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EPLAN Education 2.7 Installation Instructions EN-2

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Installation Instructions

EPLAN Education Version 2.7 Status:


EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG

Technical information
Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

Copyright © 2016 EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG

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means without the prior consent of EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG.
The software described in this document is subject to a license agreement. The use and reproduction
of the software is only permitted within the framework of this agreement.
RITTAL® is a registered trademark of Rittal GmbH & Co. KG.
EPLAN®, EPLAN Electric P8®, EPLAN Fluid®, EPLAN Preplanning®, EPLAN PPE®, EPLAN Pro Panel®
and EPLAN Harness proD® are registered trademarks of EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG.
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EPLAN uses the Open Source software 7-Zip (7z.dll), Copyright © by Igor Pavlov. The source code of
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EPLAN uses the Open-Source-Software Open CASCADE, Copyright © by Open CASCADE S.A.S.
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EPLAN provides an import function which uses eCl@ss. The use of the eCl@ss standard requires a
license. Please register and order in the DownloadPortal: http://www.eclassdownload.com

Table of contents
Introduction ........................................................................................... 4

Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

Notes for the Reader ......................................................................... 5

Requirements for Installation ............................................................... 6
Registration ........................................................................................... 7
Installation ............................................................................................. 8
Directories of the EPLAN Setup Manager ........................................
8 Installation with local
directories ...................................................... 9
Explanation of the program components for the installation .......
Installation with network directories ..............................................
How does the EPLAN Education Installation function? ................
What happens during installation? ................................................ 21
What happens during the first start of EPLAN Education? ..........
23 The directory structure of EPLAN
Education ................................ 26
If an EPLAN Education version was already installed on the PC 30
Appendix ............................................................................................. 33
Sample E-Mail .................................................................................. 33

Dear users,
The team at EPLAN Software & Service GmbH & Co. KG is pleased to
welcome you as a new user.
This document is meant to help you with the installation.
In all, the corresponding procedure is possible for the following program
variants of the EPLAN platform:


• EPLAN Education

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017
• EPLAN Electric P8

• EPLAN Fluid

• EPLAN Preplanning

• EPLAN Pro Panel

• EPLAN Trial
Notes for the Reader
Before you begin reading, please note the following symbols and styles
used in this document:
Text preceded by this symbol contains a warning; you should be abso-
lutely sure to read this warning before proceeding!!

Text preceded by this symbol contains extra notes.

Useful tips to facilitate your interaction with the program are presented
after this image.
Examples are highlighted by this symbol.

Requirements for Installation

In order to carry out the installation, an operating system approved for the
version to be installed has to be installed on the system. Microsoft
Windows 7, Microsoft Windows 8 and Microsoft Windows 8.1 are ap-
proved only in the 64-bit version respectively. Microsoft Windows XP and
Microsoft Vista are no longer supported since EPLAN Plat-form 2.3. For
further information, please refer to the EPLAN NEWS for Version 2.6.3
starting on Page 280. The document is located in the folder Docu-
ments\en_US of the P8 DVD.
Administrator rights are required for the installation and for the first start
after installation of the software. During the first start of EPLAN Educa-
tion select the Expert scope of menu.

Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

In order to work with EPLAN Education the user must have write privi-
leges for the di-rectories in which the software stores data. These gener-
ally are:
• The program directory
• The directory of the original master data
• The system master data directory
• The directories for the settings databases o User
o Workstation o
• The directory for the log file EplLog.txt
The free memory required for the software and master data must be
available. If you validate the software with a local dongle, rights to
change are required on the directory for the license file.
In Windows 7 systems the file lies in the directory: C:\Users\Public\
In the German user interface of Windows 7 this path is displayed as fol-

To be able to use EPLAN Education you have to register. This is neces-
sary for the activation to be assigned and to be correspondingly gener-
Please use the form integrated in the setup and send us your data.

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

We will check the plausibility of the data you entered. After the check we
will send your personal activation code to the e-mail address you speci-
If at that time you do not have Internet access or skipped the registration,
you can register at a later time on the Internet by running the Setup.exe
file again.

Directories of the EPLAN Setup Manager
The following settings are suggested as the default for the installation of
EPLAN Education. These can be accepted as they are. However, since
data is generally stored on a server drive at most customers, it makes
sense to customize these settings. The company code should always be
adapted. It will also be included in the folder structure created by the in-

Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

Installation with local directories

In this installation all the data is stored locally. This variant is advisable
for laptops that will also be used separated from the company network.
The settings databases (user, workstation and company) in particular
should be stored locally on a laptop that is also used without a network.
The Setup is started after the storage medium has been inserted. If this
process is not started automatically, you can use the Explorer to access
the storage medium and start the "Setup.exe" file in the root directory by
double-clicking it.

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

The first window of the installation lists the available program Education (Win64).

If the 64-bit version of the EPLAN platform is used, Microsoft Office 64-
bit or an SQL Server is required for the parts and foreign language data-
In the second window of the installation you have to accept the license
agreements before you can continue with the installation.

Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

The third window handles the directory settings and the company code.
Please note: These settings have an effect on the future use of the soft-

The following settings are recommended for the local installation (based
on a Windows 7 64-bit system):
Entries in < > are generated automatically. Entries in ( ) specify the re-
quired authorizations when working with EPLAN Electric P8. Rights to
change are required for all directories for the installation.
Enter your company name or an abbreviation of it at the company code.
This entry is used for the directory structure of your system master data.

Program directory:
C:\Program Files\EPLAN\<Product name>\<Version No.> (Read)
Original master data:

Data>\<Version No.> (Read )
Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

System master data:

C:\Users\Public\EPLAN\EPLAN_DATA\<Macros, images, etc.>\<Com-
pany code> (Change)
Settings databases (user / workstation / company):
C:\Users\Public\EPLAN\EPLAN_SETTINGS\<Product name>\<Version
No..>\<x64>\<Cfg> (Change)

Explanation of the designations of the directories for the installa-

• Program directory:
The program components required for EPLAN Education are stored here.
This folder and its subfolders are generated directly by the installation.
For the installation of the 64-bit variant the default directory begins with
C:\Program Files\...
• EPLAN original master data:
The EPLAN P8 original master data is stored in this directory. During the
installation this data is installed into the directory specified in the Setup
dialog. This data is used to generate the customer code directories dur-
ing the EPLAN start. As of Version 2.2. the folder structure in this direc-
tory is always generated in English.
• System master data:
No data is stored here yet by the installation itself. The directories are not
generated by the installation, but rather by the first start of the software.
This is the directory that contains the master data (forms, plot frames,
symbols, projects, etc.) with which you subsequently work in EPLAN P8.
To ensure that this data is unique, your company code is created as a
subdirectory under the directories, for example macros.
• Company code:
You can enter your company name or an abbreviation of it in this field.
The entry should not be too long and should not contain any special
characters. The company code is used during the first start of the soft-
ware as the designation for the subfolders in the system master data.
• User settings:
The user settings specified by you are stored here.
The data in this directory is not created until the first start of the software.
• Workstation settings:
Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017
The workstation settings specified by you are stored here.
The data in this directory is not created until the first start of the software.
• Company settings:
The company settings specified by you are stored here.
The data in this directory is not created until the first start of the software.
• Measuring unit:
The measuring unit that you wish to use later in the software is set here.
This setting can be changed after the installation in the software settings.
• Help system:
Here you can select how your help system is created in the software.
If "local" is selected, the data is copied to your storage medium and can
be updated by using the Download Manager.
If "online" is selected, the up-to-date Help data is accessed automatically
through the Internet. Updating is not necessary.
This setting can be changed after the installation in the software settings.
The components to be installed are displayed in the fourth window. Here
you can also influence the measuring unit.

The language entered at "Activated" is used for the user interface when
the software is started, in as far as it is licensed.

Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

After the Install button has been clicked, the installation of EPLAN Edu-
cation is started.
If German is selected under "Activated" as the language, German is in-
stalled automatically for the online help. If a different language is se-
lected in the "Activated" field, the online help is installed in English. Fur-
ther languages can be installed later after the program has been started
and the online help called up by using the EPLAN Download Manager.
For further information, please refer to the chapter "Installing further lan-
guages for the online help".
In the course of the installation the upper section of the Setup Manager
provides in-formation about the installation status.
Any warning that may be displayed in the middle section of the EPLAN
Setup Man-ager does not have any influence on the installation itself. If
you confirm this message and allow the execution of the content, further
information about the EPLAN Platform 2.6 is displayed in the lower sec-

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

Explanation of the program components for

the installation
• EPLAN License Client:

Required for licensing with a dongle or via a network license. Is used by

all the in-stalled EPLAN programs on one system. If the 64-bit version of
EPLAN Education is used, the 64-bit License Client is installed. If a 32-
bit License Client already exists on the system, this is up-dated addition-
ally. Both License Clients are then available with the same build number.
• EPLAN Education:

Required program components for EPLAN Education. These include the

in-stall.xml and the templates for the settings databases.
• EPLAN Trail Education Data:
Original master data for the electrical components of EPLAN Education.
They include, for example, the IEC symbol libraries, forms for terminal di-
agrams. These do not include, for example, the parts database because
it can also be used by other program components such as Fluid.
• EPLAN Platform:
Program components of the EPLAN platform. This is the main part of the
pro-gram and also includes EPLAN.exe, among others. The user inter-
face and help languages selected during the installation also belong to
the EPLAN P8 platform. • EPLAN Platform Data:

This includes non-project-specific original master data such as the parts

data-base. But also some symbol libraries such as SPECIAL since these
symbols are required by electrical engineering and fluid power users.
Installation with network directories
This installation can be used on systems that are permanently connected
to the company network. Working without this network is only possible
through manual intervention in EPLAN Education files or through a new
installation. The directories named here only serve as an example for
which data it makes sense to store on a server.
The installation of the program data at a network drive is not supported /
Entries in < > are generated automatically. Entries in ( ) specify the re-
Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

quired authorizations when working with EPLAN P8. Rights to change

are required for all the specified directories for the installation.

Program directory:
C:\Program Files\EPLAN\<Product name>\<Version No.> (Read)
Original master data:
P:\CAE_System\EPLAN\O_DATA\<Product data>\<Version No.> (Read)
System master data:
P:\CAE_System\EPLAN\DATA\<Macros, images, etc.>\<Company code>
Settings databases (user ):
C:\Users\Public\EPLAN\SETTINGS\<Product name>\<Version
No..>\<x64>\<Cfg> (Change) Settings databases
C:\Users\Public\EPLAN\SETTINGS\<Product name>\<Version
No..>\<x64>\<Cfg> (Change) Settings databases
P:\CAE_System\EPLAN\SETTINGS\<Product name>\<Version No.>\
<x64>\<Cfg> (Change)
When installing with network paths we recommend using UNC paths in-
stead of drive characters.
A UNC path specification for the original master data an example:
\\SAMPLEcompany.lan\CAE_DATEN\EPLAN\O_DATA\<Product data>\
<Version No.>
Since a part of the settings databases and, through the system master
data, also the rights management data, are stored on a server drive (in
the example P:\), it is not possible to start EPLAN Education without a
network connection. This also applies if you have not licensed the Rights
Management module.
You can use this directory suggestion also for a local installation if, for
ex-ample, the master data (original and system) are to be placed on a
different partition / hard disk on your PC. In this case you should use the
same path for the settings database (company) as for the settings data-
base (workstation).

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

How does the EPLAN Education

Installation function?
This part of the document discusses the actions of the installation and the
resulting directories. It is assumed that a new EPLAN Education in-
stallation is being carried out on a PC with Windows 8.1 64-bit on which
no previous EPLAN P8 was installed.

Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

What happens during installation?

The installation of EPLAN Education generates the following directories:
• Program data (Electric P8, Education Data, Platform
and Platform Data)
• EPLAN original master data (O_Data) • Settings
databases (Settings)

Your personal settings databases are not created in this subfolder until
the first start of EPLAN P8. • Internal installation data (Setup)

(Folders generated after the EPLAN P8 installation)

The directories for the system master data (Data) are not yet generated
in this step.
In addition, the EPLAN License Client 64-bit for the licensing functions is
installed. The following path is used as the default here:
C:\Program Files\EPLAN\Common\
The EPLAN License Client 32-bit is still located under the directory C:\
Program Files (x86)\EPLAN\COMMON\
It is updated during the installation of the EPLAN Platform 64-bit, if ap-
You cannot customize these paths during the installation.

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

What happens during the first start of

EPLAN Education?

The first start of EPLAN Education must be carried out with administrator
rights, like the installation itself. Select the setting Expert in the "Select
scope of menu" dialog.

The first start of EPLAN P8 requires somewhat longer than the subse-
quent start procedures. This is because the following actions have to be
carried out during the first start: Generation of the directory structure for
the system master data and copying of the original master data into the
system master data directories.

(Parts data from the system master data as an example of the directories generated after the
first start)
Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

The Data folder was generated during the first start and provided with the
structure for the system master data, for example the Parts folder. Fold-
ers are also generated here with the company code assigned by you, in
this case SUP.
The data in the SUP folder were copied from the corresponding directory
under O_Data (EPLAN original master data).
Generation of the settings databases for the user, workstation and com-
pany settings.
The following screenshot shows the folder for the settings databases di-
rectly after the installation. The directory for the settings databases,
Eplan_Settings, has been generated, but does not yet contain any data.

(Eplan_Settings before the first start of EPLAN P8)

Your settings databases are generated during the first start of EPLAN
Electric P8.

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

(Eplan_Settings after the first start of EPLAN P8)

The directory structure of EPLAN Education

The following section discusses the directory structure of EPLAN Educa-
tion on the basis of some screenshots. It deals with the structure of the
original master data and the system master data resulting from them dur-
ing the first start of EPLAN Electric P8.
In this example the original master data are stored under the directory
O_Data. The directories Education Data and Platform Data are gener-
ated under this folder. The master data structure is located within these
directories with the following English folders:
Education Data:
Forms, Images, Macros, Plotframes, Projects, Schemes, Symbols and
Templates Platform Data:
Administration, Documents, Dxf_Dwg, Forms, Function definition, Im-
ages, Macros, Mechanical models, Outlines, Parts, Plotframes, PPE,
Projects, Schemes, Scripts, Symbols, Templates, Translation and Xml
Each of these folders contains the subfolder EPLAN that then contains
the corresponding original master data. • O_Data (original master

This directory contains the original master data that apply for the electri-
cal field. Here you will find, for example, the symbol libraries
IEC_Symbol, IEC_Single_Symbol for electrical engineering, but not the
special library SPECIAL. The SPECIAL library contains symbols that ap-
ply not only for the electrical field.
Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

It does not contain any parts database either, because the parts con-
tained there are, for example, also used for the fluid power and mechani-
cal fields.

(The original master data directory for parts under Education is no longer generated, be- cause
this folder would be empty any-way.)

The original master data directory for symbols contains only the symbol
libraries relevant for electrical engineering.

(The original master data for symbols under Education Data.)

• Platform Data (original master data)

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017
This directory contains the original master data that apply for more
than one product. It contains, for example, the SPECIAL symbol library.

(The original master data directory for symbols under Platform Data contains the symbol li-
braries because these are, for example, also used for the fluid power and mechanical prod-

• Data (system master data)

The system master data is copied into the directory specified by you dur-
ing the first start, in the example Data. The EPLAN original master data
serves as the source here.
The following screenshot shows the contents of the Symbols folder. A
sub-folder with your company code, in this case SUP, is generated. The
symbol libraries from the section Education Data (for example
IEC_Symbol) and from the section Platform Data (for example SPECIAL)
have been copied together in this folder. The system master data there-
fore contain all the libraries that you require to work with EPLAN P8 after
the first start of EPLAN P8.

Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

(The system master data directory for symbols under Data after the first start.)

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

If an EPLAN Education version was already in-

stalled on the PC
If a version of EPLAN Education was already installed on your system,
you have two options for installing EPLAN Electric P8.
The program files are written automatically into their own directories
since each new EPLAN Education version is a full version.
The first option is a completely separate installation with new directories.
During the new installation you must enter a new directory for the master
data. This should also be done for the settings databases. In this case
you can use the directories for the local version as an example. In this
variant you work with separate master data, for example two sep- arate
parts managements.
The second option is the use of an existing system master data directory.
During the installation you specify a directory for the EPLAN original
master data, for example on the basis of the recommendation above.
For the system master data you specify the directory used for an existing
EPLAN Edu-cation system master data. During the installation itself no
change is carried out to this system master data directory.
During the first start select the Expert scope of menu. You are then
prompted in a dialog whether you want to update the master data.

You can prevent updating here by selecting No. In this case no data is
copied into your system master data directory.

Before you update the master data create a backup of your master data.
It is advisable to back up your system master data regularly.
If you select Yes, the newly installed EPLAN original master data is cop-
ied to the sys-tem master data directory specified by you after a query. It

Installation Instructions
EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

is generally advisable to also assign new names to your own master data
such as parts, forms, etc.

There is a further possibility of carrying out synchronization of the

EPLAN original master data into your system master data user-defined.
To this purpose a dialog is dis-played with two tables in which the system
master data are compared with the EPLAN original master data. You can
mark elements here and transfer them from right (original master data) to
left (system master data). The selected files are overwritten.

(Dialog for user-defined synchronization of the original / system master data.)

Installation Instructions EPLAN Education Version 2.7
Status: 08/2017

Sample E-Mail
Good morning, Mr. Doe,

You have registered your version on our website.

Registration information:
Product: EPLAN Electric P8 EDU with Fluid and PPE Add-on
Serial number: EPL0E435MA
Provided data:
Company: John Doe Form
of address: Mister
First name: John
Surname: Doe
Street: Sample street 1
ZIP: 12345
City: Everytown Country:
E-mail: john.doe@sample.com
Phone: 01234/123456789
Educational facility / training company: University of sample village
Course of studies: Electrical engineering
Duration: 6 terms / 3 years
Career wish: Design engineer
Student ID card / customer no.: 1234567890
Found out via: EPLAN representative

In case of questions please contact the EPLAN Support.


EPLAN Software & Service

EPLAN Software & Service
GmbH & Co. KG An der alten
Ziegelei 2
40789 Monheim am
Rhein · Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 21 73 / 39 64-0
Telefax: +49 (0) 21 73 / 39 64-25
Info@eplan.de · www.eplan.de

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