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Oralcom11 q2 Mod11

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Using Principles of

Effective Speech Writing

Focusing on Audience
Profile and Logical
Module in Oral Communication
in Context 11
First Semester- Second Quarter
Module 11 Week 4
Department of Education • Cordillera Administrative Region

Welcome to this module on developing your skills to become more effective

communicators! This module will help you in using the principles of effective speech writing
focusing on audience analysis and logical organization patterns.

What’s In
In our last module, we learned that a shift in speech context, speech style, speech act,
and communicative strategy affects the way people communicate in various aspects and we
were also taught how to respond to different speaking situations considering these changes.
Now, we will learn about the principles of effective speech writing focusing on audience
analysis and logical organization. Often times, we focus so much on what we want to say that
we often overlook the question of who our audience is. Does your audience care what you
as a speaker think? Can they see how your speech applies to their lives and interests? The
act of public speaking is a shared activity that involves interaction between speaker and

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audience. In order for your speech to get a fair hearing, you need to create a relationship with
your listeners.
Moreover, we will also learn how to organize your ideas into a coherent, strategic

What Is It
Writing an effective speech is like planning an event as it follows certain steps or
processes. The process for writing is not chronological or linear; rather, it is recursive which
allows you to repeat a writing procedure indefinitely or produce multiple drafts before you can
settle on the right one.
In our everyday conversations we adapt our messages to our audience – the one we are
talking to. The first step in writing a speech is to gather and analyze information about your
target audience which you could use to tailor-fit your speech content and delivery to your
Audience analysis is the process of gathering and examining information about your
intended listeners to understand their needs, expectations, beliefs, values, attitudes, and
opinions so that they will respond as you wish.
The profile includes the following information:

A. Demographics (WHO):
- What is their age and gender?
- What is their occupation?
- What is their educational level?
- Which groups do they belong to?
- Which cultures and languages do they identify with?
- What is their economic status?
B. Psychographic (WHAT):
- What do they know about the subject?
- What do they know about you?
- What are their attitudes and values?
- What are their preferences?
- What do they have strong opinions about?
C. Environmental Situation (WHERE AND WHEN):
- How large is your audience?
- What is the occasion?
- Is the event voluntary or mandatory?
- When is your speech?
- What is the venue/room like?
By now you should understand the kinds of information it would benefit you to
have about your audience. But how can you collect it? What do you ask, where do
you go, and what kinds of tools can you use to gain information about your intended


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1. Contacts– Ask a sensible person, the person inviting you to speak about the
group he or she represents.
2. Personal Knowledge and Observations– You can observe the audience
prior to the speech for you to be able to make educated guesses regarding
their demographics, your perceptions of their opinions of you, insights you
have gained from hearing their conversations and to come up with decisions
regarding your presentation based on prior conversations you have had with
audience members.
3. Research – You can use the library and the Internet to search for information
regarding the attitudes of audience members. You can also use
questionnaires (Close-ended Questions, Matrix Questions, Open-ended
Questions, & Contingency Questions).
(For more information regarding these types of survey questions you can
visit the following link: https://explorable.com/types-of-survey-questions)

After gathering information about your target audience, you need now to logically
organize your speech using the following organization patterns:
Specific Purpose Main Points
Organizatio Description
nal Pattern (Example) (Example)
1. The goal is to create To inform a group of -Define and describe the
Categorical/T categories (or chunks) of teachers about the various educational
opical information that go various educational software/applications
together to help support software/ applications available online;
your they could -Explain the different uses
original specific purpose. utilized on of these applications; and
their online classes -Explain the advantages
and disadvantages of
these applications

2. Presents comparison/ To compare online -Explain the differences

Compari contrast of two or three learning and face-to- between the two; and
son/ points. face learning -Enumerate the
Contrast advantages and
disadvantages of the two.

3. Spatial Organizes information To explain the three -Explain the structure of a

according to how things major cloud hurricane starting from its
fit together formations of a hurricane center (eye) to its spiral rain
in physical space. bands.

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4. Places the main idea in To narrate the successful -Explain the creation of the
Chronologica the time order in which concert for a cause to help event;
l items appear. typhoon victims. -Describe the planning and
preparation of the event;
-Describe the actual
performance /concert.

5. Presents descriptions To inform the audience -Describe their life before

Biographical of your life about their life during the the martial law;
or of others’, Martial Law. -Describe the situations
famous or not during the martial law; and
-Describe how they cope
with life after the martial

6. Causal Used to explain To inform the audience -Explain how, when and
cause-and-effect about the COVID-19 where the virus started.
relationships pandemic -Discuss the impact the
pandemic had on people all
around the world.

7. Problem- Describe a To persuade people to - Explain the benefits of

Solution problem, identify what support the supporting the
you believe is causing activities and government’s activities to
the initiatives supporting fight COVID-19.
problem, and then COVID-19 response of -Explain the
recommend a solution to the government. consequences of not
solve the problem. following the health
protocols and other
activities the government is
implementing to prevent
the spread of the virus.


The next pages, under What’s More and What I Can Do, are the activities you have to work on to complete this Self-
Learning Module. Work on the activities considering the instructions given. Also, please use the provided Answer Sheet for
your answers. Lastly, have fun working and learning!

What’s More
Written Task: Identify Me (20 points)
Read the following scenarios and identify what method of audience analysis and what
organizational pattern are to be used in preparing a speech for each situation. Write
your answers on the spaces given after each item. Number 1 is already done for you.
1. Jeremy was explaining how to put an end to the problem of bullying in schools during his
talk in one of the public high school in Baguio City.
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2. A former member of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-
NPA) shared her tragic experience in the hands of the rebels.
3. Mrs. Reyes will be conducting an online lecture about Mental Health to a group of
students at Pines City National High School.
4. A police officer will be having a talk about the Four Stages of Rehabilitation in Addiction
Recovery to a group of teenagers.
5. A Filipino survivor recounting the horror of the Death March in Bataan to a group of
college students.
6. Vivian is preparing a persuasive speech about environmental issues.
7. The student chose to speak about the Effects of Social Media on Communication Skills
during their Literary Musical Contest.
8. The teacher is talking about public speaking –its history, uses and advantages and
9. Mrs. Rimando described in her speech what the old Baguio city looked like – how beautiful
the scenery is especially the notable landmarks that are still standing here today.
10. The speaker explained that Baguio City and La Trinidad are not the same to clarify the
geographical misconception that all mountainous area in the Cordillera is Baguio.

What I Can Do
Performance Task 1: Knowing Your Audience (15 points)
1. Write a topic for an informative or persuasive speech you want to deliver.
2. Identify the information you need about your audience. Follow the
sample audience analysis template below.
Sample Audience Analysis

Age Range 12-18

Male-Female Ratio 60 % Female and 40 % Male

Educational Background High School Students

Occupation N/A
Place of Residence (city, province, Baguio
Marital Status Single
Annual Income N/A
Language Spoken Ilocano, Filipino, English

Religious Affiliations/beliefs Christians

3. What audience beliefs, attitudes, values, concerns, and other variables

should you consider in your speech given the topic you have chosen?
Performance Task 2: Your Turn (15 points)
1. Imagine that you are giving an informative speech about your favorite
historical place here in the Cordillera. Which organizational pattern do you
think would be most useful? Why?

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2. Develop three main points for your speech based on the organizational
pattern you have chosen. Rubric below will be used to assess your main
Points Criteria
5 Main points are supported by distinct, clearly worded, and
supported sub points.
3 Main points are well developed using a variety of support
1 Majority of the ideas are unsupported by additional
information or explanation

Nice one! More learnings await in the next module. See you!

NAME: ________________________________ Grade & Section: ________________

Written Task: Identify Me (20 points)

1. METHOD: Contacts and Observation ORGANIZATIONAL
PATTERN: Problem-solution
2. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________
3. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________
4. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________
5. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________
6. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________
7. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________
8. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________
9. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________
10. METHOD: __________________________________
ORGANIZATIONAL PATTERN: _________________________________

Performance Task 1: Knowing Your Audience (15 points)

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Topic: ___________________________________________

Sample Audience Analysis

Age Range

Male-Female Ratio

Educational Background


Place of Residence (city, province,

Marital Status

Annual Income

Language Spoken

Religious Affiliations/beliefs

At least five Audience beliefs, attitudes, values, concerns, and other variables that
should be considered in the identified speech topic:

_________________________________ ___________________________________

_________________________________ ___________________________________


Performance Task 2: Your Turn (15 points)

1. Organizational Pattern: _____________________________________

2. Three Main Points of the Speech
A. _________________________________________________________

B. _________________________________________________________

C. _________________________________________________________

Well done! May you God continue to be with you in your desire to learn!

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