Hau Tier 2011
Hau Tier 2011
Hau Tier 2011
bS Supporting Information
ABSTRACT: Phosphate materials are being extensively studied as
lithium-ion battery electrodes. In this work, we present a high-
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r 2011 American Chemical Society 3495 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm200949v | Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 3495–3508
Chemistry of Materials ARTICLE
assigned a U parameter to correct for the self-interaction error present in Entropic contributions were neglected. When the delithiated state still
GGA.21,22 This U parameter was fitted to experimental binary metal contained lithium in the structure (e.g., LiV2(PO4)3), the lithium
formation energies using the Kubaschewski tables,23 following the ordering over the available sites was determined by enumerating possible
approach of Wang et al.24 The only exception is the U for Co, set at ordered states of lithium and lithium vacancies using Hart’s algorithm
5.7 eV, following Zhou et al.25 We followed Wang et al. and did not use a and choosing the state leading to the lowest electrostatic energy
U parameter on Ti. While hybrid functional, for instance in the Heyd- computed by an Ewald sum on formal valence point charges.34
Scuseria-Ernzerhof (HSE) scheme,26 can also correct for the self-inter- Thermodynamic stability at zero K and zero pressure was evaluated
action error,27 the high-throughput nature of our work favors the use of using ab initio computed total energies. The stability of any phase was
the less computationally expensive GGA+U framework. evaluated by comparing it to other phases or linear combination of
All compounds were run in their ferromagnetic states with a k-point phases leading to the same composition using the convex hull construc-
density of at least 500/(number of atom in unit cell) k-points. The tion. GGA and GGA+U computations were combined using Jain et al.’s
Vienna ab initio software package (VASP)28 was used with the plane- methodology.41 The stability of any compound was quantified by
augmented wave (PAW) pseudopotentials provided.29 The computa- evaluating the energy above the hull, which is the negative energy of the
tions are expected to be converged within a few meV/at. More details on reaction that decomposes a compound into the most stable combination
the high-throughput ab initio methodology can be found in Jain et al.30 of other phases. When the compound is stable at zero K, its energy above
2.2. Compounds Data Set. Our list of redox active elements and the hull is 0 meV/at. An energy above the hull is always positive, and its
allowed oxidation state consists of Ti (+2 to +4), V (+2 to +5), Cr (+2 to +6), magnitude indicates the degree of instability of the compound.
Mn (+2 to +4), Fe (+2 to +4), Co (+2 to +4), Ni (+2 to +4), Cu (+1 Safety or thermal stability was computed as in Ong et al. by evaluating
to +3), Nb (+3 to +5), Mo (+3 to +6), Sn (+2 to +4), Sb (+3 to +5) and the oxygen chemical potential necessary for the compound to decom-
Bi (+3 to +5). pose at equilibrium through oxygen gas evolution.42 This approach
Our set of known compounds was obtained from the 2006 ICSD assumes an equilibrium process and an entropic contribution to the
database.31 All known compounds containing lithium, phosphorus, reaction solely from the oxygen gas. The oxygen chemical potential
oxygen, and a redox active metal were considered. reference (μO2 = 0 meV) is chosen to be air at 298 K, according to the
Duplicate crystal structures were identified and removed using an tabulated entropy of oxygen in the JANAF tables and the fitted oxygen
affine mapping technique. Two structures are considered equivalent if an molecule energy from Wang et al.24,43 Oxygen chemical potential ranges
affine mapping exists transforming one into another within reasonable (with respect to this reference) can be found for typical binary oxides in
tolerances.32 The algorithm used to perform this comparison was based the Supporting Information of Hautier et al.’s paper.37
on Hundt et al.33 This algorithm was also used to assign a crystal 2.5. Phosphates Classification. In this work, any compound
structure prototype to any of the generated compounds. containing phosphorus atoms tetrahedrally coordinated by oxygen will
The experimental crystallographic data of some known compounds be considered as a phosphate. We will follow the classification of
contain partial occupancies. For those, we used an ordering procedure to phosphates from Durif.44 The first criteria used to classify phosphates
enumerate unique supercells using an algorithm proposed by Hart.34 is based on the oxygen to phosphorus ratio. Three categories can then be
Among all the enumerated structures, the closest to the structure’s distinguished:
stoichiometry, as listed in the ICSD, and lowest in electrostatic energy • O/P = 4 orthophosphates or monophosphates
(according to an Ewald summation on formal valence point charges) was • O/P > 4 oxyphosphates
chosen. • 5/2 < O/P < 4 condensed phosphates
In addition to known compounds from the ICSD, we generated The condensed phosphates have the particularity that some PO4
“virtual” compounds by substituting ions in known ICSD compounds to groups share corners with other PO4 groups. The condensed phosphates
form new possible compounds containing lithium, phosphorus, oxygen, can be subdivided between:
and a redox active metal . This substitution process was driven by a data- • Linear polyphosphates. They contain groups of PO4 tetrahedron
mined substitution model presented in Hautier et al.35 sharing one or two corners with other PO4 tetrahedron. The general
To evaluate stability of the computed compounds, all competing formula for these is (PnO3n+1)(n+2). Pyrophosphates (n = 2)
phases known in the ICSD were also computed. For instance, to make (P2O7)4 belong to this group. Metaphosphates (PO3) are
the stability study of a LiMPO system possible, we computed the formed if the chain is infinite.
compounds present in the ICSD in all the related binary (i.e., LiO, • Cyclophosphates. They present corner sharing rings of tetrahedron
MO, LiM) and ternary (i.e., LiMO, LiPO, MPO, PO4 and are of formula (PnO3n)n. Among those, the (cyclic)
LiMP) systems.36 In addition, a data-mined ternary oxide structure metaphosphates are common (PO3).
prediction algorithm has been used to propose any likely new compound • Ultraphosphates. They present PO4 tetrahedron sharing three of
candidate in the MPO systems.37 In total, our database contains their oxygen with other PO4 groups. (P2m+nO5m+3n)n
4074 computed compounds containing containing lithium, a redox
active element, phosphorus. and oxygen.
2.3. Local Environment Assignment. The local environment 3. RESULTS
for a given cation was assigned automatically through a polyhedron
matching algorithm. The cation’s neighboring oxygen atoms were 3.1. Thermodynamical Stability of Phosphates. We analyze
detected through a Voronoi construction.38 In a second step, the poly- the thermodynamic stability at zero K and zero pressure of the
hedron formed by this set of neighbors was compared to a library of known ICSD compounds. For each of those known compounds,
perfect local environments (containing environments such as octahe- the energy above the hull was computed. It should be noted that
dral, square planar, tetrahedral, square pyramidal, trigonal bipyramidal, it is possible for a known compound to be unstable in this analysis
trigonal prismatic square face monocapped, trigonal, and square anti- (i.e., having a nonzero energy above the hull). Besides possible
prismatic). The comparison was performed using the continuous errors from DFT, some phases present in the ICSD are prepared
symmetry algorithm developed by Pinsky et al.39 at high temperature (and sometimes at high pressure con-
2.4. Battery Properties Computations. Voltages were com- ditions), stabilizing a compound that would be unstable at zero
puted directly from a difference in total energy between the lithiated and K and zero pressure. Moreover, this analysis is purely thermo-
delithiated state following the methodology presented in Aydinol et al.40 dynamical, and compounds can be synthesized while metastable.
3496 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm200949v |Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 3495–3508
Chemistry of Materials ARTICLE
Table 1. Predicted New (with respect to the ICSD database) Stable Phases at Zero Ka
formula space group based on based on ICSD nb exp. evidence
However, it is expected that for existing compounds, any instability A similar thermodynamical analysis has been performed for
from the zero K convex hull should be in a reasonable energy the compounds proposed by the substitution algorithm.35
range. Among the 37 compounds containing at least Li, P, O, Twenty-seven novel phases were found to be on the convex hull
and a redox active metal, and which are reported with no partial and thus computationally stable at zero K. Table 1 shows the
occupancies in the ICSD, only six have a distance to the hull thermodynamic data for those compounds. A few compounds
larger than 10 meV/at (see Table 2 of the Supporting In- have been inserted in the ICSD after 2006 and were not in our
formation). Obvious reasons for metastability at zero K could working version of this database (LiCo(PO3)3, LiCrP2O7,
be identified for four of those six compounds. The NASICON LiMnP2O7, and Li9Cr3(P2O7)3(PO4)2). Li2Fe3(P2O7) has re-
LiV2(PO4)3 is formed by electrochemical delithiation and was cently been synthesized but is not yet entered in the ICSD.50,51 It
never synthesized directly.45 The LiCu(PO3 )3 P1 structure is is encouraging that in each case the correct crystal structure was
probably also a metastable compound as it is known to found by our compound prediction scheme. A few compounds of
transform to the LiCu(PO3)3 orthorhombic form upon formula LiM(PO3)4 based on the LiAl(PO3)4 crystal structure
heating.46,47 The LiFePO4-β is a high-pressure phase higher are also predicted. Evidence for their synthesis with M = Fe and
in energy than the olivine structure.48 The energy above the Cr are presented in Murashova et al.52 We also predict the
hull of Li2Mn2P6O18.10H2O is extremely high (400 meV/at), existence of two molybdenum compounds with the NASICON-
and while it is possible that this lack of stability results from like structure (Li3Mo2(PO4)3 and LiMo2(PO4)3). Although not
inaccuracy in the representation of water in our database, it is referenced in the ICSD, synthesis of those compounds has been
more likely due to a missasignment of the hydrogen positions claimed in the literature.53 Similarly, the Li3Cr2(PO4)3 NASI-
in the ICSD structure, as is hinted by the large ionic relaxa- CON is absent in the ICSD but referenced in several papers.53,54
tions observed during the DFT computations.49 With more This demonstrates the ability of a substitution algorithm coupled
accurate hydrogen positions, this structure is likely to have a with a DFT phase stability analysis to discover new phases
much lower calculated energy. Surprisingly, LiCoPO4 olivine beyond the ICSD 2006 data set.
is found to be 24 meV/at above a predicted LISICON 3.2. Preferred Local Environments. Our large data set of
structure in which the transition metals are tetrahedrally computed phosphates can be used to study the local environ-
coordinated. ments that each ion favors. Figure 1 plots for each ion in different
3497 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm200949v |Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 3495–3508
Chemistry of Materials ARTICLE
maximal capacity for +1/+2 compounds with the acceptable calculations predict that molybdenum also forms a Li3Mo2-
average voltage around 3.2 V makes it theoretically possible to (PO4)3 NASICON structure. This molybdenum compound
surpass the iron olivine’s 600 Wh/kg specific energy limit. is not very competitive by itself in terms of energy densities
Unfortunately, no stable lithium-containing Cu1+ phosphate is (526 Wh/kg and 1732Wh/l). However, by replacing one-quarter
known, and none was predicted to be stable in this work. The of the nonactive vanadium in Li3V2(PO4)3 by Mo3+, it might be
stability analysis showed a Cu1+ phosphate in tetrahedral co- possible to extract this last lithium with lower hysteresis. This
ordination at composition Li5Cu(PO4)2 in a LISICON structure strategy suggests a Li3Mo0.5V1.5(PO4)3 compound with a com-
as closest to the hull. This compound lies 20 meV/at above its petitive theoretical specific energy of 654 Wh/kg (3.5 V average
decomposition products: Cu, Cu2O, Li3PO4, and Li2CuP2O7. voltage with a capacity of 187 mAh/g). The energy density is also
The Li3Cu3(PO4)2 would be more interesting in terms of attractive at 1900 Wh/l. Both specific energy and energy density
gravimetric capacity and is computed to be 54 meV/at above are competitive with LiFePO4 (600 Wh/kg and 1900 Wh/l). In
the hull in the LISICON structure. Two potential issues with a addition, computations predict that molybdenum would mix
battery working on the Cu1+/Cu2+ couple would be the very easily in the vanadium NASICON structure. The best ordering
different preferred local environment for the Cu1+ and Cu2+ ions for Li3Mo0.5V1.5(PO4)3 is 4 meV/at (or 40 meV/transition metal
(tetrahedral and octahedral or square planar) and the high sites) above the hull and within the range where entropy effects
mobility of Cu1+. Both effects could make it difficult to retain will stabilize the mixing. This example illustrates how a high-
the crystal structure upon cycling. throughput computational study can be used to help the rational
Because of the limitations on the gravimetric and volumetric design of new battery compounds.
capacity of phosphates, two-electron systems are of strong It is remarkable that for all properties investigated, except the
interest with this anion chemistry. Our analysis shows that few voltage, LiFePO4 is close to the optimal of what could be
elements could provide two-electron activity in the 34.5 V expected from a one-electron phosphate. The 170 mAh/g
voltage window. No M2+/M4+ redox couple was found to satisfy capacity is the highest achievable (except for oxyphosphates).
those requirements. Only molybdenum (Mo3+ to Mo6+) and Olivines are among the most dense phosphate compounds with
vanadium (V3+ to V5+) show redox couples in the targeted volumetric capacities around 590 mAh/cm3, and the safety of the
voltage window with high enough achievable gravimetric capa- delithiated iron olivine is extremely good for a material working
cities. In addition, those two elements are stable in phosphates in at 3.5 V. Hence, unless one can increase the voltage of olivines
an octahedral environment for all oxidation states and are in without sacrificing other properties, not much improvement should
general relatively thermally stable. Our compound prediction be expected for one-electron phosphates.
algorithm identified a novel two-electron vanadium compound, All battery properties cannot be directly computed ab initio on
Li9V3(P2O7)3(PO4)2, to be very close to stability at zero K a large scale, and our investigations only focused on some
(7 meV/at above the hull). This mixed ortho- and pyrophosphate, necessary but not sufficient conditions that new phosphate
isostructural to Li9Fe3(P2O7)3(PO4)2,106 presents attractive the- cathodes should meet. We believe the developments in accurate
oretical specific energy (726 Wh/kg) and has been synthesized modeling of lithium diffusion110 and polaron migration111,112 will
and tested electrochemically in our research group.107 Very recently, in the future provide the ability to perform the same kind of
Kuang et al. reported independently on the synthesis and elec- analysis on a larger set of properties such as ionic and electronic
trochemical testing of this compound.108 conductivity. Beside the difficulties in accurately modeling those
The Sb3+/Sb5+ redox couple is also of interest, but the weight properties, many challenges lies in the scaling up of their
of antimony combined with the strong preference for different computations without human intervention in a high-throughput
local environment for Sb3+ and Sb5+ (8-fold coordinated and framework.
octahedral) are detrimental.
Oxyphosphates are an attractive subclass of phosphates with
their possible higher capacity because of their lower phosphorus 5. CONCLUSION
content, while still benefiting from the inductive effect. In addition, We have performed a large scale computational evaluation of
the connectivity of their transition metal octahedra might be phosphates as cathode materials. A computational database of
favorable for electronic conductivity. Only a few oxyphosphates thousands of known and virtual phosphate materials has been
are known. Most of them exist in vanadium, molybdenum, and built. Essential battery properties such as stability, capacity
titanium chemistries. The lithium vanadium oxyphosphate Li- (volumetric and gravimetric), voltage, specific energy, energy
VOPO4 has been already well studied and shows good specific density, and safety have been computed using this data. Limits
energy but poor rate capability.75 The two-electron redox couples and opportunities in phosphate chemistries have been evaluated.
available for vanadium and molybdenum combined with their Such a high-throughput approach can help the experimental
tendency to form oxyphosphates call for more investigations of process of new cathode materials design focus on the most
these chemistries. promising directions and will be extended in the future to other
The data provided in this work can be used to propose new chemistries.
chemistries to explore but also to suggest incremental modifica-
tions to known compounds. For instance, the vanadium NASI-
CON Li3V2(PO4)3 is a promising battery cathode with a ’ ASSOCIATED CONTENT
computed theoretical energy density of 724 Wh/kg and 2099
Wh/l.8,109 Unfortunately, the last lithium extraction process bS Supporting Information. Stability results for lithium-
shows an important hysteresis, and only the capacity related to containing ICSD phosphates, relative stability of LiCoPO4 phases
the V3+/V4+ couple can be used practically. Without this last with different functionals, and details on the ANOVA analysis of
lithium, the theoretical energy density (456Wh/kg and 1330 Wh/l) the factors determining the voltage. This information is available
is much lower than that of LiFePO4. On the other hand, our free of charge via the Internet at http://pubs.acs.org/
3506 dx.doi.org/10.1021/cm200949v |Chem. Mater. 2011, 23, 3495–3508
Chemistry of Materials ARTICLE
’ AUTHOR INFORMATION (27) Chevrier, V. L.; Ong, S. P.; Armiento, R.; Chan, M. K. Y.; Ceder,
G. Phys. Rev. B 2010, 82, 075122.
Corresponding Author (28) Kresse, G.; Furthmuller, J. Comput. Mater. Sci. 1996, 6,
*E-mail: gceder@mit.edu. 15–50.
(29) Bl€ochl, P. Phys. Rev. B 1994, 50, 17953–17979.
(30) Jain, A.; Hautier, G.; Moore, C. J.; Ong, S. P.; Fischer, C. C.;
’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT Mueller, T.; Persson, K. A.; Ceder, G. Comput. Mater. Sci. 2011,
50, 2295–2310.
The authors would like to acknowledge Bosch and Umicore (31) Inorganic Crystal Structure Database; FIZ Karlsruhe: Germany,
for funding. Anubhav Jain acknowledges funding from the U.S. 2006.
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