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Influence of Environmental Factors On Corrosion of Ship Structures

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Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026

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Corrosion Science
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Influence of environmental factors on corrosion of ship structures in marine

C. Guedes Soares a,*, Y. Garbatov a, A. Zayed a, G. Wang b
Centre for Marine Technology and Engineering, Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
American Bureau of Shipping, Technology ABS Plaza, 16855 Northchase Dr., Houston, Texas 77060-6006, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper deals with the modelling of the effects of relative humidity, chlorides, and temperature on the
Received 20 January 2009 corrosion behaviour of ship steel structures subjected to marine atmospheres. A new corrosion wastage
Accepted 19 May 2009 model is proposed based on a reference non-linear time-dependent corrosion model that is modified by
Available online 27 May 2009
the effect of different environmental factors contained in the marine atmosphere. The model assesses the
corrosion degradation under stationary environmental conditions denoted as ‘‘short-term”. The long-
Keywords: term corrosion degradation is predicted by considering the succession of the various environmental con-
General corrosion
ditions that can be present in the marine atmosphere during a ship lifetime and adding the corrosion
Marine atmosphere
Ship structures
damage incurred during each of them. Corrosion records (depending only on time) are used to calibrate
Environmental factors the reference model while the effect of environmental factors in increasing or decreasing the corrosion
rate is based on data published by other authors. A numerical example of a representative application
of the new corrosion model is presented, to demonstrate how to apply the model.
Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction that corrosion has on the reliability of ships’ hulls. They also con-
sidered one repair policy showing the effect of plate replacement
Corrosion and corrosion-related problems are considered to be when its thickness reached 75% of the as built thickness. Wirsching
the most important factors leading to age-related structural degra- et al. [2] presented a reliability assessment relative to the ultimate
dation of ships and many other types of steel structures. Corrosion strength failure of a ship hull experiencing structural degradation
has a harmful consequence from the point of view of safety and can due to corrosion. Shama et al. [3] demonstrated the effects of dete-
lead to thickness penetration, fatigue cracks, brittle fracture and rioration by corrosion on the reliability of double hull tanker plates
unstable failure. These failures can imply a risk of loss of human subjected to different loading conditions.
lives and a risk of polluting the environment depending on the ship General corrosion, which is the most common form of corro-
type. sion, takes place over the entire surface of the metal and is the
At the ship design stage corrosion additions will increase the re- one addressed here. The general practice to monitor the growth
quired net thickness of structural hull members to compensate for of corrosion during ships life is to conduct thickness measurements
expected thickness reduction during the assumed ship life. After at regular inspections for maintenance and classifications accord-
commissioning, ships are surveyed at regular intervals to investi- ing to the requirements of IACS (International Association of Clas-
gate their condition, and any worn structural members are re- sification Societies) [4]. The ship hull periodical surveys are
placed, based on a wastage allowance. However, some ship classified as annual, intermediate and class renewal survey, and
owners even prefer to build ships with higher plate thicknesses other mandatory surveys may also be performed.
to reduce the number of interruptions of ship operation during The thickness measurements indicate the amount of wastage as
the ship life for material replacement. a function of the age of structural elements and this data is used to
The decision about the preferred level of safety and conse- develop relations that predict how corrosion wastage grows with
quently of the plate thickness to be included in the ship is more of- time.
ten made on the basis of reliability studies that incorporate a Typically linear relations have been used in traditional models.
model of corrosion growth. Guedes Soares and Garbatov [1] pre- However, more recently attention has been given to the detailed
sented a time-variant formulation to model the degrading effect aspects of steel corrosion and models that explain the various cor-
rosion mechanisms have been proposed mainly by Melchers [5],
indicating that the initial phases of are of a very high corrosion
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 2184179607; fax: +351 218474015.
E-mail address: guedess@mar.ist.utl.pt (C. Guedes Soares).
growth, which tends to level off later.

0010-938X/$ - see front matter Ó 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026 2015

The ship owner associations and the Classification Societies col- environment. This zone is a very aerated area due to the turbulence
lect data of ship plating thickness measurements and some dat- of the sea surface around the ship hull. These actions increase the
abases are available worldwide as reported by TSCF (Tanker oxygen content of this layer, in addition to the wear effects arising
Structure Co-operative Forum) [6], Yamamoto and Ikegami [7] from the motion of the sea surface against the side shell and the
and Wang et al. [8]. These databases show that the historical data wet and dry effect making this region a highly corroded zone.
on corrosion wastage has a rapid growth in the initial years and The extent of the maximum corrosion in the still waterline zone
tends to level off later. is determined by the sea state conditions and the atmospheric
As a result of this type of evidence a new set of models exhibit- temperature. The maximum rate of attack in colder climates would
ing this type of behaviour have been proposed by Guedes Soares be smaller, while with more intensive wave action in warmer cli-
and Garbatov [9,10], Paik et al. [11] and Qin and Cui [12]. These mates it would be greater [22].
models have been calibrated with data from tankers [13] and from Inside ship cargo tanks, different corrosive environments also
bulk carriers [11,14] showing a very good adjustment. exist. The lower part is in contact with the cargo. The ceiling and
All of these models do not represent the succession of corrosion the upper part of the tank are in contact mainly with gaseous
mechanisms described by Melchers [5], but they represent the atmospheres [28]. Between the previous parts, there is an area that
overall trend that can be seen both in Melchers model as well as sometimes is in contact with cargo and others with gaseous atmo-
in ship historical data. Therefore, they are appropriate models to sphere depending on the level of cargo in the tank. Yasunaga et al.
be used by Classification Societies and ship owners to predict the [29] studied the corrosion degradation of the upper deck of cargo
growth of corrosion in general and to plan inspections on that oil tank of an oil tanker, while Katoh et al. [30] investigated local-
basis. ized corrosion of cargo oil tank bottom plate of an oil tanker.
However, it has been shown that sister ships can experience As these situations involve different types of environments that
different levels of corrosion, showing that the application of will induce corresponding types of corrosion, the approach
such models represent average situations but can have signifi- adopted has been to develop a specific model for each. Gardiner
cant deviations when applied to one specific ship. Furthermore, and Melchers [28] proposed a model for enclosed atmospheric cor-
experience has shown that even in the same ship corrosion rosion within ship spaces based on temperature, salt deposition
rates vary significantly from location to location. The reason is and time of wetness. Guedes Soares et al. [31] have suggested
that the environmental conditions that are present in the differ- how to deal with corrosion in the immersed part of ship hulls while
ent ship spaces and which different ships are subjected are Guedes Soares et al. [32] proposed a model to represent the effect
different. of environmental factors inside cargo tanks. This paper comple-
A first approach to solve this question has been adopted by sep- ments those by dealing with atmospheric corrosion, and adopting
arating the corrosion thickness measurements in areas of relatively a similar general approach.
constant environmental conditions, such as deck, tanks, hull etc. Corrosion involves the interaction between metal or alloy and
However, the definitive way of dealing with this problem is to rep- its environment and is affected by the properties of both the mate-
resent explicitly the effect that the various environmental factors rial or alloy and the environment. Atmospheric corrosion occurs on
have on corrosion. a steel surface in contact with the atmosphere and thus is not im-
Literature reviews by Melchers [5], Zayed et al. [15] and Pana- mersed in water. However, for corrosion to occur, a thin wet film
yotova et al. [16] have identified the main corrosion mechanisms needs to be created by the humidity in the air in combination with
that can be found in ship structures and the main environmental impurities.
factors that affect them. Atmospheric environments vary depending on the chemical
Corrosion of deck plating is affected by green water, rain and ser- constituents. Some major chemical constituents of the atmo-
vice water accumulation, in addition to the high humidity and the spheric marine environment are relatively constant worldwide.
aggressive marine atmosphere. Side shell plating is subjected to However, the minor constituents vary from site to site and with
three different environments. The upper part of it is subjected to season and storms. The variations in the chemistry of open ocean
the aggressive atmospheric environment, rich in high chloride con- atmosphere tend to take place slowly and over horizontal and ver-
tent, oxygen and other corrosive minerals, in addition to the seawa- tical scales that are large in comparison with the dimensions of
ter spray arising from the ship motion and wave effects. This region most marine structures. Such gradual changes may produce an
is also subjected to high relative humidity. Salts may be detected, equally gradual change in the corrosion rate of structural materials
which may result from salt spray blown by wind. The variations with season and location, but they are unlikely to produce sharp
in relative air humidity cause either the evaporation or condensa- changes in either corrosion mechanism or rate.
tion of water. The gases contained in the air may have carbon diox- A number of studies related to corrosion evaluation under mar-
ide (CO2), hydrogen sulphide (H2S), sulphur dioxide (SO2), or ine atmospheric conditions have been reported in the specialized
sulphur trioxide (SO3). They activate the thin layer of electrolyte literature. Grossman [19] showed the corrosion rate per day of
and accelerate the rate of corrosion even more, since this process wetness and demonstrated the accelerating effect of temperature
takes place in an oxygen-rich atmosphere. The effect of tempera- on corrosion rate at six test sites. Sodium chloride is a chief con-
ture and the different environmental factors on the atmospheric taminant, and salt spray is principally responsible for metal corro-
corrosion behaviour was illustrated by various studies such as Am- sion in ocean environments. Ambler and Bain [17] performed a
bler and Bain [17], Ailor [18], Grossman [19] and Vernon [20]. series of tests in Nigeria to illustrate these effects. Specimens of
The lower part of the side shell of ship hull is completely im- steel were exposed to the atmosphere at distances from the ocean
mersed in seawater. Water properties such as salinity, temperature, ranging from a few yards to over 100 miles. The amount of sea salts
oxygen content, pH level and chemical composition can vary measured off the coast of Nigeria illustrate this relationship be-
according to location and water depth. These properties actually af- tween the salinity and the corrosion rate. Ailor [18] studied the ef-
fect the corrosion degradation in that part of the ship as indicated, fect of SO2 levels on the corrosion rate of carbon steel, using data
for example, by Mercer and Lumbard [21], LaQue [22], Dexter [23] from three Norwegian test sites. The data shows that as SO2 con-
and Melchers [5,24,25]. The flow of water contributes to accelerated centrations are increased, the corrosion rate, measured as weight
corrosion as studied by LaQue [26] and Melchers and Jeffrey [27]. loss, increases. For atmospheric corrosion, the presence of mois-
Between the immersed and the atmospheric part of the side of ture, as determined by the time of wetness, is probably the most
ship hulls, the side shell plating is subjected to a more aggressive important effect [33]. Gardiner and Melchers [28] investigated
2016 C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026

the process of enclosed atmospheric corrosion within ship spaces. 1.3 0.13
They proposed that corrosion rates are influenced mainly by three 1.2 0.12
parameters; time of wetness, salt deposition and temperature.

Corrosion rate, ddn (t )/dt (mm/year)

1.1 0.11
Based on the available experimental data they showed that, as a 1.0 0.1

Corrosion Depth, dn (t ) (mm)

first approximation, the rate of atmospheric corrosion is linearly 0.9 0.09
proportional to both temperature and salt deposition.
0.8 0.08
The effect of temperature on the atmospheric corrosion behav-
0.7 Corrosion depth 0.07
iour was illustrated by Ailor [18]. Panayotova et al. [16] and Zayed
0.6 Corrosion rate 0.06
et al. [15] have described the factors governing marine atmo-
0.5 0.05
spheric corrosion phenomena on the structural steel components
level in open air and in marine environment. Paik et al. [34] re- 0.4 0.04
viewed different studies performed in the field of marine corrosion 0.3 0.03
assessment and modelling and the different environmental and 0.2 0.02
operational parameters related to it. 0.1 0.01
This work has the aim of studying the effect of some marine 0.0 0
atmospheric factors on corrosion. The work starts from reference 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
atmospheric conditions in which the corrosion of steel is described Time, t (years)
by the non-linear time-variant corrosion model of Guedes Soares
Fig. 1. Time-dependent standard corrosion model.
and Garbatov [9], whose parameters are fit to the measured data
of the progress of corrosion with time. This model only depends
on time and does not account for the influence of any of the atmo-
spheric variables. However, since it is fit to measured data over and performing a regression analysis in order to fit the proposed
many years and many different routes it represents the effect of model to this data using the least squares approach for example.
some time averaged environmental conditions which constitute Garbatov et al. [13] already fitted this model to two sets of corro-
the reference situation in this study. sion data for deck plates of ballast and cargo tanks of tankers pro-
It is important to note here that some of the corrosion data col- vided by ABS [36] and Wang et al. [8]. The first set includes 1168
lected from the literature [17,19–21,24,25,27,35], are based on measurements of deck plates from ballast tanks with original nom-
experimental tests of unloaded specimens and differ from the cor- inal thicknesses varying from 13.5 to 35 mm on ships with lengths
rosion of structural components subjected to time varying loading. between perpendiculars in the range of 163.5–401 m. The second
The model proposed here considers that changes in the atmo- set of data includes 4665 measurements of deck plates from the
spheric conditions and will increase or decrease the corrosion rate, cargo tank with original nominal thicknesses varying from 12.7
depending on its specific effect. Therefore, the approach adopted is to 35 mm on ships with lengths between perpendiculars in the
to develop a set of functions that will modify the reference model range of 163.5–401 m. The descriptors of the fitted model (see
by increasing or decreasing the corrosion rate depending on some Fig. 2) were as indicated in Table 1. Using regression analysis, the
governing variables in a similar way as done in Guedes Soares et al. standard deviation of corrosion wastage as a function of time
[31,32]. was fitted to the following equation [13]:
In the next section, an assessment will be made of the average Stdev ½dn ðtÞ ¼ 0:384 lnðtÞ  0:710 ð3Þ
environmental conditions in typical ship routes. These average
conditions will be the ones that will be considered to be related This model was developed to describe the time variation of the
with the reference model of Guedes Soares and Garbatov [9]. In thickness of ship plates and considers the only variables that are
the following section, a model for long-term corrosion is described normally available from ship surveys: thickness and time. There-
after which the effect of different environmental effects is analysed fore, this model has a shape that reflects the main trends in the
and models are proposed for each one. Finally, an example demon- long-term corrosion process and does not aim to describe in an
strates how this method can be applied. accurate way the various phases in which the corrosion process
goes through, in particular in the short term, as aimed by Melchers
[5]. Therefore, in some sense it is a different type of model.
2. Reference corrosion model

The time-dependent reference atmospheric corrosion behaviour

is represented by the non-linear time-variant model proposed by
Mean corrosion Depth, E [dn (t )] (mm)

Guedes Soares and Garbatov [9] (see Fig. 1): 1.8 Observed
( 1.6 Estimated
@dn ðtÞ d1
st eðtsc Þ=st t > sc
¼ ð1Þ 1.4
@t 0 t 6 sc
( 1.0
d1 ½1  eðtsc Þ=st  t > sc
dn ðtÞ ¼ ð2Þ 0.8
0 t 6 sc
This model is governed by several parameters that represent the
long-term non-linear description of corrosion deterioration under
average environmental conditions. st is the transition time, sc is
the coating life and d1 is the long-term thickness of the corrosion 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36
Time, t (years)
The reference corrosion in atmospheric condition and the gov-
erning parameters of the corrosion model are normally derived Fig. 2. Fitting of the time-dependent corrosion wastage of deck plates of ballast
based on the measurement data during a very long period of time tanks.
C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026 2017

Table 1 Table 2 illustrates the references and test locations which are
Parameters of the corrosion model [13]. selected for the estimation of the chloride mean value in this study.
sc st d1 The chloride concentrations measured by Ambler and Bain [17] in
Ballast 10.54 17.54 1.85 Nigeria are averaged and considered (see Table 2). The data pro-
Cargo 11.494 11.23 1.91 vided by Cook et al. [37] for the Gulf of México in both of Campeche
(México) and Kure Beach (USA) at distances from the Gulf not more
than 250 m were the ones considered. Measurements made at
large distances from the sea were not considered to avoid inland
It is known that environmental conditions affect the rate of cor-
atmospheric characteristics and guarantee more accurate marine
rosion and thus if one wants a model that instead of being applica-
atmospheric characteristics.
ble to a whole class of ships, only applies to a subclass that has
The long-term mean value of both of the temperature and rela-
some specific common features, then a more detailed model is re-
tive humidity are estimated based on the charts provided by
quired. Furthermore, this model can also answer the question of
NOAA/ESRL [38]. These charts represent the long-term mean value
how will the corrosion change if the vessels are subjected to other
distribution of both of temperature and relative humidity average
routes with different environmental conditions. This model ini-
through the period from January to December. The corresponding
tially proposed in Guedes Soares et al. [31] and also adopted in
values were averaged all over the navigational area (see Table 3).
Guedes Soares et al. [32], is based on the postulate that the model
It is necessary to emphasize that using data from different
of Eq. (2) calibrated to data, as exemplified in Table 1, will be mod-
sources and pooling the data is a process that is liable to have large
ified by multiplicative corrosion enhancement factors, which will
uncertainties, as data has been produced by various authors in dif-
increase or decrease the corrosion rate depending on the environ-
ferent conditions. However, at the same time as it is the best esti-
mental conditions on which corrosion is developing.
mate that can be produced at this stage with the available data it
To apply this model, it is necessary to determine which are the
also allows the explanation of the method proposed, which can
average environmental conditions to which the model that was fit-
be improved when more accurate data becomes available.
ted to the operational data refers to. In general, this can be done by
recording the environmental variables onboard and determining
their averages. However, as the data used to determine the values 3. Long-term corrosion model
in Table 1 does not have records of the environmental data during
ship operation, this will not be possible. So these conditions will The corrosion degradation given by Eqs. (1) and (2) give the
need to be estimated as described hereafter. atmospheric corrosion rate and corrosion depth at nominal condi-
This corrosion data are collected from several tankers with dif- tions, which should be further corrected for the actual value of the
ferent ages, geometric characteristics and navigating in various environmental variables that the referred ship is subjected to.
routes through the world. This means that this corrosion data sets Neglecting the effect of the height, orientation and sunlight on cor-
represent marine corrosion through the ship life under long-term rosion of ship hulls, the influence of atmospheric variables on cor-
mixed environmental conditions which change through the ship rosion rate is modelled by multiplicative scaling factors that
route and season. From this it can be assumed that fitting the stan- increase or decrease the corrosion rate predicted by the reference
dard corrosion model to this data and its resulting parameters cor- corrosion model with the average or nominal values of the envi-
respond to long-term mean values of the different environmental ronmental variables. This influence is derived basically from exper-
factors over the navigational area. So, it is important now to define imental field data and observations reported in the literature by
the most important environmental factors affecting the corrosion various authors.
process in marine atmosphere and the mean value corresponding The corrosion correction factors for each environmental factor
to each one. The mean values are considered thought this study can be estimated from the models described in the following sec-
as the nominal or standard environmental conditions relating to tion. Through this study, the effect of relative humidity, chlorides,
the standard corrosion model and its related standard parameters. and temperature are analysed though the marine atmosphere.
The most important environmental factors affecting corrosion un- Based on the analysis performed in this study, the effect of deviat-
der atmospheric conditions, which will be considered through this ing sulphur dioxide concentration from the standard value shows
study, will include relative humidity, chlorides, and temperature. negligible effect on the corrosion in marine atmosphere. For this
The mean values of the environmental factors considered here reason, the effect of sulphur dioxide is not included and the pro-
are estimated based on the published data. The chloride mean va- posed model will only consider the corrections corresponding to
lue is averaged over several coastal sites. The data corresponding to relative humidity, chlorides and temperature.
sites near from the coast was only considered to reflect the marine Therefore, the corrosion at any environmental conditions can be
atmosphere accurately. There are several publications and experi- estimated as:
mental works conducted to measure the chloride contents of the @dc;k ðtÞ Q3
¼ f ðRhr Þf ðClr Þf ðT r Þ @d@tn ðtÞ ¼ j¼1 f ðxj Þ
@dn ðtÞ
marine atmosphere. Q3 ð4Þ
dc;k ðtÞ ¼ f ðRhr Þf ðClr Þf ðT r Þdn ðtÞ ¼ j¼1 f ðxj Þdn ðtÞ
@d ðtÞ
where, c;k
and dc,k(t) represent the corrected corrosion rates and
Table 2
corrosion thickness, respectively, through the kth interval of the
Elected publications and sites for the estimation of chloride mean value.
vessel route, @d@tn ðtÞ and dn(t) are the nominal corrosion rate and
Reference/location Chlorides
(Cl) mg/m2/day
Table 3
Ambler and Bain [17], Nigeria (average) 131.8
Standard mean atmospheric conditions.
Cook et al. [37], Gulf of México, Campeche, 170
Mx, 4 m from the Gulf Factor Value Units
Cook et al. [37], Gulf of México, Kure Beach, 311
Chlorides 180.7 mg/m2/day
NC, 25 m from the Gulf
Temperature 16.2 (289.3) °C (K)a
Cook et al. [37], Gulf of México, Kure Beach, 110
Relative humidity 81.9 %
NC, 250 m from the Gulf
Mean 180.7 a
K = °C + 273.15.
2018 C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026

corrosion thickness, respectively, and f(xj) are the correction factor rosion data sets gathered during thickness measurements of
corresponding to effect of the environmental parameter xj. tankers deck plates. The correction factors are based on corrosion
This model assumes that there is no correlation among the ef- data or formulations developed by authors that studied the effect
fects, implying that the changes in each of them have cumulative of each parameter. The effect of the sequential application of the
effects. However, in reality, the different environmental factors effects should then add to the corrosion damage.
considered here are dependent, but it is assumed that the effect
of the interaction will be small compared with the effect of the
4. Modelling of the different factors affecting corrosion in the
individual changes of each parameter.
atmospheric environment
The ship encounters a wide range of environmental conditions
through its service life. This total time span may be regarded as a
It is normally not straightforward to develop a corrosion model
large number of short intervals during which the environmental
solely based on theory, because corrosion is a function of many
conditions remain constant. The total wastage experienced is then
variables and uncertainties and ship structures operate in a com-
the sum of the corroded thicknesses in each of the periods.
plex environment.
The long-term corrosion wastage dL(t) is a weighted sum of the
Properties of the marine atmosphere such as relative humidity,
various short-term corrosion wastages, accounting for the relative
temperature, sunlight, oxygen, chlorides, sulphur oxides and other
duration of time the ship spends in each environment:
chemical composition can vary according to the area of navigation
n X
n Y
and even though the different ship spaces. Sunlight influences the
dL ðtÞ ¼ pk dc;k ðtÞ ¼ pk fk ðxj Þdn ðtÞ ð5Þ
degree of wetness and affects the performance of coatings and
k¼1 k¼1 j¼1
plastics. It may stimulate biological reactions, such as the develop-
where pk is a weighting factor representing the relative duration of ment of fungi. Ultraviolet (UV) light and photo-oxidation can cause
the kth short-term interval, fk(xj) is the corrosion wastage correction embrittlement and surface cracks in polymers; which can be
factor for the kth interval and xj environmental factor, n is the total avoided by the addition of UV stabilizers (for example, carbon
number of the short-term corrosion intervals and m is the total black). Furthermore, tanks whose temperature increases from solar
number of the environmental parameters affecting corrosion radiation suffer more than others. Component orientation affects
wastage. the uniformity and thus the protectiveness of the corrosion oxides
The sensitivity of the long-term corrosion wastage, dL(t), given [39]. Vera et al. [35] experimentally studied the weight loss of plain
by Eq. (5), with respect to any environmental factor, xi, is given carbon steel as a function of exposition time for steel samples ex-
as the partial derivative of dL(t) with respect to the particular envi- posed at different angles to the horizontal level.
ronmental factor, xi. Assuming that all environmental factors are Cargo type, tank washing and inerting, corrosion protection
independent from each other, the sensitivity of the long-term cor- effectiveness and component location have a great effect on the
rosion wastage, dL(t), can be calculated as: corrosion phenomena. In crude oil tanks, the most significant cor-
" # rosive component is the hydrogen sulphide which it contains.
@dL ðtÞ Xn d Y
m 1
¼ p f ðx Þ fk ðxj Þ dn ðtÞ ð6Þ Crudes high in sulphur also contribute to tank corrosion. The sul-
@xi k¼1 k dx k i
i j¼1 phur compounds present may react with water vapour and oxygen
to produce sulphuric acid which is corrosive to steel. The warm,
This approach uses information from the physics of the basic corro- moist, salt-laden atmosphere which remains after hot, salt-water
sion process to determine the main trend of the time variation of washing is ideal for corrosion to occur. Cold water washing is re-
corrosion wastage as determined by the governing corrosion mech- ported to result in less corrosion than hot water washing. An in-
anism, as reflected in the model already presented by Guedes ert-gas system can, depending on its type, application, and gas
Soares and Garbatov [9]. quality, either aggravate corrosion conditions or minimize them.
The common and systematic way of verification the proposed By reducing the oxygen content of a tank, corrosion can be re-
corrosion models by using an actual corrosion measurement re- duced. However, while reducing oxygen content to below 5%, inert
sults is usually possible to obtain for the case of short-term models gas may also introduce corrosive elements into a tank. Sulphur
dealing with the effect of one parameter as this can be monitored dioxide (SO2) and sulphur trioxide (SO3) contained in inert gas
in laboratory conditions. can combine with the warm moist atmosphere in a tank to form
However, in case of the models that predict the corrosion degrada- sulphuric acid which can cause accelerated corrosion of either bare
tion on the long-term, it is not possible to validate them due to or coated tank surfaces. However, many studies have found inert
unavailability of such kind of measurements. In order to validate gas to have a beneficial effect in reducing tank corrosion, at least
the long-term time-dependent model that predicts the corrosion in the top and upper most portions of the tank [40]. The internal
degradation of structural elements along the ship life, as proposed side of deck plating is subjected to aggressive atmospheric condi-
in this study, it is necessary to have records both of the corrosion tions due to high humidity and water condensation.
wastage as well as of the relevant environmental parameters. Unfor- The inside face of the plates will be exposed to aggressive envi-
tunately, this does not happen in practice and only structural ele- ronments existing in cargo tanks. Significant corrosion of elements
ments thicknesses are measured during the ship inspection periods. in ballast tanks adjacent to heated cargo tanks or tanks with con-
Unavailability of the proper corrosion measurements necessary sumables is also possible. Pitting corrosion occurs on horizontal
for the validation of the long-term time-dependent corrosion mod- surfaces, because of frequent washing in cargo/ballast tanks. This
el should not detract from developing new models of such kind, as type of wear is quite serious especially in way of the flange edges
they can serve as guides about the data that is necessary to start since the integrity of the structure may be put at risk in critical
collecting systematically in ships. In fact, there is a strong need connections [41].
to have mathematical models capable of predicting the corrosion An increased degree of local structural flexibility has been
degradation under different combination of service conditions so claimed to increase corrosion rates as time progresses because of
that one is able to predict the expected relative differences be- serial increase in scale loss. This implies that the corrosion model
tween ships. developed by statistical means will usually be different according
The reference corrosion model used in this study is based on fit- to the ship types and cargoes or structural member locations and
ting the mathematical function of Eqs. (1) and (2) to measured cor- categories.
C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026 2019

The model of this study will take into account the effect of rel- ity for the marine atmosphere, as noted earlier by Chandler [44], it
ative humidity, chlorides and temperature only due to their signif- is seen that the relative humidity through the marine atmosphere
icant effects on the atmospheric marine corrosion process. For each is usually above the critical one of it. This means that the steel sur-
of these parameters a correction factor is proposed. These factors face under marine atmospheric conditions will usually be wet and
are proposed based on experimental and field observation data the electrochemical or wet corrosion will usually occur. Hence, for
from the literature. This data relates different values of each marine atmospheric corrosion, the wet–dry process does not exist
parameter to the corresponding observed corrosion rate. From and so it will not be included in the corrosion modelling of this
the scatter of each data set, several mathematical models of study.
parameter variation are checked against it and the model which Based on the range of variation of relative humidity through the
shows the best fit is elected to represent the relation between marine atmosphere, as noted earlier by NOAA/ESRL [38], and con-
the parameter value and the changes in corrosion rate. sidering that this study is addressing ship structures, the data of
From each model corresponding to an environmental parame- Davis et al. [45] with relative humidity within 60–100% is consid-
ter, the corrosion rate related to the reference value is calculated ered. This data is fitted to a linear function to give a relationship
to obtain the reference corrosion rate for that environmental between the relative humidity and the corrosion rate (see Fig. 3),
parameter. Then, for each model, the parameter value is norma- with R2 = 0.92. This relationship is considered to be specific for
lised by its reference value to obtain the parameter ratio and the marine atmospheric corrosion with relative humidity within 60–
corresponding corrosion rate is normalised by its reference rate. 100%. It was indicated by Graedel and Frankenthal [46] that it is
This normalised corrosion rate is considered here as the correction generally considered that atmospheric corrosion of carbon or
factor which will be adapted to Eqs. (4) through (6). weathering steels begins at about 60% Rh with a very slow rate
and increases sharply at 80% 6 Rh < 100%, which is consistent with
4.1. Duration of exposure to wetness and relative humidity the data and its fitting given by Davis et al. [45]. Hence, atmo-
spheric marine corrosion below 60% RH will be neglected in this
Duration of wetness determines the duration of the electro- model, as follows:
chemical process or the percentage of time that the critical humid- o
d ¼ 0:3765½Rh  21:943; ½60% 6 Rh 6 100%
ity is exceeded [42]. The critical relative humidity is the humidity o ð7Þ
below which water does not form on a clean metal surface and d ¼ 0:0 ½Rh < 60%
thus electrochemical or wet corrosion will not occur. where do is the atmospheric corrosion rate in mg/dm2/day, Rh rep-
Relative humidity (Rh) influences corrosion through its effect resents relative humidity (%) and R2 measures how successful the fit
on the duration of wetness and can be defined as the percentage is in explaining the variability of the data. Described in another way,
of the water vapour pressure in the atmosphere compared to that R2 is the square of the correlation between the response values and
which would saturate the atmosphere at the same temperature. the predicted response values. R2 can take any value between 0 and
The relative humidity and temperature variations lead to cyclic 1, with a value closer to 1 indicating a better fit.
wet and dry periods, the so called wet–dry cycles. The wet–dry cy- The relative humidity ratio Rhr is defined as the ratio between
cles are a critical feature of atmospheric corrosion as the alternat- the actual relative humidity Rh and the nominal one Rhn,
ing wet and dry periods drastically change the rusting mechanisms
from those obtained in bulk aqueous corrosion. Indeed, earlier Rh Rh
Rhr ¼ ¼ ð8Þ
studies have shown that during a wet–dry cycle, the atmospheric Rhn 81:9
corrosion of low alloy steel can be divided into three stages; wet- At the reference relative humidity Rhn, the reference corrosion
ting stage, wet stage and drying stage. The corrosion rate and the o
rate dn is estimated from Eq. (7), and equal to 8.9 mg/dm2/day.
rust layer modifications are thus correlated to the number and fre- By substitution of Rh equal to 81.9[Rhr] from Eq. (8) into Eq. (7)
quency of the wet–dry cycles. Hoerle et al. [43] gave detailed o
and dividing all the equation by the reference corrosion rate dn and
description and modelling of the corrosion mechanics through the ranges of applicability of Eq. (7) by Rhn, one gets the following
each of these stages and brief survey of related earlier studies. relation:
Vernon [20] has established that a critical relative humidity ex-
ists below which corrosion is negligible. In pure air, rusting is min- f ðRhr Þ ¼ 3:467½Rhr   2:467; ½0:733 6 Rhr 6 1:221
imal at relative humidity below 100%. In the presence of small f ðRhr Þ ¼ 0:0 ½Rhr < 0:733
concentrations of impurities such as sulphur dioxide, serious rust-
where, f(Rhr) is the corrosion rate correction factor for relative
ing can occur when the relative humidity of the air rises above the
humidity (corrosion rate at actual relative humidity/corrosion rate
critical one. Experimental results show that the critical relative
humidity is in general between 50% and 70% for steel, copper, nick-
el and zinc. It is very much influenced by the nature of the pollu- 12

tants or contaminants present in the atmosphere. Rusting may d o = 0.3765 Rh - 21.943

Corrosion rate, d (mg/dm /day)

occur when sulphur dioxide is present at about 65–75% of relative R 2 = 0.9199

humidity and when chlorides are present, as for the marine atmo-
sphere, it may happen at a relative humidity as low as 40% [44].
An example of rusting has been illustrated by Uhlig and Revie

[42]. Grossman [19] has determined the corrosion rate per day of
wetness and demonstrated the accelerating effect of temperature
on corrosion rate in six test sites.
Davis et al. [45] have shown data representing the dependence
of corrosion rate of steel in contact with particles of sea salts on
relative humidity. The corrosion rate as given by this data shows
a steady increase with increasing humidity. For the marine atmo- 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90
sphere and based on the data provided by NOAA/ESRL [38], it Relative humidity, Rh (% )
was observed that the relative humidity is varying almost within
60–100%. Based on this observation and the critical relative humid- Fig. 3. Dependence of corrosion rate of steel on relative humidity.
2020 C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026

at reference conditions). The correction below Rhr of 0.733 is equal At the reference concentration of chlorides Cln, the reference corro-
to zero, since the corrosion below the corresponding value sion rate dn is estimated from Eq. (10), and equal to 144.7 mg/day of
(Rh = 60%) is neglected as discussed earlier. wetness.
The sensitivity of the corrosion rate correction factor to the rel- By substitution of Cl equal to 180.7[Clr] from Eq. (11) into Eq.
ative humidity f(Rhr) is given here as the first derivative of f(Rhr) (10) and dividing all the equation by the reference corrosion rate
with respect to the relative humidity ratio Rhr. Since, the relation dn , one gets the following relation:
between f(Rhr) and Rhr is linear, the sensitivity of f(Rhr) with re-
f ðClr Þ ¼ 0:523½Clr  þ 0:477 ð12Þ
spect to Rhr is fixed and equal to the slope of this relation (3.467).
The relative humidity ratio is restricted within 0.73–1.22, which where, f(Clr) is the corrosion rate correction factor for chloride con-
is corresponding to a relative humidity between 60% and 100%. The centration (corrosion rate at actual chloride concentration/corro-
relative humidity through the marine atmosphere usually changes sion rate at reference conditions).
through that range. The sensitivity of the corrosion rate correction factor to chloride
content, f(Clr), with respect to the chloride content ratio Clr is given
4.2. Chlorides here as the first derivative of f(Clr) with respect to Clr. Since, the
relation between f(Clr) and Clr is linear, the sensitivity of f(Clr) with
Sodium chloride is an important contaminant factor. Chlorides respect to Clr is fixed and equal to the slope of this relation (0.523).
in salt spray are principally responsible for metal corrosion in
ocean environments and various studies have proved that. For 4.3. Temperature
example, Ambler and Bain [17] has illustrated the relationship be-
tween salinity and the corrosion rate based on the sea salts mea- Temperature affects the relative humidity, the dew point, the
surement on the coast of Nigeria. Similar tests have been duration of wetness, and the kinetics of the corrosion process.
performed at the Inco marine atmospheric corrosion test station For corrosion in atmospheric conditions, the presence of moisture,
at Kure beach, North Carolina. It was observed that there was a as determined by the duration of wetness, is probably the most
sharp decrease in the corrosivity in the atmosphere with respect important factor [18]. From the corrosion under atmospheric con-
to a lower concentration of airborne salt 800 ft away from shore dition standpoint, dry, hot conditions are preferable to cooler,
in comparison with an 80 ft distance [22]. moist conditions.
In order to propose a mathematical model of the corrosion rate Surface temperature is a critical factor. When the surface tem-
as a function of the atmospheric chloride concentration, both of the perature increases, the corrosion rate will rise sharply to the point
corrosion data sets (at 80 and 800 ft from the ocean) from the tests at which evaporation of the electrolyte takes place. At this temper-
performed at Kure beach, are combined together. It was not possi- ature, the corrosion rate will decrease quickly [47].
ble to combine also the data given by Ambler and Bain [17] in Nige- Grossman [19] indicated corrosion rate data sets at six different
ria since the corrosion loss is expressed per 100 cm2 while the sites as a function of temperature, which is fitted to linear func-
corrosion data of Kure beach did not specify the area of corrosion tions. The corrosion data of Kure beach, NC, 24 m from the ocean
measurement and consider the duration only. Gardiner and Mel- is the only data used in this analysis. It is the nearest location from
chers [28] approximated the rate of atmospheric corrosion as line- the ocean and shows higher fitting quality, which make it more
arly proportional to salt deposition and showed that this is appropriate to describe corrosion under marine atmospheric con-
consistent with available experimental data. For this study, the ditions. The corrosion data of Kure beach, NC, 250 m from the
combined data of Kure beach are fitted to a linear function (see ocean is rejected because it is more far from the ocean and shows
Fig. 4), to give the following linear relationship between the corro- lower fitting quality, while the other data sets are also rejected be-
sion rate and chloride concentration with R2 = 0.55, cause they are corresponding to inland atmospheric conditions.
o Gardiner and Melchers [28] approximated the rate of atmo-
d ¼ 0:4184½Cl þ 69:062 ð10Þ
spheric corrosion as linearly proportional to temperature and
where d is the atmospheric corrosion rate in mg/day of wetness, Cl showed that this is consistent with available experimental data.
represents chlorides contents in mg/m2/day. Grossman [19] used linear functions to fit the relationship between
The chloride concentration ratio Clr is defined as the ratio be- the corrosion rate and temperature based on collected field data.
tween the actual chloride concentration Cl and the nominal one Cln, For this study, the corrosion data of Kure beach, NC, 24 m from
the ocean is fitted to a linear function to get a relationship describ-
Cl Cl
Clr ¼ ¼ ð11Þ ing the effect of temperature on corrosion rate (see Fig. 5). The fol-
Cln 180:7 lowing linear relationship between the corrosion rate and
temperature is obtained with R2 = 0.38.
d o = 0.4184 Cl + 69.062 d ¼ 3:7493½T þ 85:689; T½ C
Weight loss, d (mg/day of wetness)

180 R 2 = 0.5479 o ð13Þ

d ¼ 3:7493½T  938:43; T½K
150 where do is the atmospheric corrosion rate in mg/day of wetness, T
represents temperature.
The temperature ratio Tr is defined as the ratio between the ac-
90 tual temperature T and the nominal one Tn,

T r ¼ TTn ¼ T
; T; T n ½ C
Kure beach, NC, 800 ft from ocean
T r ¼ TTn ¼ T
; T; T n ½K
Kure beach, NC, 80 ft from ocean o
Fitting line
At the nominal temperature Tn, the nominal corrosion rate dn is esti-
0 mated from Eq. (13), and equal to 146.347 mg/day of wetness.
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
2 By substitution of T from Eq. (14) into Eq. (13) and dividing all
Chloride,Cl (mg/m /day) o
the equation by the reference corrosion rate, dn , one gets the fol-
Fig. 4. Fitted Kure beach data. lowing relation:
C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026 2021

250 250

Corrosion rate, d (mg/day of wetness)

d o = 3.7493 T + 85.689 d o = 3.7493 T - 938.43

Corrosion rate, d (mg/day of wetness)

R 2 = 0.3772 R 2 = 0.3772
200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50
Kure beach, NC, 24m from ocean Kure beach, NC, 24m from ocean
Linear fitting line Linear fitting line
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 275 280 285 290 295 300
Temperature, T ( C) Temperature, T (K)

Fig. 5. Fitting of Kure beach, NC, 24 m from the ocean data [19]. T in °C (left), T in K (right).

2 2

1.6 1.6
Correction Factor value

Correction Factor value

1.2 1.2

0.8 0.8

0.4 Relative humidity 0.4 Relative humidity

Chlorides Chlorides
Temperature Temperature
0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Environmental variable ratio Environmental variable ratio

Fig. 6. Correction factors for the different environmental parameters. Tr is estimated based on T, Tn in °C (left), K (right).

Fig. 7. Selected routes through the Pacific Ocean.

2022 C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026

Fig. 8. Pacific Ocean atmospheric temperature (left) and atmospheric relative humidity (right).

f ðT r Þ ¼ 0:415½T r  þ 0:585; T r is estimated based on T; T n in ½ C 7.412 for Tr estimated based on T, Tn in K. It is observed from Eq.
f ðT r Þ ¼ 7:412½T r   6:412; T r is estimated based on T; T n in ½K (15) that the temperature correction function with Tr calculated
based on T, Tn expressed in Kelvin will have larger slope and so lar-
ger sensitivity to the temperature ratio Tr, than the temperature
where, f(Tr) is the corrosion rate correction factor for temperature correction function with Tr calculated based on T, Tn expressed in
(corrosion rate at actual temperature/corrosion rate at reference centigrade.
conditions). Fig. 6 shows the correction factors for the different environmen-
The sensitivity of the corrosion rate correction factor to temper- tal parameters considered in this study. It is noticed from Fig. 6
ature, f(Tr), with respect to the temperature ratio Tr is given as the (left) that the corrosion rate correction factor is a little more sensi-
first derivative of f(Tr) with respect to Tr. Since, the relation be- tive to chloride ratio than to temperature ratio estimated based on
tween f(Tr) and Tr is linear, the sensitivity of f(Tr) with respect to T, Tn in °C, while the sensitivity to relative humidity ratio is much
Tr is fixed and equal to the slope of this relation, which is equal higher than that to chloride and temperature ratios. From Fig. 6
to 0.415 for Tr estimated based on T, Tn in °C and is equal to (right) it is noticed that the sensitivity of the corrosion rate

Route 1 - RH Route 4 - RH Route 1 - Temp. Route 4 - Temp.

Route 2 - RH Route 5 - RH Route 2 - Temp. Route 5 - Temp.
Route 3 - RH Route 6 - RH Route 3 - Temp. Route 6 - Temp.
Route 1 - Corr. Route 4 - Corr. Route 1 - Corr. Route 4 - Corr.
Route 2 - Corr. Route 5 - Corr. Route 2 - Corr. Route 5 - Corr.
Route 3 - Corr. Route 6 - Corr. Route 3 - Corr. Route 6 - Corr.

90 4 30 3
85 3.5
20 2.5
80 3 15
Relative humidity, Rh (%)

Temperature, T ( C)

10 2

75 2.5

70 2 0 1.5
65 1.5
-10 1
60 1 -15
-20 0.5
55 0.5
50 0 -30 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 0 4 8 12 16 20
Points Points

Fig. 9. Actual relative humidity and corresponding corrections for each interval Fig. 10. Actual temperatures and corresponding corrections for each interval
through the routes. through the routes.
C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026 2023

Route 1 - (c-w) Route 4 - (c-w) function of relative humidity, where this study used a linear func-
Route 2 - (c-w) tion against very few field data points.
Route 5 - (c-w)
Route 3 - (c-w) Route 6 - (c-w)
5. Numerical example
Route 1 - wf Route 4 - wf
Route 2 - wf Route 5 - wf A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the applica-
Route 3 - wf Route 6 - wf tion of the proposed model in assessment of the influence of differ-
ent atmospheric marine environments and the long-term corrosion
0.18 0.45
deterioration of the deck plating above the ballast tanks of any
crude oil tanker during her service life in some particular routes
0.16 0.4
through the Pacific Ocean. The different atmospheric characteris-
0.14 0.35 tics related to temperature and relative humidity of the Pacific
Correction & Weighting (c-w)

Ocean are taken into account based on long-term annually average

0.12 0.3 data prepared by NOAA/ESRL (see Fig. 8) [38]. Due to insufficient

Weight factor (wf)

data for the chloride distribution, the atmospheric chloride is as-
0.10 0.25 sumed to be constant over the atmosphere of the Pacific Ocean
and equals to the standard mean value as indicated in Table 3.
0.08 0.2 The atmospheric marine environment affects the coating effec-
tiveness life. Coating performance is not independent of the sur-
0.06 0.15
rounding environmental characteristics and can vary with it. The
dependence between the coating effectiveness life and the sur-
0.04 0.1
rounding environment is away from the area of this study. The
0.02 0.05 coating protection is assumed here to have the same performance
in the different routes. The nominal or standard conditions are as
0.00 0 indicated by Table 3. The nominal corrosion deterioration through
0 4 8 12 16 20 the marine atmosphere is described by Eqs. (1) and (2). The param-
Points eters of these equations are estimated through regression analysis
of data provided by ABS [36] for the corrosion degradation of the
Fig. 11. Weighting factors and combined correction and weighting. deck plating above the ballast tanks as indicated in Table 1 [13].
The corrections corresponding to non-standard conditions of rela-
tive humidity, chlorides or temperature are performed using Eqs.
correction factor to the chlorides ratio is the lowest, while the sen- (4) and (5), where the correction factors are estimated using Eqs.
sitivity to the temperature ratio estimated based on T, Tn in K is the (9), (12) and (15) (see Fig. 6).
highest. The models indicated by Eqs. (4) through (6) do not account for
Although, the wide scatter and the low fitting quality (low R2) of the correlation that exists between the various factors. However,
using linear function to fit the corrosion rate data sets as a function when using the values of the various parameters that are appropri-
of chlorides and temperature, linear functions is shown to be the ate for each ocean area some correlation between those effects is
most consistent function describing the available data. Grossman already accounted for.
[19] used linear functions to fit the relationships between the cor- These parameters have a seasonal variability but since the aim
rosion rate data sets and the temperature as indicated earlier. of this study is to determine the long-term effect over many years,
Gardiner and Melchers [28] used a linear function to model the the climatological data used does not refer to monthly averages but
relationship between the corrosion rate and both of temperature to yearly values, which absorb the seasonal variability.
and salt deposition and supported this with data. As more and bet- Six ship routes in the Pacific Ocean have been selected to repre-
ter quality data become available, higher quality fitting can be sent different marine environments (see Fig. 7). Each route is as-
done and more accurate correction formulations can be obtained. sumed to consist of a number of short intervals during which the
The same also consider fitting of the corrosion rate data set as a environmental conditions are considered to remain constant. The

1.6 2.2
Nominal (mm)
Long term corrosion depth, (mm)

1.4 Route (1)

Route (2)
Corrosion depth, d (t ) (mm)

1.2 Route (3)

Route (4) 2.0
1.0 Route (5)
Route (6) 1.9

0.6 1.8

0.4 1.7

Route (1)

Route (2)

Route (3)

Route (4)

Route (5)

Route (6)

Long term

0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time, t (years)

Fig. 12. Long-term corrosion wastage for each route (left) and long-term corrosion depth for the different routes in the Pacific Ocean (right).
2024 C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026

number of intervals corresponding to each route is as indicated in short-term corrosion wastage corresponding to each interval. In
Fig. 7. The relative humidity and temperature are estimated for each such interval, there is a particular combination of different
each interval through each route and the corresponding correction environmental conditions. Eq. (5) is used to carry out the different
factors are calculated from Eqs. (9) and (15), respectively (see Figs. weighting factors to account for the relative exposure to that par-
9 and 10). Since the chloride is assumed constant and equal to the ticular combination through each interval. The weighting factors
standard value, no correction is needed. are assumed equal for all the intervals in the same route, which
The short-term prediction of the corrosion wastage correspond- is a consequence of the vessel spending almost the same time in
ing to each time interval was estimated using Eq. (4). The long- each segment of the route (see Fig. 11).
term corrosion wastage in the ship’s lifetime dL(t), corresponding The long-term corrosion wastage corresponding to each route
to each route, is estimated as a weighted sum of the various though the ship life is indicated in Fig. 12 (left). The long-term

4.0 5.0
Temperature 4.5 Temperature
Relative humidity Relative humidity
3.0 Chlorides Chlorides


2.0 2.5

1.5 2.0
0.0 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time, t (years) Time, t (years)

Route (1) Route (2)

5.0 5.0
Temperature Temperature
4.5 4.5
Relative humidity Relative humidity
4.0 4.0
Chlorides Chlorides
3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5
2.0 2.0
1.5 1.5
1.0 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.0 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time, t (years) Time, t (years)
Route (3) Route (4)
6.0 6.0
Temperature Temperature
5.0 Relative humidity 5.0 Relative humidity
Chlorides Chlorides
4.0 4.0

3.0 3.0

2.0 2.0

1.0 1.0

0.0 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time, t (years) Time, t (years)
Route (5) Route (6)
Fig. 13. Time-dependent sensitivity for various parameters through the different routes.
C. Guedes Soares et al. / Corrosion Science 51 (2009) 2014–2026 2025

1.4 5.0
Nominal Temperature
1.2 Long term Relative humidity

Corrosion depth, d (t ) (mm)

1.0 3.5



0.4 1.5


0.0 0.0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32
Time, t (years) Time, t (years)

Fig. 14. Long-term and nominal corrosion wastage as a function of time (left), and long-term time-dependent sensitivity for various parameters (right).

corrosion depth (d1) corresponding to each route is indicated in ratios while the sensitivity to air temperature ratio is the lowest.
Fig. 12 (right). The other parameters of the corrosion model (sc, With temperature ratio calculated based on T, Tn expressed in Kel-
st) will be similar for all routes and equal to the nominal values vin, the sensitivity to air temperature ratio is the highest, while the
indicated in Table 1. From Fig. 12, the route 6 shows the highest sensitivity to the chlorides ratio is the lowest.
corrosion degradation, while the route 1 shows the lowest one. The example has shown how it is possible to quantify changes
Fig. 13 represents the sensitivity of the long-term prediction of cor- in corrosion as a function of trading routes, by accumulating the
rosion wastage to the different environmental factors for each damage effects and the combined effects of the different environ-
route. This sensitivity is calculated as given by Eq. (6). From mental variables though each route.
Fig. 13 it is observed that the corrosion degradation is very sensi- The proposed equations serve also as a guide to ship owners
tive to relative humidity than chloride and temperature while and Classification Societies about which variables need to be mon-
the sensitivity to chloride and temperature is similar for all routes itored to allow more accurate predictions of corrosion wastage in
through the ship service life. marine atmosphere. It is necessary that monitoring programs are
Fig. 14 (left) shows the application of the new long-term time- put in place so as to produce the required data for validation of
dependent model for the corrosion deterioration specific for mar- the proposed model in the long-term. In fact the availability of
ine atmosphere of the Pacific Ocean. It is noticed from the figure such data may allow some adjustment of the proposed equations
that the long-term corrosion deterioration trend through the Paci- for the effect of each of the parameters.
fic Ocean atmosphere is higher than the standard trend which is
corresponding to average conditions through the world oceans Acknowledgement
atmosphere. The model takes into account the sensitivity effects
to various environmental factors on the corrosion degradation for This work has been funded by American Bureau of Shipping un-
various routes studied as short-term predictions. Fig. 14 (right) der the project ‘‘Condition Assessment of Ageing Ship Structures”.
shows the corresponding sensitivity to the different environmental
factors considered. References

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