaysia.
[b] marketplace. This may increase brand parity within a
Malaysia Graduate School of Entrepreneurship and Business,
Universiti Malaysia Kelantan, Pengkalan Chepa, Kelantan, Malaysia. merchandise category, meaning that when brands become
Corresponding author. similar and difficult to differentiate, consumers may
face trouble in picking out which brand to buy. Thus,
Received 2 March 2018; accepted 3 June 2018
food producers need to specialize (separate/segregate/
Published online 26 July 2018
differentiate) their wares from their rivals.
Consumers often look at the packaging of the products
Abstract as an aid in the purchase decision making procedure.
This research paper highlights the consumer decision- Packaging refers to the container or wrapping that
making process in purchasing the packaged product in contains a product or group of products (Vidales, 1995).
Malaysia. This paper aims to discover the consumer Aside from protecting the merchandise from damage
intention when buying the products, specially packaged during storage and distribution, the packaging is also a
products. The finding of this research paper can be used valuable sales tool in furthering (advancing) the product
by companies that produce product packaging to ensure to the ultimate consumer. Pilditch (1972) has defined
that their products meet customer’s wants and needs. packaging as the silent salesman in the shop, and it is the
All data have been analyzed to ascertain the relationship sole communication medium between a product and the
between each variable that is related to packaged products. final consumer at the point of sales. Boxing is an ultimate
Results show that all variables are related to each other. selling proposition that stimulates impulse buying
Key words: Packaging products; Intention; Decision- behavior (Kuvykaite, Dovaliene, & Navickiene, 2009). A
making process full packaging design is seen as an essential component of
successful business practice. Besides providing versatility,
Zul Ariff Abdul Latiff, Nik Mohd Shamim Nik Mohd Zainordin, sustainability and convenience to consumers, most
Nursalwani Muhamad, Palsan Sannasi (2018). Consumer importantly, packaging enables marketers to raise the
Decision-Making Process in Purchasing Packaging Products
appeal of their wares better and attract consumers to the
in Malaysia. Canadian Social Science, 14 (7), 23-27. Available
from: shelves (Rundh, 2005).
DOI: Vendors not only optimize the visibility of the
packaging but also ascertain that the packaging can
convey the specific benefits of the product and facilitate
the consumers in product selection from the many
INTRODUCTION assortments of brands available in the marketplace.
Among many elements that influence consumer Recently, there has also been an increasing trend of
purchasing decisions, product packaging has become a environmental concern in respect of packaging. Some
critical factor in differentiating items, attracting consumer governments have forbidden the use of harmful materials
attention and promoting them to buy a product (Olga & and imposed requirements for (resources) to be reduced,
Natalia, 2006; Vidales, 1995). Today, the promotion and reused or recycled. Also, various laws and regulations
technological growth in the production and distribution have been gazetting to protect the consumers from false
of food products have led to a massive proliferation of and unsafe products. Possibly the most influential division
of legal philosophies that affect packaging is the one and the purchase method (William, 1994). In this study,
related to tagging, which requires the producer or packer emphasis will be given to packaging elements.
to declare on the packaged food the nutritional facts, According to Rita Kuvykaite (2014), packaging
added ingredients and best before date, etc. The reason attracts consumer’s attention to brands, enhances its
for this requirement is to assure that the merchandise image, and influences consumer’s perceptions about the
conforms to the stipulated quality standard, and at merchandise. The packaging also imparts the unique value
the same time, provides necessary information on the of the product, works as a tool for differentiation, i.e.
packaging to facilitate the consumer purchasing decision. helps consumers to choose the product from a large range
As the importance of promotional material and of similar merchandise, and stimulates customers buying
the latest requirements concerning packaging been behavior. So, the packaging performs an essential function
highlighted, it is pertinent to discuss consumer behavior in marketing communications and could be regarded
towards food packaging. Food that comes in packaged as one of the most significant elements determining
form has become an indispensable part of the modern the consumer’s purchase of the product software, its
lifestyle. This is imputable to the greater need for components and their impact on consumer buying
convenient, portable, soft-to-make meal solutions that behavior became a relevant event. The buyer is basing on
decrease the hassles of grocery shopping and fixing theoretical analysis of package elements, and their effect
a repast. Consumer behavior towards food packaging on consumer purchase decision empirically reveals the
indicates certain trends in recent years. Consumers are factors causing the ultimate force on consumer choice.
now taking the effort to learn regarding the nutrition Research methods that Rita used were a systematic and
labels and seek out products with health benefits. In the comparative analysis of scientific literature; empirical
setting of food product packaging in Malaysia, this sector researchers on that point are half a dozen of variables
has undergone a more sluggish growth since the economic must be taken into consideration by the producer and
downturn in 2008. Consumers cut down on indulgence designers when making an efficient package regarding
products, such as potato chips, confectionery and ice- form, size, color, graphics, material and flavor.
cream, in a bid to tighten their belts (Euromonitor, 2011)
1.1 Packaging Color
regarding spending. Also, various food issues (e.g., the
melamine scare in dairy products and the detection of Color can affect human behavior such as some colors
harmful toxic chemicals and adulterants in food products) that make us happy whereas others make us sad. While
have further aggravated the stability of packaged food making purchase decision color scheme gets more visible.
industry. The issue of color has been studied widely to explore/
Although the Malaysian market condition is growing understand the consumer’s perception (Imram, 1999).
better, there is a need to consider the importance of While making advertisement of food items, the best color
intrinsic factors involving the sales of packaged food combination is applied not only to plates having food
products. Thus, the purpose of this work is to analyse items, but also the clothes of models, and the surroundings
the significant properties of packaging that influence are used in contrast, so that the food product may (look)
consumer purchase/purchasing decisions. The findings feel better. In Café or Restaurants, the food items kept
will help direct managers to adopt an efficient and on exhibit are selected for their color and appearance
appropriate packaging strategy for processed foods, attributes (Imram, 1999).
which, ultimately, will serve to improve brand recognition 1.2 Packaging Material
and sales of the packaged food products. The packaging material is one of the primary visual
attributes when making a purchase decision (Kuvykaite
et al., 2009; Silayoi & Speece, 2004, 2007). Research
indicates that consumers expect all packaging to be
Packaging is one of the essential factors in the buying environmentally friendly (Prendergast & Pitt, 1996).
decision making the process as it communicates to the Consumers take more environmentally friendly packaging
consumers (Estiri, Hasangholipour, Yazdani, Nejad, or promotion that is reused and reused more easily (Rundh,
& Rayej, 2010). Decision making is affected by the 2005). Also, some housewives have indicated that snack
continuous cognitive processes in the selection of a course food packages need to be made with nontoxic materials,
of action among several alternatives in the environment as well as being soft and harmless when kids try to
for making final a choice (Lysonski, Durvasula, & open them themselves (Silayoi & Speece, 2004, 2007).
Zotos, 1996). In the decision-making theory, intention Regarding convenience, customers demand packaging that
to purchase depends on the degree to which consumers offers easy capability, open ability, reliability, portability
expect the product to satisfy their needs and desire when and disposability (Ahmed, Ahmed, & Salman, 2005).
they consume it (Kupiec & Revell, 2001). In the pre- Combinations of different materials can promote people to
purchase decision making procedure, consumers look at touch the package and thereby be inspired to try the real
factors such as the product itself, the packaging, the fund product (Rundh, 2009).
1.3 Packaging Shape packaging shapes are considered more attractive for
Packaging shape has some influence on consumer children’s products (Silayoi and Speece, 2004). It has
purchase decisions (Silayoi & Speece, 2004). A been reported that children preferred to try products in
unique physical body can be a very potent weapon in different packaging shapes. The packaging shape can be a
differentiating a brand and make products more appealing central ingredient of a software program that contributes
and distinguishing them from their rivals. Altering the to the emotional experience. As packaging shape has been
form of product packaging can play an important part found to be positively significant in predicting purchase
in product differentiation (Sherwood, 1999) and bring behaviour, Wansink (1996) claimed that the condition of
in substantial profits at the sales register (Prince, 1994). the packaging is an indispensable ingredient for success in
An unusual container more successfully competes for the market for several merchandises.
the viewer’s attention than the norm. The distinctive
2.1 Conceptual Framework
Figure 1
Conceptual Framework
their marital status is single (367 persons, 100.0%). The 3.2 Reliability Analysis
students of Universiti Malaysia Kelantan that become the From the reliability analysis showed in Table 2, it
respondents that have highest education are 100% bachelor. indicates that Cronbach’s Alpha for attitude towards
It is because the students that become the respondents are packaging product is 0.734 which means a high level
undergraduate students which is currently studies their of internal consistency for this variable. The value of
bachelor at Universiti Malaysia Kelantan at the three Cronbach’s Alpha for subjective norm is 0.834 which
campuses. For the results, all respondents of this study are indicates a high level of internal consistency for this
100% have knowledge and know the term of packaging variable. The last variable which is perceived behavioral
product and capable to answers the question about the control is Cronbach’s Alpha is 0.806 which states that a
packaging products. And the last question of demographic high level of internal consistency for this variable. The
profile whether the respondents are likes to purchase the result of reliability statistics showed that there is a high
packaging products or not. From the result, all respondents level of internal consistency among the studied variables.
are 100% agree to buy the packaging products compare to This validates the findings of this study which can be
products that has no packaging. further extended in the future analysis.
Table 1
Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents Table 2
Characteristics Frequency Percentage(%) Reliability Statistics
Gender Variables Cronbach’s Number
Male 123 33.5 alpha of items
Female 244 66.5 Attitude towards packaging 0.734 10
Race product
Malay 263 71.1 Subjective Norm 0.834 14
Chinese 66 18.0 Perceived Behavior Control 0.806 12
Indian 38 10.4
Age 3.3 Correlation Analysis
18 years old – 22 years old 293 79.8 Table 3 shows the correlation analysis to determine the
23 years old – 27 years old 74 20.2 relationship between each variable, whether there is a
Status relationship or not. Based on the table, it shows that
Single 367 100.0 attitude towards product packaging and subjective norm
Education Level have a significant relationship (0.470). There also exists
Bachelor 367 100.0
a significant relationship between perceived behavior
Have you ever heard of term
‘packaging product’ control and attitude towards product packaging, (0.323).
Yes 367 100.0 Lastly, there is also a positive relationship between
Do you prefer to buy product subjective norm and perceived behavior control (0.362).
that is in packaging or not Based on the findings, correlation values are significant
Yes 367 100.0 at the 0.01 level, so all variables have a significant
Source: Survey, 2016. relationship with each other.
Table 3
Correlation Analysis
Attitude Subjective norm Perceived behavior control
Correlation 1.000 .470 .323**
Sig. (2-tailed) . .000 .000
N 200 200 200
Correlation .470** 1.000 .362**
Spearman’s S u b j e c t i v e Coefficient
rho Norm Sig. (2-tailed) .000 . .000
N 200 200 200
Correlation .323** .362** 1.000
P e r c e i v e d Coefficient
Behavior Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000 .
N 200 200 200
** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)