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Ayushi Upadhyay

What are the Params in C#?

In C#, the params keyword is used in a method parameter to indicate that
the parameter can accept a variable number of arguments. This allows
you to pass a variable number of arguments of the specified type to the
method. The params keyword is particularly useful when you want to
create methods that can take a flexible number of parameters without
explicitly specifying an array.

public class ParamsExample

public static int Sum(params int[] numbers)
int result = 0;
foreach (int num in numbers)
result += num;
return result;

public static void Main()

int result1 = Sum(1, 2, 3); // Sum of 1, 2, and 3
int result2 = Sum(4, 5, 6, 7); // Sum of 4, 5, 6, and 7

Console.WriteLine(result1); // Output: 6
Console.WriteLine(result2); // Output: 22

What is Jagged Array?

A jagged array in C# is an array of arrays, where each element of the
main array is an array itself. Unlike a multidimensional array, the sub-
arrays in a jagged array can have different lengths. This provides a
flexible way to represent irregular or ragged data structures.
int[][] jaggedArray = new int[3][]; // Creating a jagged array with 3 sub-

// Initializing sub-arrays with different lengths

jaggedArray[0] = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
jaggedArray[1] = new int[] { 4, 5 };
jaggedArray[2] = new int[] { 6, 7, 8, 9 };

// Accessing elements
int element = jaggedArray[1][0]; // Accessing the element 4

Explain Hashtable versus Dictionary?


 Namespace: System.Collections
 Type: Part of the non-generic collection classes.
 Key Characteristics:
 Stores key-value pairs.
 Supports access, insertion, and deletion of elements based on
 Allows storing different data types for keys and values
(unlike the generic Dictionary).
 Not type-safe; requires explicit casting when retrieving


 Namespace: System.Collections.Generic
 Type: Part of the generic collection classes.
 Key Characteristics:
 Stores key-value pairs.
 Supports access, insertion, and deletion of elements based on
 Type-safe; keys and values have specified data types.
 Provides better performance and type safety compared to

Key Differences:
 Type Safety: Dictionary is type-safe, ensuring that keys and
values have specific data types. Hashtable requires explicit casting.
 Performance: Dictionary is generally more efficient due to being
part of the generic collections and avoiding boxing/unboxing operations.
 Null Values: Dictionary allows null values for both keys and
values. In Hashtable, null is allowed only for values, not for keys.
 Enumeration: Dictionary supports strongly typed enumeration
(foreach) without explicit casting

Explain Array and ArrayList?

- Declaration:

int[] numbers = new int[5]; // Array of integers with length 5

- Characteristics:
- Fixed-size, type-safe collection.
- Direct access using indices.

- Declaration:

ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); // Creating an ArrayList

- Characteristics:
- Dynamic, not type-safe collection.
- Elements of different data types.


// Array example
int[] numbers = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

// ArrayList example
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
list.Add("two"); // Allowed in ArrayList

use arrays when you need a fixed-size, type-safe collection with direct access.
Use `ArrayList` when you need a dynamic collection that can hold elements of
different data types. For modern C# development, prefer generic collections
like `List<T>` over `ArrayList`.

What is Managed and Unmanaged Code ?

Managed Code:

Definition: Code written in .NET languages such as C# or VB.NET that runs

within the Common Language Runtime (CLR).

 Characteristics:
 Executed by the CLR, providing services like memory
management, security, and exception handling.
 Managed by the .NET runtime, ensuring type safety and
automatic garbage collection.
 C# and VB.NET are examples of managed languages.

Unmanaged Code:

 Definition: Code that does not run within the CLR and is typically
written in languages like C or C++.
 Characteristics:
 Does not benefit from CLR services; manual memory
management is often required.
 Not subject to CLR's type safety and automatic garbage
 Examples include native Windows API calls and legacy code
written without CLR support.

How Code Compiled in C#?

 Compilation:
 C# code is compiled into Intermediate Language (IL) code.
 Execution:
 IL code is Just-In-Time (JIT) compiled to native machine code at
runtime by the CLR.
 Result:
 Platform-agnostic assemblies (.dll or .exe) containing IL code.

What is meant by Garbage Collection in C#?

 Automatic process for deallocating memory in C#.
 Identifies and frees up memory that is no longer in use.
 Enhances program stability and simplifies memory management for

Explain Indexer in C#?

 Definition: Special type of property that allows instances of a class or
struct to be indexed like arrays.
 Purpose: Enables objects to be treated like arrays, providing a way to
access elements using indexers.
public class MyClass
private int[] data = new int[5];

public int this[int index]

get { return data[index]; }
set { data[index] = value; }

MyClass myObject = new MyClass();
myObject[2] = 42; // Setting value using indexer
int value = myObject[2]; // Getting value using indexer

What is Abstract class?

What is Partial Class?
What is sealed class?
What is Concrete class?

Abstract Class:

 Base class with abstract methods.
 Cannot be instantiated on its own.

public abstract class Shape

public abstract void Draw();

Partial Class:

 Class split into separate files for organization.
 Useful for large classes and code generation.

// File1.cs
partial class MyClass
// Part 1 of the class

// File2.cs
partial class MyClass
// Part 2 of the class

Sealed Class:

 Class that cannot be inherited.
 Restricts further derivation.

Concrete Class:

 Class with complete implementations.
 Can be instantiated and used to create objects.
public class Dog
public void Bark()

State the difference between field and properties in C#?


 Direct variable storage.
 Accessed directly.
 Often lacks encapsulation.


 Provides access via methods.
 Encapsulation with getter/setter.
 Allows additional logic and validation.

What are Extension methods used in C#?

 Methods that allow adding new methods to existing types without
modifying them, even if the types are sealed or cannot be modified.
 Purpose:
 Enhances existing types with additional functionalities.
 Improves code readability and maintainability.

What do you mean by Serialization in C#?


The process of converting an object or data structure into a format that can be
easily persisted, transmitted, or reconstructed.
 Converts objects into a format for storage or transmission.
 Types include binary, XML, and JSON serialization.
 Facilitates interoperability and persistence of object state.

What is Reflection In C#?

 Inspects and interacts with metadata at runtime.
 Enables dynamic discovery and usage of types.
 Useful for scenarios where types are not known at compile-time
Type type = typeof(MyClass); // Get the Type object for MyClass
MethodInfo method = type.GetMethod("MyMethod"); // Get a method by
object instance = Activator.CreateInstance(type); // Create an instance
method.Invoke(instance, null); // Invoke the method on the instance

Explain Delegate in C#?

 Represents a method signature.
 Enables defining, passing, and invoking methods dynamically.
 Commonly used for callback mechanisms and event handling in C#

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